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Molecular biology of prostate cancer

Molecular biology of prostate cancer
Donald Vander Griend, PhD
Section Editors:
Nicholas Vogelzang, MD
W Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd
Jerome P Richie, MD, FACS
Deputy Editor:
Diane MF Savarese, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jan 06, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide according to data from the GLOBOCAN database. If completely localized within the capsule of the gland, some favorable-risk prostate cancers can be managed with active surveillance or potentially cured by definitive local therapy (eg, radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, brachytherapy). In contrast, non-organ-confined disease is often fatal. (See "Initial approach to low- and very low-risk clinically localized prostate cancer" and "Overview of systemic treatment for advanced, recurrent and metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer and local treatment for patients with metastatic disease".)

Here we will provide an overview of the molecular changes that are proposed to be involved in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer, particularly those that accompany metastatic disease and castration resistance. The diagnosis, staging, and treatment of prostate cancer are covered elsewhere. (See appropriate topic reviews.)

PATHOGENESIS — Metastatic prostate cancers can be lethal because they heterogeneously contain both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent malignant cells. For those cells that are androgen dependent, a critical level of androgen is required to activate a sufficient number of androgen receptors (ARs) so that transcription of death-signaling genes is repressed [1]. Androgen ablation therapies allow these genes to be expressed, triggering the biochemical cascade that results in apoptotic cell death, resulting in the eradication of the large fraction of androgen-dependent cancer cells [2,3]. In contrast, androgen ablation does not induce apoptosis in androgen-independent cells [4]; their eventual outgrowth is responsible for the lethality of advanced disease. (See "Overview of systemic treatment for advanced, recurrent and metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer and local treatment for patients with metastatic disease".)

Although prostate cancer typically presents in men over the age of 65, a growing body of evidence suggests that prostatic carcinogenesis is initiated much earlier [5]. Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) is thought to represent a precursor of adenocarcinoma, although not all cases progress to invasive disease. One of the most pressing clinical problems presented by prostate cancer is the difficulty in predicting its clinical course based on clinical or histologic features. (See "Precancerous lesions of the prostate: Pathology and clinical implications".)

Prostate cancer progression has been related to a number of genetic abnormalities that affect the AR and other molecules that are involved in the regulation of cell survival and apoptosis [6]. A multistep process of prostate carcinogenesis has been proposed in which progressive accumulation of genetic alterations is postulated to facilitate cellular transformation from normal prostate epithelium to PIN, invasive neoplasia, and castration resistance [6,7].

Over the last decade, a number of genes involved in or associated with prostate cancer have been identified and characterized [6]. Many of these genes or their protein products are under study for their value in clinical staging (sometimes termed "molecular staging") with the goal of more closely tailoring the selection of treatment to expected prognosis [8]. Perhaps more importantly, mechanistic studies to determine the biochemical result of specific molecular changes might reveal additional targets for therapy. Unfortunately, the heterogeneity of prostate cancers, the variability in analytic techniques, and the lack of suitable model systems for different stages of prostate progression have hampered progress. (See "Clinical presentation and diagnosis of prostate cancer".)

CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS AND CANDIDATE GENES — Techniques such as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), comparative genomic hybridization, and microsatellite analysis have demonstrated losses or gains in various chromosomes that are associated with prostate cancer progression [9-12]. In many instances, the target gene or genes have been identified. Further advances in positional cloning technology and the information provided by the human genome project are expected to facilitate the identification of candidate genes within these chromosomal regions.

There are three categories of chromosomal changes that may play a role in the development and progression of prostate cancer: those that are associated with genetic predisposition (eg, 1q deletions), somatic alterations that result in amplification of presumed oncogenes (eg, 7p and 8q), and somatic alterations that result in the loss of function of presumed tumor suppressor genes (eg, 8p, 10q, 12q, 13q, and 17p). Here we will provide an overview of selected molecular changes that occur during prostate cancer development and progression, with a particular emphasis on their prognostic and therapeutic value. Specific details of these chromosomal alterations are beyond the scope of this review and are discussed more in depth elsewhere [13,14].

Genetic factors that may influence prostate cancer risk are discussed elsewhere. (See "Risk factors for prostate cancer".)

Oncogenes — Oncogenes are homologs of normal cellular genes in which a mutational change results in constitutive activation and gain of function. These mutations either accelerate cellular growth and/or proliferation (eg, c-myc, beta catenin, human epidermal growth factor 2 [HER2], Ras), or facilitate abnormal cell division (eg, mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 1 [MKP-1], B cell leukemia/lymphoma [bcl-2], telomerase).

c-myc — Gain of chromosome 8q sequences is a common feature of prostate cancer, particularly metastatic tumors [15]. The target gene is not known, but one candidate is c-myc, which is amplified in a subset of advanced tumors. The myc oncogene, located at chromosome 8q24, encodes a nuclear protein that is involved in the control of normal cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. Increasing levels of overexpression correlate with advancing stage and grade of prostate cancer [16-18], and high levels of amplification are found in a subset of men with androgen-independent disease [19-21].

MKP-1 — Several oncogenes involved in prostate carcinogenesis activate mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, which can relay both proliferative (via extracellular regulated kinases [ERK]) and apoptotic signals (via Jun N-terminal protein kinases [JNK]) to the nucleus. MKP-1 is a dual-specificity MAP kinase phosphatase that dephosphorylates both phosphotyrosine and phosphothreonine residues on the JNK and ERK MAP kinases, providing overall protection from apoptotic influences. Overexpression of MKP-1 has been detected in the earliest stages of prostate cancer, including prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) [22,23]. In one report of 51 prostate cancers, MKP-1 was overexpressed in PIN lesions, but its expression decreased with higher histologic grade and advanced disease stage [22].

Bcl-2 — Overexpression of the bcl-2 oncogene by prostate cancers confers resistance to apoptosis [24], and upregulation of bcl-2 (particularly in conjunction with p53 mutations, see below) is a frequent and important step in the progression to advanced or castration-resistant disease [25-29]. Bcl-2 tends to be expressed more strongly as malignant change progresses along the continuum from preinvasive to metastatic cancer [30-32]. As a result, the bcl-2 protein is a potential target for clinical intervention, particularly using antisense molecules such as oblimersen [33-35]. Its value as a prognostic marker is less certain [36-39].

