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Extragonadal germ cell tumors involving the mediastinum and retroperitoneum

Extragonadal germ cell tumors involving the mediastinum and retroperitoneum
Philip W Kantoff, MD
Section Editor:
Jerome P Richie, MD, FACS
Deputy Editors:
Sonali Shah, MD
Helen Hollingsworth, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jan 15, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Germ cell tumors (GCTs) are classified as extragonadal if there is no evidence of a primary tumor in the testes or ovaries [1].

Extragonadal GCTs typically arise in midline locations, and specific sites vary with age. In adults, the most common sites, in order of frequency, are the anterior mediastinum, the retroperitoneum, and the pineal and suprasellar regions. In infants and young children, sacrococcygeal and intracranial GCTs are most common.

Mediastinal and retroperitoneal GCTs are reviewed here. Related topics include:

(See "Approach to the adult patient with a mediastinal mass".)

(See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors".)

(See "Intracranial germ cell tumors".)

(See "Sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors".)

PATHOLOGY — Extragonadal germ cell tumors (GCTs) are classified as seminomas (termed dysgerminomas in women), nonseminomatous GCTs (termed nondysgerminomas in women), mature teratomas, and immature teratomas based upon histology [1]. (See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors".)

Seminomas and dysgerminomas must be distinguished from nonseminomatous and nondysgerminomatous GCTs because of the differences in prognosis and treatment. In children, these tumors are often referred to as germinomas and nongerminomas. For a tumor to be considered a seminoma, dysgerminoma, or germinoma, it must consist entirely of that single histology and cannot contain other GCT elements.

The nonseminomatous tumors, including nondysgerminomas and nongerminomas, include yolk sac tumors, choriocarcinomas, embryonal carcinomas, teratomas, and mixed tumors that contain more than one cell line. Mixed tumors that contain an element of seminoma are classified as nonseminomatous GCTs.

Mature teratomas of the mediastinum generally behave in an indolent manner, unlike testicular GCTs, where there is no clear prognostic distinction between mature and immature teratoma. In adults, immature teratomas of the mediastinum can be aggressive tumors, similar to other nonseminomas, and have a poor prognosis, whereas in prepubertal children, immature elements in a teratoma are not associated with malignant behavior [2,3]. (See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors".)

PATHOGENESIS AND RISK FACTORS — The pathogenesis of extragonadal germ cell tumors (GCTs) is not clearly defined. Two competing hypotheses have been proposed, but there are insufficient data to determine which, if either, is correct.

The first hypothesis is that extragonadal GCTs are derived from primordial germ cells that fail to complete the normal migration along the urogenital ridge to the gonadal ridges during embryonal development. This may be due to an abnormality in the primordial germ cell itself or in its microenvironment [4].

The second hypothesis is that germ cells transformed in the testes undergo reverse migration [5]. This hypothesis is supported by genetic data suggesting that extragonadal GCTs and testicular GCTs share a common cell of origin [6,7].

However, this hypothesis does not explain the biological differences seen in mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs compared with nonseminomatous GCTs occurring in the testes or retroperitoneum. Such differences include the poorer prognosis and the greater incidence of yolk sac tumor elements and leukemia in patients with mediastinal primaries and might result from differences either in the cell of origin or in the tumor's microenvironment.

The following observations may be relevant to the pathogenesis of extragonadal GCTs:

Testicular carcinoma in situ, the precursor of testicular GCTs, is found in up to 50 percent of the testes of men with retroperitoneal GCTs [8]. However, testicular biopsy is not generally indicated in the absence of evidence of a tumor on ultrasonography [9]. (See "Testicular germ cell neoplasia in situ".)

The risk of developing a metachronous testicular GCT is significantly increased in men with extragonadal GCTs, particularly among those with retroperitoneal location and nonseminomatous histology (incidence ratios 100 and 75, respectively) [10]. The cumulative risk of developing a metachronous testicular cancer is approximately 10 percent at 10 years after the diagnosis of an extragonadal GCT. (See "Testicular germ cell neoplasia in situ", section on 'Extragonadal germ cell tumor'.)

Klinefelter syndrome — Males with Klinefelter syndrome (KS; 47,XXY) have an increased risk for GCTs, particularly those arising in the mediastinum [11-13]. In one report from the Children's Oncology Group (COG), approximately 3 percent of men with a testicular GCT had KS; among those with mediastinal GCTs, approximately one-third had KS. The risk of developing a GCT among males with KS was estimated to be 1:4000; compared with males without KS, the risk was elevated 19-fold. The authors concluded that males with mediastinal GCTs should be screened for KS. (See "Sex chromosome abnormalities", section on '47,XXY Klinefelter syndrome'.)

DIAGNOSIS — Extragonadal germ cell tumors (GCTs) are typically diagnosed with a needle or open biopsy prior to treatment. In rare cases, emergency treatment may be initiated because of severe symptoms before a tissue diagnosis is obtained, based upon tumor markers and the distribution of disease. (See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors", section on 'Germ cell tumors'.)

