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Hand, foot, and mouth disease and herpangina

Hand, foot, and mouth disease and herpangina
Section Editors:
Morven S Edwards, MD
Jan E Drutz, MD
Deputy Editor:
Mary M Torchia, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Feb 25, 2020.

INTRODUCTION — Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a clinical syndrome characterized by an oral enanthem and a macular, maculopapular, or vesicular rash of the hands and feet (and possibly other locations) [1]. HFMD is one of the most recognizable viral exanthems in children and adults [2]. HFMD was first described in a summer outbreak that occurred in Toronto, Canada in 1957 and was caused by coxsackievirus A16 [3]. Since then, at least 15 other enterovirus serotypes have been shown to cause HFMD, most commonly Coxsackievirus A serotypes.

Herpangina is a benign clinical syndrome characterized by fever and a painful papulo-vesiculo-ulcerative oral enanthem [4]. It can be clinically differentiated from HFMD and primary herpetic gingivostomatitis [5]. Herpangina was first described in the 1920s, but the viral etiology was not established until 1951 [4,6,7]. Herpangina is caused by 22 enterovirus serotypes, most commonly Coxsackievirus A serotypes.

An overview of HFMD and herpangina will be presented here. Other enterovirus infections are discussed separately. (See "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Epidemiology and pathogenesis" and "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention".)

VIROLOGY — Multiple enterovirus serotypes cause HFMD and herpangina (table 1). The majority of these serotypes belong to the Enterovirus A species of the genus Enterovirus. (See "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Epidemiology and pathogenesis", section on 'Classification'.)

Coxsackievirus A16 and enterovirus A71 are the serotypes most frequently associated with HFMD and are responsible for the majority of large outbreaks [8,9]. Enterovirus A71 has been associated with outbreaks involving thousands of persons in the Asia-Pacific region [10,11]. Beginning in 2008, coxsackievirus A6 has been increasingly reported as a cause of outbreaks of HFMD around the world [9,12-19]. (See 'Enterovirus A71 HFMD' below and 'Coxsackievirus A6 HFMD' below.)

The principal enterovirus serotypes associated with herpangina are coxsackievirus A1 to 6, 8, 10, and 22 [20-22]. In the Asia-Pacific region, where large outbreaks of enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus A16 have occurred, these serotypes are a common cause of herpangina [23,24].

PATHOGENESIS — Human enterovirus infection occurs after oral ingestion of virus that is shed from the gastrointestinal or upper respiratory tract of infected individuals (ie, via the ingestion of fecal material, oral secretions, or, for some serotypes, respiratory secretions) [25]. Human enterovirus infection also may occur following contact with vesicle fluid or oral and respiratory secretions [3,13,25].

Virus may be detected in the stool for six weeks and sometimes for several months after infection. The duration of shedding from the oropharynx is generally less than four weeks. Prolonged shedding in the stool and the innate environmental stability of the enteroviruses favors their transmission.

Once ingested, the enteroviruses replicate in the submucosal lymphoid tissues of the lower intestine and, to a lesser extent, the pharynx. Following replication, the enteroviruses spread to the regional lymph nodes. Replication at these sites results in a "minor viremia" that disseminates virus throughout the body, resulting in infection of reticuloendothelial tissues and multiple organs (eg, central nervous system, heart, liver, skin). Replication at these sites is responsible for the clinical manifestations of enteroviral infections. Further replication at the disseminated sites leads to a "major viremia," which continues until the host produces type-specific antibodies. Enterovirus replication in organ tissues results in the death of infected cells, with accompanying inflammation and necrosis. (See "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Epidemiology and pathogenesis", section on 'Pathogenesis'.)

Biopsies of HFMD vesicular lesions show loose strands of fibrin, lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils within the vesicular fluid [2]. Extensive acantholysis with reticular degeneration is seen in the overlying epidermis with perivascular foci of lymphocytic, monocytic, and neutrophilic leukocytes in the upper dermis. In adults with HFMD due to coxsackievirus A6, skin biopsies demonstrated spongiosis, neutrophilic exocytosis, massive keratinocyte necrosis, and basal cell vacuolization [26]. The upper epidermis showed shadow cells, and the follicles and sweat glands contained necrotic cells. There was a dense superficial dermal infiltrate of CD31 lymphocytes and strong granulysin expression. Light microscopy of biopsies of skin lesions or scrapings of the base of vesicles does not demonstrate nuclear inclusion bodies and multinucleated giant cells, which helps to distinguish HFMD from varicella-zoster virus and herpes simplex virus [2,26-29]. Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies have been observed in only one report [28].

EPIDEMIOLOGY — HFMD and herpangina occur worldwide. Outbreaks involving daycare centers, schools, summer camps, hospital wards, military installations, communities, large geographic areas, and entire countries have been reported [30,31]. Intrafamily spread occurs in both HFMD and herpangina.

