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The role of local therapies in metastatic breast cancer

The role of local therapies in metastatic breast cancer
Michael S Sabel, MD
Pauline T Truong, MDCM
Section Editors:
Daniel F Hayes, MD
Anees B Chagpar, MD, MSc, MA, MPH, MBA, FACS, FRCS(C)
David E Wazer, MD
Deputy Editor:
Sadhna R Vora, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jul 29, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Stage IV breast cancer, either de novo at presentation or secondary after a primary diagnosis, is a heterogeneous disease. While patients with metastatic breast cancer are unlikely to be cured of their disease, more effective systemic therapies with chemotherapy and targeted endocrine and biologic therapies have contributed to significantly improved overall survival and progression-free survival in the past decade, particularly among those with hormone receptor-positive and/or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive disease [1-4]. The median survival for patients with stage IV breast cancer is now 18 to 36 months, although the range extends from a few months to many years and may vary widely by patient, tumor, and treatment factors including age, performance status, comorbidities, extent and location of distant disease, biologic subtype, and availability of effective systemic therapy [1-5]. (See "Systemic treatment for metastatic breast cancer: General principles" and "Tumor, Node, Metastasis (TNM) staging classification for breast cancer".)

Although systemic therapy is the mainstay of treatment for metastatic breast cancer, local management of both of the primary breast cancer, as well as metastasis-specific local treatment (ie, metastasectomy, radiation therapy, radiofrequency ablation, cryotherapy, and other image-guided percutaneous interventional procedures) may palliate symptoms and prevent cancer-related complications. Some evidence suggests a potential for prolonging survival, although available data are limited [6]. These approaches and their rationale are discussed here.

Systemic therapy for metastatic breast cancer, consisting of chemotherapy, endocrine therapy and/or biologic therapies, and supportive care, is discussed elsewhere. (See "Systemic treatment for metastatic breast cancer: General principles".)


Approach — The primary role of local treatment to the breast and/or regional nodes in patients with stage IV breast cancer is palliation. Patients with metastatic disease should be evaluated for possible management of the primary and/or regional nodes if it may control debilitating symptoms from the cancer (eg, locally advanced breast tumors causing pain, bleeding, ulceration, infection, and poor wound healing; or regional nodal disease causing pain, motor weakness, and sensory deficits from brachial plexus invasion, or lymphedema). It should be noted that systemic therapy can also be helpful in such situations, decreasing the size of the tumor and alleviating symptoms.

However, in general, for patients who are asymptomatic at the site of their locoregional disease, locoregional treatment with surgery and/or radiation therapy is not standard-of-care treatment given lack of clear evidence that this improves survival.

Deviations to this approach may be rarely made on a case-by-case basis in a multidisciplinary setting, although these instances are exceptional. For example, we have offered local management of the primary to patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive disease who have a brisk and dramatic response to systemic therapy, or when systemic disease is well controlled with systemic therapy but the primary site is progressing. We may also do surgery in patients who are not symptomatic, but we are concerned may be symptomatic if they do not respond quickly, such as a primary breast mass that is amenable to resection and close to ulcerating. However, the decision to proceed with local management in a similar situation should take into account patient preferences and should be made in a multidisciplinary setting. In these rare cases, the anticipated outcome of the local therapy and its lack of effect on systemic disease should be discussed with the patient.

Evidence — Four prospective randomized trials have been conducted to evaluate the survival effect of surgical resection of the primary lesion. Three of these have not shown a statistically significant difference in overall survival (OS), while a fourth did. In two of these, quality-of-life (QOL) analyses either showed no difference or even worse outcome with primary tumor resection (table 1).

No statistically significant improvement in OS was observed with local management of the primary in the following trials, although locoregional control was typically improved:

In the multicenter ECOG-ACRIN 2108 (E2108) trial, 256 patients with de novo stage IV breast cancer who had been on systemic therapy for four to eight months without progression were randomly assigned to continued systemic therapy alone or to early local therapy (surgery, with or without adjuvant radiation), with subsequent resumption of systemic therapy [7]. The median OS was 53 months, with no difference in three-year OS rates (68 percent in both groups). The three-year rate of locoregional progression was higher among patients receiving systemic therapy only (40 versus 16 percent), but, despite this, these patients experienced similar or better QOL outcomes at various time points compared with those receiving early local therapy.

The multicenter phase III NCT01015625 trial from Austria randomly assigned 90 patients with stage IV breast cancer to surgical resection of the primary tumor and axillary dissection followed by systemic therapy versus systemic therapy alone. The trial was designed to enroll 254 subjects but closed prematurely due to poor accrual. At a median follow-up of 37.5 months, median survival was 35 months in the cohort treated with surgery compared with 55 months without surgery. These OS data were not statistically significant (HR 0.69, 95% CI 0.36-1.33). Surgery also did not confer benefits in time to distant metastasis, time to locoregional metastases, or improved QOL [8,9].