Telomerase — Telomeres are specialized nucleoprotein structures that cap the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes [40]. Because of incomplete DNA replication at the ends of chromosomes, telomeres progressively shorten with each cell division in eukaryotic cells. This progressive loss of telomeres is postulated to be the "clock" by which normal cells senesce with age, and telomere maintenance appears to be an important regulator of cellular life span.

Telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein enzyme, compensates for telomere shortening during cell division by synthesizing telomeric DNA, thereby maintaining telomere length. In normal somatic cells, telomerase activity is usually undetectable, with the exception of hematopoietic cells, hair follicles, intestinal crypt cells, and epidermal basal cells. In contrast, upregulation of telomerase and amplification of telomeric DNA are detected in many cancers, including up to 90 percent of prostate cancers, and in high-grade PIN [41-47]. Higher-grade cancers appear to have maximally elevated telomerase activity [46,47].

Telomerase has been exploited both as a diagnostic tool and a therapeutic strategy in prostate cancer. A urinary assay for telomerase has been proposed as a noninvasive means of detecting prostate cancer, while the therapeutic potential of agents targeting telomerase and telomere-associated enzymes is beginning to be explored [48].

Beta catenin — The catenin family of proteins is thought to play a critical role in cell-cell adhesion. However, the role of beta catenin in prostate tumorigenesis appears to be distinct from cell adhesion. Although most cases of prostate cancer show downregulation of beta catenin at the messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein level [49,50], approximately 5 percent contain activating mutations within the beta catenin gene [51,52]. This gain of function mutation results in protein stabilization and accumulation in the nucleus, where beta catenin forms a transcriptional complex that is capable of upregulating target genes, such as the androgen receptor (AR) [51,53]. Up to 20 percent of lethal prostate cancers contain nuclear beta catenin, suggesting a more common role in advanced disease [54].

Ras pathway — The Ras oncogene is thought to be important in pathogenesis in many human malignancies (eg, non-small cell lung cancer).

In prostate cancer, Ras amplification does not seem to play a major role in disease initiation and development in American men [55,56], although somewhat higher mutation rates are reported in Japanese men [57,58].

In contrast, epigenetic inactivation of the RASSF1A gene (located on chromosome 3p21) via promoter methylation is present in approximately 60 to 70 percent of prostate cancers, particularly more-aggressive tumors [59-61].

An alternative mechanism for prostate cancer pathogenesis involves the DAB2IP gene, which encodes a protein that is a negative regulator of the Ras signal transduction pathway. A polymorphism of DAB2IP was associated with aggressive prostate cancer in an exploratory genome-wide association study [62].

HER2 — The protein product of the HER2 oncogene (also known as c-erbB-2) is a receptor tyrosine kinase belonging to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family. Its role in prostate tumorigenesis is controversial. HER2 protein overexpression is detected in 20 to 25 percent of hormone-naive primary tumors and in 60 to 78 percent of cancers following androgen ablation [63,64]. However, the biologic significance of this finding is unclear. With the exception of one study [65], high-level amplification of the gene, representing the predominant mechanism of HER2 pathway activation (at least in breast cancer), is not observed in prostate cancer [19,63,64,66,67]. (See "HER2 and predicting response to therapy in breast cancer".)

EGFR pathway — EGFR, also known as HER1 or c-erbB-1, belongs to a family of receptors that includes the HER2 protein (c-erbB-2), as well as HER3 and HER4. EGFR is a transmembrane glycoprotein whose intracellular domain includes a tyrosine kinase, which is a therapeutic target in a number of other malignancies.

A possible role for EGFR in prostate cancer pathogenesis was suggested by a study of 2497 prostate cancers for whom follow-up data was available [68]. Overall, EGFR was expressed in 18 percent of cases. EGFR expression was associated with higher-grade tumors, more-advanced stage, and a decrease in recurrence-free survival.

Fatty acid synthase — A common occurrence in many cancers is the increased synthesis of long-chain fatty acids. Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is a key enzyme in this process. In prostate cancers, FASN expression is thought to function as an oncogene by preventing apoptosis. This is documented by the increased cell proliferation and tumorigenic growth of FASN-expressing prostate cell lines and transgenic models, as well as in human prostate specimens [69].

HOXB13 — The homeobox B13 (HOXB13) gene codes for a transcription factor that is important in prostate development. Sequencing studies have identified the G84E variant as associated with hereditary prostate cancer in some families [70]. The mechanism by which HOXB13 acts is not yet understood, but an understanding of this pathway may provide additional insights into sporadic cases of prostate cancer as well. (See "Genetic risk factors for prostate cancer".)

Oncogenes as a result of a gene fusion event — A recurrent gene fusion as a result of a chromosomal rearrangement has been identified in prostate cancer [71]. Fusion of the androgen-regulated gene TMPRSS2 and the ETS transcription family members (ERG, ETV1, ETV4, and ETV5) has been described as one of the most common recurrent genomic alterations in prostate cancer [72]. Such TMPRSS2-ERG fusion products are found in nearly one half of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-screened prostate cancer patients and are absent in biopsies from benign lesions [73-75]. Furthermore, TMPRSS2-ERG fusions show a high correlation with disease recurrence after surgery for localized prostate cancer [76]. Since this initial observation, other permutations of gene fusions have been found, all of which involve an ETS transcription family member fused to a number of partners [72].

Tumor suppressor genes — In contrast to oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes exert their influence by controlling or inhibiting cell growth. When the gene mutates to cause a loss or reduction in function, this removes inhibitory influences on cell growth, thus allowing growth to proceed unchecked. As examples, the wild-type forms of genes such as GSTP1 protect cells from DNA damage, and the p53 gene product prevents cells from proliferating after damage has occurred; mutations in these putative tumor suppressor genes result in loss of these functions.

Deactivation of tumor suppressor genes can result from chromosomal deletion, loss of expression due to promoter hypermethylation, specific genetic mutations that result in deletion of a specific gene, or point mutations that result in the production of an aberrant protein product with reduced function.

