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Overview of the pulmonary complications of sickle cell disease

Overview of the pulmonary complications of sickle cell disease
Elizabeth S Klings, MD
Shaina Willen, MD
Section Editors:
Jess Mandel, MD
Elliott P Vichinsky, MD
Deputy Editors:
Helen Hollingsworth, MD
Jennifer S Tirnauer, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Dec 09, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Sickle cell disease (SCD) encompasses a group of hemoglobinopathies characterized by amino acid substitutions in the beta globin chain. Sickle cell anemia is caused by homozygous sickle mutation (HbSS). The sickle mutation causes substitution of a valine for glutamic acid as the sixth amino acid of the beta globin chain. The resulting hemoglobin tetramer (alpha2/betaS2) is poorly soluble when deoxygenated. Other forms of SCD include HbSC disease, in which an individual is a compound heterozygote for the sickle mutation and hemoglobin C (created by substitution of lysine for glutamic acid as the sixth amino acid), and sickle-beta+-thalassemia or sickle beta0- thalassemia, in which one beta globin allele has the HbS mutation and the other has a beta thalassemia variant with reduced or absent production of beta globin.

Deoxygenated sickle hemoglobin polymerizes into sheets of elongated rope-like fibers, causing a marked decrease in red cell deformability and distortion of the cell into the classic crescent or sickle shape (picture 1), the primary pathophysiologic event responsible for vaso-occlusive complications (picture 1) [1]. Vaso-occlusive phenomena and hemolysis are the clinical hallmarks of SCD and result in recurrent painful episodes referred to as vaso-occlusive events (VOEs; previously called sickle cell crisis) and a variety of serious organ system complications that can lead to life-long disabilities and premature death. However, hemoglobin polymerization alone does not account for the full pathophysiology of SCD. Subsequent changes in red cell membrane structure and function, disordered cell volume control, and increased adherence to vascular endothelium also play an important role [1-3]. (See "Mechanisms of vaso-occlusion in sickle cell disease".)

Chronic pulmonary complications are common in patients with SCD and are a major cause of morbidity and mortality [4-6]. These complications represent a broad group of disorders involving a spectrum of cell types and pathophysiologic processes and include:

Chronic dyspnea

Pulmonary function test abnormalities

Asthma or recurrent wheezing without a diagnosis of asthma

Pulmonary hypertension

Acute and chronic venous thromboembolic disease

Pulmonary fibrosis

Sleep-disordered breathing

Issues relating to the chronic pulmonary manifestations of SCD will be reviewed here [6,7]. Other aspects of SCD, such as diagnosis and management and acute pulmonary presentations, are discussed separately. (See "Overview of the clinical manifestations of sickle cell disease" and "Diagnosis of sickle cell disorders" and "Sickle cell disease in infancy and childhood: Routine health care maintenance and anticipatory guidance" and "Acute chest syndrome (ACS) in sickle cell disease (adults and children)" and "Overview of the management and prognosis of sickle cell disease".)

ACUTE CHEST SYNDROME — Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is the most common form of acute pulmonary disease in patients with SCD, occurring in almost one-half of patients. ACS is defined as a new segmental opacity on chest radiograph accompanied by fever and/or respiratory symptoms in a patient with SCD. Etiologies include pulmonary vasoocclusion and ischemia, pneumonia, fat embolization, and thrombosis (either intravascular or thromboembolic). Discussions of the acute chest syndrome in children, adolescents, and adults are presented separately. (See "Acute chest syndrome (ACS) in sickle cell disease (adults and children)".)

CHRONIC DYSPNEA — Dyspnea is a common yet under-reported symptom in SCD, particularly in adults. Many SCD patients begin to experience subtle declines in their exercise capacity in early to late adolescence, and a careful history will often reveal self-limitations on previously performed sports and exertional activities. This subtle dyspnea becomes more overt as these patients reach adulthood. Screening questionnaires of 147 adults with HbSS and HbSC have helped to characterize this symptom more objectively. Approximately 50 percent of adults with HbSS and 40 percent of those with HbSC experience dyspnea with mild to moderate exertion [8].

The etiology of chronic dyspnea in SCD is likely multi-factorial. While anemia is an important contributor, other explanations for dyspnea often coexist. A careful history (including specific questions about exercise limitations and level of conditioning), physical examination, comparison of hemoglobin level with baseline values, pulmonary function tests, and ambulatory oximetry are recommended to fully characterize dyspnea in this population (table 1) [9].  

