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The placental pathology report

The placental pathology report
Drucilla J Roberts, MD
Section Editor:
Amy McKenney, MD
Deputy Editor:
Vanessa A Barss, MD, FACOG
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jan 27, 2022.

INTRODUCTION — A placental examination permits the clinician to study the intrauterine environment of the fetus and some of the fetal responses to disease. Its examination is an essential component of the autopsy in cases of fetal or neonatal death, provides insights about the pathogenesis of adverse fetal and neonatal outcomes, and often gives useful information for diagnosis and treatment of sick newborns.

Providing a clear and succinct report is essential for the clinician. The author strongly suggests that the placental pathology report be included in both the infant's and the mother's medical charts. Having a routine standard gross and histologic evaluation and report is extremely helpful for all clinicians involved in counseling the family and improving neonatal care [1-3]. An important secondary gain related to well-performed and reported placental examination is the avoidance of litigation [4].

This topic will provide a brief synopsis of the clinical significance of selected placental histopathologic findings that are reported by placental pathologists. A detailed discussion of placental histopathology is beyond the scope of this review. The normal anatomy and gross examination of the placenta are discussed separately. (See "Gross examination of the placenta".)

INDICATIONS FOR PLACENTAL PATHOLOGY EXAMINATION — Placental pathology offers insight into both acute and chronic events. We believe that all placentas should have a minimal examination including color, length of umbilical cord, number of cord vessels, and weight of the trimmed placental disk. Complete gross and histopathologic examination of the placenta should be obtained when clinically indicated. At a minimum, the author believes the following clinical scenarios require a full pathologic examination of the placenta:

Stillbirth (current or history of previous stillbirth).

Neonatal resuscitation or neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission.

Preterm or postterm delivery.

Multiple gestation.

Any Apgar score <7.

Obstetric complications/disorders (eg, chorioamnionitis, preterm birth, preeclampsia, cholestasis, fetal intolerance of labor, antepartum or postpartum hemorrhage, thick meconium, severe oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios).

Abnormal gross examination of the placenta (eg, abnormal color, masses, long or short umbilical cord, abnormal membranes).

Fetal/neonatal anomalies or hydrops.

Small for gestational age/large for gestational age.

Relevant maternal diseases/disorders (eg, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, tobacco/alcohol/illegal drug use, thyroid disease, malignant neoplasm, fever/infection, uterine anomalies or scars).


Overview — The placental pathology report describes the gross and microscopic placental findings to clinicians involved in maternal and infant care. Placental pathology should be reported as a usual surgical pathology specimen; therefore, reports should be available within several days. These reports serve three broad functions: (1) providing information that helps to explain complications that occurred during the pregnancy, (2) providing information that should prompt immediate intervention (eg, previously unrecognized infection), and/or (3) providing information that is predictive of future maternal or offspring problems.

The language of the report should be direct and noninflammatory. Interpretation should be data-driven and not anecdotal; however, some expert opinion in a comment or a phone call, which is documented in a note, may be useful to help pull seemingly disparate findings together. Over-interpretation should be avoided.

Any findings with immediate clinical import should be brought promptly to the attention of the appropriate obstetric provider, and/or pediatric provider when appropriate. The rare diagnoses that require clinical intervention should be phoned to the clinician as a critical value, and include such diagnoses as malignant neoplasms, specific infections, and inborn errors of metabolism.

Other important findings provide an estimate of risk for the neonatal and pediatric outcome, especially neurologic abnormalities, and include features associated with severe hypertensive disease (placental malperfusion), diffuse chorioamniotic hemosiderosis, fetal thrombotic vasculopathy, fetal inflammatory response, meconium myonecrosis, diffuse villitis of unknown etiology (VUE), and massive perivillous fibrin deposition (maternal floor infarction).

Gross description and final diagnosis — The placental pathology report should include a complete gross description and a final histopathologic diagnosis. In the author's opinion, the first sentence of the gross description should include two basic findings, the maturity of the placenta (immature or mature) and the placental weight (weight in grams and percentile for gestational age), followed by the diagnoses. (See 'Placental maturity and weight' below.)

Microscopic descriptions are variably included, but pertinent microscopic findings should be provided with the final diagnosis. Many histopathologic diagnoses are descriptors of unclear clinical significance, but pathologic nonetheless. Clinically important findings should be included with the descriptors. The clinician reading the pathology report should review the diagnoses and call the pathologist to clarify, if needed.

The following is an example of the diagnostic section of a placental pathology report:


Immature placenta (215 g, approximately 10th percentile for reported gestational age of 28 weeks).

Long hyper-coiled umbilical cord (cord length 75 cm; normally expect approximately 45 cm at 28 weeks).

Fetal vascular malperfusion (multiple large regions of avascular villi).

VUE, low grade.

Small placental infarct, usual type.

Comment: "The long hyper-coiled umbilical cord is the likely source of the fetal vascular malperfusion, as long umbilical cords are associated with slow flow, heart failure, and cord occlusive events."


Placental maturity and weight

Maturity — Placental villi mature across gestation; full maturity is normally attained by mid-third trimester. The maturational level of the placenta correlates with the functionality of the placenta: villous maturation should be appropriate for gestational age.

Maturity is defined by histologic features in the terminal villi. As the placenta grows, the villi branch and bud off from the initial stem villi to secondary, tertiary, and terminal villi. Each successive branch/bud results in smaller villi, with the fetal vessels occupying more of the space in the stroma. The trophoblast thins, forms knots, and comes closely in apposition to the villous capillaries to make a vasculosyncytial membrane (picture 1). This maturation process facilitates oxygen and nutrient transport to meet the demand of the near-term fetus.

An immature placenta will have immature villi without the vasculosyncytial membrane or numerous trophoblastic knots; this is a normal finding up to approximately the 32nd week of gestation. After approximately 32 weeks, the placental villi should have a predominance of small terminal villi with abundant knots and vasculosyncytial membranes. Identification of mature villi in a preterm gestation (ie, before 32 weeks) suggests placental ischemia. Identification of immature villi late in gestation (ie, at term) suggests the placenta was less efficient in gas and nutrient exchange, and may be a sign of maternal anemia or diabetes mellitus [5].

Delayed villous maturation (also referred to as villous maturational arrest and distal villous immaturity) refers to a term placenta that has a paucity or absence of terminal villi, such that most of the villi are intermediate in size with increased numbers of centrally located capillaries and an absence or paucity of vasculosyncytial membranes (picture 2) [6]. This is an important diagnosis due to its association with maternal diabetes and fetal mortality [7,8], even though the diagnosis can be quite subjective [9]. There also may be an increased prevalence in pregnancies complicated by maternal opioid dependence [10]. The link to fetal demise is possibly because the absence of vasculosyncytial membranes increases the distance (ie, decreases the efficiency) of oxygen/nutrient transfer to the fetus, resulting in decreased placental capacity to meet fetal demands [7].

A contrasting important maturational pathology is hypermaturation, called distal villous hypoplasia, where the villi are inappropriately mature (small or elongated with increased intervillous space), and the intermediate villi are fewer. (See 'Parenchymal infarcts, syncytial knotting, and other lesions associated with maternal vascular malperfusion' below.)

Weight — The placental weight is a key part of the placental examination. It is a marker for placental development and capacity (reserve). Small placentas by weight are associated with less reserve/less capacity to support fetal needs. Standards for placental weights at different gestational ages are available and should be reported with the actual weight (table 1). The placenta must be weighed appropriately, trimmed of cord and membranes, for the percentiles and ratio to be reliable. (See "Gross examination of the placenta".)

The weight of the placenta should normally correspond to the weight of the fetus. A normal fetal/placental weight ratio at term is between 6 and 7; a ratio less than 6 is very unusual and suggests placental hydrops, and a ratio of ≥8 suggests placental insufficiency.

Fragmented placenta — If manual extraction of a retained placenta is performed, the placenta may be disrupted and the fragments sent to pathology. In these cases, it is difficult for the pathologist to determine whether there may be additional retained placenta based only on the weight and appearance of the placental fragments.

Umbilical cord — The umbilical cord is the lifeline of the fetus so any umbilical cord lesion that may interfere with blood flow (eg, cord hyper-coiling, knots, hemorrhage, tumors, thrombi) is clinically important. The umbilical cord also reflects the in utero environment (eg, meconium, infection, stress) and the fetal response to its environment (eg, vasculitis). However, some findings have no clinical significance, such as congenital remnants.

Umbilical cord gross and histopathologic findings are also reviewed in the following topics:

(See "Gross examination of the placenta", section on 'Umbilical cord'.)

(See "Umbilical cord abnormalities: Prenatal diagnosis and management".)

(See "Velamentous umbilical cord insertion and vasa previa".)

(See "Care of the umbilicus and management of umbilical disorders".)

(See "Umbilical cord abnormalities: Prenatal diagnosis and management".)

Cord coiling — The normal umbilical cord coils a full 360 degrees over approximately every 5 cm of length, resulting in a cord coiling index (coils per centimeter) of approximately 0.2; the cord typically coils to the left.

