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Radioiodine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism

Radioiodine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism
Douglas S Ross, MD
Section Editor:
David S Cooper, MD
Deputy Editor:
Jean E Mulder, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jun 22, 2020.

INTRODUCTION — Radioiodine is an effective treatment for Graves' hyperthyroidism. It had been the therapy of choice in the United States, selected by 60 percent of thyroid specialists who responded to a survey in 2011 [1]. Data subsequently have shown that long-term antithyroid drug use is safe [2], and an updated analysis using insurance claims data in the United States suggests that antithyroid drugs are used as initial therapy for 60 percent of patients, while only 33 percent of patients receive radioiodine [3].

Radioiodine is administered orally as sodium iodide (131-I) in solution or a capsule. The radioiodine is rapidly incorporated into the thyroid, and its beta emissions result in extensive local tissue damage. The net effect is ablation of thyroid function over a period of 6 to 18 weeks.

Radioiodine for the treatment of hyperthyroidism will be reviewed here. Other treatment options for Graves' hyperthyroidism and for toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter (MNG) are reviewed separately. (See "Graves' hyperthyroidism in nonpregnant adults: Overview of treatment" and "Treatment of toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter".)


Graves' disease — The therapeutic approach to Graves' hyperthyroidism consists of both rapid amelioration of symptoms with a beta blocker and measures aimed at decreasing thyroid hormone synthesis with either the administration of a thionamide, radioiodine ablation, or surgery [4]. Because all three treatment modalities are effective, the choice of therapy should involve active discussion between clinician and patient (table 1).

Radioiodine had been the most popular treatment for hyperthyroidism in the United States [1]; however, the use of thionamides has been increasing [3]. Radioiodine is less popular outside of the United States [1,5-7]. The choice of therapy for Graves' disease is reviewed separately. (See "Graves' hyperthyroidism in nonpregnant adults: Overview of treatment", section on 'Choice of therapy'.)

Toxic adenoma or multinodular goiter — Depending upon patient preference, either radioiodine therapy or surgery had been considered the treatment of choice for these conditions. However, patients can now be managed, if preferred or necessary for other reasons, with long-term thionamide drugs. (See "Treatment of toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter", section on 'Choice of therapy'.)


Pregnancy and breastfeeding — Pregnancy and breastfeeding are absolute contraindications to radioiodine therapy. Radioiodine should not be given for 6 to 12 weeks after cessation of breastfeeding to ensure that radioiodine will not be actively concentrated in breast tissue [8].

Fetal thyroid tissue is present by 10 to 12 weeks and would be destroyed by the radioiodine, potentially resulting in cretinism. A pregnancy test should be obtained in women of childbearing age before the administration of radioiodine.

Rarely, radioiodine is given inadvertently to a pregnant woman [9,10]. The infant may be normal, hyperthyroid (due to a radioiodine-induced increase in maternal thyrotropin receptor antibody [TRAb] levels, which in turn affect fetal thyroid function) [9], or hypothyroid [10], depending on when during the pregnancy the exposure occurred [11]. Each possibility should be considered and appropriate action taken immediately after delivery. In select centers with expertise, fetal thyroid function may be assessed in utero by percutaneous umbilical vein sampling after 20 weeks of gestation [12,13]. However, this procedure is associated with a risk of fetal loss. (See "Overview of thyroid disease and pregnancy", section on 'Thyroid function in the fetus'.)

Moderate to severe orbitopathy — We consider moderate to severe or sight-threatening orbitopathy a contraindication to radioiodine therapy. Thionamides or surgery are the preferred options for such patients. Radioiodine, while not recommended, can still be considered in patients with moderate to severe orbitopathy with glucocorticoid coverage if patients refuse surgery and have contraindications to thionamides. (See 'Glucocorticoids in patients with orbitopathy' below.)

Radioiodine should be used with caution in patients with active mild orbitopathy and risk factors for deterioration, including smoking, a high baseline serum concentration of triiodothyronine (T3) (eg, >325 ng/dL [5 nmol/L]) [14], or high TRAb levels [15]. In patients with mild disease but risk factors for progression of orbitopathy, concurrent administration of glucocorticoids may prevent deterioration of orbitopathy (table 2). (See 'Glucocorticoids in patients with orbitopathy' below.)

Radioiodine therapy, compared with thionamides or surgery, is associated with a twofold increase in the development or worsening of Graves' orbitopathy. The changes are often mild and transient, at least in patients who have mild or no orbitopathy before therapy, but may be more significant in patients with more severe orbitopathy. (See 'Radioiodine and orbitopathy' below.)

Alternative treatment options for hyperthyroidism in patients with moderate to severe eye disease are reviewed separately. (See "Treatment of Graves' orbitopathy (ophthalmopathy)", section on 'Reversal of hyperthyroidism, if present'.)

APPROACH TO TREATMENT — The following approach to administering radioiodine is consistent with the American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines for the management of hyperthyroidism [8].

Verify negative pregnancy test — In women of childbearing age, a negative pregnancy test should be confirmed within 48 hours prior to treatment with radioiodine.

Pretreatment with methimazole

Rationale — The rationale for pretreatment with methimazole includes the following:

There may be a transient exacerbation of hyperthyroidism after radioiodine, which is eliminated by pretreatment [16-18].

Methimazole returns thyroid function to normal somewhat more rapidly than radioiodine, which can be important for patients who are not tolerating the symptoms of hyperthyroidism or who have comorbidities (eg, heart disease) that make them more vulnerable to the effects of hyperthyroidism.

In one study, for example, thyroid function was normal at a mean of 5.7 weeks after methimazole treatment, while in another study the mean level of thyroxine (T4) was still slightly above normal seven weeks after radioiodine [19,20]. This slightly shorter interval to achieve euthyroidism should not be considered a reason for pretreatment in all patients, since the side effects and potential toxicity from methimazole are significant.

Hyperthyroidism is controlled by 12 weeks in 97 percent of patients taking methimazole, while 10 to 20 percent of patients receiving a single dose of radioiodine fail treatment altogether [21,22].

There is disagreement about the benefits of thionamide pretreatment in patients planning radioiodine therapy. In a meta-analysis of 14 randomized trials, adjunctive use of thionamides administered in the week before, during, or after radioiodine therapy increased the risk of treatment failure (relative risk [RR] 1.28, 95% CI 1.07-1.52) and reduced the risk of hypothyroidism (RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.53-0.87) [23]. However, patients who were pretreated with thionamides had a lower incidence of biochemical and clinical hyperthyroidism for several weeks after radioiodine therapy.