Similar results were observed in a single-institution trial from India, in which 350 women with de novo metastatic breast cancer who had resectable hormone receptor-positive disease or who achieved a partial or complete response to anthracycline-based chemotherapy were randomly assigned to surgery (mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery [BCS] with axillary dissection) and standard postoperative radiation versus no locoregional treatment [10]. At a median follow-up of 23 months, no statistically significant difference in OS was observed between the surgery versus control groups (19.2 versus 20.5 months; HR 1.04, 95% CI 0.81-1.34). Locoregional treatment was associated with improved locoregional progression-free survival (PFS; median not attained versus 18.2 months; HR 0.16, 95% CI 0.10-0.26) but shorter distant PFS (11.3 versus 19.8 months in the control group; HR 1.42, 95% CI 1.08-1.85). In this study, endocrine therapy, taxanes, and HER2-directed therapy were permitted when clinically appropriate; however, most eligible women did not receive these treatments. It is unclear whether locoregional therapy would have improved survival in these women if effective systemic treatments had been administered.

Contrasting results, however, were observed in a trial from Turkey:

In the Turkish trial, 274 women with de novo metastatic breast cancer were randomly assigned to local management (mastectomy, or BCS with radiation) followed by systemic therapy, versus systemic therapy only [11]. This design differed from some of the previous trials, in which patients were enrolled only if they achieved disease control or response on systemic therapy [10,12]. While there was no difference in three-year survival, patients who received locoregional therapy experienced an improvement in five-year survival (42 versus 24 percent; HR 0.66, 95% CI 0.49-0.88). However, the arms were not balanced according to biologic subtypes and other potential prognostic factors. Patients randomized to locoregional therapy had lower rates of triple-negative disease (7 versus 17 percent), and higher rates of hormone receptor-positive disease (86 versus 72 percent) and solitary bone metastases (34 versus 24 percent), raising the concern that they were in better prognostic categories before the intervention. In a post-hoc subgroup analysis, patients with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative disease; age younger than 55 years; and those with solitary bone metastases appeared to derive the greatest benefit from local management.

Several previous retrospective studies have suggested that women with stage IV breast cancer have improved survival with removal of the primary tumor, but interpretation and generalizability of these results are limited by selection bias [13-30]. The randomized trials discussed above are more informative regarding the effect of locoregional therapy to women who present with de novo metastases and new primary breast cancers. As such, we typically suggest against surgery in the majority of patients with stage IV breast cancer unless it is directed towards palliation and symptom management.

A multicenter phase III trial from Japan (JCOG-1017) with similar design as the E2108 trial has completed accrual [31].

LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF METASTASES — The goal of therapy for patients with distant metastases is, in general, palliation. Therefore, the standard of care is, for most patients, systemic therapy with complementary surgery or radiation as indicated for particularly worrisome problems, such as brain or spinal cord metastases or intractable bone pain or fractures.

Selection of patients for local therapy to the metastasis

Patients who have severe pain at diagnosis of metastatic disease, or who have intractable pain in spite of systemic therapy for metastases, are usually considered candidates for radiation therapy to the affected site.

Metastases in certain sites are considered medical emergencies and are an indication for surgery and/or radiation. These include spinal cord or cauda equina compression, mass effect due to brain metastases, and impending or present pathologic fracture due to a bony metastasis. The primary objective of these treatments is palliative to control symptoms and to stabilize the patient.

Metastases to the chest wall are also usually treated with locoregional therapy, principally with the intent of avoiding future symptoms. Local therapy such as excision and radiation may also be helpful in patients with hemorrhagic chest wall lesions.

In patients with prior radiation to such an area, secondary radiation may be considered, although there is a high risk of additional skin complications. Alternatively, hyperthermia has been reported to be of value in previously irradiated areas, although this modality is not widely available. (See "Surgery and radiation for locoregional recurrences of breast cancer", section on 'Hyperthermia plus conventional RT'.)

Additionally, for patients with a first presentation of apparent metastatic disease, biopsy of an accessible metastatic site should be performed to confirm the diagnosis and re-establish receptor status. In some cases, a surgical approach may be appropriate (eg, wedge resection of a solitary pulmonary nodule or intracranial metastasis) rather than a biopsy by interventional radiology, and might also serve a treatment function. (See "Systemic treatment for metastatic breast cancer: General principles", section on 'Role of repeat biopsy'.)

For other patients, who lack symptoms from their locoregional and distant disease,

With incidentally discovered asymptomatic central nervous system (CNS) involvement, local therapy is typically suggested (see below). This is unusual, however, given that screening of the CNS in patients without CNS symptoms is not routine in patients with metastatic breast cancer. (See 'Brain' below and "Brain metastases in breast cancer", section on 'Can systemic therapy be used instead of radiation for initial local control?'.)

With metastases in other sites, most UpToDate experts use systemic treatment alone for most asymptomatic patients and reserve local therapies for symptomatic progression.

Other UpToDate experts, however, adopt an individualized approach for the asymptomatic patient, offering local management in conjunction with systemic therapy to those with multiple good prognostic factors, although this is not considered standard of care at this time. Specific requirements by site are discussed below. (See 'Indications by site' below.)

Proponents of local therapy to metastatic lesions identify appropriate candidates based on the following characteristics:

-Good performance status – The most important issues in choosing patients for local treatment of metastatic disease are the performance status and an estimation of the relative risks of a planned operation. Patients who have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 2 or worse (table 2) generally should not proceed with local management unless there is imminent risk of significant organ dysfunction, as the risks of postoperative morbidity and mortality in such instances outweigh possible benefits.