Although the etiology of cord coiling is not completely understood, abnormal cord coiling is associated with antenatal complications. Flat umbilical cords have been associated with decreased fetal activity due to any etiology and thus have an association with neuromuscular abnormalities [11-13]. Hyper-coiled cords have been associated with sudden fetal death due to cord constrictions/flow obstruction. Four coiling patterns have been described: undulating, rope, segmented, and linked; the linked pattern is most associated with fetal morbidity (figure 1) [11]. Hypo- and hyper-coiled cords should be listed as a part of the diagnosis in the placental pathology report since they can be associated with adverse fetal outcomes.

Insertional anomalies — Marginal or membranous insertions of the umbilical cord are associated with an increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes (eg, fetal growth restriction, fetal death) and should be reported in the placental pathology report. (See "Velamentous umbilical cord insertion and vasa previa".)

Inflammation — Umbilical cord inflammation has many names, including funisitis and vasculitis. Inflammatory cells migrating through the fetal cord vessels (picture 3) or chorionic plate vessels are evidence of a fetal response and are diagnostic of systemic fetal inflammatory response syndrome [14]. Typically, the fetal inflammatory response starts by inflammatory cell migration to the periphery of the lumen of chorionic plate vessels, then transgressing through the endothelium, vascular muscular wall, and then into the mesoderm surrounding the vessel (chorionic plate mesoderm in the chorionic plate). With time, the umbilical vein becomes involved (umbilical cord phlebitis), Wharton's jelly in the umbilical cord, and finally the umbilical arteries.

An inflammatory infiltrate involving only the external surface of the cord and superficial Wharton's jelly originates from the mother; the maternal inflammatory cells (primarily neutrophils) migrate from the decidua to the amniotic fluid and then to the cord.

The source (maternal or fetal) of the inflammatory response is important because there is a greater risk of neurologic compromise in offspring when the inflammatory response is fetal since fetal inflammation of the umbilical cord may be a marker for infection or possibly vascular inflammation elsewhere in the fetus [15,16]. A marked/severe fetal inflammatory response with prominent eosinophilia admixed with neutrophils in areas of fetal inflammation is particularly predictive of an adverse neonatal outcome, especially when preterm [17]. (See "Placental pathology: Findings potentially associated with neurologic impairment in children".)

Meconium staining — All fetuses after approximately 20 weeks of gestation can pass meconium. In preterm fetuses, meconium passage is considered a stress-related response. At term, and especially postterm, meconium passage may be physiologic and is not necessarily a stress response. Freshly passed meconium may coat the membranes, cord, and neonatal skin. Abundant meconium in the membranes at any gestational age is usually associated with a significant fetal insult.

A high concentration of meconium present for more than 12 hours can damage the umbilical cord by causing apoptosis of smooth muscle cells [18]. The histologic findings are an apoptotic-like degeneration of the arteries (usually) in a characteristic pattern that spares the centrally facing myocytes (picture 4). An inflammatory infiltrate is often present. The inflammation is fetal in origin, and the inflammatory cells migrate from the vessel lumen through the vessel wall into Wharton's jelly. In addition, meconium-induced vasoconstriction has been documented in vitro, which may further compromise blood flow through the umbilical cord [19].

In retrospective studies, meconium-induced umbilical cord vascular necrosis has been associated with postterm pregnancy, oligohydramnios, low cord pH, low Apgar scores, and significant neurodevelopmental delay [18,20-22]. Fetal and neonatal morbidity is thought to be due to interruption of the normal blood flow in the cord from the meconium-induced vascular damage, causing intermittent or prolonged hypoxia. There are no prospective studies to establish whether this finding should cause concern and early postdelivery intervention, but the author typically notifies the infant's pediatrician of the finding.

Solid and cystic abnormalities — The most common mass of the umbilical cord is a hematoma (picture 5 and picture 6). These are usually a sequela of cord clamping and/or traction at delivery and are of no clinical significance.

Spontaneous cord hematomas are rare and clinically significant, as they are usually associated with fetal death due to exsanguination or to compression of umbilical cord vessels by the hematoma. The cause is generally not identifiable, although, in the author's experience, vascular damage (eg, meconium myonecrosis, inflammatory damage) is almost always present.

The umbilical cord is also host to rare neoplasms, including mature cystic teratomas [23-25], hemangiomas [26-28] and angiomyxomas [29,30], and non-neoplastic intestinal-type polyps (ie, polypoid intestinal masses that probably develop within the vitelline duct remnant) [31]. If large, any of these masses can cause fetal morbidity or death in utero, due to compression/obstruction of the umbilical cord vessels.

Arterial and venous thrombosis — Umbilical artery and umbilical vein thrombosis are rare, but can compromise the fetal circulation [32-35]. Venous thrombosis occurs alone in approximately 70 percent of cases, both venous and arterial thrombosis occurs in approximately 20 percent of cases, and arterial thrombosis occurs alone in 10 percent of cases [36].

Arterial thromboses in one part of the cord can result in the appearance of a single umbilical artery (two-vessel cord) in another part of the cord. As long as one patent artery remains, the outcome is not lethal, but an adverse outcome may occur if the thrombus embolizes to the placenta and results in fetal thrombotic vasculopathy, which if significant, might result in fetal growth restriction or intrapartum hypoxemia or acidosis due to decreased placental reserve.

Umbilical vein thrombosis will be fatal if complete; partial thrombi can embolize to the fetus and cause cerebral or renal infarcts, or damage to other end-organs, including amputations of digits.

Possible causes of umbilical vessel thrombosis include mechanical obstruction (eg, hyper-twisting or coiling causing kinking, knots, prolapse, amniotic bands, velamentous cord insertion, varices); fetal thrombophilia; meconium-induced vascular necrosis; severe inflammation (funisitis); and iatrogenic injury [34,37], but many cases remain unexplained.

Single umbilical artery — Single umbilical artery may be a developmental anomaly or result from remote thrombosis/occlusion. Its clinical significance is a somewhat weak association with congenital renal and cardiac anomalies. (See "Single umbilical artery".)

Congenital remnants — The proximal end of the umbilical cord (the end closest to the infant) often contains residual developmental structures, such as the allantoic (urachal) and vitelline (omphalomesenteric) ducts [38]. Allantoic duct remnants are common and have no clinical significance, except in rare cases where they are enlarged and a marker for a patent urachus. Vitelline duct and vitelline vessel remnants also have no clinical significance, except in rare cases where there is a direct connection to fetal bowel.

Nonbacterial infections — The umbilical cord is the site for some specific nonbacterial infectious organisms including candida (picture 7) [14] and toxoplasmosis [14]. Although much less common than bacterial infection, these organisms can sometimes be observed in the areas of inflammation. Candidal infection is frequently associated with neutrophilic microabscesses on the external surface of the umbilical cord. (See 'Candida' below.)

The only viral infection known to affect the umbilical cord in herpes simplex virus. In these cases, you might see a plasma cell infiltrate or cells with viral inclusions in Wharton's jelly.

Membranes — Gross and microscopic findings in the fetal membranes are critical aspects of the placental report. The membranes may show evidence of abnormal constituents of the amniotic fluid (eg, meconium, bacteria, inflammatory cells, blood), oligohydramnios, or fetal malformations (eg, gastroschisis, exstrophies, ectopia cordis).

Acute or chronic chorioamnionitis — Neutrophilic (acute) inflammation is probably one of the most common pathologic findings during placental examination and is present in as many as one-quarter of all term placentas. Contamination of amniotic fluid by vaginal/cervical flora [39] may result in a maternal inflammatory response; a fetal inflammatory response can also occur [40-42]. Acute chorioamnionitis should be diagnosed by staging and grading the maternal and fetal inflammatory response using the Amsterdam and Redline criteria or a modification of these criteria [6,15,43]. (See 'Inflammation' above and 'Villitis' below and 'Chorioamnionitis' below.)

Chronic chorioamniotic inflammation is characterized by a mononuclear cell infiltrate (ie, lymphocytes, histiocytes and plasma cells). Compared with the neutrophilic "acute" form, which is usually due to bacterial infection, immune mediated inflammation has a different, and usually noninfectious, etiology [44,45]. It is often associated with chronic villitis, specifically villitis of unknown etiology (VUE) [45] and has the same clinical associations.

Meconium staining — All fetuses after approximately 20 weeks of gestation can pass meconium. In preterm fetuses, meconium passage is considered a stress-related response. At term, and especially postterm, meconium passage may be physiologic and is not necessarily a stress response. Freshly passed meconium may coat the membranes, cord, and neonatal skin.

Meconium pigment is derived primarily from the bile pigment it contains. This pigment varies from a fluffy, light brown material to a waxy, uniform, opaque pigment (picture 8) that is present in macrophages (or loosely on the membranes). These differences in macrophage appearance are not related to the exposure history or the clinical course.

Meconium appears to be toxic since it can cause amniotic epithelial necrosis, myocyte necrosis, and, in the author's opinion, a marked fetal inflammatory infiltrate in the fetal cord vessels and/or membranes in the absence of acute chorioamnionitis [18,21,22,46,47]. (See 'Meconium staining' above.)