Candidates for pretreatment — Radioiodine can be administered as initial therapy for hyperthyroidism (without methimazole pretreatment) in most patients with hyperthyroidism, especially if they are receiving adequate therapy with a beta blocker. However, some patients, particularly older patients and others who are more susceptible to the effects of hyperthyroidism, can be first treated with methimazole until euthyroidism is achieved.

We prefer to pretreat with methimazole in the following patients:

Older patients (>60 to 65 years) and others with comorbidities, such as coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, or pulmonary hypertension.

Patients with severe thyrotoxicosis (eg, free T4 two to three times the upper limit of normal) who are not tolerating the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, especially if on adequate doses of beta-blocking drugs. While pretreatment prolongs the period of intensive treatment, it shortens the period during which patients have many hyperthyroid symptoms.

Administration — In the absence of definitive data to support a specific treatment regimen, we prefer to pretreat with methimazole for four to six weeks before radioiodine. Radioiodine can then be administered once serum free T4 and total T3 or free T3 concentrations are in the normal range or after symptoms have subsided.

Our practice is to stop methimazole three days before and then restart methimazole three days after radioiodine is given to allow better control of thyroid function postradioiodine administration. Methimazole is then tapered or stopped as thyroid function normalizes, usually between 4 and 18 weeks following therapy, as determined by thyroid function testing and the reduction in goiter size.

Choice of thionamideMethimazole is the thionamide of choice in all patients receiving treatment prior to radioiodine. (See "Thionamides in the treatment of Graves' disease", section on 'Choice of drug'.)

Controversy remains as to whether pretreatment with propylthiouracil (PTU) is more likely to result in treatment failure than pretreatment with methimazole. One meta-analysis did not find a difference between the two drugs [23]. However, in two nonrandomized trials that compared PTU and methimazole and were not included in the meta-analysis, cure rates after radioiodine in patients receiving PTU were half that of patients receiving methimazole [24,25].

When to stopMethimazole should be discontinued before radioiodine treatment in order to avoid impairing the efficacy of the radioiodine. In a randomized trial that compared stopping or continuing methimazole in 75 patients, the radioiodine treatment was successful in 61 percent of the patients in whom the drug was stopped eight days before radioiodine was administered, as compared with 44 percent in whom methimazole was not discontinued [26].

Most studies suggest that stopping two to three days before radioiodine is optimal. As examples:

A comparison of the diagnostic and therapeutic radioiodine kinetics in 316 patients treated with radioiodine who did not receive pretreatment before therapy, or in whom it had been stopped for one to two days, found that alterations in uptake, uptake curves, and radioiodine half-life were restored to normal two days after discontinuation of the thiamazole (methimazole or carbimazole) and that the success rate of the treatment was 87 percent [27].

In a study in which thionamides were stopped two versus seven days prior to radioiodine, postradioiodine free T4 levels were higher in the seven-day group compared with the two-day group, while the 24-hour radioiodine uptakes and the outcome at six months and one and two years were identical [28].

Another study found no increases in postradioiodine thyroid hormone concentrations when carbimazole was held for only three days prior to radioiodine administration [29].

When to restart – Our practice is to restart methimazole three days after radioiodine is given to allow better control of thyroid function postradioiodine administration. Resumption of thionamide therapy three to seven days after radioiodine administration has been shown to result in less post-therapy rebound hyperthyroidism [30]. While a postradioiodine increase in thyroid function will not necessarily occur, if the patient was pretreated with methimazole due to old age or cardiovascular morbidity, then we resume methimazole to avoid rebound hyperthyroidism and continue it until the radioiodine has resulted in hypothyroidism or euthyroidism.

Patients unable to take thionamides — In selected patients with Graves' disease in whom more rapid normalization of thyroid function is essential but who are allergic to thionamides, super saturated potassium iodide (SSKI) given daily, beginning one week after radioiodine, normalizes thyroid function several weeks earlier than in patients given radioiodine alone [20]. (See "Iodine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism".)

Low-iodine diet — While the radioiodine uptake can be increased by following a low-iodine diet, this is usually not recommended for patients with hyperthyroidism whose uptakes are frequently quite high on a normal-iodine diet. Avoiding iodine-containing supplements, including most multivitamins, for a week prior to treatment, however, may increase uptake and allow for lower administered doses of radioiodine.

Glucocorticoids in patients with orbitopathy — Radioiodine can cause the development or worsening of Graves' orbitopathy more often than thionamides or surgery. Glucocorticoids given concurrently with radioiodine may prevent worsening of orbitopathy [31]. The decision to administer glucocorticoids in patients treated with radioiodine is based upon the severity of orbitopathy and the risk for deterioration.

Mild orbitopathy with risk factors – For patients with active, mild orbitopathy who have risk factors for progression (smoking or a high baseline serum concentration of T3 [eg, >325 ng/dL (5 nmol/L)] or high thyrotropin receptor antibodies [TRAb]) and who are being treated with radioiodine, we administer oral glucocorticoids (typically 30 mg prednisone daily starting one to three days after radioiodine and tapering and discontinuing within six to eight weeks) (table 2). If radioiodine is administered to patients with risk factors for orbitopathy, careful monitoring for the development or progression of orbitopathy is necessary [14].

Mild orbitopathy without risk factors – For patients with active, mild orbitopathy without risk factors for progression, the need for concurrent administration of glucocorticoids is uncertain. The decision should be made on an individual basis, balancing the risk of complications from glucocorticoids (eg, diabetes, osteoporosis) with the potential benefit of preventing deterioration of orbitopathy.

In studies of patients with initially mild orbitopathy, worsening after radioiodine therapy was prevented by the concurrent administration of oral glucocorticoids [31-35]. The dose and duration of treatment varied within the individual studies. In two trials, the initial dose of prednisone was 0.4 to 0.5 mg/kg body weight, initiated two to three days prior to radioiodine, continued for one month, and then tapered over two months [32,33]. In a third trial comparing oral prednisone (fixed starting dose of 35 mg prednisone tapered over 10 weeks) with intravenous methylprednisolone (500 mg/week for two weeks and 250 mg/week for two weeks), no patient receiving steroids had worsening orbitopathy after radioiodine [35]. In a retrospective cohort study, a lower starting dose of steroids (0.2 mg/kg body weight), with tapering over six weeks, was also shown to be effective in preventing exacerbations of orbitopathy in most patients [34].

