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Hypermetabolic response to moderate-to-severe burn injury and management

Hypermetabolic response to moderate-to-severe burn injury and management
Gerd G Gauglitz, MMS, MD
Felicia N Williams, MD
Section Editor:
Marc G Jeschke, MD, PhD
Deputy Editor:
Kathryn A Collins, MD, PhD, FACS
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Apr 19, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Profound metabolic alterations affect patients suffering from moderate-to-severe burns. The hypermetabolic response in burn patients is characterized by hyperdynamic circulatory, physiologic, catabolic, and immune system responses. Early recognition and treatment improves clinical outcomes [1-4].

Attenuation of the hypermetabolic response is accomplished by altering the physical, physiologic, and biochemical environment of the burn patient with early burn wound excision, grafting, optimizing nutrition, adjusting ambient temperatures, increasing lean body mass, and pharmacologic treatments. Nonpharmacologic therapies, such as providing specific nutrients and growth factors as well as activities and exercise, are also emerging as essential components of the management of burn patients [5,6].

The metabolic changes that occur following moderate-to-severe burns and the attenuation of the hypermetabolic response are reviewed here. The general care of the burn patient, including burn wound care and nutritional support, is reviewed separately. (See "Overview of the management of the severely burned patient" and "Overview of nutrition support in burn patients".)

HYPERMETABOLIC RESPONSE — The hypermetabolic response to injury is characterized by increased blood pressure and heart rate, peripheral insulin resistance, and increased protein and lipid catabolism, which lead to increased resting energy expenditure, increased body temperature, total body protein loss, muscle wasting, and stimulated synthesis of acute-phase proteins [1-3,5-9]. These responses occur in all trauma, surgical, or critically ill patients, but the magnitude with which they occur and their duration are particularly severe and sustained for burn patients [2,10,11].

The cause of this complex response is not well understood. A marked and sustained increase in the secretion of catecholamines, glucocorticoids, glucagon, and dopamine initiates the cascade of events leading to an acute hypermetabolic response with its ensuing catabolic state [7,12-19]. Interleukins 1 and 6, platelet-activating factor, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), endotoxin, neutrophil-adherence complexes, reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, and coagulation and complement cascades have been implicated in regulating this response to burn injury [20]. Once these cascades are initiated, their mediators and byproducts appear to perpetuate the persistent and increased metabolic rate associated with altered glucose metabolism [21]. Perturbations in the innate immune response to the burn injury are caused by the release of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). DAMPs bind to toll-like receptors to initiate an immunosuppressive state. Collectively, burns lead to an increased risk of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and multiorgan dysfunction [22-24].

Time course

Phases — Two distinct phases of metabolic regulation are described following injury [25]:

Ebb phase – The changes associated with the "ebb phase" occur within the first 48 hours of a burn injury [25,26]. This phase is characterized by decreased cardiac output, oxygen consumption, and metabolic rate as well as impaired glucose tolerance and hyperglycemia.

Flow phase – The flow phase represents a gradual increase in metabolism to reach a plateau within the first five days postinjury. This phase is associated with hyperdynamic circulation and the development of insulin resistance. In response to glucose load, insulin release is twice that of controls during this time period [27,28], and plasma glucose levels are markedly elevated [28,29]. (See "Insulin action".)

Duration — The hypermetabolic response (flow phase) may last for more than 12 months after the initial event and does not resolve completely after wound closure [7,12,19,30-32]. Sustained hypermetabolic alterations include persistent elevations of the stress mediators (24 hour urine cortisol levels, serum cytokines, catecholamines, and basal energy requirements). Impaired glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity can persist for up to three years after severe burn injury [33].

Magnitude — The metabolic rate increases proportionally with burn size [31,32]. A 15 to 20 percent total body surface area (TBSA) burn injury initiates a catabolic response, including impaired immunity and accentuating fluid shifts [34]. Adults with a 20 percent TBSA burn injury develop a metabolic rate between 118 to 210 percent of that predicted by Harris-Benedict equations for basal metabolic rate [35]. Patients with burns greater than 40 percent TBSA almost always experience hypermetabolism [30]. A further increase in hypermetabolism occurs in patients with burns of 50 to 60 percent TBSA, after which there is minimal further increase in hypermetabolic rate [36].

In a prospective longitudinal study in which resting energy expenditure was measured by indirect calorimetry, stable isotope study, and body composition, children with burns greater than 40 percent TBSA developed a metabolic rate of 180 percent of the basal metabolic rate (BMR) during the acute admission, which persisted at an elevated rate of 150 percent of BMR following complete wound closure and was maintained at 110 percent of BMR at one year [2,7]. (See "Clinical assessment and monitoring of nutrition support in adult surgical patients".)

