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Blood donor screening: Laboratory testing

Blood donor screening: Laboratory testing
Steven Kleinman, MD
Section Editor:
Arthur J Silvergleid, MD
Deputy Editor:
Jennifer S Tirnauer, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Nov 22, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Laboratory testing of donated blood prior to transfusion is intended to ensure that recipients receive the safest possible blood products.

This review will discuss the various protocols in place for the laboratory testing of donated blood, with emphasis on screening for infectious agents. Specific discussions of transfusion-transmitted infections are presented separately. (See "Risk of HIV from blood transfusion" and "Epidemiology and transmission of hepatitis C virus infection" and "Transfusion-transmitted bacterial infection".)

Additional safety measures related to blood donor screening are presented separately. (See "Blood donor screening: Overview of recipient and donor protections" and "Blood donor screening: Medical history".)

OVERVIEW OF LABORATORY TESTING — Prior to 1985, only two infectious disease screening assays were performed on donated blood. Many additional assays have subsequently been introduced into routine blood screening; several of these assays have undergone significant modifications to increase sensitivity and specificity (these revised assays are designated by a change in name, or generation or version number) [1]. Minipool nucleic acid testing (NAT) was added to routine serologic screening in 1999. As the risk for transfusion transmission of additional infectious agents has been recognized, testing has been added and/or removed as needed (eg, for Zika virus). (See 'Zika virus' below.)

Testing of the donated unit consists of determining the ABO blood group, RhD typing, and testing for red blood cell (RBC) antibodies

Infectious disease screening is performed for a number of organisms that are summarized in the table (table 1) and discussed in the sections below [2-5]:

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 and HIV-2. (See 'HIV-1 and HIV-2' below.)

Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-I and HTLV-II. (See 'HTLV-I and HTLV-II' below.)

Hepatitis C virus. (See 'Hepatitis C virus' below.)

Hepatitis B virus. (See 'Hepatitis B virus' below.)

West Nile virus. (See 'West Nile virus' below.)

Treponema pallidum (syphilis). (See 'Syphilis' below.)

Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas disease, only required to be performed on the first donation by a particular donor). (See 'Chagas disease' below.)

In addition to these tests, some donated units are tested for Babesia microti (see 'Babesia microti' below) and some for cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibodies. (See 'Cytomegalovirus' below.)

Many apheresis platelet units are tested for bacterial contamination by an automated culturing technique initiated 24 hours after collection, and whole-blood-derived platelets undergo bacterial testing with point-of-release immunoassays. As an alternative to bacterial testing, apheresis platelet units may undergo a pathogen inactivation process. (See 'Bacteria' below and "Transfusion-transmitted bacterial infection", section on 'Detection of contamination' and "Pathogen inactivation of blood products".)

All infectious disease screening assays must be negative in order to release the blood unit or its components to hospitals for transfusion.

This testing has resulted in very low risk of infectious disease from transfused blood components, as summarized in the table (table 2).

Testing of donated blood in the United States occurs at large centralized laboratories to ensure compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and which use expensive high throughput automated equipment, minimizing the chance for human error.

Specific testing protocols can vary by country and sometimes by region (see 'Babesia microti' below). As an example, donated blood in the United States is not routinely screened for evidence of infection with human parvovirus B19, a respiratory virus that can cause fifth disease in children and red cell aplasia in individuals with chronic hemolytic anemia (eg, sickle cell disease). In contrast, all Japanese Red Cross Blood Centers have screened for parvovirus B19 since 1997 using immunoassays or NAT [6]. (See "Virology, epidemiology, and pathogenesis of parvovirus B19 infection" and "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of parvovirus B19 infection".)


Immunoassays for antibodies or pathogen antigens — The infectious disease screening assays for antibodies to pathogenic organisms (which demonstrate host response to an infection) and antigens from these organisms historically used the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) method, which has generally been replaced by a similar chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLIA) method using the following general testing protocol:

If the initial sample readout is below the cutoff, the sample is classified as negative for that agent.

If the sample readout exceeds that of the cutoff, the result is classified as initially reactive.

All initially reactive samples are retested in the same assay system in duplicate, usually on the next working day. If one or both of the duplicate tests are also reactive the sample is classified as repeat reactive and is, by definition, positive. A positive screening test results in the destruction of the unit. If both repeat test results are negative, the initially reactive result is equivalent to a negative result and the unit is released from quarantine and made available for transfusion.

Such an approach is scientifically sound due to known problems with nonspecific binding, resulting in initially reactive EIA/CLIA test results that cannot be duplicated on careful repeat testing.

Nucleic acid testing (NAT)

Minipool testing — Beginning in 1999, blood banks implemented minipool nucleic acid testing (NAT) technology for detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) nucleic acids (RNA) in donated blood. Since 2009, blood centers have replaced the dual assay for HIV and HCV nucleic acids with a triplex assay that detects hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and HIV and HCV RNA. West Nile virus (WNV) NAT was added in 2003 and Zika virus NAT in 2016 (subsequently the requirement for Zika virus was removed) [7].

For logistical and cost reasons, NAT in the United States is performed on pools (designated minipool NAT or MP-NAT) of samples from 6 to 16 blood donors. There are two major methods in use: polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and transcription-mediated amplification (TMA). If a positive result is obtained on a pool of samples, it is necessary to determine which of the three viruses (HIV, HCV, or HBV) is present (this may require testing by an additional discriminatory assay); also, further testing is performed to establish which donation in the pool was the source of the positive result. The positive unit is discarded and all the negative units in the pool are used for transfusion.

Individual donation testing — NAT of individual samples (ID-NAT) is more expensive and time-consuming than MP-NAT, but ID-NAT results in higher assay sensitivity. As an example, it has been estimated that the time period in which transfusion of a blood component will cause infection (referred to as the "window period" and estimated to occur at a concentration of 1 viral copy per 20 mL) and its detection by NAT can be shortened from 9.0 to 5.6 days for HIV and from 7.4 to 4.9 days for HCV by replacing MP-NAT with ID-NAT [8,9]. This resultant shortening of the window period by conversion to ID-NAT has been estimated to result in an approximately 50 percent reduction in the very small risk of developing HIV or HCV infection from blood transfusion (table 2). However, taking MP-NAT as a baseline, the marginal cost of introducing ID-NAT has been estimated to exceed USD $12 million per quality-adjusted life-year [10]. This low cost-effectiveness has resulted in the continued use of MP-NAT for simultaneous detection of HIV, HCV, and HBV.

The situation with regard to ID-NAT for West Nile virus (WNV) is different, as it has been demonstrated that a significant proportion of WNV RNA-positive units will be missed by MP-NAT due to the low viral titers present in WNV infection. In the United States, blood collectors have adopted a more cost-effective strategy of targeted ID-NAT, implementing this test if and when the WNV infectivity exceeds a defined threshold in a given geographic region [11]. Most blood centers request that their testing laboratory implement ID-NAT after the detection of one or two MP-NAT positive donations and then revert back from ID-NAT to MP-NAT when the region has no ID-NAT reactive donations for at least 14 days [12-14]. (See 'West Nile virus' below.)

