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Velamentous umbilical cord insertion and vasa previa

Velamentous umbilical cord insertion and vasa previa
Charles J Lockwood, MD, MHCM
Karen Russo-Stieglitz, MD
Section Editors:
Lynn L Simpson, MD
Deborah Levine, MD
Deputy Editor:
Vanessa A Barss, MD, FACOG
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jun 15, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — A velamentous umbilical cord is characterized by membranous umbilical vessels at the placental insertion site; the remainder of the cord is usually normal. Membranous vessels can also arise as aberrant branches of a marginally inserted umbilical cord or they can connect lobes of a bilobed placenta or the placenta and a succenturiate lobe. Because of the lack of protection from Wharton's jelly, these vessels are prone to compression and rupture, especially when they are located in the membranes covering the cervical os (ie, vasa previa).

This topic will discuss issues related to a velamentous umbilical cord and vasa previa. Other umbilical cord abnormalities are reviewed separately.

(See "Umbilical cord abnormalities: Prenatal diagnosis and management".)

(See "Single umbilical artery".)

(See "Gross examination of the placenta", section on 'Umbilical cord'.)

(See "The placental pathology report", section on 'Umbilical cord'.)


Definition — In a velamentous umbilical cord insertion, the placental end of the cord consists of divergent umbilical vessels surrounded only by fetal membranes, with no Wharton's jelly. The length of the membranous vessels (ie, the distance between the where the normal cord ends and the placental insertion) is highly variable.

Prevalence — Velamentous insertion occurs in approximately 1 percent of singleton gestations [1], but as many as 15 percent of monochorionic twin gestations [2-4]. It is more common in placenta previa than in normally located placentas. The prevalence may be slightly higher in stillbirths, particularly from multifetal pregnancies [4].

Pathogenesis — The pathogenesis of velamentous cord insertion is unknown. The most popular hypothesis is that the cord's initial insertion site is central, but this location progressively becomes peripheral since the umbilical cord is unable to follow the "migration" of the placenta as one half actively proliferates toward the well-vascularized uterine fundus (trophotropism) while the other half involutes [5]. The association of velamentous cord insertion and placenta previa supports this hypothesis.

Clinical features

Ultrasound and gross examination — On ultrasound and gross examination, the normal umbilical cord sheath is contiguous with the chorionic plate. With a velamentous insertion, the normal cord can end several centimeters from the placenta, at which point the umbilical vessels separate from each other and cross between the amnion and chorion before connecting to the subchorionic vessels of the placenta (picture 1A-C). This typically occurs at the margin of the placenta (within 1 cm of the placental edge), but can also occur at the apex of the gestational sac. In monochorionic twins, the velamentous vessels are often located in the dividing membranes. (See "Gross examination of the placenta", section on 'Umbilical cord'.)

On ultrasound examination, the umbilical vessels often lie parallel to the uterine wall as they enter the placental margin and connect to the subchorionic vasculature (image 1A). They remain immobile when the uterus is shaken by the ultrasonographer; in contrast, a loop of umbilical cord will move when the uterus is shaken [6]. Color Doppler imaging enhances identification of the vessels (image 1B).

Velamentous cords contain a single umbilical artery in approximately 12 percent of cases [5].

Clinical course — The clinical course may be benign or complicated by rupture, kinking, or compression. These complications increase the chances of perinatal mortality and morbidity, including preterm birth and growth restriction [7,8].

Because the vessels are attached to the chorion, rupture of the fetal membranes may rupture the vessels, which can result in fetal exsanguination and death within minutes. This typically occurs when the membranous vessels are close to or cover the cervix; rarely, membranous vessels have ruptured in the absence of documented membrane rupture [9]. (See 'Vasa previa' below.)

The membranous vessels are also at risk of kinking and compression. Membranous vessels with longer lengths are more prone to kinking, while membranous vessels close to or covering the cervix are at risk of compression as the presenting part descends during labor. The subsequent reduction in blood flow can result in fetal heart rate abnormalities, and, if the reduction in blood flow is persistent or severe, fetal death may occur [8]. Kinking and compression can also induce thrombosis of the vessels, which has been associated with placental infarction, amputation of fetal limbs or digits, and neonatal purpura [10,11].

