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Indications for nutritional assessment in childhood

Indications for nutritional assessment in childhood
Sarah M Phillips, MS, RD, LD
Craig Jensen, MD
Section Editor:
Kathleen J Motil, MD, PhD
Deputy Editor:
Alison G Hoppin, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Oct 19, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Pediatric malnutrition can present in three forms: undernutrition, overnutrition, and food insecurity ("hidden hunger"). The goal of nutritional assessment in childhood is to prevent these nutritional disorders and the increased morbidity and mortality that accompany them. To meet this goal, pediatric clinicians must know the risk factors for obesity and protein energy malnutrition and must understand the normal and abnormal patterns of growth and the changes in body composition during childhood and adolescence. In addition, they must be able to accurately perform and interpret the results of the nutritional evaluation [1].

Nutritional assessment is the quantitative evaluation of nutritional status. A comprehensive nutritional assessment has five components:

Dietary, medical, and medication history

Physical examination

Growth, anthropometric, and body composition measurements

Laboratory tests

Intervention and monitoring

The epidemiology of nutritional disorders and the indications for nutritional assessment are reviewed here. The dietary history and the clinical and laboratory features of nutritional disorders are discussed separately. (See "Dietary history and recommended dietary intake in children" and "Malnutrition in children in resource-limited countries: Clinical assessment" and "Measurement of growth in children" and "Measurement of body composition in children" and "Laboratory and radiologic evaluation of nutritional status in children".)


Prevalence — Obesity, acute or chronic protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), and linear growth failure are the most common nutritional disorders in children. In the United States, the prevalence of pediatric obesity in those aged 5 to 19 has risen from 4 percent in 1975 to more than 18 percent in 2016 (figure 1) [2], and similar trends are seen in many other resource-rich countries (figure 2) [3]. (See "Definition, epidemiology, and etiology of obesity in children and adolescents", section on 'Epidemiology'.)

Whereas obesity is commonly identified in otherwise healthy children, PEM and linear growth failure typically occur as a consequence of poor dietary intake, increased nutrient loss, or increased nutrient requirements in children with underlying disorders (table 1). (See "Dietary history and recommended dietary intake in children".)

Poor intake can be a consequence of disease-induced anorexia, food aversion, dysfunctional parent-child interactions, or the presence of abdominal symptoms such as pain or nausea.

Increased gastrointestinal losses can occur secondary to vomiting, diarrhea, malabsorption, or loss of the mucosal integrity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased urinary nutrient loss is associated with some forms of renal disease and metabolic disorders.

Increased nutrient requirements are associated with inflammatory, infectious, or metabolic complications of a variety of disease processes.

Effects of nutritional disorders on health — Nutritional disorders have a variety of health effects. As illustrated by the following studies, PEM is associated with increased risk of illness and negative impact on the clinical outcome in children with underlying disorders [4-7]. (See "Malnutrition in children in resource-limited countries: Clinical assessment".)

In a large prospective study, malnourished Sudanese children were more likely to develop febrile illness with diarrhea or cough than were well-nourished children (1.75 to 2.0 times and 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely for diarrhea and cough, respectively) [4].

Studies of children undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation demonstrate improved one-month and one-year survival among those who were well-nourished at the time of the transplant compared with those who were undernourished (100 versus 23 percent and 88 versus 38 percent for one-month survival and one-year survival, respectively) [5]. Similar findings have been reported in more modern series [6,8,9].

Similarly, childhood obesity is associated with increased morbidity (eg, hypertension, slipped capital-femoral epiphyses, and impaired immunity) and is an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality in adulthood [10-12]. In an observational study with more than 50 years of follow-up, being overweight in adolescence was a more powerful predictor of adult mortality, cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer, gout, and arthritis than was being overweight in adulthood [10]. (See "Overview of the health consequences of obesity in children and adolescents".)

NORMAL PATTERNS OF GROWTH — The evaluation of abnormal patterns of growth in children and adolescents cannot be undertaken without an understanding of the normal patterns. The most rapid growth rates in healthy children occur during early infancy and adolescence (table 2) [13]. Alterations in height and weight velocity are the earliest predictors of poor nutritional status in children with chronic illness [14].

