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Tuberculous lymphadenitis

Tuberculous lymphadenitis
Denis Spelman, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, MPH
Section Editor:
John Bernardo, MD
Deputy Editor:
Elinor L Baron, MD, DTMH
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Dec 21, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Tuberculous lymphadenitis is among the most frequent presentations of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculous lymphadenitis in the cervical region is known as scrofula [1]. This syndrome can also be caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria.

TB is responsible for up to 43 percent of peripheral lymphadenopathy in resource-limited settings [2]. In rural India, the prevalence of tuberculous lymphadenitis in children up to 14 years of age is approximately 4.4 cases per 1000 [3]. In the United States, about 20 percent of patients with TB have extrapulmonary disease, and lymphadenitis is a presenting symptom in about 30 to 40 percent of cases [4-6]. In a Danish reported including more than 480 patients with TB between 2007 and 2016, lymphadenitis was observed in 13.5 percent of cases [7]. (See "Evaluation of peripheral lymphadenopathy in adults".)

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic has been associated with an increase in the total incidence of TB and an increased proportion of miliary, disseminated, and extrapulmonary TB cases including lymphadenitis [8]. (See "Epidemiology of tuberculosis" and "Epidemiology and pathology of miliary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis".)

Issues related to tuberculous lymphadenitis will be reviewed here. Other issues related to tuberculosis are discussed separately. (See related topics.)

PATHOGENESIS — Isolated peripheral tuberculous lymphadenopathy is usually due to reactivation of disease at a site seeded hematogenously during primary tuberculosis (TB) infection, perhaps years earlier [9].

It has been postulated that cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis occurs as a result of TB infection involving the tonsils, adenoids, and Waldeyer's ring, leading to cervical lymphadenopathy [2]. Abdominal tuberculous lymphadenopathy may occur via ingestion of sputum or milk infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis [10]. (See "Tuberculosis: Natural history, microbiology, and pathogenesis" and "Mycobacterium bovis".)

Though most cases of tuberculous lymphadenitis occur in the setting of reactivation of latent infection, miliary dissemination with prominent lymph node involvement in the setting of primary infection can also occur [8,11,12].

EPIDEMIOLOGY — The epidemiology of tuberculous lymphadenitis varies between resource-limited and resource-rich countries.

In resource-rich countries, most cases of tuberculous lymphadenitis occur among adult immigrants from tuberculosis (TB)-endemic countries [13-15]. This was illustrated by case series of tuberculous lymphadenitis in France and Germany in which about 70 percent of cases occurred in immigrants; in the German study, two-thirds of patients had immigrated >3 years prior to diagnosis [13,14]. In a subsequent review of more than 480 cases reported from Denmark (a low TB incidence country with 4.8 cases per 100,000 population in 2017) between 2007 and 2016, more than 90 percent of patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis were immigrants. Furthermore, molecular analysis demonstrated a high proportion of unique genotypes, suggesting reactivation disease [7].

In the United States, the rate of tuberculous lymphadenitis is higher among individuals of Asian Pacific Island descent and in females [2,5,16]. Rarely, tuberculous lymphadenitis can also occur in travelers to endemic areas [17,18]. Tuberculous lymphadenitis occurs more frequently in women than in men [1].

Previously, tuberculous lymphadenitis was considered a disease of childhood; however, the peak age of onset in developed countries has shifted from childhood to ages 20 to 40 years [19]. In contemporary series, the median age has been approximately 40 years in developed countries (range 1 to 88 years) [13,15,20].

In resource-limited countries where TB is endemic, extrapulmonary TB occurs in up to 60 percent of HIV-infected patients with TB and is frequently accompanied by signs of pulmonary involvement [21-23]. Most extrapulmonary TB cases (including tuberculous lymphadenitis) occur among patients with HIV at CD4 counts <300 cells/microL (usually below 100 cells/microL) [8,24]. A Danish study described not only HIV infection but also other factors such alcohol abuse, homelessness, diabetes, and renal insufficiency as risk factors for tuberculous lymphadenitis [7].