Infant morbidity from meconium can occur from inhalation due to gasping in utero or at birth or from umbilical vascular damage due to prolonged exposure in utero. The degree of vascular damage relates to the length of exposure: it takes at least one hour for meconium pigment to be present in the amnion; three hours for the pigment to appear in the chorion; six hours to cause amniocyte necrosis; and more than 12 hours to cause myocyte necrosis [18,20-22,46,48-52].

Hemosiderin staining — Not all brown pigment in the membranes is meconium. Blood in the amniotic fluid from chronic abruption can cause hemosiderin deposition in the amniotic macrophages. This pigment differs from meconium because of its yellow-brown and crystalline hue, obviating the necessity for special stains in most cases. The author obtains iron stains when the clinical history suggests passage of meconium or in-utero stress or in suspicious cases, such as when the brown pigment is copper-colored or birefringent, pigment deposition is excessive, or when the gestational age is less than 30 weeks.

Diffuse chorioamniotic hemosiderosis is a dramatic histologic presentation of extensive hemosiderin typically involving the chorionic plate. It is a feature of chronic abruption [53,54] and has been associated with significant perinatal morbidity [55,56].

Solid and cystic abnormalities — No true neoplasms affect the fetal membranes, although extension of rare umbilical cord neoplasms can involve the adjacent chorionic plate. Cysts on the surface of the amnion may result from localized edema, and are not usually associated with clinical disease or sequelae. Cysts of the chorionic plate or septa are usually benign, although multiple or large cysts are associated with increased fetal morbidity and mortality [57,58].

Remnants of the yolk sac are relatively common and benign. They present as one or more approximately 5 mm yellow-white, well-circumscribed calcified masses beneath the amnion.

Subamniotic hematoma is generally iatrogenic, such as from cord traction at delivery. Subchorionic hematoma results from intervillous (maternal) bleeding, usually from marginal (uterine) blood vessels, and is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and preterm birth when large or associated with hemosiderin in the membranes [53,59].

Metaplasia of the amniotic epithelium (expanded cells with foamy microvesicular changes) may occur when fetal anomalies allow fetal viscera to make contact with the amnion (eg, exstrophies, ectopia cordis, gastroschisis) [60,61]. Other metaplasias (squamous, papillary, columnar) are common and of no clinical significance, but may indicate amniotic "irritation" as in acute chorioamnionitis or meconium exposure.

White, brown, or yellow nodules on the amnion may be due to amnion nodosum [60]. Amnion nodosum is caused by abrasion of the amnion with deposition of fetal squamous cells and acellular debris on the eroded areas (picture 9) in the setting of severe and prolonged oligohydramnios, and is usually associated with anhydramnios. The chorionic plate is most affected, while the umbilical cord is rarely affected.

Parenchyma — Parenchymal lesions can result from either a fetal or maternal source since both circulations perfuse the placenta, or may be unique to the placenta itself (eg, mesenchymal dysplasia [62]). Some parenchymal findings have been associated with neurologic impairment and cerebral palsy in children. (See "Placental pathology: Findings potentially associated with neurologic impairment in children".)

Villitis — Both neutrophilic (acute) and lympho-histiocytic (chronic) villitis are inflammatory infiltrates involving the placental parenchyma. The specific diagnosis is based upon the nature and type of inflammatory infiltrate and probable cause.

Acute villitis — Neutrophilic/acute villitis is a specific gross and histologic feature of micro/macro neutrophilic abscesses in the placental parenchyma and is often accompanied by neutrophilic chorioamnionitis (picture 10). It is typically associated with a bacterial infection, almost always secondary to listerial infections, but sometimes due to streptococci [18,21,22,46] and rarely others.

Lympho-histiocytic (chronic) villitis — Chronic villitis refers to a mononuclear (primarily lymphohistiocytic) cell infiltrate within or around the villi (picture 11) [63,64]. Most cases are not caused by infection, but the specific cause of these chronic villitis cases is unknown, hence the term "villitis of unknown etiology" (or VUE). VUE should be graded according to the Amsterdam criteria [6], as it is likely only high-grade VUE that is important clinically. High-grade VUE has been associated with fetal growth restriction, fetal death, abnormal brain findings on neonatal magnetic resonance imaging, and spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy [56,65,66]. Therefore, severe diffuse VUE is an important diagnosis to report to both the obstetrician and the pediatrician. By contrast, focal or patchy VUE (picture 12) is a relatively common, usually nonspecific finding detected in approximately 5 to 10 percent of term placentas [44,67] and likely not clinically relevant in a placenta of normal weight.

One hypothesis for VUE is that it is a response of the maternal host to the fetal/placental allograft. The mononuclear cells are mostly maternal in origin (a contribution from the fetal macrophages is present as well) and are probably responding to a fetal antigen expressed by the villi [68]. In some cases, the fetus is compromised by necrosis of the villi by maternal white cells; this process is commonly manifested clinically as intrauterine growth restriction [69,70]. It is also possible that products of villous inflammation enter the fetal vasculature and have a systemic effect on fetal growth [71]. This type of villitis has been associated with infertility, untreated neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, and neonatal neurologic impairment (when associated with obliterative fetal vasculopathy) [69,72-74]. It recurs in future pregnancies in approximately one-third of cases [75]. There are no evidence-based treatments, but various treatment regimens have been tried (eg, low molecular weight heparin, low-dose aspirin, prednisone, intravenous immunoglobulin). Even with these treatments, outcomes have been poor (eg, severely growth-restricted live birth, recurrent demises). The best outcomes are with in vitro fertilization and use of a gestational carrier, which has produced good outcomes since this is an immunologic not genetic abnormality.

Infection is the definitive cause of a small (less than 5 percent) subset of cases of lympho-histiocytic villitis [76-78]. TORCH infections (ie, Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes) are the usual source. This type of villitis is associated with other abnormal pathologic or clinical findings, such as plasma cell deciduitis, stillbirth, fetal growth restriction, or hydrops. The diagnosis is made by routine hematoxylin-eosin or immunohistochemical stains for viral markers or spirochetes. When associated with TORCH infections, villitis is usually multifocal and may have some of the following histologic features:

Increased cellularity of the villi

Sclerosis of the villi due to collapse of the villous vessels

Clumping of the involved villi

Fetal normoblastemia (circulating fetal immature nucleated red blood cells)

Hemosiderin in the villi

Plasma cells in the villi

On low-power histopathology, these changes will appear as multifocal clusters of dark blue cellular avascular villi, often clumped together and surrounded by fibrin (picture 13). The inflammatory infiltrate in viral infections is typically mononuclear and typically contains histiocytes (sometimes multi-nucleate), lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The inflammatory cells are maternal in origin and may "spill out" of the villi to cause an intervillositis [68]. At higher magnification, a viral inclusion (eg, cytomegalovirus [CMV]) (picture 14), granuloma, or giant cells may be detected that help to determine a more precise etiology for the infection. Clinically, a small mature placenta with severe, diffuse, plasmacytic villitis associated with a small for gestational age neonate should prompt consideration of CMV infection primarily, and herpes simplex virus (HSV) or toxoplasmosis secondarily.

An infectious villitis in a liveborn is a critical finding to be reported urgently to the obstetrician and pediatrician. In a stillborn, it explains the loss and is therefore important to report.

Chorangiosis — Chorangiosis refers to a vast increase in the number of vascular channels in noninfarcted, nonischemic areas of the placenta [79]. When diffuse, it is uncommon and thought to be related to long-standing hypoxia. It is also seen with maternal tobacco smoking, high altitude pregnancies, multiple gestations, and maternal diabetes [5,80-82]. It has been associated with stillbirth, cord problems, and congenital anomalies [79,83-85]. Chorangiosis can be confused with placental villous congestion but, in the latter, the vessels are distended without an increase in number of vessels per villus.

Excessive fibrin deposition — Excessive fibrin deposition is a key finding in maternal floor infarction (MFI)/massive perivillous fibrin deposition (MPFD) and chronic histiocytic intervillositis (CHI). Both parenchymal disorders are associated with perinatal morbidity and mortality, and recurrence. They are probably related to, or part of, a spectrum of maternal immunologic dysfunction. However, a small amount of perivillous fibrinoid is a normal finding with advancing gestation.

Maternal floor infarction/massive perivillous fibrin deposition — The maternal floor corresponds to the anatomic region of the placental disk attached to the maternal surface of the uterine cavity. It includes the most basal villi, Nitabuch's membrane, the placental implantation site, and the decidual basalis. MFI refers to a process in which a thick band of fibrin is deposited along the maternal floor of the placenta, thereby obstructing maternal blood flow through the placenta to the fetal villi (picture 15). Thus, MFI is a misnomer, as the primary process is not infarction but abnormal interface fibrin deposition. MFI is likely in continuum with MPFD; therefore, they are usually diagnosed with the single composite diagnosis MFI/MPFD [75,86,87].

The lesion has been associated with both an elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein and recurrence in subsequent pregnancies. The fetal sequelae include intrauterine growth restriction, stillbirth, and neurologic injury [88,89] due to uteroplacental insufficiency.

The etiology of MFI/MPFD is unknown but is thought to be an extreme form of host versus graft reaction to the pregnancy [44,90-94]. Rarely, it is associated with infections, especially Coxsackie [95,96].

