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Sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors

Sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors
Rachel A Egler, MD
Deborah Levine, MD
Louise Wilkins-Haug, MD, PhD
Section Editors:
Lynn L Simpson, MD
Alberto S Pappo, MD
Deputy Editors:
April F Eichler, MD, MPH
Vanessa A Barss, MD, FACOG
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jan 28, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Germ cell tumors (GCTs) that arise outside the testes or the ovaries are classified as extragonadal. Extragonadal GCTs typically arise in midline locations, and specific sites vary with age. In adults, the most common sites are the anterior mediastinum, retroperitoneum, and the pineal and suprasellar regions. In infants and young children, sacrococcygeal teratomas (SCTs) are the most common GCTs.

SCTs are discussed here. Extragonadal GCTs arising in the central nervous system and in the mediastinum and retroperitoneum are discussed elsewhere. (See "Intracranial germ cell tumors" and "Extragonadal germ cell tumors involving the mediastinum and retroperitoneum".)

EPIDEMIOLOGY — SCT is the most common GCT of childhood. In the pediatric population, SCTs account for 40 percent of all GCTs and up to 78 percent of all extragonadal GCTs. Rarely, SCTs may present in adulthood [1,2].

SCT is the most frequently recognized fetal neoplasm, with an estimated incidence of approximately 1 in 27,000 [3]. SCTs are more common in females than males, with a 3 to 4:1 ratio [4,5]. SCTs with malignant elements generally are not seen in infants. The incidence of malignant elements within SCTs increases with postnatal age.


Histology — Teratomas often are comprised of cells that represent all three germ cell layers. They have solid, cystic, or mixed components. Unlike teratomas in other locations, SCTs often do not have a capsule or pseudocapsule, which contributes to the difficulty in achieving a complete resection.

GCTs can include mature, immature, and malignant tissues:

Mature teratomas – Mature teratomas consist of fully differentiated tissues from various somatic sites. These tissues may be small islands of cells mixed together, or they can include fully functional glandular structures such as pancreatic Langerhans cells or sebaceous glands. Fully developed bone, hair, and teeth have been found in mature teratomas.

Immature teratomas – Immature teratomas include at least a small fraction of cells that are comprised of embryonal components or incompletely differentiated tissue structures. Primitive neuroectodermal features, such as primitive neural tubes and immature rosettes, are common. The Gonzalez-Crussi grading system has been used to describe the amount of immature tissue within the tumor: Grade 0: mature teratoma only; Grade 1: <10 percent immature tissue; Grade 2: 10 to 50 percent immature tissue; and Grade 3: >50 percent immature tissue [6]. Other grading systems have also been described [7-9].

Malignant teratomas – SCTs that contain any malignant elements are considered malignant. Between 11 and 35 percent of postnatal SCTs are malignant, and many of these will have elevated tumor markers [4,10,11]. The most common malignant element is a yolk sac component, which produces alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) [4,9,12]. Other malignant elements can include embryonal carcinoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET).

Microfoci of malignant elements can be missed on pathologic sectioning. Therefore, screening with AFP and beta human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) is part of the initial evaluation of patients with SCT. (See 'Prenatal detection' below.)

Genetics — No consistent genetic changes have been identified in mature and immature teratomas [6]. By contrast, both gonadal and extragonadal GCTs of infancy frequently have gain of chromosomes 1q and 20q, as well as loss of chromosomes 1p and 6q. By contrast, postpubertal malignant GCTs are associated with the isochromosome 12p abnormality [6,13,14]. (See "Extragonadal germ cell tumors involving the mediastinum and retroperitoneum".)

CLINICAL PRESENTATION — SCT generally presents either in utero, as a mass extending off the caudal end of the fetus, or as a tumor of infancy that may be asymptomatic or present with signs of obstruction of the rectum or bladder. A small number of children present with weakness, pain, or paralysis [15].

The Altman Classification describes the extent to which a tumor is external and/or internal (figure 1). Type I tumors are primarily external, while type IV lesions are completely internal. Type I and II tumors are the most obvious on prenatal ultrasound and clinical examination. In the United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group (CCSG) experience with 37 SCTs, Altman types I, II, III, and IV were present in 62, 14, 19, and 6 percent of cases, respectively [7].

