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Oral and systemic health

Oral and systemic health
Erin L Gross, DDS, PhD, MS
Section Editor:
Ann Griffen, DDS, MS
Deputy Editor:
Mary M Torchia, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jun 03, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Oral and systemic health are closely related. Abnormalities in the oral cavity can affect systemic health and the growth and development of children. Likewise, systemic conditions or their treatments can affect the oral cavity or the feasibility of delivering dental care.

The oral conditions that affect systemic health and the systemic conditions that affect oral health and/or the delivery of dental treatment are reviewed here. The oral manifestations of systemic, genetic, or infectious disease are described in the topic reviews for those conditions.

ORAL CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT SYSTEMIC HEALTH — The oral cavity plays an important role in nutrition, speech, and facial appearance. Each of these functions may be affected by abnormalities in the oral cavity.

Children with cleft lip and/or palate (CLP), for example, have difficulty feeding, require speech therapy, and are at increased risk for otitis media. In addition, they are at risk for long-term psychosocial effects. A systematic review found an association between CLP and behavioral problems, dissatisfaction with facial appearance, depression, and anxiety, but the evidence was inconsistent [1]. In a subsequent case-control study, children and young adults with CLP had more behavioral problems, more depressive symptoms, were teased more often, and were less happy with their facial appearance and speech than children and young adults without CLP [2].

The most common chronic childhood disease is dental caries (ie, tooth decay), and its effects reach far beyond the oral cavity. Moderate or severe caries, particularly in young children, may affect nutrition and growth and development [3]. The pain and/or treatment of dental caries may contribute to inability to concentrate or poor performance at school and school absences [3]. The cost of treating children with dental problems in emergency departments and hospitals is high. Dental caries can lead to serious odontogenic infections that cause facial swelling or facial cellulitis, which often require urgent, expensive surgical treatment, administration of intravenous antibiotics, and, sometimes, admission to the hospital. In 2007, two deaths of children were attributed to systemic infections secondary to dental abscesses or their treatment. In addition, children die every year while receiving sedation for treatment for dental caries in dental offices [4,5].

Controversial associations between oral and systemic health — In addition to the psychosocial, speech, nutritional, and educational effects of oral disease are some controversial or less well-established associations between oral and systemic health. Pediatric health care providers should be aware of these associations and the evidence, or lack of evidence, to support them so they may advise their patients accordingly (table 1).

Environmental lead exposure is associated with an increased prevalence of dental caries in the United States [6]. Data from animal studies support this association and provide a possible mechanism. Pre- and perinatal exposure to lead in rat pups results in decreased stimulated parotid function and increased prevalence of caries [7].

Secondhand smoke exposure increases the risk for dental caries, with multiple mechanisms proposed [8].

Maternal periodontal disease has been linked with preterm delivery and low-birthweight infants in case-control studies [9,10]. However, a systematic review of randomized trials concluded that periodontal treatment during pregnancy may reduce low birth weight, but it is not clear that it reduces preterm birth [11].

Fluoride, dental amalgam, and composite resins that are used as sealants have been said to cause cancer and other systemic ailments. No data support these claims.

Amoxicillin ingestion in the first few years of life has been linked to fluorosis in permanent teeth developing during that time, although a causal relationship is yet to be established [12].

Existing evidence does not support a direct association between malocclusion and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some authors have postulated an indirect association based on observational studies suggesting an association between malocclusion and sleep-disordered breathing [13,14] and an association between sleep-disordered breathing and behavioral problems [15,16]. However, the children in the studies of sleep-disordered breathing and behavioral problems did not meet criteria for ADHD. Furthermore, in a randomized trial, neither attention nor executive function (two clinical features of ADHD) improved following adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea [17].

Molar incisor hypomineralization is a developmental condition of permanent first molars, and sometimes permanent incisors, that results in enamel defects that increase the risk of dental caries and breakdown. Its etiology is unclear. Molar incisor hypomineralization has been linked to prenatal and perinatal maternal factors and early childhood illnesses, including fever, asthma, and pneumonia [18,19]. (See "Developmental defects of the teeth", section on 'Molar incisor hypomineralization'.)