Altered hemodynamics — Depending upon the size of the burn for both children and adults, patients will initially have a low cardiac index and will be extremely vasodilated. Both populations will go into a hyperdynamic state of tachycardia with increased cardiac output.

Depending upon the comorbidities of the adults, the patient may experience atrial fibrillation or any other rhythm that they are prone to experiencing. However, compared with children, the magnitude of hemodynamic changes in adults may not be as profound due to coexisting comorbidities [37-39]. For children, heart rates can exceed 180 percent of predicted values for age-matched children, and cardiac outputs can exceed 150 percent; both can remain elevated for up to two years after injury [37].

Altered glucose metabolism — Under normal circumstances, a postprandial increase in blood glucose concentration stimulates the release of insulin from pancreatic beta cells. Insulin mediates peripheral glucose uptake into skeletal muscle and adipose tissue and suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis, thereby maintaining blood glucose homeostasis. Glucose metabolism in healthy subjects and in patients with diabetes is discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Insulin action".)

In critical illness, metabolic alterations can significantly change energy substrate metabolism. In order to provide glucose, release of stress mediators opposes the anabolic actions of insulin. By enhancing adipose tissue lipolysis and skeletal muscle proteolysis, stress mediators (ie, counterregulatory hormones) increase gluconeogenic substrates, including glycerol, alanine, and lactate (figure 1), thus augmenting hepatic glucose production in burned patients [40-43].

Hyperglycemia fails to suppress hepatic glucose release during this time, and the suppressive effect of insulin on hepatic glucose release is attenuated, significantly contributing to persistent hyperglycemia [33,44,45]. Catecholamine-mediated enhancement of hepatic glycogenolysis as well as direct sympathetic stimulation of glycogen breakdown further aggravate the hyperglycemia in response to stress [41]. Catecholamines also impair glucose disposal via alterations of the insulin-signaling pathway and GLUT4 translocation in muscle and adipose tissue, resulting in peripheral insulin resistance [40,46].

Insulin resistance in severely burned patients begins as early as three days postinjury, predominantly in the liver [47], and lasts up three years postinjury [33]. It is primarily mediated by the persistent elevation in catecholamines and cortisol levels, which lead to increased endogenous glucose production, in conjunction with the impaired insulin-mediated glucose uptake.

Altered protein and lipid metabolism — Alterations in metabolic pathways and proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), contribute to lean-muscle protein breakdown, both during the acute and convalescent phases in response to burn injury [48,49]. (See "Tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors: An overview of adverse effects".)

In contrast to starvation, in which lipolysis and ketosis provide energy and protect muscle reserves, a moderate-to-severe burn considerably reduces the ability of the body to use lipids as an energy source. Skeletal muscle becomes the major source of substrate for glucose production, which leads to marked wasting of lean body mass (LBM) within days after burn injury [2,50] and which persists for at least nine months post-burn [7,51]. Since skeletal muscle is responsible for 70 to 80 percent of whole-body insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, decreases in muscle mass may significantly contribute to this persistent insulin resistance post-burn injury [52]. (See "Insulin resistance: Definition and clinical spectrum".)

Interestingly, the observed white adipose tissue (WAT) browning after burn injury appears to be a culprit, if not the main facilitator, of cachexia [53]. The sustained catecholamine surge in burns initiates WAT browning and the cascade of events leading to the hypermetabolic response [54,55], indicating that WAT browning may be detrimental for burn patients. Despite these findings, it remains to be determined if the attenuation of WAT browning is sufficient to overcome the impaired muscle and liver metabolic processes that have already occurred in the hypermetabolic response to the injury.

A 10 to 15 percent loss in LBM is associated with a significant increase in infection rates and marked delays in wound healing [56]. The resultant muscle weakness further prolongs mechanical ventilatory utilization, inhibits sufficient cough reflexes, and delays mobilization in protein-malnourished patients, thus contributing to mortality [57]. Persistent protein catabolism may also account for growth and developmental delay frequently observed in pediatric patients with burns greater than 40 percent TBSA [58].

The profound wasting of lean body mass is further exacerbated by immobility. The classic teaching for critically ill burn patients was prolonged bed rest and immobility; however, this increases the risk for hypertrophic ossification, contractures, muscle wasting and weakness, neuropathies, pressure necrosis and pressure ulcers, deep vein thrombosis, prolonged psychological disturbances, longer lengths of stay, and increased ventilator days. Current evidence demonstrates the safety and efficacy of early mobility protocols to shift this paradigm [59,60]. (See 'Exercise and adjunctive measures' below.)