Height velocity – Infants grow approximately 25 cm in length during the first year of life. This rate declines abruptly to 11 cm/year during the second and third years of life, then slows again to 6 cm/year in the preschool- and school-age child. For adolescent females, peak height velocity is typically 3 cm/six months but may be as high at 5 cm/six months. For adolescent males, peak height velocity is typically 4 cm/six months but may be as high as 6 cm/six months. (See "Normal growth patterns in infants and prepubertal children", section on 'Typical milestones' and "Normal puberty", section on 'Growth spurt'.)

Weight velocity – Infants gain approximately 30 g/day between 0 and 3 months of age; 20 g/day between 3 and 6 months; and 10 g/day between 6 and 12 months. Subsequently, the rate of weight gain declines further, averaging 2.5 kg/year in the preschool- and school-age child. During the adolescent growth spurt, peak weight velocities average 3 kg/six months but may be as high as 6 kg/six months in girls and 7 kg/six months in boys. (See "Normal growth patterns in infants and prepubertal children", section on 'Typical milestones' and "Normal puberty", section on 'Weight and body composition'.)

BODY COMPOSITION — The normal patterns of body composition are more difficult to characterize than are normal patterns of growth.

Measurement of body composition — Body composition can be estimated by calculating body mass index (BMI; or weight/height in children younger than two years), which is correlated with fat mass. Fat mass can be measured more directly using techniques such as dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) or skinfold thickness, but these techniques are generally impractical for clinical use and add little to the clinical evaluation of a patient [15]. (See "Measurement of body composition in children", section on 'Measures of body composition'.)

Effect of malnutrition on body composition — Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) manifests as weight loss in all children. However, the effect of PEM on body composition differs in infants and older children. In the healthy infant, approximately 25 percent of body weight is fat, 15 percent protein, and 60 percent body water (table 3) [16]. As the infant becomes malnourished, weight loss occurs, the absolute amount of body fat decreases, and the proportion of body fat relative to body weight decreases markedly [17]. In addition, the absolute amount of body protein decreases, although the proportion of body protein relative to body weight remains unchanged. (See "Malnutrition in children in resource-limited countries: Clinical assessment".)

The pattern of weight loss in the older child with chronic disease may differ from that of the child with simple starvation. Children with chronic disease may have substantial weight deficits relative to their age-matched peers [18]. However, the absolute amount of lean body mass generally is reduced to a much greater extent than body fat.

INDICATIONS FOR NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT — A nutritional assessment is warranted if a child meets established screening criteria for increased risk of developing protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), growth failure, obesity, or food insecurity [19,20]. A complete nutritional assessment combines anthropometric data with other clinical information, including the presence or absence of an underlying illness or environmental or behavioral issues, whether any nutritional deficit is acute (<3 months) or chronic (>3 months), deviations in the longitudinal tracking of weight and height (eg, on a growth chart), potential mechanisms resulting in reduced nutrient intakes relative to nutrient requirements (eg, food deprivation, hypermetabolism, malabsorption), and the effects of nutrition on the child's functional status [21]. (See "Overview of enteral nutrition in infants and children", section on 'Nutritional assessment in children'.)

Recommended growth charts — General screening guidelines for nutritional risk are based upon growth curves that are standardized for the population being measured.

Most children – In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends using the World Health Organization (WHO) curves for infants and children <2 years [22], and the CDC growth curves for children 2 years and older [13,23]. (See "Measurement of growth in children", section on 'Recommended growth charts with calculators'.)

Specific health conditions – Special growth charts are available for children with certain health conditions; the charts are available through the following links:

Down syndrome growth charts

Turner syndrome (figure 3)

Cerebral palsy (see "Cerebral palsy: Evaluation and diagnosis", section on 'Nutrition and growth')

Thresholds for detailed assessment — The following growth patterns raise concerns for undernutrition. In general, deficits in weight gain or body mass index (BMI) raise concerns about acute PEM, while deficits in height or height velocity raise concerns about chronic PEM [24]. The use of Z-scores and/or decline in Z-scores of the following parameters is recommended to identify and document pediatric undernutrition [25].