Differential diagnosis — The two key issues in establishing the diagnosis are the exclusion of metastasis from a primary testicular GCT and distinguishing an extragonadal nonseminomatous GCT from another type of poorly differentiated cancer:

Testicular palpation is not sufficient to exclude a primary testicular GCT; ultrasonography should be performed in all patients [14]. It may be difficult to distinguish true extragonadal GCTs from metastatic tumors in which the primary gonadal lesion has regressed [15,16]. Primary mediastinal GCTs occur in the anterior mediastinum, whereas testicular GCTs rarely metastasize to the anterior mediastinum, so a tumor there is unlikely to be a metastasis from a testicular primary.

In most cases, extragonadal GCTs can be clearly distinguished from a poorly differentiated carcinoma based upon histopathologic evaluation. In cases where the histopathologic diagnosis is no more specific than poorly differentiated carcinoma, the question arises whether to treat the cancer as a GCT. A key issue in such cases is confirming that the neoplasm is a carcinoma and not a hematologic malignancy. (See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors" and "Poorly differentiated cancer from an unknown primary site".)

Poorly differentiated carcinomas with a primarily midline distribution sometimes respond dramatically to chemotherapy, similarly to GCTs. Moreover, GCTs are the only carcinomas that present in this way that are likely to be cured with chemotherapy. Therefore, a poorly differentiated carcinoma of the retroperitoneum or anterior mediastinum should generally be treated as a GCT.

Although it is commonly done, it is not clear that measuring serum tumor markers is of any utility in this scenario because GCT chemotherapy should be administered regardless of serum tumor marker levels, and serum tumor marker elevation is not associated with a better outcome following such treatment [17-20].

Use of cytogenetic analysis for extra copies of chromosome arm 12p is also of limited value. Although such a finding is highly specific for a diagnosis of GCT, identification of this chromosomal abnormality has not been shown to improve outcomes [21].

Tumor markers — Extragonadal nonseminomatous GCTs are often associated with elevations in serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and/or beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG). AFP and/or beta-hCG is elevated in 85 percent of cases of extragonadal nonseminomatous GCTs. (See "Serum tumor markers in testicular germ cell tumors".)

The frequency of tumor marker abnormalities is different when mediastinal and retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs are compared. Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs are more likely to result in pronounced elevations of serum AFP and less likely to result in elevations of beta-hCG compared with gonadal and retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs.

This was illustrated in a series of 635 patients in which 74 percent of mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs were associated with an elevated AFP (median 2548 ng/mL) [22]. By contrast, 51 percent of patients with retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs had an elevated AFP (median 25 ng/mL). Serum beta-hCG was elevated in 38 percent of patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs (median 5 milli-international units/mL) compared with 74 percent of patients with retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs (median 335 milli-international units/mL).

Although an elevation in AFP excludes the diagnosis of a pure seminoma, up to 50 percent of patients with extragonadal seminoma have small to moderate increases in serum beta-hCG [22].

MEDIASTINAL GERM CELL TUMORS — Mediastinal germ cell tumors (GCTs) include mature teratomas, immature teratomas, seminomas, and nonseminomatous GCTs.

Mature teratomas — Mature teratomas of the mediastinum contain well-differentiated histologic elements derived from at least two of the three embryonic cell layers (also known as the germinal layers): ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (picture 1 and picture 2). Tumors containing a mixture of mature teratoma and other GCT elements (mixed tumors) should be treated as mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs (table 1). (See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors", section on 'Mature teratoma'.)

In males, mediastinal teratomas and testicular teratomas are distinct clinical entities. Mature teratomas of the testis are not considered benign; they have metastatic potential (although less than other testicular GCTs) and are treated in a similar manner to other testicular nonseminomatous GCTs. In contrast, mature teratomas of the mediastinum are considered benign. (See "Anatomy and pathology of testicular tumors", section on 'Teratoma' and 'Treatment' below.)

Clinical manifestations — Mature teratomas of the mediastinum tend to grow slowly, and as a result, they are more likely than other mediastinal GCTs to be diagnosed incidentally while they are still asymptomatic (image 1) [23].

Symptoms (chest pain, cough, dyspnea, and bronchial obstruction and postobstructive pneumonia) are generally due to compression and obstruction of surrounding organs [24,25]. Erosion into an adjacent bronchus can rarely lead to expectoration of hair (trichoptysis) or sebaceous debris [25]. Erosions into the pericardium, adjacent vascular structures, or through the skin to form a draining fistula are rare but serious complications [24,26].

Imaging studies — Chest radiography, whether performed incidentally or because of symptoms, typically shows an anterior mediastinal mass, with calcification reported in 26 percent of mature teratomas [24]. In some patients, well-formed teeth or bone are seen on plain film, findings that are very suggestive of the diagnosis.

Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are helpful in localizing lesions and determining the spatial relationships with surrounding structures. They can also characterize densities within the lesion suggestive of fat, sebaceous material, or cystic elements (image 1) [27,28].

Treatment — The treatment of mature mediastinal teratomas is surgical excision, and this is almost always curative [29,30]. Resection generally is through a median sternotomy or posterolateral thoracotomy, depending upon the location of the tumor, although thoracoscopic resection is occasionally possible [24,31].

Subtotal resection with relief of compressive symptoms is performed if benign teratomas cannot be excised completely without endangering surrounding vital structures. If only subtotal resection is possible, it is not clear that additional treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy (RT) offers any benefit, and observation is appropriate. Mature teratomas are relatively insensitive to both chemotherapy and RT [24,31].