PTEN/MMAC1 — The protein product of the phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN, also termed MMAC1) gene, located on chromosome 10q, negatively regulates the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-kinase)/Akt pathway. This pathway plays a critical role in a variety of growth factor signaling pathways that control the cell cycle and apoptosis. Although germline mutations of MMAC1 are found in numerous cancer predisposition syndromes [77], mutations in the PTEN gene have not been found in men with hereditary prostate cancer. (See "Overview of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndromes associated with genes other than BRCA1/2" and "Risk factors for prostate cancer".)

Nevertheless, PTEN clearly plays an important role in the progression of prostate cancer. PTEN alterations appear to be a late event, possibly influencing metastatic potential and progression to androgen independence rather than tumorigenesis [78,79]. As examples, high rates of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) for 10q are reported in advanced prostate cancer [80,81], and PTEN mutations are more commonly found in metastatic compared with localized prostate cancers (30 to 58 versus 5 to 27 percent of cases, respectively) [79,82-88]. A role for PTEN mutations in resistance to chemotherapy is also proposed [89], and gene therapy approaches using transfected wild-type PTEN are being developed [90].

Mxi1 — The product of the Mxi1 gene on chromosome 10q is a member of the helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper family and a potential negative regulator of c-myc (see 'Oncogenes' above). These proteins seem to be essential in cellular growth control and/or induction and maintenance of the differentiated state [91]. In prostate cancers, loss of Mxi1 expression, rather than point mutation, is the primary means of inactivation [80,92-94]. Mice lacking the Mix1 protein are susceptible to tumorigenesis, and Mxi1-deficient prostate epithelial cells have increased proliferative activity [91]. Others, using subtraction hybridization, have identified Mix-1 as one of eight target genes that are differentially expressed in androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer xenografts [90].

GSTP1 — Hypermethylation of the p-class glutathione S-transferase (GSTP) gene promoter is possibly the most common genetic event in prostate cancer and appears to be an early event in tumorigenesis [95]. GSTPs are a family of enzymes that participate in detoxification by catalyzing the conjugation of many hydrophobic and electrophilic compounds with reduced glutathione; this protects the cells from environmental carcinogenic factors [96]. Over 90 percent of prostate carcinomas and 70 percent of high-grade PIN lesions have lost GSTP1 expression due to hypermethylation of the 5'-CpG island [97,98].

p53 — The p53 gene, located at chromosome 17p13.1, encodes a nuclear protein that acts as a transcription factor, blocking the progression of cells through the cell cycle late in the Gap 1 (G1) phase. The p53 gene plays a central role in the regulation of transcriptional events in the cell nucleus, particularly in the response to DNA-damaging agents, such as ionizing radiation and a variety of other carcinogens. The ability of wild-type p53 to prevent the proliferation of damaged cells has led to its description as the "guardian of the genome." A mutation in the p53 gene abrogates the G1 checkpoint and changes the cellular response to DNA damage, thus promoting genetic instability and the acquisition of additional mutations.

The significance of p53 mutations in prostate cancer is controversial. A number of studies using different analytical tools yield widely varying mutation rates among human prostate cancer specimens, a situation that is complicated by significant intratumoral heterogeneity within a single specimen [99]. Mutations in p53 have been reported in 60 to 90 percent of advanced prostate cancers [100], as well as in between 10 to 20 percent of primary tumors [101-105]. The reported incidence in PIN lesions ranges from 6 to 56 percent [105,106].

Despite these methodologic difficulties, accumulating data support a prognostic role for p53 mutations in human prostate cancer. The presence of p53 mutations in radical prostatectomy specimens is associated with increased proliferative rates, higher-grade disease, androgen independence, and a poor clinical outcome [17,25,29,36,39,101,102,107-115]. Furthermore, it has been proposed that p53 mutations in primary tumors are associated with increased metastatic potential [39,100,101,116]. In addition, abnormal p53 expression has been associated with higher rates of biochemical progression in men managed with radiation therapy and androgen deprivation therapy [117]. In a more recent study, there was a positive correlation between the expression of the proliferation marker Ki-67, p53, and the p53 regulator MDM2 and the development of distant metastases and overall mortality from prostate cancer [118].

In contrast, studies of p53 assessment in prostate needle biopsies have provided conflicting results, likely due to sampling variability, tumor heterogeneity, and multifocality [37,38,119,120]. A prospective multicenter study is needed to confirm the value of p53 assessment in needle biopsy prior to radical prostatectomy.

Although human trials have not begun, preclinical results suggest a potential therapeutic benefit for gene therapy using viral constructs that contain wild-type p53 in men with prostate cancer [121,122].

TGF-b1 — In normal prostate epithelial cells, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-b) induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation. However, prostate tumors frequently do not express TGF-b receptors (type I and II), and as they progress, tumor cells shift to autocrine regulation of TGF-b. TGF-b overexpression coupled with the underexpression of TGF-b receptors allows prostate cancers to escape the growth inhibitory effect of TGF-b.

In prostate cancers, abnormalities in TGF-b are associated with higher histologic grade, a more malignant phenotype, and greater metastatic potential [123-127]. As an example, in one report of men undergoing prostatectomy for apparently localized disease, elevated preoperative plasma levels of TGF-b were a strong predictor of biochemical progression, presumably the result of occult metastatic disease at the time of surgery [128]. Preoperative levels of TGF-b have been incorporated into a nomogram to predict biochemical progression-free survival following radical prostatectomy, although measurement of preoperative levels is not routine in most centers [129].

Rb/p16 pathway — Chromosome 13q is one of the most frequently altered chromosomes in prostate cancer. In one study, 58 percent of primary tumors showed LOH for 13q, and allelic loss was even more frequent in metastatic lesions [130]. Two known tumor suppressor genes (retinoblastoma [Rb] and BRCA2) map to this region, although other putative tumor suppressor genes may also reside in this location [131].

The Rb gene, so named because deletions or mutations of this gene are critical in the pathogenesis of retinoblastoma, is also involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of other solid tumors. The Rb gene encodes for a nuclear protein (pRb1) that is an important regulator of the cell cycle during the G0/G1 phase; its activity is dependent on its phosphorylation status during the cell cycle. At the end of mitosis and during most of G0/G1, pRb1 is dephosphorylated, which actively suppresses the transition from G1 to synthesis (S) phase. Phosphorylation of pRb1 by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) in late G1 phase leads to its inactivation, thereby leading to cell cycle progression. Multiple CDK inhibitors have been identified (eg, p16INK4A [also called CDKN2A or MTS-1, on chromosome 9p] and p21WAF1/CIP1) that block entry into S phase by decreasing pRb1 phosphorylation. This entire pathway of cell cycle control is often referred to as the Rb/p16 pathway.