Type IV tumors typically are found later in infancy and early childhood, compared with tumors with an external component (types I, II, and III). Type IV SCTs can present with obstipation/constipation, abdominal pain, or a palpable mass. Malignant elements are more frequent in type IV SCTs, with an incidence of 38 percent in one series [16].

With the increasing use of prenatal ultrasound, many SCTs are now identified in utero [17,18].

PRENATAL DETECTION — Prenatal diagnosis typically occurs during the second trimester during routine sonography; first-trimester diagnosis has also been reported [19-22]. Most SCTs diagnosed in utero are Altman type I or II [19].

Diagnosis — Sonography usually demonstrates a mass near the distal spine (picture 1 and picture 2). The majority of prenatally diagnosed SCTs are either solid or mixed cystic and solid; calcifications are often present. Associated structural abnormalities may include bladder outlet obstruction and hydronephrosis, rectal stenosis or atresia, and cardiomegaly secondary to vascular shunting and high-output cardiac failure. (See 'Evaluation and monitoring' below.)

Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is recommended where available. Compared with sonography, MRI more accurately characterizes the intrapelvic and abdominal extent of the tumor and compression of adjacent organs (picture 3) [23-25]. This information can help in prenatal counseling and preoperative planning for surgical resection. (See 'Perinatal management' below.)

The most important differential diagnosis of an exophytic cystic sacral mass in the fetus is a distal neural tube defect (myelomeningocele or myelocystocele) [19,26-28]. A neural tube defect is diagnosed when the spinal elements are splayed posteriorly and there is a meningocele or meningomyelocele. SCTs always have a portion in close proximity to the coccyx; they may impinge on the sacrum, but the mass effect is usually presacral rather than posterior, as a neural tube defect would be. Both entities can be associated with elevated maternal and amniotic alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels. MRI can be helpful when the diagnosis is unclear by ultrasound [28].

Evaluation and monitoring — Serial ultrasound evaluation of the fetus, placenta, and tumor over the course of the gestation is an important component in the overall treatment plan. The major goal is to identify fetuses at increased risk of fetal demise because of hydrops (ie, abnormal fetal fluid collection), and intervene as appropriate. (See "Nonimmune hydrops fetalis".)

Tumor size should be measured at each ultrasound examination, and solid portions of the tumor should be interrogated with Doppler ultrasound to assess vascular flow. Rapidly enlarging tumors and tumors that are solid, in particular, create a vascular steal phenomenon, which places the fetus at increased risk of developing hydropic changes [29,30]. Large lesions (>10 cm), especially vascular ones, are associated with a high perinatal mortality rate. Relatively cystic lesions with absent or mild vascularity tend to display slow growth and have a favorable outcome, even when large (>10 cm) [31]. Amniotic fluid volume and placental thickness should also be evaluated, as polyhydramnios and placental thickening are markers for hydrops and oligohydramnios can result from bladder obstruction due to the SCT.

The frequency of ultrasound examinations depends on the composition of the tumor (ie, cystic or solid), its vascularity, and any associated findings; follow-up imaging may be as often as twice per week for high-risk tumors, or as infrequently as every two weeks for small or predominantly cystic lesions.

Fetal echocardiography is recommended in fetuses with predominantly solid and/or vascular tumors. Echocardiography is used to identify a high-output cardiac state, which precedes the onset of hydrops [32]. A fetal cardiac profile consisting of assessment of the cardiothoracic ratio, cardiac dimension z scores, combined ventricular output, and valvular regurgitation can be used to identify fetuses with poor prognosis [33].

Prognosis — Imaging characteristics, particularly tumor volume, may provide prognostic information [30,34-36]. For example, tumor-volume-to-fetal-weight ratio (TFR) >0.12 on ultrasound before 24 weeks of gestation is a poor prognostic sign [17,30,34,35,37]. In a single-center retrospective study, TFR >0.12 on ultrasound before 24 weeks of gestation was associated with 4.7-fold increase in risk of poor prognosis (hydrops, perinatal death, need for fetal intervention), and a TFR ≥0.11 before 32 weeks was associated with a 6.2-fold increase [35]. In another study, a solid-tumor-volume-to-head-volume ratio >1 was associated with a perinatal mortality rate of 61 percent due to high-output failure and hydrops [30].

