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Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Dyspnea and other physiologic respiratory changes

Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Dyspnea and other physiologic respiratory changes
Steven E Weinberger, MD
Section Editors:
Charles J Lockwood, MD, MHCM
Peter J Barnes, DM, DSc, FRCP, FRS
Deputy Editor:
Vanessa A Barss, MD, FACOG
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Feb 08, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Dyspnea, or breathing discomfort, is common during pregnancy. It is usually a physiologic result of pregnancy itself but can be caused by new or underlying cardiac or pulmonary disease.

This topic will discuss the normal changes in the respiratory system in pregnant women and physiologic dyspnea of pregnancy, as well as initial considerations for the differential diagnosis of nonphysiologic dyspnea during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period. The definition, pathophysiology, and general approach to evaluation of acute and chronic nonphysiologic dyspnea in adults are reviewed in detail separately:

(See "Physiology of dyspnea".)

(See "Evaluation of the adult with dyspnea in the emergency department".)

(See "Approach to the patient with dyspnea".)

PHYSIOLOGIC CARDIOPULMONARY CHANGES IN PREGNANCY — Distinguishing physiologic dyspnea of pregnancy from other causes requires an understanding of the normal cardiovascular and pulmonary changes that occur during pregnancy [1-4].

The most striking normal cardiovascular changes are increases in blood volume (figure 1) and cardiac output (figure 2). (See "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Hematologic changes" and "Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: Cardiovascular and hemodynamic changes".)

The normal respiratory tract changes are described below and result in a compensated respiratory alkalosis, with a lower partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) and a higher partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) compared with the nonpregnant state. The lower PCO2 is thought to provide a diffusion gradient that may facilitate the fetus's ability to eliminate waste from aerobic metabolism.

Interestingly, healthy women carrying twins appear to have similar respiratory function (mean functional residual capacity [FRC], forced vital capacity [FVC], vital capacity [VC], forced expiratory volume in one second [FEV1], peak expiratory flow rate, inspiratory capacity, expiratory reserve volume [ERV], minute ventilation, and pulmonary diffusing capacity) as women with singleton pregnancy [5].

Chest wall configuration — Outward flaring of the ribs, which begins early in pregnancy, and the progressively enlarging uterus raise the diaphragm up to 4 cm above its usual resting position [6]. However, diaphragmatic excursion during respiration is not impaired and actually increases by up to 2 cm.

The subcostal angle changes from 68 to as much as 103 degrees [7,8], and the chest diameter can increase ≥2 cm [9]. The change in chest wall configuration may be partly related to hormone-induced relaxation of ligamentous attachments to the lower ribs [10,11].

Lung volumes and flow rates — FRC decreases by approximately 20 percent during the latter half of pregnancy, due to a decrease in both ERV and residual volume (figure 3) [12,13].

Variable and generally minor changes in VC and total lung capacity occur, but the magnitude of these changes suggests they are not likely to be clinically significant.

Airway function and flow rates are preserved during pregnancy, as reflected by an unchanged FEV1 and an unchanged FEV1/FVC ratio.

Diffusing capacity — Minor changes, which are of little clinical importance, have been described in diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide: an increase during the first trimester followed by a decrease until 24 to 27 weeks of gestation [14].

Ventilation — Resting minute ventilation rises by nearly 50 percent at term. This is primarily due to a larger tidal volume (increased up to 40 percent) whereas the respiratory rate remains essentially unchanged [15]. The increase in ventilation is greater than the corresponding elevation in oxygen consumption (approximately 20 percent) (figure 4) [13].

Increased levels of progesterone during pregnancy are thought to be responsible for the rise in ventilation above that explained by the enhanced metabolic requirements. Progesterone is a known stimulant of respiration and respiratory drive, and its concentration gradually rises from approximately 25 ng/mL at six weeks to 150 ng/mL at term [16].

Gas exchange and arterial blood gases — As a result of the progesterone-induced increase in alveolar ventilation, arterial PCO2 falls to a plateau of 27 to 32 mmHg during pregnancy. This respiratory alkalosis is followed by compensatory renal excretion of bicarbonate so that the resultant arterial pH is normal to slightly alkalotic (usually between 7.40 and 7.45) [17]. (See "Simple and mixed acid-base disorders", section on 'Compensatory respiratory and renal responses'.)