SYSTEMIC CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT ORAL HEALTH AND DELIVERY OF DENTAL CARE — In the same way that oral conditions affect systemic health, systemic conditions affect oral health and the delivery of dental care. An oral-systemic link should be considered when the condition or its treatment:

Puts the child at risk for infection

Alters oral physiology or homeostasis

Alters the ability to provide dental care

Infection risk — The oral microbiome contains various bacterial species that are capable of causing specific odontogenic infections, commonly dental caries and periodontal disease. Systemic conditions that predispose children to periodontal disease include diabetes mellitus, disorders of the hematopoietic system, disorders that impair neutrophil function, and antineoplastic therapy (table 2) [20-23]. The main complication of periodontal disease is tooth loss. However, bone loss and local and systemic spread of infection can occur, leading to periodontal abscess and orofacial "space" infections, particularly in immunocompromised patients. Children who have conditions that predispose them to periodontal infection should receive dental care at least every six months; their dentist may suggest a more frequent visit schedule.

In addition to periodontal infection, oral bacteria can cause serious infections, including infective endocarditis, in at-risk children [24]. Cardiac conditions associated with the highest risk of adverse outcomes from endocarditis, for which prophylaxis with some dental procedures is recommended, include [25]:

Prosthetic cardiac valve

Previous infective endocarditis

Cardiac transplantation recipients who develop cardiac valvulopathy

Congenital heart disease (CHD)

Unrepaired CHD, including palliative shunts and conduits

Completely repaired congenital heart defect with prosthetic material or device, whether placed at surgery or by catheter intervention, during the first six months after the procedure (endothelialization of prosthetic material occurs within six months after the procedure)

Repaired CHD with residual defects at the site or adjacent to the site of a prosthetic patch or prosthetic device (which inhibit endothelialization)

Children with these conditions should receive antibiotic prophylaxis (table 3) before dental treatment that includes manipulation of the gingival tissues or the periapical region of teeth or perforation of oral mucosa according to the guidelines of the American Heart Association [25]. (See "Antimicrobial prophylaxis for the prevention of bacterial endocarditis".)

The guideline recommendations regarding antibiotic choice and dental procedures for which prophylaxis is indicated (table 3) may be applied to children who have other conditions that place them at risk for serious consequences of infection, such as [26-29]:

Cancer and its treatment


Sickle cell anemia

Chronic steroid usage

Diabetes mellitus

Severe combined immunodeficiency


Status postsplenectomy

Lupus erythematosus

Status post-organ transplantation

An evidence-based review of the support for prophylaxis for medical conditions calls into question the level of evidence to support the need for antibiotic prophylaxis. Most evidence is expert opinion, and studies are lacking. Little evidence supports antibiotic coverage in cases such as artificial joints, in-dwelling catheters, and renal shunts, to name a few [30].

Conditions that alter oral physiology or homeostasis — Systemic conditions or treatments that impair healing, decrease tissue oxygenation, or alter salivary function, calcium metabolism, or cellular turnover affect the oral environment (table 4). As examples:

Children with leukemia develop periodontal inflammation as they lose their ability to fight infection. Antineoplastic therapy slows cellular turnover and can cause mucositis and oral ulceration [31].

Some centrally acting medications (eg, antidepressants) diminish salivary flow and increase the risk of dental caries. In addition to lubrication, saliva plays an important role in enamel remineralization and secretory immunity.

Some anticonvulsants (eg, diphenylhydantoin) cause gingival overgrowth.

Patients with eating disorders have erosive tooth wear, low unstimulated salivary flow rates, and high counts of S. mutans and lactobacilli, all of which increase their likelihood of developing caries [32,33].

Children with gastroesophageal reflux disease are at higher risk of having dental erosion [34].

Children who are fed through gastrostomy or jejunostomy tubes have abundant calculus and high potential for dental erosion caused by gastroesophageal reflux and oral hypersensitivity [35].

Children who are treated for neuroblastoma are at high risk for abnormal dental development, including microdontia, excessive caries, root stunting, hypodontia, and enamel hypoplasia [36].

The management of children with inborn errors of metabolism often includes dietary therapies that are cariogenic or erosive [37,38].

Inhaled steroids can cause oral candidiasis if the mouth is not rinsed with water after use.