MFI/MPFD recurs in future pregnancies. The mother should be evaluated for a coagulopathy, particularly antiphospholipid syndrome [89,90,97], as a possible cause of MFI/MPFD, and other autoimmune disorders [75]. The author calls the obstetric provider with this diagnosis for these reasons.

Chronic histiocytic intervillositis — CHI is a critical diagnosis, and the obstetric provider should be called with this diagnosis. CHI refers to the presence of massive amounts of intervillous and perivillous fibrin associated with a marked maternal histiocyte infiltration (picture 16) usually in the absence of VUE [75]. This lesion is distinctive in the term placenta but is more commonly present in first- and second-trimester losses. It has been reported to recur in up to 80 percent of successive pregnancies, but the literature describing these cases is sparse [98-100]. CHI has been seen in some infectious pathologies as well, including malaria [101], Zika virus (in first-trimester placentas [102,103]), Dengue virus [104], and with acute inflammation in psittacosis [75,105].

CHI has also been associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection of the placenta and may be a marker for congenital infection [106]. The characteristic placental pathology associated with SARS-CoV-2 placental infection (not transmission) has been termed "SARS-CoV-2 placentitis." It consists of a triad of placental findings diffusely involving the parenchyma, including increased perivillous fibrin, histiocytic intervillositis, and villous trophoblast necrosis (picture 17) [107]. This placentitis causes marked placental damage and can result in intrauterine fetal death. Some authors have noted that just exposure (not infection of the placenta) is associated with either maternal [108] or fetal [109] vascular malperfusion.

Parenchymal infarcts, syncytial knotting, and other lesions associated with maternal vascular malperfusion — Maternal vascular pathology can reduce or completely interrupt the uteroplacental circulation, resulting in placental infarcts, placental abruption, ischemic lesions, and fetal death [110,111]. Classically, histopathologic findings associated with maternal hypertensive diseases have been attributed to malperfusion, although the damage may be more related to hypertensive injury (pressure related) than to true malperfusion or ischemia [112-114]. Chronic maternal malperfusion of fetal villi often results in a small (eg, placental weight is <10th percentile) ischemic placenta [115-118].

Chronic malperfusion ultimately results in placental infarcts (picture 18). Infarcts consist of collapsed maternal intervillous spaces and necrotic villi, usually involving the maternal floor. These findings are nonspecific and can occur with maternal hypertensive disorders (preeclampsia, chronic hypertension), uterine anomalies, maternal cardiovascular disease, and maternal hereditary and acquired thrombophilias. Peripheral infarcts on the maternal side of the placenta are common at term and, if small, usually not clinically significant. Perinatal morbidity is associated with infarcts of more than 5 percent of the placental mass or greater than 3 cm in diameter [119,120]. Infarcts are considered clinically severe (eg, associated with fetal growth restriction/stillbirth) if 20 percent or more of the placenta is affected [121] or if the placenta is small by weight. Infarcts are rare in preterm gestations and are associated with malperfusion; therefore, they are more clinically relevant.

Specific histopathologic findings that correlate with maternal vascular malperfusion (MVM) include increased syncytial knots (>1 in 3 to 5 terminal villi and/or >10 nuclei per knot), large syncytial knots, villous agglutination (microinfarcts with villi collapsing on one another, especially in the center of the parenchyma not involving the maternal floor), distal villous hypoplasia (reduced numbers of intermediate villi resulting in increased intervillous space) (picture 19), increased intervillous fibrin (filling the slide), sclerotic narrowing of arteries and arterioles, and sheets of intermediate trophoblast along the basal plate [110]; although the significance of the findings and their relationship to clinical disease are unclear [122-124].

Calcification — Calcium deposits in fibrinoid in the floor and septa are a normal finding associated with diet and placental maturity at term and postterm. Villous calcification, however, is seen in villous necrosis and with excess perivillous fibrin deposition, which may be associated with pathologic disorders such as infarction, CMV infection, thrombosis, and fetal death. A unique subtrophoblastic mineralization often seen in stillbirths is also a characteristic of fetal/neonatal Bartter syndrome, and should be noted when present in livebirths [125,126].

When seen in preterm placentas, calcification in the floor and septa has been attributed to senescence and, therefore, considered a feature of placental insufficiency (MVM).

Langhans cells and Hofbauer cells — Villous Langhans and Hofbauer cells are significant when increased in number, as this has been associated with placental immaturity and congenital Zika infection [127]. (See 'Maturity' above.)

Fetal vascular malperfusion, previously fetal thrombotic vasculopathy — The pathology associated with vascular flow abnormalities on the fetal side of the placenta are known to be significant indicators of fetal well-being and outcome [111,128] and have been well-characterized and classified [80,129]. When diagnosing fetal vascular malperfusion (FVM), the Amsterdam criteria for grading should be employed [6].

Thrombi in fetal vessels — Organized mural occlusive or nonocclusive thromboemboli are occasionally noted in the fetal vessels of the placenta, including the umbilical cord, chorionic plate, and villi. FVM (also known as fetal thrombotic vasculopathy) is nearly always present in placentas from stillbirths, but also occurs not infrequently in live births. The differential diagnosis includes: anatomic obstruction (true knots of the umbilical cord, membranous vessels), inflammatory injury to vessels (as in the "phlebitis" present in some cases of neutrophilic chorioamnionitis and the small vessels compromised in neutrophilic or lympho-histiocytic villitis), toxic causes (meconium myonecrosis, infant of insulin requiring diabetic mother), sepsis with disseminated intravascular coagulation, polycythemia, cardiac failure, and inherited fetal coagulopathy (eg, factor V Leiden) and congenital vascular stroke [37,52,130-138].

The presence of chorionic plate vascular thrombi should raise suspicions of congenital viral infections, especially in the setting of premature delivery, hydrops, stillbirth, or villitis. Both CMV and HSV placentitis have an association with chorionic plate vascular thrombi [139].

Avascular villi — The villi become necrotic if the fetus stops perfusing them, but the maternal intervillous spaces are maintained since maternal blood flow is not affected. Avascular villi are usually the result of fetal vascular damage (eg, membranous cord insertion, severe chorioamnionitis with vascular involvement, chronic villitis) or fetal thromboemboli (picture 11).

Villous stromal-vascular karyorrhexis — Villous stromal-vascular karyorrhexis (VSK), also termed hemorrhagic endovasculitis, hemorrhagic endovasculopathy, or hemorrhagic endovasculosis, refers to a particular type of FVM in which the villous vessels are often occluded and contain extravasated and fragmented red blood cells (picture 20). This lesion is thought to be due to slow flow from the fetus, as in cardiac failure or polycythemia. This finding is common among stillbirths, although, in these cases, it is difficult to conclude whether the finding proceeded, and may have contributed to, the fetal death (unless the finding is unevenly distributed).

VSK is also seen in live births, and has been associated with neurologic injury in these cases [140]. It can be associated with other thrombotic lesions, and appears to be a form of FVM and a precursor of avascular villi. It has been proposed that the terms FVM and extensive avascular villi (and/or VSK) be reserved for placentas with 15 or more affected terminal villi per section, and not include those with only scattered foci [141]. VUE with stem villitis and avascular villi (obliterative VUE) is a distinct process with substantial perinatal morbidity. (See "Placental pathology: Findings potentially associated with neurologic impairment in children", section on 'Chronic progressive placental disorders'.)

Mass lesions of the parenchyma — Parenchymal masses may be due to intervillous thrombi (IVT), chorangioma, metastatic neoplasms, as well as infarcts and abscesses.

Intervillous thrombi — IVT are laminated red blood cells and fibrin that fill the maternal space separating the villi (picture 21). Grossly, IVT appear as laminated jelly-like to firm lesions from pink/tan to dark red in color, depending on the age of the thrombus. These lesions are due to small volume fetal hemorrhage into the maternal space and are quite common and usually benign. However, they occur at higher frequency in pregnancies complicated by Rh and ABO incompatibilities [142-145] and with maternal diabetes [146]. Other signs of fetal anemia (eg, circulating immature red blood cells and hydrops) should be present in severe cases of chronic fetomaternal hemorrhage [147] but are not observed with acute hemorrhage. Three or more IVT or any IVT associated with a stillbirth warrant investigation for fetomaternal hemorrhage. (See "Spontaneous massive fetomaternal hemorrhage", section on 'Measuring the volume of FMH'.)

Chorangioma — Placental neoplasms are generally benign, such as chorangiomas (picture 22), which are either vascular neoplasms of the stem villi or hamartomas [83,148-157]. Teratomas and other much rarer lesions also may occur [158-162].

Chorangiomas (also called chorioangiomas) range from microscopic lesion(s) to large masses. Most chorioangiomas are benign incidental findings, but as size increases, there is an increasing risk of adverse outcome due to high output heart failure (cardiomegaly, polyhydramnios, increased velocity in the middle cerebral artery, fetal hydrops) from arteriovenous shunting, platelet trapping (consumptive coagulopathy), and iatrogenic preterm delivery. In a review of published cases including 161 pregnancies with chorioangiomas, adverse outcomes in pregnancies that did not undergo intervention included fetal or neonatal death (8.2 and 3.8 percent, respectively), small for gestational age (24.0 percent), preterm birth <37 weeks (34.1 percent), and composite neonatal morbidity (12.0 percent) [163]. For chorioangiomas ≥2, ≥4, ≥6, ≥8, and ≥10 cm, the frequency of fetal hydrops was approximately 15, 16, 20, 28, and 52 percent, respectively. However, as the data were derived from case reports, the findings are likely limited by ascertainment bias. Other factors could affect the relationship between size and morbidity as well, such as the size of the lesion in relation to gestational age.