Most cases of HFMD and herpangina occur in infants and children, particularly those younger than five to seven years [15,22,30,32-38]. However, sporadic cases and epidemics principally affecting older children, adolescents, and adults have been reported [26,33,39-41].

HFMD and herpangina usually occur during the summer and early autumn, similar to other clinical syndromes caused by enteroviruses. However, outbreaks and sporadic cases of HFMD can occur during the winter months [36,42-45]. In tropical areas, cases of HFMD occur during the rainy season [15]. Temperature and humidity affect the incidence of HFMD [46,47], raising the possibility that the increasing global incidence of HFMD may be related to climate change. (See "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Epidemiology and pathogenesis", section on 'Epidemiology'.)

Transmission — The viruses that cause HFMD and herpangina usually are transmitted from person to person by the fecal-oral route. However, they also can be transmitted by contact with oral and respiratory secretions and, in the case of HFMD, vesicle fluid [3,13,25].

Nucleic acid amplification testing demonstrates fecal shedding of enterovirus for up to 10 weeks and respiratory tract shedding for up to 30 days after the onset of infection, depending upon enterovirus type and severity of illness [48,49]. Traditional methods of viral detection demonstrated fecal shedding for four to six weeks and respiratory tract shedding for ≤3 weeks [50]. An outbreak investigation of HFMD due to coxsackievirus A16 in a daycare center suggests that children are infectious for <7 days [51]. Both infection and viral shedding can occur without clinical signs of illness [50].

Incubation period — The incubation period for HFMD typically is three to five days, but has been reported to be as short as two days and as long as seven days [1,3,29,42,52,53].

The average incubation period for herpangina is three to five days [7], with a range of 1 to 10 days [6,7,30,31].


Hand, foot, and mouth disease

Presentation — HFMD typically presents with complaints of mouth or throat pain (in verbal children) or refusal to eat (in nonverbal children) [1,3,28,54,55]. Fever, if present, generally is below 38.3°C (101°F) [1,3,28,54,56].

Prodromal symptoms usually are absent [1,54]. When reported, they include fever, fussiness, abdominal pain, emesis, and diarrhea [42,56].

Examination findings — The cardinal findings of HFMD are the oral enanthem (picture 1A-B) and the exanthem (picture 2). However, the enanthem may occur without the exanthem and the exanthem may occur without the enanthem [28,55,57,58].

Oral enanthem — The oral lesions of HFMD are anterior to the faucial pillars, most commonly on the tongue and buccal mucosa (picture 1A-B); less commonly in the gingivolabial groove and on the soft and hard palates; and occasionally on the uvula, lips, and tonsils.

The enanthem begins as erythematous macules, which progress to vesicles surrounded by a thin halo of erythema (picture 1B) [1-3,27,28,54,56,58]. Vesicle diameter usually ranges from 1 to 5 mm (0.04 to 0.2 inches) but may be greater. The vesicles quickly rupture and form superficial ulcers with a greyish-yellow base and an erythematous rim (picture 1A). Ulcer diameter typically ranges from 1 to 10 mm (0.04 to 0.4 inches), but diameters of 20 mm (0.8 inches) have been reported [3,27].

Exanthem — The exanthem associated with HFMD may be macular, maculopapular, or vesicular (picture 2) [1,3,28,54,56,58-60]. All three lesions may occur in a single patient [58]. The vesicles arise from macules or macule-papules [3,34]. Vesicle diameter ranges from 1 to 10 mm (0.04 to 0.4 inches). The vesicles are thin walled, contain a clear or turbid fluid, and are surrounded by a thin (1 mm [0.04 inch]) halo of erythema.

The skin lesions of HFMD are nonpruritic [1,3]. They usually are not painful, but may be painful when HFMD is caused by certain serotypes (eg, coxsackievirus A6). The lesions typically resolve in three to four days [1,3].

The exanthem typically involves the hands (dorsum of the fingers, interdigital area, palms), feet (dorsum of the toes, lateral border of the feet, soles, heels), buttocks, legs (upper thighs), and arms (picture 3) [1,3,27,28,34,54,56]. Less commonly, vesicles may be seen on the torso and face. Lesions on the buttocks are more commonly maculopapular than vesicular [56,58]. They also occur more frequently in infants and young children than in older children and adults [1,56,58,59].

Enterovirus A71 HFMD — HFMD caused by enterovirus A71 has been associated with severe illness, complicated by central nervous system disease (rhombencephalitis, acute flaccid paralysis, aseptic meningitis), pulmonary edema and hemorrhage, and heart failure [23,35,36,61-67]. (See 'Complications' below and 'Clinical course' below.)