ATTENUATION OF THE HYPERMETABOLIC RESPONSE — Therapeutic approaches focus on attenuating or blunting the hypermetabolic response and its ensuing catabolic state. A number of different strategies are used to alter the physiologic and biochemical environment.

The hypermetabolic response can be attenuated using nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic modalities. Nonpharmacologic modalities include early wound excision and closure, nutritional support, environmental support, exercise, and other adjunctive measures.

Specific pharmacotherapies that can attenuate the hypermetabolic response include pain relievers, anabolic hormones, anabolic steroids, catecholamine antagonists, and recombinant human growth hormone, if needed, for children [1]. Some pharmacotherapies are more effective in the acute rather than chronic phase of the burn injury. The acute phase is defined as the period immediately following the resuscitation phase, when the patient is hemodynamically stable, capillary permeability is restored, and diuresis has begun. It generally starts 48 to 72 hours post-burn injury. The chronic or rehabilitation phase begins when wounds are healed.

For adults and children, we recommend early burn excision and grafting, aggressive pain control using opioids acutely, oxandrolone in both the acute and chronic phases of burn injury, insulin, and/or metformin to maintain blood glucose levels between 110 and 150. For children, we also recommend recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) during the chronic phase of burn care.

Early excision and grafting — Early excision of necrotic tissue and wound closure has been an important advancement in the treatment of patients with severe burn injuries and a mainstay of therapy [2,7,61-64]. Early burn excision and grafting is associated with a reduction in metabolic parameters [30,65,66]. Wound closure alone, however, does not eliminate the hypermetabolic response [7].

A meta-analysis of six randomized trials showed a significant reduction in mortality with early excision and grafting in burn patients without inhalation injury (risk ratio [RR] 0.36, 95 percent CI 0.20-0.65) compared with conservative treatment of dressing changes and delayed skin grafts following eschar separation [61]. The mean length of hospital stay was significantly shorter for the early excision group (standardized mean difference [SMD] 8.89), but the requirement for blood transfusions was significantly higher (SMD 1.65). There was no difference in duration of sepsis, wound healing time, and skin graft take between the two groups.

While burn wound closure within the first five days is optimal, it is not always possible. A retrospective study of 143 burn patients showed that a delayed primary wound closure (days 6 to 12) had a similar advantage of early wound closure in reducing risk of septicemia, mortality, morbidity, hospital stay, and cost of treatment in comparison with 449 patients treated with delayed closure, a practice that allowed wounds to granulate prior to skin grafting [67]. Early excision and skin grafting is also associated with decreased severity of hypertrophic scarring, joint contractures, and stiffness and promotes faster rehabilitation [68,69]. (See "Overview of surgical procedures used in the management of burn injuries".)

Oxandrolone — For adults and children with moderate-to-severe burns, we recommend oxandrolone (10 mg orally twice daily in adults, 0.1 mg/kg [maximum 10 mg] twice daily in children, and 5 mg twice daily in older patients >65 years of age). Treatment with anabolic steroids such as oxandrolone, which is a testosterone analog with a low level of virilizing androgenic effects, improves muscle protein catabolism via enhanced protein synthesis efficiency, reduces weight loss, reduces growth arrest, and increases donor-site wound healing [70-77]. For patients taking oxandrolone, we measure liver enzymes twice a week. In female children who are on oxandrolone, we check for virilizing symptoms on a regular basis.

A systematic review that included 15 randomized trials (adults and children [73-76,78-88]) comparing oxandrolone with placebo or blank controls in patients with >20 percent total body surface area (TBSA) burns found significant improvements in measures of metabolism without significant differences in mortality or adverse events (eg, liver dysfunction) both in the short-term and with longer follow-up [89].

In the catabolic phase – Treatment with oxandrolone significantly shortened length of stay by 3.02 days (95% CI 2.37-3.66), donor-site healing time by 4.41 days (95% CI 3.41-5.41), and the time between surgical procedures by 0.63 days (95% CI 0.11-1.16). It reduced weight loss by 5 kg (95% CI 3.70-6.30) and nitrogen loss by 8.19 g/day (95% CI 6.87-9.52).

In the rehabilitative phase – Treatment with oxandrolone shortened the length of stay by 6.45 days (95% CI 4.20-8.69), decreased weight loss by 0.86 kg/week (95% CI 0.76-0.96), and reduced lean body mass (LBM) by 5 percent (95% CI 3.34-6.66).