Care should be taken in evaluation of the trophoblast associated with chorangiomas. The surface of a chorangioma is covered with villous trophoblast as these lesions are thought to arise in stem villi. Often the villous trophoblast is hyperplastic [80,164], suggesting the diagnosis of an intraplacental choriocarcinoma; however, this diagnosis requires malignant trophoblast and is usually accompanied by necrosis [165].

Metastatic neoplasms — Metastatic neoplasms can result from any hematogenously spread of malignant neoplasm [166-177]. Grossly, they appear as an infarct-like mass lesion on the maternal side of the placenta. In one review, 72 of 87 metastatic neoplasms involved the placenta only, 10 were metastatic just to the fetus, and 5 affected both the placenta and fetus [174]. The primary sites consisted of melanoma in 27 cases, breast cancer in 15, leukemia/lymphoma in 15, and lung cancer in 10. Fetal involvement was most common with metastatic melanoma (6 of 27), and 5 of these 6 infants died of the disease. No metastatic breast carcinomas affected the fetus. The author has seen lymphoma, intestinal, and breast cancer with their first presentation as a placental metastasis.

Fetal malignant neoplasms, such as neuroblastoma, can metastasize to the placenta, as well [177,178]. Benign (non-neoplastic) nevus cells can populate the villi, which is a dramatic microscopic finding of no clinical significance [179].

Choriocarcinoma — Choriocarcinoma has been detected on placental examination in otherwise unremarkable pregnancies [180,181]. It typically presents as small mass-like lesions grossly resembling infarcts or microscopic foci only. This is one of the reasons that the author believes that all grossly identified mass-like lesions in the placenta should be sampled for histology. Intraplacental choriocarcinomas (choriocarcinomas in situ) are often clinically silent, but often with widespread metastases, and they have been reported to metastasize to the fetus [180,182]. (See "Gestational trophoblastic disease: Pathology".)

Other rare masses — Leiomyomas and inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors are uterine masses that can be adherent to the placenta and appear grossly like a placental mass. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors are rare and apparently benign [183].

SELECTED DISORDERS OF PERINATAL AND MEDICOLEGAL IMPORTANCE — Some placental findings are of clinical importance either to the mother or fetus/infant. Many of these findings are significant enough to warrant an immediate phone call from the pathologist to the clinician.

Acute versus chronic stress/insult — The unstressed or acutely stressed gestation should have normal weight placenta for gestational age. Chronic stress often results in a small placenta (<10th percentile for gestational age) (table 1), but may produce a very heavy placenta (>99th percentile) in pregnancies complicated by maternal diabetes [5] or fetal hydrops. Placental weight should be obtained by trimming the umbilical cord and membranes off the disk. Normative standards for different populations are based on the trimmed placental disk weight. The trimmed placental weight, therefore, is a critical parameter of in-utero well-being.

Acute stress refers to stress of at least 1, but less than 24, hours duration. Placental pathologic findings include meconium pigmentation (if less than 40 weeks of gestation) and acute villous edema [184,185]. When villous edema is severe, it may impair fetal oxygen delivery, resulting in fetal hypoxia and acidosis. Although some authorities believe that the fetus can release immature red blood cells (nucleated red blood cells) in as short a time as hours [184,185].

Chronic stress refers to stress lasting days to weeks. The best indicator of chronic stress is a placental weight less than the 10th percentile; other findings include maternal or fetal vascular malperfusion (FVM) such as infarcts, amnion nodosum, erythroblastosis, hydrops placentalis, VSK, avascular villi, and villitis of unknown etiology (VUE) [65,186-188]. A heavy placenta associated with chronic stress may be due to chronic villous edema associated with syphilis, erythroblastosis fetalis, or any other cause of fetal hydrops.

Preeclampsia — The parenchymal finding most characteristically associated with preeclampsia is acute atherosis (ie, fibrinoid necrosis of the vessel wall with an accumulation of lipid-laden "foamy" macrophages and a mononuclear perivascular infiltrate) [130-135,189-194]. Vascular ectasia and thrombi may also be present. The histopathologic diagnosis is made by examination of vessels in the decidua parietalis (part of the extraplacental membranes). Other characteristic features of preeclampsia in the placenta include those of maternal vascular malperfusion (MVM) [195]:

Distal villous hypoplasia

Placental infarcts

Small placenta by weight

Acute or chronic abruption

Decidual arteriopathy, with or without acute atherosis

MVM is particularly prominent in patients with preterm preeclampsia [196]. In the author's experience, most of the pathology related to MVM and preeclampsia is present in the preterm preeclampsia with severe features. Term preeclampsia often has no pathologic features of MVM.

Intrauterine growth restriction — The placenta can show a wide variety of findings in intrauterine growth restriction since this disorder has a wide variety of etiologies (see "Fetal growth restriction: Evaluation and management"). Features that have been correlated with idiopathic growth restriction include VUE, FVM, MVM, perivillous fibrin deposition that is excessive and located away from the margin and chorionic plate, extensive stromal fibrosis, and fetoplacental vascular maldevelopment; however, all of these changes may not be present and the magnitude of change may be minor [197-199]. (See 'Parenchymal infarcts, syncytial knotting, and other lesions associated with maternal vascular malperfusion' above and 'Excessive fibrin deposition' above.)

Neurologically impaired infant — Examination of the placenta can provide information regarding the etiology of neurologically impaired infants and children [200]. (See "Placental pathology: Findings potentially associated with neurologic impairment in children".)

Recurrent preterm birth — A study of placental histology in recurrent preterm birth reported neutrophilic inflammation of the membranes, chorionic plate, and umbilical cord in 50 percent or more of pregnancies with recurrent spontaneous preterm birth [201]. Inflammation leading to thromboses in chorionic and umbilical vessels was not uncommon, possibly due to activation of the clotting cascade as a result of infection. The thrombosis began in the intima of chorionic veins and umbilical vessels, ultimately resulting in villous atrophy. Of note, this is an uncommon cause of thromboses of large placental veins, which is usually secondary to obstruction to venous return.

Other pathologies that recur and are often associated with preterm birth include maternal floor infarction/massive perivillous fibrin deposition and abruption. (See 'Maternal floor infarction/massive perivillous fibrin deposition' above and 'Placental abruption' below.)

Multiple gestation — Placental examination in multifetal gestation helps to determine zygosity, but may not be conclusive [202-204].

Placental abruption — In general, the diagnosis of acute placental abruption is made clinically. Histologic findings, such as diffuse retromembranous and/or intradecidual hemorrhages, irregular basal intervillous thrombi, and recent villous stromal hemorrhage, are not specific for the diagnosis and may rarely occur with normal placental detachment at delivery [205]. In some cases, intravillous hemorrhage (picture 23) can be identified in acute abruption due to rupture of the villous capillaries resulting in free blood in the intravillous stroma; however, intravillous hemorrhage is a nonspecific finding. An organizing retroplacental hematoma with overlying recent villous infarction is another pathologic finding in subacute to chronic abruption. Recent infarcts are characterized by preservation of villous stromal architecture, eosinophilic degeneration of the syncytiotrophoblast, and villous agglutination with scattered intervillous neutrophils. These infarcts take many hours to develop.

Several risk factors have been associated with abruption; history of a previous abruption confers the highest risk. However, most abruptions are idiopathic.

Inborn errors of metabolism — Storage material may accumulate in vacuolated placental cells in fetuses with inborn errors of metabolism [206]. The location and type of inclusion varies depending on the disease. Diagnosis at placental examination will allow for early intervention and reproductive counseling.

Chorioamnionitis — Neutrophilic inflammation of the chorion laeve and amnion (ie, acute chorioamnionitis) is the most frequent histopathologic result of ascending transcervical infection and occurs with both symptomatic and silent infections (picture 24 and picture 25 and picture 26 and picture 27) [207]. Isolated chorioamnionitis is characteristic of ascending infection while a hematogenous source displays greater inflammation of the villi (ie, villitis) and intervillous space (ie, intervillositis).

In one study of 1252 placentas from a high-risk population, histologic evidence of chorioamnionitis was found in 40 percent of patients with clinically apparent infection at delivery and in 15 percent of asymptomatic individuals [208]. Chorioamnionitis was diagnosed in 6 percent of 43,940 deliveries evaluated in the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP) [209]. The rate increased with decreasing gestational age: 15 percent at 28 to 32 weeks; 8 percent at 33 to 36 weeks; and 5 percent after 36 weeks of gestation. Similarly, another series describing the histopathology of 3928 placentas from pregnancies at 20 to 34 weeks of gestation found histologic chorioamnionitis in 31 percent [210]. The prevalence fell from 50 to 65 percent before 28 weeks to 16 percent at 34 weeks.