A systematic review of 18 studies comprising 420 pregnancies complicated by SCT published in 2015 reported the following findings [17]:

Overall survival (OS) was 73 percent (excluding pregnancy terminations)

Survival was poor with hydrops (15 percent)

Survival was higher with tumors <10 cm than ≥10 cm (81 versus 72 percent)

Survival was lower with solid versus cystic/mixed-type tumors (45 versus 73 percent)

Survival was higher with mature SCTs versus immature SCTs (98 versus 69 percent)

Survival by Altman type was: Type I (78 percent), Type II (70 percent), Type III (86 percent), Type IV (80 percent)

Fifty-two percent of survivors were delivered at <34 weeks of gestation

Survival was not affected by mode of delivery

Perinatal management — Prenatal diagnosis and close monitoring have improved outcomes for fetal SCT, but overall perinatal mortality remains high [38]. Estimates of perinatal mortality for prenatally diagnosed SCT range from 25 to 50 percent when cases of pregnancy termination, intrauterine death, and neonatal death are included [19,39]. Potential perinatal complications include preterm labor, spontaneous tumor hemorrhage or rupture [40], and maternal Mirror syndrome (maternal edema mirroring fetal edema). (See "Nonimmune hydrops fetalis", section on 'Mirror syndrome'.)

In utero interventions are generally only temporizing measures to decrease the impact of the parasitic mass on the fetal cardiovascular system, allowing the fetus to recover in utero and continue to grow and mature. A definitive surgical procedure is typically required after the child's birth. For some high-risk SCT fetuses, in utero open fetal surgery is an option at specialized centers. Although criteria for open fetal surgery vary across centers, most include fetuses with high-risk SCT and hydrops developing at a gestational age earlier than appropriate for delivery and neonatal care (eg, 28 to 32 weeks gestation). Contraindications to open fetal surgery include type III or IV Altman-type tumors, severe placentomegaly, cervical shortening, and maternal medical issues [38]. Minimally invasive in utero approaches for management of the hydropic fetus with SCT include laser ablation [41,42], radiofrequency ablation [43,44], bladder drainage for obstructive uropathy [19,45], and cyst aspiration [46]. In a 2014 systematic review, overall perinatal survival with open fetal surgery was 50 percent (6 out of 12) [47]. For minimally invasive procedures, overall perinatal survival was 44 percent (14 out of 32); 30 percent of hydropic fetuses survived (6 out of 20) and 67 percent (8 out of 12) of fetuses without obvious hydrops survived. Mean gestational age at birth for the entire cohort was 30 weeks. Minimally invasive procedures resulting in tumor necrosis enabled performance of a lower-segment uterine incision rather than a classical incision during cesarean delivery.

In high-risk SCT fetuses that are not candidates for in utero intervention, the third trimester can be unpredictable, even with close monitoring. In selected high-risk SCT fetuses, early delivery and ex utero surgery may be an option, as advocated by investigators at the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia [38]. They suggest cesarean delivery, using an ex utero intrapartum therapy (EXIT) procedure when possible, for high-risk SCT after 27 to 28 weeks. High-risk SCTs are those with fetal high-output cardiac failure, tumor hemorrhage, nonreassuring fetal testing (biophysical profile, fetal heart rate tracing, abnormal Dopplers), or impending preterm labor due to polyhydramnios and/or tumor. In EXIT, the fetus is partially delivered and intubated without clamping the umbilical cord; uteroplacental blood flow and gas exchange are maintained by using inhalational agents to provide uterine relaxation and amnioinfusion to maintain uterine volume. This provides time for debulking the SCT prior to complete delivery of the infant, thereby interrupting the vascular steal that is the basis for high-output cardiac failure.

Fetuses with low-risk SCT are typically delivered by cesarean after 36 weeks of gestation [38]. Fetuses with small tumors (<5 cm) can be delivered vaginally, but the majority of tumors are sufficiently large to necessitate cesarean delivery [48].

