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Shoulder dystocia: Risk factors and planning delivery of high-risk pregnancies

Shoulder dystocia: Risk factors and planning delivery of high-risk pregnancies
John F Rodis, MD
Section Editor:
Charles J Lockwood, MD, MHCM
Deputy Editor:
Vanessa A Barss, MD, FACOG
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Oct 28, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — A vaginal delivery is complicated by shoulder dystocia when, after delivery of the fetal head, additional obstetric maneuvers beyond gentle guidance are needed to enable delivery of the fetal shoulders. Shoulder dystocia is an obstetric emergency because it may result in life-threatening infant injuries, as well as less serious maternal injuries. It has been estimated that one newborn with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy due to shoulder dystocia occurs in every 22,000 term vaginal births [1].

This topic will discuss antepartum issues related to shoulder dystocia: risk factors for the disorder and planning delivery when these risk factors are identified before labor. Since many shoulder dystocias occur in pregnancies without risk factors, clinicians should always be prepared for the occurrence of the disorder. Intrapartum issues, including pathophysiology, diagnosis, management, and outcome of shoulder dystocia are reviewed separately. (See "Shoulder dystocia: Intrapartum diagnosis, management, and outcome".)

CAN SHOULDER DYSTOCIA BE PREDICTED? — There is expert consensus that the occurrence of shoulder dystocia cannot be accurately predicted by antenatal or intrapartum risk factors or imaging studies [2]. The predictive value of any one or combination of risk factors for shoulder dystocia is low (less than 10 percent), and at least 50 percent of pregnancies complicated by shoulder dystocia have no identifiable risk factors [3-5]. (See 'Risk factors' below and 'Lack of utility of pelvimetry and fetal biometry' below.)

Because shoulder dystocia cannot be accurately predicted, all obstetric care providers should be able to promptly recognize when gentle traction alone is inadequate for delivery of the shoulders and be able to proceed through an orderly sequence of maneuvers to deliver the fetus in a timely manner, with no or minimal maternal and fetal trauma. It should be noted, however, that permanent birth injury (eg, neonatal brachial plexus palsy), and even perinatal death, can occur in cases of shoulder dystocia that are appropriately identified and managed. Furthermore, neonatal brachial plexus palsy, which has been attributed to iatrogenic maneuvers that stretch the brachial plexus when the fetus with shoulder dystocia is delivered vaginally, can occur in infants delivered by cesarean and in vaginal deliveries without shoulder dystocia [6,7]

RISK FACTORS — Clinicians should be aware of risk factors for shoulder dystocia, so they can discuss the possibility of scheduled cesarean delivery with women at highest risk of occurrence and appropriately manage a prolonged second stage of labor in less high-risk women.


High birth weight — High birth weight is the major risk factor for shoulder dystocia. Although other risk factors have also been associated with shoulder dystocia (eg, maternal obesity, diabetes, older age at first birth), they are often related to high birth weight.

The incidence of shoulder dystocia increases progressively as birth weight increases over 4000 g (table 1) [3,8-11], and morbidity and mortality from shoulder dystocia increase significantly when birth weight is ≥4500 g [12,13]. Some risk factors for high birth weight are listed in the table (table 2).

Although birth weight is a risk factor for shoulder dystocia, it is not highly useful for predicting its occurrence because:

The majority of extremely high birth weight infants do not have shoulder dystocia. As an example, shoulder dystocia was reported in only 15.5 percent of 7859 infants with birth weight ≥5000 g (11 lb) delivered vaginally in one series [14].

Approximately 50 percent of shoulder dystocias occur in infants with birth weight <4000 g [15].

It is difficult for the clinician to predict birth weight prior to delivery. Sonographic estimation of fetal weight does not accurately detect or exclude macrosomia. Clinical estimates of birth weight based upon palpation using Leopold's maneuvers are also insensitive. (See "Fetal macrosomia", section on 'Sonography'.)