Coxsackievirus A6 HFMD — Since 2008, a novel coxsackievirus A6 genotype has been associated with more severe disease in both children and adults than generally occurs with "typical" HFMD, including (picture 3 and picture 4) [13,16,26,40,68-72]:

Higher fever

Wider distribution – Involvement of the extremities, face, lips and perioral area, buttocks, groin, and perineum; the lesions are concentrated in areas of active or dormant eczema ("eczema coxsackium") (picture 5)

More extensive skin involvement – Vesiculobullous lesions, bullae, erosions, ulcerations, and eschar formation (picture 6)

Longer duration (mean duration 12 days)

Palmar and plantar desquamation one to three weeks after HFMD

Nail dystrophy (eg, transverse ridges of the nail plate [Beau lines], shedding of the nail [onychomadesis]) one to two months after HFMD

Atypical HFMD associated with coxsackievirus A6 is discussed in greater detail separately. (See "Atypical exanthems in children", section on 'Atypical hand, foot, and mouth disease'.)


Presentation — The onset of herpangina is typically abrupt with high fever (38.9 to 40°C [102 to 104°F]) [4-7,31,37,38]. Fever up to 40.6°C (105°F) occasionally occurs. Seizures may accompany the onset of fever [6]. In the infants and young children unable to express themselves verbally, anorexia, emesis, and fussiness/irritability are commonly seen, individually or in combination. Older children may also complain of malaise, headache, sore throat, dysphagia, and abdominal pain.

In the sole report of a herpangina outbreak among young adults requiring hospitalization, fever (96 percent) and sore throat (96 percent) were the most frequent symptoms, followed by headache (72 percent), pain and stiffness of the neck (72 percent), pain and stiffness of the back (65 percent), nausea (50 percent), anorexia (46 percent), and abdominal colic (46 percent) [73].

Examination findings — Examination of the throat reveals hyperemia and yellow/greyish-white papulovesicular lesions. The areas most frequently involved are the anterior pillars of the fauces, soft palate, tonsils, and uvula. Very occasionally, a lesion may be seen on the hard palate, tongue, or buccal mucosa. The number of lesions varies but is usually less than 10 [6,7,30,37,38,73].

The lesions begin as papules that undergo the vesiculation in 24 hours [6]. The vesicles usually measure 1 to 2 mm in diameter and are surrounded by an areola of erythema. After approximately 24 hours, the vesicles rupture, leaving 3 to 4 mm in diameter, shallow, yellow/grayish ulcerations with a rim of intense erythema (picture 7) [30,31,37].

In children, there are usually no other physical findings. However, additional findings in adults may be significant [73]. Among young adults requiring hospitalization for herpangina, 57 percent had neck stiffness, 80 percent had a positive Kernig sign (ie, inability or reluctance to allow full extension of the knee when the hip is flexed 90 degrees), and 49 percent had cervical adenitis.

COMPLICATIONS — Serious complications of HFMD rarely occur, except with HFMD caused by enterovirus 71. Complications of HFMD may include [23,33,62-64,74-77]:

Decreased oral intake, which may result in dehydration and may necessitate hospitalization for parenteral fluid therapy (see "Clinical assessment and diagnosis of hypovolemia (dehydration) in children" and "Treatment of hypovolemia (dehydration) in children")

Rhombencephalitis (brainstem encephalitis) (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Encephalitis')

Acute flaccid paralysis (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Acute paralysis and brainstem encephalitis')

Aseptic meningitis (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Viral (aseptic) meningitis')

Myocarditis (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Myopericarditis')

Pancreatitis (rare)

Fetal loss (rare) (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Pregnant females')

Conjunctival ulceration (rare) (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Ocular infections')

Onychomadesis (shedding of the nail) is a late complication (occurring three to eight weeks after illness onset), particularly in patients with atypical HFMD (eg, caused by coxsackievirus A6) [78,79] (see "Atypical exanthems in children", section on 'Atypical hand, foot, and mouth disease')

Complications are more common with HFMD caused by enterovirus A71 than other enteroviruses [23,35,36,61-65].

Herpangina is an extremely benign disease. Complications are rare and almost exclusively occur when herpangina is caused by enterovirus A71 [23]. Complications may include:

Rhombencephalitis (brainstem encephalitis) (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Encephalitis')

Acute flaccid paralysis (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Acute paralysis and brainstem encephalitis')

Aseptic meningitis (see "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Viral (aseptic) meningitis')

DIAGNOSIS — The diagnosis of HFMD usually is made clinically, based upon the typical appearance and location of the oral enanthem (picture 1A-B) and exanthem (picture 2). The diagnosis of HFMD may be more difficult when only the enanthem or only the exanthem is present [28,58]. In most case series, approximately 75 percent of patients have both the exanthem and the enanthem, and 10 to 15 percent have only the enanthem or exanthem [1,28,55,58,76]. (See 'Hand, foot, and mouth disease' above.)