Indicators of wasting:

Age <2 years – Weight-for-length <15th percentile (or weight-for-length Z-score <-1).

Age ≥2 years:

-BMI <15th percentile (or BMI Z-score of <-1).

-BMI that has decreased across two or more major percentile curves on the growth chart (eg, BMI that decreases from the 30th to the 7th percentile) or a decline by ≥1 points in weight-for-length Z-score or BMI Z-score.

Indicators of insufficient weight velocity:

Prepubertal child – Weight gain <1 kg/year, or weight loss of ≥5 percent of usual body weight.

During peak pubertal growth – Weight gain <1 kg/six months, or weight loss of ≥5 percent of usual body weight.

Indicators of insufficient linear growth:

Any age – Height-for-age <10th percentile, or height Z-score of <-3.

Age 2 years through mid-puberty – Height velocity <5 cm/year.

Note that a low weight-for-age but with normal weight-for-height or BMI percentiles is not usually caused by undernutrition, and such children should not be labeled as having weight faltering. The child may have short stature unrelated to nutritional issues. A clinical evaluation to determine the cause of short stature, which may include a nutritional component, is discussed separately. (See "Diagnostic approach to children and adolescents with short stature" and "Causes of short stature".)

Indicators of excessive weight gain – The following growth patterns raise concerns for overweight or obesity in children between 2 and 18 years of age (table 4) (see "Definition, epidemiology, and etiology of obesity in children and adolescents", section on 'Definitions'):

Overweight is defined as a BMI ≥85th to <95th percentile for age.

Obesity is defined as a BMI ≥95th percentile for age.

Severe obesity is usually defined as a BMI ≥120 percent of the 95th percentile for age (or a BMI ≥35 kg/m2 if this is lower) (figure 4A-B) [26]. This corresponds to approximately ≥99th percentile.

A child whose BMI has increased by two or more major percentile curves is at risk for becoming overweight or obese (eg, BMI that increases from the 40th to the 80th percentile) [27].

A child whose parents have obesity also is at risk for developing obesity because of shared genetic and environmental influences. The clinician should monitor the child's growth and provide anticipatory guidance to encourage healthy eating and exercise patterns.

SPECIAL POPULATIONS — In addition to the above criteria, other children may be at risk for nutritional disorders because of hospitalization, medical conditions (eg, recurrent febrile illness or malignancy), dietary habits, feeding behavior, or activity levels. Nutritional assessment should be performed prospectively in these children to allow early intervention when a high-risk situation is identified.

Hospitalized children — Nutritional disorders are particularly common in hospitalized children.

The prevalence of malnutrition was between 6.1 and 14 percent among children hospitalized children in the United States and Europe and 32 percent among those hospitalized in Turkey [28].

In another study, 296 children admitted to a medical or surgical ward were studied prospectively [29]. During the inpatient stay (mean length seven days), weight loss occurred in 65 percent of patients and was greater than 2 percent of admission weight in 45 percent.

Acute protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is most likely to occur in infants and toddlers or in adolescents, the age groups most frequently hospitalized [30]. Chronic malnutrition is more evenly distributed across all age groups. Adolescents are at greatest risk for obesity. The prevalence of nutritional disorders in hospitalized children does not vary by sex, race, or ethnicity.

Children diagnosed with gastrointestinal disease, followed by renal or cardiac disease, are at greatest risk for chronic malnutrition [30] (see "Growth failure and poor weight gain in children with inflammatory bowel disease"). Children and adults who are hospitalized for severe burns have unusually high metabolic needs because of the hypermetabolic response to this type of injury. The nutritional assessment and management of these patients is discussed in detail in separate topic reviews. (See "Overview of nutrition support in burn patients".)

The more complex the patient's medical or surgical problem, the greater the likelihood the child is in need of nutritional assessment and intervention. Unfortunately, the complexity of the illness often correlates inversely with the amount of attention given to preventing nutritional depletion or excess early in the patient's course of illness. Tools to assist in the global nutritional assessment of hospitalized children are described separately. (See "Overview of enteral nutrition in infants and children", section on 'Global nutritional assessment'.)

