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Causes of horizontal strabismus in children

Causes of horizontal strabismus in children
David K Coats, MD
Evelyn A Paysse, MD
Section Editor:
Scott E Olitsky, MD
Deputy Editor:
Carrie Armsby, MD, MPH
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Mar 26, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Strabismus is the term used to describe an anomaly of ocular alignment (see "Evaluation and management of strabismus in children", section on 'Terminology'). The eye misalignment can involve either eye and can occur in any direction; it can be congenital or acquired, latent or manifest, constant or intermittent, and fixed or variable, depending upon the position of gaze and other factors.

Strabismus can be classified according to the direction of deviation: in (esodeviations), out (exodeviations), and up or down (vertical deviations). The causes of horizontal strabismus are reviewed here. The evaluation of strabismus and the causes of vertical strabismus are discussed separately. (See "Evaluation and management of strabismus in children" and "Causes of vertical strabismus in children".)

NEUROANATOMY — Three pairs of extraocular muscles move each eye in three directions: vertically (superior and inferior), horizontally (medially [adduction] and laterally [abduction]), and torsionally (intorsion when the eye rotates nasally and extorsion when the eye rotates temporally along the visual axis). The superior oblique muscle is innervated by cranial nerve IV, the lateral rectus muscle by cranial nerve VI, and all others by cranial nerve III (table 1).

The understanding of strabismus requires knowledge of the two major principles that govern ocular motility [1]:

Agonist muscles in both eyes receive equal innervation to ensure coordinated binocular eye movements. Thus, when the right lateral rectus muscle is activated to abduct the right eye, the left medial rectus muscle is activated equally to adduct the left eye.

Agonist/antagonist muscle pairs within each eye receive reciprocal innervation [2]. Thus, when the right medial rectus muscle contracts to adduct the right eye, its antagonist, the right lateral rectus muscle, relaxes.

ESODEVIATIONS — Deviations of the eye toward the nose, which are the most common type of strabismus in children, are called esodeviations. In one population-based cohort, the cumulative prevalence of esotropia among children younger than six years of age was 2 percent [3].

In children with an esodeviation, the corneal light reflection is displaced temporally in proportion to the degree of ocular deviation (figure 1) [4]. (See "Evaluation and management of strabismus in children", section on 'Corneal light reflex'.)

The most common causes of esodeviation include [5]:

Accommodative esotropia

Idiopathic infantile esotropia

Duane syndrome

Abducens palsy

Sensory esotropia

Infants younger than four months of age who have constant esotropia [6] and infants older than four months who have persistent esodeviation (even if intermittent) should be referred to an ophthalmologist with expertise in children's eye care for evaluation because these esodeviations are unlikely to resolve spontaneously [7,8].

Accommodative esotropia — Accommodative esotropia is the most common cause of esotropia in children [5,9]. To focus properly on a near object, the ciliary muscle must alter the shape of the lens (accommodation) and both eyes must move inward (convergence). In children who have normal ocular alignment, accommodation is associated with a predictable and physiologic amount of convergence. In children who have accommodative esotropia, the physiologic convergence cannot be overcome by fusional divergence (ie, movement of the eyes away from each other to restore binocular vision) and, as a result, esotropia occurs (picture 1). Accommodative esotropia occurs more commonly in children who have hyperopia (farsightedness).

Clinical features — Accommodative esotropia usually presents in the second year of life but may rarely be present in children as young as three months of age [10] and can be diagnosed later in life. Early-onset accommodative esotropia appears to occur more commonly in premature infants [10]. At the time of onset, the crossing usually is intermittent and often more pronounced with near than with distant fixation. Over time, the deviation can become more pronounced and constant. Amblyopia occurs in approximately 20 percent of patients with accommodative esotropia [10].

Treatment — Most patients with accommodative esotropia can achieve long-term stabilization of ocular alignment with cycloplegic refraction and prescription of hyperopic spectacles (picture 1) [9-13]. Bifocals are sometimes used to control the ocular alignment for near vision. However, fusion for distance fixation is often sufficient to maintain binocular function and some pediatric ophthalmologists do not use bifocals to control a residual near-deviation. Surgical correction of residual esodeviation may be necessary in some patients, more likely in those with delayed diagnosis and treatment [11,13]. Topical miotic agents (eg, phospholine iodide, diisopropyl fluorophosphate, carbachol) have been used by some practitioners to manipulate accommodation, but lack of availability, limited experience, and side effects limit use of these drugs.