Maternal oxygenation is preserved during pregnancy. In fact, the maternal arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) is generally increased because of hyperventilation, ranging from 106 to 108 mmHg in the first trimester to 101 to 104 mmHg in the third trimester [18,19]. Interpretation of the arterial PO2 is accomplished most easily by looking at the alveolar-arterial (A-a) oxygen difference, which takes into account the PCO2 when calculating the alveolar PO2 (PAO2) (calculator 1) [20]. The normal A-a gradient varies with age and can be estimated from the following equation [20,21]:

A-a gradient = 2.5 + 0.21 x age in years.

Oxygen consumption — Among healthy pregnant women, maximal O2 consumption (Vo2max) is preserved throughout pregnancy and may increase during the second trimester with values 20 percent above baseline at term, secondary to an increase in maternal myocardial O2 demand and renal O2 consumption, increased work to ventilate the lung in pregnancy, and the metabolic demands of the fetus [22-24].

Upper respiratory tract — The upper respiratory mucosa during pregnancy shows hyperemia, glandular hyperactivity, increased phagocytic activity, and increased mucopolysaccharide content on pathologic examination [25]. Pregnant women often experience nasal stuffiness and epistaxis, possibly as a result of these alterations. (See "Recognition and management of allergic disease during pregnancy", section on 'Pregnancy rhinitis'.)

PHYSIOLOGIC DYSPNEA OF PREGNANCY — Sixty to 75 percent of pregnant women experience dyspnea (often described as "air hunger") during the course of normal pregnancy [13,26,27] (see "Approach to the patient with dyspnea", section on 'Descriptors of breathing discomfort'). It commonly starts during the first or second trimester, the frequency rises during the second trimester, and then is reasonably stable during the third trimester (figure 5). The severity, which can be quantified with various scales (table 1A-B), tends to increase along with the frequency [27].

The mechanism of dyspnea during normal pregnancy is not entirely clear. Because it initially occurs while the uterus is still relatively small, it cannot be attributed solely to an increase in abdominal girth or upward pressure on the diaphragm. Progesterone-induced hyperventilation is likely to be at least partially responsible, perhaps due to the increase in ventilation above the level needed to meet the rise in metabolic demand. Clinical observations are consistent with this hypothesis. In one observational study, dyspnea during pregnancy correlated with a low partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), and the women most likely to experience dyspnea were those who had relatively high baseline (ie, nonpregnant) values for PCO2 [28]. Two other small studies of men reported increased ventilation during treatment with medroxyprogesterone acetate [29,30]. (See "Physiology of dyspnea".)

An echocardiographic study investigating possible cardiac factors contributing to dyspnea of pregnancy compared 30 pregnant women who had significant dyspnea requiring an emergency department visit with 30 pregnant women without dyspnea [31]. Studies at 38 weeks of gestation showed a slight but statistically significant increase in septal and posterior wall thickness and pulmonary artery pressure in the women with dyspnea. There were also echocardiographic changes suggesting subtle diastolic dysfunction. However, the values for pregnant women with dyspnea were not outside of the normal range, and whether these women with significant dyspnea were representative of women with less severe dyspnea of pregnancy is not known.

APPROACH TO DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS — When a pregnant or recently pregnant woman reports dyspnea, distinguishing between underlying disease (eg, asthma) (table 2), a new problem (eg, pulmonary embolism, peripartum cardiomyopathy, infection), and progesterone-induced hyperventilation (dyspnea of pregnancy) can pose a difficult diagnostic problem [1-4,32].

A key principle is that dyspnea of pregnancy is an isolated finding; it is not accompanied by signs and symptoms such as cough, wheezing, fever, tachypnea, pleuritic or other chest pain, hemoptysis, sputum production, hypoxemia, tachycardia, irregular heart rhythm, or immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated reactions (eg, urticaria). It typically begins in the first or second trimester and gradually progresses. Imaging and laboratory test results, which may include pulse oximetry, are normal for pregnancy.