In many solid tumors, dysregulation of the Rb/p16 pathway is an early event in tumorigenesis. However, the role of this pathway in prostate cancer is unclear. In early prostate cancer, deletion of p16 and Rb genes is reported in some, but not all, series, and the role of these genetic alterations in tumorigenesis and/or tumor progression remains undefined [132-140]. Other studies suggest that mutations in the Rb gene, and mutation or promoter methylation of the CDKN2A gene are more common in advanced prostate cancer [134,141-147]. Preclinical gene therapy studies using adenoviral vectors containing wild-type p16 or Rb genes are underway [148,149].

Although p21 is a growth inhibitory molecule, most series report expression in 25 to 30 percent of primary prostate tumors [150-153]. Furthermore, overexpression appears to be associated with progression toward androgen-independent disease [150]. In vitro studies of antisense strategies directed against p21 show early promise [154].

CDKI1B — The CDK inhibitor 1B gene (CDKI1B, previously called p27/Kip1) maps to 12p12-13.1, a region that is frequently deleted in advanced prostate cancer [155]. CDKI1B is an inhibitor of CDK4; as such, it is a negative regulator of cell cycle initiation. In regards to prostate cancer, several clinical studies have indicated a loss of CDKI1B protein expression in prostate cancers and PIN, indicating this as a potentially early event [156-159]. Furthermore, loss of CDKI1B protein expression in radical prostatectomy specimens has been shown to be an adverse prognostic factor in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer [143,157,160-163] and in those undergoing salvage prostatectomy after radiation therapy failure [164]. Because of this, loss of CDKI1B has been suggested as a component of molecular staging [162,165]. As with other putative tumor suppressor genes, preclinical studies with recombinant adenovirus expressing CDKI1B are underway [166].

Nkx3.1 — Nkx3.1 is an androgen-regulated prostate-specific homeobox gene on chromosome 8q that appears to be critical in the development of the normal prostate [167,168]. In some [169-171], but not all studies [168,172], decreased expression of Nkx3.1 is associated with both PIN and invasive prostate cancer. Others have shown a correlation between abnormalities in Nkx3.1 expression, and advanced-grade and castration-resistant disease [171-173].

KLF6 — Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is a zinc finger transcription factor. Its possible role as a tumor suppressor gene in prostate cancer was suggested in one series in which LOH for this allele was shown in 17 of 22 primary prostate tumors [174]. Further study of this gene and its role in prostate cancer is needed.

Metastasis suppressor genes — Advanced prostate carcinoma is characterized by local invasion, spread to regional lymph nodes, and more distant osseous metastases. Much effort has been directed toward the identification and characterization of genes that are involved in metastatic behavior, both for the purpose of obtaining prognostic indicators for aggressive disease, and to understand why and how prostate cancer preferentially metastasizes to bone. (See "Bone metastases in advanced prostate cancer: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis", section on 'Pathophysiology'.)

The identification of several genes that appear to function as metastasis suppressor genes has provided important insight into factors regulating metastatic spread and growth. By definition, metastasis suppressor genes specifically prevent the formation of overt metastasis without affecting the formation or growth of primary tumors [175,176].

The technique of microcell-mediated chromosomal transfer (MMCT) has been the most commonly used method to identify putative metastasis suppressor genes in prostate cancer. It is based on the work of Ichikawa et al, who demonstrated that fusion of nonmetastatic and highly metastatic Dunning rat prostate carcinoma cells produced nonmetastatic hybrid cells that were unaffected in terms of tumorigenicity and in vitro growth rates [177]. Subsequent studies suggested that the loss of specific chromosomes was responsible for the metastatic phenotype. MMCT was then used to selectively introduce single, tagged human chromosomes into metastatic recipient cells, thereby permitting the localization of metastasis suppressor genes to specific human chromosomes. Two of the genes identified in the rat Dunning model (KAI1 and CD44) appear to suppress metastatic potential at an early stage of the metastatic cascade.

KAI-1/CD82 — KAI1 was the first prostate cancer metastasis suppressor gene identified using MMCT; it maps to chromosome 11p11.2, and downregulation of this gene has been found in advanced prostate tumors and metastases [178,179]. The KAI1 gene encodes a membrane glycoprotein that is widely expressed, but its precise biochemical function in metastasis suppression has not been clearly defined. In vitro studies suggest that it may play a role in integrin signaling, cell adhesion, and motility [180-182].

E-cadherin (16q22) — E-cadherin (CDH1) is a Ca2+ dependent homotypic cell adhesion molecule that is implicated as a tumor/invasion suppressor in human carcinomas; it also functions as a binding partner for beta catenin, which is overexpressed in advanced prostate cancers. (See 'Oncogenes' above.)

Aberrant E-cadherin expression appears to be associated with high histologic grade and more aggressive tumor behavior [183-186], and deletions of chromosome 16q and/or loss of E-cadherin function are common in prostate cancer metastases [187,188]. Furthermore, using MMCT, 16q has been strongly associated with suppression of metastatic ability [189].

Additional evidence supporting the role of E-cadherin as a prognostic marker comes from the observation that decreased expression of E-cadherin and increased expression of N-cadherin are associated with adverse clinicopathologic features [190].

ACQUIRED CASTRATION RESISTANCE — Although the majority of men have a favorable initial response to androgen ablation, the development of hormone resistance is inevitable and can be responsible for the lethality of advanced prostate cancer. Multiple mechanisms have been postulated to account for the acquisition of castration resistance. A detailed review of the specific molecular changes that are associated with castration resistance is beyond the scope of this discussion, although these changes are well reviewed elsewhere [14,191]. Here we will provide a brief overview of some of the mechanisms that are thought to underlie the development of castration resistance.

In view of the importance of androgens to the growth of prostate cancer, it is reasonable to ask if alterations in the androgen receptor (AR) could be responsible for androgen-independent growth [192]. The AR gene is overexpressed in approximately 20 to 30 percent of hormone-refractory prostate cancers [193,194], although more sensitive techniques, such as gene expression profiling, suggest that amplification is nearly universal when hormone-resistant human prostate cancer cell lines are compared with the hormone-sensitive tumors from which they were derived [195]. In theory, such alterations might possibly enhance the response of the cancer cell to low levels of endogenous androgens [196,197].