Idiopathic infantile esotropia — Idiopathic infantile esotropia, or "congenital" esotropia, is another common type of childhood strabismus (picture 2). This esodeviation has onset before six months of age and occurs in children who are neurologically normal [9,14]. It is not caused by hyperopic refractive error. The theory is that there is a central anomaly of fusion, which is present at birth, although the esotropia may develop anytime in the first six months of life. The cause of this fusion anomaly remains unknown [15].

Clinical features — The esotropia of idiopathic infantile esotropia typically is a large-angle esotropia, usually greater than 25 to 30 prism diopters. Children who have idiopathic infantile esotropia sometimes turn their faces toward the fixing eye, which is preferably positioned in adduction (cross-fixation). Thus, the right eye views objects in the left visual field and vice versa [14]. Idiopathic infantile esotropia is associated with a variety of other ocular motility abnormalities that may manifest later in childhood. These commonly develop despite surgical therapy and initial good ocular alignment [16,17]. The most common of these abnormalities include [18-20]:

Overelevation in adduction, which is characterized by anomalies of eye movement in side gaze and other complex abnormalities of eye movement

Dissociated strabismus complex, which refers to a latent tendency of one eye to deviate upward and outward during daydreaming or when fixation is disrupted (eg, by occluding one eye)

Latent nystagmus, which refers to nystagmus that occurs (or worsens) when one eye is occluded

Amblyopia, which may develop in as many as 17 to 50 percent of affected children [20,21]

Ophthalmologic history and examination usually can help the clinician distinguish idiopathic infantile esotropia from the other causes of esodeviation. Duane syndrome and Moebius syndrome are present at birth, whereas idiopathic infantile esotropia typically has onset during the first six months of life but is rarely present at birth. In addition, children with Duane syndrome usually have a smaller-angle esotropia (usually less than 20 to 30 prism diopters) [22] and those with Moebius syndrome usually have involvement of the facial and other cranial nerves. Children who have infantile esotropia usually have a low refractive error, whereas those with accommodative esotropia usually have greater hyperopia, and those with sensory esotropia have poor vision in the affected eye, usually because of an anatomic abnormality.

Idiopathic infantile esotropia may be particularly difficult to differentiate from congenital or early-onset abducens palsy because infants who have idiopathic infantile esotropia and large deviations may have difficulty abducting one or both eyes because of secondary contracture of the medial rectus muscle(s) (see "Sixth cranial nerve (abducens nerve) palsy", section on 'Evaluation'). Oculocephalic testing, with or without monocular occlusion, may be helpful in making this distinction. Furthermore, abduction velocity (saccades) can usually be documented to be brisk in patients with idiopathic infantile esotropia but not in those with abducens palsy. Distinguishing between the two disorders is important because the evaluation and treatment may differ.

Treatment — The first step in the treatment of children with idiopathic infantile esotropia is to maximize visual acuity by treatment of amblyopia if it is present. Surgery designed to strengthen or weaken the extraocular muscles is the mainstay of therapy. The procedure most commonly performed is designed to weaken the medial rectus muscle(s). It is most commonly performed in both eyes. Successful ocular alignment initially is achieved in the majority of children [6]. However, many children later develop recurrent esotropia, consecutive or secondary exotropia, or other eye movement abnormalities associated with the esotropia syndrome [23]. Earlier realignment appears to be associated with better sensory outcome [24].

Injection of botulinum toxin into the medial rectus muscle of one or both eyes also has been used to treat idiopathic infantile esotropia. Injection of this toxin creates temporary paresis of the medial rectus muscle. More than one injection is needed in most children. Long-term improvement may result from changes in the rectus muscle's length/tension relationships or in the child's fusional capacity during the temporary paralysis [25]. In a randomized trial comparing reoperation and botulinum toxin injection in 55 children who failed initial surgical treatment, the long-term outcomes were similar [26,27].

Duane syndrome — Duane syndrome, also called Duane retraction syndrome or the Stilling-Türk-Duane syndrome, is a congenital strabismus that is caused by failure of normal development of the abducens nerve (the sixth cranial nerve) followed by anomalous innervation of the lateral rectus muscle by the oculomotor nerve [22,28-34]. Patients with Duane syndrome may have esotropia or exotropia, and the following classification system is commonly utilized [22,35]:

Type I (esotropic Duane syndrome) – Patients have difficulty with abduction of the affected eye (picture 3) (70 to 80 percent of cases).

Type II (exotropic Duane syndrome) – Patients have difficulty with adduction of the affected eye (picture 4) (7 percent of cases).