The differential diagnosis is also influenced by the stage of pregnancy. In the first half of pregnancy, the differential diagnosis, other than dyspnea of pregnancy, is similar to that in nonpregnant patients. Later in pregnancy, especially the third trimester, or in the postpartum period, pregnancy-related etiologies, such as preeclampsia with severe features, peripartum cardiomyopathy, pulmonary or amniotic fluid embolism, and sepsis, should also be considered.

Indications for prompt evaluation — We advise prompt evaluation of patients presenting with moderate or severe acute dyspnea in whom there is concern for pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, upper airway obstruction, significant asthma exacerbation, heart failure, cardiac tamponade, myocardial ischemia, angioedema, or anaphylaxis.

Clues to the need for an urgent evaluation include heart rate >120 beats/minute, respiratory rate >24 breaths/minute, pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) <95 percent [33], use of accessory respiratory muscles, difficulty speaking in full sentences, stridor, asymmetric breath sounds or percussion, diffuse crackles (also known as rales), diaphoresis, neck or substernal chest pain, cyanosis, hemoptysis, depressed or agitated mental status, and oropharyngeal swelling.

Such patients should be seen acutely. If the woman's usual clinician does not have the training and experience to diagnose and treat these disorders, then consultation should be obtained from a maternal-fetal medicine or pulmonary specialist who can see the patient immediately, or the patient can be referred to an emergency department. (See "Evaluation of the adult with dyspnea in the emergency department".)

Initial history and physical examination — The source of dyspnea in most patients is either the respiratory or cardiovascular system, but more than one process may be occurring in a given patient. The general approach to the evaluation of patients with acute and chronic dyspnea is discussed in detail separately (see "Evaluation of the adult with dyspnea in the emergency department" and "Approach to the patient with dyspnea"). The following discussion focuses on the evaluation of patients who develop dyspnea during pregnancy or within six weeks postpartum.

Is the patient known to have underlying asthma or other pulmonary disease? – The most common underlying disorder potentially causing dyspnea in women of child-bearing age is asthma. There is no predictable effect of pregnancy on preexisting asthma, as approximately equal percentages of patients experience worsening, improvement, or no change in the course of their asthma during pregnancy. Pregnant women with mild asthma can often be managed by their primary care clinician. Those women with moderate to severe asthma, or a less common underlying pulmonary disease, should ideally be managed by a pulmonary specialist and/or a maternal-fetal medicine specialist. (See "Asthma in pregnancy: Clinical course and physiologic changes".)

Is the patient known to have underlying heart disease? – The most common underlying cardiac diseases with the potential to cause dyspnea during pregnancy are congenital heart disease and valvular heart disease. Dyspnea may be worse at night or when lying down. Pregnant women with underlying heart disease should be managed by a cardiologist and often by a maternal-fetal medicine specialist as well. (See "Pregnancy in women with congenital heart disease: General principles" and "Pregnancy and valve disease".)

Did dyspnea develop acutely? – Physiologic dyspnea during pregnancy has a gradual onset. Causes of acute-onset dyspnea in pregnancy include:

Pulmonary embolism – In addition to the sudden onset of dyspnea, other common findings suggesting pulmonary embolism are tachypnea and pleuritic chest pain, which do not occur with normal dyspnea of pregnancy. Heart rate may increase above the elevated baseline rate of normal pregnancy. Oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry is often abnormal with acute pulmonary embolism, but normal oxygen saturation does not exclude this diagnosis. (See "Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in pregnancy".)

Acute upper airway obstruction – Acute dyspnea from upper airway obstruction is a symptom of anaphylaxis and is often accompanied by other symptoms of an acute IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction (eg, flushing, itching, urticaria, angioedema, tachycardia, hypotension). A history of exposure (table 3) and simultaneous hypersensitivity symptoms suggest anaphylaxis. (See "Anaphylaxis in pregnant women".)

Additional causes of acute upper airway obstruction can include central airway obstruction (typically intraluminal compromise from intrinsic or extrinsic compression from benign or malignant tumors [eg, thyroid]), foreign body, food obstruction, and infection. Again, the history typically helps distinguish among these entities. (See "Clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, and management of central airway obstruction in adults".)

