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Measurement of body composition in children

Measurement of body composition in children
Sarah M Phillips, MS, RD, LD
Robert J Shulman, MD
Section Editor:
Kathleen J Motil, MD, PhD
Deputy Editor:
Alison G Hoppin, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Mar 02, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — The measurement of body composition may include direct or indirect measurements of body fat, lean body mass, and bone mass, and sometimes of the distribution of fat between the visceral or subcutaneous compartments. The choice of method depends on which of these compartments are of interest, whether the measurement is for clinical purposes or research, and what degree of precision is required.

The main methods used to estimate body composition are discussed here. Measurements of growth in children and disorders of under- or overnutrition are discussed separately. (See "Measurement of growth in children" and "Definition, epidemiology, and etiology of obesity in children and adolescents" and "Poor weight gain in children younger than two years in resource-abundant countries: Etiology and evaluation".)

THEORETICAL MODELS OF BODY COMPOSITION — Theoretical models of body composition divide the body into two, three, or multiple compartments:

In the two-compartment model, the body is divided into the fat and fat-free mass. Bioimpedance is a method used to assess body composition based on the two-compartment model. The two-compartment model is useful in clinical practice because of the ease with which body fat and fat-free mass can be measured and the simplicity with which their changes during health and disease can be assessed. However, the two-compartment model is subject to error because the methods used to measure body fat and fat-free mass are based upon the assumption that the chemical composition of these tissue stores remains constant across a broad range of ages and disease states.

In the three-compartment model, the body is divided into fat, fat-free mass, and bone. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is a method to assess body composition based on the three-compartment model. The body composition of children from birth to 16 years of age has been measured using this method (table 1) [1-3]. Fat-free mass and body fat increase with age throughout childhood but vary at any given age depending on gender and race or ethnicity [1-4]. These estimates provide reference values for healthy children and useful comparative indices to assess nutritional deficits in children who are ill [5].

Multicompartment models reduce the errors inherent in the two-compartment model by dividing the body into components based on its atomic, molecular, cellular, or tissue composition (figure 1) [6]. Although these models describe body composition more precisely, the techniques required to measure these components are limited to research settings.

ESTIMATES OF ADIPOSITY — Numerous measures are used for clinical assessment of obesity in children and adolescents and include body mass index (BMI), weight-for-height, skinfold thickness, and waist circumference or waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). BMI is the standard measure of obesity for children older than two years; waist circumference and waist-hip ratio are used primarily for research purposes. (See "Definition, epidemiology, and etiology of obesity in children and adolescents".)

Body mass index — The BMI is the most practical way to evaluate the degree of excess weight and risk for metabolic syndrome [7]. It correlates with body fat and is relatively unaffected by height. It is calculated from the weight and square of the height and can be determined using a calculator for boys (calculator 1) and for girls (calculator 2). In children, BMI varies with age and gender (figure 2A-B). It also varies to a lesser extent with pubertal maturation stage and ethnicity, and these factors should be taken into account when BMI measures are used for research [8-10]. (See "Definition, epidemiology, and etiology of obesity in children and adolescents" and "Measurement of growth in children", section on 'Body mass index'.)

BMI is a good predictor of adiposity in the healthy pediatric population [8,11-13]. As an example, BMI was compared with percentage of fat obtained by using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in a study of 979 children [11]. The standard error for an individual BMI measurement compared to percentage fat was 4.7 to 7.3 percent of body weight. However, BMI is not a direct measure of adiposity and may slightly overestimate fatness in children who are short or who have relatively high muscle mass. BMI also may underestimate adiposity in a substantial proportion of children, such as those with reduced muscle mass due to low levels of physical activity [14]. Finally, children of different stature but the same BMI do not necessarily have the same body composition [15].

Weight-for-height — Weight-for-height measurements are another means to assess adiposity and are the preferred method for clinical assessment of obesity or failure to thrive in children younger than two years old. In older children, overweight, simple obesity, and severe obesity are sometimes defined as weight-for-height measurements greater than 110, 120, and 140 percent of expected, respectively [16]. Expected body weight is determined from the weight percentile that is proportionate to the height percentile for chronologic age using standard growth curves (figure 3A-B and figure 4A-B).