Type III – Patients have difficulty with both abduction and adduction (picture 5) (15 percent of cases). These patients can have esotropia or exotropia in the primary position.

Most cases of Duane syndrome are sporadic, but an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern has been described. Genetic loci have been mapped to chromosomes 8q13 and 2q31 [30,36-38]. Duane syndrome may be seen in association with other conditions, including Klippel-Feil anomaly, hemifacial microsomia, and Wildervanck syndrome [39].

Clinical features — Duane syndrome affects the left eye in 59 percent of cases, the right in 23 percent, and both in 18 percent [28,39]. Familial cases usually are bilateral [40]. The angle of deviation typically is small (<20 to 30 prism diopters) [22]. One of the characteristic features of Duane syndrome is the retraction of the globe and narrowing of the palpebral fissure during attempted adduction (picture 3). This feature is caused by the simultaneous contraction of the medial and lateral rectus muscles that occurs during attempted adduction. Some patients with Duane syndrome may have normal ocular alignment in the straight-ahead (or primary) position and manifest deviation only in the lateral-gaze position.

Other clinical features include abnormal tilt or turn of the head (torticollis) to permit fusion and upshoot and/or downshoot of the affected eye in adduction. These movements are thought to be caused by a "leash" phenomenon of the lateral rectus muscle or aberrant innervation of the vertical rectus muscles. Patients with Duane syndrome also may have amblyopia and unequal refractive errors (anisometropia). Extraocular features associated with Duane syndrome include thenar hypoplasia and radial ray abnormalities, deafness, and fusion of the second and third cervical vertebrae [28,41].

Treatment — The treatment of Duane syndrome is similar to that of other forms of strabismus. Indications for strabismus surgery include:

Strabismus in the primary position of gaze (straight ahead)

Abnormal head posture

Significant upshoot or downshoot of the eye in adduction

Significant enophthalmos in adduction

Abducens nerve palsy — Paralysis of the sixth cranial nerve (abducens nerve) is an uncommon cause of esotropia in children. Deviation in children with abducens nerve palsy increases with gaze toward the affected side and decreases with gaze toward the unaffected side [4]. Abducens nerve palsy in children is discussed separately. (See "Sixth cranial nerve (abducens nerve) palsy".)

Sensory esotropia — Sensory esotropia may occur in children of any age. Sensory esotropia results when vision in the affected eye is sufficiently poor that fixation and eye alignment cannot be maintained. Sensory deviation can be caused by congenital or early-onset cataract, optic nerve anomalies, retinal detachment, and retinoblastoma. Esotropia is the second most common presenting sign in patients with retinoblastoma (after leukocoria) [42]. (See "Vision screening and assessment in infants and children" and "Cataract in children" and "Congenital anomalies and acquired abnormalities of the optic nerve" and "Retinoblastoma: Clinical presentation, evaluation, and diagnosis", section on 'Clinical presentation'.)

Moebius syndrome — Moebius syndrome is a rare cause of esotropia. Patients with Moebius syndrome have unilateral or bilateral anomalies of multiple cranial nerves, including the facial nerve and the abducens nerve [43,44]. Two genetic loci have been mapped: one at 13q12.2-q13 [45,46] and the other at 3q21-q22 [47]. Moebius syndrome may occur in association with the Poland anomaly, which consists of absence of the pectoralis major muscle and limb abnormalities [48], or as a result of in utero exposure to misoprostol [49].

Clinical features — Patients with Moebius syndrome typically present with facial diplegia and thus absence of facial expression. Feeding difficulties may be present if the ninth cranial nerve (the glossopharyngeal nerve) is involved. Other variably present manifestations include peripheral neuropathy, intellectual disability, arthrogryposis, limb deficiencies, flexion finger contractures, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [43,44,50].

Treatment — The treatment for the strabismus associated with Moebius syndrome is the same as for other forms of strabismus. Indications for strabismus surgery include:

Strabismus in the primary position of gaze (straight ahead)

Abnormal head posture

Significant upshoot or downshoot of the eye in adduction

In addition, those patients with involvement of the facial nerve require observation for and treatment of corneal exposure.

EXODEVIATIONS — Horizontal ocular deviations in which the visual axis deviates outward are called exodeviations. Children with exodeviations typically present during the first decade. The prevalence is approximately 1 percent in children younger than 11 years [51]. In children who have moderate to large exodeviation, the corneal light reflex appears in the center of the fixating eye and is displaced nasally in the deviated eye (figure 1). The most common cause of exodeviation in children is intermittent exotropia [51,52]. Other causes include type II Duane syndrome, oculomotor nerve paresis, congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles (CFEOM), sensory exotropia (related to decreased visual acuity in one eye), and consecutive exotropia (exotropia after surgery to correct esotropia). (See 'Duane syndrome' above.)

