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Normal reference ranges for laboratory values in pregnancy

Normal reference ranges for laboratory values in pregnancy
F Gary Cunningham, MD
Section Editor:
Vincenzo Berghella, MD
Deputy Editor:
Vanessa A Barss, MD, FACOG
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Aug 09, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Numerous physiologic changes occur during pregnancy to accommodate the maternal and fetal needs. Most of these changes begin soon after conception and continue until late gestation. Not surprisingly, these physiologic adaptations of pregnancy result in many significant changes in laboratory test values. Some of these changes are well-known, such as the reduction in hematocrit and hemoglobin levels, which is termed physiologic or dilutional anemia of pregnancy. Similarly, the renal changes leading to lower creatinine values in pregnancy are well-described and a "normal" serum creatinine value of 1.0 mg/dL in a nonpregnant female is immediately recognized as elevated in pregnancy.

Despite the well-recognized phenomenon of pregnancy-induced physiologic changes and their potential for altering normal laboratory values, very few laboratories provide clinicians with normal reference ranges during pregnancy. Indeed, many laboratories do not even report normal values for females versus males. This topic will discuss normal reference ranges for laboratory values during pregnancy based upon our review of the literature [1-75].

NORMAL REFERENCE RANGES IN PREGNANCY — Previous investigators have compiled information on normal laboratory reference ranges in pregnancy [30,40,43,76]. Using these references, as well as publications by other researchers in which normal values were determined across pregnancy for a number of analytes, we compiled a table of the most common, and some not so common, laboratory test values across pregnancy (table 1) [1-75].

Laboratory test values are grouped by system and listed for each trimester and for nonpregnant adults. The table shows that some analytes, such as the leukocyte count and alkaline phosphatase levels, continue to rise during normal pregnancy. Similarly, the upper limit of normal for D-dimer nearly doubles during midpregnancy. Several hormones and coagulation factors all increase markedly. Unless these normal, pregnancy-related alterations are taken into account when evaluating laboratory values in a pregnant patient, many of the physiologic adaptations of pregnancy can be misinterpreted as pathologic or may mask diagnosis of a disease process.

We consider these data the best available information on normal reference ranges in pregnancy; however, there are some limitations. The analysis is subject to the inherent limitations of abridged data and does not account for potential variations between racial groups, regions of the world, and time of day of sampling. Although we have tried to include comparisons of analytes performed by similar analytic methods, some variation is inevitable. In the majority of instances, reference ranges for analytes are expressed as 5th to 95th percentiles, but some are reported with standard deviations. In addition, pregnancy-specific information is not always available for laboratory tests that have been newly introduced into medical care or have recently gained in popularity. Despite these limitations, the table is intended to provide a quick reference for most laboratory values needed to provide care for the pregnant patient.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES — Additional information on physiologic changes during pregnancy can be found in the following UpToDate topic reviews:

(See "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Dyspnea and other physiologic respiratory changes", section on 'Physiologic cardiopulmonary changes in pregnancy'.)

(See "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Hematologic changes".)

(See "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Cardiovascular and hemodynamic changes".)

(See "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Gastrointestinal tract".)

(See "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Musculoskeletal changes and pain".)

(See "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Skin and related structures".)

(See "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Renal and urinary tract physiology".)

(See "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of early pregnancy".)

(See "Immunology of the maternal-fetal interface".)


Numerous physiologic changes occur during pregnancy to accommodate the maternal and fetal needs. This table shows common, and not so common, laboratory test values across pregnancy (table 1). (See 'Normal reference ranges in pregnancy' above.)


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Topic 417 Version 24.0


1 : Guidelines of the American Thyroid Association for the diagnosis and management of thyroid disease during pregnancy and postpartum.

2 : Androgens in preeclampsia.

3 : Updating of normal levels of copper, zinc and selenium in serum of pregnant women.

4 : Calcium-regulating hormones and parathyroid hormone-related peptide in normal human pregnancy and postpartum: a longitudinal study.

5 : Platelets and leucocyte counts in pregnancy.

6 : Liver function tests in normal pregnancy: a prospective study of 103 pregnant women and 103 matched controls.

7 : Reference ranges for haematology parameters in pregnancy derived from patient populations.

8 : Blunted erythropoietin production and decreased erythropoiesis in early pregnancy.

9 : Changes in LDL size and HDL concentration in normal and preeclamptic pregnancies.

10 : Fluctuations in C-reactive protein concentration and neutrophil activation during normal human pregnancy.

11 : Serum levels of erythropoietin and soluble transferrin receptor in the course of pregnancy in non beta thalassemic and beta thalassemic women.

12 : Relationship of systemic hemodynamics, left ventricular structure and function, and plasma natriuretic peptide concentrations during pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia.

13 : Relationship of systemic hemodynamics, left ventricular structure and function, and plasma natriuretic peptide concentrations during pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia.

14 : Prolactin secretion in molar and normal pregnancy.

15 : Serum bile acids in normal pregnancy.

16 : Coagulation and fibrinolysis changes in normal pregnancy. Increased levels of procoagulants and reduced levels of inhibitors during pregnancy induce a hypercoagulable state, combined with a reactive fibrinolysis.

17 : Tissue plasminogen activator levels change with plasma fibrinogen concentrations during pregnancy.