For children older than two years, BMI has replaced weight-for-height estimates as the standard measure for adiposity because weight-for-height measurements do not correlate well with body fat and are affected by height to a greater degree. (See 'Body mass index' above.)

FAT DISTRIBUTION — Adults with abdominal adiposity (also called central, visceral, android, or male-type obesity) are at increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and some forms of cancer. The evidence for this association in children and adolescents is weaker. However, data from the Bogalusa Heart Study generated age-specific thresholds for body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference in children and adolescents that were predictive of having three or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure; low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration; or high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, or insulin concentration, adjusted for age) (figure 5A-B) [17].

Abdominal obesity is evaluated clinically by measuring the waist circumference or the ratio of waist circumference to the hip circumference (waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]). Waist circumference is measured just above the uppermost lateral border of the right ilium at the end of a normal expiration. The hip circumference is measured in a horizontal plane at the level of maximum circumference of the hips and buttocks.

Waist-to-hip ratio — Men with a WHR of 0.95 or more and women with a WHR of 0.85 or more are considered to be at increased cardiovascular risk. Similar definitions have not been developed for children, although they, too, are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease if they have abdominal adiposity [18-25]. One study of 127 children and adolescents aged 9 to 17 years, as an example, found correlations between abdominal fat distribution and triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, and left ventricular mass [18].

Waist circumference — Waist circumference percentile curves have been developed for Canadian [26], British [27], Italian [28], Spanish [29], and Australian children [30]. Data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) were used to estimate age-, sex-, and ethnicity-specific waist circumference percentiles for children and adolescents in the United States (table 2) [31].

The waist circumference values at different percentiles describe the existing population of children and adolescents and do not establish a standard of what "should be." Some, but not all, definitions of the metabolic syndrome in children include waist circumference (table 3), and these features do not track consistently to metabolic syndrome in adulthood. Nonetheless, this measurement, in conjunction with the BMI, may serve as a useful clinical tool to estimate obesity-related comorbidities [25,32]. (See "Overview of the health consequences of obesity in children and adolescents" and "Metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance syndrome or syndrome X)", section on 'Children and adolescents'.)

Waist-to-height ratio — The waist-to-height ratio is another measure of abdominal adiposity that has been associated with cardiovascular risk. Analysis of data from NHANES III indicates that the waist-to-height ratio may be a better predictor of increased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol, and fasting triglycerides than BMI in children aged 4 to 17 years [33].

Imaging — Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) can be used to measure visceral adipose tissue. The technique usually quantifies adipose tissue in a single-slice cross-section at the level of the L4/L5 lumbar disc. The subcutaneous fat (outside the abdominal musculature) may be measured in the same image. These measures of visceral adiposity correlate with insulin resistance, triglycerides, hepatic steatosis, and other components of the metabolic syndrome [34,35]. The technique is used for research in obesity and metabolic disease and does not contribute to clinical care.

MEASURES OF BODY COMPOSITION — Measurement of body composition, particularly body fat, can be an important part of nutritional assessment because fat is the major source of stored energy in the body and a good indicator of nutritional state. In addition, lean body mass indicates the water and protein content, and bone density indicates the calcium and mineral stores [36]. The methods used to measure body composition differ in their ease of determination, cost, accuracy, use of radiation, and utility for estimating body fat (table 4) or other body compartments relevant to nutritional status (eg, bone density). The most commonly used techniques are described below.

Anthropometrics — The most widely used anthropometric measurements to assess body composition are the triceps skinfold and the mid-upper arm circumference. The triceps skinfold reflects body fat and the mid-upper arm cross-sectional area reflects lean body mass. Because the precision and reproducibility of these measures is low, they add little to the clinical evaluation for most patients [37]. For the same reason, most research studies seeking a measure of body composition will use one of the more precise measures discussed below when possible.