Activating mutations in the AR gene have also been reported [198-200]. Such mutations in the steroid binding domain may alter ligand specificity, allowing other nonandrogenic steroids, as well as antiandrogens, to bind and activate the mutant AR, even when the level of systemic androgen is fully suppressed. AR mutations have been most intensely studied in the context of the antiandrogen withdrawal response, in which acquired mutations in the AR are thought to result in a paradoxical stimulatory effect of antiandrogens on prostate tumor cells. Mutations in the hormone binding domain of the AR have been detected in a small fraction of bone marrow specimens of men with castration-resistant prostate cancer [199-201]. In functional studies, these mutant receptors were stimulated rather than inhibited by some, but not all, antiandrogens [202]. However, other data suggest that AR mutations are not responsible for the antiandrogen withdrawal response, and this remains a controversial area [200]. (See "Alternative endocrine therapies for castration-resistant prostate cancer", section on 'Antiandrogen withdrawal'.)

Other specific AR mutations and splice variants deleting the ligand binding domain provide an additional pathway for androgen escape in prostate cancer cells [203,204]. The predominant V7 AR splice variant has been strongly associated with castration resistance and overall poor patient survival [203]. (See "Castration-resistant prostate cancer: Treatments targeting the androgen pathway", section on 'Resistance'.)

Another mechanism for castration resistance growth involves molecular changes in several regulatory genes that may prevent the transcription or expression of death signaling genes after androgen ablation [205,206] or prevent the cancer cells from responding to these apoptotic influences through constitutive expression of genes that are located downstream in the apoptotic cascade (eg, upregulation of B cell leukemia/lymphoma [bcl-2], see above). Alternatively, resistance to androgen ablation might also involve "crosstalk" between the AR and other signaling pathways that are induced by peptide growth factors. In theory, androgen-independent AR activation could then be achieved via other pathways that are activated by specific peptide growth factor receptors [207,208].

Finally, molecular changes within the prostate cancer cells may result in the ability to synthesize and secrete specific ligands and their receptors, essentially creating an autocrine survival pathway that is independent of androgen signaling pathways [209]. One such example is the secretion of neurotrophin ligands and their trk receptors by hormone-resistant prostate cancer cells [210]. Small molecule inhibitors of these tyrosine kinase receptors can induce apoptosis in hormone-resistant prostate cancer cells [211,212], and these trk inhibitors are currently in clinical trials.

SUMMARY — Prostate cancer continues to be a major health problem despite significant advances in prevention and early detection. The mechanistic characterization of genes shown to play a functional role in the development and progression of prostate cancer is beginning to provide important insights into the nature and behavior of the disease. The goal of these studies is to identify additional targets for staging and treatment.


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Topic 6926 Version 20.0


1 : Role of programmed (apoptotic) cell death during the progression and therapy for prostate cancer.

2 : Programmed cell death during regression of PC-82 human prostate cancer following androgen ablation.

3 : Development of an androgen receptor-null model for identifying the initiation site for androgen stimulation of proliferation and suppression of programmed (apoptotic) death of PC-82 human prostate cancer cells.

4 : The biology of hormone refractory prostate cancer. Why does it develop?

5 : Prostate carcinoma presentation, diagnosis, and staging: an update form the National Cancer Data Base.

6 : Molecular pathways to prostate cancer.

7 : Prostate cancer.

8 : Molecular markers in prostate cancer

9 : Identification of genetic markers for prostatic cancer progression.

10 : Chromosomal changes in incidental prostatic carcinomas detected by comparative genomic hybridization.

11 : Genetic and chromosomal alterations in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and carcinoma detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization.

12 : Decreased androgen-responsive growth of human prostate cancer is associated with increased genetic alterations.

13 : Genetic alterations in human prostate cancer: a review of current literature.

14 : Molecular genetics of prostate cancer.

15 : Clinical significance of alterations of chromosome 8 in high-grade, advanced, nonmetastatic prostate carcinoma.

16 : Enhanced expression of the c-myc protooncogene in high-grade human prostate cancers.

17 : Loss of p53 and c-myc overrepresentation in stage T(2-3)N(1-3)M(0) prostate cancer are potential markers for cancer progression.

18 : Detection of c-myc oncogene amplification and chromosomal anomalies in metastatic prostatic carcinoma by fluorescence in situ hybridization.

19 : Survey of gene amplifications during prostate cancer progression by high-throughout fluorescence in situ hybridization on tissue microarrays.

20 : Expression profile of differentially-regulated genes during progression of androgen-independent growth in human prostate cancer cells.

21 : Genetic alterations in hormone-refractory recurrent prostate carcinomas.

22 : Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 1 is overexpressed in prostate cancers and is inversely related to apoptosis.

23 : Mitogen-activated protein kinases and apoptosis in PIN.

24 : BCL-2 in prostate cancer: a minireview.

25 : bcl-2 overexpression combined with p53 protein accumulation correlates with hormone-refractory prostate cancer.

26 : Detection of the apoptosis-suppressing oncoprotein bc1-2 in hormone-refractory human prostate cancers.

27 : Expression of bcl-2 and the progression of human and rodent prostatic cancers.

28 : Expression of bcl-2 oncoprotein and p53 protein accumulation in bone marrow metastases of androgen independent prostate cancer.

29 : p53 protein accumulation and gene mutation in the progression of human prostate carcinoma.

30 : Bcl-2 immunoreactivity in prostate tumorigenesis in relation to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, grade, hormonal status, metastatic growth and survival.

31 : Bcl-2 proto-oncogene expression in low- and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia.

32 : Relation between Bcl-2, cell proliferation, and the androgen receptor status in prostate tissue and precursors of prostate cancer.

33 : Targeting anti-apoptotic genes upregulated by androgen withdrawal using antisense oligonucleotides to enhance androgen- and chemo-sensitivity in prostate cancer.

34 : Antisense RNA down-regulation of bcl-xL Expression in prostate cancer cells leads to diminished rates of cellular proliferation and resistance to cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents.