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS — Clinical manifestations depend on the site of the lymphadenopathy and the immune status of the patient [9,11,16,17].

The most common presentation in young adults is isolated chronic nontender lymphadenopathy. Systemic symptoms are not common; fever has been reported in 20 to 50 percent of cases in HIV-uninfected patients and 60 to 80 percent in HIV-infected patients [1]. The mass may be present for up to 12 months before diagnosis [17,25]. Physical examination reveals a firm, discrete mass or matted nodes fixed to surrounding structures; the overlying skin may be indurated [9]. Uncommon findings include fluctuance, draining sinus, or erythema nodosum.

Cervical lymphadenopathy — Cervical lymphadenopathy is the most common manifestation of tuberculous lymphadenitis; in contemporary series, it represents 63 to 77 percent of cases [13,20].

Most frequently, a unilateral mass appears in the anterior or posterior cervical triangles; submandibular and supraclavicular lymph node involvement also occurs [17,21,25,26]. Bilateral disease is uncommon (up to 26 percent of cases) [17,27]. Although most patients have disease at only one site, multiple nodes may be involved at that site [16,25].

Other involved nodes — Local complications of tuberculous lymphadenitis are dependent on local anatomical structures:

Tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis can be complicated by ulceration, fistula, or abscess formation.

Mediastinal lymph node involvement usually occurs as a complication of primary tuberculosis (TB). Nodal enlargement can result in compression of the upper airways with bronchial or tracheal stenosis [28-30]. These complications may be more common in children, who have softer cartilage in their airways, and also more common in patients with HIV [28]. Tuberculous mediastinal lymphadenopathy can present with dysphagia, esophageal perforation, vocal cord paralysis due to recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement, or pulmonary artery occlusion mimicking pulmonary embolism [31-34].

Subcarinal node enlargement can cause external compression of both the esophagus (producing dysphagia) [35] and bronchus [36]. Esophageal perforation and tracheoesophageal fistula have both been reported [37].

Tuberculous peritoneal lymphadenopathy most commonly involves lymph nodes in the periportal region, followed by peripancreatic and mesenteric lymph nodes [11]. Hepatic lymph node involvement can lead to jaundice, portal vein thrombosis, and portal hypertension [38]. Extrinsic compression of renal arteries due to tuberculous abdominal lymphadenopathy can result in renovascular hypertension [39]. Enlargement of tuberculous intraabdominal lymph nodes has resulted in external compression of segments of the gastrointestinal tract, such as the duodenum [40,41].

Other sites of tuberculous lymphadenitis include the axillary, inguinal, and intramammary lymph nodes [9,11,42].

HIV coinfection — Among patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis in the setting of HIV infection, there may be a significant mycobacterial load with concomitant systemic findings including fever, sweats, and weight loss [21]. Abnormal chest radiography is frequently observed, and such patients are more likely to have disseminated TB with lymphadenitis at more than one site [11,21]. Patients with mediastinal and hilar node involvement are likely to have active pulmonary TB also and may have symptoms including dyspnea and tachypnea [43].

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS — The differential diagnosis of isolated peripheral lymphadenopathy is extensive and includes malignancy (eg, Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma) and other infections (eg, nontuberculous mycobacteria [M. scrofulaceum, M. avium complex, M. kansasii ,M. fortuitum] [44], cat scratch disease, fungal infection, sarcoidosis, and bacterial adenitis).

Kikuchi disease (idiopathic histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis) can mimic tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy; indistinct margins of necrotic foci demonstrated on computed tomography scan may be an independent predictor of Kikuchi disease [45,46]. The most likely alternative diagnoses depend on the clinical setting including the patient's age, ethnic background, immune status, and presenting clinical features. (See "Kikuchi disease".)

It is difficult to differentiate tuberculosis from other causes of lymphadenitis on clinical grounds. One study found no distinguishing clinical features between patients with lymphadenitis due to tuberculous or nontuberculous mycobacteria [47]. Another report noted the same results regardless of HIV status [21].

DIAGNOSIS — Diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis is established by histopathology examination along with acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear and culture of lymph node material. Chest imaging should also be obtained.