Skinfold thickness — Measurements of multiple skinfold thicknesses are used widely because the technique is noninvasive, inexpensive, and easy to perform. However, measurements of skinfold thickness often are less accurate than are measurements of height or weight, particularly in obese subjects [38]. One study compared the agreement between eight widely used skinfold thickness equations and the value obtained on the basis of measurements of body density, body water, and bone mineral content [39]. The use of skinfold measurement calculations over- or underestimated individual fat mass by approximately 10 percent. A review of the literature substantiates these concerns [40].

Although skinfold thickness measurements may have limited clinical value, they may be useful in the long-term monitoring of nutritional therapy in children who are malnourished, have diseases that are associated with changes in body composition, or are obese [41,42].

The triceps skinfold is measured as follows:

The child's arm should hang freely

The upper arm skinfold (skin and fat minus the underlying muscle) should be pulled out 1 cm above midpoint

The calipers should be applied 1 cm in depth at the measured midpoint

The calipers should be released, and the reading should be obtained to the nearest 1 mm as soon as the needle is steady

The average of duplicate measurements should be recorded [43]

Mid-arm muscle circumference — The mid-upper arm circumference is measured as follows:

The child's right arm should hang freely and then flexed at a 90-degree angle

The midpoint between the tip of the olecranon and acromion should be marked

The circumference of the arm should be measured to the nearest 0.1 cm at the midpoint with a flexible metal tape [43]

The mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) can be calculated from the triceps skinfold (TSF) and the mid-arm circumference (MAC) as follows:

MAMC = MAC – (3.1416 x TSF)

The measured values for TSF and MAC and the calculated MAMC are compared with reference values (table 5A-C) [44]. Values less than the 5th percentile for age are consistent with acute malnutrition, and values greater than the 90th percentile are consistent with obesity.

Hydrodensitometry — Underwater weighing is the oldest method for determining body density; it has been largely replaced by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) (see 'Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry' below). Body density is estimated from the weight of the subject in air and water, using appropriate correction factors for temperature, air in the respiratory tract, and constants for the densities of fat and fat-free tissue [45]. Hydrodensitometry can be performed only in children who can hold their breath for a period of time and have no contraindication to complete underwater submersion. In addition, the technique is not reliable in younger children because of the change in density of lean body mass during maturation [46]. (See "Normal puberty".)

Isotope dilution — In isotope dilution techniques, the volume of a body compartment is determined by the ratio of the dose of a tracer, administered orally or intravenously, to its concentration in the body compartment after a sufficient equilibration period has elapsed. Total body water, as an example, is estimated by isotope dilution using the stable isotopes of deuterium (2H2O) or oxygen (H218O) [47]. Once total body water has been determined, the fat-free mass of the body can be calculated, based upon the assumption that the hydration of lean tissue is constant across a broad range of ages and for both genders. Potential errors can occur when hydrogen isotopes are used because they exchange with nonaqueous hydrogen resulting in overestimation of total body water by 5 to 10 percent. Isotope dilution is impractical in the clinical setting because of the expense of the stable isotopes and the analytical equipment.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis — Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) relies upon an electrical current to measure the fat and fat-free mass of the body [48,49]. The lean tissues of the body, because of their dissolved electrolytes, are the major conductors of electrical current, whereas body fat and bone are relatively poor conductors. Thus, BIA primarily measures total body water from which an estimate of fat-free mass is obtained. BIA frequently is used because it is noninvasive, portable, and inexpensive. However, small changes in body water result in large differences in the estimate of fat-free mass. Placement of the electrodes is site-specific and can compound errors of measurement. The placement of the electrodes (hand-to–foot, hand-to-foot, or foot-to-foot), will affect the capacity to predict body fat percentage. The foot-to-foot models (eg, Tanita SC-240) measure resistance in the lower part of the body and has only fair precision [50,51]. The hand-to-foot models (eg, Biodynamics) measure resistance in both the lower and upper body [52]. In addition, BIA is influenced by sex, age [53], disease state, and level of fatness (because total body water and relative extracellular water are greater in obese individuals) [54]. The data suggest BIA remains problematic in its ability to assess percent body fat, fat mass, or fat-free mass [55].