-Oligometastatic disease – Data that are largely observational have suggested a survival benefit for aggressive local therapy in patients with oligometastatic disease, usually defined as <3 separate lesions [6,22,32-35]. However, selection bias is likely to have played a role in these studies. Only a single randomized trial conducted in patients with all types of cancers (including breast) has suggested a survival benefit to aggressive local treatment of metastases [36]. However, this study is relatively small and only contained very few patients with metastases from breast cancer.

-Long disease-free interval – A long disease-free interval (DFI), the period of time between the definitive treatment of the primary breast cancer and the development of distant oligometastasis, may portend an improved prognosis with local therapies [37-39]. The specific cutoff DFI that best discriminates between favorable and unfavorable outcomes is unclear, although an acceptable range may be two to five years.

-High likelihood of complete resection – Careful preoperative evaluation is necessary to determine the likelihood that complete resection of the metastatic deposit is feasible. Positive margins are associated with worse outcomes in most but not all series [32,40-43].

It must be noted that patients with good prognostic factors, such as the ones outlined above, are likely to have extended periods of survival regardless of whether they are offered surgery or not, and as such, systemic therapy alone is an appropriate strategy.

An ongoing phase II/III clinical trial (NRG-BR002, NCT02364557) is seeking to assess the impact of metastasis-directed stereotactic radiation therapy or surgical resection on survival in breast cancer patients with ≤4 nonbrain distant metastatic lesions. Prior to registration, eligible patients must have the primary tumor site controlled by surgical excision or mastectomy with or without radiation therapy per institution preference.

Techniques for local management — For patients with metastatic breast cancer undergoing local therapy, surgery, radiation therapy, or both is primarily employed.

Radiation therapy techniques should be individualized with the aim of providing adequate coverage of the disease and minimizing exposure of adjacent normal tissue and organs at risk. Depending on the clinical situation, radiation therapy techniques that may be considered include stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for oligometastases, or conventional external-beam radiation therapy (EBRT) with simple one- to two-beam arrangements or more complex multibeam techniques, depending on the clinical situation and therapeutic goals. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA, typically with surgery) is a one-time treatment that has been examined as an alternative to SBRT for select, small hepatic tumors, and is discussed below. Indications for each modality, according to anatomic site, are discussed later in this topic. (See 'Indications by site' below.)

Further discussion of the technique of SBRT is found separately. (See "Radiation therapy techniques in cancer treatment", section on 'Stereotactic radiation therapy techniques'.)

All patients treated with local therapy should also receive appropriate systemic therapy. (See "Systemic therapy for locoregionally recurrent breast cancer".)

Indications by site

Brain — For most patients with brain metastases, a local approach such as surgical resection, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), or whole-brain radiotherapy should be employed, irrespective of whether the patient is symptomatic or not, often prior to or in conjunction with systemic therapy. However, an exception may be made in select patients with limited intracranial disease from human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive breast cancer, as systemic therapy alone may be a reasonable option in some cases. (See "Brain metastases in breast cancer", section on 'Can systemic therapy be used instead of radiation for initial local control?'.)

The approach to systemic therapy in patients with isolated brain metastases and no systemic disease is discussed elsewhere. (See "Brain metastases in breast cancer", section on 'Patients with no extracranial disease'.)

Patients with multiple metastatic deposits or extensive leptomeningeal disease are treated with whole-brain radiation therapy. For cases with more limited intracranial disease, when possible, SRS is used instead of whole-brain radiation to reduce toxicity. The risk factors, prognosis, and management of brain metastases in breast cancer are discussed separately. (See "Brain metastases in breast cancer" and "Overview of the treatment of brain metastases" and "Treatment of leptomeningeal disease from solid tumors".)

Ophthalmic structures — The prevalence of metastases involving the eyes in patients with metastatic breast cancer has been variably reported as ranging from 5 percent in asymptomatic patients to 38 percent in patients with visual symptoms [44,45]. The most common site of ophthalmic metastasis from breast cancer is the choroid [46]. Less common sites include the iris, ciliary body, optic nerve, optic disc, orbital bone and soft tissues, extraocular muscles, retina, and vitreous body. While presenting symptoms such as blurred vision, diplopia, floaters, field defect, and eye pain or discomfort may be nonspecific and may be attributed to some systemic therapy drugs or other malignant and nonmalignant causes, prompt referral for ophthalmology assessment is critical as loss of vision is a devastating outcome that may be avoided by timely investigation and treatment.

Local therapy decisions for choroidal metastases should be multidisciplinary, with the goals of preserving visual function, controlling pain, and avoiding tumor progression that may require enucleation. In patients with ophthalmic metastases, brain computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should also be performed to rule out concomitant brain metastasis. A prospective study of patients with choroidal metastasis reported that the rate of brain metastasis identified on CT with contrast was 26 percent [47].

In patients who are asymptomatic, systemic therapy with careful observation is an option [48].

In patients with symptoms, palliative EBRT sparing the lens and anterior chamber is the most common modality demonstrated to be safe and effective.