Diabetes mellitus — Maternal diabetes mellitus increases the likelihood of shoulder dystocia severalfold over the nondiabetic population (table 1). This increase is due, in part, to the higher prevalence of high birth weight in women with diabetes compared with nondiabetic women [8,15]. In addition, the anthropomorphic measurements of infants of diabetic mothers (IDMs) are different from those in offspring of women without diabetes. Specifically, the chest-to-head and shoulder-to-head ratios are increased in IDMs, thereby increasing the risk of shoulder dystocia independent of fetal weight and at weights <4000 g [16,17]. Of note, even a single abnormal glucose value in a 75 g two-hour glucose tolerance test is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome, including macrosomia and shoulder dystocia [18]. (See "Infants of women with diabetes".)

Previous shoulder dystocia — Most studies report a recurrence risk of at least 10 percent, but recurrence risks ranging from 1 to 25 percent have been reported in retrospective studies (odds ratio range for recurrence: 6 to 28) [19-27]. This may be an underestimate of the true recurrence risk if vaginal delivery is attempted because many patients and clinicians choose an abdominal delivery in pregnancies subsequent to an episode of shoulder dystocia and thus avoid recurrence.

Recurrence is not surprising since high birth weight is a major risk factor for shoulder dystocia and tends to recur. In one study, one-third of nondiabetic women with newborns ≥4500 g at their first delivery also had newborns this large at their second delivery, whereas only 0.3 percent of women with a normal weight infant (3000 to 3500 g) at their first delivery had an infant weighing ≥4500 g in their second delivery [28].

Recurrent shoulder dystocia is more likely when [21]:

Birth weight is greater than in the previously affected pregnancy

Prepregnancy weight is greater than in the previously affected pregnancy

Gestational weight gain is greater than in the previously affected pregnancy

Second stage of labor is longer than in the previously affected pregnancy

Birth weight is >4000 g

The combination of a previous shoulder dystocia and high birth weight is particularly worrisome. In one small series, 11 of 21 women (52 percent) with both risk factors experienced recurrent shoulder dystocia [29].

Of note, the absence of shoulder dystocia in a previous pregnancy does not preclude its occurrence in a subsequent pregnancy. In a retrospective cohort study including all women in Norway with two consecutive singleton vaginal deliveries during 1967 to 2005 (n = 537,316 women), 96 percent of cases of shoulder dystocia in the second delivery were in women without a previous history of the complication [19].

Postterm pregnancy — Postterm pregnancy is a risk factor for shoulder dystocia, presumably because of higher birth weights with advancing gestational age [10]. In a cohort study of term (n = 379,445) and postterm (n = 65,796) births from Norway, the relative risk of shoulder dystocia in postterm births was increased by 30 percent (relative risk [RR] 1.3, 95% CI 1.2-1.4) [30]. An increased prevalence of high birth weight was primarily responsible for the increased risk of shoulder dystocia because the difference was not apparent after stratification by birth weight. (See "Postterm pregnancy".)

Male fetal sex — Male sex is more common in pregnancies complicated by shoulder dystocia than in the overall birth population (55 to 68 percent versus 51 percent) [4,8,31]. Higher birth weights among males likely contribute, at least in part, to this finding. In one population-based series, 70 percent of infants with birth weight >4500 g were male, whereas 51 percent of all newborns are male [13]. Anthropomorphic dimensions may also account for some of the increased risk of shoulder dystocia among males, similar to findings in IDMs [8].

Maternal obesity and excessive gestational weight gain — High maternal body mass index (BMI) and excessive gestational weight gain are risk factors for both high birth weight and diabetes, which are also risk factors for shoulder dystocia [32,33]. In a meta-analysis, the pooled relative risk of shoulder dystocia for obese versus nonobese women was 1.63 (95% CI 1.33-1.99) [33]. Excessive gestational weight gain was associated with a greater proportion of large for gestational age neonates than either BMI >25 kg/m2 or gestational diabetes, in one study [32].

Maternal demographics — Advanced maternal age is a risk factor for shoulder dystocia; however, confounding variables such as an increased prevalence of diabetes and higher maternal weight probably account for this association [15]. Increased maternal age is also associated with increased parity, which may be another confounding factor since each successive infant tends to be 200 g larger than the prior one up to the fifth pregnancy. In the United States, African American women appear to be at higher risk of shoulder dystocia than White women [34].


Abnormal progress of labor — Labor abnormalities alone are not useful predictors of shoulder dystocia due to the high frequency of labor abnormalities in the general obstetric population and the relatively low frequency of shoulder dystocia [35,36]. A relationship between shoulder dystocia and abnormal labor progression, including both precipitous and prolonged second stage, has been reported at both average and high birth weights, but data are inconsistent [37-42].