The diagnosis of herpangina is also made clinically, based upon the typical appearance and location of the oral enanthem (fewer than 10 hyperemic yellow/greyish-white papulovesicles on the anterior pillars of the fauces, soft palate, tonsils, and uvula) and associated high fever. (See 'Herpangina' above.)

Confirmation of a specific viral etiology is seldom necessary in children with uncomplicated HFMD or herpangina, but may be warranted if the diagnosis is uncertain (eg, isolated exanthem) and would affect management (eg, atypical HFMD versus eczema herpeticum) and in children with complications. (See 'Coxsackievirus A6 HFMD' above and 'Complications' above and 'Differential diagnosis' below.)

When etiologic confirmation is necessary, throat, stool, and vesicular fluid samples should be obtained for cell culture or nucleic acid amplification (eg, polymerase chain reaction) [80]. For samples from all sites, nucleic acid amplification is preferred to cell culture because of increased sensitivity and the speed with which a result can be obtained (hours versus days) [81]. (See "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Laboratory diagnosis'.)

Identification or isolation of an enterovirus from vesicular fluid (or cerebrospinal fluid if HFMD is complicated by meningitis) confirms the viral etiology of HFMD. Identification or isolation of an enterovirus from the stool or throat does not definitively establish causality. Following acute infection, enteroviruses are shed from the stool and throat for prolonged periods (six weeks to several months and up to four weeks, respectively) and the isolated virus may or may not be responsible for the current symptoms [81]. (See 'Pathogenesis' above.)

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS — The differential diagnosis of herpangina and HFMD includes other conditions associated with oral lesions, including (see "Soft tissue lesions of the oral cavity in children"):

Aphthous ulcers – Aphthous ulcers are painful, shallow oral ulcerations with a greyish base (picture 8A-B). Patients with aphthous ulcers usually do not have skin lesions. (See "Oral lesions", section on 'Erosive, ulcerative, and bullous lesions'.)

Primary herpes simplex gingivostomatitis – Primary herpes simplex gingivostomatitis is the result of primary infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1. A prodrome of fever, anorexia, irritability, malaise, and headache precedes the appearance of oral changes. Oral changes initially consist of erythema and edema of the gingiva with clusters of vesicles. The gums are friable and bleed easily (picture 9A). Large painful ulcers are formed when the vesicles rupture and coalesce. The areas of ulceration may become covered by an eschar. The buccal mucosa, tongue, gingiva, hard palate, pharynx, lips, and perioral skin are commonly involved (picture 9B). Although patients with HSV stomatitis may have associated skin lesions (eg, herpetic whitlow), the skin lesions usually are unilateral, in contrast to the lesions of HFMD, which usually are bilateral. (See "Herpetic gingivostomatitis in young children", section on 'Clinical features'.)

The differential diagnosis of HFMD also encompasses conditions with maculopapular or vesicular rashes, including:

Pruritic lesions:

Insect bites (papular urticaria) – Papular, pruritic lesions may arise at the site of an insect bite (picture 10A-B). They may be seen following bites from mosquitos, fleas, or bedbugs. The buttocks, perineum, genitals, perianal, and axillary areas are spared. The absence of oral lesions and pruritus distinguish papular urticaria from HFMD. (See "Insect and other arthropod bites", section on 'Papular urticaria'.)

Varicella – Varicella (chickenpox) is caused by a DNA virus of the herpes family of viruses. The exanthem of varicella appears in crops over several days and is usually pruritic. The rash begins as macules that rapidly progress to papules followed by vesicles and, ultimately, crusts (picture 11). The clinical course and pruritus distinguish varicella from HFMD. (See "Clinical features of varicella-zoster virus infection: Chickenpox", section on 'Clinical manifestations'.)

Id reaction – Id reaction is an autoeczematization reaction that consists of a pruritic, papulovesicular eruption and occurs secondary to dermatophyte infections such as tinea pedis, tinea manuum, tinea cruris, tinea corporis, or tinea capitis (picture 12). It is believed to be secondary to delayed-type hypersensitivity response to fungal antigens. Pruritus distinguishes id reactions from HFMD. (See "Dermatophyte (tinea) infections", section on 'Id reactions'.)

Contact dermatitis – Contact dermatitis is an allergic or irritant dermatitis that results from direct exposure of the skin to the agent causing the reaction. The rash is papular, erythematous, and pruritic. The margins of the lesion are indistinct. The lesions are in the area(s) of exposure to the inciting agent (picture 13). Pruritus distinguishes contact dermatitis from HFMD. (See "Contact dermatitis in children".)