35 : Chemosensitization and delayed androgen-independent recurrence of prostate cancer with the use of antisense Bcl-2 oligodeoxynucleotides.

36 : Elevated levels of apoptosis regulator proteins p53 and bcl-2 are independent prognostic biomarkers in surgically treated clinically localized prostate cancer.

37 : p53 and bcl-2 immunohistochemistry in pretreatment prostate needle biopsies to predict recurrence of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy.

38 : Preoperative p53, bcl-2, CD44 and E-cadherin immunohistochemistry as predictors of biochemical relapse after radical prostatectomy.

39 : Molecular markers and death from prostate cancer.

40 : Role of telomeres and telomerase in the pathogenesis of human cancer.

41 : Telomere length and telomerase activity in bladder and prostate cancer cell lines.

42 : Telomerase activity, telomere length, and DNA ploidy in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN).

43 : Telomeric DNA: marker for human prostate cancer development?

44 : Expression of the RNA component of human telomerase (hTR) in prostate cancer, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, and normal prostate tissue.

45 : Telomerase activity in prostate cancer, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, and benign prostatic epithelium.

46 : Telomerase reverse transcriptase subunit immunoreactivity: a marker for high-grade prostate carcinoma.

47 : Telomerase activity in prostate sextant needle cores from radical prostatectomy specimens.

48 : Telomere maintenance mechanisms as a target for drug development.

49 : Expression of cadherins and catenins in paired tumor and non-neoplastic primary prostate cultures and corresponding prostatectomy specimens.

50 : Co-downregulation of cell adhesion proteins alpha- and beta-catenins, p120CTN, E-cadherin, and CD44 in prostatic adenocarcinomas.

51 : Detection and analysis of beta-catenin mutations in prostate cancer.

52 : Beta-catenin mutations in human prostate cancer.

53 : Beta-catenin affects androgen receptor transcriptional activity and ligand specificity.

54 : In vitro evidence for complex modes of nuclear beta-catenin signaling during prostate growth and tumorigenesis.

55 : Activated ras alleles in human carcinoma of the prostate are rare.

56 : ras gene mutations in human prostate cancer.

57 : Mutations of ras genes are relatively frequent in Japanese prostate cancers: pointing to genetic differences between populations.

58 : Comparison of ras activation in prostate carcinoma in Japanese and American men.

59 : Frequent hypermethylation of the RASSF1A gene in prostate cancer.

60 : The RASSF1A tumor suppressor gene is inactivated in prostate tumors and suppresses growth of prostate carcinoma cells.

61 : Epigenetic changes in prostate cancer: implication for diagnosis and treatment.

62 : Two genome-wide association studies of aggressive prostate cancer implicate putative prostate tumor suppressor gene DAB2IP.

63 : HER-2/neu (p185neu) protein expression in the natural or treated history of prostate cancer.

64 : Her-2-neu expression and progression toward androgen independence in human prostate cancer.

65 : Correlation of p34cdc2 cyclin-dependent kinase overexpression, CD44s downregulation, and HER-2/neu oncogene amplification with recurrence in prostatic adenocarcinomas.

66 : Prognostic significance of HER-2/neu gene amplification status by fluorescence in situ hybridization of prostate carcinoma.

67 : Fluorescence in situ hybridization study of HER-2/neu oncogene amplification in prostate cancer.

68 : Clinical significance of epidermal growth factor receptor protein overexpression and gene copy number gains in prostate cancer.

69 : Fatty acid synthase: a metabolic enzyme and candidate oncogene in prostate cancer.

70 : Germline mutations in HOXB13 and prostate-cancer risk.

71 : Recurrent fusion of TMPRSS2 and ETS transcription factor genes in prostate cancer.

72 : Characterization of TMPRSS2:ETV5 and SLC45A3:ETV5 gene fusions in prostate cancer.

73 : Comprehensive assessment of TMPRSS2 and ETS family gene aberrations in clinically localized prostate cancer.

74 : TMPRSS2:ERG fusion-associated deletions provide insight into the heterogeneity of prostate cancer.

75 : Prevalence of TMPRSS2-ERG fusion prostate cancer among men undergoing prostate biopsy in the United States.

76 : Expression of the TMPRSS2:ERG fusion gene predicts cancer recurrence after surgery for localised prostate cancer.

77 : The multiple roles of PTEN in tumor suppression.

78 : Loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite instability at chromosomal sites 1Q and 10Q in morphologically distinct regions of late stage prostate lesions.

79 : Inactivation of the tumor suppressor PTEN/MMAC1 in advanced human prostate cancer through loss of expression.

80 : Loss of the chromosomal region 10q23-25 in prostate cancer.

81 : 10q23.3 loss of heterozygosity is higher in lymph node-positive (pT2-3,N+) versus lymph node-negative (pT2-3,N0) prostate cancer.

82 : Frequent inactivation of PTEN/MMAC1 in primary prostate cancer.

83 : PTEN/MMAC1 is infrequently mutated in pT2 and pT3 carcinomas of the prostate.

84 : Analysis of PTEN and the 10q23 region in primary prostate carcinomas.

85 : PTEN/MMAC1/TEP1 involvement in primary prostate cancers.

86 : Interfocal heterogeneity of PTEN/MMAC1 gene alterations in multiple metastatic prostate cancer tissues.

87 : Homozygous deletion of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene in a subset of prostate adenocarcinomas.

88 : Frequent inactivation of PTEN in prostate cancer cell lines and xenografts.

89 : PTEN induces chemosensitivity in PTEN-mutated prostate cancer cells by suppression of Bcl-2 expression.

90 : Adenoviral-mediated expression of MMAC/PTEN inhibits proliferation and metastasis of human prostate cancer cells.

91 : Role of Mxi1 in ageing organ systems and the regulation of normal and neoplastic growth.

92 : Mutation of the MXI1 gene in prostate cancer.

93 : Commonly occurring loss and mutation of the MXI1 gene in prostate cancer.

94 : Point mutations of the Mxil gene are rare in prostate cancers.

95 : Cytidine methylation of regulatory sequences near the pi-class glutathione S-transferase gene accompanies human prostatic carcinogenesis.

96 : Identification of three classes of cytosolic glutathione transferase common to several mammalian species: correlation between structural data and enzymatic properties.