18 : Plasma osmolality and urinary concentration and dilution during and after pregnancy: evidence that lateral recumbency inhibits maximal urinary concentrating ability.

19 : Correlation of hormones with lipid and lipoprotein levels during normal pregnancy and postpartum.

20 : Serial changes in renal haemodynamics during normal human pregnancy.

21 : Renin, aldosterone, and serum-converting enzyme activity during normal and hypertensive pregnancy.

22 : The renin-aldosterone system during normal and hypertensive pregnancy.

23 : Non-postural serial changes in renal function during the third trimester of normal human pregnancy.

24 : Acid-base determinations in amniotic fluid and blood of normal late pregnancy.

25 : Changes in protein C and protein S levels in normal pregnancy.

26 : D-dimer concentrations during normal pregnancy, as measured by ELISA.

27 : Serum ionized magnesium and other electrolytes in the antenatal period of human pregnancy.

28 : Normal values of urinary albumin and total protein excretion during pregnancy.

29 : Maternal serum highly sensitive C-reactive protein in normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia.

30 : Maternal serum highly sensitive C-reactive protein in normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia.

31 : The changes of trace elements, malondialdehyde levels and superoxide dismutase activities in pregnancy with or without preeclampsia.

32 : Longitudinal study of plasma lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol in normal pregnancy and puerperium.

33 : Serum amylase and lipase activities in normal pregnancy: a prospective case-control study.

34 : Monomeric calcitonin in pregnant women and in cord blood.

35 : The relationship between aldosterone to renin ratio and RI value of the uterine artery in the preeclamptic patient vs. normal pregnancy.

36 : D-dimer concentrations in normal pregnancy: new diagnostic thresholds are needed.

37 : Are maternal serum troponin I levels affected by vaginal or cesarean delivery?

38 : Are maternal serum troponin I levels affected by vaginal or cesarean delivery?

39 : Serum pattern of different molecular forms of prolactin during normal human pregnancy.

40 : Reference values for clinical chemistry tests during normal pregnancy.

41 : Comparison of protein S functional and antigenic assays in normal pregnancy.

42 : Creatine kinase and its MB isoenzyme in the third trimester and the peripartum period.

43 : Creatine kinase and its MB isoenzyme in the third trimester and the peripartum period.

44 : Plasma total homocysteine in uncomplicated pregnancy and in preeclampsia.

45 : Assessment of copper status in pregnancy by means of determining the specific oxidase activity of ceruloplasmin.

46 : Reference intervals for haematological variables during normal pregnancy and postpartum in 434 healthy Danish women.

47 : Erythrocyte folate, plasma folate and plasma homocysteine during normal pregnancy and postpartum: a longitudinal study comprising 404 Danish women.

48 : Serum erythropoietin during normal pregnancy: relationship to hemoglobin and iron status markers and impact of iron supplementation in a longitudinal, placebo-controlled study on 118 women.

49 : Parathyroid hormone and calcitriol changes in normal and insulin-dependent diabetic pregnancies.

50 : Longitudinal study of plasma lipoproteins and hormones during pregnancy in normal and diabetic women.

51 : Glomerular ultrafiltration in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy.

52 : Establishing a normal range for D-dimer levels through pregnancy to aid in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis.

53 : Longitudinal assessment of changes in reproductive hormones during normal pregnancy.

54 : Effect of smoking on serum concentrations of total homocysteine, folate, vitamin B12, and nitric oxide in pregnancy: a preliminary study.

55 : Angiotensin-converting enzyme: serum levels during normal pregnancy.

56 : Reference ranges of lipids and apolipoproteins in pregnancy.

57 : Serum calcium concentrations in human pregnancy.

58 : Comparison of thyroid function in pregnant and non-pregnant Asian and western Caucasian women.

59 : Iron, zinc and folate status during pregnancy and two months after delivery.

60 : HbA1c in healthy, pregnant women.

61 : Changes in 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D during pregnancy.

62 : Relationship between urinary albumin and albumin/creatinine ratio during normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia.

63 : Iron requirement in normal pregnancy as assessed by serum ferritin, serum transferrin saturation and erythrocyte protoporphyrin determinations.

64 : Changes in osmolality and blood serum ion concentrations in pregnancy

65 : Comparison of blood levels of histamine and total ascorbic acid in pre-eclampsia with normal pregnancy.

66 : Maternal cardiac troponin I levels during normal labor and delivery.

67 : Serum calcium and parathormone during normal pregnancy in Malay women.

68 : Effect of body position on PaO2 and PaCO2 during pregnancy.

69 : Amylase and isoamylase activities in serum of pregnant women.

70 : Assessment of adrenal reserve in pregnancy: defining the normal response to the adrenocorticotropin stimulation test.

71 : Haematological and biochemical profile of uncomplicated pregnancy in nulliparous women; a longitudinal study.

72 : Pregnancy and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

73 : Changes in homocysteine levels during normal pregnancy.

74 : Reference intervals for plasma levels of fibronectin, von Willebrand factor, free protein S and antithrombin during third-trimester pregnancy.

75 : Erythropoietin and Soluble Erythropoietin Receptor: A Role for Maternal Vascular Adaptation to High-Altitude Pregnancy.