In a meta-analysis that evaluated the association between placental implantation abnormalities and risk of preterm delivery in singleton gestations, velamentous cord insertions were associated with a high preterm delivery rate (37.5 percent) and increased perinatal risks, such as neonatal intensive care unit admissions, small for gestational age, and perinatal death [7]. The majority of included studies were descriptive, did not have a control group, and had small numbers of cases. However, subsequent larger studies have also reported an increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes, including death, although the absolute risks for these outcomes were small [8,12-16].

Multiple gestation — When only monochorionic twin pregnancies are examined, a velamentous cord insertion site has been associated with discordant fetal growth and growth restriction [3,17,18] and twin-twin transfusion syndrome [19]. Discordance of the type of cord insertions (ie, one fetus with a normal cord insertion and one fetus with a velamentous insertion) appears to be associated with birth weight discordance [19,20].

Maternal course — The mother is also at risk for complications, such as an increased risk for undergoing manual removal of the placenta at vaginal delivery (frequency 5.5 percent of cases in one study [16]) and cesarean delivery [8].


Prenatal – The prenatal diagnosis of velamentous insertion is based on the presence of characteristic sonographic findings (membranous umbilical vessels) at the placental cord insertion site, which is usually marginal (image 1A-B). When color Doppler is used to enhance identification of the vessels, diagnostic sensitivities of 69 to 100 percent and specificities of 95 to 100 percent have been reported [1,21]. (See 'Ultrasound and gross examination' above.)

Postnatal – A definitive diagnosis is made by gross examination of the placenta, cord, and membranes after delivery. The normal cord ends several centimeters from the placenta, the umbilical vessels separate from each other and cross between the amnion and chorion before connecting to the subchorionic vessels of the placenta (picture 1A-C). (See 'Ultrasound and gross examination' above.)

Screening — The American College of Radiology (ACR), the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guideline for performance of obstetric ultrasound recommends that, in the second and third trimesters, the umbilical cord should be imaged and the number of vessels in the cord should be documented; the placental cord insertion site should also be documented when technically possible [22]. Even when this is done, the diagnosis of velamentous insertion may not be made in the prenatal period, and failure to make this diagnosis is not a breach of the standard of care [23].

It has been noted that detection of an umbilical cord insertion in the lower third of the uterus during the first trimester is predictive of an abnormal cord insertion at delivery, particularly a velamentous cord insertion, as well as some placental abnormalities [24,25].

Management — There are no data from large or controlled studies on which to base management recommendations. Given the risks described above, if ultrasound examination suggests the presence of a velamentous umbilical cord, we suggest the following conservative approach:

Detailed fetal anatomic survey, including evaluation for coexistent vasa previa.

Serial assessment of fetal growth every four to six weeks. If growth restriction and/or oligohydramnios is present, manage as per routine for these disorders. (See "Fetal growth restriction: Evaluation and management" and "Oligohydramnios: Etiology, diagnosis, and management".)

Patient counseling to call their providers as soon as labor begins.

Delivery by 40 weeks of gestation – There is no evidence that interventions such as late preterm induction of labor or scheduled cesarean delivery improve outcome of pregnancies with velamentous cord insertion. In our opinion, affected pregnancies can be followed expectantly and allowed to labor spontaneously and deliver vaginally, in the absence of additional pregnancy complications necessitating a different approach. However, we suggest delivery for pregnancies that reach 40 weeks of gestation since there is minimal neonatal morbidity at this gestational age and decreasing amniotic fluid volume in the late term period may place the membranous vessels at increased risk of compression.

Continuous intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring to identify signs of severe cord compression or vessel rupture.

No or very gentle traction on the umbilical cord after delivery of the infant to avoid avulsion, which could result in a retained placenta. (See "Retained placenta after vaginal birth", section on 'Management'.)


