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Thyroid storm

Thyroid storm
Douglas S Ross, MD
Section Editor:
David S Cooper, MD
Deputy Editor:
Jean E Mulder, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jan 20, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Thyroid storm is a rare, life-threatening condition characterized by severe clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis [1]. In national surveys from the United States and Japan, the incidence of thyroid storm was 0.57 to 0.76 and 0.20 per 100,000 persons per year, respectively, and 4.8 to 5.6 per 100,000 hospitalized patients per year [2-4]. In the United States survey, 16 percent of inpatients with thyrotoxicosis were diagnosed with storm [4]. It may be precipitated by an acute event such as thyroid or nonthyroidal surgery, trauma, infection, an acute iodine load, or parturition. In addition to specific therapy directed against the thyroid, supportive therapy in an intensive care unit (ICU) and recognition and treatment of any precipitating factors is essential since the mortality rate of thyroid storm is substantial (10 to 30 percent) [2,5-8].

The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of thyroid storm will be reviewed here. The general topic of hyperthyroidism (without thyroid storm), including diagnosis, causes, and treatment, is reviewed separately. (See "Overview of the clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism in adults" and "Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism" and "Disorders that cause hyperthyroidism" and "Graves' hyperthyroidism in nonpregnant adults: Overview of treatment" and "Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy: Treatment" and "Treatment of toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter".)

RISK FACTORS — Although thyroid storm can develop in patients with longstanding untreated hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease, toxic multinodular goiter, solitary toxic adenoma), it is often precipitated by an acute event such as thyroid or nonthyroidal surgery, trauma, infection, an acute iodine load (including amiodarone use), or parturition. In addition, irregular use or discontinuation of antithyroid drugs is a commonly reported precipitant of thyroid storm [2,3,5,8,9]. The advent of appropriate preoperative preparation of hyperthyroid patients undergoing nonthyroidal surgery or thyroidectomy for hyperthyroidism has led to a dramatic reduction in the prevalence of surgically induced thyroid storm [10].

It is unclear why certain factors result in the development of thyroid storm. Hypotheses include a rapid rate of increase in serum thyroid hormone levels, increased responsiveness to catecholamines, or enhanced cellular responses to thyroid hormone [1]. The degree of thyroid hormone excess (elevation of thyroxine [T4] and triiodothyronine [T3], suppression of thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH]) typically is not more profound than that seen in patients with uncomplicated thyrotoxicosis. However, one study found that while the total T4 and T3 levels were similar to those seen in uncomplicated patients, the free T4 and free T3 concentrations were higher in patients with thyroid storm [11].

CLINICAL FEATURES — Patients with severe and life-threatening thyrotoxicosis typically have an exaggeration of the usual symptoms of hyperthyroidism. (See "Overview of the clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism in adults".)

Symptoms and signs — Cardiovascular symptoms in many patients include tachycardia to rates that can exceed 140 beats/minute and congestive heart failure. Hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, and death from cardiovascular collapse may occur [12]. In one series of 28 cases, cardiac manifestations were predominant, with >60 percent having severe tachycardia and/or atrial fibrillation [5].

Hyperpyrexia to 104 to 106°F is common. Agitation, anxiety, delirium, psychosis, stupor, or coma are also common and are considered by many to be essential to the diagnosis. In one series, altered mentation was the only clinical finding that distinguished "storm" from "compensated" hyperthyroidism [6], and in another series, it was statistically associated with mortality [5]. In a retrospective study from Japan, older age >60 years, central nervous system dysfunction, requirement of mechanical ventilation, and nonuse of antithyroid drugs or beta blockers were associated with higher mortality [7]. Other symptoms may include severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or hepatic failure with jaundice.

Physical examination may reveal goiter, ophthalmopathy (in the presence of Graves' disease), lid lag, hand tremor, and warm and moist skin.