Long-term – Treatment with oxandrolone in patients with severe burns significantly improved LBM by a gain of 3.99 percent after 6 months (95% CI 3.08-4.89) and by 10.78 percent after 12 months (95% CI 9.92, 11.64).

In one of these trials in children, the benefits, which included improvements in LBM, bone mineral content, and bone mineral density, persisted for five years after the burn injury, with maximal effect identified in patients aged 7 to 18 years [76]. It must be noted that although anabolic steroids can increase LBM, exercise is essential to developing strength [76,90].

Propranolol — Beta blockade attenuates the hypermetabolism in pediatric burn patients and may also be beneficial in adult burn patients [71,91-94]. (See "Beta blockers in the treatment of hyperthyroidism" and "Major side effects of beta blockers".)

Beta blockers blunt the effects of elevated catecholamines, resulting in decreased cardiac oxygen demand and decreased resting metabolism. Stable isotope and serial body composition studies showed that administration of propranolol reduces skeletal muscle wasting and increases LBM post-burn [95]. The underlying mechanism of action is unclear, but it may cause an increase in protein synthesis in response to persistent protein breakdown and reduced peripheral lipolysis [96]. Propranolol reduces fatty infiltration of the liver, which typically occurs as the result of enhanced peripheral lipolysis and altered substrate handling [97,98].

In a randomized trial of propranolol versus placebo in 25 severely burned children, propranolol significantly decreased heart rate and resting energy expenditure [92]. The net muscle protein balance, which is the difference between protein synthesis and breakdown, was increased by 82 percent over baseline in the propranolol group compared with no significant change in the untreated control group. Another randomized trial that included 179 pediatric patients with more than 30 percent TBSA burn found that administration of propranolol attenuated the hypermetabolic responses for one year post-burn [99].

Beta blockers may also improve burn outcomes [93,99-101]. A small retrospective cohort study of adult burn patients found an association between preinjury treatment with beta blockers and improved wound healing and reduced burn-related mortality [93]. There was no evidence that post-burn injury treatment with beta blockers reduced the mortality rate in adult burn patients. A separate trial found that treatment with propranolol in adults (10 to 20 mg three times a day) and children (4 mg/kg/24 hours) significantly reduced the rates of infection and sepsis compared with placebo (21 versus 30 percent and 7 versus 10 percent, respectively) [100].

Reduce pain and anxiety — The metabolic rate of the burn patient is adversely affected by pain, anxiety, and activity [1]. Background, procedurally related pain, and anxiety greatly increase metabolic rates.

Burn injuries cause one of the most intense and prolonged types of pain, and judicious management of pain with intravenous analgesics, appropriate sedation, and supportive psychotherapy is important to attenuate the hypermetabolic response [102]. Intravenous opioids (continuous or bolused) are most often used to relieve pain. Supportive psychotherapy is helpful in reducing patient anxiety [103]. (See "Management of burn wound pain and itching" and "Paradigm-based treatment approaches for burn pain control".)

Nutritional support — Adequate nutritional support is imperative for the treatment of severely burned patients to reduce the catabolic effects [104]. An enteral route is preferred [65], but the timing of initiation may vary (algorithm 1). (See "Overview of nutrition support in burn patients".)

Various formulations and equations have been developed to address the increased energy requirements of adult and pediatric burn patients [105-109]. The most widely used formula is the Curreri formula, though this may overestimate nutritional needs [109]. (See "Nutritional demands and enteral formulas for adult surgical patients", section on 'Calculating energy requirements'.)

Increased lipid administration to reduce fatty acid deficiency is commonplace in nutritional supplementation of nonburn critically ill patients but in burn patients may increase complications, including hyperlipidemia, hypoxemia, fatty liver infiltration, higher incidence of infection, and higher postoperative mortality [50,97,110,111]. The livers of burn patients secrete less very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), and this contributes significantly to triglyceride accumulation in the liver [112]. Hence, the extent to which exogenous lipids can be used as an energy source after burn injury is considerably limited [36,42,113].

Glycemic control — Nutritional management includes avoidance of hyperglycemia, which is associated with higher morbidity and mortality in moderate-to-severe burn patients. (See "Glycemic control in critical illness".)

The ideal target glucose range is uncertain. In general, target glucose levels for moderately to severely burned patients include:

Morning glucose level of 130 mg/dL (7.2 mmol/L)

Daily average glucose level of 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) for at least 70 percent of the hospital admission

However, additional clinical trials are needed to define the ideal glucose levels for the treatment of critically ill, trauma, and severely burned adult patients.