Definition — In vasa previa, fetal blood vessels are present in the membranes covering the internal cervical os. There are three types:

Type 1: membranous vessels associated with a velamentous or marginal umbilical cord insertion [26]

Type 2: membranous vessels connecting the lobes of a bilobed placenta or the placenta and a succenturiate lobe [26]

Type 3: one or more large boomerang vessels that run through the membranes along the margin of the placenta, such as with a resolving placenta previa [27]

By convention, the presence of aberrant blood vessels within 2 cm of the internal os is considered to have similar implications as vessels actually covering the internal os [28-31]. However, the precise distance associated with an increased risk of rupture has not been determined and only limited data are available to support the 2 cm measurement [30]. One group suggested that the definition include vessels 2 to 5 cm from the internal os because such vessels also may rupture during labor [32]. However, more data are needed before altering management of patients with aberrant vessels >2 and ≤5 cm from the internal os. No trials have evaluated whether these patients can safely undergo labor and vaginal birth.

Prevalence — The prevalence of vasa previa has been reported as approximately 1 in 1300 and 1 in 2500 deliveries [29,33,34] but is much higher in pregnancies conceived following use of assisted reproductive technologies (prevalence as high as 1 in 202) [35-38]. The prevalence is also increased with second-trimester low-lying placentas or placenta previa (even if resolved before delivery), bilobed or succenturiate lobe placentas in the lower uterine segment, and multiple gestations [37,39].

Pathogenesis — Pathogenesis is unknown but is likely similar to that for velamentous cord insertion. Resolution of placenta previa or low-lying placenta may result in type 1 vasa previa. (See 'Pathogenesis' above and 'Definition' above.)

Risk factors — Risk factors for vasa previa are not independent and include [34,40]:

Velamentous cord insertion

Umbilical cord insertion in the lower third of the uterus at first-trimester ultrasound

Placenta previa or low-lying placenta on second-trimester ultrasound scan

Succenturiate placental lobe or bilobed placenta

In vitro fertilization

Multiple gestation

The placental location and the relationship between the placenta and internal cervical os should be evaluated carefully in these patients.

In a systematic review of predictive indicators of vasa previa, at least 83 percent of cases had one or more risk indicators, most commonly placenta previa, assisted conception, velamentous cord insertion, and bilobed placenta [41].

Clinical features

Imaging — On ultrasound examination, vasa previa appears as a linear sonolucent area that passes over the internal os. Color Doppler flow and waveform analysis show umbilical artery or vein waveforms and confirms that the sonolucency is a blood vessel (image 2).

In over 80 percent of cases, vasa previa will be associated with a placenta that is a previa, low-lying, bilobed, or succenturiate and the cord insertion will be velamentous or marginal cord [29,41,42].

Physical examination — Rarely, pulsating vessels in the membranes overlying the cervical os are palpable on digital examination.

Clinical course — In the majority of cases, the vasa previa persists and is at risk for rupture upon spontaneous or iatrogenic rupture of the membranes; rarely, fetal bleeding occurs without membrane rupture. Bleeding usually rapidly results in hypotension, leading to fetal heart rate abnormalities, such as a sinusoidal pattern; fetal death due to exsanguination can occur within minutes.

In a minority of cases, suspected second-trimester vasa previa resolves over time. However, if a fetal head low in the pelvis impedes assessment of the placental cord insertion site, the head should be balloted to obtain views of the non-compressed lower uterine segment, otherwise resolution of vasa previa cannot be assumed.

In a retrospective multicenter cohort study of all antenatally diagnosed cases of vasa previa (defined as overlying the internal os), 19 of the 136 cases (14 percent) resolved spontaneously at median estimated gestational age of 27 weeks (range 19 to 34 weeks) [43]. The odds ratio for resolution when vasa previa was identified before 24 weeks of gestation versus later in gestation was 7.9 (95% CI 2.1-29.4), after adjustment for confounding variables. (See 'Differential diagnosis' below.)

In another retrospective cohort study including 100 vasa previa cases, the rate of vasa previa resolution was 39 percent, with resolution at a mean gestational age of 28.6±4.7 weeks; however, the authors defined vasa previa as a fetal vessel within 2 cm of the internal cervical os on transvaginal sonography [30,44]. The likelihood of resolution was dependent on vessel distance from the internal os and the gestational age at the time of diagnosis.