Intermittent exotropia — Intermittent exotropia is the most common exodeviation of childhood, affecting almost 1 percent of the general population [53]. The typical onset occurs when the child is two to three years of age [4].

Clinical features — Children with intermittent exotropia usually present with a complaint that one eye "floats" or "drifts" when the child is tired or inattentive. In the early stages of this condition, the child can control the deviation and realign the eyes when his or her attention is brought to the problem. He or she may need to blink to help reestablish fusion, and excessive blinking may be the presenting complaint [54].

The child with intermittent exotropia may have normal ocular alignment and no obvious problems at the initial clinical examination. With progression, the ocular deviation is more difficult for the child to control and tends to become manifest more frequently. Children with intermittent exotropia usually do not experience diplopia, because the developing visual system of the child suppresses the unwanted image from the deviating eye, when the eye is deviating. The risk of developing amblyopia is lower than in children with esotropia. In one population-based study, more than 90 percent of children with intermittent exotropia developed myopia by the age of 20 years whether or not they were treated surgically [55].

Most patients with intermittent exotropia can be categorized according to the degree of exodeviation with distance fixation versus near fixation [56]:

Basic exotropia is the term used to describe an exodeviation that is approximately the same size at distance compared with near fixation

Divergence excess-type exotropia is present when the exodeviation is greater at distance compared with near fixation

Convergence insufficiency-type exotropia is present when the exodeviation is greater at near compared with distance fixation (picture 6)

Convergence insufficiency may be associated with asthenopia (ie, eye strain) or diplopia with reading or schoolwork. It also is a common finding in presbyopic adults who require bifocals to read.

Treatment — A variety of treatments have been proposed for intermittent exotropia. However, no single treatment has proven superior for all cases and long-term follow-up demonstrates a high recurrence rate regardless of initial therapy [9,57,58].

Observation — Observation is an acceptable approach to managing patients who are able to control their exodeviation the majority of the time and who are otherwise asymptomatic. This approach should include monitoring for any of the following symptoms:


Eye strain

Double vision

Closing of one eye in sunlight (eg, monocular manifest deviation)

Increasing frequency of deviation

As a general rule, the prognosis for normal binocular vision and stereopsis is good if the exotropia is manifest infrequently. Intervention in these children should be determined on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the clinician and the parents.

Vision therapy — Vision therapy includes occlusion therapy, overminused spectacles, and orthoptic exercises. The intervention can be passive or active:

Passive vision therapy – Passive vision therapy includes alternate part-time occlusion (patching) of one eye and usually is used in younger children with the aim of preventing or reducing suppression. In a randomized trial comparing part-time patching to observation in 201 young children with intermittent exotropia, deterioration over six months was uncommon in both groups (2.2 versus 4.6 percent, respectively; nonsignificant) [59]. Control of exotropia as assessed by a six-point score was slightly better with patching (mean score 2.3 versus 2.8), though this finding is not likely to represent a clinically meaningful difference. A similar trial in older children (ages 3 to <11 years) found that part-time patching reduced the rate of deterioration over six months; however, deterioration was uncommon in both groups (0.6 percent in the patching group versus 6.1 percent in the observation group) [60]. As with all treatments for intermittent exotropia, failure and recurrence after discontinuation of therapy are common occurrences [58].

The prescription of myopic spectacles is another method of passive vision therapy for intermittent exotropia. This approach is often better accepted by patients who are already spectacle wearers and/or who are in reasonably good control of their deviation. This method of treatment works by stimulating accommodation and accommodative convergence, thereby diminishing and even eliminating exodeviation in some patients [61]. As with other methods of therapy, failure and/or recurrence with this treatment is a common occurrence [58].

Active vision therapy – Active vision therapy involves a combination of eye exercises and vision-training maneuvers [62]. This therapy may be prescribed to take place at home or administered at weekly or more frequent office encounters. In a randomized controlled trial of 221 children (aged 9 to 17 years), an intensive program of office-based vision therapy with home reinforcement was more effective in reducing signs and symptoms than several home-based therapies [63]. "Active" vision therapy consisted of a rigorous protocol, including a variety of exercises designed to improve vergence and accommodation. Placebo therapy consisted of procedures designed to simulate real vision therapy/orthoptics without the expectation of affecting vergence, accommodation, or saccadic function.