Histopathology — Material for histopathology evaluation may be obtained by fine needle aspiration or excisional lymph node biopsy.

Fine needle aspiration — Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is appropriate for initial evaluation of cervical lymphadenopathy to evaluate for tuberculous lymphadenitis. The yield of FNA appears to be highest in the setting of HIV infection and in regions where the prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) is high [17,21,48-50]. In these circumstances, the burden of organisms is likely to be high. In a series of 1193 patients evaluated for tuberculous lymphadenitis in Hong Kong, for example, FNA had good sensitivity and specificity (77 and 93 percent, respectively) [51].

FNA is a relatively safe and inexpensive procedure, with few complications when a 21 to 23 gauge needle is used [17]. Specimens should be submitted for microscopy, culture, cytology, and polymerase chain reaction testing (where available).

Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration may provide access to intrathoracic nodes. (See 'Other diagnostic tools' below.)

Excisional biopsy — Excisional lymph node biopsy for histopathologic and microbiological evaluations has the highest diagnostic yield and should be pursued in cases where fine needle aspiration is not diagnostic [26,51]. In a series of 47 patients evaluated for tuberculous lymphadenitis, for example, the diagnosis of TB was established by excisional biopsy in all cases; FNA was definitive in only 62 percent [26]. In studies from developed countries, M. tuberculosis is typically cultured from excisional biopsies in 70 to 90 percent of cases [1]. Excisional biopsy is preferred over incisional biopsy; the latter may be associated with sinus tract formation. For mediastinal lymph node biopsy, mediastinoscopy may be required.

Specimens should be submitted for histology, acid-fast stain, culture, and nucleic acid amplification testing. (See 'Culture and nucleic acid amplification testing' below.)

The finding of caseating granulomas on histopathology is highly suggestive of TB although is not diagnostic since other diseases can also have similar histology [26].

Culture and nucleic acid amplification testing — Nucleic acid amplification (NAA) testing can facilitate the diagnosis of TB in lymph node tissues (including aspirates) for which histology findings are not specific and acid-fast organisms are not seen [52-56]. In a systematic review and meta-analysis including 18 studies, the sensitivity and specificity for the Xpert MTB/RIF assay (compared with culture) in lymph nodes were 83 and 94 percent, respectively [54].

In a comparative study of FNA specimens from patients with presumptive TB lymphadenitis, the Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra had improved sensitivity (91 versus 72 percent) but reduced specificity (76 versus 93 percent) compared with the Xpert MTB/RIF assay [57]. In a small study, loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay compared favorably with GeneXpert MTB/Rif in diagnosis of tubercular lymphadenitis in patients with HIV [58].

No commercial NAA platform is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use with nonrespiratory specimens, and Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra is not available in the United States. However, individual laboratories may validate and perform NAA testing on nonrespiratory samples; reporting language should indicate that this is a non-approved ("off-label") use of the test.

Serial NAA testing cannot be used to monitor response to therapy, since it reflects presence of M. tuberculosis–complex nucleic acid but not viability.

Culture for mycobacteria remains the gold standard for diagnosis of tuberculosis. Culture permits drug susceptibility testing and must be performed to inform treatment decisions, even if NAA testing is positive.


Chest imaging — In nonendemic countries, most patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis have no evidence of active pulmonary TB on chest radiograph (90 to 100 percent) [7,13,18]. In TB-endemic countries, pulmonary involvement is observed in 20 to 40 percent of patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis. Pleural thickening and apical fibrosis suggestive of previous TB may be observed [9,21]. In addition, central lymphadenopathy may lead to extrinsic airway compression and atelectasis [59,60]. This may be seen on the original presentation or appear paradoxically during treatment, even as the patient is improving clinically. (See 'Paradoxical reaction' below.)

Chest radiograph abnormalities have been described more frequently among patients with HIV infection in some series. One report of 10 HIV-infected patients described abnormal radiography on presentation with tuberculous lymphadenitis in 90 percent of cases [21].

Chest imaging suggestive of active pulmonary TB should prompt further evaluation, as outlined separately. (See "Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults", section on 'Radiographic imaging'.)