Erythema multiforme major – The immune-mediated skin lesions of erythema multiforme have a characteristic target- or bull's eye-like appearance (picture 14C). The enanthem which may involve the mucosa of the mouth (picture 14A-B), genitals, or eyes consists of erosions or bullae. In contrast to HFMD, erythema multiforme major usually occurs in young adults. However, increasing numbers of cases of atypical HFMD in adults, presenting with similarities to erythema multiforme, have been reported [82]. In these cases, histologic features of HFMD include large numbers of neutrophils in parakeratosis and in the viable epidermis, neutrophils forming intraepidermal collections, and necrotic keratinocytes in the upper one-third of the epidermis (compared with the lower-one third in erythema multiforme). (See "Erythema multiforme: Pathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis", section on 'Clinical manifestations'.)

Eczema herpeticum – Eczema herpeticum (cutaneous HSV infection in patients with eczema) is characterized by multiple herpetic vesicles at the site of preexisting eczema (picture 15). The vesicles may become hemorrhagic and coalesce to form large ulcerated, bleeding areas. The involved areas are painful. Most patients have fever. Eczema herpeticum requires prompt treatment with antiviral therapy. (See "Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of herpes simplex virus type 1 infection", section on 'Eczema herpeticum' and 'Indications for hospitalization' below.)

Laboratory tests may be necessary to differentiate eczema herpeticum from atypical HFMD associated with coxsackievirus A6, in which the skin lesions may be concentrated in areas of active or dormant eczema ("eczema coxsackium" (picture 5)). These may include nucleic acid amplification tests (eg, polymerase chain reaction for enterovirus and HSV) and/or light microscopy of vesicle scraping (HSV is associated with multinucleated giant cells; enterovirus is not).

CLINICAL COURSE — HFMD generally is a mild clinical syndrome. Complete resolution of symptoms and signs typically occurs within 7 to, at most, 10 days [1,29,32,42,54-56]. However, complications may occur. (See 'Complications' above.)

In a meta-analysis of 19 studies from the Asia-Pacific region (thus focused on HFMD caused by enterovirus 71 rather than classic HFMD), severe HFMD (neurologic, respiratory, or circulatory complications or death) was associated with [83]:

Temperature ≥37.5°C (99.5°F)

Fever (≥37.5°C [99.5°F]) ≥3 days



Enterovirus A71 infection

Young age

Laboratory studies usually are not necessary in children with HFMD. However, in this meta-analysis, severe HFMD was also associated with hyperglycemia (odds ratio 2.8, 95% CI 2.1 to 3.7) and increased neutrophil count (weight mean difference 0.6, 95% CI 0.5 to 0.7) [83].

Herpangina typically is benign and short lived, with complete recovery. Resolution of the fever occurs, on average, in two days (range two to four days) [6,37,38,84]. The throat lesions resolve in five to six days (range 3 to 10 days) [30,38].

MANAGEMENT — Management is mainly supportive. Children with complications may require hospitalization. No specific antiviral therapy is available for the treatment of the enteroviruses. The genome of the enteroviruses does not encode for thymidine kinase, the enzyme necessary for acyclovir activity. In addition, controlled trials demonstrating evidence of benefit of acyclovir in patients with HFMD are lacking.

Indications for hospitalization — Indications for hospitalization in children with HFMD and herpangina may include:

Inability to maintain adequate hydration (see "Clinical assessment and diagnosis of hypovolemia (dehydration) in children" and "Treatment of hypovolemia (dehydration) in children")

Development of neurologic or cardiovascular complications, such as:

Encephalitis (see "Acute viral encephalitis in children: Treatment and prevention")

Meningitis (see "Viral meningitis in children: Management, prognosis, and prevention")

Flaccid paralysis (see "Poliomyelitis and post-polio syndrome", section on 'Poliomyelitis')

Myocarditis (see "Treatment and prognosis of myocarditis in children")

The inability to differentiate eczema coxsackium (picture 5) from eczema herpeticum (picture 15) (for HFMD only)

Supportive care — For both HFMD and herpangina, the pain and fever generally are short lived. Pain and discomfort due to fever can be managed with ibuprofen or acetaminophen, although these agents should be avoided in children with dehydration until volume correction has been achieved. In severe cases oral opioids may be required.

We do not routinely suggest topical oral therapies containing lidocaine or other topical therapies (eg, diphenhydramine, Kaolin pectin) to coat oral lesions and/or soothe pain in children with HFMD given the lack of evidence of benefit from clinical trials [85], the potential for harm (eg, toxicity from systemic absorption, allergic reaction) [86,87], and difficulty of application in young children.

Children who are unable to drink sufficiently to maintain hydration should be hospitalized for parenteral fluid therapy. The assessment and treatment of dehydration are discussed separately. (See "Clinical assessment and diagnosis of hypovolemia (dehydration) in children" and "Maintenance intravenous fluid therapy in children" and "Treatment of hypovolemia (dehydration) in children".)