Moderate to severe orbitopathy – Radioiodine is contraindicated in patients with moderate to severe or sight-threatening orbitopathy. (See 'Moderate to severe orbitopathy' above.)

While not recommended, radioiodine with concomitant administration of glucocorticoids can still be considered in patients who refuse surgery and who have contraindications to thionamides or can be considered after the patient has been stable for at least a year on thionamides. There are few data evaluating the impact of radioiodine with glucocorticoids on progression of moderate to severe orbitopathy [31].

Smokers without active orbitopathy – Cigarette smokers who receive radioiodine have a high incidence of new or progressive Graves' orbitopathy [33,36]. In cigarette smokers without thyroid eye disease, there is no evidence for or against using prophylactic glucocorticoids to prevent the onset of orbitopathy [8]. If smokers with Graves' disease (and with no evidence of orbitopathy) are treated with radioiodine, some UpToDate contributors administer concurrent glucocorticoids, unless there is a contraindication to the use of glucocorticoids.

Of note, glucocorticoids reduce the effective thyroidal half-life of radioiodine by increasing renal plasma iodine clearance [37]. However, there are no reports that the addition of glucocorticoids reduces the overall effectiveness of radioiodine treatment of the hyperthyroid state.

Other — Other therapies to enhance the efficacy of radioiodine or to reduce the exacerbation of hyperthyroidism that may occur after radioiodine are not recommended. One therapy that has been evaluated as an adjuvant in radioiodine therapy is lithium.

Lithium may prolong the retention of radioiodine within the thyroid gland, which could increase the effectiveness of radioiodine therapy. In a retrospective cohort study, the cure rate was slightly higher in patients given lithium (900 mg/day) for 12 days starting 5 days before radioiodine (91 versus 85 percent) [38], but there was no difference in a randomized trial of radioiodine alone versus radioiodine plus lithium (900 mg/day) [39]. Lithium given coincident with radioiodine can prevent the transient increase in serum thyroid hormone concentrations following radioiodine [40]. Because of inconsistent data and the toxicity of lithium, we do not recommend its use in conjunction with radioiodine.

DOSING OF RADIOIODINE — Most experts advocate radioiodine doses that result in hypothyroidism. (See 'Low versus high' below.)

There is debate, however, over whether the dose of radioiodine should be fixed or individualized based upon the size of the thyroid gland and 24-hour radioiodine uptake and turnover [4,41]. We prefer to individualize the radioiodine dose based upon the size of the thyroid gland and the 24-hour radioiodine uptake. The dose is calculated based on the microcuries (microCi) or megabecquerels (MBq) per gram (g) of thyroid tissue to be delivered. (See 'Fixed versus calculated' below.)

Low versus high — The primary goal of radioiodine therapy in Graves' disease is to cure the hyperthyroidism by rendering the patient hypothyroid. In the past, it was controversial whether radioiodine should be given in a sufficient dose to induce hypothyroidism or a lower dose in an attempt to achieve a euthyroid state [41]. However, due to the high failure rate associated with lower doses designed to leave a patient euthyroid, most experts advocate radioiodine doses that result in hypothyroidism [8]. (See 'Monitoring' below.)

Hypothyroidism is less common initially after radioiodine treatment of toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter (MNG). Areas of focal autonomy take up radioiodine well, while uptake is limited in adjacent and contralateral thyroid tissue that is suppressed by the hyperthyroid state. As a result, radioiodine tends to destroy only the autonomous areas, and most patients remain euthyroid after radioiodine administration [42]. Patients who develop hypothyroidism usually do so because uptake was not suppressed in the extranodular tissue [43] or because of coexistent chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis [14]. In up to 5 percent of patients with toxic MNG, radioiodine therapy may evoke the production of TSH receptor-stimulating antibodies, causing recurrent hyperthyroidism (due to Graves' disease) several months after treatment [44,45].

Graves' disease – When radioiodine is used to treat patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism, we suggest high-dose therapy (150 to 200 microCi/g [5.9 to 7.4 MBq/g]). This will cure the hyperthyroidism and, in most patients, induce hypothyroidism in 12 to 18 weeks. Patients should then be started on full replacement doses of T4 if goiter is absent or slightly lower doses if goiter persists. A persistent goiter suggests incomplete destruction of the gland and the possibility of persistent autonomous thyroid tissue.

The American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines for the management of Graves' hyperthyroidism recommend a dose (typically 10 to 15 millicuries [mCi; 370 to 555 MBq]) sufficient to cause hypothyroidism, which can be accomplished equally well with either a fixed or individualized dose regimen [8].

For patients with Graves' disease, the dose of radioiodine is directly related to the cure rate and the incidence of hypothyroidism. As an example, in a trial of two fixed doses of radioiodine (5 versus 10 mCi equivalent to 185 versus 370 MBq) in 813 patients with hyperthyroidism, patients treated with the higher dose had a higher cure rate (85 versus 67 percent) and a higher incidence of hypothyroidism (61 versus 41 percent) [46]. A high dose of radioiodine (128 to 155 microCi/g of thyroid tissue [4.7 to 5.7 MBq/g]) cures the hyperthyroidism in 90 percent of patients but eventually causes hypothyroidism in at least 80 percent, whereas 14 percent have persistent hyperthyroidism requiring additional treatment [21].

Administering much higher doses (>200 microCi/g [7.4 MBq/g]) is not associated with higher rates of cure but may be used in patients who are being retreated after one or more treatment failures; in patients with very large goiters; or in patients who have been pretreated with thionamides, which causes mild radioresistance.

Although attempting to lower thyroid function to normal with a low dose of radioiodine may appear desirable, this approach has several disadvantages. In particular, low-dose radioiodine therapy is more likely to result in treatment failure, necessitating another dose in 6 to 24 months [47,48]. In addition, less than one-third of patients are euthyroid 10 years after therapy [49]. Many patients have chronic subclinical hyperthyroidism, with its associated risks of atrial fibrillation and reduced bone density. (See "Subclinical hyperthyroidism in nonpregnant adults".)

Toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter – The dose of radioiodine used to treat toxic adenoma or MNG is higher than that needed to treat Graves' disease (approximately 200 microCi/g [7.4 MBq/g]) [8]. (See "Treatment of toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter", section on 'Radioiodine therapy'.)