Neck imaging — Neck imaging modalities include ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Ultrasonography – In a study comparing lymph node metastases with tuberculous lymphadenitis, the latter was associated with a higher incidence of abnormal surrounding soft tissue, cystic necrosis, matting, posterior enhancement (when structures posterior to the node were more echogenic than neighboring structures), and a heterogeneous rather than a homogenous pattern [61]. A subsequent study using endobronchial ultrasound demonstrated that presence of necrosis and absence of the clustered formation were independent predictors of tuberculous lymph nodes [62].

Computed tomography – CT and positron emission tomography (PET-CT) can be useful to identify involved lymph nodes for biopsy or to monitor responses to treatment (image 1). However, radiographic findings of lymphadenopathy are not specific for TB, especially when trying to distinguish tuberculous lymphadenitis from lymphoma or other malignancy [63-65]. In one Chinese series including 26 patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis and 43 patients with lymphoma, lower paraaortic node involvement was more common in lymphoma; TB more often involved upper paraaortic, lesser omental, mesenteric, and anterior pararenal lymph nodes [10]. Peripheral enhancement (often with a multilocular appearance) was also a feature of tuberculous lymphadenopathy; homogeneous attenuation was more common in the setting of lymphomatous adenopathy. In another study comparing CT findings in Kikuchi disease and tuberculous lymphadenitis, patients with Kikuchi disease had involvement of multiple nodal levels, minimal or no nodal necrosis, marked perinodal infiltration, and no evidence of upper lung pathology or mediastinal lymphadenopathy [66].

Magnetic resonance imaging – In a report of MRI evaluation among nine Chinese patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis, three patterns of disease were noted: discrete nodes, matted nodes, and confluent masses [67]. Necrotic foci, when present, were more frequently peripheral rather than central.

Other diagnostic tools — Diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis is established by histopathology examination and AFB smear and culture of lymph node material as discussed above. Additional diagnostic tools that may be useful in the setting of suspected tuberculous lymphadenitis are outlined below. Further discussion of issues related to diagnosis of TB is presented separately. (See "Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults".)

Sputum smear and culture – Positive sputum cultures are uncommon (0 to 14 percent) in the setting of tuberculous lymphadenitis [13,17,68]. Chest radiography findings consistent with active pulmonary TB should prompt sputum cultures; if positive, evaluation for miliary TB should be pursued. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of miliary tuberculosis".)

Bronchoscopy – In the setting of isolated intrathoracic lymphadenopathy, bronchoscopy may be useful to establish a diagnosis of TB if sputum studies are negative [69,70].

Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) – This modality may be useful in the setting of isolated intrathoracic lymphadenopathy [71-76]. In one report of 24 patients with isolated intrathoracic lymphadenopathy and a high clinical suspicion for tuberculosis, material obtained by EBUS-TBNA confirmed the diagnosis in 79 percent of cases (sensitivity and specificity 95 and 100 percent, respectively) [71].

Ultrasound-guided core biopsy is an uncommonly used tool with reported utility in the tissue diagnosis of tuberculosis [77].

Blood culture – Blood cultures for M. tuberculosis are rarely positive but may be positive in disseminated TB, especially in patients with HIV and other forms of immunosuppression [78].

Tuberculin skin test – The tuberculin skin test (TST) is positive in the majority (74 to 100 percent) of patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis (in the absence of HIV infection), although positive TST is not sufficient to establish the diagnosis [9,13,15,17,18,21]. A negative TST is not helpful in excluding the diagnosis, especially in immunosuppressed individuals [21].

Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) – The IGRA's sensitivity and specificity in tuberculous lymphadenitis are similar to the TST, but as with the TST, a positive test result is not sufficient to establish a diagnosis [79,80].

HIV testing – Patients with suspected or proven TB should undergo HIV testing [43]. (See "Screening and diagnostic testing for HIV infection".)

TREATMENT — Treatment of tuberculous lymphadenitis consists of multidrug antimycobacterial therapy. In some circumstances, excisional biopsy in theory may be sufficient for treatment of immunocompetent patients with localized disease, though in general all patients should also receive antimycobacterial therapy.