Laboratory findings — All patients with overt primary hyperthyroidism have low TSH and high free T4 and/or T3 concentrations. The degree of thyroid hormone excess typically is not more profound than that seen in patients with uncomplicated thyrotoxicosis. Other nonspecific laboratory findings may include mild hyperglycemia, mild hypercalcemia, abnormal liver function tests, leukocytosis, or leukopenia. Hyperglycemia is secondary to a catecholamine-induced inhibition of insulin release and increased glycogenolysis. Hypercalcemia may occur due to hemoconcentration and enhanced bone resorption [13].

DIAGNOSIS — The diagnosis of thyroid storm is based upon the presence of severe and life-threatening symptoms (hyperpyrexia, cardiovascular dysfunction, altered mentation) in a patient with biochemical evidence of hyperthyroidism (elevation of free T4 and/or T3 and suppression of TSH).

There are no universally accepted criteria or validated clinical tools for diagnosing thyroid storm. In 1993, Burch and Wartofsky introduced a scoring system using precise clinical criteria for the identification of thyroid storm (table 1) [14]. A score of 45 or more is highly suggestive of thyroid storm, whereas a score below 25 makes thyroid storm unlikely. A score of 25 to 44 is suggestive of impending storm. While this scoring system is likely sensitive, it is not very specific. Another diagnostic system based upon similar clinical findings (central nervous system manifestations, fever, tachycardia, congestive heart failure, gastrointestinal manifestations) has been proposed [2], but this latter system may have reduced sensitivity for making the diagnosis [6].


Thyroid function tests (TSH) should be assessed in all patients in whom there is a clinical suspicion of thyroid storm (hyperpyrexia with temperature >103°F [39.4°C], goiter, cardiovascular dysfunction, altered mentation, atrial fibrillation, history of antithyroid drug therapy for hyperthyroidism, recent thyroid or nonthyroidal surgery, recent exposure to iodine-containing contrast). If the TSH is below normal, free T4 and T3 should be measured. The degree of hyperthyroidism (elevation of T4 and/or T3 and suppression of TSH) in patients with thyroid storm is, in general, comparable with that in patients with uncomplicated overt hyperthyroidism. Thus, the degree of hyperthyroidism is not a criterion for diagnosing thyroid storm. (See "Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism", section on 'Diagnosis'.)

Determining the etiology of thyrotoxicosis in patients with thyroid storm by measuring thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) or determining a radioiodine uptake should not delay prompt treatment of patients with clinical manifestations of thyroid storm. Most patients have Graves' disease, and some have toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter. A destructive thyroiditis associated with the use of checkpoint inhibitors in compromised oncology patients may rarely be associated with thyroid storm [15]. (See "Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism", section on 'Determining the etiology'.)

TREATMENT — The therapeutic options for thyroid storm are expanded from those used for uncomplicated hyperthyroidism, with additional drugs often used such as glucocorticoids and an iodine solution, and the standard drugs are given in higher doses and with more frequent dosing. In addition, full support of the patient in an intensive care unit (ICU) is essential since the mortality rate of thyroid storm is substantial [2,5-8]. In two series of patients with thyroid storm (patients seen between 2006 and 2013), mortality was 8 percent in a Los Angeles hospital and 25 percent in a Singapore hospital [5,6]. In a French series (patients seen between 2000 and 2017), mortality was 17 percent in the ICU and 22 percent 6 months after hospital admission [8].

Our initial approach — The principles of treatment outlined below are based upon clinical experience and case studies since there are no prospective studies. They are frequently also applied to patients with severe hyperthyroidism who do not fully meet the criteria for thyroid storm. The therapeutic regimen typically consists of multiple medications, each of which has a different mechanism of action [13,16,17]:

A beta blocker to control the symptoms and signs induced by increased adrenergic tone

A thionamide to block new hormone synthesis

An iodine solution to block the release of thyroid hormone

An iodinated radiocontrast agent (if available) to inhibit the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3

Glucocorticoids to reduce T4-to-T3 conversion, promote vasomotor stability, possibly reduce the autoimmune process in Graves' disease, and possibly treat an associated relative adrenal insufficiency

Bile acid sequestrants may also be of benefit in severe cases to decrease enterohepatic recycling of thyroid hormones