These studies are from high-risk pregnancies and used broad diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of chorioamnionitis. The criteria for diagnosing histologic chorioamnionitis vary among pathologists [15,211]. Some definitions involve the number of tissues affected; other definitions have thresholds for the number of neutrophils observed. In the author's opinion, preterm neutrophilic chorioamnionitis is usually due to an acute infection. However, determining the duration of amniotic fluid infection by the severity of the histopathologic findings has proved unreliable [60,184]. Chorioamnionitis at term may be due to other factors including noninfectious entities (for example, epidural anesthesia [212]), and may be mediated by cytokines [207,213-216].

Chorioamnionitis can be either neutrophilic (frequently called acute) or lympho-histiocytic (chronic); neutrophilic chorioamnionitis is more common than lymphohistiocytic chorioamnionitis. Neutrophilic chorioamnionitis is usually mediated by bacteria, while lympho-histiocytic chorioamnionitis can be due to an abnormal immune reaction, a viral or protozoal infection, or, in most cases, an unknown etiology [44,45]. "Acute" chorioamnionitis is associated with an inflammatory infiltrate typically consisting of neutrophils or a mixture of neutrophils and mononuclear cells; eosinophils also may be present. The infiltrate involves one or more of the following:

Chorionic plate

Amnion of the placental membranes

Fetal surface of the placental disk

An additional feature may include inflammatory infiltrate of the vascular portion of the umbilical cord or Wharton's jelly. There is a 70 to 90 percent correlation between the presence of leukocytes in the fetal membranes and associated placental and funic inflammation [217]. Fetal membranes also occasionally contain a large number of eosinophils; these are likely to be fetal inflammatory cells.

Inflammatory infiltrates in the maternal decidua and confined to below the chorionic epithelium can be normal. Decidua usually has an inflammatory infiltrate, typically neutrophilic or mixed neutrophilic/lymphocytic, during all stages of gestation, and labor may induce inflammatory cell migration into the chorion. By contrast, plasma cells are not normally present and should be considered pathologic. Inflammatory cells in the villi are also pathologic.

The clinical diagnosis of infection is not always confirmed by histologic or microbiologic studies. In one study of 139 pregnancies with clinical findings of presumed infection, histologic examination of the placenta did not support the clinical diagnosis in approximately one-third of cases [218]. The investigators suggested that noninflammatory events (eg, epidural anesthesia, abruption) could be responsible for maternal fever, tachycardia, uterine tenderness, or malodorous amniotic fluid. The author believes that clinically significant chorioamnionitis diagnosed histopathologically should be reserved for those cases with significant inflammation: diffuse or multifocal involvement of the membranes and/or chorionic plate with large numbers of inflammatory cells present. Minute foci of <10 neutrophils in the membranes should be ignored.

Conversely, histologic evidence of placental inflammation may not always be associated with microbiologic evidence of an infectious organism. Cultures of the amniotic fluid or membranes do not document a bacterial infection in 25 to 30 percent of placentas with histologic chorioamnionitis [212,217]. Negative cultures in the presence of histologic inflammation may be due to suboptimal microbiologic techniques for fastidious organisms such as Mycoplasma sp., administration of intrapartum antibiotics, or a noninfectious process.

Candida — Intrauterine candidal infections are rare. Unlike most ascending infections, intrauterine candidiasis often occurs without rupture of the fetal membranes. The specific maternal risk factors associated with intrauterine candidal infection include diabetes mellitus, sickle cell disease, presence of a cerclage, retained intrauterine contraceptive device, and immunocompromise.

Severe funisitis (ie, inflammation of the umbilical cord) and neutrophilic chorioamnionitis without villitis are the hallmarks of candidal infection. Grossly, the classic finding is multiple small green and/or white abscesses on the surface of the umbilical cord. Microscopically, microabscesses with hyphae are usually present only on the cord's surface, but invasion into Wharton's jelly can occur (picture 28A-B). The presence of invasive hyphae in the cord is a risk factor for hematogenous dissemination to the fetus, in whom infection is rare and often catastrophic. Fungal organisms may be observed with routine or special stains.

Fusobacterium — This gram negative anaerobe has a strong association with neutrophilic chorioamnionitis and appears to play a role in the pathogenesis of spontaneous preterm birth, but is not a cause of neonatal sepsis [219,220]. Histopathology shows a severe, typically necrotizing, infiltrate (picture 29). Long filamentous fusiform bacilli can be readily identified with standard hematoxylin-eosin or bacterial stains.

Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum — The most common organisms identified in acute chorioamnionitis are mycoplasmas (Ureaplasma urealysticum [221] and Mycoplasma hominis [222]). They often present with a high stage and grade maternal and fetal inflammatory response.

Streptococcal infections — There are no specific placental histopathologic features of group B streptococcus (GBS) infection. Funisitis accompanies up to one-third of cases with neutrophilic chorioamnionitis. However, histopathology often does not show chorioamnionitis, despite well-documented cases of neonatal infection [223]. This may be due to the virulence of even short-term fetal exposure to GBS.

Group A streptococcus (GAS) can cause fulminant maternal infection and death [224]. GAS appears to invade the myometrium as a result of bacteremia associated with nongenital tract infection (eg, upper respiratory tract). The predominant histopathologic feature is neutrophilic purulent myometritis.


All placentas should undergo a basic examination including color, length of umbilical cord, number of cord vessels and weight of the trimmed placental disk. Complete gross and histopathologic examination of the placenta should be obtained when clinically indicated by adverse maternal, fetal, or neonatal outcome. (See 'Indications for placental pathology examination' above.)

Placental pathology provides information that (1) helps to explain complications that occurred during the pregnancy, (2) should prompt immediate intervention (eg, previously unrecognized infection), and/or (3) is predictive of future maternal or offspring problems. (See 'The placental pathology report' above.)

The weight and maturational level of the placenta correlate with the functionality of the placenta. Standards for placental weights at different gestational ages are available. Villous maturation should also be appropriate for gestational age. Identification of mature villi in a preterm gestation (ie, before 32 weeks) suggests placental ischemia. Identification of immature villi late in gestation (ie, at term) suggests the placenta was less efficient in gas and nutrient exchange. (See 'Maturity' above and 'Weight' above.)

Standardized reporting is helpful for the clinician and should be followed [6].

Common specific diagnoses and their clinical associations include:

Funisitis involving only the external surface of the cord and Wharton's jelly is most likely of maternal origin. Inflammatory cells seen migrating out through the fetal vessels in the cord are evidence of a fetal response and are diagnostic of systemic fetal inflammatory response syndrome. (See 'Inflammation' above.)

Acute/neutrophilic chorioamnionitis is usually bacteria-mediated and is the most common pathologic finding in placental examination. Chronic/mononuclear chorioamnionitis is characterized by a mononuclear cell infiltrate (ie, lymphocytes, histiocytes, and plasma cells) and often has a noninfectious etiology. (See 'Acute or chronic chorioamnionitis' above.)

Meconium may induce umbilical cord vascular necrosis, amniotic epithelial necrosis, myocyte necrosis, and a fetal inflammatory response. (See 'Meconium staining' above.)

Neutrophilic and lympho-histiocytic ("acute" and "chronic") villitis are inflammatory infiltrates involving the placental parenchyma, but are due to different etiologies. The specific diagnosis is based upon the nature and type of inflammatory infiltrate. Villitis of unknown etiology is the most common chronic villitis and has a small recurrence risk. Villitis, when diffuse or present in a small placenta, is a cause of fetal growth restriction and death. Focal chronic villitis is common and of no clinical significance. (See 'Villitis' above.)

Peripheral infarcts usually on the maternal side of the placenta at the margin are common at term and usually not clinically significant. Perinatal morbidity is associated with infarcts of more than 5 percent of the placental mass or greater than 3 cm in diameter. Preterm placentas with infarcts are very rare and usually these placentas have other features of maternal vascular malperfusion. Infarcts are considered clinically severe (eg, associated with intrauterine growth restriction/stillbirths) if 20 percent or more of the placenta is affected. (See 'Parenchymal infarcts, syncytial knotting, and other lesions associated with maternal vascular malperfusion' above.)

Investigation for fetomaternal hemorrhage is suggested if three or more intervillous thrombi (IVT) are present or if an IVT is associated with a stillbirth. (See 'Intervillous thrombi' above.)

Severe diffuse villous edema is a marker of acute fetal stress and is associated with fetal hypoxia. (See 'Acute versus chronic stress/insult' above.)


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Topic 2282 Version 47.0


1 : Practice guideline for examination of the placenta: developed by the Placental Pathology Practice Guideline Development Task Force of the College of American Pathologists.

2 : ASCP survey on placental examination. American Society of Clinical Pathologists.

3 : Conformity to guidelines for pathologic examination of the placenta.

4 : Perinatal pathology, the placenta, and litigation.

5 : A systematic review of placental pathology in maternal diabetes mellitus.

6 : Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions: Amsterdam Placental Workshop Group Consensus Statement.

7 : Clinical associations with a placental diagnosis of delayed villous maturation: a retrospective study.

8 : Sequential changes in antiangiogenic factors in early pregnancy and risk of developing preeclampsia.