POSTNATAL EVALUATION — If fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was not performed antenatally, computed tomography (CT) or MRI of the primary site is commonly done after birth to assess the extent of internal tumor. Staging should include a CT of the chest and bone scan.

Serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and beta human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) should be assessed at diagnosis to look for the presence of malignant components in the tumor. Because these tumors generally present at birth or early in infancy, interpretation of an elevated AFP can be difficult and must consider the age of the patient [49]. AFP levels often decline slowly to reach normal levels in the very young, but a continued decline should be present [50].

SURGICAL RESECTION — In most cases, surgical resection is undertaken postnatally. In utero interventions are generally only temporizing measures, allowing the fetus to recover in utero and continue to grow and mature; in selected cases at specialized centers, resection may be undertaken in utero. (See 'Perinatal management' above.)

Surgery for complete excision of an SCT often is quite extensive. It must include removal of the coccyx to be considered complete. Other considerations include early ligation of the sacral vessels and sterile circumferential preparation of the body due to the potential need for intraoperative change in approach [51]. If a complete resection cannot be achieved in the first surgery, a second procedure may be required to complete the resection, particularly for tumors with malignant elements [10,52].

Despite successful control of the tumor in the majority of patients, functional sequelae are common and can impair quality of life [53,54]. The frequency of serious complications was assessed in a series of 79 patients from the Netherlands who were treated from 1980 to 2003 [53]. Bowel dysfunction (soiling, including total fecal incontinence in some cases) was reported in 13 percent and urinary incontinence was observed in 31 percent. In a more recent series of 45 patients treated from 2000 to 2013 in the United States, anorectal complications occurred in 29 percent and urologic complications occurred in 33 percent [55]. No anorectal or urologic complications occurred in patients with Altman type I tumors.


Benign SCT — The majority of SCTs do not contain malignant elements. Early, complete surgical resection is the cornerstone of management for mature and immature SCTs in this setting [2,8,9,12,16,56,57]. Surgical resection is often an extensive procedure and can cause significant acute and long-term side effects. (See 'Surgical resection' above.)

Incomplete resections are associated with a significantly higher rate of recurrence. In a German series, recurrence was more frequent after incomplete resection (49 versus 11 percent, in those with complete resection) [12]. Similarly, the Children's Cancer Group (CCG) observed a recurrence rate of 11 percent in patients with mature SCT [4]. Of these, two recurrences were mature teratoma, while the remaining seven had yolk sac tumors [4].

Both German and United Kingdom investigators found no benefit for adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with immature teratoma [8,12]. Similarly, the American Intergroup study demonstrated that observation after complete resection was an effective strategy in patients with immature teratoma [9].

Malignant SCT — For patients with malignant SCT following surgery, platinum-based chemotherapy is a critical component of treatment. As in adults with advanced GCTs, the most widely used combinations are bleomycin, etoposide, and either cisplatin (BEP) or carboplatin (BEJ). These regimens are effective therapy at diagnosis both for patients with malignant SCTs and for those who recur with malignant elements after resection. (See "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors".)

Stage I and II malignant SCTs treated with complete surgical resection and chemotherapy have an overall survival (OS) at five years that exceeds 90 percent [10,58,59]. Metastatic tumors have a lower event-free survival (EFS) and OS. In a combined analysis of three German trials that utilized surgery followed by a five-drug chemotherapy regimen, outcomes were worse for those with metastatic tumors (five-year EFS 67 versus 83 percent in those without metastases, and OS 69 versus 92 percent) [10].

To facilitate surgical resection and to improve outcomes in patients with advanced disease with a malignant component, chemotherapy has been used to treat patients prior to an attempt at complete resection [12,52,58]. In patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease, those who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by resection had an EFS of 79 percent with an OS of 83 percent at five years, while those who had an immediate attempt at complete resection had both EFS and OS of 49 percent [12]. The American Intergroup data showed similar results, with all nonthoracic, extragonadal GCTs having an EFS and OS of 82 and 87 percent, respectively, at five years [52]. In the United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group (CCSG) experience, patients with malignant sacrococcygeal GCT who were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy with BEJ had an EFS of 87 percent [58].