For patients with clinical features of thyroid storm or with severe thyrotoxicosis who do not fully meet the criteria for thyroid storm (ie, impending storm), we begin immediate treatment with a beta blocker (propranolol in a dose to achieve adequate control of heart rate, typically 60 to 80 mg orally every four to six hours, with appropriate adjustment for heart rate and blood pressure) and either propylthiouracil (PTU) 200 mg every four hours or methimazole (20 mg orally every four to six hours). PTU is favored over methimazole because of PTU's effect to decrease T4-to-T3 conversion. One hour after the first dose of thionamide is taken, we administer iodine (saturated solution of potassium iodide [SSKI], 5 drops orally every six hours or Lugol's solution, 10 drops every eight hours). The administration of iodine should be delayed for at least one hour after thionamide administration to prevent the iodine from being used as substrate for new hormone synthesis in patients with toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter (since the etiology of the thyrotoxicosis is frequently uncertain at the time of admission).

For patients with clinical features of thyroid storm, we also administer glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, 100 mg intravenously every eight hours). Cholestyramine (4 g orally four times daily) may also be of benefit in severe cases to reduce enterohepatic recycling of thyroid hormones. Supportive therapy and recognition and treatment of any precipitating factors (eg, infection), in addition to specific therapy directed against the thyroid, may be critical to the final outcome. Many patients require substantial amounts of fluid, while others may require diuresis because of congestive heart failure. Digoxin and beta blocker requirements may be quite high because of increased drug metabolism as a result of hyperthyroidism. Infection needs to be identified and treated, and hyperpyrexia should be aggressively corrected. Acetaminophen should be used instead of aspirin since the latter can increase serum free T4 and T3 concentrations by interfering with their protein binding.

Propranolol, PTU, and methimazole can be administered through a nasogastric tube. Other formulations are reviewed below. (See 'Beta blockers' below and 'Thionamides' below.)

Beta blockers — For patients with thyroid storm or severe thyrotoxicosis, we begin immediate treatment with a beta blocker (typically propranolol in a dose to achieve adequate control of heart rate, typically 60 to 80 mg orally every four to six hours, with appropriate adjustment for heart rate and blood pressure). The Japanese guidelines recommend esmolol over propranolol because of increased mortality in patients with congestive heart failure treated with propranolol [18]. In patients with reactive airways disease, cardioselective beta blockers such as metoprolol or atenolol could be considered, but this should be done carefully. In some patients with severe asthma in whom beta blockers might be contraindicated, rate control can be achieved with calcium-channel blockers such as diltiazem [19]. (See "Beta blockers in the treatment of hyperthyroidism".)

Beta blockers should be used with extreme caution if the patient has decompensated heart failure with systolic dysfunction or other contraindications to beta blockade (eg, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe peripheral vascular disease). It is important to note, however, that control of tachycardia may lead to improvement in cardiac function. (See "Initial pharmacologic therapy of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in adults", section on 'Beta blocker'.)

Propranolol is frequently selected for initial therapy because in high doses, it inhibits the type 1 deiodinase, which may help reduce serum T3 levels [20]. In addition, it can be given intravenously, but this should only be done in a setting where hemodynamics can be monitored. The intravenous dose is 0.5 to 1 mg over 10 minutes followed by 1 to 2 mg over 10 minutes every few hours [14,21]. Higher doses may occasionally be required, but care should be taken to avoid hypotension and aggravation of existing heart failure. As an alternative to intravenous administration, propranolol can be given orally or via nasogastric tube in a dose to achieve adequate control of heart rate, typically 60 to 80 mg orally every four to six hours. When transitioning from intravenous to oral/nasogastric treatment, intravenous therapy may need to be continued until adequate effectiveness of the oral/nasogastric treatment is ascertained.

An alternative regimen is to utilize the short-acting beta blocker esmolol. A loading dose of 250 to 500 mcg/kg is given, followed by an infusion at 50 to 100 mcg/kg per minute. This regimen permits rapid titration of the drug to achieve adequate beta blockade while minimizing adverse reactions [22].