9 : "Delayed Villous Maturation" in Placental Reporting: Concordance among Consultant Pediatric Pathologists at a Single Specialist Center.

10 : Delayed villous maturation in term placentas exposed to opioid maintenance therapy: a retrospective cohort study.

11 : Gross patterns of umbilical cord coiling: correlations with placental histology and stillbirth.

12 : Umbilical cord coiling: clinical outcomes in an unselected population and systematic review.

13 : Umbilical cord coiling index and perinatal outcome.

14 : Candida funisitis: A clinicopathologic study of 32 cases.

15 : Amniotic infection syndrome: nosology and reproducibility of placental reaction patterns.

16 : Placental pathology and cerebral palsy.

17 : Microbiologic and histologic characteristics of the extremely preterm infant's placenta predict white matter damage and later cerebral palsy. the ELGAN study.

18 : Meconium-induced umbilical cord vascular necrosis and ulceration: a potential link between the placenta and poor pregnancy outcome.

19 : Meconium-induced vasocontraction: a potential cause of cerebral and other fetal hypoperfusion and of poor pregnancy outcome.

20 : The placenta and its significance in neonatal outcome.

21 : Can meconium in the amniotic fluid injure the fetal brain?

22 : Dating the time interval from meconium passage to birth.

23 : Teratoma of the umbilical cord. Case report with review of the literature.

24 : Umbilical cord teratoma.

25 : Teratoma of the umbilical cord.

26 : Umbilical cord hemangioma. Prenatal identification and review of the literature.

27 : Hemangioma of the umbilical cord: stenotic change of the umbilical vessels.

28 : Hemangioma of the umbilical cord.

29 : Angiomyxoma of umbilical cord.

30 : Angiomyxoma of the umbilical cord with massive cystic degeneration of Wharton's jelly.

31 : An intestinal polyp of the umbilical cord.

32 : Spontaneous intrauterine umbilical artery thrombosis leading to severe fetal growth restriction.

33 : [Umbilical artery thrombosis. A report of a case and review of the literature].

34 : Umbilical arterial thrombosis with vascular wall necrosis: clinicopathologic findings of 11 cases.

35 : [Prenatal diagnosis of spontaneous thrombosis of the umbilical artery during the third trimester of pregnancy. Two cases with surviving infants].

36 : Thrombosis of the umbilical cord: analysis of 52 cases and literature review.

37 : Placental pathology in fetal thrombophilia.

38 : Embryonic remnants of the umbilical cord: morphologic and clinical aspects.

39 : Embryonic remnants of the umbilical cord: morphologic and clinical aspects.

40 : Chorioamnionitis and intraamniotic infection.

41 : Chorioamnionitis: its association with pregnancy outcome and microbial infection.

42 : Chorioamnionitis: a comparative histologic, bacteriologic, and clinical study.

43 : Chorioamnionitis: a comparative histologic, bacteriologic, and clinical study.

44 : Chronic villitis, chronic chorioamnionitis, and maternal floor infarction.

45 : Chronic chorioamnionitis: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study.

46 : Maternal and perinatal outcome of patients with preterm labor and meconium-stained amniotic fluid.

47 : Isolated acute funisitis in the absence of acute chorioamnionitis: What does it mean?

48 : Clinicopathologic implications of placental pathology.

49 : Role of the placenta in perinatal pathology (revisited).

50 : Increased intrapartum antibiotic administration associated with epidural analgesia in labor.

51 : Bacteriological findings after premature rupture of the membranes.

52 : Placental hemorrhagic endovasculitis: risk factors and impact on pregnancy outcome.

53 : Maternal, neonatal, and placental features associated with diffuse chorioamniotic hemosiderosis, with special reference to neonatal morbidity and mortality.

54 : Chronic peripheral separation of placenta. The significance of diffuse chorioamnionic hemosiderosis.

55 : Placental pathology, perinatal death, neonatal outcome, and neurological development: a systematic review.

56 : Placental lesions associated with cerebral palsy and neurologic impairment following term birth.

57 : Placental surface cysts detected on sonography: histologic and clinical correlation.

58 : Massive Subchorionic Placental Cyst and Poor Fetal Growth: A Case Report.

59 : Prenatal diagnosis, clinical outcomes, and associated pathology in pregnancies complicated by massive subchorionic thrombohematoma (Breus' mole).

60 : Prenatal diagnosis, clinical outcomes, and associated pathology in pregnancies complicated by massive subchorionic thrombohematoma (Breus' mole).

61 : Ultrastructural study of the amniotic epithelium in a case of gastroschisis.

62 : Placental mesenchymal dysplasia.

63 : Chronic villitis of unknown etiology.

64 : Villitis of unknown etiology: noninfectious chronic villitis in the placenta.

65 : Placental pathology in full-term infants with hypoxic-ischemic neonatal encephalopathy and association with magnetic resonance imaging pattern of brain injury.

66 : Perinatal prognosis of pregnancies complicated by placental chronic villitis or intervillositis of unknown etiology and combined lesions: About a series of 178 cases.

67 : Placental villitis of unknown etiology: harbinger of serious disease? A four month's experience of nine cases.

68 : Villitis of unknown etiology is associated with major infiltration of fetal tissue by maternal inflammatory cells.

69 : Chronic villitis of unknown aetiology in recurrent intrauterine fetal growth retardation.

70 : Placental villitis of unknown origin: epidemiologic associations.

71 : Interleukin-10 in amniotic fluid at midtrimester: immune activation and suppression in relation to fetal growth.

72 : Severe fetal placental vascular lesions in term infants with neurologic impairment.

73 : Chronic villitis in untreated neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: an etiology for severe early intrauterine growth restriction and the effect of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy.

74 : Recurrent reproductive failure due to severe placental villitis of unknown etiology.

75 : Placental pathologic lesions with a significant recurrence risk - what not to miss!

76 : Detection of the human cytomegalovirus gene in placental chronic villitis by polymerase chain reaction.

77 : Granulomatous villitis due to Toxoplasma gondii.

78 : Recurrent villitis of bacterial etiology.

79 : Chorangiosis. An important placental sign of neonatal morbidity and mortality.

80 : Villous capillary lesions of the placenta: distinctions between chorangioma, chorangiomatosis, and chorangiosis.

81 : Placental histomorphometry in gestational diabetes mellitus: the relationship between subsequent type 2 diabetes mellitus and race/ethnicity.

82 : Clinico-pathological profile of 12 cases of chorangiosis.

83 : Recent trends in chorangiomas, especially those of multiple and recurrent chorangiomas.

84 : Placenta pathology questions to the perinatologist.

85 : Obstetrically important lesions of the umbilical cord.

86 : Maternal floor infarction and massive perivillous fibrin deposition: histological definitions, association with intrauterine fetal growth restriction, and risk of recurrence.

87 : Maternal Floor Infarction and Massive Perivillous Fibrin Deposition.

88 : Maternal floor infarction of the placenta: association with central nervous system injury and adverse neurodevelopmental outcome.

89 : Perinatal outcome of placental massive perivillous fibrin deposition: a case-control study.

90 : Maternal floor infarction in autoimmune disease: two cases.

91 : Maternal floor infarction of the placenta: prenatal diagnosis and clinical significance.

92 : Maternal floor infarction: an unusual cause of intrauterine growth retardation.

93 : Maternal floor infarction.

94 : Recurrent maternal floor infarction: a preventable cause of fetal death.

95 : Coxsackie Virus A16 Infection of Placenta with Massive Perivillous Fibrin Deposition Leading to Intrauterine Fetal Demise at 36 Weeks Gestation.

96 : Placental Massive Perivillous Fibrinoid Deposition Associated with Coxsackievirus A16-Report of a Case, and Review of the Literature.

97 : Placental massive perivillous fibrin deposition associated with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

98 : Massive chronic intervillositis associated with recurrent abortions.

99 : Chronic intervillositis of the placenta.

100 : Clinical significance and treatment of massive intervillous fibrin deposition associated with recurrent fetal growth retardation.

101 : Massive chronic intervillositis of the placenta associated with malaria infection.

102 : Pathology of congenital Zika syndrome in Brazil: a case series.

103 : Notes from the Field: Evidence of Zika Virus Infection in Brain and Placental Tissues from Two Congenitally Infected Newborns and Two Fetal Losses--Brazil, 2015.

104 : Sickle-cell erythrocytes in the placentas of dengue-infected women.

105 : Gestational psittacosis: case report and literature review.

106 : Placental Pathology of COVID-19 with and without Fetal and Neonatal Infection: Trophoblast Necrosis and Chronic Histiocytic Intervillositis as Risk Factors for Transplacental Transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

107 : Defining Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Placentitis.

108 : Placental Pathology in COVID-19.

109 : SARS-CoV-2 and Placental Pathology: Malperfusion Patterns Are Dependent on Timing of Infection During Pregnancy.

110 : Maternal vascular underperfusion: nosology and reproducibility of placental reaction patterns.

111 : Maternal and fetal vascular lesions of malperfusion in the placentas associated with fetal and neonatal death: results of a prospective observational study.

112 : Fetal growth restriction: a workshop report.