A prospective study from the German Cancer Society reported outcomes in 50 patients with choroidal metastases treated with EBRT 40 Gy in 20 fractions using a single lateral beam for unilateral disease and parallel opposed lateral beams for bilateral disease [49]. Visual function improved in 36 percent and stabilized in 50 percent of cases. On ultrasound follow-up, complete regression was observed in 38 percent and partial regression in 44 percent of cases.

In the palliative setting, shorter EBRT courses over 5 to 10 fractions may also be considered. In a study of 123 patients with choroidal metastases, 71 percent of whom had breast cancer, the most commonly used regimen was 30 Gy in 10 fractions. Visual improvement was observed in 55 percent of cases after EBRT and 80 percent of cases after chemotherapy plus EBRT [50]. Similarly, in a series of 55 patients with 71 affected eyes treated with EBRT 20 Gy in five fractions, visual acuity was stable or improved in 80 percent, tumor regressed in 91 percent, and complete response was observed in 67 percent of affected eyes [51].

Local treatment alternatives to conventional EBRT include proton therapy, plaque brachytherapy, photodynamic therapy, and intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [52]. Proton therapy allows highly focused tumor targeting with preservation of normal adjacent tissues [53,54]. Plaque brachytherapy entails applying a radioactive plaque, most commonly Iodine-125 or Palladium-103, to the sclera to deliver radiation over a short distance to the target while sparing the lens and retina [52]. Proton therapy and plaque brachytherapy, however, are less commonly used in the setting of metastatic breast cancer than EBRT, as they are not as widely available and are generally reserved for more radioresistant tumors such as sarcoma and melanoma. Photodynamic therapy and intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF are less invasive office-based treatments that may be offered by ophthalmologists, but data reporting outcomes specific to the metastatic breast cancer setting are limited to case reports and small case series [52].


Indications for local management – Indications for local management of bone disease are spinal cord or cauda equina compression, pathologic fracture or impending fracture, significant pain, or decreased mobility of a joint.

Specific approaches are discussed below.

Surgery – Pathologic fractures, impending fractures, or epidural spinal cord or nerve compression may require surgical intervention. For asymptomatic patients without evidence of impending fracture, there is no clear role for resection. When metastatic breast cancer is confined to the bones, the natural history is usually characterized by an indolent course and good response to systemic therapy [55-57]. One UpToDate expert (MS) views a solitary sternal metastasis as a possible exception, given that sternal metastases may remain solitary for a long time and may represent a locoregional recurrence rather than true metastatic disease [58,59]. However, the other UpToDate experts note that sternal resection is associated with morbidity and risk of poor cosmesis and has not been shown to improve survival, and therefore do not favor this approach over less invasive options such as surveillance on systemic therapy or local treatment with radiation therapy. (See 'Selection of patients for local therapy to the metastasis' above.)

Radiation – In cases with painful bone (spinal and extraspinal) metastases, short-course, local-field external-beam palliative radiotherapy using single or multiple fractions is commonly used, supported by a large body of prospective data demonstrating its safety and palliative efficacy [60,61]. The role of more complex radiation techniques such as SBRT in breast cancer patients with bone metastases, including those with limited-volume disease, remains to be defined by prospective trial data and is discussed separately. (See "Treatment and prognosis of neoplastic epidural spinal cord compression", section on 'Selection of definitive treatment' and "Radiation therapy for the management of painful bone metastases".)

Minimally invasive, image-guided percutaneous techniques – Interventional radiology and anesthesiology are disciplines that can offer useful adjunctive local procedures to palliate patients with symptomatic bone metastases, including patients who have recurrent or intractable pain despite radiation therapy. Minimally invasive, image-guided percutaneous techniques such as vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, cementoplasty, thermal ablation, and neurolysis can provide durable pain control and stabilization for both spinal and nonspinal bone metastases and may be considered for carefully selected patients with interdisciplinary review and operator expertise [62-64]. (See "Overview of therapeutic approaches for adult patients with bone metastasis from solid tumors" and "Image-guided ablation of skeletal metastases".)

Systemic therapy and adjunctive treatments – As in other metastatic sites, systemic therapy can improve symptoms and progression of bone metastases. Bisphosphonates, other osteoclast inhibitors, and radioisotope therapy reduce the morbidity of metastatic bone disease, in particular skeletal-related events, which include fracture, need for surgery or radiation to bone, spinal cord compression, and hypercalcemia of malignancy.

(See "Osteoclast inhibitors for patients with bone metastases from breast, prostate, and other solid tumors".)

(See "Radiation therapy for the management of painful bone metastases".)

(See "Treatment and prognosis of neoplastic epidural spinal cord compression".)

Lung — Lung metastases that are asymptomatic generally do not require local intervention, while those that are symptomatic or pose urgent risks to pulmonary function such as intrinsic or extrinsic airway obstruction and superior vena cava obstruction may benefit from prompt local treatments. For some patients, pulmonary resection may be diagnostic as well as palliative, since a significant number of solitary pulmonary nodules in patients with a history of breast cancer are not breast cancer metastases [42,65,66]. Patients evaluated for lung resection should have a complete pulmonary evaluation. (See "Diagnostic evaluation of the incidental pulmonary nodule" and 'Selection of patients for local therapy to the metastasis' above.)