Choice of therapy — The American Thoracic Society, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Infectious Diseases Society of America have published recommendations for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) [81]. In general, treatment for adults with presumed drug-susceptible tuberculous lymphadenitis consists of two months of rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide (given daily) followed by four months of rifampicin and isoniazid (given either daily or three times weekly) [82]. Ethambutol may be discontinued from the regimen once drug susceptibility of the isolate to the other drugs in the regimen is confirmed. Selection of medications, dosing, monitoring, and further details related to antimycobacterial regimens for TB are presented separately as are issues related to patients with HIV infection. (See "Treatment of drug-susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-uninfected adults" and "Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults with HIV infection: Initiation of therapy".)

The recommended duration of therapy for HIV-uninfected adults is six months [81,83,84]. In a randomized trial comparing a six-month regimen (four drugs for four months followed by two drugs for two months) with a nine-month regimen (four drugs for four months followed by two drugs for five months), there was no difference in treatment failure or remission at five years between the two regimens [83].

Alternative regimens for drug-susceptible M. tuberculosis have been evaluated among 277 patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis in India (90 percent of patients had fully susceptible M. tuberculosis), including two months of rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide (two times weekly) followed by four months of rifampicin and isoniazid (two times weekly), and six-month regimen of daily rifampicin and isoniazid [82]. These regimens are not recommended [81]. (See "Treatment of drug-susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-uninfected adults".)

The optimal duration of therapy in children is uncertain [85]. The relapse rate in children after six months of therapy is not well established; nine months of therapy may be appropriate pending further study.

Longer duration of therapy also may be appropriate for patients with HIV infection with evidence of suboptimal response, those who cannot tolerate first-line medications, or patients who have infection due to resistant organisms [81]. In such situations, selection and duration of therapy should be individualized in consultation with a clinician with expertise in tuberculosis. Further consultation for diagnosis and management may be obtained through the CDC's Regional Training and Medical Consultation Centers. Treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis is discussed separately. (See "Treatment of drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis in adults".)

Response to therapy — Tuberculous lymphadenitis is characteristically slow to respond to effective treatment, and nodes may enlarge during treatment or after cessation of treatment.

Paradoxical reaction — Antimycobacterial therapy may prompt a paradoxical reaction or increase in lymph node size and/or enlargement of additional lymph nodes in up to 20 percent of patients during or after cessation of treatment [1,13,68]. Most paradoxical reactions occur between three weeks and four months after initiation of treatment [1]. Cultures are usually negative, and such reactions do not usually indicate treatment failure.

Paradoxical reactions have been attributed to an immune response to dying M. tuberculosis organisms [86,87]. Clinical manifestations may include lymph node enlargement (12 percent), fluctuance (11 percent), overlying erythema, and/or spontaneous discharge (7 percent) [68,88]. In the chest, paradoxically enlarged nodes can cause atelectasis during treatment (see above). Constitutional symptoms are uncommon [68]. (See "Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome".)

In HIV-uninfected patients, such paradoxical reactions occur in up to 23 percent of cases [13,68,86,89]. Predictors include male sex, presence of local erythema at the time of diagnosis [86], presence of a positive M. tuberculosis culture, and peripheral lymph node disease [90].

In HIV-infected patients, paradoxical reactions are more common in some but not all reports [91,92]. It may be more temporally associated with the initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) than antituberculosis therapy [91]. There appears to be no association between baseline CD4 counts or CD4 response to ART [93].

The differential diagnosis includes treatment failure due to resistance or noncompliance, another infection, or an alternative diagnosis [93].

There are no consensus guidelines for management of paradoxical reaction, and the approach should be based on whether the patient is experiencing significant discomfort. Options include observation, aspiration, surgical excision, or a trial of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents or corticosteroids. Infliximab has also been used in this setting [94].

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) for acid-fast bacillus microscopy and culture may be pursued to distinguish between a paradoxical reaction and treatment failure.