Recurrent febrile illness — A febrile illness initiates a catabolic response that results in negative body nutrient balance because of the increased urinary loss of body proteins, minerals, and vitamins [31]. Negative nutrient balance persists until the febrile illness resolves. However, up to three weeks may be required to replenish the depleted body stores. Failure to pay attention to brief episodes of nutritional depletion can lead to a vicious cycle in which the nutritional status of the child worsens with each repeated illness and makes him or her more vulnerable to subsequent infections.

Malignancy — The prevalence of malnutrition among pediatric cancer patients varies widely. Malnutrition is present at diagnosis of cancer in more than 50 percent of children in resource-limited countries [32]. In resource-rich countries, the prevalence of malnutrition ranges from less than 10 percent in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia to 50 percent in children with advanced neuroblastoma [33,34]. Furthermore, nutritional status at diagnosis is a predictor of outcomes and quality of life [35,36]. Cancer treatment can contribute to malnutrition in the short term by inducing anorexia, mucositis, emesis, and/or diarrhea [37]. Serial measurements of height, weight, and food intake, as well as measurement of serum albumin and prealbumin, should be standard practice in the care of children with cancer [38,39].

Children with acute leukemia are at risk for nutritional problems at diagnosis, during treatment, and in long-term follow-up. At diagnosis and during treatment, they tend to have low rates of undernutrition (typically less than 10 percent) [33,34]. However, they often gain weight excessively during and after two years of therapy and appear to have an increased risk of becoming obese [40,41]. The mechanisms for this association have not been established but may include reduced habitual physical activity and associated reduced total energy expenditure [42] and, possibly, subtle hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction induced by cranial radiation therapy. (See "Overview of the outcome of acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma in children and adolescents", section on 'Obesity'.)

Cancer treatment can have long-term effects on growth through a variety of mechanisms, including disruption of hypothalamic-pituitary function causing growth hormone deficiency and/or central hypothyroidism. (See "Endocrinopathies in cancer survivors and others exposed to cytotoxic therapies during childhood".)

Developmental disability — Children with motor and cognitive dysfunction are predisposed to feeding disorders. In one study, nutrition evaluation was performed in 79 children with moderate to severe motor or cognitive dysfunction who were referred for diagnosis and treatment of feeding or nutritional problems [43]. The primary diagnoses included cerebral palsy with intellectual disability, prematurity, chromosomal abnormality, central nervous system malformation, congenital infection, pervasive developmental delay, perinatal asphyxia, and fetal alcohol syndrome. The following findings were reported:

Energy intake at the time of entry into the study, determined by dietary recall and three-day food records, was approximately 80 percent of the recommended daily allowance.

Gastroesophageal reflux with or without aspiration was present in 44 of 79 patients, oropharyngeal dysphagia in 21, and aversive feeding behaviors in 14.

After approximately two years of therapy based upon diagnosis (eg, medical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux, feeding therapy, gastrostomy tube placement), energy intake increased to 123 percent of the recommended daily allowance.

The assessment and management of nutritional problems in children with cerebral palsy are discussed in a separate topic review. (See "Cerebral palsy: Overview of management and prognosis", section on 'Growth and nutrition'.)

Paradoxically, there is also a high prevalence of obesity among some populations of children and adults with intellectual disability, particularly those with less severe disabilities and certain specific disorders such as Down syndrome [44-46]. The rates of obesity also vary depending on the country and the clinical setting in which the affected individual lives. In the United States, individuals living in smaller settings (families and group homes) have higher rates of obesity than those living in larger institutions [45]. Nutritional management of individuals with Down syndrome is discussed separately. (See "Down syndrome: Management", section on 'Obesity prevention'.)

Food insecurity — Food insecurity refers to reduced access to foods with sufficient variety or nutritional quality because of lack of money and other resources [47]. Families at risk for food insecurity can be identified by asking if either of the following statements describe their household [48]:

"Within the past 12 months, we worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more."

"Within the past 12 months, the food we bought just didn't last and we didn't have money to get more."