Generally, this initial evaluation will provide clues as to the etiology of chronic dyspnea and direct further studies and management, as described in the following sections. Common causes of dyspnea in chronic SCD include anemia, deconditioning, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, venous thromboembolism, pulmonary fibrosis from recurrent acute chest events, and myocardial dysfunction. These conditions are discussed below and separately. (See "Pulmonary hypertension associated with sickle cell disease" and "Overview of the clinical manifestations of sickle cell disease", section on 'Cardiac complications' and "Overview of the clinical manifestations of sickle cell disease", section on 'Anemia'.)

ASTHMA — Asthma is common in patients with SCD, particularly among children and adolescents [10,11]. As an example, in a case control study, asthma was more common among 80 children with SCD than among ethnically-matched controls (48 versus 22 percent) [12]. Similarly, small cohort studies suggest that children with SCD are at increased risk for developing airway hyperreactivity and airway obstruction [13,14].

The interrelationship of asthma and SCD is complex and not well-understood. In three large cohort studies examining the interrelationship of asthma and SCD, children with a diagnosis of asthma have increased rates of both pain and ACS [15]. Additionally, children with a history of acute chest syndrome (ACS) are more likely to develop asthma [12]. It is thought that severe airway narrowing due to asthma can lead to local hypoxia and promote sickling and systemic inflammation [16]. In addition, recurrent ACS may contribute to lung inflammation and increased bronchial hyperreactivity [17-19]. While some patients clearly have an atopic phenotype [12], which has been associated with an increased risk for ACS in children [20] others do not, suggesting that non-allergic mediated inflammation also plays a role in the pathogenesis of asthma in patients with SCD [17]. The contribution of asthma to ACS is discussed separately. (See "Acute chest syndrome (ACS) in sickle cell disease (adults and children)", section on 'Overview of pathogenesis'.)

The diagnosis of asthma in SCD can be challenging because the symptoms and signs of asthma (eg, shortness of breath, cough, wheeze) overlap with other pulmonary complications of SCD. The presence of intermittent or chronic symptoms and wheezing on examination should lead to an evaluation for asthma. As in other settings, the diagnosis of asthma is based upon the demonstration of variable airflow limitation, preferably by spirometry before and after bronchodilator, and exclusion of alternate diagnoses. In addition to asthma, the differential diagnosis of wheezing in a patient with SCD includes processes such as decompensated heart failure, viral infection, gastroesophageal reflux, congenital abnormalities (eg, vascular ring, congenital lobar emphysema), bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, and vocal cord dysfunction. (See 'Pulmonary function test abnormalities' below and "Asthma in children younger than 12 years: Initial evaluation and diagnosis" and "Asthma in adolescents and adults: Evaluation and diagnosis" and "Evaluation of wheezing illnesses other than asthma in adults".)

Management of asthma in SCD should follow guidelines established for non-SCD patients with asthma. (See "An overview of asthma management" and "Asthma in children younger than 12 years: Overview of initiating therapy and monitoring control".)

PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST ABNORMALITIES — Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are often abnormal in adult and pediatric patients with SCD. In these discussions, pediatric patients are defined by an age <18 years [4]. (See "Overview of pulmonary function testing in adults" and "Overview of pulmonary function testing in children".)

Adults — PFTs are generally obtained in adults with SCD in response to a report of dyspnea or to monitor known asthma, but are not obtained on a routine schedule. In a cross-sectional evaluation from the multi-center Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease, pulmonary function was assessed in 310 adult African-Americans with HbSS disease irrespective of symptoms [21]. Only 10 percent of these patients had completely normal PFTs. The following abnormal PFT patterns were found [21-23]:

Restrictive pattern – 74 percent

Isolated low diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) – 13 percent

Mixed obstructive/restrictive pattern – 2 percent

Obstructive pattern – 1 percent

These patterns were not significantly different between individuals with or without a prior history of acute chest syndrome. Similar findings were reported in another cohort of adult patients [24]. Even when corrected for anemia, the DLCO is often low, particularly in patients with a history of the acute chest syndrome (calculator 1 and calculator 2) [21].