Insulin – In severely burned patients, insulin administered during acute hospitalization improves muscle protein synthesis, accelerates donor-site healing time, attenuates LBM loss and the acute phase response, and reduces infection and mortality rates [114-122]. In addition to its anabolic actions, insulin exerts anti-inflammatory effects, potentially neutralizing the proinflammatory actions of glucose [119]. These results suggest a dual benefit of insulin administration: reduction of proinflammatory effects of glucose by restoration of euglycemia and a proposed additional insulin-mediated anti-inflammatory effect [123]. Maintaining a continuous insulin infusion in burn patients can be challenging since these patients require a large caloric load. In addition, burn patients require frequent operations and dressing changes, which intermittently halts enteral nutrition, leading to variations in glucose levels [2]. Insulin resistance can also develop during the acute phase and persist for three years in pediatric burn patients [33]. (See "Management of diabetes mellitus in hospitalized patients", section on 'Patients receiving enteral or parenteral feedings'.)

Metformin – Metformin, a biguanide, counters the two main metabolic processes that underlie burn injury-induced hyperglycemia by inhibiting gluconeogenesis and augmenting peripheral insulin sensitivity [124-128]. A trial that randomly assigned 44 severely burned patients to metformin or insulin found that metformin controlled blood equally as well as insulin but with less hypoglycemia (15 versus 6 percent), and it also improved insulin sensitivity (as measured by oral glucose tolerance test at discharge) [129]. (See "Metformin in the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus".)

Incretin-based therapies – Another approach to treating hyperglycemia in burn patients without increasing the risk of hypoglycemia is incretin-based therapies. The incretins include glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Exogenous GLP-1 reduces glucose concentration in patients with type 2 diabetes after major surgery [130] and in those who are critically ill without diabetes and receiving enteral nutrition [131]. In a trial that included 24 severely burned patients, exenatide, a synthetic peptide that possesses incretin-mimetic actions including suppression of glucagon secretion and activation of GLP-1, significantly decreased the amount of exogenous insulin required to maintain glucose levels between 80 and 140 mg/dL (4.4 to 7.8 mmol/L) [132]. The GLP-1 analogue tested in this trial appears to be safe and reliably modulated glucose in these patients. (See "Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus".)

Exercise and adjunctive measures — A balanced physical therapy program is essential to restore metabolic variables and prevent burn wound contractures. In a randomized trial of progressive resistance and aerobic exercises versus traditional outpatient home therapy in 21 children, both groups had a significant increase in muscle strength compared with baseline [133]. However, the study group had significantly greater improvements in muscle strength (80 versus 38 percent in the home group). The study group also improved the distance walked (40 versus 12 percent).

Recombinant human growth hormone — Delays in growth are frequently observed in children who suffer severe burns. It is hypothesized that the delay in vertical growth is related to a low serum level of growth hormone. In a two-year observational study in children with moderate-to-severe burns, there was a significant difference in height velocity in 38 children treated with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) compared with 41 children who did not receive rhGH (47th versus 32nd percentile) [134]. However, rhGH did not attenuate the hypermetabolic response.

Neither short- nor long-term administration of rhGH was associated with an increase in mortality in severely burned children [135,136]. However, rhGH is associated with an increase in mortality in adult burn patients and is not recommended in this population [137]. For children, rhGH use is recommended during the chronic phase of burn management, and rhGH should not be used concurrently with an infection or sepsis. Administration during the acute phase is associated with an increased risk of septic events [63,134,137-140].

In a systematic review that included 13 randomized trials (six in children, seven in adults), treatment with rhGH shortened donor site healing time (by 3.15 days; 95% CI 1.54-4.75) and burn wound healing time (by 9.07 days; 95% CI 4.39-13.76) in adults compared with placebo [141]. In children, treatment with rhGH also shortened donor site healing time (by 1.70 days; 95% CI 0.87-2.53); data were not sufficient to assess burn wound healing time. Growth hormone increased the incidence of hyperglycemia in adults compared with placebo (risk ratio 2.43; 95% CI 1.54-3.85) but not in children. Treatment did not alter mortality or observed scarring.

Environmental support — Burn patients can lose as much as 4000 mL/m2 burned/day of body water through evaporative loss from extensive burn wounds that have not healed or are not covered by grafts [142]. The altered physiologic state partly generates sufficient energy to offset heat losses associated with inevitable water loss. The body attempts to raise skin and core temperatures to 2ºC greater than normal. One prospective study found that raising the ambient temperature from 25ºC to 33ºC diminished the magnitude of this obligatory response from 2.0 to 1.4 times resting energy expenditure [143].