The combination of labor abnormalities, suspected high birth weight (>4000 g), and operative vaginal delivery appears to be more predictive of shoulder dystocia than labor abnormalities alone. In a classic study, the combination of prolonged second stage, birth weight >4000 g, and midpelvic operative delivery was associated with a 21 percent incidence of shoulder dystocia [43]. In comparison, when only prolonged second stage and midpelvic operative delivery were present, the risk fell to 4.6 percent and was 0.16 percent in the absence of these risk factors.

Operative vaginal delivery — Operative vaginal delivery is associated with shoulder dystocia [44], but it is unclear whether instrument-assisted fetal descent increases the risk of shoulder impaction or whether shoulder malposition inhibits descent, resulting in an increased frequency of operative vaginal delivery. A meta-analysis of observational studies reported a similar risk of shoulder dystocia for vacuum and forceps deliveries (odds ratio 1.11, 95% CI 0.25-4.89; four studies) [44]. Widely inconsistent results among the studies may be explained by the fact that the choice of vacuum versus forceps depends in part on the clinical setting, and some clinical settings are associated with a higher risk of shoulder dystocia than others. Operator expertise with each instrument may be another factor.

The only randomized trial of obstetric forceps versus the M-cup vacuum extractor found a higher risk of shoulder dystocia with the use of a vacuum [45]. It is hypothesized that this finding, which is supported by some observational data [46-48], may be explained by different traction force vectors on the head with vacuum versus forceps, such that the vacuum instrument is more likely to pull the anterior shoulder into the symphysis pubis and leave the posterior shoulder above the sacral promontory [46].

High birth weight is an important confounder. As discussed above, in a classic study, the combination of birth weight >4000 g, prolonged second stage, and midpelvic operative delivery was associated with a 21 percent incidence of shoulder dystocia compared with 4.6 percent when only prolonged second stage and midpelvic operative delivery were present [43].

RISK REDUCTION STRATEGIES — Although most risk factors for shoulder dystocia are not modifiable, women have some control over their prepregnancy weight, gestational weight gain, and glucose level (in diabetic women).

Dietary and lifestyle interventions that reduce prepregnancy obesity and gestational weight gain may reduce the frequency of large for gestational age infants and, in turn, shoulder dystocia. Dietary and physical activity-based interventions also have other health benefits and are not harmful.

A meta-analysis of randomized trials reported that such interventions reduced the overall risk of shoulder dystocia by 60 percent (relative risk [RR] 0.39, 95% CI 0.22-0.70; four trials, n = 2317) compared with usual care, but the difference was not statistically significant when women with diabetes were excluded from the analysis [49]. (See "Obesity in pregnancy: Complications and maternal management" and "Gestational weight gain".)

The US Preventive Services Task Force and the National Institutes of Health concluded that treatment of gestational diabetes can reduce the risk of macrosomia (RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.35-0.71) and, in turn, shoulder dystocia (RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.23-0.77) [50].

Although the level of glycemia in women with pregestational diabetes is a factor in macrosomia risk, additional metabolic factors appear to be involved such that good but not stringent glycemic control may not substantially reduce the frequency of macrosomia and shoulder dystocia in this population [51]. In one study, the mean blood glucose level had to be at least one to two standard deviations below the mean blood glucose levels of nondiabetic pregnant women to achieve comparable macrosomia rates [52]. (See "Pregestational (preexisting) diabetes: Preconception counseling, evaluation, and management" and "Pregestational (preexisting) diabetes mellitus: Antenatal glycemic control".)


Lack of utility of pelvimetry and fetal biometry — Almost all shoulder dystocias occur in women with normal pelvic dimensions; therefore, imaging studies (radiograph, computed tomography, ultrasound) and clinical pelvimetry are not useful for identifying women at increased risk, except in rare cases of a severe fetal or pelvic abnormality [8,53].