Longitudinal studies of pulmonary function in adults with SCD demonstrate an average decline in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) of 49 mL/year compared with 20 to 26 mL/year in the general population [25]. The decline is unrelated to smoking status. A cohort of 430 adults with SCD, mean age 32.6 ± 9.5 (range, 21.0-67.8) years, was monitored for a median of 5.5 years, during which 63 deaths occurred. In the final multivariable model, a lower FEV1 percent predicted was associated with increased hazard ratio of death (HR 1.02; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-1.04; P = 0.037) [26].

Pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) is reduced in adults with SCD, with steady-state baseline values below 96 percent in an appreciable portion of patients. Significant desaturations occur with exertion and with sleep. A widened alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient is observed both at rest and with exercise [27]. (See 'Sleep disordered breathing' below.)

Children — Children and adolescents with SCD may have abnormal PFTs, and asthma is common among children with SCD. Thus, we suggest performing spirometry in children with SCD every one to three years, using the more frequent intervals for those with dyspnea, a history of asthma or recurrent wheezing, or accentuated elevations in hemolytic markers [28].

While restrictive physiology, as observed in adults, can occur in the pediatric age group, a number of studies of non-referred cohorts report a predominance of obstructive disease in those with abnormal lung function [29,30].

A retrospective study of 127 children and adolescents with SCD found that obstructive airways disease was present in 35 percent while restrictive physiology occurred in 26 percent [30]. The remaining 39 percent had normal pulmonary function.

In a subsequent prospective study, 146 patients aged 7 to 20 years with HbSS or HbS-beta0 thalassemia were evaluated with PFTs [28]. In this study, 39 percent had abnormal PFTs with an obstructive pattern present in 19 percent, restrictive in 9 percent, and abnormal but not characterized in 11 percent. Increasing age, a family or patient history of asthma or wheezing, and an elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level reflective of hemolysis were all predictive of obstructive physiology.

A study of 149 non-referred HbSS or HbS-beta0 thalassemia children and adolescents participating in the NIH-funded Sleep and Asthma Cohort Study found that percentages of normal, obstructive, restrictive, nonspecific, and mixed lung function patterns were 70, 16, 7, 6, and 1, respectively [31]. Lung function pattern was not predictive of future vaso-occlusive events or acute chest syndrome, nor reflective of prior history of acute chest syndrome, thus calling into question the predictive role of PFTs in this population.

In a prospective study involving 19 children and young adults (ages 2 to 21 years) who underwent haploidentical stem cell transplantation, pulmonary function including forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC), total lung capacity (TLC), and DLCO were stable to improved two years posttransplant compared with baseline values [32]. Specific airway conductance was significantly improved at two years (p<0.004).

Longitudinal studies have shown variability in the magnitude of decline in FEV1 percent predicted over time among children. In a single institution prospective study of 92 children, a decline of 1.7 percent per year was noted in one cohort (47 children ages 3 to 13 years examined over two years) and 0.9 percent per year in a second (45 children ages 4 to 16 years examined over 10 years) [33]. Examination of 197 children ages 4 to 19 years from the Sleep and Asthma Cohort Study showed a small decline of 0.3 percent in FEV1 percent predicted over time (approximately five years). Furthermore, none of the examined clinical covariates (sex, baseline laboratory values, rate of pain or ACS, asthma diagnosis, or treatment with hydroxyurea) were associated with this decline [34]. Therefore, both the degree of decline in lung function from the pediatric population to adulthood and the factors impacting this decline are variable and unclear.

Measurements of SpO2 are typically below normal in children with SCD. As examples:

In a prospective cohort study of 130 children from the Cooperative Study for Sickle Cell Disease (CSSCD), mean and median daytime SpO2 were 94 and 95 percent, respectively [35].

Similar results (95 to 96 percent) were seen in three other studies of mean daytime SpO2 [36-38].

A study of 39 SCD patients (median age of 10.8 years) found that 45 percent had post-exercise hypoxemia defined as an SpO2 decrease ≥3 percent after a six-minute walk test [39].

Daytime SpO2 does not appear to independently predict subsequent vaso-occlusive or acute chest episodes [35]. In addition, there are no data correlating daytime SpO2 with nighttime SpO2, which generally is lower than daytime values [35]. Nevertheless, SpO2 values below baseline measurements for individual patients with SCD, either at rest or following exercise, are useful in detecting and monitoring for the presence of pulmonary complications.