97 : CG island methylation changes near the GSTP1 gene in prostatic carcinoma cells detected using the polymerase chain reaction: a new prostate cancer biomarker.

98 : CG island methylation changes near the GSTP1 gene in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia.

99 : Heterogeneity in intratumor distribution of p53 mutations in human prostate cancer.

100 : Very frequent p53 mutations in metastatic prostate carcinoma and in matched primary tumors.

101 : p53 mutations in prostate cancer bone metastases suggest that selected p53 mutants in the primary site define foci with metastatic potential.

102 : p53 oncogene mutations in human prostate cancer specimens.

103 : p53 Alteration and chromosomal instability in prostatic high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia and concurrent carcinoma: analysis by immunohistochemistry, interphase in situ hybridization, and sequencing of laser-captured microdissected specimens.

104 : Mutations within the tumour suppressor gene p53 are not confined to a late event in prostate cancer progression. a review of the evidence.

105 : Immunohistochemical expression of retinoblastoma and p53 tumor suppressor genes in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia: comparison with prostatic adenocarcinoma and benign prostate.

106 : Accumulation of the p53 protein occurs more frequently in metastatic than in localized prostatic adenocarcinomas.

107 : p53 is mutated in a subset of advanced-stage prostate cancers.

108 : Small subgroup of aggressive, highly proliferative prostatic carcinomas defined by p53 accumulation.

109 : Loss of heterozygosity and overexpression of p53 gene in human primary prostatic adenocarcinoma.

110 : Loss of heterozygosity of the TP53 tumor suppressor gene and detection of point mutations by the non-isotopic RNAse cleavage assay in prostate cancer.

111 : p53 gene alterations in human prostate carcinoma.

112 : Immunohistochemical determination of p53 protein nuclear accumulation in prostatic adenocarcinoma.

113 : Association of p53 immunoreactivity with high gleason tumor grade in prostatic adenocarcinoma.

114 : Reduction of wild type p53 function confers a hormone resistant phenotype on LNCaP prostate cancer cells.

115 : Prognostic significance of p53 nuclear accumulation in localized prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy.

116 : Primary human prostate cancer cells harboring p53 mutations are clonally expanded in metastases.

117 : p53 protein expression status and recurrence in men treated with radiation and androgen suppression therapy for higher-risk prostate cancer: a prospective phase II Cancer and Leukemia Group B Study (CALGB 9682).

118 : MDM2 and Ki-67 predict for distant metastasis and mortality in men treated with radiotherapy and androgen deprivation for prostate cancer: RTOG 92-02.

119 : Heterogeneous expression of E-cadherin and p53 in prostate cancer: clinical implications. BIOMED-II Markers for Prostate Cancer Study Group.

120 : p53 status and prognosis of locally advanced prostatic adenocarcinoma: a study based on RTOG 8610.

121 : Suppression of primary tumor growth and the progression to metastasis with p53 adenovirus in human prostate cancer.

122 : p53 and PTEN/MMAC1/TEP1 gene therapy of human prostate PC-3 carcinoma xenograft, using transferrin-facilitated lipofection gene delivery strategy.

123 : Transforming growth factor beta 1 expression in benign and malignant prostatic tumors.

124 : Loss of expression of transforming growth factor beta type I and type II receptors correlates with tumor grade in human prostate cancer tissues.

125 : Transforming growth factor beta1 is associated with angiogenesis, metastasis, and poor clinical outcome in prostate cancer.

126 : Dysregulated expression of growth factors and their receptors in the development of prostate cancer.

127 : Loss of expression of transforming growth factor-beta receptors is associated with poor prognosis in prostate cancer patients.

128 : Preoperative plasma levels of transforming growth factor beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) strongly predict progression in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy.

129 : The addition of interleukin-6 soluble receptor and transforming growth factor beta1 improves a preoperative nomogram for predicting biochemical progression in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer.

130 : Three distinct regions of allelic loss at 13q14, 13q21-22, and 13q33 in prostate cancer.

131 : LOH analyses in the region of the putative tumour suppressor gene C13 on chromosome 13q13.

132 : p16/pRb pathway alterations are required for bypassing senescence in human prostate epithelial cells.

133 : Promoter deletion and loss of retinoblastoma gene expression in human prostate carcinoma.

134 : Identification of two distinct deleted regions on chromosome 13 in prostate cancer.

135 : Alterations of the retinoblastoma gene in human prostate adenocarcinoma.

136 : Frequent alteration of CDKN2 (p16(INK4A)/MTS1) expression in human primary prostate carcinomas.

137 : Prognostic value of p16 in locally advanced prostate cancer: a study based on Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Protocol 9202.

138 : Analysis of the p16 tumor suppressor gene in early-stage prostate cancer.

139 : p16 (CDKN2/MTS1) gene deletions are rare in prostatic carcinomas in the United States and Japan.

140 : Aneuploidy of chromosome 9 and the tumor suppressor genes p16(INK4) and p15(INK4B) detected by in situ hybridization in locally advanced prostate cancer.

141 : Alterations in the p16/pRb cell cycle checkpoint occur commonly in primary and metastatic human prostate cancer.

142 : Loss of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (RB1) is a frequent and early event in prostatic tumorigenesis.

143 : Low p27 expression predicts poor disease-free survival in patients with prostate cancer.

144 : Frequency of homozygous deletion at p16/CDKN2 in primary human tumours.

145 : Absence of p16/MTS1 gene mutations in human prostate cancer.

146 : FISH analysis of gene aberrations (MYC, CCND1, ERBB2, RB, and AR) in advanced prostatic carcinomas before and after androgen deprivation therapy.

147 : Analysis of retinoblastoma (RB) gene deletion in human prostatic carcinomas.

148 : Suppression of tumorigenicity of human prostate carcinoma cells by replacing a mutated RB gene.

149 : Adenoviral vector containing wild-type p16 suppresses prostate cancer growth and prolongs survival by inducing cell senescence.

150 : The association of p21((WAF-1/CIP1)) with progression to androgen-independent prostate cancer.

151 : Relationship of p21(WAF1) expression with disease-free survival and biochemical recurrence in prostate adenocarcinomas (PCa).

152 : Inactivation of the p53 pathway in prostate cancer: impact on tumor progression.