The clinical relevance of markedly abnormal ratios should be interpreted on a case-by-case basis, whereas mildly abnormal fetal biometry is not very predictive of delivery outcome. Several fetal biometric parameters (eg, difference between the fetal abdominal and biparietal diameters, chest circumference, humerospinous distance, cheek-to-cheek diameter, shoulder width) have been used to predict shoulder dystocia, primarily in fetuses of women with diabetes [54-58]. The value of this approach has not been tested in large, prospective studies. Likewise, head circumference/abdominal circumference and femur length/abdominal circumference ratios may be routinely included in obstetric ultrasound reports in late gestation, but neither normal nor most abnormal ratios are useful for predicting or excluding shoulder dystocia. In a systematic review of studies of various fetal biometric parameters for predicting shoulder dystocia, abdominal diameter minus biparietal diameter ≥2.6 cm, abdominal circumference >90th centile, and estimated fetal weight >4000 g had positive predictive values of only 7 to 11 percent [59].

Shared decision making — The planned route of delivery is a shared decision made by the clinician and patient, ideally after nondirective counseling about the risks of labor and vaginal birth, including a discussion about shoulder dystocia. If planned cesarean delivery is being considered, the risks of this procedure should also be discussed.

There is general consensus among experts that planned cesarean delivery is appropriate in those pregnancies most likely to result in shoulder dystocia with long-term complications in order to reduce this potential outcome (see 'Patients with prior shoulder dystocia or estimated weight greater than 4500 or 5000 grams' below). Although this will prevent some shoulder dystocias and their associated complications, most cases of shoulder dystocia, including those that result in neonatal injury, cannot be predicted before delivery, and thus, they cannot be prevented, as discussed above [39]. (See 'Can shoulder dystocia be predicted?' above.)

Similarly, there is general consensus favoring a trial of labor when the risk of shoulder dystocia is very low, such as for a multiparous woman without a history of difficult vaginal birth, who is in spontaneous labor at 39 weeks of gestation, and has an estimated fetal weight under 4000 g. However, most clinical settings fall into gray areas since at least 50 percent of pregnancies complicated by shoulder dystocia have no identifiable risk factors and most risk factors are weakly predictive of morbidity from shoulder dystocia.

Patients with prior shoulder dystocia or estimated weight greater than 4500 or 5000 grams — We consider these clinical situations as particularly high risk for shoulder dystocia and brachial plexus injury, in agreement with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) [2,60,61]. Scheduled cesarean delivery in these scenarios is reasonable as it should reduce the occurrence of shoulder dystocia and associated morbidity. Ideally, the estimated fetal weight is based on sonographically determined weight performed within one week of delivery.

Prior shoulder dystocia, especially with a severe neonatal injury – There are no data from prospective studies to guide delivery planning in pregnancies at increased risk of recurrent shoulder dystocia. The clinician should counsel the mother about the potential risk of recurrence (often at least 10 percent), including factors in the current pregnancy that may impact this risk (eg, estimated fetal weight, presence or absence of gestational diabetes), and elicit her participation in making a decision about route of delivery. (See 'Previous shoulder dystocia' above.)

Estimated fetal weight >5000 g in women without diabetes (estimated risk of shoulder dystocia >20 percent).

Estimated fetal weight >4500 g in women with diabetes (estimated risk of shoulder dystocia approximately 15 percent).

The weight-based approach takes into account the difficulty in accurately estimating fetal weight (especially when >4500 g), the relatively low incidence of shoulder dystocia-related trauma (even in high birth weight infants), and the fact that prophylactic cesarean delivery for women with suspected high birth weight will likely result in many unnecessary cesarean births of both normal weight and high birth weight neonates [62-70].

In women with diabetes, a decision-analysis model estimated that 443 cesarean deliveries would need to be performed at the >4500 g weight threshold to prevent one permanent brachial plexus injury; other adverse outcomes of shoulder dystocia were not considered in the analysis [64]. The model found the 4500 g threshold was much less beneficial in nondiabetic women, as 3695 cesarean deliveries would need to be performed to prevent one permanent brachial plexus injury. In women without diabetes, a 5000 g threshold for cesarean delivery is reasonable as it is estimated to prevent at least 20 percent of shoulder dystocias with minimal effect on the total cesarean delivery rate, which is already 50 to 60 percent for infants at this birth weight [71,72]. This approach might also prevent those shoulder dystocias with the highest risk of severe morbidity since the risk of permanent brachial plexus injury in shoulder dystocia appears to be related to birth weight [73,74].