Thionamides — Thionamides block de novo thyroid hormone synthesis within one to two hours after administration. However, they have no effect on the release of preformed hormone from the thyroid gland. For patients with thyroid storm or severe thyrotoxicosis, we begin immediate treatment with either PTU 200 mg every four hours or methimazole (20 mg orally every four to six hours). Carbimazole, a third drug that is metabolized to methimazole, is available in many countries but not in North America. (See "Thionamides in the treatment of Graves' disease".)

We suggest PTU for the acute treatment of life-threatening thyroid storm in an ICU setting, where it can be administered regularly every four hours. PTU, but not methimazole, blocks T4-to-T3 conversion, and T3 levels drop by approximately 45 percent within 24 hours after PTU but only 10 to 15 percent within 24 hours after methimazole [23,24].

Methimazole may be preferred for severe, but not life-threatening, hyperthyroidism because methimazole has a longer duration of action and, after weeks of treatment, results in more rapid normalization of serum T3 compared with PTU and because methimazole is less hepatotoxic.

Patients started on PTU in the ICU should be transitioned to methimazole before discharge from the hospital. In Japan, methimazole is preferred over PTU, and in a retrospective study of 356 patients, there was no difference in mortality or disease severity in patients receiving methimazole or PTU [18,25]. (See "Thionamides: Side effects and toxicities".)

The dose of thionamide given to patients with thyroid storm is likely higher than that required to completely block thyroid hormone synthesis. Both the substantial mortality associated with thyroid storm and the possibility of poor absorption because of concurrent gastrointestinal dysfunction have been used to justify the higher dose. We typically administer 200 mg of PTU every four hours or 20 mg of methimazole every four to six hours, orally or via nasogastric tube.

Both drugs can be suspended in liquid or made up as a suppository or retention enema for rectal administration, which should be ordered well in advance from the pharmacy (table 2) [13,26-29]. In one study comparing the use of an enema versus a suppository preparation of PTU, 15 patients with newly diagnosed hyperthyroidism were randomly assigned to a PTU enema (eight 50 mg tablets of PTU were dissolved in 90 mL of sterile water) versus two PTU suppositories (200 mg of PTU were dissolved in a polyethylene glycol base and put into each suppository) [29]. The enema form provided better bioavailability than the suppository form (time to peak level 85 versus 172 minutes, maximum peak level 3.89 versus 2.01 mcg/mL). However, both preparations proved to have comparable therapeutic effect, as measured by a significant decrease in serum free T3 levels.

For patients intolerant of oral or rectal thionamides, methimazole can be prepared for intravenous administration by dissolving the tablets in pH-neutral isotonic saline and by filtering through a 0.22 micrometer filter [30]. PTU can be prepared for intravenous administration by dissolving the tablets in isotonic saline made alkaline (pH 9.25) with sodium hydroxide [31]. Routine pharmacologic sterility tests are required as dictated by individual hospitals. In one preliminary report, intravenous PTU given in a dose of 576 mg/day (50 mg/mL) was used to attain euthyroidism [32]. Lower doses are used in patients with severe thyrotoxicosis who do not meet criteria for thyroid storm.

Patients unable to take a thionamide — Although thionamide toxicity is uncommon, some patients are unable to continue thionamides because of rare side effects such as agranulocytosis or hepatotoxicity or because of allergy. Thyroid storm has been reported in patients with Graves' disease after discontinuation of thionamides due to agranulocytosis or hepatotoxicity [33,34]. In such patients who require urgent treatment of hyperthyroidism, thyroidectomy is the treatment of choice. Patients who are to undergo surgery require preoperative treatment of thyrotoxicosis. We typically treat with beta blockers (if not contraindicated, propranolol in a dose to achieve adequate control of heart rate, typically 60 to 80 mg every four to six hours), glucocorticoids to inhibit conversion of T4 to T3 (eg, dexamethasone, 1 to 2 mg every six hours), bile acid sequestrants (eg, cholestyramine 4 g orally four times daily) to reduce enterohepatic circulation of thyroid hormone, and, in patients with Graves' disease, iodine (SSKI, 5 drops [20 drops/mL, 50 mg iodide/drop] orally every six hours or Lugol's solution, 10 drops [20 drops/mL, 6.25 mg iodine/drop] every eight hours) [35,36].