Spontaneous pneumothorax – Spontaneous pneumothorax is characterized by the sudden onset of dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain. The peak age of occurrence is in a patient's early 20s; risk factors include smoking, thoracic endometriosis, and previous or family history of spontaneous pneumothorax. However, the disorder is much more common in men. (See "Pneumothorax in adults: Epidemiology and etiology".)

Arrhythmia or coronary artery ischemia or dissection – A rapid or irregular heartbeat accompanying the onset of dyspnea can suggest a supraventricular or ventricular tachyarrhythmia, whereas cardiac ischemia from either atherosclerotic coronary artery disease or coronary artery dissection is often associated with chest pain or pressure. (See "Clinical features and diagnosis of coronary heart disease in women" and "Coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction in young men and women" and "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection".)

Is a new cough present? – Physiologic dyspnea of pregnancy is not associated with cough. Women with new cough are further evaluated for the following disorders based on their symptoms.

Respiratory infection – Acute cough is most commonly due to an acute respiratory infection (eg, rhinovirus, coronavirus, influenza or parainfluenza); acute bronchitis is a possibility when cough is accompanied by wheezing. Active pulmonary tuberculosis is less common and can present with the additional symptoms of fever, weight loss, night sweats, and malaise. (See "Asthma in pregnancy: Clinical course and physiologic changes" and "Clinical evaluation and diagnostic testing for community-acquired pneumonia in adults" and "Tuberculosis in pregnancy".)

Asthma – An asthma exacerbation may present with new or worsening dyspnea, cough, and/or wheezing. A history of asthma or asthma symptoms antedating pregnancy may suggest asthma as the cause of dyspnea during pregnancy, although occasional patients present with new-onset asthma while pregnant. Evidence of reversible airflow obstruction on pulmonary function testing supports the diagnosis of asthma. (See "Asthma in pregnancy: Clinical course and physiologic changes".)

Cardiac disorders with pulmonary venous hypertension – Cardiac disorders with pulmonary venous hypertension can present with acute cough and wheezing. Pulmonary venous hypertension should be suspected in women with underlying cardiac disease (including preeclampsia) that is potentially associated with elevated left atrial pressure, or if crackles are present on chest auscultation in the absence of known parenchymal lung disease. The diagnosis of myocardial or valvular heart disease can be confirmed by echocardiography.

Other causes of acute cough include an acute exacerbation of underlying chronic pulmonary disease, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and, rarely, pulmonary embolism.

Is a subacute/chronic cough present? – Cough that has been present for longer than three weeks can be considered subacute or chronic. Common causes include upper airway cough syndrome, asthma, and chronic gastroesophageal reflux.

Upper airway cough syndrome typically responds to empiric treatment for postnasal drip; asthma can often be suspected based on previous history and physical examination and can be diagnosed with pulmonary function testing; and gastroesophageal reflux can be suspected based on history, diagnosed based on barium swallow, or empirically treated. (See "Evaluation of subacute and chronic cough in adults".)

Is chest auscultation abnormal? – The lungs should be clear in women with physiologic dyspnea. Wheezing, rales (crackles), and focal findings are not normal.

Wheezing – Wheezing indicates airflow obstruction and, in the reproductive age group, is most suggestive of underlying asthma or acute bronchitis. Wheezing typically results from airway obstruction caused by bronchoconstriction, airway inflammation, or excessive mucus production and/or poor clearance [34-37]. Asthma is typically diagnosed by a combination of history, physical examination, and demonstration of reversible airflow obstruction on pulmonary function testing. Other less common causes of wheezing include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, extrathoracic disease (eg, anaphylaxis or vocal cord edema or paralysis), or other intrathoracic disorders affecting airway patency. These discussions are presented in detail elsewhere.

-(See "Asthma in adolescents and adults: Evaluation and diagnosis".)

-(See "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Definition, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and staging".)

-(See "Evaluation of wheezing illnesses other than asthma in adults".)