The true benefits of testing with ID-NAT are more limited than the yield data would suggest, since the vast majority of viremic donations missed by MP-NAT are IgG positive [15,16]. Retrospective data suggest that WNV is very rarely, if ever, transmitted from an IgG-positive unit [17].

In August 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended national Zika virus ID-NAT be implemented. This extremely precautionary measure was taken due to the potentially severe effects of Zika virus infection during pregnancy and concerns that donor history questions (previously implemented in March 2016) would be insufficient to completely address the risk of transfusion-transmission. In July 2018, due to the significant decrease in cases of Zika virus infection, the FDA issued new guidance that recommended MP-NAT testing could be performed if reflexed to targeted ID-NAT using a strategy similar to that for WNV [18]. This guidance was removed in May 2021 when cases of Zika infection were no longer recorded, making it unnecessary to continue Zika testing. (See 'Zika virus' below.)


Confirmatory testing — Because all transfusion-transmitted infectious agents are of low prevalence in the asymptomatic donor population, the predictive value of a positive screening test is also low [19]. Thus, since a positive screening result will usually be a false positive result, it is essential that screening tests be followed with a more specific supplementary or confirmatory test (US Food and Drug Administration licensed) prior to notifying donors of their test results. Results of supplemental testing may indicate that the donor is infected, is false positive and is not infected, or may be inconclusive (indeterminate) [20]. In the case of reactivity by nucleic acid testing (NAT) in the absence of positive serological assays, further NAT testing of an alternate sample source (eg, the plasma component bag) or follow-up sampling of the donor is needed to confirm the test results.

Notification and counseling — Blood centers have developed notification and counseling procedures for each type of result for each tested agent [20-22]. Most notifications, other than for HIV-seropositive donors, are done by letter. In addition to receiving the information, the donor is instructed to telephone an appropriate person at the blood center to discuss his or her test results. The basic principles of donor notification for confirmed seropositive donors involve providing information to the donor accurately, confidentially, as quickly as possible, and in a manner that alleviates anxiety and promotes understanding. Seropositive (or NAT positive) donors need to be informed of their ineligibility as donors, the medical significance of their test result, the need to see a physician (if appropriate), and the possible modes of transmission of the agent. Because notification of indeterminate donors carries uncertainty about their infection status, the counseling process is difficult and often results in donor anxiety [20,22].

Eligibility for future donation — Decisions as to the future eligibility of the donor must also be made [21]. HIV and HCV EIA/CLIA-positive donors are ineligible for future donation, regardless of confirmatory test results. They can be requalified as donors if they participate in a formal re-evaluation known as re-entry [23]. In brief, re-entry involves obtaining negative screening and supplemental test results on a sample collected at least six months subsequent to the initial positive screening results.

In contrast, donors with repeat reactive anti-HBc (hepatitis B core antibody) results or with positive anti-HTLV EIA results not confirmed by supplemental testing are allowed by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations to continue donating until a second such occurrence. (See "Hepatitis B virus: Screening and diagnosis".) Donors who have been deferred for two reactive anti-HBc results can be reinstated ("re-entered") if the blood center follows the FDA prescribed retesting protocol.

INFECTIOUS DISEASE SCREENING AND SURVEILLANCE — A United States national system (the Transfusion-Transmissible Infection Monitoring Systems [TTIMS]) that tabulates HIV, HCV, and HBV testing data and donor demographic data from the largest United States blood collection organizations (accounting for approximately 60 percent of United States blood collections) was established late in 2015 [24].

This system has provided (and continues to provide) an important source of data concerning prevalence and incidence of blood donor infections sorted by demographic characteristics and geographic region. It also allows for monitoring of trends over time, which in turn can be correlated with changes in donor eligibility criteria or donor demographics. One general conclusion from the first four years of TTIMS data is that residual risks of transfusion-transmission for the three major viruses (HIV, HCV, and HBV) have been decreasing or have remained constant over time [25]. In addition, TTIMS data as well as a decade of data from the American Red Cross show that the prevalence of these infections in persons who are first-time blood donors continues to be substantially higher than in repeat blood donors (persons who have previously donated blood and have previously tested negative for these viruses) [25,26].

The following sections describe the transfusion-transmitted viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections for which routine blood donor screening occurs in the United States.

Viruses — Potential transfusion-transmitted viral infections for which blood is screened include HIV, HTLV-I and -II, hepatitis B and C viruses, West Nile virus, and for some units, cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Information on the novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]) is discussed below. (See 'Emerging infectious disease agents' below.)

HIV-1 and HIV-2 — Two HIV-related screening tests are performed on each donated unit:

Antibody testing – HIV-1 antibody testing was first implemented in 1985 and has subsequently undergone significant improvements. In 1992, an assay (HIV-1/HIV-2 antibody test) with improved sensitivity was implemented; the increased sensitivity was due both to its ability to detect IgM in addition to IgG antibody, and its detection of HIV-2 antibody due to the addition of HIV-2 specific antigens [27]. Seroconversion following HIV infection occurs at approximately three weeks (22 days) [28]. (See "Risk of HIV from blood transfusion".)

Samples that test positive by the antibody screening assay (either an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [EIA] or a chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay) are either confirmed as positive if they have a concurrently positive HIV-1 RNA result (see section immediately below) or are further tested by a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-licensed antibody confirmatory assay. Donors with confirmed positive results are counseled that they have been infected with HIV-1 (or in very rare cases, HIV-2); however, false positive confirmatory results can sometimes occur in the low prevalence setting of blood donor screening [29].

Nucleic acid testing (NAT) – HIV NAT detects HIV-1 RNA, which reduces the window between infection and a positive test result [28]. In 1999/2000, HIV minipool NAT (MP-NAT) was introduced into routine blood donor screening [30]. This assay detects HIV RNA, which appears earlier than p24 viral protein or anti-HIV antibody, reducing the transfusion-transmitted infectivity window to approximately 9 days from the approximately 22 days if only antibody testing had been performed [8,31]. Estimates for the risk of transfusion-transmitted HIV infection range from 1 in 1.6 million to 1 in 2.3 million units in the United States and 1 in 7.8 to 10 million units in Canada [25,26,32]. (See "Risk of HIV from blood transfusion".)

In 1996, the HIV-1 p24 antigen assay was added to blood donor screening. However, with FDA licensure of HIV MP-NAT in 2002/2003, HIV-1 p24 antigen testing was eliminated as a blood donor screening test.

HTLV-I and HTLV-II — Each unit of blood is screened in a single assay that detects antibodies to either of the closely related retroviruses, human T cell lymphotrophic virus (HTLV)-I and HTLV-II. HTLV-I can rarely cause adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma; both HTLV-I and HTLV-II rarely cause HTLV-associated myelopathy (HAM) [33]. (See "Clinical manifestations, pathologic features, and diagnosis of adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma".)