Air-displacement plethysmography — Air-displacement plethysmography is a method for determining body volume and hence, fat mass. Using the same whole-body measurement principle as underwater weighing, air-displacement plethysmography measures a subject's mass and volume, from which the whole-body density can be determined. The subject is placed inside the device; computerized pressure sensors then determine the amount of air displaced by the subject's body. Body fat and lean muscle mass can then be calculated [56].

The accuracy of air-displacement plethysmography (as compared with a gold standard of hydrostatic weighing or isotope dilution) is very good in adults [57]. Compared with the four-compartment model (fat, fat-free mass, total body water, and bone), the accuracy and precision of air-displacement plethysmography are good in school-aged children (± 2 percent for fat mass), providing that child-specific equations for lung volume are used [58-60]. In full-term infants up to 10 kg, the method has modest accuracy but good reproducibility [59,61-63]. There are fewer data in preterm infants, but evidence suggests similar results [62,63].

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry — The above methods inform the two-compartment model of body composition. In contrast, DXA estimates fat-free mass, body fat, and bone mineral density by using the differential absorption of x-ray or photon beams of two levels of intensity. DXA relies on the principle that the intensity of an x-ray or photon beam is altered by the thickness, density, and chemical composition of an object in its path [64]. In children, the scan takes approximately 10 minutes. The average radiation dose, depending on the instrument and body size, is 0.04 to 0.86 mrem, less than the average exposure of a chest radiograph [54]. The precision of DXA (coefficient of variation) is less than 2 percent [65]. DXA has been used to measure body composition in children from birth to 16 years of age (table 1) and is becoming more readily available in the clinical setting [1-3]. The technique is limited because estimates of fat mass become less accurate as the individual's trunk thickness increases and it appears more accurate at a group level, compared with the individual level [40,66]. One study compared DXA with BIA and skinfold thickness equations in overweight/obese Latin American children and found that BIA and skinfold underestimated the percent of body fat [67]. (See "Overview of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry", section on 'Children'.)

Neutron activation analysis — Body composition techniques, such as electrical impedance, tracer dilution, and DXA, provide information related to tissue density or volume but not chemical content. In contrast, neutron activation analysis allows the direct elemental analysis of the body. Virtually all of the major elements of the body can be assayed in vivo: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, and potassium.

The method uses the principle that exposure to a given dose of neutrons generates a known amount of radioactivity within a given type of tissue [68]. When an atom captures a neutron, the atom is transformed to another nuclear state of the same chemical element. The new atom can be stable or radioactive, but it will have excess energy that must be released. If the new atom is radioactive, it will decay over time with a known half-life. Thus, when the body is exposed to neutrons, gamma rays are emitted immediately (prompt) and for some time thereafter (delayed); these gamma rays can be measured in a counting chamber. The particular element being examined can be identified by the characteristic energy of the electromagnetic radiation it emits and its rate of decay. The use of this technique is limited by its expense and radiation exposure.

Total body potassium — Total body potassium counting, another method that determines elemental composition, measures the content of radioactive potassium (40K) in the body while the child lies between detectors in a well-shielded metal counting chamber [69]. 40K emits a characteristic high-energy gamma ray (1.46 MeV) that in turn serves as a marker for total body potassium, body cell mass, and fat-free mass. These relationships are based upon several assumptions:

40K exists in the body at a fixed proportion (0.0118 percent) to naturally occurring body potassium

The total potassium content of the fat-free mass remains constant with respect to tissue nitrogen, a major component of fat-free mass

Although this method is noninvasive and safe, the limited availability of the instrument, particularly one with sufficient sensitivity to measure small infants, renders this method impractical in the clinical setting.

Quantitative magnetic resonance — The use of quantitative magnetic resonance (QMR) has been increasingly adopted to assess body composition in human studies. It has been shown to be a valid and precise method for a noninvasive measurement of body composition. The QMR measurement does not use ionizing radiation, and results are independent of fat-free mass hydration. A study in young children demonstrated reasonably good correlation with results of air-displacement plethysmography [70]. The routine use of this technique is limited to research due to its expense.