The frequency of fetal growth restriction appears to be increased. In one study, type 1 vasa previa was associated with lower mean birth weight than type 2 vasa previa (2494 versus 3037 grams), and lower placental weight [45]. The authors hypothesized that growth inhibition was due to a combination of a primary placental developmental disorder and alterations of the umbilical circulation in the velamentous cord.

The likelihood of complications prompting or necessitating emergency delivery increases substantially at 34 to 35 weeks [29]. In two series, 50 to 60 percent of pregnancies were delivered electively, and the remainder were delivered emergently primarily because of contractions or labor, bleeding, nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing, or other (eg, asymptomatic cervical shortening, preeclampsia) [29,46].

As with velamentous cord insertion, the membranous vessels are at risk of compression from descent of the fetal presenting part since they are not protected by the structure of a normal umbilical cord. Compression could lead to fetal asphyxia. However, perinatal mortality rates are low with prenatal diagnosis and appropriate management, and obviously higher among pregnancies diagnosed intrapartum or postpartum as a result of fetal complications. (See 'Screening' below.)

In monochorionic twin gestations, the perinatal mortality rate is high for both twins, even if the vasa previa is associated with only one twin, due to the presence of placental vascular anastomoses [47].

Pathology — Pathologic examination may reveal membranous vessels, but otherwise is not useful since the pathologist cannot determine the location of the placenta and cord in the uterus.

Diagnosis — Prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa is based on identification of membranous fetal vessels passing across or in close proximity (within 2 cm) to the internal cervical os by real-time transvaginal ultrasound examination with color Doppler (image 2) (see 'Imaging' above and 'Definition' above). In prospective studies in which the investigators were specifically looking for vasa previa, sonography plus color Doppler had high diagnostic sensitivity: 10/10 cases after 26 weeks [26] and 1/1 case at 18 to 20 weeks [48]; in each study, one additional case diagnosed prenatally could not be confirmed at delivery. In a systematic review including both prospective and retrospective studies, sensitivity ranged from 53 to 100 percent [49].

Magnetic resonance imaging can be used to clarify the ultrasound diagnosis if there is diagnostic uncertainty and confirmation will affect pregnancy management [31,50-52].

Several case reports have described use of three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound technology for the diagnosis of vasa previa and to determine the optimum site for hysterotomy at delivery [53-56]. Although technically feasible, use of 3D technology has not been proven superior to two-dimensional (2D) technology, as arterial and venous flow can be easily assessed with 2D technology alone. In addition, 3D technology is not universally available.

In the absence of prenatal sonographic diagnosis, a clinical diagnosis of vasa previa should be suspected in the setting of vaginal bleeding that occurs upon rupture of the membranes and is accompanied by fetal heart rate abnormalities, particularly a sinusoidal pattern or bradycardia. Confirmation that the blood is fetal via Apt test, Kleihauer-Betke test, or other tests (Ogita, Londersloot) supports the diagnosis [57]; however, there is usually no time to wait for test results before performing an emergency cesarean delivery for fetal distress.

Differential diagnosis

Funic presentation – A loop of umbilical cord lying over the cervical os can be mistaken for vasa previa. In contrast to vasa previa, the umbilical vessels in funic presentation are surrounded by Wharton's jelly and can float away from the cervical os if the uterus is shaken or the patient is placed in knee-chest or Trendelenburg position. We suggest using the abdominal hand to push the presenting part cephalad in an attempt to better visualize the area of the internal os when the presenting part is engaged. This will help distinguish between a vasa previa and a funic presentation. (See "Umbilical cord prolapse", section on 'Pregnancies with funic (cord) presentation'.)

Cervico-uterine vessels – In vasa previa, pulsed Doppler will demonstrate a rate consistent with the fetal heart rate and thus distinguish blood flowing in fetal vessels from maternal blood flowing in cervical arteries or a marginal utero-placental vascular sinus.

Cervical varicosities are seen frequently in pregnancy complicated by placenta previa (9 of 51 cases in one series) [58-61]. Like vasa previa, cervical varices can appear as sonolucent tubules in the area of the internal os with blood flow on Doppler imaging. However, the tubules do not pass across the os, are tortuous, and may be part of a venous plexus.