Hygiene – Hand hygiene is important in the prevention of community-acquired HFMD and herpangina [88,89]. (See "Infection prevention: Precautions for preventing transmission of infection", section on 'Hand hygiene'.)

Surfaces that come in contact with oral secretions or feces should be cleaned and disinfected. Fomites that may spread the virus should also be cleaned and disinfected. (See "Infection prevention: General principles", section on 'Cleaning'.)

Child care settings – Strict adherence to hand hygiene protocols is important when changing diapers because enteroviruses are shed in the stool for weeks following infection.

Exclusion of infants and children from child care does not prevent the spread of HFMD [90]. The viruses that cause HFMD can be spread by children without symptoms and children whose symptoms have resolved. Exclusion from child care is appropriate if the child is febrile or not feeling up to participating in class, and may be necessary if the child has many open blisters (to prevent secondary skin infection) or has extensive drooling from mouth lesions (which may require care from the child care provider that may compromise care for other children).

Isolation – For hospitalized patients with HFMD and herpangina, contact precautions, in addition to standard precautions, should be used for the duration of the illness [91]. Cohorting of infected infants was effective in controlling an enterovirus outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit [92].

Vaccine – Vaccination for prevention of enterovirus and parechovirus infection is discussed separately. (See "Enterovirus and parechovirus infections: Clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", section on 'Vaccines'.)

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or email these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient education" and the keyword[s] of interest.)

Basics topic (see "Patient education: Hand, foot, and mouth disease and herpangina (The Basics)")


Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) and herpangina occur worldwide, typically during the summer and early autumn. Most cases occur in children younger than five to seven years. However, all age groups, including adults, may be affected. (See 'Epidemiology' above and 'Virology' above.)

The viruses that cause HFMD and herpangina (table 1) usually are transmitted from person to person by the fecal-oral route; they also can be transmitted by oral and respiratory secretions and, in cases of HFMD, vesicle fluid. The incubation period usually is three to five days. (See 'Transmission' above and 'Incubation period' above.)

HFMD presents with mouth or throat pain or refusal to eat. If present, fever generally is low grade (below 38.3°C [101°F]). The oral lesions, which may occur in isolation, usually occur on the tongue and buccal mucosa (picture 1A-B). They begin as macules and progress to vesicles, which rupture to form superficial ulcers. Oral lesions are painful and may interfere with oral intake. The skin lesions, which may occur in isolation, are nonpruritic and nontender (picture 2). They may be macular, maculopapular, or vesicular and typically involve the hands, feet, buttocks (particularly in infants and young children), and extremities. (See 'Hand, foot, and mouth disease' above.)

HFMD caused by enterovirus A71 has been associated with severe illness, complicated by central nervous system disease pulmonary edema and hemorrhage, and heart failure. (See 'Enterovirus A71 HFMD' above and 'Complications' above.)

Atypical HFMD is associated with a novel coxsackievirus A6 genotype. It is more severe than "typical" HFMD. Clinical features include higher fever; wider distribution of lesions; vesiculobullous lesions, bullae, erosions, ulcerations, and eschar; longer duration; palmar/plantar desquamation; and nail dystrophy (picture 3 and picture 4 and picture 6). (See 'Coxsackievirus A6 HFMD' above.)

The onset of herpangina is abrupt with high fever (38.9 to 40°C [102 to 104°F]) and oral lesions. Vomiting, anorexia, and irritability or fussiness are frequent accompaniments. The oral lesions occur on the anterior fauces, tonsils, and soft palate. They begin as papules and rapidly progress to vesicles and finally rupture to form superficial ulcers (picture 7). The lesions are painful and may interfere with oral intake. (See 'Herpangina' above.)

Complications of HFMD and herpangina are rare. They occur more commonly with enterovirus A71 than other types of enteroviruses. (See 'Complications' above and 'Enterovirus A71 HFMD' above.)

The diagnosis of HFMD usually is made clinically, based upon the typical appearance and location of the oral enanthem (picture 1A-B) and exanthem (picture 2). The diagnosis of herpangina also is made clinically, based upon the typical appearance and location of the oral enanthem (fewer than 10 hyperemic yellow/greyish-white papulovesicles on the anterior pillars of the fauces, soft palate, tonsils, and uvula) and associated high fever. It is seldom necessary to confirm a specific viral etiology for HFMD or herpangina. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

The differential diagnosis of HFMD and herpangina includes other conditions associated with oral lesions (eg, aphthous ulcers (picture 8A-B), herpes simplex gingivostomatitis (picture 9A-B)). In addition, the differential diagnosis of HFMD includes other conditions associated with maculopapular or vesicular rashes (eg, papular urticaria (picture 10A-B), id reaction (picture 12), contact dermatitis (picture 13), erythema multiforme major (picture 14A-C), and eczema herpeticum (picture 15)). Associated clinical features usually distinguish HFMD and herpangina from these conditions. (See 'Differential diagnosis' above.)