PULMONARY HYPERTENSION — Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a relatively frequent (occurring in 6 to 11 percent of adults) and severe complication of SCD and an independent risk factor for mortality [7]. Exertional dyspnea is a clue to the presence of PH; initial evaluation typically includes Doppler echocardiography, measurement of N-terminal-pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP) levels, and a six-minute walk test. PH may be suspected on the basis of exertional dyspnea and noninvasive testing, but definitive diagnosis requires right heart catheterization (RHC) with demonstration of a resting mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) ≥25 mmHg (algorithm 1). Updated criteria for PH include an mPAP ≥20 mmHg, but this value has not been specifically studied in patients with SCD. The prevalence, pathogenesis, screening and risk stratification, diagnosis, and treatment of PH in SCD are discussed in detail separately. (See "Pulmonary hypertension associated with sickle cell disease".)

VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM AND PULMONARY THROMBOSIS — SCD is a hypercoagulable state with reported abnormalities in coagulation and platelet function [40]. Autopsy examinations of the lungs from patients with SCD reveal fibrin thrombi in larger arteries with or without infarction, and extensive thrombosis in smaller arteries (in-situ thrombosis) [41-44]. As an example, in a series of 21 patients with SCD with sudden death, pulmonary thromboembolism and microvascular occlusive thrombi were noted in 38 and 28 percent, respectively [44]. A separate autopsy study of 30 patients from Brazil revealed recent thrombosis in 80 percent and old thrombosis in 43 percent [45].

Frequency of venous and arterial thrombosis — Several studies suggest that the frequencies of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and pulmonary arterial thrombosis are increased among patients with SCD [46-49]:

In a cross-sectional study of 404 patients with sickle cell disease, a history of VTE was noted in 25 percent and non-catheter-related VTE in 19 percent [47].

Data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey revealed that a discharge diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) was approximately three times higher among patients with SCD than without, although the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) was not increased [49]. Compared with non-SCD patients with a PE, those with SCD and a PE were significantly older and had a longer length of stay, greater severity of illness, and higher mortality [48].

Data from the California Patient Discharge Database (CPDD) revealed that in 6237 patients with SCD, 696 (11 percent) had an incident VTE by age 40. Among those with severe disease (defined as three or more hospitalizations in the prior year), 17 percent had sustained a VTE and the five-year recurrence rate in these patients was 37 percent [50].

Among 877 SCD patients in the CPDD with an incident VTE, the cumulative incidence of recurrence at one year was 13.2 percent (95% CI 11.0-15.5 percent) and at five years was 24.1 percent (95% CI 21.2-27.1 percent). Risk factors for VTE recurrence included more severe SCD (HR 2.41; 95% CI 1.67-3.47), lower extremity DVT as the incident event (HR 1.64; 95% CI 1.17-2.30), and pneumonia/acute chest syndrome (HR 1.68; 95% CI 1.15-2.45). The cumulative incidence of bleeding was 4.9 percent (95% CI 3.5-6.4 percent) at six months and 7.9 percent (95% CI 6.2-9.8 percent) at one year [51].

Evaluation — The evaluation of acute VTE is slightly different in patients with SCD than without. The D-dimer and the modified Geneva score, methods used to screen for VTE, have limited value in SCD [46,52]. D-dimer levels are increased in SCD relative to controls and fluctuate with vasoocclusive events [40]. The poor predictive value of scoring systems is likely due to the overlap between the signs used in the scoring systems for VTE and the characteristic features of ACS. Thus, we typically perform a computed tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) when VTE is suspected due to factors such as acute onset or worsening of dyspnea, presence of lower extremity edema, lack of expected improvement in pulse oxygen saturation with treatment of ACS, or when the patient has other risk factors for VTE (eg, long-term central venous catheter, recent surgery [particularly hip replacement], pregnancy, prior surgical splenectomy, or immobility) [27,40]. (See "Clinical presentation, evaluation, and diagnosis of the nonpregnant adult with suspected acute pulmonary embolism".)

Treatment — The optimal treatment of confirmed acute VTE and pulmonary thrombosis in SCD is not known, but the ongoing thrombotic risk and high rate of recurrence has led to the practice of lifelong anticoagulation after a first-time VTE in SCD patients without a contraindication [53]. However, due to the risks of anticoagulation in patients with worsening anemia due to SCD, we typically delay full anticoagulation pending the results of the CTPA, unless the clinical suspicion is high. (See "Treatment, prognosis, and follow-up of acute pulmonary embolism in adults" and "Venous thromboembolism: Initiation of anticoagulation (first 10 days)".)