Amniotic band or chorioamniotic separation – An amniotic band or chorioamniotic separation may create the appearance of a sonolucent structure crossing the cervical os; however, color Doppler will not demonstrate blood flow, thereby excluding the diagnosis of vasa previa.


Utility – Although evaluation of placental appearance and location, including the site of cord insertion, is a standard part of the 18 to 22 week obstetric ultrasound examination, specifically screening for vasa previa is not routinely performed [62,63]. For pregnancies with risk factors for or suspected vasa previa at any examination, performing transvaginal ultrasonography and color and pulsed wave Doppler to confirm the diagnosis is a common approach. In addition, pregnancies with placenta previa or a low-lying placenta at the midtrimester examination may have resolution later in pregnancy but remain at risk for vasa previa. The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine recommends a follow-up transvaginal ultrasound at 32 weeks of gestation for pregnancies with placenta previa or a low-lying placenta, and evaluation for vasa previa even if normal placentation [62].

The benefit of prenatal diagnosis and management was suggested by a meta-analysis comparing pregnancy outcomes with versus without prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa (21 studies, 683 pregnancies with vasa previa) [64]. In this analysis, prenatal diagnosis (presumably followed by appropriate management) was significantly associated with more favorable outcomes:

Pooled perinatal survival: 98.6 versus 72.1 percent

Intact perinatal survival: 96.7 versus 28.1 percent

Despite improvement in outcomes with prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa, unplanned delivery prior to the scheduled delivery date is common, occurring in 46 of 122 patients (38 percent) in one review [65]. Although overall neonatal mortality for prenatally diagnosed vasa previa was <1 percent, unplanned delivery was associated with a high rate of neonatal complications, most likely secondary to delivery at an earlier gestational age.

Technique [32]

If there is a single placental mass, identify the cord insertion site to determine whether the cord enters the placenta directly. Identification of a velamentous cord inserting into the placenta in the lower uterine segment is a significant risk factor for vasa previa.

If there is a succenturiate or bilobed placenta, search for connecting vessels between the two lobes.

If the insertion site cannot be identified or there is a succenturiate or bilobed placenta or velamentous insertion, perform transvaginal ultrasound of the lower uterine segment to identify vessels, which may appear as circular or linear hypoechoic structures. Adding color Doppler and pulsed wave Doppler is also helpful to ascertain both the presence, course, and type of vessels. If vessels are present, determine the distance between them and the internal os. Care must be taken to include a lateral sweep of the internal os, as blood vessels located laterally may not visible in the midline.

Management — There are no high-quality data on which to base recommendations for optimal timing of antenatal corticosteroid administration, antenatal fetal monitoring, hospitalization, and scheduled delivery. Our recommendations, and those of others, are based on data from retrospective case series.

Antepartum — There is no consensus on optimal surveillance, including the need for antepartum hospitalization, timing of corticosteroid administration, frequency and type of fetal monitoring, and the value of cervical length measurements. If vasa previa is noted on ultrasound in the third trimester:

Antenatal corticosteroids – We suggest administration of a course of betamethasone between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation.

Ambulatory versus inpatient monitoring – We suggest hospital admission for close fetal surveillance (eg, nonstress testing [NST] at least daily) between 30 and 34 weeks of gestation, especially in patients with risk factors for preterm birth or any vaginal bleeding. Ambulatory monitoring is also a reasonable option in a select group of women, particularly in women with a long closed cervix, no contractions or vaginal bleeding, no history of spontaneous preterm birth, and who live within 15 minutes of the hospital [66-68]. In a small study, the rates of neonatal complications and neonatal anemia in patients were similar in the inpatient and outpatient groups (neonatal complications 64.6 versus 52.7 percent; neonatal anemia requiring transfusion 2.7 versus 5.8 percent) [69]. Fetal monitoring was performed two times a day and fetal biophysical profile was performed twice a week. Women with preterm contractions or bleeding were either monitored more closely or transferred to the labor unit for cesarean delivery, depending on the severity of findings.