As discussed above, metastasectomy for therapeutic purposes has been reported to occasionally be associated with long-term survival [6,32,33,67]. It must be noted, however, that patients who experience such apparent benefit have a favorable prognosis, regardless of whether surgery is done; therefore, most UpToDate experts prefer to avoid the morbidity and mortality associated with such procedures, particularly in the absence of randomized data. Case series suggest five-year overall survival (OS) ranging from 30 to 80 percent and median survival duration ranging from 40 to 100 months among select breast cancer patients undergoing resection of pulmonary metastases [32,42,67-69]. A meta-analysis of 16 retrospective studies with almost 2000 patients reported a five-year survival rate of 46 percent after resection of isolated lung metastases [70]. Adverse prognostic features were short DFI <3 years, >1 metastatic lesion, and negative hormone receptor status. (See "Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases: Outcomes by histology".)

Other approaches in the local management of lung metastases include EBRT, typically for lung or mediastinal/hilar masses causing extrinsic airway obstruction, peripheral or pleural disease causing chest wall pain, or apical masses extending into spinal canal or brachial plexus; endobronchial brachytherapy for intrinsic bronchial obstruction; SBRT; and RFA, although central lesions may be difficult to reach by RFA. The local management of lung metastases, including each of these modalities, is discussed separately.

(See "Diagnostic evaluation of the incidental pulmonary nodule".)

(See "Endobronchial brachytherapy".)

(See "Stereotactic body radiation therapy for lung tumors".)

(See "Image-guided ablation of lung tumors".)

Liver — Hepatic metastases occur in over one-half of patients with metastatic breast cancer. They are most commonly a late development, associated with disseminated disease and a poorer prognosis than bone or soft tissue metastases. Only 5 to 12 percent of patients have isolated liver involvement [71-73].

Indications for local management – Indications for local management of liver metastases include pain, bleeding that is refractory to medical therapy, or biliary obstruction.

Some UpToDate experts also offer local resection in carefully selected, asymptomatic patients, although there are no prospective data comparing local therapy with the administration of systemic treatment. Proponents of this approach identify candidates as those with isolated liver involvement (5 to 12 percent of patients with metastatic breast cancer [71-73]), particularly those with hormone-positive disease, who have normal liver function, good performances status, and have had a long DFI [6,74,75]. However, such patients are likely to have a good prognosis regardless of whether they undergo surgery, so most UpToDate experts prefer to treat with systemic therapy only in the absence of urgent or palliative indication. (See 'Selection of patients for local therapy to the metastasis' above.)

Approaches for local management – Hepatic resection and SBRT are the most frequently employed methods of ablating liver metastases in carefully selected patients. The selection of SBRT versus surgery depends on which modality will result in the highest probability of preserving liver function. For larger (>5 cm) peripheral lesions, surgery can sometimes preserve more functional liver than SBRT. By contrast, for central lesions, SBRT may be preferred. RFA has been explored as another option for tumors <3 cm that are not close to major vessels, biliary structures, or the diaphragm [76]. While there are only retrospective data reporting outcomes after RFA in patients with metastatic breast cancer, these data suggest local efficacy particularly for solitary hepatic lesions smaller than 3 cm in diameter [76-81].

Although we do not suggest their routine use based on available data, alternative local therapies are being explored to treat liver metastases, including selective internal radiation therapy, percutaneous ethanol injection, cryotherapy, hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy, transhepatic arterial chemoembolization, and interstitial laser therapy [82,83]. In general, there are fewer data regarding the use of these techniques for metastatic breast cancer than there are for patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer or with primary hepatocellular cancer. Furthermore, none of these methods has been directly compared with systemic chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer.

Outcomes with local therapy – The data to support local therapy for liver metastases were derived from a systematic review of 19 retrospective studies including 535 patients who underwent hepatectomy for metastatic breast cancer [84]. Hepatectomy was undertaken in patients with mostly solitary lesions or with a median of two lesions (range, one to four). The median OS was 40 months (range, 23 to 77 months) with a five-year survival following resection of 40 percent (range, 21 to 80 percent) [84]. Postoperative mortality ranged from 0 to 6 percent, and the complication rate ranged from 0 to 44 percent. Poor prognostic factors following hepatic resection include positive margins and hormone-refractory disease.

In a subsequent case-control retrospective study of 167 patients, 69 of whom received surgery and/or ablation and 98 of whom were treated medically, OS between the two groups was not significantly different (50 versus 45 months in the local treatment versus medical treatment groups, respectively) [85]. Local treatment was associated with a recurrence-free interval of 28.5 months. Those receiving local treatment had lower-risk disease, with a higher frequency of estrogen receptor positivity, lower median number of liver metastases, and a longer interval between breast cancer diagnosis and solitary liver metastasis presentation (53 versus 30 months). These results suggest that among patients with favorable-risk disease, local treatment may provide a significant period of disease-free survival and time from systemic chemotherapy. (See "Overview of hepatic resection" and "Open hepatic resection techniques".)

However, as noted, it is highly likely that patients who are chosen for local therapies are selected for otherwise favorable prognostic factors, including isolated and usually single metastases, often with hormone receptor-positive disease, and it is unclear if apparent favorable OS is due to, or in spite of, the therapy.