Immature teratomas — Teratomas of the mediastinum exist on a continuum ranging from purely mature to predominantly immature (picture 3). These tumors are rare enough that clinically meaningful criteria for defining immaturity are not well established. Immature teratomas are characterized by mature elements from all three germinal layers, which are mixed with immature tissue. Macroscopically, immature teratomas form cystic masses with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. (See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors", section on 'Immature teratomas'.)

Treatment — The optimal treatment for immature mediastinal teratomas is uncertain. Radical resection is indicated but is often carried out after four cycles of etoposide, ifosfamide, and cisplatin (VIP (table 2)) chemotherapy. However, the benefits of chemotherapy and the optimal timing in relation to surgery have not been established in randomized trials due to the rarity of the disease. VIP chemotherapy is preferred over bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP (table 3)) because these patients generally require major thoracic surgery at the conclusion of chemotherapy and are at high risk for bleomycin-related postoperative pulmonary complications (pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis). (See "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors".)

Although primary, immature, mediastinal teratomas in adults often have a poor prognosis, long-term survival has been reported with preoperative chemotherapy and aggressive surgical resection [32]. Immature teratomas containing elements of other GCTs should be treated like other mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs, ie, with four cycles of VIP chemotherapy followed by resection of any residual disease. (See 'Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs' below.)

If malignant degeneration occurs (ie, teratoma with malignant transformation), resection is the treatment of choice. When resection is possible, the outcome is similar to other patients with teratoma. However, if these tumors are unresectable or have metastasized, they are generally incurable. If the transformation is limited to a single cell type, tailored chemotherapy directed towards that cell type may result in major responses and even long-term survival in selected patients [33], but it is unclear whether such tailored chemotherapy is more effective than standard GCT chemotherapy.

In children, immature mediastinal teratomas behave similarly to mature teratomas (ie, as benign tumors) and should be completely excised. (See 'Mature teratomas' above.)

Mediastinal seminoma — Mediastinal seminomas constitute approximately one-third of malignant mediastinal GCTs and 2 to 4 percent of mediastinal masses (picture 4A-B) [34]. (See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors", section on 'Seminomas'.)

Mediastinal seminomas occur predominantly in men between the ages of 20 and 40 [29]. Although it is uncommon for testicular seminoma to metastasize to the mediastinum in the absence of retroperitoneal lymph node involvement [14], all men with mediastinal seminoma should undergo careful testicular palpation and ultrasonography. Orchiectomy is generally indicated in the event of suspicious findings. Mediastinal dysgerminomas (the female counterpart to seminomas) are rare in women with histologically normal ovaries.

In order for a GCT to be classified as a seminoma in men or a dysgerminoma in women, no other histologic element of a GCT can be present, and serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) must be normal (unless liver disease or another medical condition exists to explain the AFP elevation) (picture 4A-B). Tumors consisting of a mixture of seminoma and other tumor types are termed mixed GCTs and are treated as nonseminomatous GCTs. (See 'Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs' below.)

Clinical manifestations — Primary mediastinal seminomas are typically slow growing and can be very bulky by the time they cause discomfort. The majority (75 percent) are symptomatic at the time of diagnosis.

The common presenting symptoms are illustrated by a series of 52 patients with mediastinal seminoma [22]:

Chest pain – 39 percent

Dyspnea – 29 percent

Cough – 22 percent

Weight loss – 19 percent

Superior vena cava syndrome – 12 percent

Fever – 6 percent

Nausea – 6 percent

Serum beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) is elevated in approximately one-third of patients [22], but a beta-hCG >1000 international units/L is generally thought to be indicative of the presence of nonseminomatous tumor elements. (See 'Tumor markers' above and "Serum tumor markers in testicular germ cell tumors", section on 'False-positive hCG'.)

Seminomas do not produce AFP. An elevated serum AFP is inconsistent with the diagnosis of a pure seminoma and indicates that nonseminomatous elements are present, even if the histopathologic diagnosis is pure seminoma. Such tumors are treated as nonseminomatous GCTs. (See 'Treatment' below.)

The majority of mediastinal seminomas have metastasized by the time they are detected, most often to the lymph nodes and less commonly to lungs, bone, and/or liver [22]. Detection of extramediastinal spread is important because the presence of nonpulmonary visceral metastases is associated with a poorer prognosis. CT imaging is essential to evaluate the primary tumor, retroperitoneal lymph nodes, and liver.

Treatment — Seminomas are exquisitely sensitive to both cisplatin-based chemotherapy and RT, regardless of location. The relative merits of chemotherapy, RT, and surgery have not been evaluated in randomized trials, and treatment recommendations are based largely upon small case series, retrospective reviews, and extrapolations from data on advanced testicular seminomas.

Men with mediastinal seminomas without evidence of nonpulmonary organ metastases are classified as good-risk GCTs by the International Germ Cell Consensus Classification (IGCCC) and have a five-year survival rate of more than 90 percent [35,36]. Most centers prefer chemotherapy to RT for patients with mediastinal seminoma, even when disease is limited to the mediastinum, largely due to concerns about an increased risk of cardiovascular events, secondary malignancies, and other toxicity following mediastinal RT. (See "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors".)