The overwhelming majority of cases of HFMD and herpangina are uncomplicated; complete spontaneous resolution usually occurs within seven days. (See 'Clinical course' above.)

Children with complications may require hospitalization. Management of uncomplicated HFMD and herpangina is supportive. Pain and discomfort due to fever can be managed with ibuprofen or acetaminophen. We suggest not routinely using topical oral therapies for children with HFMD (Grade 2C). (See 'Management' above.)


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Topic 96219 Version 26.0


1 : "Hand-foot-and-mouth disease" in Birmingham in 1959.

2 : Hand-foot-and-mouth disease.

3 : Report of an outbreak of febrile illness with pharyngeal lesions and exanthem: Toronto, summer 1957; isolation of group A Coxsackie virus.

4 : Herpetic sore throat

5 : Clinical and laboratory differentiation between herpangina and infectious (herpetic) gingivostomatitis.

6 : Herpangina

7 : Herpangina; etiological studies of a specific infectious disease.

8 : Comparison of Nonpolio Enteroviruses in Children With Herpangina and Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Taiwan.

9 : Spectrum of Enterovirus Serotypes Causing Uncomplicated Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease and Enteroviral Diagnostic Yield of Different Clinical Samples.

10 : Virology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, and control of enterovirus 71.

11 : Correlation analysis of EV71 detection and case severity in hand, foot, and mouth disease in the Hunan Province of China.

12 : Coxsackievirus A6 and hand, foot, and mouth disease, Finland.

13 : Notes from the field: severe hand, foot, and mouth disease associated with coxsackievirus A6 - Alabama, Connecticut, California, and Nevada, November 2011-February 2012.

14 : Hand, foot, and mouth disease caused by coxsackievirus A6, Japan, 2011.

15 : Hand, foot, and mouth disease caused by coxsackievirus A6, Thailand, 2012.

16 : Atypical hand, foot, and mouth disease associated with coxsackievirus A6 infection, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, January to February 2014.

17 : Hand, foot and mouth disease caused by coxsackievirus A6, Beijing, 2013.

18 : Coxsackievirus A6 and enterovirus 71 causing hand, foot and mouth disease in Cuba, 2011-2013.

19 : Coxsackievirus A6 associated hand, foot and mouth disease in adults: clinical presentation and review of the literature.

20 : Herpangina: the etiologic spectrum.

21 : Herpangina surveillance in Japan, 1982-1989. A report of the national epidemiological surveillance of infectious agents in Japan.

22 : Enteroviruses isolated from herpangina and hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Korean children.

23 : Neurologic complications in children with enterovirus 71 infection.

24 : Comparison of enterovirus 71 and coxsackie-virus A16 clinical illnesses during the Taiwan enterovirus epidemic, 1998.

25 : Comparison of enterovirus 71 and coxsackie-virus A16 clinical illnesses during the Taiwan enterovirus epidemic, 1998.

26 : Clinicopathologic analysis of atypical hand, foot, and mouth disease in adult patients.

27 : Hand, foot, and mouth syndrome. Report of six cases due to coxsackie virus, group A, type 16.

28 : Hand, foot, and mouth disease (Coxsackievirus A16) in Atlanta.

29 : Hand, foot, and mouth disease.

30 : Vesicular pharyngitis and stomatitis

31 : Aphthous pharyngitis

32 : Epidemiology of hand, foot, and mouth disease in a summer camp due to Coxsackie virus A16.

33 : Co-circulation of coxsackieviruses A6 and A10 in hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak in Finland.

34 : Hand, foot and mouth disease in two Edinburgh practices, 1980.

35 : An epidemic of enterovirus 71 infection in Taiwan. Taiwan Enterovirus Epidemic Working Group.

36 : Outbreak of enterovirus 71 infection in Victoria, Australia, with a high incidence of neurologic involvement.

37 : Herpangina; clinical studies of a specific infectious disease.

38 : Vesicular pharyngitis; its relationship to the Coxsackie group of viruses.

39 : Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of adult hand, foot, and mouth disease in northern Zhejiang, China, May 2008-November 2013.

40 : Notes from the Field: Outbreak of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Caused by Coxsackievirus A6 Among Basic Military Trainees - Texas, 2015.

41 : Severe atypical hand-foot-and-mouth disease in adults due to coxsackievirus A6: Clinical presentation and phylogenesis of CV-A6 strains.