Treatment for patients with completely resected (stage I) SCT with malignant components is controversial. These patients are generally eligible for studies that include chemotherapy; however, they have also been observed without chemotherapy in some cases [4,9,12]. A case series and review of the literature identified 14 cases of stage I SCT with malignant components, 12 of whom survived with no recurrence at last follow-up, ranging from two to eight years [60]. Two patients who recurred were treated with platinum-based chemotherapy and were alive at nine years.

The number of patients described in these studies is too small to make definitive recommendations regarding observation only for patients with malignant SCT. In the completed Children's Oncology Group (COG) trial, patients with a completely resected malignant SCT were considered to have intermediate-risk disease and received at least three cycles of BEP therapy [61]. In the ongoing COG trial (AGCT 1531), stage I extragonadal GCT such as SCT will be observed without immediate chemotherapy.

SURVEILLANCE AND RELAPSE — Children require regular follow-up after surgical resection or completion of chemotherapy. Surveillance guidance is based on expert opinion and clinical experience and typically involves clinical examination at three- to six-month intervals, with monthly tumor marker measurement (alpha-fetoprotein [AFP]) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) for the first year and then every two to six months. Primary site imaging (usually magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) and chest radiograph are obtained at 3 and 12 months after resection and then as needed for evaluation of new symptoms. Follow-up should continue for at least three to five years, as late recurrences have been reported [4,62].

As discussed above (see 'Postnatal evaluation' above), interpretation of an elevated AFP after surgical resection can be difficult in infants and must consider the age of the patient [49]. AFP levels often decline slowly after birth and can take months to reach normal levels, but a continued decline should be present [49,50,63,64].

Approximately three-quarters of children with recurrent SCT will have an elevated AFP, including some who had mature teratoma initially [65]. Most recurrences are detected through physical examination or high AFP levels; others may be diagnosed by MRI, computed tomography (CT), or ultrasound after symptoms such as constipation are reported [62].

Both mature and immature teratomas can recur locally and at distant sites, and recurrence is associated with decreased overall survival (OS) [9,12]. The overall recurrence rate is approximately 10 percent for mature teratomas and approximately 20 percent for immature teratomas. The vast majority of patients with distant relapse also have recurrent locoregional disease [12]. In addition to immature or malignant histology, risk factors for recurrence include incomplete resection and tumor spillage at the time of surgery [66].

TREATMENT OF RECURRENCE — Patients with recurrent disease are treated with further surgery or chemotherapy depending upon the pathology and extent of the recurrent tumor. SCT patients who recur with malignant elements can often be salvaged with platinum-based therapy [8,9,12]. (See 'Malignant SCT' above.)

Patients previously treated with chemotherapy (cisplatin [BEP] or carboplatin [JEB]) for malignant disease can be treated with a number of salvage regimens for recurrent malignant GCT including paclitaxel, ifosfamide, and cisplatin [67]; vinblastine, ifosfamide, and platinum [68]; and high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue [54,69-71]. The most recent Children's Oncology Group (COG) study for refractory GCTs used a combination of paclitaxel, ifosfamide, and carboplatin [72]. The study showed a good response rate in typical, younger patients with SCT, but this combination did not appear superior to other regimens used in the adolescent and young adult population.


Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) is the most common germ cell tumor (GCT) in infancy and early childhood. SCTs are generally benign tumors. However, malignant elements can be present, and their frequency increases with the postnatal age of the patient. (See 'Epidemiology' above.)

As most SCTs are identified during pregnancy, serial ultrasound evaluation of the fetus, placenta, and tumor over the course of the gestation is an important component in the overall treatment plan. The major goal is to identify fetuses at increased risk of fetal demise because of hydrops (ie, abnormal fetal fluid collection), and intervene as appropriate. (See 'Evaluation and monitoring' above.)

In most cases, surgical resection is undertaken postnatally. In utero interventions are generally only temporizing measures, allowing the fetus to recover in utero and continue to grow and mature; in very selected cases at specialized centers, resection may be undertaken in utero. (See 'Perinatal management' above and 'Surgical resection' above.)