Screening of donated blood for antibodies to HTLV-I began in late 1988 using HTLV-I viral lysate as antigen in an EIA format. Due to immunologic crossreactivity, antibodies to HTLV-II, a closely related retrovirus prevalent in United States blood donors, are often but not always detected by this assay. Consequently, in early 1998, the screening assay was improved by inclusion of HTLV-II antigens. As of 2016, screening test results are confirmed by an FDA-licensed confirmatory assay.

The estimate for the risk of transfusion-transmitted HTLV infection is 1 in 2.7 million units in the United States and 1 in 4.3 million in Canada [32,34-36].

Hepatitis C virus — Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a cause of hepatitis with possible long-term sequelae from chronic infection. (See "Clinical manifestations and natural history of chronic hepatitis C virus infection".)

Screening for HCV antibody was implemented in 1990, and an improved multi-antigen second generation enzyme immunoassay (designated as EIA 2.0) was introduced in 1992 [37]. A third version of the assay (designated as EIA 3.0) was licensed by the FDA in 1996. HCV MP-NAT has also been performed since 1999 [30]. For many years, confirmation testing was performed with the FDA-licensed Recombinant ImmunoBlot Assay (RIBA) 3.0. Since there is no available FDA-licensed confirmatory serologic test, confirmation of antibody results is provided either by correlating with MP-NAT screening results or by performing a second manufacturer's enzyme or chemiluminescence-based immunoassay. HCV MP-NAT has been estimated to reduce the undetectable infectious window period to approximately 7.4 days compared with the 70-day window using HCV EIA 3.0 antibody testing [31,38-40]. (See "Screening and diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C virus infection", section on 'Introduction'.)

Estimates for the risk of transfusion-transmitted HCV infection range from 1 in 1 million to 1 in 2 million units in the United States, and 1 in 2.3 to 3 million in Canada; a marked decrease from the earlier estimate of 1 in 100,000 units prior to the use of MP-NAT [26,32,35,38,40-43].

Hepatitis B virus — Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an uncommon cause of chronic hepatitis in adults. (See "Hepatitis B virus: Clinical manifestations and natural history".)

Screening for HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) was introduced in the early 1970s. Samples testing positive by EIA (or chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay) are confirmed using a neutralization assay provided with the test kit. HBsAg may be positive in acute infection or as a result of a chronic carrier state. False positive neutralization results occasionally occur in the blood donor setting [44]. Neutralization-positive donors are deferred from future donation. Despite the improved sensitivity of the chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay, the infectious window period prior to development of HBsAg has been estimated to range from 18 to 27 days and possibly to last as long as 38 days [4,45].

Screening for antibody to HBV core antigen (anti-HBc) began in 1987 as a surrogate assay for carriers of non-A, non-B hepatitis [46,47]. In 1990, the anti-HBc assay was licensed by the FDA based upon its ability to decrease the risk of HBV infection by detecting some HBsAg-negative donors who are capable of transmitting HBV [47,48].

Anti-HBc develops early in the course of HBV infection and remains positive whether infection is resolved or becomes chronic. Approximately 1 percent of donors test anti-HBc positive [49]; however, some older FDA-approved assays had poor specificity and there are no confirmatory assays to determine with certainty which donation is potentially infectious [47,49]. (See "Epidemiology, transmission, and prevention of hepatitis B virus infection", section on 'Transfusion'.)

Deferral is not required by the FDA until two independent donations test anti-HBc positive; however, many blood banks will defer such donors after a single test for cost efficiency reasons. Upon referral to a physician, detection of antibody to HBV surface antigen (anti-HBs) often serves as a second independent assay to establish past HBV infection provided the donor has not received HepB vaccine.

The estimate for the risk of transfusion-transmitted HBV infection, prior to the introduction of HBV MP-NAT in the United States, ranged from 1 in 58,000 to 1 in 269,000 [32]. With HBV nucleic acid testing incorporated as part of routine MP-NAT screening in 2009, the risk of HBV transmission has decreased to 1 in 1 million to 1 in 1.5 million [25,26,43,50-52].

West Nile virus — West Nile virus (WNV) was shown to be transmitted by blood transfusion in the fall of 2002, with 23 cases eventually documented from that year [53,54]. (See "Epidemiology and pathogenesis of West Nile virus infection", section on 'Transmission'.)

Minipool NAT — WNV is a transfusion-transmitted virus that differs from HIV, HCV, and HBV in that transmission occurs solely from acutely infected asymptomatic donors rather than from donors with chronic infection. For this reason, WNV blood donor screening is performed using only a NAT system; serological screening is not used in conjunction with NAT [17]. Also, unlike other transfusion-transmitted viruses, WNV infection is seasonal in its occurrence and has shown significant geographic and temporal variation throughout the United States [15,16,55].

In response to documented transfusion risk, as well as the uncertainty of the projected size of the WNV mosquito-borne epidemic in the United States in 2003 and subsequent years, a decision was made to develop a minipool NAT (MP-NAT) program to detect donors with WNV viremia. These tests were implemented nationwide in July 2003, under FDA approval, using minipools of 6 or 16 different donation samples, depending on the manufacturer's format [56]. Targeted individual donation testing was added later in 2003, as discussed in the following sections.

Targeted individual donation testing — Data accumulated in late 2003 indicated that despite MP-NAT screening, a small number of breakthrough transfusion-transmitted cases of WNV occurred, due to donors who were very early in infection and whose viral loads were below the threshold of detection by MP-NAT. Although a small number of breakthrough infections have occurred since MP-NAT testing was implemented (14 cases reported as of 2017), most of these occurred prior to the implementation of the targeted individual donation (ID) NAT testing strategy described below [15-17,57-60].

The targeted ID-NAT testing strategy was designed to balance the residual risk of transfusion transmission from units screened with MP-NAT against the limitations in testing capacity due to lack of sufficient automation for performing ID-NAT. It involves real-time tracking of MP-NAT results in defined geographic regions, based on a predetermined initiation trigger, at which point all units would be tested by ID-NAT rather than MP-NAT. Criteria for discontinuing ID-NAT and reverting to MP-NAT also have been refined over time. The initiation trigger for ID-NAT at most blood centers is detection of a single MP-NAT-positive donation, and the criterion for reverting to MP-NAT is the absence of ID-NAT-reactive donations for a defined time frame (usually a minimum of 14 consecutive days, although it may be longer in some programs in WNV epidemic areas) [13,14,61].

All WNV transfusion-transmissions, with one possible exception, have been from viremic donors who were IgG negative, leading to the conclusion that the presence of IgG antibody is protective against transmission via transfusion [17]. Similarly, the vast majority of these transmissions occurred from units that were also IgM negative, suggesting that IgM may also be protective. However, in the somewhat different setting of organ transplantation, WNV transmission has been documented in three of four recipients of liver, lung, and kidneys from a common donor who had no detectable WNV plasma viremia but was positive for IgM and IgG antibodies [62]. This finding may indicate that virus is present in organ reservoirs at a time when it is undetectable in plasma. (See "Epidemiology and pathogenesis of West Nile virus infection".)