Fixed versus calculated — We prefer to individualize the dose of radioiodine based upon the size of the thyroid gland and the 24-hour radioiodine uptake [50]. The goal of individualized dosing is to maximize cure and avoid unnecessarily high radiation exposures in patients with high radioiodine uptake. The use of a fixed dose of radioiodine is an alternative approach. Fixed dosing simplifies the approach to treatment and is less costly than an individually calculated dose. Fixed doses of 5, 10, or 15 mCi (185, 370, or 555 MBq) are commonly given to patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism.

One prospective, randomized trial compared a fixed dose with a calculated dose and reported an inverse relationship between therapeutic success and thyroid size in the patients treated with a fixed dose [51]. Success rates ranged from 100 percent for patients with thyroid volumes ≤15 mL to only 25 percent in patients with volume ≥75 mL. In another study, a semiquantitative fixed-dose regimen (5 mCi [185 MBq] for patients with small glands, 10 mCi [370 MBq] for those with medium glands, and 15 mCi [555 MBq] for those with large glands) was as effective as more elaborately calculated individual dosing [52]. These data favor an individualized approach to dosing because of the dependence of outcome on gland size.

However, other data favor a fixed approach. As an example, in a randomized trial comparing one of four dose methods (low fixed, high fixed, low calculated, high calculated) in 88 patients with Graves' disease, fixed doses of 6.4 mCi (235 MBq) or 9.4 mCi (350 MBq) were as effective as low- or high-calculated doses (80 or 120 microCi/g) [53]. After a mean follow-up of 63 months, the majority of patients (57 to 82 percent) were hypothyroid. Hyperthyroidism was present in 18 to 27 percent, and 0 to 19 percent were euthyroid. Clinical outcome was not related to the administered radioiodine dose (hyperthyroid, 334 MBq; euthyroid, 309 MBq; hypothyroid, 334 MBq).

Dose calculation — When calculating the dose of radioiodine to be administered to a patient, we prefer to correct the dose according to the 24-hour uptake. As an example, suppose that one wanted to deliver 160 microCi/g thyroid tissue to a patient whose thyroid gland size was approximately 30 g with a 24-hour uptake of 60 percent. In this patient, the administered dose would be:

Dose  =  (30 g  x  160 microCi/g)  ÷  0.60  =  8.0 mCi (296 MBq)

This approach requires a trip to the hospital to measure 24-hour radioiodine uptake, but by measuring the uptake just before treatment, the etiology of the hyperthyroidism and the appropriateness of therapy are assured. It has the additional advantage of avoiding undertreatment that can occur when a fixed dose is given to patients with large goiters and low uptakes.

Chronic kidney disease — Although the dose of radioiodine is usually reduced in patients with thyroid cancer who have chronic kidney disease and are on dialysis, dose adjustments are not necessary in patients receiving radioiodine for hyperthyroidism [54]. The doses of radioiodine administered for the treatment of hyperthyroidism are much lower than those for thyroid cancer, and a larger fraction of the dose is taken up by the thyroid tissue, requiring less clearance by the kidney immediately after dosing. However, hemodialysis should be performed after the time of maximum uptake in the thyroid, which is approximately 10 hours [55]. A radiation safety team should be involved with the monitoring of the patient and the dialysis staff, facility, and equipment. Radiation precautions are required for at least one week after treatment.

POST-TREATMENT PRECAUTIONS — In 2011, the American Thyroid Association (ATA) published recommendations on radiation safety for patients, families, caregivers, and the public after radioiodine (131-I) therapy [56]. The recommendations are based upon clinical experience and available data. However, data on long-term outcomes are limited.

The doses of radioiodine administered for the treatment of hyperthyroidism are lower than those used to treat thyroid cancer. The majority of patients with hyperthyroidism can be treated with 131-I in the outpatient setting. As an example, patients receiving doses of up to 55 mCi (2035 MBq) for hyperthyroidism can typically be released without exceeding dose limits established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) [56,57]. (See "Differentiated thyroid cancer: Radioiodine treatment", section on 'Patient release criteria'.)

Household contacts — Patients who receive radioiodine have the potential to expose their home and household contacts via saliva, urine, or radiation emitting from their body. They should be instructed to avoid the following during the restricted period:

Sharing cups or utensils

Sleeping in the same bed with another adult, pregnant woman, infant, or child

Sexual contact

Close contact with children and pregnant women

The period of post-treatment precaution varies with the dose administered and retained (table 3) [56,57]. In the United States, close daytime contact with adults should be avoided for approximately one, two, and five days, and sleeping with another adult should be avoided for approximately 3, 6, 8, and 11 days for doses of 10, 15, 20, and 30 mCi (370, 555, 740, 1110 MBq), respectively. The period of contact precautions for pregnant partners, infants, and children is longer (one to five days for daytime restrictions and 15 to 23 days for nighttime restrictions).

In Europe, where recommended dose to members of the public is less than 1 milliSieverts (mSv), these precautions are recommended for one, two, or three weeks, if treated with 5, 10, and 15 mCi (185, 370, 555 MBq), respectively [58]. In a survey of household members of patients who received treatment for hyperthyroidism, the dose received by the members was well below the limit of 5 mSv recommended by the NRC [59].

Future pregnancy — Pregnancy should be delayed four to six months after radioiodine therapy to ensure that hyperthyroidism is successfully cured and hypothyroidism corrected prior to conception. However, unintended pregnancies after radioiodine treatment and during this interval should be allowed to proceed to term. Birth defects do not appear to be more common in women treated with radioiodine [60]. The gonadal dose is approximately three rad, similar to that for hysterosalpingography or a barium enema [61]. The estimated risk of genetic damage is 0.005 percent, which is much lower than the spontaneous risk of 0.8 percent [62].

Conception should be delayed for three to four months in men to allow for adequate turnover of sperm production [8].

MONITORING — After radioiodine, all patients require monitoring for hypothyroidism or persistent hyperthyroidism. Most patients have normalization of thyroid function tests within 4 to 10 weeks [63]. Hypothyroidism may occur as early as four weeks. Hypothyroidism should be avoided as this is a risk factor for worsening thyroid eye disease. (See 'Radioiodine and orbitopathy' below.)

We measure serum free T4, total T3, and TSH at four to six weeks after radioiodine and then at four- to six-week intervals thereafter, depending upon the results of prior testing and change in thyroid size.