The management of chronic VTE in patients with pulmonary hypertension is described separately. (See "Pulmonary hypertension associated with sickle cell disease", section on 'Long-term anticoagulation'.)

All adults with SCD admitted to the hospital with an acute medical illness, including pneumonia and pulmonary hypertension, should receive VTE prophylaxis. This is discussed in more detail separately. (See "Overview of the management and prognosis of sickle cell disease", section on 'Thromboembolism prophylaxis'.)

PULMONARY FIBROSIS — Pulmonary fibrosis (chronic scarring of the lung parenchyma) is occasionally seen in patients with recurrent episodes of acute chest syndrome (ACS) with pulmonary infarction. In the past, the term sickle cell chronic lung disease (SCCLD) was used to describe the association of pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension in SCD, but now these processes are considered individually and the term chronic sickle cell lung disease is considered obsolete [7,54,55].

The clinical manifestations of pulmonary fibrosis in SCD include dyspnea and scattered areas of honeycombing on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest. A restrictive pattern on pulmonary function tests is common in adults with SCD and might be expected to be present in SCD-associated pulmonary fibrosis, possibly in association with a reduction in diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO). However, studies to correlate imaging and pulmonary function tests have not been done.

There is no specific therapy for pulmonary fibrosis in SCD, other than attention to measures to prevent future episodes of ACS. (See "Acute chest syndrome (ACS) in sickle cell disease (adults and children)", section on 'Prevention'.)

SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING — Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), which is commonly due to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), has been identified as an important comorbidity in SCD that may contribute to the frequency of acute pain episodes and possibly chronic cardiopulmonary disease [56]. Nocturnal desaturations can occur with or without the coexistence of OSA; their etiology is not well defined. Sleep-disordered breathing is under-appreciated and consequently, often under-treated in SCD. A standardized approach for screening and treating these patients has not been developed.

Prevalence – Many patients with SCD and SDB do not report symptoms of SDB, yet the prevalence of SDB appears to be higher than in the general population. In the Sleep and Asthma Cohort Study, 243 children unselected for symptoms of OSA underwent full channel, in-laboratory polysomnography [57]. Using various obstructive apnea hypopnea indices (OAHI), OSA was present in 100 (41 percent) or 25 (10 percent) children at cutpoints of ≥1 or ≥5, respectively.

One prospective study of 32 consecutive HbSS adults found SDB in 44 percent with a mean apnea-hypopnea index of 17/hour (95% CI 10-24/hour) [58]. Another small prospective study of 20 adults between 21 and 30 years of age found that 10 had an AHI >5 consistent with OSA irrespective of symptoms; this was associated with reduced health related quality of life and increased systolic blood pressures. Interestingly, OSA in these patients was not associated with either obesity or a history of snoring [59].

Etiology – The etiology of SDB is not well understood in sickle cell disease. Children and adolescents with SCD have reduced upper airway diameters and increased adenoid and tonsillar size (known risk factors for OSA) compared with normal volunteers [60]. It has been presumed that OSA is the primary cause of nocturnal hypoxemia in SCD, but this is not necessarily the case. In one study of 20 patients with nocturnal hypoxemia, 12 did not have obstructive events during a 16 channel polysomnogram (PSG) [61], which may explain why adenotonsillectomy fails to correct hypoxemia in some patients [62]. In the Sleep and Asthma cohort, among 243 children with sickle cell anemia, the only independent risk factors for moderate to severe OSA were habitual snoring and pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) <96 percent while awake [57]. A model incorporating these two risk factors had a negative predictive value of 0.99, but a positive predictive value of only 0.32 for OSA documented by polysomnography. (See "Adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea in children", section on 'High-risk populations'.)

Nocturnal hypoxemia and hypoventilation – Gas exchange abnormalities in SCD are not limited to hypoxemia. In a study of 19 children with SCD and a history concerning for SDB, 12 met criteria for OSA [63]. When these patients were compared to 10 age-, sex-, and racially-matched children with OSA without co-existent SCD, the children with SCD had a longer duration of oxygen desaturation, a lower oxygen saturation nadir, and a higher percentage of sleep time with end-tidal carbon dioxide levels >50 mmHg, suggesting greater impairments of both oxygenation and ventilation. Furthermore, oxygen desaturations with sleep are associated with daytime hypoxemia in SCD, suggesting that the pathologic impact on the endothelium is not limited to sleep-related events [64].