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Care of the patient with burn injury".)


The hypermetabolic response to injury is characterized by a hyperdynamic circulatory response, increased protein and lipid catabolism, and peripheral insulin resistance, which increase resting energy expenditure and body temperature and decrease total body protein, leading to muscle wasting. These responses occur in all trauma, surgical, or critically ill patients, but the magnitude to which they occur and duration are particularly severe and sustained for burn patients. (See 'Hypermetabolic response' above.)

Early excision and grafting of the burn wound is the most important intervention for treating patients with moderate-to-severe burn injuries, substantially reducing resting energy requirements. It also reduces the risk of burn wound infection and sepsis, length of hospital stay, and burn-related mortality. (See 'Early excision and grafting' above and "Burn wound infection and sepsis".)

For adults and children with moderate-to-severe burns, we recommend oxandrolone (Grade 1B). Oxandrolone increases lean body mass (LBM) gain and decreases hospital stay. (See 'Oxandrolone' above.)

For children with moderate-to-severe burns, we suggest treatment with propranolol for one year (Grade 2B). Propranolol attenuates the hypermetabolism and reverses muscle-protein catabolism. There is no evidence to support the routine use of propranolol in adult burn patients. (See 'Propranolol' above.)

Because burn injuries cause one of the most intense and prolonged types of pain, pain management is important to attenuate the hypermetabolic response. Intravenous opioids, continuous or bolused, are most often used to relieve pain. (See 'Reduce pain and anxiety' above.)

For stress-related hyperglycemia in burn patients without a past history of diabetes, we recommend treatment with insulin (intravenous or injectable) (Grade 1B). Insulin significantly lowers the incidence of sepsis and mortality in those patients with good glucose control compared with those who had poor control. (See 'Glycemic control' above and "Overview of nutrition support in burn patients", section on 'Glycemic control'.)

For patients with moderate-to-severe burns, a balanced physical therapy program to restore metabolic variables, prevent burn wound contracture, improve body mass, and increase muscle strength should be included in the treatment plan. In addition, increasing the ambient temperature from 25 to 33ºC diminishes resting energy expenditure. (See 'Exercise and adjunctive measures' above and 'Environmental support' above.)


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Topic 818 Version 21.0


1 : Herndon DN. Total Burn Care, 3rd edition, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia 2007.

2 : Support of the metabolic response to burn injury.

3 : Stress-induced hyperglycemia.

4 : Burns in children: standard and new treatments.

5 : Metabolic implications of severe burn injuries and their management: a systematic review of the literature.

6 : Nutritional and pharmacological modulation of the metabolic response of severely burned patients: review of the literature (part 1).

7 : Persistence of muscle catabolism after severe burn.

8 : Guidelines for the operation of burn centers.

9 : The metabolic stress response to burn trauma: current understanding and therapies.

10 : Pathophysiologic response to severe burn injury.

11 : Pathophysiological Response to Burn Injury in Adults.

12 : The influence of age and gender on resting energy expenditure in severely burned children.

13 : Body composition changes with time in pediatric burn patients.

14 : Endocrine changes after burn trauma--a review.

15 : Growth hormone and cortisol secretion in patients with burn injury.

16 : Evidence supporting a role of glucocorticoids in short-term bone loss in burned children.

17 : Urinary output of adrenaline and noradrenaline in severe thermal burns.

18 : Urine cortisol levels after burn injury.

19 : Urine cortisol levels after burn injury.

20 : A great constitutional disturbance.

21 : Post burn muscle wasting and the effects of treatments.

22 : Damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) released after burn are associated with inflammation and monocyte activation.

23 : Burn-induced alterations in toll-like receptor-mediated responses by bronchoalveolar lavage cells.

24 : Association between early airway damage-associated molecular patterns and subsequent bacterial infection in patients with inhalational and burn injury.

25 : Review: acute versus chronic response to burn injury.

26 : Post-shock metabolic response. 1942.

27 : Plasma palmitate turnover in subjects with thermal injury.

28 : Role of fat metabolism in burn trauma-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance.

29 : Glucose metabolism in children during the first day after burn injury.

30 : The pharmacologic modulation of the hypermetabolic response to burns.

31 : Extended hypermetabolic response of the liver in severely burned pediatric patients.

32 : Burn size determines the inflammatory and hypermetabolic response.

33 : Abnormal insulin sensitivity persists up to three years in pediatric patients post-burn.

34 : Nutritional support of the burn patient.

35 : Accuracy of predictive methods to estimate resting energy expenditure of thermally-injured patients.

36 : Metabolic management of patients with severe burns.