If the patient becomes and remains euthyroid for six months, serum TSH should be measured at 6- to 12-month intervals for the patient's lifetime because of the ongoing occurrence of hypothyroidism after radioiodine therapy.

If the patient becomes hypothyroid (as indicated by a low free T4), thyroid hormone should be initiated and the dose initially adjusted to maintain a normal free T4 level. Once euthyroidism is achieved on a stable dose of thyroid hormone replacement, TSH can be measured annually. (See "Treatment of primary hypothyroidism in adults", section on 'Dose and monitoring'.)

If the patient has persistent hyperthyroidism, monitoring of thyroid tests should continue at four- to six-week intervals while additional therapy is planned. (See 'Persistent hyperthyroidism' below.)

The principal test used to follow the immediate effect of treatment of hyperthyroidism is the serum free T4 concentration. Measurement of serum TSH can be misleading in the early follow-up period because it can remain low for weeks or even months, even when the patient is biochemically euthyroid or even hypothyroid, with serum free T4 values well within or even below the normal range [64,65]. When both TSH and free T4 are low, measurement of serum T3 is necessary to distinguish between persistent hyperthyroidism (T3 elevated) and transient central hypothyroidism (T3 normal or low) associated with recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis after treatment of hyperthyroidism. Once steady-state conditions are assured, measurement of serum TSH is required to assess the efficacy of therapy. (See "Laboratory assessment of thyroid function", section on 'Monitoring treatment of hyperthyroidism'.)

The percentage of patients with Graves' disease who become hypothyroid within the first year after treatment varies directly with the dose of radioiodine. Hypothyroidism occurs in approximately 80 percent of patients receiving high-dose therapy (eg, 160 microCi/g) and 10 percent of patients receiving low-dose therapy (eg, 80 microCi/g) [21,48,49].

Hypothyroidism that develops within the first year may be transient. In a study of 260 patients who received radioiodine therapy for Graves' hyperthyroidism, for example, 67 developed hypothyroidism within the first year after treatment [66]. The hypothyroidism was transient in 58 percent. However, 70 percent of those with transient hypothyroidism became permanently hypothyroid in the subsequent 2 to 11 years.

Most patients who become euthyroid soon after radioiodine therapy develop hypothyroidism at a rate of 2 to 3 percent per year [48]. This occurs because of the late effects of radiation and of lymphocytic infiltration and destruction of thyroid tissue, a process similar to chronic lymphocytic (Hashimoto's) thyroiditis (see "Thionamides in the treatment of Graves' disease", section on 'Mechanism of remission'). Alternatively, patients who become euthyroid after therapy can develop recurrent hyperthyroidism. This occurs because of regrowth of thyroid remnants under continued stimulation of thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAbs).

In patients with a toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter (MNG), hypothyroidism is less common initially after radioiodine treatment. However, there is an ongoing risk for developing hypothyroidism. In one long-term study, the prevalence of hypothyroidism after radioiodine for MNG was 64 percent after 24 years [67].

PERSISTENT HYPERTHYROIDISM — Approximately 10 to 20 percent of patients fail the first radioiodine treatment [21]. These patients usually have more severe hyperthyroidism or larger goiters. In patients with treatment-resistant Graves' disease (persistent hyperthyroidism six months following radioiodine), we typically administer a second dose of radioiodine. If the response to the first dose of radioiodine has been minimal and a large goiter persists, a second dose can be administered earlier, eg, four months after the initial dose.

Patients with rapid thyroidal iodine turnover whose four-hour radioiodine uptake is higher than the 24-hour radioiodine uptake are more likely to have a poor response to radioiodine treatment. In addition, patients with large, isoechoic glands that have more colloid are more likely to be radioresistant than are hypoechoic glands, which have more densely packed cells. In one study, treatment failure occurred in 22 percent of patients with isoechoic and 7 percent with hypoechoic glands [68].

In one case report, pretreatment with lithium prolonged radioiodine retention and increased the efficacy of radioiodine therapy in a patient with radioiodine resistant Graves' disease [69]. Because of limited data and the potential toxicity of lithium, however, we do not recommend its routine use in patients with radioiodine-resistant Graves' disease.

ADVERSE EFFECTS — Radioiodine appears to be quite safe aside from causing hypothyroidism [70].

Radiation thyroiditis — There is a 1 percent (or lower) incidence of radiation thyroiditis after radioiodine therapy. Radiation thyroiditis can cause relatively severe thyroid pain that can last two to three weeks and may be associated with exacerbation of hyperthyroidism unless hormone stores were first depleted with thionamide therapy. (See 'Pretreatment with methimazole' above.)

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually sufficient for analgesia, but prednisone may be required in severe cases.

Rebound hyperthyroidism — Weeks to months following radioiodine therapy, there may be a recurrent, albeit transient, hyperthyroidism, likely due to a radiation-related increase in thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) [18,71]. This should be distinguished from radiation-related thyroiditis, which typically develops within one to three weeks of radioiodine therapy. If rebound hyperthyroidism develops, methimazole should be restarted and continued until thyroid function normalizes. Ultimately, the radioiodine will cause hypothyroidism in most patients, and the methimazole can be tapered and stopped after one to two months.

Radioiodine and orbitopathy — Most [32,72,73], but not all [74-76], studies of patients with Graves' disease suggest that radioiodine therapy is associated with the appearance or exacerbation of orbitopathy more often than treatment with thionamides or surgery. The changes are often mild and transient, at least in patients who have mild or no orbitopathy before therapy. (See "Treatment of Graves' orbitopathy (ophthalmopathy)", section on 'Reversal of hyperthyroidism, if present'.)

The exacerbation of orbitopathy after radioiodine is thought to be due to an increase in levels of TRAbs following radioiodine treatment that persist for up to a year [77]. In contrast, TRAb levels tend to fall after surgery and during thionamide therapy.

There have been several randomized trials of different hyperthyroidism treatments in patients with Graves' disease [33,36,72]. As examples:

In one trial, orbitopathy developed or worsened in 33 percent of the patients treated with radioiodine, as compared with 10 and 16 percent of those treated with methimazole and surgery, respectively [72]. This study was criticized, however, because all of the patients treated with radioiodine became hypothyroid, and treatment with thyroxine was delayed for several months. It is possible that high serum TSH concentrations were in part responsible for the development of orbitopathy [78].