Early malnutrition during the development of teeth delays tooth development, affects the age distribution of dental caries (through delay of dental development), and increases caries in the primary and permanent teeth [39,40].

More than one-half of prescribed and over-the-counter liquid medications for children contain sugar and may increase the risk of dental caries [41-43]. Steps to prevent caries, if no alternative to these medications exists, include brushing with fluoridated toothpaste or chewing sugar-free gum after taking the medication, taking the medication with meals, and avoiding ingestion before bed. (See "Preventive dental care and counseling for infants and young children", section on 'Fluoride toothpaste'.)

Conditions that alter ability to provide dental care — The provision of dental care requires patient cooperation and the ability to recline with the mouth open for extended periods of time. Cooperation may be limited in patients with emotional, mental, behavioral, or cognitive impairments (table 5). Cooperation also may be limited in children who have had unpleasant experiences with the health care system or who have constant pain caused by chronic illness. Behavior guidance techniques, including the use of pharmacologic agents, may be necessary to facilitate dental treatment for these patients.

Obesity may put children at higher risk for failed procedures or other adverse outcomes during sedation and general anesthesia [44,45], modalities that are frequently used to provide dental care to children who are unable to cooperate for treatment in a traditional dental setting.

Physical limitations or disabilities (eg, cerebral palsy) affect positioning, transferral to the dental chair, stabilization, and patient stamina [46]. Treatment in a wheelchair, positioning or stabilizing techniques, or the use of muscle relaxants or other drugs may be necessary to facilitate dental treatment for these patients.

Special circumstances in dental care — Additional treatment or precautions may be necessary in the provision of dental care for some children:

Children with type 1 diabetes mellitus may require modification of their insulin regimen, depending upon their level of glycemic control [47].

Children who are receiving long-term courses of glucocorticoids may require an increased dose before dental procedures that involve moderate to significant stress [48].

Children who take medications to modify behavior (eg, methylphenidate) should take the medication at a time that will provide maximum response during the dental treatment.

Prophylactic therapy may help to prevent asthma exacerbations triggered by dental treatment [49].

Bisphosphonates are being used more frequently in children with conditions such as osteogenesis imperfecta and other conditions associated with osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates have been linked to osteonecrosis of the jaw in adults with a history of osteoporosis and cancer [50], but no reports have identified the problem in children treated with bisphosphonates [51].

For children who are taking medications and require sedation for dental treatment, potential drug interactions between current medications and the sedative(s) should be evaluated; this may be done with the Lexicomp drug interactions program included with UpToDate.

APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT OF SYSTEMIC DISEASE WITH ORAL IMPLICATIONS — The first step in the management of the oral effects of systemic disease is the recognition of potential problems (table 2). The second is referral to a dentist who is familiar with oral and systemic interactions, such as a pediatric dentist or a general dentist who has hospital residency training. Early coordination between medical and dental providers is critical to the implementation of preventive strategies to improve outcomes.

The effectiveness of a preventive oral protocol was evaluated in a prospective, controlled study of 96 children (age 1 to 16 years) with acute lymphoblastic leukemia [52]. Compared with the control children who only received treatment for dental complications, the children in the prophylactic group had improved oral hygiene and decreased incidence of mucositis and oral candidiasis. (See "Oral toxicity associated with systemic anticancer therapy", section on 'Management'.)


Oral and systemic health are closely related. Abnormalities in the oral cavity may affect systemic health, and systemic conditions may affect oral health. (See 'Introduction' above.)

The oral cavity plays an important role in nutrition, speech, and facial appearance. Each of these functions may be affected by abnormalities in the oral cavity (eg, cleft lip and palate, dental caries). (See 'Oral conditions that affect systemic health' above.)

Systemic conditions may affect oral health and/or the delivery of dental care if the systemic condition increases the risk of odontogenic infection (table 2), alters oral physiology or homeostasis (table 4), or alters the physical, emotional, or mental status of the child (table 5). (See 'Systemic conditions that affect oral health and delivery of dental care' above.)