Identifying children who live in households with food insecurity is important because they are at risk for nutritional disorders including obesity and are also likely to be sick more often, recover from illness more slowly, and be hospitalized more frequently. The presence of multiple micronutrient deficiencies in the absence of an energy-deficit diet is often described as "hidden hunger." In particular, iron, zinc, iodine, and vitamin A deficiencies can occur in the absence of a deficit in energy intake as a result of consuming an energy-dense but micronutrient-poor diet [48,49].

Other — Additional children at risk for nutritional disorders are those who are [50]:

Taking medications


Allergic or intolerant to certain foods

On a special diet or formula (prescribed or self-imposed)

Receiving alternative or complementary therapies that include dietary modification (eg, a gluten-free diet), if done without guidance to ensure a balanced diet

Using supplemental foods or vitamins

Difficult to feed or have dental problems

Not ambulatory

Sedentary or overly active

Tube fed (via gastrostomy, jejunostomy, or nasogastric tube)

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Pediatric malnutrition".)


Categories of nutritional disorders – Pediatric malnutrition can present in three forms: undernutrition, overnutrition, and food insecurity. Each of these conditions can have short- and long-term effects on growth, morbidity, and mortality. Identifying children with or at risk for nutritional problems is an important part of preventive medical care. (See 'Epidemiology of nutritional disorders' above.)

Normal growth patterns – Serial measurements of weight and height are a valuable screen for nutritional problems when compared with expected growth rates for healthy children. The most rapid growth rates in healthy children occur during early infancy and adolescence (table 2). (See 'Normal patterns of growth' above.)

Undernutrition – Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) manifests as weight loss in all children. The effect of PEM on body composition differs in infants and older children. As the infant becomes malnourished, weight loss occurs, the absolute amount of body fat decreases, and the proportion of body fat relative to body weight decreases markedly. In the older child with chronic disease, the absolute amount of lean body mass generally is reduced to a much greater extent than body fat. (See 'Effect of malnutrition on body composition' above.)

The following growth patterns raise concerns for undernutrition. In general, deficits in weight gain or body mass index (BMI) raise concerns about acute PEM, while deficits in height or height velocity raise concerns about chronic PEM. However, a low weight-for-age but with normal weight-for-height or BMI percentiles is not usually caused by undernutrition. (See 'Thresholds for detailed assessment' above.)

Indicators of wasting:

-Age <2 years – Weight-for-length <15th percentile (or weight-for-length Z-score <-1).

-Age ≥2 years – BMI <15th percentile (or BMI Z-score of <-1), or BMI that has decreased across two or more major percentile curves on the growth chart.

Indicators of insufficient weight velocity:

-Prepubertal child – Weight gain <1 kg/year, or weight loss of ≥5 percent of usual body weight.

-During peak pubertal growth – Weight gain <1 kg/six months, or weight loss of ≥5 percent of usual body weight.

Indicators of insufficient linear growth:

-Any age – Height-for-age <10th percentile, or height Z-score of <-3.

-Age 2 years through mid-puberty – Height velocity <5 cm/year.

Overnutrition – Nutritional assessment also is indicated for children who have overweight or obesity, those whose BMI percentile is increasing rapidly, and those whose parents have obesity (table 4). The clinician should monitor the child's growth and provide anticipatory guidance to encourage healthy eating and exercise patterns. (See 'Thresholds for detailed assessment' above.)

Food insecurity – Food insecurity refers to reduced access to foods with sufficient variety or nutritional quality because of lack of money and other resources. Food insecurity is a risk factor for nutritional disorders including obesity and is also associated with other adverse health outcomes. (See 'Food insecurity' above.)

Other indications for nutritional assessment – In addition to the anthropometric parameters outlined above, nutritional assessment is indicated in children at risk for food insecurity, in many hospitalized children, and in children with chronic disorders who are at risk for malnutrition or obesity, depending on the degree of disability and the setting in which the child lives. (See 'Special populations' above.)


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Topic 5358 Version 23.0


1 : Pediatric Malnutrition: Putting the New Definition and Standards Into Practice.

2 : Pediatric Malnutrition: Putting the New Definition and Standards Into Practice.