113 : Developmental biology of the placenta and the origins of placental insufficiency.

114 : Development of the placental villous tree and its consequences for fetal growth.

115 : Pathology of the placenta.

116 : Histologic examination of the placenta in the growth-retarded fetus.

117 : Placental lesions: is growth a predictor of bad outcome?

118 : Intrauterine growth restriction in infants of less than thirty-two weeks' gestation: associated placental pathologic features.

119 : Intrauterine growth restriction in infants of less than thirty-two weeks' gestation: associated placental pathologic features.

120 : Placental infarction leading to fetal or neonatal death. A prospective study.

121 : Autopsy studies on still births in Korle Bu Teaching Hospital: pathological findings in still births and their placentae.

122 : Placental morphometrical and histopathology changes in the different clinical presentations of hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy.

123 : Severe preeclampsia with and without HELLP differ with regard to placental pathology.

124 : Maternal vasculopathy and histologic diagnosis of preeclampsia: poor correlation of histologic changes and clinical manifestation.

125 : Placental pathology in fetal bartter syndrome.

126 : Nephrocalcinosis and placental findings in neonatal bartter syndrome.

127 : Viral infection, proliferation, and hyperplasia of Hofbauer cells and absence of inflammation characterize the placental pathology of fetuses with congenital Zika virus infection.

128 : Fetal thrombotic vasculopathy: the clinical significance of extensive avascular villi.

129 : Fetal vascular malperfusion, an update.

130 : Placental thrombi and other vascular lesions. Classification, morphology, and clinical correlations.

131 : Placental lesions associated with neurologic impairment and cerebral palsy in very low-birth-weight infants.

132 : Risk factors for recurrence of hemorrhagic endovasculitis of the placenta.

133 : Hemorrhagic endovasculitis of the placenta: an indepth morphologic appraisal with initial clinical and epidemiologic observations.

134 : Hemorrhagic endovasculitis of the placenta: a clinicopathologic entity associated with adverse pregnancy outcome.

135 : Haemorrhagic endovasculitis of the placenta: a review with clinical correlation.

136 : Frequency of factor V(Leiden) and prothrombin G20210A in placentas and their relationship with placental lesions.

137 : Placental thrombi and related problems.

138 : Fetal thrombotic vasculopathy in the placenta: cerebral thrombi and infarcts, coagulopathies, and cerebral palsy.

139 : Human cytomegalovirus infection is detected frequently in stillbirths and is associated with fetal thrombotic vasculopathy.

140 : Livebirths with placental hemorrhagic endovasculitis: interlesional relationships and perinatal outcomes.

141 : Fetal vascular obstructive lesions: nosology and reproducibility of placental reaction patterns.

142 : Fetomaternal blood group incompatibility studies in placental intervillous thrombosis.

143 : Identification of erythrocytes in intervillous thrombi: a study using immunoperoxidase identification of hemoglobins.

144 : Ultrasonographic diagnosis of intervillous thrombosis related to Rh isoimmunization.

145 : Infarctions and intervillous thrombosis in placenta, and their association with intrauterine growth retardation.

146 : Prevalence of Intervillous Thrombi Is Increased in Placentas from Pregnancies Complicated by Diabetes.

147 : Autopsy findings in a series of five cases of fetomaternal haemorrhages.

148 : Hepatic (hepatocellular) adenoma of the placenta: a study of four cases.

149 : Chorangiosis and chorangioma in three cohorts of placentas from Nepal, Tibet, and Japan.

150 : Abnormally large placenta associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.

151 : Pregnancy with concomitant chorangioma and placental vascular malformation with mesenchymal hyperplasia.

152 : Chorangioma of the placenta with hydrops fetalis.

153 : Atypical cellular chorangioma of the placenta.

154 : Chorionic haemangiomata and abruptio placentae. Case report and review.

155 : Disseminated intravascular coagulation and fetal hydrops in a newborn infant in association with a chorangioma of placenta.

156 : Chorangioma of the placenta. Chromosomal and electron microscopic studies.

157 : Perinatal outcome after prenatal diagnosis of placental chorioangioma.

158 : Placental teratoma. A case report.

159 : Mature teratoma of the placenta.

160 : Teratoma of the placenta. A case report.

161 : Placental teratoma. A case report and review of the literature.

162 : Teratoma of the placenta.

163 : Perinatal outcome of pregnancies complicated by placental chorioangioma: systematic review and meta-analysis.

164 : Chorangioma with trophoblastic proliferation.

165 : Giant placental chorioangioma: natural history and pregnancy outcome.

166 : Placental metastasis from maternal carcinoma. A report of three cases.

167 : Maternal melanoma metastatic to the placenta: a case report and review of the literature.

168 : Structural aspects of a placenta from a case of maternal acute lymphatic leukaemia.

169 : Malignant melanoma metastases in the placenta: a case report.

170 : Amelanotic melanoma metastatic to the placenta.

171 : Metastasis of maternal cancer to the placenta and fetus.

172 : Choriocarcinoma occurring within the normal placenta with breast metastasis.

173 : Choriocarcinoma of the placenta. By the OSMA Committee on Maternal Health.

174 : Metastatic melanoma in pregnancy: risk of transplacental metastases in the infant.

175 : Placental metastasis of maternal melanoma.

176 : Lung cancer during pregnancy: an emerging issue.

177 : Fetal and placental malignancies: prenatal diagnosis and management.

178 : Metastasizing fetal neuroblastoma with involvement of the placenta simulating fetal erythroblastosis. Report of two cases.

179 : Nevus cell aggregates in the placenta. A histochemical and electron microscopic study.

180 : Choriocarcinoma in a term placenta: pathologic diagnosis of tumor in an asymptomatic patient with metastatic disease.

181 : Advances in the molecular biology of gestational trophoblastic disease.

182 : Primary intraplacental choriocarcinoma: Clinical and pathologic features of seven cases (1967-1996) and discussion of the differential

183 : Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors associated with the placenta: a series of 9 cases.

184 : Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors associated with the placenta: a series of 9 cases.

185 : Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors associated with the placenta: a series of 9 cases.

186 : From delivery suite to laboratory: optimizing returns from placental examination in medico-legal defence.

187 : Placenta within the medicolegal imperative.

188 : The placenta in the litigation process.

189 : Acute atherosis in pregnancies complicated by hypertension, small-for-gestational-age infants, and diabetes mellitus.

190 : Placental bed spiral arteries in the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

191 : Acute atherosis in preeclampsia: maternal determinants and fetal outcome in the presence of the lesion.

192 : Decidual vascular lesions of fibrinoid necrosis/atherosis.

193 : Morphologic changes in the hypertensive placenta.

194 : Maternal uterine vascular lesions in the hypertensive complications of pregnancy.

195 : Maternal vascular malperfusion of the placental bed.

196 : Pathological investigation of placentas in preeclampsia (the PEARL study).

197 : Placental pathology of idiopathic intrauterine growth retardation at term.

198 : Umbilical Doppler waveforms and placental villous angiogenesis in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction.

199 : Intrauterine growth restriction with absent end-diastolic flow velocity in the umbilical artery is associated with maldevelopment of the placental terminal villous tree.

200 : Placental trophoblast inclusions in autism spectrum disorder.

201 : The Alabama Preterm Birth Project: placental histology in recurrent spontaneous and indicated preterm birth.

202 : The Alabama Preterm Birth Project: placental histology in recurrent spontaneous and indicated preterm birth.

203 : A report of dizygous monochorionic twins.

204 : Dizygotic twin pregnancy conceived with assisted reproductive technology associated with chromosomal anomaly, imprinting disorder, and monochorionic placentation.

205 : The histologic evolution of revealed, acute abruptions.

206 : Diagnosis of unsuspected fetal metabolic storage disease by routine placental examination.

207 : Microbiologic causes and neonatal outcomes associated with chorioamnion infection.

208 : The epidemiology of placental features: associations with gestational age and neonatal outcome.

209 : Histologic chorioamnionitis is associated with fetal growth restriction in term and preterm infants.

210 : A fetal response to chorioamnionitis is associated with early survival after preterm birth.

211 : Histologic chorioamnionitis and preterm delivery.

212 : A case-control study of chorioamnionic infection and histologic chorioamnionitis in prematurity.

213 : Transfer of proinflammatory cytokines across term placenta.

214 : Cytokine expression in the placenta. The role of interleukin 1 and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist expression in chorioamnionitis and parturition.

215 : Sequelae of chorioamnionitis.

216 : Inflammation in pregnancy: its roles in reproductive physiology, obstetrical complications, and fetal injury.

217 : A microbiologic and clinical study of placental inflammation at term.

218 : Clinical chorioamnionitis and histologic placental inflammation.

219 : Preterm labor and bacterial intraamniotic infection: arachidonic acid liberation by phospholipase A2 of Fusobacterium nucleatum.

220 : Preterm birth: associations with genital and possibly oral microflora.

221 : Is Ureaplasma spp. the leading causative agent of acute chorioamnionitis in women with preterm birth?

222 : Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity during term labor. Prevalence and clinical significance.

223 : Significance of placental findings in early-onset group B streptococcal neonatal sepsis.

224 : Serious group A streptococcal infection around delivery.