153 : Proliferation- and apoptosis-associated factors in advanced prostatic carcinomas before and after androgen deprivation therapy: prognostic significance of p21/WAF1/CIP1 expression.

154 : p21 modulates threshold of apoptosis induced by DNA-damage and growth factor withdrawal in prostate cancer cells.

155 : Identification of 12p as a region of frequent deletion in advanced prostate cancer.

156 : Loss of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) protein in human prostate cancer correlates with tumor grade.

157 : Distinct altered patterns of p27KIP1 gene expression in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic carcinoma.

158 : Levels of expression of p27KIP1 protein in human prostate and prostate cancer: an immunohistochemical analysis.

159 : Expression of p27/Kip1 is down-regulated in human prostate carcinoma progression.

160 : Loss of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 is a novel prognostic factor in localized human prostate adenocarcinoma.

161 : Association of p27Kip1 levels with recurrence and survival in patients with stage C prostate carcinoma.

162 : Value of tissue markers p27(kip1), MIB-1, and CD44s for the pre-operative prediction of tumour features in screen-detected prostate cancer.

163 : Preoperative prostate needle biopsy p27 correlates with subsequent radical prostatectomy p27, Gleason grade and pathological stage.

164 : The cell cycle inhibitors p21WAF1 and p27KIP1 are associated with survival in patients treated by salvage prostatectomy after radiation therapy.

165 : The role of imaging studies and molecular markers for selecting candidates for radical prostatectomy.

166 : Induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human prostate carcinoma cells by a recombinant adenovirus expressing p27(Kip1).

167 : Targeted disruption of the Nkx3.1 gene in mice results in morphogenetic defects of minor salivary glands: parallels to glandular duct morphogenesis in prostate.

168 : Expression studies and mutational analysis of the androgen regulated homeobox gene NKX3.1 in benign and malignant prostate epithelium.

169 : Nkx3.1 mutant mice recapitulate early stages of prostate carcinogenesis.

170 : Conditional loss of Nkx3.1 in adult mice induces prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia.

171 : Loss of NKX3.1 expression in human prostate cancers correlates with tumor progression.

172 : Expression profile of an androgen regulated prostate specific homeobox gene NKX3.1 in primary prostate cancer.

173 : A novel human prostate-specific, androgen-regulated homeobox gene (NKX3.1) that maps to 8p21, a region frequently deleted in prostate cancer.

174 : KLF6, a candidate tumor suppressor gene mutated in prostate cancer.

175 : Metastasis suppression in prostate cancer.

176 : Metastasis suppression: the evolving role of metastasis suppressor genes for regulating cancer cell growth at the secondary site.

177 : Genetic factors and suppression of metastatic ability of prostatic cancer.

178 : KAI1, a metastasis suppressor gene for prostate cancer on human chromosome 11p11.2.

179 : Expression of the prostate cancer metastasis suppressor gene KAI1 in primary prostate cancers: a biphasic relationship with tumour grade.

180 : Location of KAI1 on the short arm of human chromosome 11 and frequency of allelic loss in advanced human prostate cancer.

181 : Down-regulation of the KAI1 metastasis suppressor gene during the progression of human prostatic cancer infrequently involves gene mutation or allelic loss.

182 : Expression of the KAI1 protein in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.

183 : Decreased E-cadherin expression is associated with poor prognosis in patients with prostate cancer.

184 : E-cadherin: a marker for differentiation and invasiveness in prostatic carcinoma.

185 : Aberrant E-cadherin and alpha-catenin expression in prostate cancer: correlation with patient survival.

186 : E-cadherin expression is silenced by DNA hypermethylation in human breast and prostate carcinomas.

187 : Chromosome 16q24 deletion and decreased E-cadherin expression: possible association with metastatic potential in prostate cancer.

188 : Loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 16q in prostate adenocarcinoma: identification of three independent regions.

189 : Human chromosome 16 suppresses metastasis but not tumorigenesis in rat prostatic tumor cells.

190 : A switch from E-cadherin to N-cadherin expression indicates epithelial to mesenchymal transition and is of strong and independent importance for the progress of prostate cancer.

191 : The androgen receptor: genetic considerations in the development and treatment of prostate cancer.

192 : Androgen receptors in prostate cancer.

193 : Androgen receptor gene amplification: a possible molecular mechanism for androgen deprivation therapy failure in prostate cancer.

194 : Androgen receptor gene amplification and protein expression in hormone refractory prostate cancer.

195 : Molecular determinants of resistance to antiandrogen therapy.

196 : Pattern of somatic androgen receptor gene mutations in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer.

197 : The androgen axis in recurrent prostate cancer.

198 : Androgen receptor gene mutations in hormone-refractory prostate cancer.

199 : Codon 877 mutation in the androgen receptor gene in advanced prostate cancer: relation to antiandrogen withdrawal syndrome.

200 : Androgen receptor mutations in androgen-independent prostate cancer: Cancer and Leukemia Group B Study 9663.

201 : Mutation of the androgen-receptor gene in metastatic androgen-independent prostate cancer.

202 : Functional characterization of mutant androgen receptors from androgen-independent prostate cancer.

203 : AR-V7 and resistance to enzalutamide and abiraterone in prostate cancer.

204 : Splicing of a novel androgen receptor exon generates a constitutively active androgen receptor that mediates prostate cancer therapy resistance.

205 : Characterization of a zinc-finger protein and its association with apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.

206 : Clusterin expression is significantly enhanced in prostate cancer cells following androgen withdrawal therapy.

207 : Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 activates androgen receptor-dependent transcription and apoptosis in prostate cancer.

208 : A mechanism for hormone-independent prostate cancer through modulation of androgen receptor signaling by the HER-2/neu tyrosine kinase.

209 : Apoptosis: translating theory to therapy for prostate cancer.

210 : Pan-trk inhibition decreases metastasis and enhances host survival in experimental models as a result of its selective induction of apoptosis of prostate cancer cells.

211 : Cell cycle-independent death of prostate adenocarcinoma is induced by the trk tyrosine kinase inhibitor CEP-751 (KT6587).

212 : Sustained in vivo regression of Dunning H rat prostate cancers treated with combinations of androgen ablation and Trk tyrosine kinase inhibitors, CEP-751 (KT-6587) or CEP-701 (KT-5555).