Gastrointestinal tract — Gastrointestinal (GI) tract metastases are infrequently encountered in practice, although autopsy series have reported rates ranging from 8 to 30 percent [86,87]. Invasive lobular cancers have a higher propensity to metastasize to the GI tract compared with other histologies [88-90], as may hormone receptor-positive cancers, irrespective of histology [90]. The most common sites of GI metastases from breast cancer are the stomach and colon, while esophageal and small intestine metastases are possible but less common. Often, these metastases to unusual sites originate from lobular infiltrating cancers of the breast.

As GI metastases can occur many years after an initial breast cancer diagnosis, and given that some can respond to chemotherapy and endocrine therapy depending on biomarkers, patients with unexplained GI symptoms should be referred to gastroenterology for thorough evaluation of the abdomen and GI tract, with biopsy of any suspicious lesions seen on endoscopy to differentiate metastatic breast cancer from other entities such as primary GI cancer, lymphoma, or benign disease and to guide appropriate treatment.

In cases with confirmed GI metastases causing obstruction, bleeding or intractable pain, and in which a targetable lesion can be identified, involved-field palliative EBRT may be considered for symptom control. Other local modalities in symptomatic patients include palliative surgical bypass, percutaneous enterostomy, or endoscopic stenting. The choice of local procedure should be made in a multidisciplinary setting with consideration of the clinical scenario and patient's goals of care.

Ovaries — Although the ovaries are also a rare site for metastases from breast cancer [91,92], limited data suggest ovarian breast cancer metastases can appear many years following the initial diagnosis of breast cancer, often originating from lobular primary cancers [93-96]. Surgical evaluation of an adnexal mass may be required to differentiate metastatic breast cancer from a primary ovarian cancer. Furthermore, for premenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, oophorectomy can provide a therapeutic effect, regardless of whether metastatic disease to the ovaries is present or not. (See "Approach to the patient with an adnexal mass", section on 'Scope of surgery' and "Treatment approach to metastatic hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer: Endocrine therapy and targeted agents", section on 'Additional considerations for premenopausal women'.)

Other indications for local management of ovarian metastases may include pain or bleeding that is refractory to medical therapy, although in practice this presentation is rare.

Data are limited in regards to local management of ovarian metastases from breast cancer. In one series of 147 patients with metastatic disease to the ovary (8 percent of whom had a breast primary), the median OS after ovarian metastasectomy was 41 months [97]. For the entire series, massive intraoperative ascites, multiple metastases, and locally invasive disease were independent factors for a poorer OS.

INTEGRATING SYSTEMIC THERAPY WITH LOCAL TREATMENT — All patients who undergo local management of metastatic breast cancer should also receive systemic therapy.

Whether or not next-line therapy is chosen depends upon whether the line of treatment the patient was previously receiving was well tolerated, and whether it was controlling disease that was not addressed by local therapy. For example, if a patient with hormone receptor positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative disease experienced progression intracranially on a well-tolerated endocrine agent but had stable systemic disease, it would be reasonable to manage the brain lesions with radiation and continue the given line of endocrine therapy. However, if progression occurred systemically as well, or if the present line of therapy was poorly tolerated, next-line systemic therapy should be offered. (See "Systemic treatment for metastatic breast cancer: General principles", section on 'Systemic treatment'.)

For patients who will receive systemic therapy with endocrine agents or immunotherapy, treatment is usually continued concurrently with radiation. However, chemotherapy and targeted agents such as cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors are typically held for radiation and resumed several days after completion.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC — The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the complexity of cancer care. Important issues in areas where viral transmission rates are high include balancing the risk from treatment delay versus harm from COVID-19, ways to minimize negative impacts of social distancing during care delivery, and appropriately and fairly allocating limited health care resources. These and other recommendations for cancer care during active phases of the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed separately. (See "COVID-19: Considerations in patients with cancer".)

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Breast cancer".)

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

Beyond the Basics topics (see "Patient education: Treatment of metastatic breast cancer (Beyond the Basics)")


Patients with metastatic breast cancer are unlikely to be cured of their disease by any means, and the goal of treatment is principally palliative in nature. (See 'Introduction' above.)

Although systemic therapy is the mainstay of treatment for metastatic breast cancer, local management of the primary as well as metastasis-specific local treatment may palliate existing symptoms and improve local progression-free survival. Further data are required to clarify the effect on overall survival. (See 'Introduction' above.)

The primary role of local treatment to the breast in metastatic breast cancer is palliation. In general, for patients who are asymptomatic at the site of their primary, we suggest systemic therapy alone rather than local treatment and systemic therapy (Grade 2C), given a lack of clear evidence that it improves survival. However, exceptions may be made in rare instances, upon multidisciplinary discussion. (See 'Local management of the primary in a patient with de novo metastases at the time of initial diagnosis' above.)

For the first presentation of metastatic disease, biopsy of the metastatic site should be performed to confirm the diagnosis and re-establish receptor status. (See "Systemic treatment for metastatic breast cancer: General principles", section on 'Role of repeat biopsy'.)

Patients who present with symptomatic metastases, eg, intractable pain, bleeding, loss of organ function, or an oncologic emergency (eg, cord compression, mass effect due to brain metastases, pathologic fracture due to a bony metastasis), are appropriate candidates for urgent local intervention to relieve symptoms and preserve function and quality of life. (See 'Indications by site' above.)