It has been estimated that if ID-NAT testing is implemented early in the course of a region-specific epidemic, 5 to 10 percent of the units detected would be MP-NAT-negative, ID-NAT-positive, IgM- and IgG-negative, and therefore potentially infectious [15,16].

Identification of viremic donors — In 2003, at the outset of testing in the United States, approximately 1000 WNV viremic donors were identified either by MP-NAT or ID-NAT resulting in approximately 1500 potentially infectious blood components being discarded prior to transfusion [15,16,55]. The overall frequency of WNV RNA-positive donations reported by the American Red Cross during the 2003 epidemic period was 149 per 1 million donations; this decreased to 44 per 1 million donations in the 2004 epidemic period, paralleling the decrease in clinical cases of neuroinvasive WNV disease reported in 2004 to state health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [15].

In the ensuing 15 years, testing has proven highly effective with 300 to 1000 WNV RNA-positive donations interdicted each year [63]. From year to year, there continues to be geographic and temporal variation in the number of detected donors, but no positive donors have been identified from mid-December through early April [13].

The average time viremia is detectable by MP-NAT is approximately seven days [64].

Based on a few cases in which low level viremia in the presence of IgM has persisted for several months, the FDA requires that donors found positive by WNV NAT screening be temporarily deferred from donation for 120 days [65].

Cytomegalovirus — Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause severe disease in immunocompromised patients, such as hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) and organ transplant recipients and those infected with HIV. CMV-safe blood is required only for these selected patient populations. In the past, CMV-safe blood needed to be supplied from donors who had no evidence of current or past CMV infection; such donors were identified by testing negative on a CMV antibody assay [66].

Unlike the previous screening assays, CMV antibody testing is not performed on each unit of donated blood prior to transfusion, but only on enough units to establish a sufficient inventory of CMV-negative units to supply patient needs. The presence or absence of CMV antibody does not affect a donor's eligibility.

Because the presence of CMV antibody is a nonspecific assay for CMV infectivity and because 30 to 70 percent of blood donors (depending upon geographic region) test CMV antibody positive, much effort has gone into finding another method of providing CMV-safe blood [67]. Blood depleted of leukocytes below a level of 5 million per unit of blood is an acceptable alternative [66,68]. Nevertheless, CMV antibody screening is used in some parts of the United States to provide CMV-safe blood. (See "Leukoreduction to prevent complications of blood transfusion".)

Zika virus — Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus (the same virus family that includes WNV and dengue virus). Infection causes mild disease or no symptoms in most individuals but carries a risk for fetal loss, microcephaly, and other adverse fetal and newborn outcomes if pregnant women are infected. (See "Zika virus infection: An overview" and "Zika virus infection: Evaluation and management of pregnant women".)

Policies with regard to Zika virus testing have evolved over time. In May 2021, the FDA removed guidance from 2016 and 2018 that had required testing of donated blood for Zika virus [69,70].

The change in FDA requirements was based upon ongoing surveillance for Zika virus infection. In May 2021, FDA stated that there had been no local, mosquito-borne ZIKV transmission in the United States since 2017 and only four travel-related cases in 2020, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated that there are no countries with active Zika outbreaks [69]. The last confirmed ZIKV-positive blood donation in the United States occurred in March 2018, and there have been no reported cases of transfusion-transmitted ZIKV in the United States [71].

Prior to test licensure, universal ID-NAT testing was instituted in the United States and its territories in mid- to late 2016 using investigational tests [72]; subsequently, two blood donor NAT screening assays that detect Zika virus RNA were licensed by the FDA. Blood donor deferral criteria used prior to this testing had included additional donor history questions [73,74]. (See "Blood donor screening: Medical history".)

In mid-2018, the FDA changed to recommending minipool testing using either of the licensed tests based on the changed epidemiology of Zika virus infection in the Western Hemisphere (very few cases occurred in 2017 and 2018) [75]. Similar to the approach to WNV testing, the testing algorithm approved by the FDA specified a transition to ID-NAT in a given geographic area if minipool testing identified a Zika-reactive donation.

Historical studies documented the Zika virus epidemic:

A study using NAT in French Polynesia during 2013 to 2014, before the emergence of Zika in the Americas, found Zika reactivity in 42 of 1505 donations tested (2.8 percent) [76].

At the peak of the epidemic in Puerto Rico in June 2016, approximately 1 percent of donations were Zika-positive [77]. Through the end of 2016, 339 Zika-positive units were detected and removed from the blood supply, likely preventing several hundred transfusion-transmitted cases [78,79].

During the summer of 2016, increasing numbers of cases of mosquito-borne transmission were reported in Florida; at the same time, the potential for sexual transmission from asymptomatic infected individuals was recognized [80]. By late 2016, testing had identified approximately 100 donors in the continental United States with evidence of Zika virus infection, most of whom had traveled to Zika-affected areas [81,82]. Many of these infections were detected in the late resolving phase (both Zika RNA and anti-Zika antibodies were detected), making it unclear if blood components from those donations contained infectious virus that could be transmitted by transfusion.

A study that tested over 4.3 million blood donations in the United States from June 2016 through September 2017 found that only nine were confirmed positive for Zika virus (confirmed positive rate, 1 in 480,654) [83]. Of these, four were Zika IgM negative, which is the testing profile most likely to be associated with transfusion-transmission risk. Simulated minipool testing (ie, dilution of the sample 16-fold to simulate what would have happened had screening been performed in the minipool format) conducted on three of these four IgM-negative donors was positive in each case (the fourth was not tested due to lack of available sample), indicating that at-risk units can be detected using the minipool testing strategy.

Other transfusion-transmitted infections

Syphilis — Serologic testing for syphilis (STS) has been performed on donated blood for many decades. Algorithms for testing are described in a December 2020 FDA guidance document [84].

In the past, nontreponemal screening assays (eg, rapid plasma reagin [RPR] or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory [VDRL] tests) were used, despite their poor specificity. In the 1990s, automated high throughput instrumentation using Treponema pallidum specific antigens replaced these manual methods. This resulted in an increased detection of donors with remote infection, sometimes acquired many decades previously [85].

When a positive treponemal test is found, the donated blood is not transfused and the donor is deferred indefinitely. Additional testing with a nontreponemal test can be performed to assist with donor notification and counseling. If screening is performed with a nontreponemal test, additional specific treponemal tests can be performed; under some instances as described in the Guidance document, the donated unit can be transfused, and the donor can be reinstated for future donation. (See "Syphilis: Screening and diagnostic testing".)

Syphilis testing presents no value as a surrogate marker for incident HCV, HBV, HTLV, or HIV infection in blood donors [86].

Bacteria — Transfusion transmitted bacterial infection (TTBI) has been associated with a spectrum of bacterial organisms. Prevention of bacterial transmission, and laboratory testing of donated platelets for this are discussed separately. (See "Transfusion-transmitted bacterial infection" and "Platelet transfusion: Indications, ordering, and associated risks", section on 'Storage'.)