In one study of 235 HIV-uninfected patients, spontaneous resolution of paradoxical lymph node enlargement occurred in 56 percent of cases [86]. In a second study including both HIV-infected and -uninfected patients, spontaneous resolution occurred in all patients in mean period of 2.5 months; some patients underwent aspiration or excision [68].

Relapse rates — Relapse rates of up to 3.5 percent have been reported in patients treated for tuberculous lymphadenitis [84]. A minority of patients have palpable lymph nodes present at the end of the treatment course (7 to 11 percent) [84,88,95].

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis".)


Tuberculous lymphadenitis is among the most frequent presentations of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculous lymphadenitis in the cervical region is known as scrofula. (See 'Introduction' above.)

Isolated peripheral tuberculous lymphadenopathy is usually due to reactivation of disease at a site seeded hematogenously during primary TB infection, perhaps years earlier. Miliary dissemination with prominent lymph node involvement in the setting of primary infection can also occur. (See 'Pathogenesis' above.)

Previously, tuberculous lymphadenitis was considered a disease of childhood; however, in reports from developed countries, the peak age of onset has shifted from childhood to ages 20 to 40 years. In developed countries, most cases of tuberculous lymphadenitis occur among immigrants from TB-endemic countries. In regions where TB is endemic, extrapulmonary TB occurs in approximately 60 percent of HIV-infected patients with TB and is frequently accompanied by signs of pulmonary involvement. (See 'Epidemiology' above.)

Clinical manifestations depend on the site of the lymphadenopathy and the immune status of the patient. The most common presentation is isolated chronic nontender lymphadenopathy in a young adult without systemic symptoms other than fever, most commonly in the cervical region. Physical examination reveals a firm, discrete mass or matted nodes fixed to surrounding structures; the overlying skin may be indurated. (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)

Among patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis in the setting of HIV infection, there may be a significant mycobacterial load with concomitant systemic findings including fever, sweats, and weight loss. Abnormal chest radiography is frequently observed, and such patients are more likely to have disseminated TB with lymphadenitis at more than one site. (See 'HIV coinfection' above.)

Diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis is established by histopathology examination along with acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear and culture of lymph node material. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is appropriate for initial evaluation of cervical lymphadenopathy to evaluate for tuberculous lymphadenitis. The yield of FNA appears to be highest in the setting of HIV infection and in regions where the prevalence of TB is high. Specimens should be submitted for microscopy, culture, cytology, and nucleic acid testing (where available). Excisional lymph node biopsy for histopathologic and microbiological evaluation has the highest diagnostic yield and should be pursued in cases where fine needle aspiration is not diagnostic or for persistent disease despite appropriate therapy. (See 'Histopathology' above.)

Chest imaging should be pursued in the setting of suspected tuberculous lymphadenitis. Most patients from nonendemic countries with suspected tuberculous lymphadenitis have no evidence of active pulmonary TB on chest radiograph, while patients from endemic countries have chest radiograph abnormalities in 20 to 40 percent of cases. Abnormalities have been described more frequently among patients with HIV infection in some series. (See 'Imaging' above.)

For treatment for HIV-uninfected adults with tuberculous lymphadenitis, we suggest the following regimen: two months of rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide (given daily) followed by four months of rifampicin and isoniazid (given either daily or three times weekly) (Grade 2B). The preferred duration of therapy for adults is six months. The optimal duration of therapy in children is uncertain, as the relapse rate after six months of therapy is not well established; nine months of therapy may be appropriate pending further study. (See 'Treatment' above.)

Paradoxical upgrading reactions may occur in as many as 20 percent of patients, are usually culture negative, and do not usually represent treatment failure. (See 'Paradoxical reaction' above.)


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Topic 8001 Version 27.0


1 : Current diagnosis and management of peripheral tuberculous lymphadenitis.

2 : Peripheral lymph node tuberculosis: a review of 80 cases.

3 : Prevalence of tuberculous lymphadenitis in children in Wardha district, Maharashtra State, India.

4 : Trends in tuberculosis - United States, 2013.

5 : Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the United States.

6 : Epidemiology of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the United States, 1993-2006.

7 : Epidemiology of tuberculous lymphadenitis in Denmark: A nationwide register-based study.