For asymptomatic patients, local management may be appropriate in select situations, for example, for the patient with an undiagnosed lung nodule or the patient with one or more brain metastases. Outside of these situations, most UpToDate experts manage asymptomatic metastatic disease with systemic therapy only and reserve local therapies for symptomatic progression, while a few UpToDate experts may offer local management to select patients with multiple good-risk features, although this is not considered standard of care. (See 'Indications by site' above.)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT — The UpToDate editorial staff acknowledges Julia White, MD, who contributed to an earlier version of this topic review.


  1. Chia SK, Speers CH, D'yachkova Y, et al. The impact of new chemotherapeutic and hormone agents on survival in a population-based cohort of women with metastatic breast cancer. Cancer 2007; 110:973.
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Topic 760 Version 37.0


1 : The impact of new chemotherapeutic and hormone agents on survival in a population-based cohort of women with metastatic breast cancer.

2 : Increased life expectancy as a result of non-hormonal targeted therapies for HER2 or hormone receptor positive metastatic breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

3 : Is the Proportion of Patients Diagnosed with Synchronous Stage IV Breast Cancer Who Survive More than Two Years Increasing over Time?

4 : Time trends of overall survival among metastatic breast cancer patients in the real-life ESME cohort.

5 : Palliative systemic therapy and overall survival of 1,395 patients with advanced breast cancer - Results from the prospective German TMK cohort study.

6 : International guidelines for management of metastatic breast cancer: can metastatic breast cancer be cured?

7 : Early Local Therapy for the Primary Site in De Novo Stage IV Breast Cancer: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial (EA2108).

8 : Impact of Breast Surgery in Primary Metastasized Breast Cancer: Outcomes of the Prospective Randomized Phase III ABCSG-28 POSYTIVE Trial.

9 : Primary surgery versus no surgery in synchronous metastatic breast cancer: patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes of the prospective randomized multicenter ABCSG-28 Posytive Trial.

10 : Locoregional treatment versus no treatment of the primary tumour in metastatic breast cancer: an open-label randomised controlled trial.

11 : Randomized Trial Comparing Resection of Primary Tumor with No Surgery in Stage IV Breast Cancer at Presentation: Protocol MF07-01.

12 : A randomized phase III trial of systemic therapy plus early local therapy versus systemic therapy alone in women with de novo stage IV breast cancer: A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Research Group (E2108).

13 : Meta-analysis to determine if surgical resection of the primary tumour in the setting of stage IV breast cancer impacts on survival.

14 : Improved Survival After Primary Tumor Surgery in Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Propensity-adjusted, Population-based SEER Trend Analysis.

15 : Does local surgery have a role in the management of stage IV breast cancer?

16 : Phase II trial of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplant for stage IV breast cancer with minimal metastatic disease.

17 : Prognostic factors in patients with isolated recurrences of breast cancer (stage IV-NED).

18 : Does aggressive local therapy improve survival in metastatic breast cancer?

19 : Complete excision of primary breast tumor improves survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer at diagnosis.

20 : Effect of primary tumor extirpation in breast cancer patients who present with stage IV disease and an intact primary tumor.

21 : Surgical removal of the primary tumor increases overall survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer: analysis of the 1988-2003 SEER data.

22 : Surgical resection of the primary tumor is associated with increased long-term survival in patients with stage IV breast cancer after controlling for site of metastasis.

23 : Association of surgery with improved survival in stage IV breast cancer patients.

24 : Surgical resection of the primary tumor, chest wall control, and survival in women with metastatic breast cancer.

25 : Matched pair analyses of stage IV breast cancer with or without resection of primary breast site.

26 : Initial Surgery and Survival in Stage IV Breast Cancer in the United States, 1988-2011.

27 : Effects of surgical excision on survival of patients with stage IV breast cancer.

28 : Surgical resection of the primary tumour is associated with improved survival in patients with distant metastatic breast cancer at diagnosis.

29 : Primary tumor resection in stage IV breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

30 : Survival benefit of a combined surgical approach in patients with metastatic breast cancer.

31 : A randomized controlled trial comparing primary tumour resection plus systemic therapy with systemic therapy alone in metastatic breast cancer (PRIM-BC): Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study JCOG1017.

32 : Results of lung metastasectomy from breast cancer: prognostic criteria on the basis of 467 cases of the International Registry of Lung Metastases.

33 : The significance of prognostic factors for the resection of pulmonary metastases of breast cancer.

34 : Loco-regional treatment in metastatic breast cancer patients: is there a survival benefit?

35 : Safety and Survival Rates Associated With Ablative Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Patients With Oligometastatic Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

36 : Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for the Comprehensive Treatment of Oligometastatic Cancers: Long-Term Results of the SABR-COMET Phase II Randomized Trial.

37 : Trends in survival over the past two decades among white and black patients with newly diagnosed stage IV breast cancer.

38 : Survival of metastatic breast carcinoma patients over a 20-year period: a retrospective analysis based on individual patient data from six consecutive studies.

39 : Predicting survival of de novo metastatic breast cancer in Asian women: systematic review and validation study.