42 : Hand-foot-and-mouth disease: Coxsackie virus types A 5, A 10, and A 16 infections.

43 : Hand, foot, and mouth disease caused by coxsackievirus a6.

44 : An atypical winter outbreak of hand, foot, and mouth disease associated with human enterovirus 71, 2010.

45 : Changing epidemiology of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Hong Kong, 2001-2009.

46 : Temperature and humidity affect the incidence of hand, foot, and mouth disease: a systematic review of the literature - a report from the International Society of Dermatology Climate Change Committee.

47 : Weather effects on hand, foot, and mouth disease at individual level: a case-crossover study.

48 : [Observation on virus shedding periods of enterovirus-71 and coxsackievirus A 16 monitored by nucleic acids determination in stool samples of children with hand, foot and mouth disease].

49 : Intestinal detoxification time of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in children with EV71 infection and the related factors.

50 : Evidence base of incubation periods, periods of infectiousness and exclusion policies for the control of communicable diseases in schools and preschools.

51 : Outbreak of Coxsackievirus A16 hand, foot, and mouth disease in a child day-care center.

52 : Report of Cases. Report of an Outbreak of“Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease”in Sydney

53 : The clinical appearance of hand, foot and mouth disease.

54 : Vesicular stomatitis and exanthem. A syndrome associated with Coxsackie virus, type A16.

55 : Epidemiologic investigation of hand, foot, and mouth disease. Infection caused by coxsackievirus A 16 in Baltimore, June through September 1968.

56 : Hand, foot and mouth disease in south Wales, 1964.

57 : Outbreak of hand-foot-and-mouth disease among Indian and Eskimo children in a hospital.


59 : 'Hand, foot, and mouth disease' associated with Coxsackie A5 virus.

60 : Dermatological spectrum of hand, foot and mouth disease from classical to generalized exanthema.

61 : Enterovirus 71 infections and neurologic disease--United States, 1977-1991.

62 : Fatal enterovirus 71 encephalomyelitis.

63 : Epidemic hand, foot and mouth disease caused by human enterovirus 71, Singapore.

64 : Autopsy findings in children with hand, foot, and mouth disease.

65 : Outbreak of poliomyelitis-like paralysis associated with enterovirus 71.

66 : Clinical features, diagnosis, and management of enterovirus 71.

67 : Notes from the Field: Enterovirus A71 Neurologic Disease in Children - Colorado, 2018.

68 : Clinical manifestations of coxsackievirus A6 infection associated with a major outbreak of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Japan.

69 : Atypical hand-foot-and-mouth disease associated with coxsackievirus A6 infection.

70 : "Eczema coxsackium" and unusual cutaneous findings in an enterovirus outbreak.

71 : Atypical hand, foot, and mouth disease: a vesiculobullous eruption caused by Coxsackie virus A6.

72 : Atypical Presentations of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Caused by Coxsackievirus A6--Minnesota, 2014.

73 : Clinical findings in an epidemic of herpangina with myalgic, neurological and gastro-enteritic features.

74 : Spontaneous abortion after hand-foot-and-mouth disease caused by Coxsackie virus A16.

75 : Ocular involvement in hand, foot, and mouth disease.

76 : Clinical and molecular characterization of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Thailand, 2008-2009.

77 : Acute pancreatitis in hand, foot and mouth disease caused by Coxsackievirus A16: case report.

78 : Clinical and Etiological Characteristics of Atypical Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Children from Chongqing, China: A Retrospective Study.

79 : Onychomadesis outbreak linked to hand, foot, and mouth disease, Spain, July 2008.

80 : Enterovirus and parechovirus infection in children: a brief overview.

81 : Enterovirus and parechovirus infection in children: a brief overview.

82 : Histopathology of Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease in Adults and Criteria for Differentiation From Erythema Multiforme.

83 : Risk factors of severe hand, foot and mouth disease: a meta-analysis.

84 : Herpangina and herpetic gingivostomatitis; clinical differentiation.

85 : Topical lidocaine to improve oral intake in children with painful infectious mouth ulcers: a blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

86 : Seizures secondary to oral viscous lidocaine.

87 : Seizures secondary to oral viscous lidocaine.

88 : Risk factors for hand, foot, and mouth disease and herpangina and the preventive effect of hand-washing.

89 : A hand hygiene intervention to decrease hand, foot and mouth disease and absence due to sickness among kindergarteners in China: A cluster-randomized controlled trial.

90 : A hand hygiene intervention to decrease hand, foot and mouth disease and absence due to sickness among kindergarteners in China: A cluster-randomized controlled trial.

91 : A hand hygiene intervention to decrease hand, foot and mouth disease and absence due to sickness among kindergarteners in China: A cluster-randomized controlled trial.

92 : The successful containment of coxsackie B4 infection in a neonatal unit.