A retrospective study in adults and children with SCD referred for a sleep study identified isolated nocturnal hypoxemia in both age groups, which was associated with reduced daytime oxygen saturations at rest, and markers of worsening anemia [65].

There is some evidence linking nocturnal hypoxemia with an increased rate of both vaso-occlusive episodes [66] and cerebrovascular events [67,68], but these data are inconsistent [69]. Data from the Sleep and Asthma Cohort study did not find an association between low nocturnal SpO2 or higher OAHI and vaso-occlusive pain or ACS episodes. Alternatively, higher mean nocturnal SpO2 was associated with higher rates of severe acute pain episodes (incidence rate ratio 1.10, 95% CI 1.03-1.18) [70]. However, adult studies have shown an association between OSA, nocturnal hypoxemia, and priapism among men with SCD [71].

Treatment with hydroxyurea may reduce nocturnal hypoxemia. In a retrospective study, 37 children with SCD receiving hydroxyurea were compared with 104 who were not [72]. The hydroxyurea group had significantly higher nocturnal nadir in the median pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) than the non-hydroxyurea group (91.4 and 85 percent saturation, respectively, p = 0.0002). The median sleep and awake SpO2 values were also greater in the hydroxyurea group. No difference was observed in the apnea-hypopnea index or the frequency of OSA. While promising, the observational nature of the study limits the conclusions that can be drawn in terms of the effect of hydroxyurea on clinical outcomes such as vasoocclusive crises and sleep quality. (See "Hydroxyurea use in sickle cell disease".)

Indications for polysomnography – Evaluation for OSA by polysomnography is usually performed in patients with complaints such as snoring, non-restorative sleep, nocturnal gasping, choking, observed apneas during sleep, or daytime hypersomnolence, although it is possible that screening should be considered more broadly for children and adolescents with snoring, unexplained hypoxemia, recurrent acute chest or vaso-occlusive episodes, or enuresis. Because of the known association of OSA with pulmonary hypertension (PH) in non-SCD populations, the clinical guidelines for diagnosis of PH in SCD recommend a formal sleep study for all SCD patients with PH or an elevated tricuspid regurgitation velocity (TRV) on echocardiography [9]. (See "Clinical presentation and diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in adults" and "Evaluation of suspected obstructive sleep apnea in children".)

Treatment – The treatment of OSA complicating SCD is essentially the same as that in children and adults with OSA in the absence of SCD. In a small case series, treatment of SCD children with OSA produced a reduction in TRV [73].

While SDB may be exacerbated by adenoid and tonsillar hypertrophy, adenotonsillectomy is often not curative in patients with SCD, and the impact on cardiopulmonary outcomes is unclear. Nonetheless, children and adolescents with SCD and OSA should be evaluated for adenotonsillar hypertrophy, as adenotonsillectomy can be curative in some patients. (See "Management of obstructive sleep apnea in children" and "Management of obstructive sleep apnea in adults".)

SICKLE CELL TRAIT — Respiratory dysfunction is rare in patients with sickle cell trait. Minimal, if any, differences in exercise tolerance and pulmonary function have been observed either at sea level or at higher altitudes when comparing individuals with sickle cell trait and matched controls who have normal hemoglobin. One area of growing concern is the risk of VTE in patients with sickle cell trait (SCT). Several studies have demonstrated that SCT is a modest VTE risk factor, with an overall 1.5 to 2-fold increased risk of VTE comparing SCT carriers with non-carriers [74]. However, pulmonary infarction, acute chest syndrome, and sudden death during intense military training have rarely been reported and are discussed separately. (See "Sickle cell trait", section on 'Rhabdomyolysis and sudden death during strenuous physical activity'.)

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Sickle cell disease and thalassemias".)


Chronic pulmonary complications contribute substantially to morbidity and mortality in sickle cell disease (SCD). (See 'Introduction' above.)

Acute chest syndrome (ACS; defined as a new opacity of chest radiograph with fever and/or respiratory symptoms) is the most common form of acute pulmonary disease in SCD, occurring in almost one-half of patients. ACS is discussed in detail separately. (See "Acute chest syndrome (ACS) in sickle cell disease (adults and children)".)

Dyspnea is a common yet under-reported symptom in SCD, particularly in adults. Questions that may help elicit a history of dyspnea and alert clinicians to the need for further evaluation are provided in the table (table 1). (See 'Chronic dyspnea' above.)