Rales (crackles) – Rales are indicative of abnormalities affecting the distal lung parenchyma, such as interstitial pulmonary edema from left ventricular failure or mitral stenosis, or a variety of forms of interstitial lung disease. Pulmonary edema represents a final common pathway of several complications of pregnancy and the peripartum period, including:

-Preeclampsia with severe features. Pulmonary edema can occur due to a combination of factors, including capillary leak, left heart failure, acute severe hypertension, iatrogenic volume overload leaky vessels, and hypoalbuminemia, and is a common cause of dyspnea in the third trimester. (See "Preeclampsia: Clinical features and diagnosis", section on 'Pulmonary edema' and "Eclampsia".)

-Iatrogenic fluid overload, which can occur in women receiving magnesium sulfate for preeclampsia or fetal neuroprotection, oxytocin for induction of labor, glucocorticoids for fetal maturation, or in women with multiple gestation. Risk increases with the number of concomitant processes (eg, a woman with a twin gestation who is being induced for preterm preeclampsia may be receiving magnesium sulfate, oxytocin, and glucocorticoids). (See "Preeclampsia: Management and prognosis", section on 'Fluids'.)

-Heart disease, which may be acquired or congenital, preexisting, or related to pregnancy. (See "Management of heart failure during pregnancy" and "Acquired heart disease and pregnancy" and "Pregnancy in women with congenital heart disease: General principles".)

-Acute respiratory distress syndrome (eg, from amniotic fluid embolism, sepsis, or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]). (See "Amniotic fluid embolism" and "Acute respiratory failure during pregnancy and the peripartum period" and "COVID-19: Clinical features".)

-Tocolytic-induced pulmonary edema. (See "Acute respiratory failure during pregnancy and the peripartum period", section on 'Tocolytics'.)

Focal rales with or without consolidation – Focal rales, either with or without consolidation, suggest pneumonia. Associated common signs and symptoms include cough, fever, pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, and sputum production. (See "Clinical evaluation and diagnostic testing for community-acquired pneumonia in adults".)

Are pain and/or other symptoms present? – Physiologic dyspnea is not accompanied by pain or other symptoms.

Thoracic tumors and pulmonary emboli may present with dyspnea and chest pain, hemoptysis, cough, or wheezing [38]. Dyspnea accompanied by fever and cough suggests an infectious process (eg, bronchitis, pneumonia). Heart failure affecting right ventricular filling pressures is associated with peripheral edema and prominent neck veins. (See "Clinical manifestations of lung cancer" and "Clinical evaluation and diagnostic testing for community-acquired pneumonia in adults" and "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of rheumatic mitral stenosis" and "Right ventricular myocardial infarction".)

Did dyspnea present or worsen near term? – Physiologic dyspnea typically begins in the first or second trimester. Women with peripartum cardiomyopathy commonly complain of dyspnea, but onset is typically gradual and after 36 weeks of gestation; affected patients usually present during the first four to five months postpartum [32,39]. Other frequent symptoms include cough, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, pedal edema, dizziness, and hemoptysis. Nonspecific fatigue, chest discomfort, or abdominal pain may confuse the initial evaluation due to the occurrence of similar symptoms during normal pregnancy. Common examination findings include edema, tachycardia or arrhythmias, tachypnea, jugular venous distension, and rales [39]. (See "Peripartum cardiomyopathy: Etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis".)

Severe anemia can impair oxygen delivery, leading to dyspnea from a variety of mechanisms. Severe anemia is most common during the late second and the third trimester as a result of obstetric hemorrhage or iron deficiency. (See "Anemia in pregnancy".)

Dyspnea related to obesity per se is commonly associated with a sense of increased effort to breathe or work of breathing. It may worsen near term due to the enlarging uterus and deconditioning during pregnancy.

What medications is the patient taking? A variety of medications can be associated with pulmonary toxicity, and patients should be queried about their medication history in case they are on one of the many medications that can lead to respiratory complications. (See "Pulmonary disease induced by cardiovascular drugs" and "Overview of pleuropulmonary diseases associated with rheumatoid arthritis", section on 'Drug-induced lung toxicity'.)