The approach to the management of the oral effects of systemic disease involves recognition of potential problems and referral to a primary care dentist who is familiar with oral and systemic interactions (eg, a pediatric dentist or a general dentist who has hospital residency training). (See 'Approach to management of systemic disease with oral implications' above.)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT — The UpToDate editorial staff acknowledges Paul Casamassimo, DDS, MS, who contributed to an earlier version of this topic review.


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Topic 6278 Version 15.0


1 : The psychosocial effects of cleft lip and palate: a systematic review.

2 : Self-reports of psychosocial functioning among children and young adults with cleft lip and palate.

3 : Beyond the dmft: the human and economic cost of early childhood caries.

4 : Trends in death associated with pediatric dental sedation and general anesthesia.

5 : Adverse events during pediatric dental anesthesia and sedation: a review of closed malpractice insurance claims.

6 : Association of dental caries and blood lead levels.

7 : Influence of maternal lead ingestion on caries in rat pups.

8 : Physical, behavioral, and cognitive effects of prenatal tobacco and postnatal secondhand smoke exposure.

9 : Poor periodontal health of the pregnant woman as a risk factor for low birth weight.

10 : Periodontal infection as a possible risk factor for preterm low birth weight.

11 : Treating periodontal disease for preventing adverse birth outcomes in pregnant women.

12 : Association of amoxicillin use during early childhood with developmental tooth enamel defects.

13 : Rapid maxillary expansion in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: 12-month follow-up.

14 : Orthodontics and obstructive sleep apnea in children.

15 : Sleep-disordered breathing in a population-based cohort: behavioral outcomes at 4 and 7 years.

16 : The association between sleep disordered breathing, academic grades, and cognitive and behavioral functioning among overweight subjects during middle to late childhood.

17 : A randomized trial of adenotonsillectomy for childhood sleep apnea.

18 : Etiology of molar incisor hypomineralization - A systematic review.

19 : A systematic review and meta-analysis of systemic exposure associated with molar incisor hypomineralization.

20 : The onset of diabetes and poor metabolic control increases gingival bleeding in children and adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

21 : Current view of risk factors for periodontal diseases.

22 : Genetic factors in the pathogenesis of periodontitis.

23 : Periodontal manifestations of systemic disease.

24 : The oral cavity as a reservoir of bacterial pathogens for focal infections.

25 : Prevention of infective endocarditis: guidelines from the American Heart Association: a guideline from the American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease Committee, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, and the Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, and the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Working Group.

26 : Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Dental Patients at Risk for Infection.

27 : How should prophylactic antibiotics be used during dental work or bacteraemia associated procedures?

28 : Utility and safety of Hickman catheters for venous access after bone marrow transplantation.

29 : Dental management of pediatric patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy and/or radiation

30 : The evidence base for the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis in dental practice.

31 : Effectiveness of oral chlorhexidine for reducing stomatitis in a pediatric bone marrow transplant population.

32 : Oral status of 81 subjects with eating disorders.

33 : Bulimia and tooth erosion.

34 : Dental Erosion in Children with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

35 : Dental care for children fed by tube: a critical review.

36 : Dental abnormalities in children treated for neuroblastoma.

37 : Oral health implications in children with inborn errors of intermediary metabolism: a review.

38 : The implication of phenylketonuria on oral health.

39 : Nutrition, tooth development, and dental caries.

40 : The effect of nutritional status on the age distribution of dental caries in the primary teeth.

41 : Dental caries and sugar-containing liquid medicines for children in New Zealand.

42 : Sweeteners, dyes, and other excipients in vitamin and mineral preparations.

43 : Dental health of children taking antimicrobial and non-antimicrobial liquid oral medication long-term.

44 : Risk factors leading to failed procedural sedation in children outside the operating room.

45 : Incidence of perioperative adverse events in obese children undergoing elective general surgery.

46 : A primer in management of movement in the patient with a handicapping condition.

47 : Impact of advances in diabetes care on dental treatment of the diabetic patient.

48 : Supplemental corticosteroids for dental patients with adrenal insufficiency: reconsideration of the problem.

49 : Effect of dental treatment on the lung function of children with asthma.

50 : Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw: report of a task force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.

51 : The use of bisphosphonates in children: review of the literature and guidelines for dental management.

52 : Incidence of oral complications and application of a preventive protocol in children with acute leukemia.