40 : Liver metastases of breast cancer: results of liver resection.

41 : Long-term results of lung metastasectomy: prognostic analyses based on 5206 cases.

42 : Pulmonary resection for metastatic breast cancer.

43 : Disease-free survival after resection of lung metastases in patients with breast cancer.

44 : Frequency of asymptomatic choroidal metastasis in patients with disseminated breast cancer: results of a prospective screening programme.

45 : Breast carcinoma metastatic to the choroid. Analysis of 67 patients.

46 : Ophthalmic Metastasis of Breast Cancer and Ocular Side Effects from Breast Cancer Treatment and Management: Mini Review.

47 : Is a diagnostic CT of the brain indicated in patients with choroidal metastases before radiotherapy?

48 : Uveal metastasis from breast cancer in 264 patients.

49 : External beam radiotherapy of choroidal metastases--final results of a prospective study of the German Cancer Society (ARO 95-08).

50 : Choroid metastases: clinical features and treatments in 123 patients.

51 : Clinical outcomes of hypofractionated radiation therapy for choroidal metastases: Symptom palliation, tumor control, and survival.

52 : New concepts in the diagnosis and management of choroidal metastases.

53 : Treatment of metastatic tumors of the choroid with proton beam irradiation.

54 : Outcomes of proton therapy for the treatment of uveal metastases.

55 : Metastatic breast carcinoma confined to bone: portrait of a clinical entity.

56 : Metastatic breast cancer confined to the skeletal system. An indolent disease.

57 : Clinical course and prognostic factors following bone recurrence from breast cancer.

58 : Results of surgical treatment for sternal metastasis of breast cancer.

59 : Sternal/para-sternal resection for parasternal local recurrence in breast cancer.

60 : Palliative radiation therapy for bone metastases: Update of an ASTRO Evidence-Based Guideline.

61 : Single vs multiple fraction palliative radiation therapy for bone metastases: Cumulative meta-analysis.

62 : Percutaneous Interventional Techniques for Treatment of Spinal Metastases.

63 : Interventional Techniques for the Ablation and Augmentation of Extraspinal Lytic Bone Metastases.

64 : Interventional radiology for treatment of bone metastases.

65 : Significance of a solitary lung shadow in patients with breast cancer.

66 : The solitary pulmonary nodule in the patient with breast cancer.

67 : Uncertain benefit from surgery in patients with lung metastases from breast carcinoma.

68 : Favourable long-term results after surgical removal of lung metastases of breast cancer.

69 : Prolonged overall survival after pulmonary metastasectomy in patients with breast cancer.

70 : Prognostic factors for resection of isolated pulmonary metastases in breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

71 : Breast liver metastases--incidence, diagnosis and outcome.

72 : Clinical outcome of breast cancer patients with liver metastases alone in the anthracycline-taxane era: a retrospective analysis of two prospective, randomised metastatic breast cancer trials.

73 : Clinical course of breast cancer patients with liver metastases.

74 : [Hepatic resection for breast cancer metastases: results and prognosis (65 cases)].

75 : Liver metastases from breast cancer: long-term survival after curative resection.

76 : Radiofrequency thermal ablation (RFA) of hepatic metastases (METS) from breast cancer (BC): an adjunctive tool in the multimodal treatment of advanced disease.

77 : Combined resection and radiofrequency ablation for advanced hepatic malignancies: results in 172 patients.

78 : Percutaneous radio-frequency ablation of liver metastases from breast cancer: initial experience in 24 patients.

79 : Radiofrequency ablation of metastatic lesions from breast cancer.

80 : Radiofrequency ablation of 231 unresectable hepatic tumors: indications, limitations, and complications.

81 : Radiofrequency ablation of 100 hepatic metastases with a mean follow-up of more than 1 year.

82 : Local Ablation for Solid Tumor Liver Metastases: Techniques and Treatment Efficacy.

83 : Ablative technologies for hepatocellular, cholangiocarcinoma, and metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver.

84 : Hepatic resection for metastatic breast cancer: a systematic review.

85 : Hepatic Resection or Ablation for Isolated Breast Cancer Liver Metastasis: A Case-control Study With Comparison to Medically Treated Patients.

86 : Secondary tumors of the gastrointestinal tract: surgical pathologic findings and comparison with autopsy survey.

87 : Metastases of the digestive tract. Report of 77 cases and review of the literature.

88 : Clinical presentation, endoscopic features, and treatment of gastric metastases from breast carcinoma.

89 : Breast cancer: presentation and intervention in women with gastrointestinal metastasis and carcinomatosis.

90 : Lobular Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients With Gastrointestinal Involvement: Features and Outcomes.

91 : Secondary ovarian carcinoma: a clinical and pathological evaluation.

92 : Metastatic ovarian tumors: a clinicopathologic study of 150 cases.

93 : Role of laparoscopy in the evaluation of the adnexa in patients with stage IV breast cancer.

94 : Metastatic breast carcinoma to the abdomen and pelvis.

95 : Ovarian disease in women with breast cancer.

96 : Ovarian metastases from breast cancer: report of 29 cases.

97 : Ovarian metastases resection from extragenital primary sites: outcome and prognostic factor analysis of 147 patients.