Chemotherapy — The most widely recommended chemotherapy regimen for patients with mediastinal seminomas and no nonpulmonary visceral metastases is three cycles of BEP chemotherapy or four cycles of etoposide plus cisplatin (EP) without bleomycin, as is used for advanced testicular seminoma (table 3 and table 4). In patients who have previously received RT to the chest or mediastinum, who have underlying lung disease, or who are older than 50 years of age, the EP regimen is preferred due to an increased risk of bleomycin lung toxicity [37]. (See "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors", section on 'Good risk' and "Bleomycin-induced lung injury", section on 'Risk factors'.)

Patients with mediastinal seminoma and metastases to the liver, bones, or other nonpulmonary organs should be treated with four cycles of BEP chemotherapy (table 3). Patients with metastases to organs other than the lungs who cannot tolerate bleomycin should receive four courses of VIP (table 2). As noted above, for patients who have received RT to the chest or mediastinum or have underlying lung disease or who are over 50 years of age, we typically use a bleomycin-free regimen [37].

The results of chemotherapy for extragonadal seminoma are illustrated by a series that included 103 patients with either mediastinal or retroperitoneal seminomas, in which cisplatin-based chemotherapy was administered to 91 percent [22]. Chemotherapy alone was used in 75 percent of cases. For the entire cohort, the remission rate with chemotherapy and postchemotherapy resection of residual masses was 92 percent, and the five-year overall survival rate was 88 percent for both mediastinal and retroperitoneal primary tumors. (See 'Residual mass' below.)

Radiation therapy — In those rare patients who are not candidates for chemotherapy, primary RT (35 to 50 Gy) is an acceptable alternative strategy in the absence of bulky or metastatic disease [23]. If RT is used, the radiation portals should include the mediastinum and bilateral supraclavicular fossae. Careful treatment planning is essential to avoid unnecessary toxicity to the lungs, heart, and other surrounding tissues.

Mediastinal radiation has been associated with coronary artery disease, valvular disease, diastolic dysfunction, and constrictive pericarditis. In addition, an increased frequency of late breast, esophageal, and lung cancers, as well as other malignancies, has been reported. (See "Cardiotoxicity of radiation therapy for breast cancer and other malignancies".)

Surgery — In the unusual case in which a mediastinal seminoma is discovered when very small and localized, complete surgical excision may be performed, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. In general, however, surgical resection or debulking plays no role in the initial management of seminomas because of the typical presence of bulky and/or metastatic disease [22].

Residual mass — Following chemotherapy, many patients are left with a residual mass. Most of these masses consist of necrosis, or a scirrhous or desmoplastic reaction. Residual masses should not be treated with chemotherapy or RT unless there is histologic confirmation of residual disease [38,39]. The optimal treatment of a residual mass is a subject of contention, and our approach is as follows:

Tumors <3 cm – Residual masses <3 cm should be closely observed.

Tumors ≥3 cm – Residual masses ≥3 cm should be evaluated with a positron emission tomography (PET) scan (our preference), an open biopsy, or close observation using periodic CT scans. For masses evaluated using a PET scan, PET-negative lesions should be observed. PET-positive lesions require histopathological documentation of residual cancer by biopsy or resection.

Surgical resection is often technically difficult and may be unnecessary for masses <3 cm. As a result, many recommend surveillance for such cases [40-42].

However, residual masses ≥3 cm in diameter may contain residual malignancy in up to 30 percent of cases [40-42], although not all studies have found a relationship between the size of a mass and the probability of viable seminoma [38].

Alternative approaches for masses ≥3 cm include careful monitoring with periodic CT scans, open biopsy of the mass, and 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET scan approximately eight weeks after the conclusion of chemotherapy [40,42].

One surveillance regimen that has been used is CT scan every three months the first year and every six months the second year or until normal. Further therapeutic intervention for patients undergoing surveillance is performed only for progressive disease [40]. Two studies have reported that PET with FDG performed after chemotherapy is highly accurate in distinguishing benign from malignant residual masses [42,43], but another study reported a high false-positive rate while confirming a very low false-negative rate [44]. If PET is utilized, it should be obtained about two months after completion of chemotherapy. Masses showing increased FDG uptake should be completely resected, if possible, or else extensively biopsied.

A positive PET scan alone is not strong enough evidence to justify additional treatment with chemotherapy or RT, due to a significant false-positive rate. On the other hand, the false-negative rate in masses over 3 cm in size has been reported to be zero [43,44]. Thus, in a patient with a residual mass larger than 3 cm for whom a resection or open biopsy is planned, a negative PET scan provides a reasonable basis for foregoing the operation, unless the mass is increasing in size.

Patients who have histologically confirmed, residual, viable malignancy or who develop progressive disease should generally be treated with salvage chemotherapy, but RT represents an alternative approach for selected patients.

Prognosis — Long-term disease-free survival is achieved in roughly 90 percent of patients treated with chemotherapy [22]. Although most patients treated with primary RT are cured, the distant relapse rate is high, and the five-year disease-free survival rate is only 60 to 67 percent [22,45]. Most patients who relapse following primary RT can be salvaged with chemotherapy, but there is some evidence that the overall survival rate may be higher with initial chemotherapy [46].

Unlike patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs, mediastinal seminomas are not associated with transformation into non-germ-cell malignancies [47]. (See 'Association with hematologic and other malignancies' below.)

Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs — Nonseminomatous GCTs of the mediastinum contain yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, and/or embryonal carcinoma. Mixed GCTs may contain more than one cell type, as well as elements of teratoma and/or seminoma. Tumors that consist of a mixture of seminoma and teratoma are considered nonseminomatous GCTs. (See "Pathology of mediastinal tumors", section on 'Nonseminomatous GCTs'.)

In contrast to gonadal and retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs, mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs contain embryonal carcinoma less frequently, whereas yolk sac tumors (either pure or mixed with other histologies) are common (picture 5). In one series of 64 cases, 60 percent were pure yolk sac tumors, 12 percent were pure choriocarcinomas, and 9 percent were pure embryonal carcinomas [48].

Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs occur far more often in men than in women and usually are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs are also at risk for developing fatal hematologic disorders. These typically display a megakaryocytic lineage and share cytogenetic abnormalities with nonseminomatous GCTs. (See 'Association with hematologic and other malignancies' below.)

Clinical manifestations — Most patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs are symptomatic at presentation [48,49]. Signs and symptoms may include fever, chills, weight loss, chest pain, dyspnea, and/or superior vena cava syndrome. Gynecomastia can be seen in tumors with foci of choriocarcinoma that secrete large amounts of hCG. (See "Clinical features, diagnosis, and evaluation of gynecomastia in adults".)

Diagnosis — Most patients have an elevated serum AFP at presentation, and a sizable minority have an elevated serum beta-hCG. This pattern is so characteristic that some institutions accept elevated AFP and beta-hCG in a young adult male with an anterior mediastinal mass as de facto evidence of an extragonadal nonseminomatous GCT, and chemotherapy is sometimes started without a tissue diagnosis.

However, we recommend histologic confirmation in all patients if it can be safely accomplished, unless the clinical scenario demands immediate treatment. Histologic confirmation is clearly required in the roughly 10 percent of patients with normal serum tumor markers.

Treatment — Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs are aggressive tumors that are often metastatic at presentation [48,50]. A multimodality approach is generally used, utilizing chemotherapy initially, followed by surgery to resect any residual masses.

Systemic chemotherapy — Initial treatment consists of four cycles of chemotherapy as is used in patients with advanced, testicular, intermediate- or poor-risk GCTs, except that four cycles of VIP (table 2) are preferred, rather than four cycles of BEP (table 3).

Four cycles of VIP are preferred by some oncologists, including us, for mediastinal nonseminomas because these patients will typically undergo a thoracotomy or sternotomy for resection of residual disease and may require prolonged exposure to high partial pressures of oxygen during surgery, which can provoke bleomycin-related pneumonitis. Four cycles of BEP are an alternative if bone marrow toxicity is a particular concern.

The strongest experience against using a bleomycin-based chemotherapy regimen following surgery comes from a retrospective series of 221 patients who underwent thoracic surgery at Indiana University following chemotherapy between 1980 and 2013 [51]. In this series, 22 of 166 patients treated with BEP developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (13 percent) versus 0 of 55 treated with VIP; prolonged ventilator use was required in 30 (18 percent) of those treated with BEP versus 2 (3.6 percent) of those treated with VIP. There were 11 perioperative deaths (6.6 percent) with BEP, 10 of which were secondary to pulmonary failure, versus no deaths in those treated with VIP.

The efficacy of VIP as an alternative to BEP appears to be similar, and the results of trials comparing these regimens in patients with advanced nonseminomatous GCTs are discussed separately. (See "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors", section on 'Intermediate- and poor-risk advanced disease'.)

As with other poor-risk GCTs, early changes in the tumor markers after the first dose of therapy can be used to individualize therapy, as shown by results of the Groupe d'Etude des Tumeurs Uro-Genital (GETUG)-13 trial [52,53]. However, longer follow-up is required before incorporating this approach into standard practice. The results of this trial are discussed separately. (See "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors", section on 'Intermediate- and poor-risk advanced disease'.)

Surgery for residual mass — Most patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs have residual masses at the conclusion of chemotherapy. Resection of all residual masses following chemotherapy plays an integral role in the treatment of these tumors and should be completed whenever technically feasible, even if serum tumor markers are rising at the completion of chemotherapy, given the poor results with salvage chemotherapy [22,54-57].

Aggressive surgery is required, and these operations are often complex. Referral to a thoracic surgeon with substantial experience with mediastinal nonseminomas is advisable whenever possible. Following postchemotherapy surgery, no further therapy is necessary if the residual masses contain teratoma or necrosis. If viable malignancy is identified, two additional cycles of VIP chemotherapy should be given.

Monitoring tumor markers — Serial monitoring of serum AFP and beta-hCG is helpful in monitoring the response to therapy and detecting early recurrence. The suggested schedule is similar to that used in testicular nonseminomatous GCTs. (See "Serum tumor markers in testicular germ cell tumors", section on 'Monitoring response to therapy'.)

Treatment after relapse — Although limited data are available, the administration of further chemotherapy (using either standard- or high-dose chemotherapy regimens) for patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs who relapse after cisplatin-based therapy has been minimally effective, with long-term disease-free survival rates ranging from 0 to 11 percent [22,50,56,58-61]. (See "Diagnosis and treatment of relapsed and refractory testicular germ cell tumors".)