In another trial, the risk of worsening or new-onset orbitopathy was higher with radioiodine than thionamides (39 and 21 percent, respectively), in spite of early treatment of hypothyroidism in both groups [36]. The risk was primarily driven by an increase in new eye disease (38 versus 18 percent of those randomly assigned to methimazole), rather than worsening of existing eye disease.

A third randomized trial compared treatment with radioiodine (120 to 150 microCi/g of thyroid tissue) alone, radioiodine followed by a three-month course of prednisone (0.4 to 0.5 mg/kg for one month, then tapered over two months), or methimazole for 18 months in 443 patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and slight or no orbitopathy [33]. Of the 150 patients treated with radioiodine, 23 (15 percent) either developed or had worsening of orbitopathy two to six months after treatment (figure 1). The change was transient in 15 patients; it persisted in the other eight patients. In comparison, none of the 135 patients treated with radioiodine plus prednisone developed or had worsening of orbitopathy, and 50 of the 75 patients (67 percent) with orbitopathy in this arm of the study improved. In the 148 patients treated with methimazole, three (2 percent) with orbitopathy improved, four (3 percent) had worsening, and the other 141 had no change. These patients were closely followed for the development of hypothyroidism and treated immediately.

In another study, administration of methimazole after radioiodine therapy did not prevent changes in orbitopathy [73].

Cancer — The Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis Therapy Follow-up Study Group followed 35,593 patients from 26 centers for cancer mortality after radioiodine therapy. An analysis of data through 1990 representing a mean follow-up of 21 years revealed no increase in overall cancer mortality [79,80].

Prolonged follow-up demonstrated a small increase in thyroid cancer risk that was most pronounced in those patients who received radioiodine for toxic nodular goiter (the number of thyroid cancer deaths was small [29 out of a total of 2950 cancer deaths] and the standardized cancer mortality ratio was 2.77, accounting for 18 excess deaths) [81]. Since the risk of thyroid cancer is known to be slightly increased among patients with nodular goiters, it is possible that at least some of the excess thyroid cancer risk is related to underlying thyroid disease. In a 24-year extension of the Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis Therapy Follow-up Study (18,805 patients), a 100 mGy organ exposure was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (RR 1.12, 95% CI 1.003-1.32) and stomach cancer (RR 1.05, 95% CI 1.01-1.10) [82].

Another analysis of 7417 patients in the United Kingdom also found a significant increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer (nine cases versus three expected) and cancers of the small bowel [83]. There was a decrease in the overall cancer incidence (634 cases versus 761 expected). In a study of 2793 Finnish patients, there was an increase in the incidence rate ratio of cancer risk per 10,000 person-years (1.2 [1.1 to 1.5]) due to cancer of the breast, stomach, and kidney [84].  

The above studies compared cancer risks in hyperthyroid patients treated with radioiodine to normal populations. In an Israeli study of hyperthyroid patients who received radioiodine (n = 2829) or antithyroid drugs (13,808), there was no difference in cancer incidence between the two groups (825 new cancers over a mean 7.3 years of follow-up) [85].

Overall mortality — Although radioiodine is safe and effective, some data indicate that it is associated with a slight but significant increase in later mortality, a risk that may be related to hyperthyroidism or longstanding subclinical hyperthyroidism, rather than radioiodine per se [86-89]:

In a long-term study extending over 40 years that included 7209 patients and 105,028 person-years of follow-up, the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for radioiodine-treated patients was 1.1 (95% CI 1.1-1.2) [86]. Most of the excess deaths occurred during the first year after treatment. The major association at this time was with the hyperthyroidism itself (SMR approximately 25). Other factors contributing to the excess deaths were total cardiovascular disease and femoral fractures. The data do not permit attribution of the excess deaths specifically to either the hyperthyroidism or the radioiodine.

In a second population-based study by the same investigators, 2668 individuals over age 40 years treated with radioiodine for hyperthyroidism (between 1984 and 2002) were examined [88]. A slight excess in mortality was noted in the radioiodine patients compared to age- and period-specific mortality (SMR 1.14, 95% CI 1.04-1.24). However, the increased mortality risk was observed only in patients not requiring thyroid hormone therapy or prior to thyroid hormone replacement. No increased risk was seen during follow-up in patients taking thyroid hormone therapy. Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism (not receiving thyroid hormone) had excess mortality related to ischemic heart disease. These findings suggest that doses of radioiodine for the treatment of hyperthyroidism should be high enough to induce overt hypothyroidism. In addition, thyroid hormone therapy should be considered in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism after radioiodine treatment.

In a third population-based study by the same investigators, 1036 individuals over age 40 had increased all-cause mortality during treatment with thionamides (SMR 1.30, 95% CI 1.05-1.61) and after radioiodine while still hyperthyroid (SMR 1.24, 95% CI 1.04-1.46) but not during T4 replacement of radioiodine-induced hypothyroidism [89].

Another population-based study of 2793 patients reported an increase in mortality from cerebrovascular disease (relative risk [RR] 1.4), which was felt to be due to the hyperthyroidism per se rather than the radioiodine treatment [87].

In a population-based study of 3888 individuals successfully treated for hyperthyroidism, there was no increase in all-cause mortality [90]. The study did not specify the treatment modality.

Hospitalization rates for cardiovascular disease may also be higher after radioiodine therapy, as illustrated by a population-based study of 2611 treated patients and 2611 healthy controls. A higher rate of hospitalization for cardiovascular disease was observed in the radioiodine-treated patients (RR 1.12), including atrial fibrillation, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, and heart failure, which remained elevated for up to 35 years after treatment [91].

Gonadal function — Radioiodine in the doses used to treat hyperthyroidism does not cause infertility or birth defects in the offspring of treated patients [92] (see 'Future pregnancy' above). The total dose to the testes averages 39 microGy/MBq [93]. Radioiodine administration results in transient reductions in serum testosterone concentrations without change in serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), improved sperm motility (low motility was seen in two-thirds of hyperthyroid patients before radioiodine), and no change in sperm concentration or morphology [93].

Pretibial myxedema — Radioiodine may also be associated with the onset or worsening of infiltrative dermopathy (pretibial myxedema) [94]. (See "Pretibial myxedema (thyroid dermopathy) in autoimmune thyroid disease".)

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Hyperthyroidism".)