37 : Changes in cardiac physiology after severe burn injury.

38 : Propranolol decreases cardiac work in a dose-dependent manner in severely burned children.

39 : Long-term persistance of the pathophysiologic response to severe burn injury.

40 : Hyperglycemia in the critically ill patient.

41 : Insulin resistance and hyperglycemia in critical illness: role of insulin in glycemic control.

42 : Effect of severe burn injury on substrate cycling by glucose and fatty acids.

43 : Insulin resistance and glucose-induced thermogenesis in critical illness.

44 : Glucose metabolism in severely burned patients.

45 : Insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial function are improved in children with burn injury during a randomized controlled trial of fenofibrate.

46 : Epinephrine inhibits insulin-stimulated muscle glucose transport.

47 : Glucose metabolism during the early "flow phase" after burn injury.

48 : Stimulation of muscle protein degradation and prostaglandin E2 release by leukocytic pyrogen (interleukin-1). A mechanism for the increased degradation of muscle proteins during fever.

49 : Dynamics of the protein metabolic response to burn injury.

50 : Dynamics of the protein metabolic response to burn injury.

51 : The impact of severe burns on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function.

52 : The effect of insulin on the disposal of intravenous glucose. Results from indirect calorimetry and hepatic and femoral venous catheterization.

53 : A switch from white to brown fat increases energy expenditure in cancer-associated cachexia.

54 : Burn Induces Browning of the Subcutaneous White Adipose Tissue in Mice and Humans.

55 : Browning of Subcutaneous White Adipose Tissue in Humans after Severe Adrenergic Stress.

56 : Use of indirect calorimetry in clinical nutrition.

57 : Respiratory muscle strength and maximal voluntary ventilation in undernourished patients.

58 : Growth delay in postburn pediatric patients.

59 : Effects of mobility training on severe burn patients in the BICU: A retrospective cohort study.

60 : Effectiveness of an early mobilization protocol in a trauma and burns intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study.

61 : Meta-analysis of early excision of burns.

62 : A new concept in the early excision and immediate grafting of burns.

63 : Growth hormone down-regulation of Interleukin-1beta and Interleukin-6 induced acute phase protein gene expression is associated with increased gene expression of suppressor of cytokine signal-3.

64 : The effect of early surgical intervention on mortality and cost-effectiveness in burn care, 1978-91.

65 : Effects of early excision and aggressive enteral feeding on hypermetabolism, catabolism, and sepsis after severe burn.

66 : The hypermetabolic response to burn injury and interventions to modify this response.

67 : Delayed primary closure of the burn wounds.

68 : Benefit-cost analysis of moist exposed burn ointment.

69 : Thermal injury.

70 : Characterization studies on the membrane-bound adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) of Azotobacter vinelandii.

71 : Anabolic and anticatabolic agents used in burn care: What is known and what is yet to be learned.

72 : Anabolic effects of oxandrolone after severe burn.

73 : The anticatabolic and wound healing effects of the testosterone analog oxandrolone after severe burn injury.

74 : Improved net protein balance, lean mass, and gene expression changes with oxandrolone treatment in the severely burned.

75 : Effects of long-term oxandrolone administration in severely burned children.

76 : Five-year outcomes after oxandrolone administration in severely burned children: a randomized clinical trial of safety and efficacy.

77 : Reversal of Growth Arrest With the Combined Administration of Oxandrolone and Propranolol in Severely Burned Children.

78 : Effects of oxandrolone on outcome measures in the severely burned: a multicenter prospective randomized double-blind trial.

79 : The rate of restoration of body weight after burn injury, using the anabolic agent oxandrolone, is not age dependent.

80 : The effect of oxandrolone on the endocrinologic, inflammatory, and hypermetabolic responses during the acute phase postburn.

81 : Metabolic and hormonal changes of severely burned children receiving long-term oxandrolone treatment.

82 : Oxandrolone induced lean mass gain during recovery from severe burns is maintained after discontinuation of the anabolic steroid.

83 : Oxandrolone, an anabolic steroid, significantly increases the rate of weight gain in the recovery phase after major burns.

84 : Comparison of the anabolic effects and complications of human growth hormone and the testosterone analog, oxandrolone, after severe burn injury.

85 : Gene expression patterns in skeletal muscle of thermally injured children treated with oxandrolone.

86 : The long-term effect of oxandrolone on hepatic acute phase proteins in severely burned children.

87 : The effects of oxandrolone and exercise on muscle mass and function in children with severe burns.

88 : Long-term oxandrolone treatment increases muscle protein net deposition via improving amino acid utilization in pediatric patients 6 months after burn injury.