Chagas disease — In the 1990s and early 2000s, data on Chagas disease (infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi) indicated that the risk to transfusion recipients in the United States appeared to be growing based upon the changing demographics of the United States population. Historically, transfusion transmission occurred at high rates in endemic countries (eg, Mexico and other Central and South American countries) in the absence of donor laboratory testing. Blood stream parasites are detectable and potentially transmissible decades after immigration from an endemic area [87]. Transfusion transmitted cases in the United States have occurred almost exclusively with platelet components [88]. (See "Blood donor screening: Medical history", section on 'Chagas disease' and "Chagas disease: Epidemiology and prevention", section on 'Blood transfusion'.)

Two EIA blood donor screening tests for T. cruzi antibody have been approved by the FDA (in 2006 and 2010). The majority of United States blood centers implemented universal screening for evidence of past Chagas infection in 2007 [89]. Subsequently, the FDA also approved a recombinant antigen-based immunoblot as a confirmatory test [90]. Prior to that date, most blood banks used the radioimmune precipitation assay (RIPA).

Since 2010, many blood centers have adopted a selective testing screening approach in which donors are screened with the T. cruzi antibody test on their initial donation, but the testing is not repeated on subsequent donations if the initial testing was negative [91]. While infection with T. cruzi could have been acquired in the past (and hence requires one-time screening and deferral from future donation), there is very little ongoing transmission of the T. cruzi parasite to blood donors currently residing in the United States [92]. The FDA issued formal guidance for blood component screening and appropriate use of the tests in December 2010 and again in 2017, including confirmation of continued use of selective testing [93,94].

Babesia microti — Babesia are obligate intraerythrocytic protozoan parasites that can cause babesiosis, a potentially life-threatening, malaria-like illness. In the United States, B. microti is the primary agent of babesiosis. Naturally occurring B. microti infection acquired from infected tick bites is regionally distributed within the United States, with high-risk areas located in the Northeast and upper Midwest [95]. (See "Babesiosis: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis" and "Babesiosis: Microbiology, epidemiology, and pathogenesis".)

From 1979 to 2009, more than 160 cases of transfusion-transmitted babesiosis were recognized in the United States, contributing to at least 28 associated deaths; almost all of these cases were caused by B. microti [95]. In March of 2018, the FDA approved an immunofluorescence-based antibody assay and a nucleic acid test for B. microti that can be used for screening whole blood samples [96]; however, these assays are no longer commercially available [97]. Subsequently, an additional manufacturer's NAT assay was approved, which detects not only B. microti DNA but also the DNA of several other Babesia species; this assay can be used to test individual samples or minipools of 16 samples. It is performed on a lysed whole blood sample (as opposed to plasma for other NAT assays). A second manufacturer has an approved assay for MP testing in pools of six samples. Due to the high sensitivity of the NAT assay, there is no requirement for Babesia antibody testing; however, some blood collectors will still perform this test to gather further information and/or for counseling purposes. [98,99].

NAT assays for babesiosis have been used for several years to test a substantial portion of the blood supply in high-risk (B. microti endemic) regions. In 2019, the FDA issued a guidance document that requires blood collectors in 14 endemic or at-risk states (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin) plus the District of Columbia (Washington, DC) to perform B. microti NAT on all units that they collect. One allowable exception is that if an FDA-approved pathogen-reduction technology is used to treat the collected blood unit or blood component (such as has been approved and is being done for some apheresis platelet units), then NAT is not required [97].

The prevalence of B. microti in the donor pool was illustrated by a 2016 analysis of almost 90,000 blood donation samples from four states in high-risk regions [100]. Nucleic acid testing for B. microti DNA and serologic testing for anti-babesia antibodies identified 335 (0.38 percent) to be positive on one or both of the screening assays. Furthermore, 20 percent of the positives contained detectable B. microti DNA, and in an animal model, such samples had an infectivity rate of approximately 50 percent. Follow-up testing of positive donors at one year demonstrated that 86 percent of PCR-positive donors had clearance of parasite DNA, but only 8 percent of antibody-positive donors showed loss of antibody reactivity. Based on these data, the FDA has recommended a two-year deferral following a reactive NAT result.

The clinical effectiveness of donor testing was demonstrated in the same 2016 study by comparing transfusion-transmitted clinical cases from screened and unscreened units in two high-risk states in New England [100]. There were no reported cases of transfusion-transmitted babesiosis from 75,000 screened donations, whereas there were 14 cases from approximately 250,000 unscreened donations (transmission rate, 1 case per 18,074 unscreened units).


SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus — Although there is a theoretical potential for transfusion transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), no cases of transfusion-transmitted COVID-19 have been reported in the United States (US) or internationally [101,102].

Furthermore, past experience and guidance from the AABB and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) state that respiratory viruses are unlikely to be transmitted by blood transfusion and that no such cases have ever been reported [101-103].

Procedures for enhanced safety — Based on the theoretical considerations mentioned above and data from several research investigations, donated units of blood are not screened for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. (See 'Studies related to possible transfusion transmission of SARS-CoV-2' below.)

Other protections against the theoretical risk of transfusion transmission are in place. Standard blood collection guidelines prevent individuals with fever or those who are unwell from donating blood. For precautionary purposes, United States blood collection facilities have implemented one or more specific COVID-19 donor deferral policies:

Instruct donors to self-defer if they have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 within the previous 14 days.

Instruct donors to self-defer if they have been diagnosed with presumed or documented COVID-19 or have had symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, until they have fully recovered.

A COVID-19 deferred donor becomes eligible to donate 14 days after exposure or resolution of symptoms such as fever and respiratory symptoms. These individuals may also donate convalescent plasma. (See "COVID-19: Convalescent plasma and hyperimmune globulin", section on 'Plasma donation'.)

Donors are encouraged to contact the blood center if they develop symptoms compatible with COVID-19 or are diagnosed with COVID-19 in a defined period after donation (this ranges from 48 hours to 14 days depending on the blood center). Units from these individuals are removed from inventory. This subject is discussed in more detail separately. (See "Blood donor screening: Medical history".)

Blood donation overall should be encouraged due to potential inventory shortages brought about by altered blood collection activity due to COVID-19. In the summer of 2020, many United States blood collection agencies responded to the difficulty in obtaining blood donations during the pandemic by establishing programs to test all blood donors for the presence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, both as an incentive to attract more blood donors as well as a method to identify antibody-positive donors who might be candidates to donate COVID-19 convalescent plasma (assuming an adequate antibody level or titer) [104]. The presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 suggests previous infection that triggered an immune response. A measurable antibody response generally occurs two to three weeks following exposure to the virus (see "COVID-19: Convalescent plasma and hyperimmune globulin", section on 'Mechanism of action'). This antibody testing is being phased out in the spring and summer of 2021.

While informative to blood donors with regard to previous infection with SARS-CoV-2, these antibody test results do not have any bearing on the safety of the collected blood units; blood units collected from antibody-negative or antibody-positive donors are equally safe for transfusion. Similarly, there is no deferral for donors who have received mRNA or adenovirus vector SARS-CoV-2 vaccines [103]. (See "Blood donor screening: Medical history", section on 'Donation following COVID-19 vaccination'.)