8 : Disseminated tuberculosis in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome era.

9 : Extrapulmonary tuberculosis revisited: a review of experience at Boston City and other hospitals.

10 : Tuberculosis versus lymphomas in the abdominal lymph nodes: evaluation with contrast-enhanced CT.

11 : Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection.

12 : A prospective study of the risk of tuberculosis among intravenous drug users with human immunodeficiency virus infection.

13 : Assessment of lymph node tuberculosis in northern Germany: a clinical review.

14 : Lymph node tuberculosis in the suburbs of Paris: 59 cases in adults not infected by the human immunodeficiency virus.

15 : Mycobacterial lymphadenitis in eastern Sydney.

16 : Cervical mycobacterial lymphadenitis. Medical vs surgical management.

17 : Isolated peripheral tuberculous lymphadenitis in adults: current clinical and diagnostic issues.

18 : Peripheral tuberculous lymphadenopathy: a review of 67 cases.

19 : Mycobacterial Infections of the Head and Neck.

20 : Tuberculous lymphadenopathy in adults: a review of 35 cases.

21 : Comparison of mycobacterial lymphadenitis among persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus and seronegative controls.

22 : Evaluation of disease patterns, treatment and prognosis of tuberculosis in AIDS patient.

23 : Clinical manifestations of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients.

24 : Relationship of the manifestations of tuberculosis to CD4 cell counts in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection.

25 : Mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis.

26 : Contemporary management of cervical tuberculosis.

27 : Tubercular cervical adenitis: clinicopathologic analysis of 180 cases.

28 : Surgical treatment of childhood mediastinal tuberculous lymphadenitis.

29 : Airway obstruction complicating mediastinal tuberculosis: a life-threatening presentation.

30 : Surgical management of airway obstruction in primary tuberculosis in children.

31 : Dysphagia: a rare presentation of tuberculous mediastinal lymphadenitis.

32 : Esophagomediastinal fistula as a complication of tuberculous mediastinal lymphadenitis.

33 : Tuberculous lymphadenopathy of superior mediastinum causing vocal cord paralysis.

34 : Pulmonary artery occlusion by tuberculous mediastinal lymphadenopathy.

35 : Dysphagia due to tuberculosis.

36 : CT features of lymphobronchial tuberculosis in children, including complications and associated abnormalities.

37 : Management of esophageal perforation.

38 : Abdominal tuberculosis involving hepatic hilar lymph nodes. A cause of portal vein thrombosis and portal hypertension.

39 : Tuberculous abdominal lymphadenopathy causing reversible renovascular hypertension.

40 : [Tuberculosis abdominal lymphadenitis revealed by a duodenal stenosis].

41 : A rare cause of duodenal stricture.

42 : Tuberculosis in an intramammary lymph node.

43 : Tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus infection: recommendations of the Advisory Committee for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (ACET).

44 : Submandibular Lymphadenitis in an Immunocompetent Female: Microbiological Confirmation is Need of the Hour.

45 : Tuberculosis mimicking Kikuchi's disease.

46 : Kikuchi disease: differentiation from tuberculous lymphadenitis based on patterns of nodal necrosis on CT.

47 : Tuberculous and nontuberculous cervical lymphadenitis: a clinical review.

48 : Fine-needle extrathoracic lymph-node aspiration in HIV-associated sputum-negative tuberculosis.

49 : Fine needle aspiration diagnosis of mycobacterial lymphadenitis. Sensitivity and predictive value in the United States.

50 : Cervical tuberculous lymphadenopathy: changing clinical pattern and concepts in management.

51 : Efficacy of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy.

52 : Comparison of in house polymerase chain reaction with conventional techniques for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in granulomatous lymphadenopathy.

53 : PCR diagnosis on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues with acid-fast stain and culture negativity in chronic dialysis patients of cervico-mediastinal tuberculous lymphadenitis.

54 : Xpert MTB/RIF assay for the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

55 : Concentration of fine needle aspirates similar to molecular method improves sensitivity of the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

56 : Diagnostic accuracy of Xpert MTB/RIF assay and non-molecular methods for the diagnosis of tuberculosis lymphadenitis.