Emerging technologies — Emerging technologies to measure body composition include:

Three-dimensional optical scanners can be used to create surface renderings of the body in three-dimensional space [71]. Anthropometry measures including circumferences, lengths, volumes, and surface areas can be generated from the scans. The automated measurements have been combined and used to derive and validate body composition equations for children [72].

A D3-creatine dilution method for measurement of the total body creatine pool size can serve as a noninvasive index of muscle mass [73]. Validation studies are needed for infants and children [71].

Bioimpedance spectroscopy determines total body water and extracellular water volume [74]. Three body composition compartments then can be derived from the measurements.

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Healthy diet in children and adolescents".)


The choice of method for measuring body composition depends on whether the measurement is for clinical purposes or research and what degree of precision is required.

Body mass index (BMI) is the best determinant of adiposity for clinical purposes. It is sufficiently correlated with adiposity to provide a clinical estimate of weight-related medical risk, and it is noninvasive and inexpensive. (See 'Body mass index' above.)

Estimates of fat distribution, including waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and waist circumference, also are associated with weight-related medical risks in adults. The association is less clear for children and adolescents, and these measures are for the purposes of research rather than for their clinical utility. (See 'Fat distribution' above.)

Direct measures of body composition include anthropometrics, air-displacement plethysmography, and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). These measures vary considerably in their precision and expense; they generally are not valuable for the clinical evaluation of a patient. For the purposes of research studies requiring a precise measure of body composition, DXA or air-displacement plethysmography typically are used. (See 'Measures of body composition' above.)


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Topic 5363 Version 18.0


1 : Body composition of a young, multiethnic female population.

2 : Body composition of a young, multiethnic, male population.

3 : Body composition during the first 2 years of life: an updated reference.

4 : Body composition of reference children from birth to age 10 years.

5 : Growth and body composition in response to chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

6 : Four-component model of body composition in children: density and hydration of fat-free mass and comparison with simpler models.

7 : A comparison of fat and lean body mass index to BMI for the identification of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents.

8 : Body mass index as a measure of adiposity among children and adolescents: a validation study.

9 : The utility of body mass index as a measure of body fatness in children and adolescents: differences by race and gender.

10 : Do changes in body mass index percentile reflect changes in body composition in children? Data from the Fels Longitudinal Study.

11 : Monitoring childhood obesity: assessment of the weight/height index.

12 : Childhood body composition in relation to body mass index.

13 : The validity of BMI as an indicator of body fatness and risk among children.

14 : Diagnostic performance of body mass index to identify obesity as defined by body adiposity in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

15 : Body composition analysis in the pediatric population.

16 : Body composition analysis in the pediatric population.

17 : Body mass index, waist circumference, and clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors in a biracial sample of children and adolescents.

18 : Association of body fat distribution and cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents.

19 : Fat distribution and cardiovascular risk factors in obese adolescent girls: importance of the intraabdominal fat depot.

20 : Waist measurement correlates to a potentially atherogenic lipoprotein profile in obese 12-14-year-old children.

21 : Waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio are better predictors of cardiovascular disease risk factors in children than body mass index.

22 : Relation of circumferences and skinfold thicknesses to lipid and insulin concentrations in children and adolescents: the Bogalusa Heart Study.

23 : Can waist circumference identify children with the metabolic syndrome?

24 : Development of the metabolic syndrome in black and white adolescent girls: a longitudinal assessment.

25 : Waist circumference is an independent predictor of insulin resistance in black and white youths.

26 : Waist circumference percentiles for Canadian youth 11-18y of age.

27 : The development of waist circumference percentiles in British children aged 5.0-16.9 y.

28 : Waist percentiles: a simple test for atherogenic disease?

29 : Waist circumference for the screening of the metabolic syndrome in children.

30 : Waist circumference percentiles for 7- to 15-year-old Australian children.