Studies related to possible transfusion transmission of SARS-CoV-2 — Data have accumulated with respect to SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia in plasma and on donations by asymptomatic persons who later develop symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 or a positive SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic RNA test. In most of these studies, the potentially infectious units were interdicted prior to transfusion, so there is a limited amount of data to directly evaluate this issue. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in blood samples may not represent fully competent infectious virus and could be due to incomplete RNA fragments that are not infectious; the latter is suggested by the low values obtained on the PCR test [105].

The largest study evaluating SARS-CoV-2 in donated blood is a 2020 multicenter study that used a highly sensitive nucleic acid amplification test to screen blood donations collected over a six-month interval in six United States metropolitan areas [105]. Out of 257,809 screened donations tested in minipools (MP) of 16, three RNA-positive samples were detected, for an estimated prevalence of 1.16 in 100,000 (95% CI 0.40, 3.42). The RNA-reactive samples were non-reactive for antibody, and the estimated viral loads of the (presumed single) positive donations within each MP were low, ranging from <1000 to <4000 copies/mL. Because samples were tested retrospectively in a deidentified manner, there are no data on the recipients who received these units.

A French study of 268 blood donors who reported COVID-19 symptoms after donation identified only three SARS-CoV-2 RNA-reactive donations given by these donors (rate of 1.1 percent); none of these RNA-reactive plasma samples were infectious in cell culture [106]. In another study, six blood donors in Korea were found to have confirmed COVID-19 within two weeks post donation. Nine patients received units from these donations, none developed COVID-19 symptoms, and the three recipients who underwent SARS-CoV-2 RNA testing in nasopharyngeal samples were negative [107]. Several other case reports of donors who reported post-donation COVID also have failed to identify COVID symptoms in recipients [108-110].

A case report from the United States documented a positive SARS-CoV-2 RNA by RT-PCR in a blood sample from a donor who had recovered from COVID-19-like symptoms 40 days earlier; this unit was not transfused [111].

Taken together these studies indicate a low prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia in donated blood and document that viral RNA is at low concentration when detected. Additional studies reported failure to detect infectious virus in culture despite RNAemia [106,112]. Together, these data support the conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 is not transmissible by transfusion, although it cannot be ruled out that such transmission may occur rarely.

Other emerging pathogens — A comprehensive review of 68 emerging infectious disease (EID) organisms was compiled in 2009 by the members of the Transfusion Transmitted Diseases Committee of the AABB [113]. The intent of this review, published as a supplement to the journal Transfusion, was to provide a set of tools for identifying, describing, and prioritizing those EID organisms that have an actual or potential risk of transmission by transfusion and for which there is no currently implemented effective intervention.

The major part of this supplement consists of individual fact sheets for each pathogen; these include background information and a detailed review of agent and disease characteristics specifically related to transfusion transmission [113]. Additionally, the authors have prioritized the organisms according to the consensus opinion about their anticipated impact on blood safety by considering the following factors:

Biology and epidemiology

Subjective assessment of public and regulatory concerns

Availability of sensitive and specific donor screening approaches

Geographic range, including potential shifts in the near future

Frequency of potential risk of prospective donor exposure

Subsequent to the initial AABB publication, revised information about some of these organisms and new information about additional EID organisms has been added to the AABB website section on emerging infectious diseases. As an example of a new concern, several research studies have shown a high prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) RNA in donors in several European countries (approximately 1 in 2000 to 1 in 3000), prompting routine donor screening for HEV RNA by nucleic acid testing (NAT) to be implemented in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands [114]. However, the prevalence in United States blood donors is far lower (approximately 1 in 10,000), and no screening is needed [115].

There continues to be a need for ongoing surveillance for new organisms and for determining the criteria that should be used to make rational and balanced decisions about whether additional laboratory tests should be added to blood donor screening [7].

ROUTINE RBC ANTIGEN AND ANTIBODY TESTING — Red blood cell (RBC) compatibility is essential to avoid causing hemolytic transfusion reactions. (See "Hemolytic transfusion reactions".)

All donor units are tested to determine the ABO blood group and the Rh type.

ABO group – The ABO group is determined using appropriate commercially supplied anti-A and anti-B antibodies to detect the A and/or B antigens on donor RBCs (forward type) and using reagent RBCs to detect the reciprocal antibody in the donor's serum (reverse type) [116]. Testing of donor units is conducted with automated high throughput equipment, and any discrepancies between forward and reverse type are flagged for further investigation. (See "Pretransfusion testing for red blood cell transfusion", section on 'ABO and RhD type' and "Pretransfusion testing for red blood cell transfusion", section on 'Antibody screen'.)

For repeat donors, the ABO group of the current donation is verified against historical computer records for accuracy. Upon receipt at the hospital, the ABO group of each unit must be verified by repeat forward typing.

Rh type – Although RBCs have many different antigens in multiple blood group systems, the RhD antigen is the only non-ABO antigen for which all units of donated blood are routinely screened. There are many antigens of the Rh system other than D that are present on every individual's blood cells; nevertheless, the presence of the D antigen designates a unit as Rh-positive, whereas its absence is designated as Rh-negative. (See "Red blood cell antigens and antibodies".)

Other than ABO mismatches, RhD is the most immunogenic of the common RBC antigens, with approximately 40 to 80 percent of RhD-negative individuals forming an anti-D upon exposure to an RhD-positive RBC unit. Historically, anti-D is the primary cause of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN), although routine screening and administration of anti-D immune globulin has reduced rates of HDFN due to anti-D. (See "RhD alloimmunization in pregnancy: Overview".)

There are other important antigens of clinical significance; these are less immunogenic than RhD, with alloantibodies developing in a minority of recipients negative for the antigen who are exposed to an antigen-positive unit. These include antigens in the Kell system (with approximately 10 percent of K-negative individuals forming anti-K upon exposure to a K-positive RBC unit), followed by lesser antibody formation rates from other Rh system antigens (C, E) as well as for certain antigens in the Duffy, Kidd, and other blood group systems [117,118]. (See "Red blood cell antigens and antibodies", section on 'Clinically significant (common)'.)

Blood centers maintain an inventory of special RBC units that have been determined to be negative for common antigens in the Rh and other common blood group systems (Kell, Duffy, Kidd). These antigen-negative units are identified by more extensive RBC phenotyping or genotyping of selected donors. The units can be made available to patients who have developed antibodies against specific RBC antigens and, if transfusion is needed, who require RBCs lacking those specific antigens. Examples of individuals more likely to have developed alloantibodies include multiply-transfused patients with sickle cell disease, thalassemia, aplastic anemia, or a myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). (See "Red blood cell transfusion in sickle cell disease: Indications and transfusion techniques", section on 'RBC antigen matching'.)

Donor serum is also tested for unexpected RBC antibodies, which may have been formed through prior transfusion or pregnancy in the donor. For a recipient, these antibodies in the donor serum could cause a transfusion reaction if the recipient's RBCs carry the relevant antigen [116].