Since cervical shortening may be predictive of the onset of labor, as well as the risk of emergency delivery in women with a vasa previa [70], some authors have suggested using cervical length measurements to help with individualized decision making regarding safety of outpatient management and timing of delivery; however, this approach has not been validated [70-72].

There are no data addressing frequency of antenatal testing in an outpatient setting. While the authors do not recommend outpatient management, if the patient is committed to this approach and meets the criteria noted above, we suggest twice weekly NSTs, though this approach is unlikely to prevent morbidity and mortality resulting from acute cord accidents.

Investigational interventions – Case reports have described use of fetoscopic laser ablation for treatment of type 2 vasa previa with variable outcomes [73,74]. While preliminary results are promising [75], this procedure should be considered investigational.

Delivery timing — Expectant management is reasonable prior to 34 weeks as long as there are no worse than mild, intermittent variable decelerations on otherwise reassuring nonstress testing. However, if the variable decelerations are persistent, the NST is nonreassuring, or vaginal bleeding or contractions develop, then cesarean delivery may be indicated. The goal is to deliver the fetus before rupture of membranes or onset of labor while minimizing the sequelae accruing from iatrogenic prematurity. (See 'Emergency cesarean' below.)

Emergency cesarean — We deliver the fetus by emergency cesarean delivery if any of the following occur:


Prelabor rupture of membranes.

Nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing.

Vaginal bleeding accompanied by fetal tachycardia, a sinusoidal heart rate pattern, or evidence of pure fetal blood by Apt test or Kleihauer-Betke test.

Type O negative blood should be available for emergency transfusion of a severely anemic newborn, when clinically indicated.

Ideally, the hysterotomy should avoid aberrant blood vessels. If a fetal vessel is lacerated inadvertently during delivery, the cord should be clamped immediately to prevent fetal/neonatal blood loss [62].

Scheduled cesarean — We agree with the authors of a decision analysis [76] who recommended delivery at 34 to 35 weeks of gestation [76]. Delivery at this gestational age achieved balance between the risk of perinatal death and the risks of mortality and morbidity related to prematurity. ACOG and SMFM concluded planned cesarean delivery because of vasa previa is reasonable at 34+0 to 37+0 weeks of gestation [62,77]. The Obstetrix Collaborative Research Network recommended planned delivery at 33 to 34 weeks of gestation [71].

There is no clear evidence to recommend a different approach in twin pregnancies with vasa previa. Earlier scheduled delivery at 32+0 or 33+0 weeks is reasonable if imminent delivery seems likely because of a short cervix or threatened preterm labor. In two series, the median gestational age at delivery for twin pregnancies with vasa previa was 32 to 33 weeks of gestation [29,46].


Velamentous umbilical cord

The prenatal diagnosis of velamentous cord insertion is based upon the presence of characteristic sonographic findings (splayed, membranous umbilical vessels with no Wharton's jelly) at the placental umbilical cord insertion site. A definitive diagnosis of velamentous cord insertion is made by pathologic examination of the placenta, cord, and membranes after delivery. (See 'Ultrasound and gross examination' above and 'Diagnosis' above.)

The vessels in a velamentous umbilical cord are at increased risk of compression compared with a normal cord. We suggest serial assessment of fetal growth every four to six weeks. If growth restriction and/or oligohydramnios is present, manage as per routine for these disorders. (See 'Management' above.)

There is no evidence that induction of labor or scheduled cesarean delivery improves the outcome of pregnancies complicated by velamentous cord insertion without vasa previa. However, we suggest delivery for pregnancies that reach 40 weeks of gestation since there is minimal neonatal morbidity at this gestational age and decreasing amniotic fluid volume in the late term period may place the membranous vessels at increased risk of compression. (See 'Management' above.)

We continuously monitor the fetal heart rate during labor and exercise caution when exerting traction on the umbilical cord after birth. (See 'Management' above.)

Vasa previa

The prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa is based upon characteristic sonographic findings (membranous vessels that cross or are in close proximity [within 2 cm] to the internal cervical os). In the absence of prenatal sonographic diagnosis, a clinical diagnosis of vasa previa should be suspected in the setting of vaginal bleeding that occurs upon rupture of the membranes and is accompanied by fetal heart rate abnormalities, particularly a sinusoidal pattern or bradycardia. Fetal exsanguination can occur within minutes. (See 'Imaging' above and 'Clinical course' above and 'Diagnosis' above.)