For mature and immature SCTs, early, complete surgical resection is the cornerstone of management. There does not appear to be a role for adjuvant chemotherapy following surgery. (See 'Benign SCT' above.)

For patients with SCTs that contain malignant elements, maximal safe resection should be followed by adjuvant chemotherapy in most cases. We suggest a platinum-based regimen such as cisplatin (BEP) or carboplatin (BEJ), rather than alternative chemotherapeutic regimens (Grade 2C). (See 'Malignant SCT' above.)

Potential exceptions to this approach include the following:

For patients who undergo a complete resection for an SCT with malignant elements, observation, rather than adjuvant chemotherapy, may be an alternative, although there has been limited prospective evaluation of this approach.

For patients with locally advanced or metastatic malignant SCTs, we suggest neoadjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy (prior to attempted surgical resection), rather than adjuvant chemotherapy (Grade 2C).


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Topic 5200 Version 25.0


1 : Adult sacrococcygeal teratomas.

2 : Sacrococcygeal teratoma in adults: case reports and a review of the literature.

3 : Sacrococcygeal teratoma over two decades: birth prevalence, prenatal diagnosis and clinical outcomes.

4 : Long-term outcome for infants and children with sacrococcygeal teratoma: a report from the Childrens Cancer Group.

5 : Sacrococcygeal teratoma: the experience of four decades.

6 : Pathology and molecular biology of teratomas in childhood and adolescence.

7 : Sacrococcygeal teratomas: the UK Children's Cancer Study Group's experience. I. Neonatal.

8 : Mature and immature extracranial teratomas in children: the UK Children's Cancer Study Group Experience.

9 : Complete surgical excision is effective treatment for children with immature teratomas with or without malignant elements: A Pediatric Oncology Group/Children's Cancer Group Intergroup Study.

10 : Prognostic value of tumor size, metastases, extension into bone, and increased tumor marker in children with malignant sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors: a prospective evaluation of 71 patients treated in the German cooperative protocols Maligne Keimzelltumoren (MAKEI) 83/86 and MAKEI 89.

11 : Sacrococcygeal teratoma.

12 : Multimodal treatment of malignant sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors: a prospective analysis of 66 patients of the German cooperative protocols MAKEI 83/86 and 89.

13 : Deletion mapping of 6q21-26 and frequency of 1p36 deletion in childhood endodermal sinus tumors by microsatellite analysis.

14 : Identification of recurrent chromosomal aberrations in germ cell tumors of neonates and infants using genomewide array-based comparative genomic hybridization.

15 : Sacrococcygeal teratomas.

16 : Sacrococcygeal teratoma: American Academy of Pediatrics Surgical Section Survey-1973.

17 : A review of pregnancies complicated by congenital sacrococcygeal teratoma in the West Midlands region over an 18-year period: population-based, cohort study.

18 : Sacrococcygeal teratoma: A population-based study of incidence and prenatal prognostic factors.

19 : Sacrococcygeal teratomas: prenatal surveillance, growth and pregnancy outcome.

20 : First trimester diagnosis of sacrococcygeal teratoma using two- and three-dimensional ultrasound.

21 : First-trimester diagnosis of sacrococcygeal teratoma: the role of three-dimensional ultrasound.

22 : Fetal spinal anomalies in a first-trimester sonographic screening program for aneuploidy.

23 : Diagnosis and characterization of fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma with prenatal MRI.

24 : Ultrasonic and magnetic resonance imaging of fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.

25 : Prenatal magnetic resonance imaging enhances fetal diagnosis.

26 : Sacrococcygeal teratoma: a case of mistaken identity.

27 : Color Doppler aided prenatal diagnosis of a type 1 cystic sacrococcygeal teratoma simulating a meningomyelocele.

28 : Terminal myelocystocele and sacrococcygeal teratoma: a comparison of fetal ultrasound presentation and perinatal risk.

29 : Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.

30 : Prognostic role of tumor-head volume ratio in fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.

31 : Prenatally diagnosed sacrococcygeal teratoma: a prognostic classification.

32 : Open fetal surgery for life-threatening fetal anomalies.