The antibody screen is performed using one of several different methods (solid phase, gel card, tube testing), all of which use indicator RBCs that have the common significant RBC antigen specificities. Observational data compiled from over a 4.5 year timeframe from four United States blood centers indicated that 0.5 percent of donations were antibody screen-positive and that the likelihood of a positive antibody screen increased with increasing donor age, female sex, RhD-negative status, and history of transfusion or pregnancy [119]. Components from units with a positive antibody screen will usually not be transfused, although hospital transfusion services have the option to decide whether or not to do so [119].

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Transfusion and patient blood management".)

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

Basics topics (see "Patient education: Blood donation (giving blood) (The Basics)")

Beyond the Basics topics (see "Patient education: Blood donation and transfusion (Beyond the Basics)")


Risks of specific infections – The risks of transfusion-transmitted infections are listed in the table (table 2).

List of tests – Donated blood in the United States (US) is tested for ABO blood group and RhD blood type, screened for the presence of red cell antibodies, and screened for the following infectious agents (table 1):

HIV-1 and HIV-2 (see 'HIV-1 and HIV-2' above)

Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-I and HTLV-II (see 'HTLV-I and HTLV-II' above)

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (see 'Hepatitis C virus' above)

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (see 'Hepatitis B virus' above)

West Nile virus (WNV) (see 'West Nile virus' above)

Treponema pallidum (syphilis) (see 'Syphilis' above)

Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas disease) (see 'Chagas disease' above)

CMV – Cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibody testing is performed only on enough units to establish a sufficient inventory of CMV-negative units to supply patient needs. (See 'Cytomegalovirus' above.)

Babesia – An assay for Babesia microti is used in high-risk regions of the United States. (See 'Babesia microti' above.)

SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 – There is no evidence for transfusion-transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Research and careful monitoring of transfusion-transmission for emerging infectious disease agents of concern is an ongoing activity. (See 'SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus' above.)

ABO and RhD type – Blood grouping and typing consists of ABO and RhD testing (forward type) and antibody screening (reverse type). An inventory of special red cell units is made available for patients who have developed antibodies against specific red blood cell antigens. (See 'Routine RBC antigen and antibody testing' above and "Pretransfusion testing for red blood cell transfusion".)


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  99. Ward SJ, Stramer SL, Szczepiorkowski ZM. Assessing the risk of Babesia to the United States blood supply using a risk-based decision-making approach: Report of AABB's Ad Hoc Babesia Policy Working Group (original report). Transfusion 2018; 58:1916.
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Topic 7946 Version 58.0


1 : The nation's changing blood supply system.

2 : The nation's changing blood supply system.

3 : The nation's changing blood supply system.

4 : The nation's changing blood supply system.

5 : The nation's changing blood supply system.

6 : Impact of chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay screening for human parvovirus B19 antigen in Japanese blood donors.

7 : Prevention of transfusion-transmitted infections.

8 : A new strategy for estimating risks of transfusion-transmitted viral infections based on rates of detection of recently infected donors.

9 : Transfusion-transmitted viral infections: building bridges to transfusion medicine to reduce risks and understand epidemiology and pathogenesis.

10 : The cost-effectiveness of NAT for HIV, HCV, and HBV in whole-blood donations.

11 : The cost-effectiveness of screening the U.S. blood supply for West Nile virus.

12 : Triggers for switching from minipool testing by nucleic acid technology to individual-donation nucleic acid testing for West Nile virus: analysis of 2003 data to inform 2004 decision making.

13 : West Nile virus testing experience in 2007: evaluation of different criteria for triggering individual-donation nucleic acid testing.

14 : West Nile virus testing experience in 2007: evaluation of different criteria for triggering individual-donation nucleic acid testing.

15 : West Nile virus among blood donors in the United States, 2003 and 2004.

16 : Screening the blood supply for West Nile virus RNA by nucleic acid amplification testing.

17 : Problem solved? West Nile virus and transfusion safety.

18 : Problem solved? West Nile virus and transfusion safety.

19 : Problem solved? West Nile virus and transfusion safety.

20 : To thy (reactive) donors be true!

21 : The donor notification process from the donor's perspective.

22 : Integration of nucleic acid amplification test results into hepatitis C virus supplemental serologic testing algorithms: implications for donor counseling and revision of existing algorithms.

23 : Integration of nucleic acid amplification test results into hepatitis C virus supplemental serologic testing algorithms: implications for donor counseling and revision of existing algorithms.

24 : Development of a multisystem surveillance database for transfusion-transmitted infections among blood donors in the United States.

25 : HIV, HCV, and HBV incidence and residual risk in US blood donors before and after implementation of the 12-month deferral policy for men who have sex with men.

26 : Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus in United States blood donations, 2015 to 2019: The Transfusion-Transmissible Infections Monitoring System (TTIMS).

27 : HIV and blood transfusions: focus on seroconversion.

28 : Emerging infectious agents and the nation's blood supply: responding to potential threats in the 21st century.

29 : False-positive HIV-1 test results in a low-risk screening setting of voluntary blood donation. Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study.

30 : NAT screening of blood and plasma donations: evolution of technology and regulatory policy.

31 : Current and emerging infectious risks of blood transfusions.

32 : Current incidence and estimated residual risk of transfusion-transmitted infections in donations made to Canadian Blood Services.

33 : HTLV-associated myelopathy in a cohort of HTLV-I and HTLV-II-infected blood donors. The REDS investigators.

34 : Risks associated with transfusion of cellular blood components in Canada.

35 : Donor testing and risk: current prevalence, incidence, and residual risk of transfusion-transmissible agents in US allogeneic donations.

36 : Human T-lymphotropic virus antibody screening of blood donors: rates of false-positive results and evaluation of a potential donor reentry algorithm.

37 : Increased detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected blood donors by a multiple-antigen HCV enzyme immunoassay.

38 : Detection of HIV-1 and HCV infections among antibody-negative blood donors by nucleic acid-amplification testing.

39 : Routine HCV PCR screening of blood donations to identify early HCV infection in blood donors lacking antibodies to HCV.

40 : Hepatitis C virus transmission by a blood donation negative in nucleic acid amplification tests for viral RNA.

41 : Current prevalence and incidence of infectious disease markers and estimated window-period risk in the American Red Cross blood donor population.

42 : Incidence and estimated rates of residual risk for HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B and human T-cell lymphotropic viruses in blood donors in Canada, 1990-2000.

43 : Screening Blood Donors for HIV, HCV, and HBV at the American Red Cross: 10-Year Trends in Prevalence, Incidence, and Residual Risk, 2007 to 2016.

44 : Frequency of HBV DNA detection in US blood donors testing positive for the presence of anti-HBc: implications for transfusion transmission and donor screening.

45 : Assessing the impact of HBV NAT on window period reduction and residual risk.

46 : Donor levels of serum alanine aminotransferase activity and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen associated with recipient hepatitis C and non-B, non-C outcomes.