89 : The efficacy and safety of oxandrolone treatment for patients with severe burns: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

90 : Effect of exogenous growth hormone and exercise on lean mass and muscle function in children with burns.

91 : The efficacy and safety of adrenergic blockade after burn injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

92 : Reversal of catabolism by beta-blockade after severe burns.

93 : Beta-blocker use is associated with improved outcomes in adult burn patients.

94 : Prolonged use of propranolol safely decreases cardiac work in burned children.

95 : Propranolol diminishes extremity blood flow in burned patients.

96 : Beta-blockade in burns.

97 : Fatty infiltration of the liver in severely burned pediatric patients: autopsy findings and clinical implications.

98 : Beta-blockade lowers peripheral lipolysis in burn patients receiving growth hormone. Rate of hepatic very low density lipoprotein triglyceride secretion remains unchanged.

99 : Long-term propranolol use in severely burned pediatric patients: a randomized controlled study.

100 : Propranolol does not increase inflammation, sepsis, or infectious episodes in severely burned children.

101 : Effects of Propranolol in Accelerating Wound Healing and Attenuation of Hypermetabolism in Adult Burn Patients.

102 : Current pharmacotherapy for the treatment of severe burns.

103 : Analgesia for trauma and burns.

104 : Weight loss following thermal injury.

105 : Dietary requirements of patients with major burns.

106 : Validation of a new formula for calculating the energy requirements of burn patients.

107 : Current treatment reduces calories required to maintain weight in pediatric patients with burns.

108 : Metabolic response to thermal injury and its nutritional support.

109 : Early enteral feeding for burned patients--an effective method which should be encouraged in developing countries.

110 : Improved clinical status and length of care with low-fat nutrition support in burn patients.

111 : Optimal lipid content for enteral diets following thermal injury.

112 : Contributions of de novo synthesis of fatty acids to total VLDL-triglyceride secretion during prolonged hyperglycemia/hyperinsulinemia in normal man.

113 : Lipolysis in burned patients is stimulated by the beta 2-receptor for catecholamines.

114 : A submaximal dose of insulin promotes net skeletal muscle protein synthesis in patients with severe burns.

115 : Effects of insulin on wound healing.

116 : The effect of prolonged euglycemic hyperinsulinemia on lean body mass after severe burn.

117 : Insulin but not growth hormone stimulates protein anabolism in skin wound and muscle.

118 : Insulin attenuates the systemic inflammatory response in endotoxemic rats.

119 : Insulin treatment improves the systemic inflammatory reaction to severe trauma.

120 : Insulin prevents liver damage and preserves liver function in lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxemic rats.

121 : Insulin treatment improves hepatic morphology and function through modulation of hepatic signals after severe trauma.

122 : Intensive insulin therapy in severely burned pediatric patients: a prospective randomized trial.

123 : Anti-inflammatory effects of insulin.

124 : Metformin blunts stress-induced hyperglycemia after thermal injury.

125 : Efficacy of metformin in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The Multicenter Metformin Study Group.

126 : Metabolic effects of metformin in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

127 : Comparison of peripheral metabolic effects of insulin and metformin following severe burn injury.

128 : Metformin.

129 : Glucose Control in Severely Burned Patients Using Metformin: An Interim Safety and Efficacy Analysis of a Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial.

130 : Intravenous glucagon-like peptide 1 normalizes blood glucose after major surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes.

131 : The effect of exogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 on the glycaemic response to small intestinal nutrient in the critically ill: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled cross over study.

132 : The use of exenatide in severely burned pediatric patients.

133 : The effects of exercise programming vs traditional outpatient therapy in the rehabilitation of severely burned children.

134 : The effect of short-term growth hormone treatment on growth and energy expenditure in burned children.

135 : Randomized controlled trial to determine the efficacy of long-term growth hormone treatment in severely burned children.

136 : Growth hormone treatment in pediatric burns: a safe therapeutic approach.

137 : Recombinant human growth hormone alters acute phase reactant proteins, cytokine expression, and liver morphology in burned rats.

138 : Increased expression of insulin-like growth factor-I in serum and liver after recombinant human growth hormone administration in thermally injured rats.

139 : Attenuation of posttraumatic muscle catabolism and osteopenia by long-term growth hormone therapy.

140 : Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on donor-site healing in severely burned children.

141 : Recombinant human growth hormone for treating burns and donor sites.

142 : Does increased evaporative water loss cause hypermetabolism in burned patients?

143 : Effect of ambient temperature on heat production and heat loss in burn patients.