33 : Echocardiographic risk stratification of fetuses with sacrococcygeal teratoma and twin-reversed arterial perfusion.

34 : Tumor volume to fetal weight ratio as an early prognostic classification for fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.

35 : Tumor metrics and morphology predict poor prognosis in prenatally diagnosed sacrococcygeal teratoma: a 25-year experience at a single institution.

36 : Antenatal Prediction of Neonatal Survival in Sacrococcygeal Teratoma.

37 : Predictors of poor prognosis in prenatally diagnosed sacrococcygeal teratoma: A multiinstitutional review.

38 : Early delivery as an alternative management strategy for selected high-risk fetal sacrococcygeal teratomas.

39 : Outcomes of prenatally diagnosed sacrococcygeal teratomas: the results of a Japanese nationwide survey.

40 : Hemorrhage is the most common cause of neonatal mortality in patients with sacrococcygeal teratoma.

41 : Outcome of antenatally diagnosed sacrococcygeal teratomas: single-center experience (1993-2004).

42 : Intrauterine endoscopic laser surgery for fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.

43 : Thermocoagulation of fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.

44 : Radiofrequency ablation of human fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma.

45 : Successful intrauterine shunting of a sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) causing fetal bladder obstruction.

46 : Perinatal outcome of sacrococcygeal teratoma.

47 : Minimally invasive therapy for fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma: case series and systematic review of the literature.

48 : Management and outcome in prenatally diagnosed sacrococcygeal teratomas.

49 : Serum alpha fetoprotein (AFP) levels in normal infants.

50 : Alpha-fetoprotein following neonatal resection of sacrococcygeal teratoma.

51 : Malignant sacrococcygeal teratoma--endodermal sinus, yolk sac tumor--in infants and children: a 32-year review.

52 : Prognostic factors in children with extragonadal malignant germ cell tumors: a pediatric intergroup study.

53 : Long-term functional sequelae of sacrococcygeal teratoma: a national study in The Netherlands.

54 : Paclitaxel plus Ifosfamide followed by high-dose carboplatin plus etoposide in previously treated germ cell tumors.

55 : Urologic and anorectal complications of sacrococcygeal teratomas: prenatal and postnatal predictors.

56 : Factors associated with recurrence and metastasis in sacrococcygeal teratoma.

57 : Sacrococcygeal teratoma--a 25-year experience in a UK regional center.

58 : The United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group's second germ cell tumor study: carboplatin, etoposide, and bleomycin are effective treatment for children with malignant extracranial germ cell tumors, with acceptable toxicity.

59 : Randomized comparison of combination chemotherapy with etoposide, bleomycin, and either high-dose or standard-dose cisplatin in children and adolescents with high-risk malignant germ cell tumors: a pediatric intergroup study--Pediatric Oncology Group 9049 and Children's Cancer Group 8882.

60 : Is surgical resection and observation sufficient for stage I and II sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors? A case series and review.

61 : Is surgical resection and observation sufficient for stage I and II sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors? A case series and review.

62 : Malignant recurrence after mature Sacrococcygeal teratoma: A meta-analysis and review of the literature.

63 : Half-life of alpha-fetoprotein in neonatal sacrococcygeal teratoma.

64 : Alpha 1-fetoprotein (AFP) reference values in infants up to 2 years of age.

65 : Diagnostic accuracy of serum alpha-fetoprotein levels in diagnosing recurrent sacrococcygeal teratoma: A systematic review.

66 : Analysis of recurrence risks for sacrococcygeal teratoma in children.

67 : Chemotherapy for advanced germ cell tumors.

68 : Vinblastine plus ifosfamide plus cisplatin as initial salvage therapy in recurrent germ cell tumor.

69 : Treatment of intracranial nongerminomatous germ-cell tumor by high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem-cell rescue.

70 : Paclitaxel-based high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue for relapsed germ cell cancer.

71 : High-dose chemotherapy and stem-cell rescue for metastatic germ-cell tumors.

72 : Treatment of refractory germ cell tumors in children with paclitaxel, ifosfamide, and carboplatin: A report from the Children's Oncology Group AGCT0521 study.