What is the patient's family, social, and occupational history? – Some pulmonary disorders with a well-defined genetic component, such as alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency or cystic fibrosis, may be seen in women of childbearing age, in addition to other disorders such as sarcoidosis, where family history is sometimes positive even though the specific genetic components have not been well defined.

Social history may provide clues for an occupational-related lung disease; hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to exposure to a particular antigen; or exposure to cigarette smoke, dusts, or fumes.

Initial laboratory and imaging tests — The history and physical examination described above lead to accurate diagnoses in most patients with dyspnea. Ancillary studies are briefly mentioned below and discussed in detail separately. (See "Evaluation of the adult with dyspnea in the emergency department", section on 'Ancillary studies'.)

All pregnant women are evaluated for anemia at the first prenatal visit and the beginning of the third trimester, as well as during/after episodes of significant bleeding.

When the initial evaluation is suggestive of pulmonary embolism, there should be a low threshold for objective testing; one approach is shown in the algorithm (algorithm 1) and discussed in detail separately. (See "Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in pregnancy", section on 'Imaging'.)

Because of increases in D-dimer during pregnancy, measurement of D-dimer has limited utility for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism during pregnancy and is rarely measured [40,41].

When the initial evaluation is not suggestive of pulmonary embolism, the choice of tests is determined by symptoms and examination findings. As an example, a woman with wheezing and no other symptoms may only require spirometry for the diagnosis of asthma (demonstration of airflow obstruction that improves following an inhaled bronchodilator), but a woman with wheezing and cough may require both spirometry and a chest radiograph to evaluate for infection. (See "Asthma in adolescents and adults: Evaluation and diagnosis".)

A chest radiograph should be obtained in patients with suspected pneumonia or other parenchymal lung disease. The amount of radiation exposure to the fetus from a chest radiograph is not known to have adverse fetal consequences [42]. Nevertheless, chest radiography during pregnancy should be done only when there is a good medical reason, and appropriate shielding of the mother's abdomen should be used. (See "Clinical evaluation and diagnostic testing for community-acquired pneumonia in adults" and "Diagnostic imaging in pregnant and nursing patients".)

Echocardiography is generally performed when heart failure or pulmonary hypertension is suspected on the basis of clinical findings, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal proBNP levels, cardiomegaly on chest radiograph, or when the cause of dyspnea remains unclear after initial evaluation. BNP levels are not affected by pregnancy, with typical values of <50 pg/mL and median levels of approximately 20 pg/mL throughout pregnancy [43]. (See "Approach to the patient with dyspnea", section on 'Pulmonary hypertension suggested by echocardiography'.)

Arterial blood gas analysis is typically not necessary except in selected individuals (eg, suspicion of hypercapnia).

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Respiratory disease in pregnancy".)

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

Basics topics (see "Patient education: Shortness of breath (dyspnea) (The Basics)" and "Patient education: Pregnancy symptoms (The Basics)")

Beyond the Basics topics (see "Patient education: Shortness of breath (dyspnea) (Beyond the Basics)")


Clinical presentation – Approximately two-thirds of pregnant women experience a sensation of dyspnea (often described as "air hunger"). This symptom commonly starts during the first or second trimester; the frequency rises during the second trimester and then is reasonably stable during the third trimester. (See 'Physiologic dyspnea of pregnancy' above.)

Physiologic versus nonphysiologic dyspnea – Physiologic dyspnea of pregnancy is an isolated finding related, in part, to progesterone-induced hyperventilation; it is not accompanied by other signs and symptoms of cardiopulmonary disease, such as cough, wheezing, fever, tachypnea, pleuritic or other chest pain, hemoptysis, hypoxemia, tachycardia, an irregular heart rhythm, or immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated reactions. It typically begins with gradual onset in the first or second trimester. Imaging and laboratory test results, which may include pulse oximetry, are normal for pregnancy. (See 'Approach to differential diagnosis' above.)

Diagnostic evaluation

When a pregnant woman reports dyspnea, the clinician should consider the entire clinical picture to distinguish whether the symptoms are due to a new acute disorder (eg, pulmonary embolism), exacerbation of an underlying disease (eg, asthma), or physiologic progesterone-induced hyperventilation. (See 'Approach to differential diagnosis' above.)