We continue treatment for up to five to seven days. Surgery should not be delayed for more than 8 to 10 days, because of a phenomenon called escape from the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. Large doses of exogenous iodine inhibit the organification of iodine in the thyroid gland (the Wolff-Chaikoff effect). However, this effect is transient. The iodide transport system is able to adapt to higher concentrations of iodine, allowing thyroid hormone synthesis to proceed, with potential exacerbation of thyrotoxicosis. (See "Iodine-induced thyroid dysfunction".)

In case reports, when traditional therapy has not been successful, plasmapheresis has been used to prepare patients with thyroid storm for thyroid surgery (see 'Other therapies' below). Iodinated contrast agents have also been used to prepare hyperthyroid patients for urgent surgery, but they are no longer available in most countries. (See "Surgical management of hyperthyroidism", section on 'Preoperative preparation'.)

Iodine — For patients with thyroid storm or severe thyrotoxicosis, we administer iodine one hour after the first dose of thionamide is taken. The administration of iodine should be delayed for at least one hour after thionamide administration to prevent the iodine from being used as substrate for new hormone synthesis in patients with toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter (since the etiology of the thyrotoxicosis is frequently uncertain at the time of admission) [13].

Iodine-containing solutions have traditionally been utilized for the treatment of thyroid storm since iodine blocks the release of T4 and T3 from the gland within hours (see "Iodine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism"). Oral doses are potassium iodide-iodine (Lugol's) solution, 10 drops (6.25 mg iodide/iodine per drop [0.05 mL]) three times daily or SSKI, 5 drops (50 mg iodide/drop [0.05 mL]) every six hours [17]. There is no standard intravenous iodide preparation, but it has been suggested that 10 drops of Lugol's solution can be directly added to intravenous fluids since it is sterile [37]. The iodine solution can also be given rectally [28].

Although iodine is typically well tolerated, local esophageal or duodenal mucosal injury and hemorrhage have been reported after oral administration of Lugol's solution (960 mg iodine/day) for the treatment of thyroid storm [38,39]. These solutions can be irritating and should be diluted in 240 mL or more of beverage and taken with food.

Iodinated radiocontrast agents — Iodinated contrast agents previously used to treat hyperthyroidism are currently not available in the United States or in most other countries.

Iopanoic acid and other iodinated radiocontrast agents used for oral cholecystography have been used to treat hyperthyroidism, but there are little published data on their efficacy in thyroid storm (see "Iodinated radiocontrast agents in the treatment of hyperthyroidism"). They are, however, potent inhibitors of T4-to-T3 conversion, and the release of iodine in pharmacologic quantities from these agents has the additional benefit of blocking thyroid hormone release. They have been extremely useful in treating severe hyperthyroidism and in preparing hyperthyroid patients for urgent surgery [40,41]. If available, these agents can be given to patients with severe hyperthyroidism at a dose of 0.5 to 1 g once daily.

Because they are iodinated, they should be given at least one hour after the thionamide to prevent the iodine from being used as substrate for new hormone synthesis.

Glucocorticoids — For patients with convincing clinical features of thyroid storm, we administer glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, 100 mg intravenously every eight hours). In contrast, we do not routinely use glucocorticoids in patients with severe, but not life-threatening, hyperthyroidism.

Glucocorticoids reduce T4-to-T3 conversion. In addition, they may have a direct effect on the underlying autoimmune process, if the thyroid storm is due to Graves' disease, and treat potentially associated limited adrenal reserve [42]. Because of the high mortality rate of thyroid storm, their use is commonly recommended by experts, although data are limited [43,44]. In a retrospective study based on a claims database (811 ICU admissions for thyroid storm between 2013 and 2017), 600 patients received glucocorticoids and 211 did not [44]. There was no change in hospital mortality or mortality 30 days after discharge. Glucocorticoid use was associated with increased use of insulin.