Although this study suggests that intensive office-based therapy is superior to placebo therapy, additional studies are needed to determine whether office-based therapy is superior to equally intensive home-based therapy [64].

Strabismus surgery — Strabismus surgery is the treatment used most often by ophthalmologists for advanced intermittent exotropia [65]. Surgical guidelines typically recommend intervention when the exodeviation is manifest frequently and/or if the patient is symptomatic. The surgery involves weakening the lateral rectus muscles of both eyes, weakening (recession) the lateral rectus muscle and tightening (resection) the medial rectus muscle in a single eye, or strengthening the medial rectus muscles in both eyes. All procedures are similarly effective depending on the type and magnitude of exodeviation. Recurrence occurs commonly after surgery for intermittent exotropia. (See "Evaluation and management of strabismus in children", section on 'Overview of management'.)

Oculomotor nerve palsy — The oculomotor nerve provides efferent innervation to four extraocular muscles (the medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique), the levator palpebral superioris muscle of the eyelid, and the pupillary constrictor muscle, via its parasympathetic component (table 1).

Complete oculomotor palsy presents with the classic triad (figure 2):

Exotropia and hypotropia of the involved eye


Complete ptosis

The presentation of incomplete oculomotor paresis varies depending upon which muscle(s) are affected primarily. Clinical findings may include deficits in elevation or depression, ptosis, and anisocoria, with a larger pupil on the involved side. In contrast with other forms of exodeviation, the exodeviation of oculomotor nerve palsy or paresis is associated with reduced ability (or inability) to adduct the affected eye. These patients also often use an anomalous head position to maintain alignment. (See "Third cranial nerve (oculomotor nerve) palsy in children", section on 'Clinical manifestations'.)

Patients who are suspected of having oculomotor nerve palsy should be referred to a pediatric ophthalmologist who is skilled in the evaluation and management of ocular motility abnormalities. Neuroimaging may be necessary to determine the underlying etiology (table 2). (See "Third cranial nerve (oculomotor nerve) palsy in children", section on 'Evaluation'.)

Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles — CFEOM can mimic third-nerve palsy. CFEOM has several phenotypes: FEOM1 and FEOM3 cause hypodeviations, whereas FEOM2 causes exotropia. FEOM2 is characterized by bilateral ptosis with the eyes fixed in an exotropic position [66]. This autosomal recessive disorder is caused by mutations in the ARIZ gene on chromosome 11q13, which codes a transcription factor protein that is required for development of the third and fourth cranial nerves in the mouse and zebrafish [67,68]. Neuropathologic changes suggest that FEOM2 is caused by a primary defect in the superior and inferior divisions of the oculomotor nerve [66].

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or email these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword[s] of interest.)

Basics topic (see "Patient education: Crossed eyes and lazy eye (The Basics)")


Esodeviations (deviations of the eye toward the nose) are the most common type of strabismus in children. In moderate to large esodeviations, the corneal light reflex appears approximately in the center of the fixating eye's pupil and is displaced temporally in the deviated eye (figure 1). (See 'Esodeviations' above.)

The most common causes of esodeviation include accommodative esotropia, idiopathic infantile esotropia, Duane syndrome, abducens palsy, and sensory esotropia. (See 'Esodeviations' above.)

Constant esotropia in an infant <4 four months old and persistent intermittent or constant esotropia in a child >4 months old are unlikely to resolve spontaneously. (See 'Esodeviations' above.)

Exodeviations (outward deviations of the eye) typically present during the first decade of life. In moderate to large exodeviation, the corneal light reflex appears approximately in the center of the fixating eye and is displaced nasally in the deviated eye (figure 1). (See 'Exodeviations' above.)

The most common cause of exodeviation in children is intermittent exotropia. Other causes include type II Duane syndrome, oculomotor nerve paresis, congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles (CFEOM), sensory exotropia, and consecutive exotropia. (See 'Exodeviations' above.)


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Topic 6265 Version 26.0


1 : A restatement and modification of Wells-Hering's laws of visual direction.

2 : Descartes' law of reciprocal innervation.

3 : Incidence and types of childhood esotropia: a population-based study.

4 : Incidence and types of childhood esotropia: a population-based study.

5 : Common forms of childhood esotropia.

6 : The natural history of infantile esotropia during the first six months of life. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group.

7 : Spontaneous resolution of early-onset esotropia: experience of the Congenital Esotropia Observational Study.

8 : The clinical spectrum of early-onset esotropia: experience of the Congenital Esotropia Observational Study.