Patients with a prolonged second stage — Women with estimated fetal weights >4000 g and <4500 g (diabetics) or <5000 g (nondiabetics) undergoing a trial of labor become high risk for shoulder dystocia intrapartum if they have a prolonged second stage and need an operative vaginal delivery (see 'Intrapartum' above and 'High birth weight' above). The principle of cesarean delivery to prevent morbidity from shoulder dystocia also applies in this setting.

We suggest intrapartum cesarean delivery rather than a low pelvic or outlet operative vaginal delivery in pregnancies with a prolonged second stage and estimated fetal weight >4500 g.

We suggest intrapartum cesarean delivery rather than a midpelvic operative vaginal delivery when the estimated weight is >4000 g.

In other scenarios, operative vaginal delivery can be considered case by case, based on factors such as fetal size and position, past delivery history, maternal habitus, and operator expertise. (See "Labor: Diagnosis and management of a prolonged second stage", section on 'Timing of operative delivery'.)

ACOG has opined that clinicians should exercise good judgment when deciding whether to perform an operative vaginal delivery in patients with a prolonged second stage and other risk factors for shoulder dystocia [2]. They state that operative vaginal delivery can be reasonable in selected patients, depending on their combination of specific risk factors.

Patients with imminent macrosomia — Induction of labor has been proposed when macrosomia appears imminent, with the goal of preventing the potential adverse consequences associated with continued fetal growth. Although logical, concerns have been raised about the limitations of ultrasound estimated fetal weight, the number of inductions that would need to be performed to prevent one adverse outcome, the maternal and neonatal consequences of induction, and the lack of evidence establishing the effectiveness of this approach.

Our approach is described below.

Women without diabetes — We believe that it is reasonable to offer induction of labor to women at 39 weeks of gestation without diabetes and with estimated fetal weight between 4000 and 5000 g, but expectant management is also reasonable, given limited data indicating benefit. The potential reduction in shoulder dystocia and its sequelae with induction at 39 weeks is likely to be less than with induction at 37 or 38 weeks, but common neonatal morbidities, such as hyperbilirubinemia and respiratory problems, are higher with induction at 37 or 38 weeks [75]. This approach is consistent with ACOG, which discourages induction of labor before 39+0 weeks for suspected macrosomia because of insufficient evidence that the benefits of reducing the risk of shoulder dystocia override the harms of early delivery [61]. Further trials of early-term induction for suspected fetal macrosomia are needed to refine the optimum gestational age and estimated fetal weight for induction.

In a 2016 systematic review and meta-analysis of labor induction versus expectant management in pregnancies with suspected macrosomia at 37 to 40 weeks of gestation (four randomized trials, n = 1190 primarily nondiabetic women [some women treated with nutritional therapy alone were included]), induction [76]:

Reduced the risk of neonatal fractures (relative risk [RR] 0.20, 95% CI 0.05-0.79)

Reduced the risk of shoulder dystocia (RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.37-0.98)

The number of inductions needed per fracture prevented was 60. The only two brachial plexus injuries were in the expectant management group, but the number of patients in the trials was too small and power was insufficient to determine whether this difference was clinically significant. The authors also noted that a policy of labor induction for suspected macrosomia at or near term did not result in higher rates of cesarean or instrumental deliveries, but did lead to a higher incidence of third- and fourth-degree perineal tears. Although the trials could not be blinded to either staff or patients, risk of bias was deemed to be low.

Available data have several limitations that preclude a strong recommendation in favor of induction. For example, the definition of suspected macrosomia varied among the trials: in two trials pregnancies were included when fetal weight, estimated by ultrasound examination, was between 4000 g and 4500 g or between 4000 g and 4750 g, the third trial included pregnancies with estimated fetal weight more than the 97th percentile at the time of inclusion, and the fourth trial included pregnancies with estimated fetal weight more than the 95th centile. In addition, induction was performed at 37 to 40 weeks; therefore, it is unknown whether induction at 39 weeks (the preferred minimum age for induction to minimize risk of respiratory problems) would still be effective.

Women with diabetes — In women with pregestational diabetes, timing of delivery is based primarily on the maternal and perinatal risks associated with the disease rather than concerns about shoulder dystocia alone. Timing the delivery of these pregnancies is reviewed separately. (See "Pregestational (preexisting) diabetes mellitus: Obstetric issues and management", section on 'Delivery'.)