31 : Waist circumference percentiles in nationally representative samples of African-American, European-American, and Mexican-American children and adolescents.

32 : Combined influence of body mass index and waist circumference on coronary artery disease risk factors among children and adolescents.

33 : A population-based comparison of BMI percentiles and waist-to-height ratio for identifying cardiovascular risk in youth.

34 : Intra-abdominal adiposity and individual components of the metabolic syndrome in adolescence: sex differences and underlying mechanisms.

35 : High visceral and low abdominal subcutaneous fat stores in the obese adolescent: a determinant of an adverse metabolic phenotype.

36 : Evaluation of methodology for nutritional assessment in children: anthropometry, body composition, and energy expenditure.

37 : Evaluation of lean body mass in obese children.

38 : Do skinfolds accurately assess changes in body fat in obese children and adolescents?

39 : Estimating body fat in African American and white adolescent girls: a comparison of skinfold-thickness equations with a 4-compartment criterion model.

40 : Validity of the methods to assess body fat in children and adolescents using multi-compartment models as the reference method: a systematic review.

41 : Nutritional assessment in pediatrics.

42 : Nutritional assessment in pediatrics.

43 : Nutritional assessment in pediatrics.

44 : New norms of upper limb fat and muscle areas for assessment of nutritional status.

45 : New norms of upper limb fat and muscle areas for assessment of nutritional status.

46 : The skeleton as a feature of body composition. Values predicted by isotope dilution and observed by cadaver dissection in an adult human female.

47 : Total body water measurement in humans with 18O and 2H labeled water.

48 : Measuring body fatness in children and young adults: comparison of bioelectric impedance analysis, total body electrical conductivity, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

49 : Assessment of fat-free mass using bioelectrical impedance measurements of the human body.

50 : The Tanita SC-240 to Assess Body Composition in Pre-School Children: An Evaluation against the Three Component Model.

51 : Comparison of Standing Posture Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis with DXA for Body Composition in a Large, Healthy Chinese Population.

52 : Body composition during growth in children: limitations and perspectives of bioelectrical impedance analysis.

53 : The Tanita SC-240 to assess body composition in pre-school children: An evaluation against the three component model

54 : Assessment methods in human body composition.

55 : Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement error.

56 : Air-displacement plethysmography: here to stay.

57 : Validation of air displacement plethysmography for assessing body composition.

58 : Evaluation of air-displacement plethysmography in children aged 5-7 years using a three-component model of body composition.

59 : Air displacement plethysmography: cradle to grave.

60 : Air-displacement plethysmography pediatric option in 2-6 years old using the four-compartment model as a criterion method.

61 : Body-composition assessment in infancy: air-displacement plethysmography compared with a reference 4-compartment model.

62 : Air displacement plethysmography (pea pod) in full-term and pre-term infants: a comprehensive review of accuracy, reproducibility, and practical challenges.

63 : New charts for the assessment of body composition, according to air-displacement plethysmography, at birth and across the first 6 mo of life.

64 : Soft tissue composition and bone mineral status: evaluation by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

65 : Soft tissue composition and bone mineral status: evaluation by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

66 : Methodologies to assess paediatric adiposity.

67 : Comparison of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, Slaughter Skinfold-Thickness Equations, and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry for Estimating Body Fat Percentage in Colombian Children and Adolescents with Excess of Adiposity.

68 : Body composition and aging: a study by in vivo neutron activation analysis.

69 : Body composition.

70 : Body composition measurement in young children using quantitative magnetic resonance: a comparison with air displacement plethysmography.

71 : Body Composition Measurements from Birth through 5 Years: Challenges, Gaps, and Existing&Emerging Technologies-A National Institutes of Health workshop.

72 : Children and Adolescents' Anthropometrics Body Composition from 3-D Optical Surface Scans.

73 : The Association of Muscle Mass Measured by D3-Creatine Dilution Method With Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Physical Function in Postmenopausal Women.

74 : Body composition monitoring in children and adolescents: reproducibility and reference values.