Bile acid sequestrants — Thyroid hormones are metabolized in the liver, where they are conjugated with glucuronide and sulfate, and the conjugation products are excreted in the bile. Free thyroid hormones are released in the intestine and are reabsorbed. Bile acid sequestrants (eg, cholestyramine 4 g orally four times daily) have been found to reduce thyroid hormone levels in thyrotoxic patients by interfering with enterohepatic circulation and recycling of thyroid hormone [45-47]. They are useful adjunctive therapy in patients with thyroid storm, particularly in patients who are intolerant of thionamides.

Other therapies

Plasmapheresis – Plasmapheresis has been tried when traditional therapy has not been successful [34,48-52]. Plasmapheresis removes cytokines, antibodies, and thyroid hormones from plasma [50]. In one case report, a woman with Graves' disease and methimazole-induced agranulocytosis developed thyroid storm after methimazole was discontinued. Treatment with plasmapheresis resulted in marked improvement in thyrotoxicosis within three days, allowing thyroidectomy for definitive therapy [34]. In a series of three patients who had therapeutic plasma exchange for thyroid storm preoperatively, free T4 levels were reduced on average by 21 percent after each treatment and by 55 percent after four treatments [52].

Lithium – Lithium has also been given to acutely block the release of thyroid hormone. However, its renal and neurologic toxicity limit its utility.

Long-term management — After there is evidence of clinical improvement (defervescence, resolution of central nervous system and cardiovascular manifestations), iodine therapy can be discontinued and glucocorticoids tapered and discontinued. Beta blockers can be withdrawn but only after thyroid function tests have returned to normal. The dose of thionamides should be titrated to maintain euthyroidism. PTU, if given, should be switched to methimazole because of methimazole's better safety profile and better compliance rates. Monitoring, dosing, and duration of thionamide therapy are reviewed in detail separately. (See "Thionamides in the treatment of Graves' disease", section on 'Monitoring'.)

In patients with Graves' disease, definitive therapy with radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy is important to prevent a recurrence of severe thyrotoxicosis. We suggest radioiodine therapy as our first choice for definitive therapy for hyperthyroidism in the absence of moderate to severe orbitopathy, given its lower cost and lower complication rate compared with surgery. If the patient received iodine within a few weeks of planned radioiodine treatment, a radioiodine uptake should be obtained to calculate the radioiodine treatment dose rather than using fixed-dose radioiodine treatment. Surgery is an option, especially for patients with hyperthyroidism due to a very large or obstructive goiter. Preparation for treatment with radioiodine or surgery is reviewed separately. (See "Graves' hyperthyroidism in nonpregnant adults: Overview of treatment" and "Radioiodine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism", section on 'Approach to treatment' and "Surgical management of hyperthyroidism", section on 'Preoperative preparation'.)


Thyroid storm is a rare, life-threatening condition characterized by severe or exaggerated clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis. Although thyroid storm can develop in patients with longstanding untreated hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease, toxic multinodular goiter, solitary toxic adenoma), it is often precipitated by an acute event such as thyroid or nonthyroidal surgery, trauma, infection, an acute iodine load, or parturition. (See 'Introduction' above and 'Risk factors' above.)

Patients with thyroid storm typically have an exaggeration of the usual symptoms of hyperthyroidism. The classical symptoms of thyroid storm include tachycardia, hyperpyrexia, central nervous system dysfunction (agitation, delirium, psychosis, stupor, or coma), and gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain). Physical examination may reveal goiter, ophthalmopathy (in the presence of Graves' disease), lid lag, hand tremor, and warm and moist skin. Thyroid function tests show hyperthyroidism (suppressed thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH], elevated free thyroxine [T4] and triiodothyronine [T3]) generally comparable with that in patients with uncomplicated overt hyperthyroidism. (See 'Clinical features' above.)