Pulmonary function tests are often abnormal in SCD. A restrictive pattern is the most common pattern among adults with SCD, while an obstructive pattern is more common in the pediatric age groups. (See 'Pulmonary function test abnormalities' above.)

Asthma is an important disease modifier in SCD: children with a history of ACS are more likely to develop asthma, and those with asthma are more susceptible to ACS. Intermittent or chronic respiratory symptoms and wheezing should lead to an evaluation for asthma. (See 'Asthma' above.)

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a relatively frequent and severe complication of SCD and an independent risk factor for mortality. PH may be suspected on the basis of exertional dyspnea and noninvasive testing, but definitive diagnosis requires right heart catheterization with demonstration of a resting mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) ≥25 mmHg (algorithm 1). (See 'Pulmonary hypertension' above and "Pulmonary hypertension associated with sickle cell disease".)

The risks of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and pulmonary artery thrombosis are increased in SCD. Screening tests such as the D-dimer and clinical scoring systems are not reliable in SCD, so we typically perform a computed tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) when acute VTE is suspected. Due to the risks of anticoagulation in patients with anemia due to SCD, we typically delay full anticoagulation pending the results of the CTPA, unless the clinical suspicion is high. (See 'Venous thromboembolism and pulmonary thrombosis' above.)

Pulmonary fibrosis (chronic scarring of the lung parenchyma) is another potential cause of dyspnea and is occasionally seen in patients with recurrent episodes of ACS with pulmonary infarction. There is no specific therapy other than attention to measures to prevent future episodes of ACS. (See 'Pulmonary fibrosis' above.)

Sleep disordered breathing (nocturnal hypoxemia and obstructive sleep apnea [OSA]) is common in children and adolescents with SCD. The prevalence in adults is not completely clear, but a high index of clinical suspicion is warranted. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy may be curative in some children with OSA. (See 'Sleep disordered breathing' above.)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT — We are saddened by the death of Stanley L Schrier, MD, who passed away in August 2019. The editors at UpToDate gratefully acknowledge Dr. Schrier's role as Section Editor on this topic, his tenure as the founding Editor-in-Chief for UpToDate in Hematology, and his dedicated and longstanding involvement with the UpToDate program.

The UpToDate editorial staff acknowledges Harrison Farber, MD, who contributed to an earlier version of this topic review.


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Topic 7121 Version 44.0


1 : Pathogenesis and treatment of sickle cell disease.

2 : In vivo demonstration of red cell-endothelial interaction, sickling and altered microvascular response to oxygen in the sickle transgenic mouse.

3 : Vasoactive factors in sickle cell disease: in vitro evidence for endothelin-1-mediated vasoconstriction.

4 : Pulmonary complications of sickle cell anemia. A need for increased recognition, treatment, and research.

5 : Pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease.

6 : Chronic sickle cell lung disease: new insights into the diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension.

7 : Pulmonary complications of sickle cell disease.

8 : Pulmonary arterial hypertension and left-sided heart disease in sickle cell disease: clinical characteristics and association with soluble adhesion molecule expression.

9 : An official American Thoracic Society clinical practice guideline: diagnosis, risk stratification, and management of pulmonary hypertension of sickle cell disease.

10 : Asthma is associated with acute chest syndrome and pain in children with sickle cell anemia.

11 : The intersection between asthma and acute chest syndrome in children with sickle-cell anaemia.

12 : Asthma in children with sickle cell disease and its association with acute chest syndrome.

13 : Airway hyperreactivity in children with sickle cell disease.

14 : Prevalence and reversibility of lower airway obstruction in children with sickle cell disease.

15 : Asthma in children with sickle cell disease.

16 : Wheezing in children with sickle cell disease.

17 : Asthma and sickle cell disease: two distinct diseases or part of the same process?

18 : Airway hyperreactivity detected by methacholine challenge in children with sickle cell disease.

19 : Pulmonary function and airway hyperresponsiveness in adults with sickle cell disease.

20 : Aeroallergen sensitization predicts acute chest syndrome in children with sickle cell anaemia.

21 : Abnormal pulmonary function in adults with sickle cell anemia.

22 : The impact of recurrent acute chest syndrome on the lung function of young adults with sickle cell disease.

23 : Pattern of chronic lung lesions in adults with sickle cell disease in Lagos, Nigeria.