In women with gestational diabetes and estimated fetal weight between 4000 and 4500 g at 39 weeks of gestation, we discuss the risks and benefits of induction. In such cases, the author believes that the maternal risks of induction and neonatal risks of respiratory distress and neonatal intensive care unit admission are small and balanced by the benefit of a reduction in shoulder dystocia, based on results of the two trials described below [77,78]. Specific patient factors to be considered during shared decision making include where the estimated fetal weight lies within the 4000 to 4500 g range; glycemic control throughout pregnancy (poorer control is associated with infant of a diabetic mother habitus); prior labor, birth weight, and vaginal birth history (eg, has the patient had previous uncomplicated vaginal deliveries of large infants?); and maternal habitus, including height, weight, and adequacy of pelvis (eg, short stature, obesity, and/or a clinically small pelvis increase the likelihood of dystocia).

In the only randomized trial of induction versus expectant management of pregnancies with gestational diabetes mellitus (n = 200), induction at approximately 39 weeks resulted in fewer infants with birth weight ≥4000 g (15/100 versus 27/100) and birth weight ≥4500 g (0/100 versus 2/100), and fewer shoulder dystocias (0/100 versus 3/100 [all mild with no traumatic injuries]) [77]. A systematic review including this trial and four observational studies found that active intervention (induction, cesarean delivery) was associated with reduced rates of macrosomia and related complications compared with expectant management, but the heterogeneity of study designs prevented any clear conclusions about selection of pregnancies for induction versus cesarean delivery versus expectant management and the optimum gestational age for the intervention [78].

Patients with postterm pregnancy — Induction of labor at 41 weeks of gestation is common obstetric intervention, with the primary goal of reducing perinatal mortality. (See "Postterm pregnancy".)

A meta-analysis of randomized trials of induction of labor at 41 weeks of gestation compared with expectant management found that induction reduced the birth of infants >4000 g [79]. The effect on shoulder dystocia was not reported, but one of the included trials reported that induction resulted in a lower rate of shoulder dystocia (0.3 versus 2.3 percent).

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Shoulder dystocia".)

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

Basics topics (see "Patient education: Shoulder dystocia (The Basics)")


A vaginal delivery is complicated by shoulder dystocia when, after delivery of the fetal head, additional obstetric maneuvers beyond gentle guidance are needed to enable delivery of the fetal shoulders. Shoulder dystocia is an obstetric emergency because it may result in life-threatening infant injuries, as well as less serious maternal injuries. (See 'Introduction' above.)

The occurrence of shoulder dystocia cannot be predicted accurately by antenatal risk factors, labor abnormalities, or pelvimetry/fetal biometry. Since at least 50 percent of pregnancies complicated by shoulder dystocia have no identifiable risk factors, the predictive value of any one or combination of risk factors for shoulder dystocia is low (less than 10 percent). (See 'Can shoulder dystocia be predicted?' above.)

High birth weight (>4000 g) is a major risk factor for shoulder dystocia and difficult to diagnose accurately antepartum (see "Fetal macrosomia"). The incidence of shoulder dystocia increases as birth weight increases (table 1). However, 50 percent of cases occur in infants <4000 g. (See 'High birth weight' above.)

Infants of women with diabetes are at an increased risk of shoulder dystocia because they have higher birth weights and a higher chest-to-head and shoulder-to-head ratio than infants of women without diabetes. (See 'Diabetes mellitus' above.)

The incidence of recurrent shoulder dystocia ranges from 1 to 25 percent, compared with <1 percent incidence in the general obstetric population. (See 'Previous shoulder dystocia' above.)

The combination of suspected high birth weight, labor abnormalities, and operative vaginal delivery has a particularly high risk for shoulder dystocia: 21 percent in one report. (See 'Operative vaginal delivery' above.)

We suggest scheduled cesarean delivery in the following clinical settings:

Estimated fetal weight >5000 g in women without diabetes or >4500 g in women with diabetes. (See 'Patients with prior shoulder dystocia or estimated weight greater than 4500 or 5000 grams' above.)