Risk factors for vasa previa include velamentous cord insertion, umbilical cord insertion in the lower part of the uterus at first-trimester ultrasound, placenta previa or low-lying placenta on second-trimester ultrasound scan, succenturiate placental lobe or bilobed placenta, in vitro fertilization, and multiple gestation. The placental location and the relationship between the placenta and internal cervical os should be evaluated carefully using transvaginal sonography and Color Doppler in these patients. (See 'Risk factors' above.)

Women with placenta previa (even if resolved) or a low lying placenta on midtrimester ultrasound examination should undergo transvaginal ultrasound with color and pulsed wave Doppler at 32 weeks of gestation to screen for vasa previa. (See 'Screening' above.)

The frequency and severity of cord compression may be higher for vasa previa than velamentous umbilical cord (without vasa previa); therefore, we monitor pregnancies with vasa previa more closely. We suggest administration of a course of betamethasone at 28 to 32 weeks, weekly nonstress testing (NST) beginning at 32 weeks in outpatients, with hospitalization at 30 to 34 weeks of gestation for close fetal monitoring to detect early evidence of cord compression. If the variable decelerations are persistent, the NST is nonreassuring, or vaginal bleeding or contractions develop, then prompt cesarean delivery may be indicated. The goal is to deliver the fetus before rupture of membranes or onset of labor while minimizing the sequelae accruing from iatrogenic prematurity. (See 'Antepartum' above.)

For pregnancies with uncomplicated vasa previa, we suggest scheduled delivery at 34 to 35 weeks of gestation (Grade 2C). (See 'Delivery timing' above.)


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Topic 6807 Version 46.0


1 : Prenatal detection of velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord: a prospective color Doppler ultrasound study.

2 : Velamentous cord insertion and unequal placental territories in monochorionic twins with and without twin-to-twin-transfusion syndrome.

3 : Placental cord insertion and birthweight discordance in twin pregnancies: results of the national prospective ESPRiT Study.

4 : Placenta and umbilical cord abnormalities seen with stillbirth.

5 : Velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord.

6 : Ultrasound diagnosis and management of umbilical cord abnormalities.

7 : Placental implantation abnormalities and risk of preterm delivery: a systematic review and metaanalysis.

8 : Antenatal Diagnosis of Marginal and Velamentous Placental Cord Insertion and Pregnancy Outcomes.

9 : [Hemorrhage of the velamentous insertion before rupture of the membranes].

10 : Vascular pathogenesis of transverse limb reduction defects.

11 : Chorionic vessel thrombosis: a possible etiology of neonatal purpura.

12 : Velamentous cord insertion: is it associated with adverse perinatal outcomes?

13 : Prevalence, risk factors and outcomes of velamentous and marginal cord insertions: a population-based study of 634,741 pregnancies.

14 : Perinatal Outcomes Associated With Isolated Velamentous Cord Insertion in Singleton and Twin Pregnancies.

15 : A systematic review and meta-analysis of velamentous cord insertion among singleton pregnancies and the risk of preterm delivery.

16 : Third stage of labor risks in velamentous and marginal cord insertion: a population-based study.

17 : Placental characteristics of selective birth weight discordance in diamniotic-monochorionic twin gestations.

18 : Significance of placental cord insertion site in twin pregnancy.

19 : Does site of cord insertion increase risk of adverse outcome, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and discordant growth in monochorionic twin pregnancy?

20 : Discordance of cord insertions as a predictor of discordant fetal growth in monochorionic twins.

21 : Velamentous insertion of the cord in the first trimester.

22 : AIUM-ACR-ACOG-SMFM-SRU Practice Parameter for the Performance of Standard Diagnostic Obstetric Ultrasound Examinations.

23 : Clinical significance and sonographic diagnosis of velamentous umbilical cord insertion.

24 : First trimester ultrasound prediction of velamentous cord insertions: a prospective study.

25 : Cord insertion into the lower third of the uterus in the first trimester is associated with placental and umbilical cord abnormalities.