The diagnosis of thyroid storm is based upon the presence of severe and life-threatening symptoms (hyperpyrexia, cardiovascular dysfunction, altered mentation) in a patient with biochemical evidence of hyperthyroidism (elevation of free T4 and/or T3 and suppression of TSH). There are no universally accepted criteria or validated clinical tools for diagnosing thyroid storm. In one scoring system (table 1), a score of 45 or more is highly suggestive of thyroid storm, whereas a score below 25 makes thyroid storm unlikely. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

The therapeutic options for thyroid storm are expanded from those used for uncomplicated hyperthyroidism, with additional drugs typically used, such as glucocorticoids and iodine solution (eg, saturated solution of potassium iodide [SSKI]), and standard drugs are given in higher doses and more frequently. In addition to specific therapy directed against the thyroid, supportive therapy in an intensive care unit (ICU) and recognition and treatment of any precipitating factors is essential since the mortality rate of thyroid storm is substantial (10 to 30 percent). (See 'Treatment' above.)

For patients with clinical features of thyroid storm, we begin immediate treatment with a beta blocker (propranolol in a dose to achieve adequate control of heart rate, typically 60 to 80 mg orally every four to six hours), a thionamide, and glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, 100 mg intravenously every eight hours). One hour after a thionamide is given, we administer iodine (SSKI, 5 drops [20 drops/mL, 50 mg iodide/drop] orally every six hours or Lugol's solution, 10 drops [20 drops/mL, 6.25 mg iodine/drop] every eight hours). Bile acid sequestrants (cholestyramine, 4 g orally four times daily) may also be of benefit in severe cases to decrease enterohepatic recycling of thyroid hormones. (See 'Treatment' above.)

For patients with life-threatening thyroid storm admitted to an ICU, we suggest propylthiouracil (PTU) (200 mg orally every four hours) rather than methimazole as initial therapy (Grade 2B). PTU blocks T4-to-T3 conversion and results in lower serum T3 levels for the first several days of treatment. However, for severe, but not life-threatening, hyperthyroidism, methimazole (20 mg every six hours) may be preferred because of its longer half-life, lower risk of hepatic toxicity, and because it ultimately restores euthyroidism more quickly than PTU. Patients initially treated with PTU should be transitioned to methimazole before discharge from the hospital. (See 'Thionamides' above and "Thionamides: Side effects and toxicities".)

For patients with contraindications to thionamides who require urgent correction of hyperthyroidism, surgery is the treatment of choice. Patients who are to undergo surgery require preoperative treatment of thyrotoxicosis. We typically treat with beta blockers (if not contraindicated, propranolol 60 to 80 mg every four to six hours), glucocorticoids to inhibit conversion of T4 to T3 (eg, dexamethasone, 1 to 2 mg every six hours), bile acid sequestrants (eg, cholestyramine 4 g orally four times daily), and, in patients with Graves' disease, iodine (SSKI, 5 drops [50 mg iodide/drop] orally every six hours or Lugol's solution, 10 drops [6.25 mg iodide/iodine per drop] every eight hours). We continue treatment for up to five to seven days. (See 'Patients unable to take a thionamide' above and "Surgical management of hyperthyroidism".)

After the clinical manifestations of thyroid storm are improved, long-term therapy is required to prevent a recurrence of severe thyrotoxicosis. For definitive therapy of patients with hyperthyroidism secondary to Graves' disease, toxic multinodular goiter, or toxic adenoma, we suggest radioiodine therapy as our first choice in the absence of moderate to severe Graves' orbitopathy, given its lower cost and lower complication rate than surgery (Grade 2B). Surgery is an option, especially for patients with hyperthyroidism due to a very large or obstructive goiter. (See 'Long-term management' above and "Graves' hyperthyroidism in nonpregnant adults: Overview of treatment" and "Treatment of toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter".)


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Topic 7885 Version 19.0


1 : Thyroid emergencies.

2 : Diagnostic criteria, clinical features, and incidence of thyroid storm based on nationwide surveys.

3 : Thyroid Storm: A Japanese Perspective.

4 : National Trends in Incidence, Mortality, and Clinical Outcomes of Patients Hospitalized for Thyrotoxicosis With and Without Thyroid Storm in the United States, 2004-2013.

5 : Clinical characteristics and outcome of thyroid storm: a case series and review of neuropsychiatric derangements in thyrotoxicosis.