24 : Hemodynamic and functional assessment of patients with sickle cell disease and pulmonary hypertension.

25 : Longitudinal analysis of pulmonary function in adults with sickle cell disease.

26 : Low forced expiratory volume is associated with earlier death in sickle cell anemia.

27 : Chronic Pulmonary Complications of Sickle Cell Disease.

28 : Abnormal pulmonary function and associated risk factors in children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia.

29 : Lung function in sickle cell disease.

30 : Pulmonary function abnormalities and asthma are prevalent in children with sickle cell disease and are associated with acute chest syndrome.

31 : Pattern of Lung Function Is Not Associated with Prior or Future Morbidity in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia.

32 : Stable to improved cardiac and pulmonary function in children with high-risk sickle cell disease following haploidentical stem cell transplantation.

33 : Longitudinal assessment of lung function in children with sickle cell disease.

34 : Age is a predictor of a small decrease in lung function in children with sickle cell anemia.

35 : Daytime pulse oximeter measurements do not predict incidence of pain and acute chest syndrome episodes in sickle cell anemia.

36 : Clinical correlates of steady-state oxyhaemoglobin desaturation in children who have sickle cell disease.

37 : Prospective evaluation of haemoglobin oxygen saturation at rest and after exercise in paediatric sickle cell disease patients.

38 : Pulse oximetry and factors associated with hemoglobin oxygen desaturation in children with sickle cell disease.

39 : Severe nocturnal and postexercise hypoxia in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease.

40 : Sickle cell disease and venous thromboembolism: what the anticoagulation expert needs to know.

41 : The lung in sickle cell disease.

42 : Pulmonary changes in sickle cell disease.

43 : Pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell hemoglobinopathy: a clinicopathologic study of 20 cases.

44 : Sickle cell lung disease and sudden death: a retrospective/prospective study of 21 autopsy cases and literature review.

45 : Clinical relevance of pulmonary vasculature involvement in sickle cell disease.

46 : Pulmonary artery thrombosis during acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease.

47 : Venous thromboembolism in adults with sickle cell disease: a serious and under-recognized complication.

48 : Pulmonary embolism in sickle cell disease: a case-control study.

49 : Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in hospitalized patients with sickle cell disease.

50 : Increased incidence of VTE in sickle cell disease patients: risk factors, recurrence and impact on mortality.

51 : High incidence of venous thromboembolism recurrence in patients with sickle cell disease.

52 : Factors associated with positive D-dimer results in patients evaluated for pulmonary embolism.

53 : How I diagnose and treat venous thromboembolism in sickle cell disease.

54 : Sickle cell chronic lung disease: prior morbidity and the risk of pulmonary failure.

55 : Pulmonary complications of hemoglobinopathies.

56 : The burden of sleep disordered breathing in children with sickle cell disease.

57 : Obstructive sleep apnea and sickle cell anemia.

58 : Sleep disorders in adult sickle cell patients.

59 : Sleep-disordered breathing and nocturnal hypoxemia in young adults with sickle cell disease.

60 : Upper airway lymphoid tissue size in children with sickle cell disease.

61 : Mechanisms of nocturnal oxyhemoglobin desaturation in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease.

62 : Polysomnographic characteristics of a referred sample of children with sickle cell disease.

63 : Severity of obstructive sleep apnea in children with sickle cell disease.

64 : Low daytime pulse oximetry reading is associated with nocturnal desaturation and obstructive sleep apnea in children with sickle cell anemia.

65 : Clinical and laboratory findings associated with sleep disordered breathing in sickle cell disease.

66 : Nocturnal oxygen saturation and painful sickle cell crises in children.

67 : Nocturnal hypoxaemia and central-nervous-system events in sickle-cell disease.

68 : Nocturnal oxyhemoglobin desaturation and arteriopathy in a pediatric sickle cell disease cohort.

69 : Does sleep-disordered breathing contribute to the clinical severity of sickle cell anemia?

70 : Sleep disordered breathing does not predict acute severe pain episodes in children with sickle cell anemia.

71 : Priapism is associated with sleep hypoxemia in sickle cell disease.

72 : Higher nocturnal and awake oxygen saturations in children with sickle cell disease receiving hydroxyurea therapy.

73 : Elevation of tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity, a marker for pulmonary hypertension in children with sickle cell disease.

74 : The current state of sickle cell trait: implications for reproductive and genetic counseling.