47 : Prevention of transmission of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus infections through blood transfusion by anti-HBc testing.

48 : Relationship between antibody to hepatitis B core antigen and retroviral infections in blood from volunteer donors.

49 : Hepatitis B virus DNA-positive, hepatitis B surface antigen-negative blood donations intercepted by anti-hepatitis B core antigen testing: the Canadian Blood Services experience.

50 : Nucleic acid testing to detect HBV infection in blood donors.

51 : Hepatitis B virus testing by minipool nucleic acid testing: does it improve blood safety?

52 : Blood donor testing for hepatitis B virus in the United States: is there a case for continuation of hepatitis B surface antigen detection?

53 : Transfusion transmission of West Nile virus: a merging of historical and contemporary perspectives.

54 : Transmission of West Nile virus through blood transfusion in the United States in 2002.

55 : The 2003 West Nile virus United States epidemic: the America's Blood Centers experience.

56 : The 2003 West Nile virus United States epidemic: the America's Blood Centers experience.

57 : West Nile virus transmission through blood transfusion--South Dakota, 2006.

58 : West Nile virus activity--United States, September 8-14, 2004.

59 : Fatal West Nile virus infection after probable transfusion-associated transmission--Colorado, 2012.

60 : A probable case of West Nile virus transfusion transmission.

61 : A modeling framework for evaluation and comparison of trigger strategies for switching from minipool to individual-donation testing for West Nile virus.

62 : West Nile virus infections in organ transplant recipients--New York and Pennsylvania, August-September, 2005.

63 : Keeping Blood Transfusion Safe From West Nile Virus: American Red Cross Experience, 2003 to 2012.

64 : West Nile virus infections projected from blood donor screening data, United States, 2003.

65 : West Nile virus infections projected from blood donor screening data, United States, 2003.

66 : West Nile virus infections projected from blood donor screening data, United States, 2003.

67 : Cytomegalovirus (CMV) seroprevalence in Japanese blood donors and high detection frequency of CMV DNA in elderly donors.

68 : A comparison of filtered leukocyte-reduced and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative blood products for the prevention of transfusion-associated CMV infection after marrow transplant.

69 : A comparison of filtered leukocyte-reduced and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative blood products for the prevention of transfusion-associated CMV infection after marrow transplant.

70 : A comparison of filtered leukocyte-reduced and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative blood products for the prevention of transfusion-associated CMV infection after marrow transplant.

71 : A comparison of filtered leukocyte-reduced and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative blood products for the prevention of transfusion-associated CMV infection after marrow transplant.

72 : A comparison of filtered leukocyte-reduced and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative blood products for the prevention of transfusion-associated CMV infection after marrow transplant.

73 : A comparison of filtered leukocyte-reduced and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative blood products for the prevention of transfusion-associated CMV infection after marrow transplant.

74 : A comparison of filtered leukocyte-reduced and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative blood products for the prevention of transfusion-associated CMV infection after marrow transplant.

75 : A comparison of filtered leukocyte-reduced and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seronegative blood products for the prevention of transfusion-associated CMV infection after marrow transplant.

76 : Zika virus and blood transfusion: the experience of French Polynesia.

77 : Screening of Blood Donations for Zika Virus Infection - Puerto Rico, April 3-June 11, 2016.

78 : Use of Blood Donor Screening Data to Estimate Zika Virus Incidence, Puerto Rico, April-August 2016.

79 : Evolving viral and serological stages of Zika virus RNA-positive blood donors and estimation of incidence of infection during the 2016 Puerto Rican Zika epidemic: an observational cohort study.

80 : Evolving viral and serological stages of Zika virus RNA-positive blood donors and estimation of incidence of infection during the 2016 Puerto Rican Zika epidemic: an observational cohort study.

81 : First Zika-positive donations in the continental United States.

82 : First cases of Zika virus-infected US blood donors outside states with areas of active transmission.

83 : Investigational Testing for Zika Virus among U.S. Blood Donors.

84 : Investigational Testing for Zika Virus among U.S. Blood Donors.

85 : Predictive value of past and current screening tests for syphilis in blood donors: changing from a rapid plasma reagin test to an automated specific treponemal test for screening.

86 : Current value of serologic test for syphilis as a surrogate marker for blood-borne viral infections among blood donors in the United States.

87 : Trypanosoma cruzi parasitemia in US blood donors with serologic evidence of infection.

88 : Epidemiologic and laboratory findings from 3 years of testing United States blood donors for Trypanosoma cruzi.

89 : Blood donor screening for chagas disease--United States, 2006-2007.

90 : Blood donor screening for chagas disease--United States, 2006-2007.

91 : Cost-effectiveness of screening the US blood supply for Trypanosoma cruzi.

92 : Impact of one-time testing for Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies among blood donors in the United States.

93 : Impact of one-time testing for Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies among blood donors in the United States.

94 : Impact of one-time testing for Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies among blood donors in the United States.

95 : Transfusion-associated babesiosis in the United States: a description of cases.

96 : Transfusion-associated babesiosis in the United States: a description of cases.

97 : Transfusion-associated babesiosis in the United States: a description of cases.

98 : Minimal infectious dose and dynamics of Babesia microti parasitemia in a murine model.

99 : Assessing the risk of Babesia to the United States blood supply using a risk-based decision-making approach: Report of AABB's Ad Hoc Babesia Policy Working Group (original report).

100 : Screening for Babesia microti in the U.S. Blood Supply.

101 : Risk of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 by transfusion: A literature review.

102 : Is SARS-CoV-2 transfusion transmitted?

103 : Is SARS-CoV-2 transfusion transmitted?

104 : Change in Donor Characteristics and Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in Donated Blood in the US, June-August 2020.

105 : Minipool testing for SARS-CoV-2 RNA in United States blood donors.

106 : No evidence of SARS-CoV-2 transfusion transmission despite RNA detection in blood donors showing symptoms after donation.

107 : Post-donation COVID-19 identification in blood donors.

108 : COVID-19 transmission and blood transfusion: A case report.

109 : Blood and platelet transfusion from a donor with presymptomatic Covid-19.

110 : Absence of SARS-CoV-2 viraemia in a blood donor with COVID-19 post-donation.

111 : SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia in a Healthy Blood Donor 40 Days After Respiratory Illness Resolution.

112 : SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected in blood products from patients with COVID-19 is not associated with infectious virus.

113 : Emerging infectious disease agents and their potential threat to transfusion safety.

114 : Hepatitis E screening for blood donations: an urgent need?

115 : Hepatitis E virus: seroprevalence and frequency of viral RNA detection among US blood donors.

116 : Hepatitis E virus: seroprevalence and frequency of viral RNA detection among US blood donors.

117 : Estimating the immunogenicity of blood group antigens: a modified calculation that corrects for transfusion exposures.

118 : Immunogenicity of blood group antigens: a mathematical model corrected for antibody evanescence with exclusion of naturally occurring and pregnancy-related antibodies.

119 : Prevalence and risk factors for RBC alloantibodies in blood donors in the Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III (REDS-III).