Radioiodine can be used for the treatment of hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease, toxic adenoma, and toxic multinodular goiter (MNG). (See 'Indications' above and "Treatment of toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter", section on 'Choice of therapy' and "Graves' hyperthyroidism in nonpregnant adults: Overview of treatment", section on 'Choice of therapy'.)

Radioiodine should not be given to pregnant or lactating women. It is also contraindicated in patients with moderate to severe or sight-threatening Graves' orbitopathy. (See 'Contraindications and precautions' above.)

For patients with significant symptoms of hyperthyroidism and in older patients with underlying cardiac disease, we suggest starting a thionamide (methimazole) to achieve euthyroidism prior to radioiodine therapy (Grade 2B). We discontinue methimazole three days prior to radioiodine and restart three days after radioiodine therapy. For young and middle-aged patients who are less symptomatic, there is no need to pretreat with a thionamide, and radioiodine can be given soon after the diagnosis is made. (See 'Pretreatment with methimazole' above and "Thionamides in the treatment of Graves' disease".)

For patients with active mild orbitopathy who have risk factors for progression (smoking, a high baseline serum concentration of triiodothyronine (T3) [eg, >325 ng/dL (5 nmol/L)], or high thyrotropin receptor antibodies [TRAbs]) and who are being treated with radioiodine, we recommend concurrent treatment with oral or intravenous glucocorticoids (table 2) (Grade 1B). For similar patients without risk factors for progression, the decision to administer concurrent glucocorticoids should be made on an individual basis, balancing the risk of complications from glucocorticoids (eg, diabetes, osteoporosis) with the potential benefit of preventing deterioration of orbitopathy. (See 'Glucocorticoids in patients with orbitopathy' above.)

Radioiodine is administered orally as sodium iodide-131 (131-I) in solution or a capsule. For patients being treated with radioiodine, we suggest high- rather than low-dose radioiodine (Grade 2B). (See 'Dosing of radioiodine' above.)

We also suggest individualization of the dose based upon the size of the thyroid gland and the 24-hour radioiodine uptake (Grade 2C). We typically administer 160 microCi/g thyroid tissue (5.9 MBq/g) for Graves' hyperthyroidism and 200 microCi/g (7.4 MBq/g) for toxic adenoma/MNG. A fixed dose of 10 to 15 mCi (370 to 555 MBq) for Graves' hyperthyroidism and 15 to 20 mCi (500 to 740 MBq) for toxic adenoma/MNG is an alternative option, although higher fixed doses should be used for larger glands. (See 'Dose calculation' above.)

After radioiodine, all patients require monitoring for hypothyroidism or persistent hyperthyroidism. We measure serum free T4, total T3, and TSH at four to six weeks after radioiodine and then at four- to six-week intervals thereafter, depending upon the results of prior testing and change in thyroid size. (See 'Monitoring' above.)

Approximately 10 to 20 percent of patients fail the first radioiodine treatment. In patients with treatment-resistant Graves' disease (persistent hyperthyroidism six months following radioiodine), we typically administer a second dose of radioiodine. If the response to the first dose of radioiodine has been minimal and a large goiter persists, a second dose can be administered earlier, eg, four months after the initial dose. (See 'Persistent hyperthyroidism' above.)


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  3. Brito JP, Payne S, Singh Ospina N, et al. Patterns of Use, Efficacy, and Safety of Treatment Options for Patients with Graves' Disease: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Thyroid 2020; 30:357.
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Topic 7879 Version 20.0


1 : A 2011 survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of Graves' disease.

2 : Safety of long-term antithyroid drug treatment? A systematic review.

3 : Patterns of Use, Efficacy, and Safety of Treatment Options for Patients with Graves' Disease: A Nationwide Population-Based Study.

4 : Current and emerging treatment options for Graves' hyperthyroidism.

5 : Radioiodine treatment for benign thyroid disorders: results of a nationwide survey of UK endocrinologists.

6 : Management of Graves' disease in Australia.

7 : Radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism.

8 : 2016 American Thyroid Association Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Hyperthyroidism and Other Causes of Thyrotoxicosis.

9 : Radioiodine treatment in unsuspected pregnancy.

10 : Radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism in a pregnant women.

11 : Inadvertent 131I therapy for hyperthyroidism in the first trimester of pregnancy.

12 : Fetal thyrotrophin: the best indicator of long term thyroid function after in utero exposure to iodine-131?

13 : Fetal thyroid function.

14 : Serum thyroid autoantibodies as a risk factor for development of hypothyroidism after radioactive iodine therapy for single thyroid 'hot' nodule.

15 : Thyrotropin receptor autoantibodies are independent risk factors for Graves' ophthalmopathy and help to predict severity and outcome of the disease.

16 : Acute changes in thyroid function in patients treated with radioactive iodine.

17 : The effect of antithyroid drug pretreatment on acute changes in thyroid hormone levels after (131)I ablation for Graves' disease.

18 : Late and transient increases in free T4 after radioiodine treatment for Graves' disease.

19 : Reevaluation of the effects of methylmercaptoimidazole and propylthiouracil in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism.

20 : Use of adjunctive potassium iodide after radioactive iodine (131I) treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism.

21 : High dose of (131)I therapy for the treatment of hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease.

22 : Comparison of methimazole and propylthiouracil in patients with hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease.

23 : Effects of antithyroid drugs on radioiodine treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

24 : Pretreatment with propylthiouracil but not methimazole reduces the therapeutic efficacy of iodine-131 in hyperthyroidism.

25 : Propylthiouracil reduces the effectiveness of radioiodine treatment in hyperthyroid patients with Graves' disease.

26 : Continuous methimazole therapy and its effect on the cure rate of hyperthyroidism using radioactive iodine: an evaluation by a randomized trial.

27 : Change in the intrathyroidal kinetics of radioiodine under continued and discontinued antithyroid medication in Graves' disease.

28 : Two-day thionamide withdrawal prior to radioiodine uptake sufficiently increases uptake and does not exacerbate hyperthyroidism compared to 7-day withdrawal in Graves' disease.

29 : Outcome of radioiodine therapy without, on or 3 days off carbimazole: a prospective interventional three-group comparison.

30 : Resumption of methimazole after 131I therapy of hyperthyroid diseases: effect on thyroid function and volume evaluated by a randomized clinical trial.

31 : Glucocorticoid regimens for prevention of Graves' ophthalmopathy progression following radioiodine treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis.

32 : Use of corticosteroids to prevent progression of Graves' ophthalmopathy after radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism.