Clues to the need for an urgent evaluation include heart rate >120 beats/minute, respiratory rate >24 breaths/minute, pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) <95 percent, use of accessory respiratory muscles, difficulty speaking in full sentences, stridor, asymmetric breath sounds or percussion, diffuse crackles, diaphoresis, neck or substernal chest pain, cyanosis, hemoptysis, depressed or agitated mental status, and oropharyngeal swelling. (See 'Indications for prompt evaluation' above.)

The history and physical examination lead to accurate diagnoses in most patients with dyspnea. For women in whom additional information is needed to make a diagnosis, but are not thought to have a pulmonary embolus, chest radiography and/or pulmonary function testing are typically the first tests obtained (table 4). (See 'Initial laboratory and imaging tests' above.)

Additional testing can include imaging for women with suspected pulmonary embolus (algorithm 1), or brain natriuretic peptide levels or echocardiography for pregnant women with a suspected cardiac cause of dyspnea. Because of increases in D-dimer during pregnancy, measurement of D-dimer has limited utility for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism during pregnancy. (See 'Approach to differential diagnosis' above.)


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Topic 4788 Version 26.0


1 : Pulmonary complications of pregnancy.

2 : Acute pulmonary complications during pregnancy.

3 : Respiratory complications of pregnancy.

4 : Breathlessness and pregnancy.

5 : Respiratory function in singleton and twin pregnancy.

6 : Rib cage and abdominal volume displacements during breathing in pregnancy.

7 : The chest radiograph in pregnancy.

8 : Vital capacity observations in normal pregnant women

9 : Pregnancy and the lung.

10 : Pregnancy and the lung.

11 : Respiratory physiology in pregnancy.

12 : Pulmonary function in pregnancy. I. Serial observations in normal women.


14 : The effect of human pregnancy on the pulmonary transfer factor for carbon monoxide as measured by the single-breath method.

15 : Respiratory physiology in pregnancy.

16 : Plasma progesterone levels in normal pregnancy, labor, and the puerperium. II. Clinical data.

17 : Acid-base regulation in pregnancy.

18 : The maternal oxygen tension and acid-base status during pregnancy.

19 : Maternal blood-gases, PAo2--Pao2), hysiological shunt and VD/VT in normal pregnancy.

20 : The alveolar-arterial oxygen difference: its size and components in normal man.

21 : Assessment of the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient as a screening test for pulmonary embolism in pregnancy.

22 : Clinical physiology of exercise in pregnancy: a literature review.

23 : Maximal exercise testing in late gestation: maternal responses.

24 : Water aerobics in pregnancy: Cardiovascular response, labor and neonatal outcomes.

25 : The human respiratory nasal mucosa in pregnancy. An electron microscopic and histochemical study.

26 : Distinguishable types of dyspnea in patients with shortness of breath.

27 : Dyspnoea during normal pregnancy.

28 : Dyspnoea during normal pregnancy.

29 : The effect of ventilatory stimulation with medroxyprogesterone on exercise performance and the sensation of dyspnoea in hypercapnic chronic bronchitis.

30 : Augmentation of exercise ventilation by medroxyprogesterone acetate.

31 : Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy: Could a Cardiac Factor Be Involved?

32 : Peripartum cardiomyopathy: definition, incidence, etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and management.

33 : Peripartum cardiomyopathy: definition, incidence, etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and management.

34 : Diagnosis of bronchial asthma by clinical evaluation. An unreliable method.

35 : Cough and the common cold.

36 : Cause and evaluation of chronic dyspnea in a pulmonary disease clinic.

37 : Fundamentals of lung auscultation.

38 : Malignant and benign thoracic tumors during pregnancy.

39 : Peripartum cardiomyopathy: a systematic literature review.

40 : American Thoracic Society documents: an official American Thoracic Society/Society of Thoracic Radiology Clinical Practice Guideline--Evaluation of Suspected Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnancy.

41 : Diagnosis of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy.

42 : Routine chest roentgenography in pregnancy.

43 : Evaluation of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels in normal and preeclamptic women.