9 : Clinical practice. Pediatric strabismus.

10 : Early-onset refractive accommodative esotropia.

11 : Early-onset refractive accommodative esotropia.

12 : Accommodative esotropia.

13 : Outcome in refractive accommodative esotropia.

14 : Congenital esotropia.

15 : Congenital esotropia in perspective.

16 : A reassessment of infantile esotropia. XLIV Edward Jackson memorial lecture.

17 : Relationship of dissociated vertical deviation and the timing of initial surgery for congenital esotropia.

18 : Dissociated horizontal deviation.

19 : Dissociated vertical deviation: etiology, mechanism, and associated phenomena. Costenbader Lecture.

20 : Untreated essential infantile esotropia: factors affecting the development of amblyopia.

21 : The diagnosis of amblyopia in cross-fixation.

22 : Duane retraction syndrome.

23 : Results of early alignment of congenital esotropia.

24 : Why does early surgical alignment improve stereoacuity outcomes in infantile esotropia?

25 : Management of essential infantile esotropia with botulinum toxin A: review and recommendations.

26 : Early retreatment of infantile esotropia: comparison of reoperation and botulinum toxin.

27 : Botulinum toxin for the treatment of strabismus.

28 : Botulinum toxin for the treatment of strabismus.

29 : Absence of the abducens nerve in Duane syndrome verified by magnetic resonance imaging.

30 : Localization of a gene for Duane retraction syndrome to chromosome 2q31.

31 : Localization of a gene for Duane retraction syndrome to chromosome 2q31.

32 : Presence of the abducens nerve according to the type of Duane's retraction syndrome.

33 : Abducens nerve is present in patients with type 2 Duane's retraction syndrome.

34 : Duane retraction syndrome: Type II with severe abducens nerve hypoplasia on magnetic resonance imaging.

35 : Electrophysiology of the retraction syndromes.

36 : Detection of an insertion deletion of region 8q13-q21.2 in a patient with Duane syndrome: implications for mapping and cloning a Duane gene.

37 : Confirmation of linkage of Duane's syndrome and refinement of the disease locus to an 8.8-cM interval on chromosome 2q31.

38 : Human CHN1 mutations hyperactivate alpha2-chimaerin and cause Duane's retraction syndrome.

39 : Duane's retraction syndrome.

40 : Bilateral Duane syndrome. Occurrence in three successive generations.

41 : Congenital anomalies in patients with Duane retraction syndrome and their relatives.

42 : Presenting signs of retinoblastoma.

43 : Presenting signs of retinoblastoma.

44 : Presenting signs of retinoblastoma.

45 : Deletion of chromosome 13 in Moebius syndrome.

46 : Three-generation pedigree of a Möbius syndrome variant with chromosome translocation.

47 : Localization of a gene for Möbius syndrome to chromosome 3q by linkage analysis in a Dutch family.

48 : Poland-Moebius syndrome in a boy and Poland syndrome in his mother.

49 : Use of misoprostol during pregnancy and Möbius' syndrome in infants.

50 : Managing the child with a diagnosis of Moebius syndrome: more than meets the eye.

51 : Incidence and types of childhood exotropia: a population-based study.

52 : Common forms of childhood exotropia.

53 : Intermittent exotropia.

54 : Excessive blinking in childhood: a prospective evaluation of 99 children.

55 : The development of myopia among children with intermittent exotropia.

56 : Distance/near differences in intermittent exotropia.

57 : Surgical intervention in childhood intermittent exotropia: current practice and clinical outcomes from an observational cohort study.

58 : A systematic review of the effectiveness of treatments in altering the natural history of intermittent exotropia.

59 : A Randomized Trial Comparing Part-time Patching with Observation for Intermittent Exotropia in Children 12 to 35 Months of Age.

60 : A randomized trial comparing part-time patching with observation for children 3 to 10 years of age with intermittent exotropia.

61 : Does overcorrecting minus lens therapy for intermittent exotropia cause myopia?

62 : Management of binocular anomalies: efficacy of vision therapy, exotropia.

63 : Randomized clinical trial of treatments for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children.

64 : Treatment options for symptomatic convergence insufficiency.

65 : Outcome study of bilateral lateral rectus recession for intermittent exotropia in children.

66 : Outcome study of bilateral lateral rectus recession for intermittent exotropia in children.

67 : Homozygous mutations in ARIX(PHOX2A) result in congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles type 2.

68 : Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles type 2, an inherited exotropic strabismus fixus, maps to distal 11q13.