3 : Trends in Obesity Prevalence Among Children and Adolescents in the United States, 1988-1994 Through 2013-2014.

4 : Undernutrition in relation to childhood infections: a prospective study in the Sudan.

5 : Malnutrition in children with chronic liver disease accepted for liver transplantation: clinical profile and effect on outcome.

6 : Liver transplantation in Japanese and Australian/New Zealand children with biliary atresia: a 10-year comparative study.

7 : Disease associated malnutrition correlates with length of hospital stay in children.

8 : Anesthetic risk factors associated with early mortality in pediatric liver transplantation.

9 : Impact of pretransplant growth retardation in pediatric liver transplantation.

10 : Long-term morbidity and mortality of overweight adolescents. A follow-up of the Harvard Growth Study of 1922 to 1935.

11 : The relationship between overweight in adolescence and premature death in women.

12 : Occurrence and timing of childhood overweight and mortality: findings from the Third Harvard Growth Study.

13 : Occurrence and timing of childhood overweight and mortality: findings from the Third Harvard Growth Study.

14 : Decreased height velocity in children and adolescents before the diagnosis of Crohn's disease.

15 : Four-component model of body composition in children: density and hydration of fat-free mass and comparison with simpler models.

16 : Fat mass in infants and toddlers: comparability of total body water, total body potassium, total body electrical conductivity, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

17 : Body composition of children recovering from severe protein-energy malnutrition at two rates of catch-up growth.

18 : Leucine metabolism and body cell mass in cystic fibrosis.

19 : Clinical tools to assess nutritional risk and malnutrition in hospitalized children and adolescents.

20 : Promoting Food Security for All Children.

21 : Defining pediatric malnutrition: a paradigm shift toward etiology-related definitions.

22 : Defining pediatric malnutrition: a paradigm shift toward etiology-related definitions.

23 : Use of World Health Organization and CDC growth charts for children aged 0-59 months in the United States.

24 : Validity of body mass index compared with other body-composition screening indexes for the assessment of body fatness in children and adolescents.

25 : Consensus statement of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics/American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: indicators recommended for the identification and documentation of pediatric malnutrition (undernutrition).

26 : Severe obesity in children and adolescents: identification, associated health risks, and treatment approaches: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.

27 : Crossing growth percentiles in infancy and risk of obesity in childhood.

28 : Prevalence of malnutrition in pediatric hospital patients.

29 : Simple pediatric nutritional risk score to identify children at risk of malnutrition.

30 : Malnutrition in hospitalized pediatric patients. Current prevalence.

31 : Interrelated changes in host metabolism during generalized infectious illness.

32 : Nutritional status at diagnosis in children and adolescents with cancer in the Asociacion de Hemato-Oncologia Pediatrica de Centro America (AHOPCA) countries: preliminary results from Guatemala.

33 : Children, cancer, and nutrition--A dynamic triangle in review.

34 : Effects of pediatric cancer and its treatment on nutritional status: a systematic review.

35 : A critical review of the prognostic value of the nutritional status at diagnosis in the outcome of therapy of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

36 : Malnutrition is associated with worse health-related quality of life in children with cancer.

37 : Nutrition, cancer, and children.

38 : A multidisciplinary review of nutrition considerations in the pediatric oncology population: a perspective from children's oncology group.

39 : Children's Oncology Group (COG) Nutrition Committee.

40 : Blood pressure and body composition in long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

41 : Longitudinal changes in obesity and body mass index among adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.

42 : Childhood leukaemia: a model of pre-obesity.

43 : Diagnosis and treatment of feeding disorders in children with developmental disabilities.

44 : High prevalence of obesity in ambulatory children and adolescents with intellectual disability.

45 : Obesity and intellectual disability.

46 : Obesity prevalence among a group of Chicago residents with disabilities.

47 : Obesity prevalence among a group of Chicago residents with disabilities.

48 : Development and validity of a 2-item screen to identify families at risk for food insecurity.

49 : Micronutrient malnutrition across the life course, sarcopenia and frailty.

50 : Pediatric nutrition assessment: identifying children at risk.