As an example, a retrospective review of 79 patients treated at 11 centers reported that only 8 percent of the cohort were long-term survivors, compared with 30 percent who were initially diagnosed with primary retroperitoneal disease [22,61]. Of the 25 patients with primary mediastinal tumors who received high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation at relapse, only 3 (12 percent) were long-term survivors.

Association with hematologic and other malignancies — Patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs have a relatively high incidence of a number of hematologic disorders unrelated to their prior cytotoxic chemotherapy. These include acute megakaryoblastic and myelogenous leukemia, myelodysplasia, malignant mastocytosis, and malignant histiocytosis.

In one series of 287 patients with primary mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs treated at 11 institutions in the United States and Europe, 17 patients (6 percent) developed a hematologic disorder with a median follow-up of three years [47]. The median time to onset of the hematologic disorder was six months, the median survival following diagnosis was five months, and no patient survived more than two years.

In many cases, the malignant cells in these hematologic disorders have an isochromosome 12p or other evidence of derivation from the GCT [47,62,63]. Furthermore, in one report of six patients with mediastinal GCTs associated with hematologic malignancy, four had hematopoietic precursor cells within the yolk sac component of the tumor, which had a similar morphology and immunohistochemical profile as the leukemic cells in bone marrow [64]. Thus, leukemia may originate from a yolk sac, tumor-derived progenitor cell capable of undergoing hematopoietic differentiation with subsequent homing to the bone marrow.

With the exception of hematologic malignancies, patients with extragonadal GCTs do not appear to be at increased risk for developing second non-germ-cell malignancies, except as an effect of the chemotherapy used to treat these tumors [65]. Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs, particularly those with teratomatous elements, can transform into sarcomas and carcinomas that are highly resistant to treatment with chemotherapy or RT, and they should be resected if possible [66,67].

Prognosis — Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs carry a distinctly worse prognosis than seminomas or teratomas, with a five-year overall survival rate of about 40 to 45 percent [22,35,68]. Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs thus are always considered poor-risk GCTs. (See "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors", section on 'Definition of risk'.)

The effectiveness of a combined-modality approach as the initial approach to treating mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs was illustrated in a retrospective multicenter study that included 287 patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs, in which 278 patients (97 percent) were initially treated with chemotherapy [22]. The complete response rate to chemotherapy was 19 percent, and partial response with normalization of tumor markers was observed in 45 percent. Surgery was used to resect a residual mass in 143 patients (50 percent). The five-year progression-free and overall survival rates were 44 and 45 percent, respectively.

RETROPERITONEAL GERM CELL TUMORS — Retroperitoneal germ cell tumors (GCTs) are generally bulky at the time of diagnosis because they usually are diagnosed as a result of symptoms. Their clinical behavior, prognosis, and management are similar to disseminated testicular GCTs [69]. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and staging of testicular germ cell tumors".)

Retroperitoneal seminoma — For patients with a retroperitoneal seminoma, systemic chemotherapy with a cisplatin-based regimen is the preferred approach, using the same regimens as for patients with advanced testicular seminoma. (See "Treatment of stage II seminoma", section on 'Stage IIB and IIC seminoma'.)

The results with this approach are similar to those for advanced testicular seminoma. In a multinational series that included 52 patients with retroperitoneal seminoma and 51 with mediastinal seminoma, the progression-free and overall five-year survival rates for the entire cohort were 87 and 90 percent, respectively [22,36]. In this series, 75 percent of patients were treated with chemotherapy alone. (See "Treatment of stage II seminoma".)

Nonbulky retroperitoneal seminomas can also be treated with primary radiation therapy (RT) in a manner similar to stage II testicular seminoma. However, there is insufficient published experience to determine the complete remission and cure rates using this approach. (See "Treatment of stage II seminoma".)

Retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs — The initial therapy of patients with retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs consists of either three or four cycles of cisplatin-based chemotherapy, depending upon whether the patient falls into the good- or intermediate/poor-prognosis group. (See "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors".)

The results with this approach are illustrated by a multicenter series of 227 patients with retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs, of whom 98 percent were treated with chemotherapy initially [22]. Of these, 101 (45 percent) underwent surgery for resection of a residual mass. The five-year progression-free and overall survival rates were 42 and 65 percent, respectively.

For those who relapse following first-line chemotherapy, salvage cisplatin-based chemotherapy is identical to that for gonadal nonseminomatous GCTs. In one large review, 30 percent of patients with relapsed retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs achieved long-term disease-free survival [61]. (See "Diagnosis and treatment of relapsed and refractory testicular germ cell tumors".)

Retroperitoneal teratomas — Pure teratomas of the retroperitoneum are rare, and they are generally treated with complete surgical resection as the primary therapy [70-72]. Because the preoperative diagnosis is based on a needle or open biopsy, it is possible that complete resection will reveal the presence of nonteratoma GCT elements. In such cases, two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy using bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP) is appropriate.

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Testicular cancer".)


Extragonadal germ cell tumors – Extragonadal germ cell tumors (GCTs) are rare tumors that most frequently arise in the mediastinum and retroperitoneum in adult males. There are no randomized trials to guide treatment in patients with mediastinal or retroperitoneal GCTs. The evidence supporting therapeutic recommendations is based upon observational series and experience with gonadal GCTs.