Prior shoulder dystocia, especially with a severe neonatal injury. (See 'Patients with prior shoulder dystocia or estimated weight greater than 4500 or 5000 grams' above.)

We suggest intrapartum cesarean delivery rather than a low pelvic operative vaginal delivery in pregnancies with a prolonged second stage and estimated fetal weight >4500 g. We suggest intrapartum cesarean delivery rather than a midpelvic operative vaginal delivery when the estimated weight >4000 g. In other scenarios, operative vaginal delivery can be considered case by case, based on factors such as fetal size and position, past delivery history, maternal habitus, and operator expertise. (See 'Patients with a prolonged second stage' above.)

We believe that it is reasonable to offer induction of labor to women at 39 weeks of gestation without diabetes and with estimated fetal weight between 4000 and 5000 g, but expectant management is also reasonable. The potential reduction in shoulder dystocia and its sequelae with induction at 39 weeks is likely to be less than with induction at 37 or 38 weeks, but common neonatal morbidities such as hyperbilirubinemia and respiratory problems are likely to be higher with induction at 37 or 38 weeks. (See 'Women without diabetes' above.)

In women with gestational diabetes and estimated fetal weight between 4000 and 4500 g at 39 weeks of gestation, we discuss the risks and benefits of induction of labor. We believe that the maternal risks of labor induction and neonatal risks of respiratory distress and neonatal intensive care unit admission are small and balanced by the benefit of a reduction in shoulder dystocia. Specific patient factors to be considered during shared decision making include whether the estimated fetal weight lies within the 4000 to 4500 g range; glycemic control throughout pregnancy; prior labor, birth weight, and vaginal birth history; and maternal habitus, including height, weight, and adequacy of pelvis. (See 'Women with diabetes' above.)

In women with pregestational diabetes, timing of delivery is based primarily on the maternal and perinatal risks associated with the disease rather than concerns about shoulder dystocia alone. (See "Pregestational (preexisting) diabetes mellitus: Obstetric issues and management", section on 'Delivery'.)


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Topic 4472 Version 38.0


1 : A comparison of obstetric maneuvers for the acute management of shoulder dystocia.

2 : Practice Bulletin No 178: Shoulder Dystocia.

3 : Shoulder dystocia and associated risk factors with macrosomic infants born in California.

4 : Shoulder dystocia--is it predictable?

5 : Shoulder dystocia: are historic risk factors reliable predictors?

6 : Persistence of Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy Associated with Maternally Reported Route of Delivery: Review of 387 Cases.

7 : Pathophysiologic Origins of Brachial Plexus Injury.

8 : Shoulder dystocia: risk identification.

9 : Obstetric and neonatal risks among extremely macrosomic babies and their mothers.

10 : Risk factors for shoulder dystocia.

11 : Shoulder dystocia: its incidence and associated risk factors.

12 : Macrosomic births in the united states: determinants, outcomes, and proposed grades of risk.

13 : How big is too big? The perinatal consequences of fetal macrosomia.

14 : Pregnancy week at delivery and the risk of shoulder dystocia: a population study of 2,014,956 deliveries.

15 : Shoulder dystocia: should the fetus weighing greater than or equal to 4000 grams be delivered by cesarean section?

16 : Large-for-gestational-age neonates: anthropometric reasons for shoulder dystocia.

17 : Anthropometric differences in macrosomic infants of diabetic and nondiabetic mothers.

18 : The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) study: paving the way for new diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus.

19 : Risk of shoulder dystocia in second delivery: does a history of shoulder dystocia matter?

20 : Shoulder dystocia: the unpreventable obstetric emergency with empiric management guidelines.

21 : Recurrence rate of shoulder dystocia.

22 : How to predict recurrent shoulder dystocia.

23 : Perinatal implications of shoulder dystocia.

24 : Risk factors for recurrent shoulder dystocia, Washington state, 1987-2004.

25 : Shoulder dystocia: what is the risk of recurrence?

26 : Recurrent shoulder dystocia: is it predictable?

27 : Recurrent shoulder dystocia: a review.

28 : Outcome of second delivery after prior macrosomic infant in women with normal glucose tolerance.

29 : Shoulder dystocia: what happens at the next delivery?

30 : Post-term birth: risk factors and outcomes in a 10-year cohort of Norwegian births.

31 : Shoulder dystocia: risk factors and prevention.