33 : Relation between therapy for hyperthyroidism and the course of Graves' ophthalmopathy.

34 : Lower dose prednisone prevents radioiodine-associated exacerbation of initially mild or absent graves' orbitopathy: a retrospective cohort study.

35 : Prevention of Orbitopathy by Oral or Intravenous Steroid Prophylaxis in Short Duration Graves' Disease Patients Undergoing Radioiodine Ablation: A Prospective Randomized Control Trial Study.

36 : Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy after treatment for Graves' hyperthyroidism with antithyroid drugs or iodine-131.

37 : Qualitative and quantitative impact of protective glucocorticoid therapy on the effective 131I half-life in radioiodine therapy for Graves disease.

38 : Impact of lithium on efficacy of radioactive iodine therapy for Graves' disease: a cohort study on cure rate, time to cure, and frequency of increased serum thyroxine after antithyroid drug withdrawal.

39 : A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the adjuvant effect of lithium on radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism.

40 : Treatment with lithium prevents serum thyroid hormone increase after thionamide withdrawal and radioiodine therapy in patients with Graves' disease.

41 : The management of hyperthyroidism.

42 : Successful treatment of solitary toxic thyroid nodules with relatively low-dose iodine-131, with low prevalence of hypothyroidism.

43 : Follow-up of solitary autonomous thyroid nodules treated with 131I.

44 : Transition of nodular toxic goiter to autoimmune hyperthyroidism triggered by 131I therapy.

45 : 131I-Induced Graves' disease in patients treated for toxic multinodular goitre: systematic review and descriptive analysis.

46 : Radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism-prognostic factors for outcome.

47 : Low-dose sodium iodide I 131 therapy in Graves disease.

48 : Long-term results from graded low dose radioactive iodine therapy for thyrotoxicosis.

49 : Long-term follow-up study of compensated low-dose 131I therapy for Graves' disease.

50 : Iodine-131 treatment of hyperthyroidism: current issues.

51 : Radioiodine therapy of Graves' hyperthyroidism: standard vs. calculated 131iodine activity. Results from a prospective, randomized, multicentre study.

52 : Is calculation of the dose in radioiodine therapy of hyperthyroidism worth while?

53 : A randomized comparison of radioiodine doses in Graves' hyperthyroidism.

54 : Radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer and hyperthyroidism in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis.

55 : Iodine-131 treatment of hyperthyroidism in a patient on dialysis for chronic renal failure.

56 : Radiation safety in the treatment of patients with thyroid diseases by radioiodine 131I : practice recommendations of the American Thyroid Association.

57 : Radiation safety in the treatment of patients with thyroid diseases by radioiodine 131I : practice recommendations of the American Thyroid Association.

58 : Doses in family members after 131I treatment.

59 : Regulations and policies on radioiodine 131I therapy in Europe.

60 : Long-term follow-up results in children and adolescents treated with radioactive iodine (131I) for hyperthyroidism.

61 : Gonadal radiation dose and its genetic significance in radioiodine therapy of hyperthyroidism.

62 : Radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease. An assessment of its potential risks.

63 : Cohort study on radioactive iodine-induced hypothyroidism: implications for Graves' ophthalmopathy and optimal timing for thyroid hormone assessment.

64 : The significance of TSH values measured in a sensitive assay in the follow-up of hyperthyroid patients treated with radioiodine.

65 : Pattern of recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis following radioactive iodine therapy in patients with Graves' disease.

66 : The development of transient hypothyroidism after iodine-131 treatment in hyperthyroid patients with Graves' disease: prevalence, mechanism and prognosis.

67 : Incidence of hypothyroidism occurring long after iodine-131 therapy for hyperthyroidism.

68 : Thyroid echogenicity predicts outcome of radioiodine therapy in patients with Graves' disease.

69 : Lithium as an adjunct to radioactive iodine in treatment-resistant Graves thyrotoxicosis.

70 : Radioiodine therapy versus antithyroid medications for Graves' disease.

71 : Outcome of thyroid function in Graves' patients treated with radioiodine: role of thyroid-stimulating and thyrotropin-blocking antibodies and of radioiodine-induced thyroid damage.

72 : Occurrence of ophthalmopathy after treatment for Graves' hyperthyroidism. The Thyroid Study Group.

73 : The incidence of ophthalmopathy after radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease: prognostic factors and the role of methimazole.

74 : Treatment of Graves' disease and the course of ophthalmopathy.

75 : Effect on exophthalmos of various methods of treatment of Graves' disease.

76 : A prospective study of the effects of radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism in patients with minimally active graves' ophthalmopathy.

77 : TSH-receptor autoimmunity in Graves' disease after therapy with anti-thyroid drugs, surgery, or radioiodine: a 5-year prospective randomized study.

78 : Therapeutic controversies. Summation, commentary, and overview: concerns over aggravation of Graves' ophthalmopathy by radioactive iodine treatment and the use of retrobulbar radiation therapy.

79 : Incidence of leukemia following treatment of hyperthyroidism. Preliminary report of the Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis Therapy Follow-Up Study.

80 : Cancer mortality following treatment for adult hyperthyroidism. Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis Therapy Follow-up Study Group.

81 : Malignant and benign neoplasms of the thyroid in patients treated for hyperthyroidism: a report of the cooperative thyrotoxicosis therapy follow-up study.

82 : Association of Radioactive Iodine Treatment With Cancer Mortality in Patients With Hyperthyroidism.

83 : Cancer incidence and mortality after radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism: a population-based cohort study.

84 : Increased cancer incidence after radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism.

85 : Cancer Risk After Radioactive Iodine Treatment for Hyperthyroidism: A Cohort Study.

86 : Mortality after the treatment of hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine.

87 : Increased cardiovascular and cancer mortality after radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism.

88 : Thyroid function and mortality in patients treated for hyperthyroidism.

89 : Comparison of mortality in hyperthyroidism during periods of treatment with thionamides and after radioiodine.

90 : Mortality and vascular outcomes in patients treated for thyroid dysfunction.

91 : Increased long-term cardiovascular morbidity among patients treated with radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism.

92 : A 36-year retrospective analysis of the efficacy and safety of radioactive iodine in treating young Graves' patients.

93 : Testicular function after 131I therapy for hyperthyroidism.

94 : Acute pre-tibial myxoedema following radioiodine therapy for thyrotoxic Graves' disease.