26 : Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of vasa previa: ultrasound findings and obstetric outcome in ten cases.

27 : Type-3 vasa previa: normal umbilical cord insertion cannot exclude vasa previa in cases with abnormal placental location.

28 : Vasa previa: prenatal diagnosis, natural evolution, and clinical outcome.

29 : Vasa previa: clinical presentations, outcomes, and implications for management.

30 : Natural history of vasa previa across gestation using a screening protocol.

31 : Placenta previa, placenta accreta, and vasa previa.

32 : How to screen for vasa previa.

33 : Association of vasa previa at delivery with a history of second-trimester placenta previa

34 : Prevention of stillbirth: impact of two-stage screening for vasa previa.

35 : Second trimester low-lying placenta and in-vitro fertilization? Exclude vasa previa.

36 : In vitro fertilization is a risk factor for vasa previa.

37 : Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of vasa praevia and analysis of risk factors.

38 : Vasa praevia after IVF: should there be guidelines? Report of two cases and literature review.

39 : Analysis of the ultrasonographic findings predictive of vasa previa.

40 : Prenatal diagnosis and management of vasa previa in twin pregnancies: a case series and systematic review.

41 : Incidence of and risk indicators for vasa praevia: a systematic review.

42 : Vasa previa diagnosis and management.

43 : Vasa previa: a multicenter retrospective cohort study.

44 : Frequency of spontaneous resolution of vasa previa with advancing gestational age.

45 : Evaluation of the impact of vasa previa on feto-placental hormonal synthesis and fetal growth.

46 : Prenatally Diagnosed Vasa Previa: A Single-Institution Series of 96 Cases.

47 : Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern with vasa previa in twin pregnancy.

48 : Antenatal diagnosis of velamentous umbilical cord insertion and vasa previa with color Doppler imaging.

49 : Systematic review of accuracy of ultrasound in the diagnosis of vasa previa.

50 : Imaging of the placenta with pathologic correlation.

51 : Clinical significances of magnetic resonance imaging in prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa in a woman with bilobed placentas.

52 : MRI in pregnancy: the diagnosis of vasa previa by magnetic resonance imaging.

53 : Two cases of vasa previa diagnosed prenatally using three-dimensional ultrasonography.

54 : Prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa through color Doppler and three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasonography. A case report.

55 : Vasa previa: prenatal diagnosis and evaluation with 3-dimensional sonography and power angiography.

56 : Three-dimensional sonographic diagnosis of vasa previa.

57 : Evaluation of chemical tests for fetal bleeding from vasa previa.

58 : Cervical varix with placenta previa totalis.

59 : Cervical varix as a cause of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy: prenatal diagnosis by color Doppler ultrasonography.

60 : Cervical varices: an unusual etiology for third-trimester bleeding.

61 : Cervical varicosities and placenta praevia.

62 : #37: Diagnosis and management of vasa previa.

63 : Abnormal Placentation: Placenta Previa, Vasa Previa, and Placenta Accreta.

64 : Perinatal outcome of pregnancies with prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa: systematic review and meta-analysis.

65 : Prenatally diagnosed vasa previa: association with adverse obstetrical and neonatal outcomes.

66 : Prediction of risk for vasa previa at 9-13 weeks' gestation.

67 : Vasa Previa Diagnosis, Clinical Practice, and Outcomes in Australia.

68 : Management of vasa previa during pregnancy.

69 : Prenatal Diagnosis of Vasa Previa: Outpatient versus Inpatient Management.

70 : The Rate of Cervical Length Shortening in the Management of Vasa Previa.

71 : Vasa previa: diagnosis and management.

72 : Using ultrasound in the clinical management of placental implantation abnormalities.

73 : In utero laser treatment of type II vasa previa.

74 : Term vaginal delivery following fetoscopic laser photocoagulation of type II vasa previa.

75 : Fetoscopic Laser Ablation Therapy for Type II Vasa Previa.

76 : Effectiveness of timing strategies for delivery of individuals with vasa previa.

77 : Medically Indicated Late-Preterm and Early-Term Deliveries: ACOG Committee Opinion, Number 831.