57 : Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra Is Highly Sensitive for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Lymphadenitis in a High-HIV Setting.

58 : Comparative evaluation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay, GeneXpert MTB/Rif and multiplex PCR for the diagnosis of tubercular lymphadenitis in HIV-infected patients of North India.

59 : Not your 'garden variety' atelectasis.

60 : Imaging of pulmonary tuberculosis.

61 : Cervical lymphadenopathy: sonographic differentiation between tuberculous nodes and nodal metastases from non-head and neck carcinomas.

62 : Sonographic Features of Endobronchial Ultrasound in Differentiation of Benign Lymph Nodes.

63 : 18F-FDG PET/CT findings of pharyngeal tuberculosis.

64 : Advances in imaging of tuberculosis: the role of¹⁸F-FDG PET and PET/CT.

65 : Tuberculous lymphadenitis: FDG PET and CT findings in responsive and nonresponsive disease.

66 : Diagnostic accuracy of the clinical and CT findings for differentiating Kikuchi's disease and tuberculous lymphadenitis presenting with cervical lymphadenopathy.

67 : MRI of tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy.

68 : Peripheral tuberculous lymphadenitis: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome.

69 : Fibreoptic bronchoscopy for diagnosis of isolated tuberculous mediastinal lymphadenopathy.

70 : Intrathoracic tuberculous lymphadenopathy: clinical and bronchoscopic features in 17 adults without parenchymal lesions.

71 : EBUS-TBNA performs well in the diagnosis of isolated thoracic tuberculous lymphadenopathy.

72 : Utility of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration in patients with tuberculous intrathoracic lymphadenopathy: a multicentre study.

73 : Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration rinse fluid polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of intrathoracic tuberculous lymphadenitis.

74 : EBUS-TBNA in the rapid microbiological diagnosis of drug-resistant mediastinal tuberculous lymphadenopathy.

75 : Diagnosis of mediastinal tuberculous lymphadenitis using endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration with rinse fluid polymerase chain reaction.

76 : Pediatric Endobronchial Ultrasound-Transbronchial Needle Aspiration Under Conscious Sedation for Suspected Tuberculosis in London.

77 : Ultrasound-guided core biopsy in the diagnostic work-up of tuberculous lymphadenitis in Saudi Arabia, refining the diagnostic approach. Case series and review of literature.

78 : Prevalence of mycobacteremia in Indian HIV-infected patients detected by the MB/BacT automated culture system.

79 : Usefulness of the whole-blood interferon-gamma release assay for diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

80 : The efficacy of the interferon-γrelease assay for diagnosing cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis: A prospective controlled study.

81 : Official American Thoracic Society/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines: Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis.

82 : Treatment of lymph node tuberculosis--a randomized clinical trial of two 6-month regimens.

83 : Prospective randomized study of thrice weekly six-month and nine-month chemotherapy for cervical tuberculous lymphadenopathy.

84 : Shortening the duration of treatment for cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis.

85 : Critical review of evidence for short course therapy for tuberculous adenitis in children.

86 : Paradoxical responses in non-HIV-infected patients with peripheral lymph node tuberculosis.

87 : Late paradoxical lymph node enlargement during and after anti-tuberculosis treatment in non-HIV-infected patients.

88 : The treatment of superficial tuberculous lymphadenitis.

89 : Paradoxical reaction during tuberculosis treatment in HIV-seronegative patients.

90 : Determinants of treatment-related paradoxical reactions during anti-tuberculosis therapy: a case control study.

91 : Paradoxical worsening of tuberculosis following antiretroviral therapy in patients with AIDS.

92 : Paradoxical worsening of tuberculosis in HIV-infected persons.

93 : Paradoxical reactions during tuberculosis treatment in patients with and without HIV co-infection.

94 : Therapeutic use of infliximab in tuberculosis to control severe paradoxical reaction of the brain and lymph nodes.

95 : Short course chemotherapy for tuberculosis of lymph nodes: a controlled trial. British Thoracic Society Research Committee.