6 : Clinical features and hospital outcomes in thyroid storm: a retrospective cohort study.

7 : Factors Associated With Mortality of Thyroid Storm: Analysis Using a National Inpatient Database in Japan.

8 : Thyroid Storm in the ICU: A Retrospective Multicenter Study.

9 : Unfavorable Socioeconomic Factors Underlie High Rates of Hospitalization for Complicated Thyrotoxicosis in Some Regions of the United States.

10 : Short-Term Outcomes of Surgery for Graves' Disease in Germany.

11 : Free thyroxine concentrations in thyroid storm.

12 : When the storm passes unnoticed--a case series of thyroid storm.

13 : Thyrotoxicosis and thyroid storm.

14 : Life-threatening thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid storm.

15 : Thyroid disorders induced by checkpoint inhibitors.

16 : Thyroid storm: an updated review.

17 : 2016 American Thyroid Association Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Hyperthyroidism and Other Causes of Thyrotoxicosis.

18 : 2016 Guidelines for the management of thyroid storm from The Japan Thyroid Association and Japan Endocrine Society (First edition).

19 : Double-blind crossover trial of diltiazem versus propranolol in the management of thyrotoxic symptoms.

20 : Hyperthyroxinemia in patients treated with high-dose propranolol.

21 : Treatment of thyrotoxic storm with intravenous administration of propranolol.

22 : Emergency department management of thyrotoxic crisis with esmolol.

23 : Acute effects of propylthiouracil (PTU) on thyroidal iodide organification and peripheral iodothyronine deiodination: correlation with serum PTU levels measured by radioimmunoassay.

24 : Triiodothyronine and thyroxine in hyperthyroidism. Comparison of the acute changes during therapy with antithyroid agents.

25 : Treatment and management of thyroid storm: analysis of the nationwide surveys: The taskforce committee of the Japan Thyroid Association and Japan Endocrine Society for the establishment of diagnostic criteria and nationwide surveys for thyroid storm.

26 : Methimazole: an alternative route of administration.

27 : Rectal administration of propylthiouracil in the treatment of Graves' disease.

28 : Rectal administration of iodide and propylthiouracil in the treatment of thyroid storm.

29 : Rectal administration of propylthiouracil in hyperthyroid patients: comparison of suspension enema and suppository form.

30 : Intravenous methimazole in the treatment of refractory hyperthyroidism.

31 : Disposition of intravenous propylthiouracil.

32 : Disposition of intravenous propylthiouracil.

33 : Thyroid storm in a patient with fulminant hepatic failure.

34 : Successful treatment of thyroid storm with plasmapheresis in a patient with methimazole-induced agranulocytosis.

35 : Rapid preoperative preparation for severe hyperthyroid Graves' disease.

36 : Perioperative management of the thyrotoxic patient.

37 : Perioperative management of the thyrotoxic patient.

38 : Severe duodenal hemorrhage induced by Lugol's solution administered for thyroid crisis treatment.

39 : Acute esophageal and gastric injury: complication of Lugol's solution.

40 : Comparison of methimazole, methimazole and sodium ipodate, and methimazole and saturated solution of potassium iodide in the early treatment of hyperthyroid Graves' disease.

41 : Rapid preoperative preparation in hyperthyroidism.

42 : The effect of thyrotoxicosis on adrenocortical reserve.

43 : Thyroid storm. A review of 22 episodes with special emphasis on the use of guanethidine.

44 : Early administration of glucocorticoid for thyroid storm: analysis of a national administrative database.

45 : Adjunctive cholestyramine therapy for thyrotoxicosis.

46 : Low doses of cholestyramine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

47 : The effect of combination therapy with propylthiouracil and cholestyramine in the treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism.

48 : Plasmapheresis as effective treatment for thyrotoxic storm after sleeve pneumonectomy.

49 : Treatment of thyrotoxic crisis with plasmapheresis and single pass albumin dialysis: a case report.

50 : Role of plasma exchange in the thyroid storm.

51 : Surviving the storm: two cases of thyroid storm successfully treated with plasmapheresis.