Mature mediastinal teratomas – For patients with a mature teratoma of the mediastinum, complete surgical resection is indicated. Partial resection should be limited to patients in whom a complete resection is not technically feasible. Mature teratomas are relatively insensitive to both chemotherapy and radiation therapy (RT). (See 'Mature teratomas' above.)

Immature mediastinal teratomas – For patients with immature teratomas of the mediastinum, we suggest four cycles of cisplatin-based chemotherapy followed by complete surgical resection, if technically feasible, rather than initial surgery (Grade 2C). We prefer etoposide, ifosfamide, and cisplatin (VIP (table 2)) chemotherapy rather than bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP (table 3)) because of the risk of pulmonary toxicity. (See 'Immature teratomas' above and "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors".)

Mediastinal seminomas – For patients with a mediastinal seminoma, we suggest cisplatin-based chemotherapy rather than RT or surgery (Grade 2C). Good-risk patients are generally treated with three cycles of BEP (table 3) or four cycles of etoposide and cisplatin (EP (table 4)). Intermediate-risk patients (ie, those with nonpulmonary visceral metastases) should receive four cycles of BEP or VIP (table 2) chemotherapy. RT is an alternative for patients who do not have bulky or metastatic disease and for whom there are contraindications to cisplatin-based GCT chemotherapy regimens. (See 'Mediastinal seminoma' above and "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors".)

Residual masses <3 cm should be closely observed.

Residual masses ≥3 cm should either be evaluated with a positron emission tomography (PET) scan or an open biopsy, or should be closely observed using periodic computed tomography (CT) scans. For residual masses evaluated using a PET scan, PET-negative lesions should be observed. PET-positive lesions should not be treated with chemotherapy or radiation unless a biopsy or resection provides histopathological documentation of residual cancer. (See 'Residual mass' above.)

Mediastinal seminomas that also contain elements of other cell types or those with an elevation of serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) are nonseminomatous GCTs and should be treated as such. (See 'Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs' above.)

Mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumors – For patients with a mediastinal nonseminomatous GCT, we suggest four cycles of chemotherapy as the initial therapy, rather than surgery or RT (Grade 2C). We recommend VIP (table 2) rather than BEP because of the increased risk of bleomycin pulmonary toxicity should surgery eventually be required (Grade 1C). BEP can be considered as an alternative if bone marrow toxicity is a particular concern. (See 'Mediastinal nonseminomatous GCTs' above and "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors".)

For patients with a residual mediastinal mass following initial chemotherapy, we recommend complete surgical resection, if technically feasible (Grade 1A). If viable malignancy is identified, we suggest two additional cycles of VIP chemotherapy (Grade 2C). (See 'Surgery for residual mass' above.)

Retroperitoneal seminoma – For patients with a retroperitoneal seminoma, we suggest cisplatin-based chemotherapy using the same regimens as used for patients with advanced testicular seminoma (Grade 2C). RT may be an alternative for patients with nonbulky disease. (See 'Retroperitoneal seminoma' above and "Treatment of stage II seminoma", section on 'Stage IIB and IIC seminoma'.)

Retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCTs – For patients with a retroperitoneal nonseminomatous GCT, we suggest cisplatin-based chemotherapy as would be used for a testicular nonseminomatous GCT, rather than RT or surgery (Grade 2C). Depending upon whether the patient falls into the good- or intermediate/poor-prognosis group, this would include three or four cycles of treatment. This should be followed by surgical resection of any residual mass. (See "Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for early-stage testicular germ cell tumors" and "Initial risk-stratified treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors".)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT — The authors and editors would like to recognize Dr. Timothy D Gilligan, who contributed to previous versions of this topic review.


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Topic 2998 Version 31.0


1 : Wick MR, Perlman EJ, Orazi A, Muller-Hermelink HK. Germ cell tumours of the mediastinum. In: Tumours of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart, Travis WD, Brambilla E, Muller-Hermelink HK, Harris CC (Eds).

2 : Prognostic factors in children with extragonadal malignant germ cell tumors: a pediatric intergroup study.

3 : Extragonadal germ cell tumors: a review with emphasis on pathologic features, clinical prognostic variables, and differential diagnostic considerations.

4 : Intracranial germ cell tumors: a comprehensive review of proposed embryologic derivation.

5 : Genetics and biology of adult human male germ cell tumors.

6 : Primary mediastinal germ cell tumor with intratubular germ cell neoplasia of the testis--further support for germ cell origin of these tumors: a case report.

7 : Origin of adult male mediastinal germ-cell tumours.

8 : Management of extragonadal germ-cell tumors and the significance of bilateral testicular biopsies.

9 : European consensus on diagnosis and treatment of germ cell cancer: a report of the European Germ Cell Cancer Consensus Group (EGCCCG).

10 : Incidence of metachronous testicular cancer in patients with extragonadal germ cell tumors.

11 : Extragonadal germ cell tumors are often associated with Klinefelter syndrome.

12 : Klinefelter syndrome and mediastinal germ cell tumors.

13 : Klinefelter syndrome in males with germ cell tumors: A report from the Children's Oncology Group.

14 : Primary or secondary extragonadal germ cell tumors?

15 : Burned-out primary testicular cancer: sonographic and pathological characteristics.

16 : Spontaneous regression of testicular germ cell tumors: an analysis of 42 cases.