32 : Association of maternal body mass index, excessive weight gain, and gestational diabetes mellitus with large-for-gestational-age births.

33 : Maternal prepregnancy obesity and the risk of shoulder dystocia: a meta-analysis.

34 : The relationship of fetal position and ethnicity with shoulder dystocia and birth injury.

35 : Shoulder dystocia: could it be deduced from the labor partogram?

36 : Neonatal and maternal outcomes with prolonged second stage of labor.

37 : Labor abnormalities as a risk factor for shoulder dystocia.

38 : Risk factors for Erb-Duchenne palsy.

39 : Intrapartum risk factors for permanent brachial plexus injury.

40 : Is abnormal labor associated with shoulder dystocia in nulliparous women?

41 : Risk factors for shoulder dystocia in the average-weight infant.

42 : Are labor abnormalities more common in shoulder dystocia?

43 : Shoulder dystocia. A complication of fetal macrosomia and prolonged second stage of labor with midpelvic delivery.

44 : Does vacuum delivery carry a higher risk of shoulder dystocia? Review and meta-analysis of the literature.

45 : A randomized prospective trial of the obstetric forceps versus the M-cup vacuum extractor.

46 : Forceps compared with vacuum: rates of neonatal and maternal morbidity.

47 : Predictors of shoulder dystocia at the time of operative vaginal delivery.

48 : Operative vaginal delivery and neonatal and infant adverse outcomes: population based retrospective analysis.

49 : Effects of interventions in pregnancy on maternal weight and obstetric outcomes: meta-analysis of randomised evidence.

50 : Benefits and harms of treating gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the National Institutes of Health Office of Medical Applications of Research.

51 : Level of glycemia and perinatal outcome in pregestational diabetes.

52 : Intensified versus conventional management of gestational diabetes.

53 : Shoulder dystocia. Review of 5 years' experience.

54 : Measurement of fetal shoulder width with computed tomography in diabetic women.

55 : Newborn shoulder width: a prospective study of 2222 consecutive measurements.

56 : The incidence and severity of shoulder dystocia correlates with a sonographic measurement of asymmetry in patients with diabetes.

57 : Humerospinous distance measurements: accuracy and usefulness for predicting shoulder dystocia in delivery at term.

58 : Association of Fetal Abdominal-Head Circumference Size Difference With Shoulder Dystocia: A Multicenter Study.

59 : The test accuracy of antenatal ultrasound definitions of fetal macrosomia to predict birth injury: A systematic review.

60 : Executive summary: Neonatal brachial plexus palsy. Report of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' Task Force on Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy.

61 : Macrosomia: ACOG Practice Bulletin, Number 216.

62 : Maternal weight and fetal injury at birth: data deriving from medico-legal research.

63 : Fatal shoulder dystocia: a review of 56 cases reported to the Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy.

64 : The effectiveness and costs of elective cesarean delivery for fetal macrosomia diagnosed by ultrasound.

65 : Effects of a policy of elective cesarean delivery in cases of suspected fetal macrosomia on the incidence of brachial plexus injury and the rate of cesarean delivery.

66 : Estimating fetal weight in the management of macrosomia.

67 : Prophylactic cesarean delivery for fetal macrosomia diagnosed by means of ultrasonography--A Faustian bargain?

68 : Fetal macrosomia: does antenatal prediction affect delivery route and birth outcome?

69 : Clinical and ultrasonographic weight estimation in large for gestational age fetus.

70 : Birth weight as a predictor of brachial plexus injury.

71 : Obstetric outcome of extreme macrosomia.

72 : Extreme macrosomia--obstetric outcomes and complications in birthweights>5000 g.

73 : A comparison of shoulder dystocia-associated transient and permanent brachial plexus palsies.

74 : Correlating birthweight with neurological severity of obstetric brachial plexus lesions.

75 : Childhood health and education outcomes following early term induction for large-for-gestational age: A population-based record linkage study.

76 : Induction of labour at or near term for suspected fetal macrosomia.

77 : Insulin-requiring diabetes in pregnancy: a randomized trial of active induction of labor and expectant management.

78 : Active compared with expectant delivery management in women with gestational diabetes: a systematic review.

79 : Induction of labour for improving birth outcomes for women at or beyond term.