17 : Cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy in the treatment of poorly differentiated carcinoma and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of unknown primary site: results of a 12-year experience.

18 : Elevated germ cell markers in carcinoma of uncertain primary site do not predict response to platinum based chemotherapy.

19 : Evaluation of six tumor markers in patients with carcinoma of unknown primary.

20 : Tumor-marker analysis and verification of prognostic models in patients with cancer of unknown primary, receiving platinum-based combination chemotherapy.

21 : Molecular and cytogenetic studies in the diagnosis of patients with poorly differentiated carcinomas of unknown primary site.

22 : Extragonadal germ cell tumors of the mediastinum and retroperitoneum: results from an international analysis.

23 : Extragonadal germ cell tumors of the mediastinum and retroperitoneum: results from an international analysis.

24 : Benign teratomas of the mediastinum.

25 : Teratoid tumors of the mediastinum.

26 : Mediastinal teratoma presenting as massive hemoptysis in an adult.

27 : Primary mediastinal seminoma.

28 : Mediastinal mature teratoma: imaging features.

29 : Germ cell tumors of the mediastinum. A 30-year experience.

30 : Primary germ cell tumors in the mediastinum: a 50-year experience at a single Japanese institution.

31 : Videothoracoscopic removal of a mediastinal teratoma.

32 : Primary immature mediastinal teratoma in adulthood.

33 : Chemotherapy for teratoma with malignant transformation.

34 : Primary germ cell tumors of the mediastinum: II. Mediastinal seminomas--a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 120 cases.

35 : International Germ Cell Consensus Classification: a prognostic factor-based staging system for metastatic germ cell cancers. International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group.

36 : Extragonadal seminoma: an international multicenter analysis of prognostic factors and long term treatment outcome.

37 : Large-dose bleomycin therapy and pulmonary toxicity. A possible role of prior radiotherapy.

38 : Residual mass following chemotherapy of seminoma.

39 : Radiotherapy after chemotherapy for metastatic seminoma--a diminishing role. MRC Testicular Tumour Working Party.

40 : Management of postchemotherapy residual mass in patients with advanced seminoma: Indiana University experience.

41 : Residual mass: an indication for further therapy in patients with advanced seminoma following systemic chemotherapy.

42 : Management of residual mass in advanced seminoma: results and recommendations from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

43 : Predictive impact of 2-18fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography for residual postchemotherapy masses in patients with bulky seminoma.

44 : The role of positron emission tomography in the evaluation of residual masses after chemotherapy for advanced stage seminoma.

45 : Extragonadal germ cell tumors and unrecognized germ cell tumors.

46 : The treatment of extragonadal seminoma.

47 : Hematologic disorders associated with primary mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumors.

48 : Primary germ cell tumors of the mediastinum: III. Yolk sac tumor, embryonal carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, and combined nonteratomatous germ cell tumors of the mediastinum--a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 64 cases.

49 : Malignant germ cell tumors of the mediastinum.

50 : Primary mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumors: results of modern therapy including cisplatin-based chemotherapy.

51 : Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality Associated With Bleomycin in Primary Mediastinal Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumor.

52 : Personalised chemotherapy based on tumour marker decline in poor prognosis germ-cell tumours (GETUG 13): a phase 3, multicentre, randomised trial.

53 : Personalised chemotherapy based on tumour marker decline in poor prognosis germ-cell tumours (GETUG 13): a phase 3, multicentre, randomised trial.

54 : Role of postchemotherapy adjunctive surgery in the management of patients with nonseminoma arising from the mediastinum.

55 : Outcome following resection for patients with primary mediastinal nonseminomatous germ-cell tumors and rising serum tumor markers post-chemotherapy.

56 : Results of modern therapy for patients with mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumors.

57 : Outcome of patients with residual germ cell or non-germ cell malignancy after resection of primary mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell cancer.

58 : Mediastinal non-seminomatous germ cell tumours (MNSGCT) treated with cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy.

59 : Salvage therapy with high-dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow support in the treatment of primary nonseminomatous mediastinal germ cell tumors.

60 : Salvage chemotherapy in patients with extragonadal nonseminomatous germ cell tumors: the Indiana University experience.

61 : Second-line chemotherapy in patients with relapsed extragonadal nonseminomatous germ cell tumors: results of an international multicenter analysis.

62 : Hematologic neoplasia associated with primary mediastinal germ-cell tumors.

63 : Cytogenetic and immunohistochemical evidence for the germ cell origin of a subset of acute leukemias associated with mediastinal germ cell tumors.

64 : Hematopoietic precursor cells within the yolk sac tumor component are the source of secondary hematopoietic malignancies in patients with mediastinal germ cell tumors.

65 : The relative risk of second nongerminal malignancies in patients with extragonadal germ cell tumors.

66 : Teratoma with malignant transformation: diverse malignant histologies arising in men with germ cell tumors.

67 : Outcome analysis of patients with transformed teratoma to primitive neuroectodermal tumor.

68 : Impact of Teratoma on the Cumulative Incidence of Disease-Related Death in Patients With Advanced Germ Cell Tumors.

69 : Does extragonadal presentation impart a worse prognosis to abdominal germ-cell tumours?

70 : Primary retroperitoneal teratomas: a review of the literature.

71 : Adult primary retroperitoneal teratoma.

72 : Primary retroperitoneal teratoma in an adult.