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Nonepileptic paroxysmal disorders in infancy

Nonepileptic paroxysmal disorders in infancy
Thien T Nguyen, MD, PhD
Peter W Kaplan, MB, FRCP
Angus Wilfong, MD
Section Editor:
Douglas R Nordli, Jr, MD
Deputy Editor:
John F Dashe, MD, PhD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Oct 07, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Epilepsy is a condition characterized by an underlying susceptibility for recurrent seizures. The term "seizure" refers to a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive neuronal activity of the brain.

Paroxysmal events are frequent in infancy. In one population-based cohort, they occurred in 9 percent of those in the first year of life [1]. While seizures and epilepsy are commonly considered in the differential, these make up a small fraction (<10 percent) of these events.

Neonates and infants exhibit nonepileptic paroxysmal episodes that differ from those encountered in older children and adults (table 1). These may be difficult to differentiate from epileptic events because of the overlapping clinical features as well as the difficulty in interpreting neonatal and infant electroencephalograms (EEG). It is important for clinicians to be aware of and recognize the transient nonepileptic events that resemble seizures in order to avoid unnecessary treatment and to institute the correct treatment when required.

This topic reviews nonepileptic paroxysmal events in the neonate and infant. The differential diagnosis of epilepsy in other age groups is reviewed separately. (See "Nonepileptic paroxysmal disorders in children" and "Nonepileptic paroxysmal disorders in adolescents and adults".)

NEONATES (BIRTH TO ONE MONTH OF AGE) — Normal neonates commonly exhibit a variety of paroxysmal movements including nonconjugate eye movements, sucking movements without associated eye abnormalities, and sleep-related myoclonus. These normal behaviors as well as the pathologic conditions discussed below can be difficult to distinguish from epileptic seizures, which can also have somewhat subtle manifestations. Electroencephalography (EEG), particularly video-EEG monitoring, can be invaluable in distinguishing among these entities. In one study of neonates, 90 percent of abnormal movements suspicious for seizures were found to be nonepileptic on EEG recording [2]. (See "Clinical features, evaluation, and diagnosis of neonatal seizures".)

Apnea — Apnea, or a pause in breathing for greater than 20 seconds, is usually not due to an epileptic seizure, particularly if apnea is the sole manifestation. Apneic episodes are common in premature children during active sleep and are believed to be due to brainstem immaturity. (See "Management of apnea of prematurity".)

Compared with epileptic seizures, episodes of nonepileptic apnea are more likely to include bradycardia and typically do not include tachycardia or significant alterations in blood pressure, body temperature, or skin color [3-8]. A few jerks may occur, but the baby does not convulse. An epileptic seizure should be suspected if apnea is accompanied by eye closure or opening, eye deviation, mouth movement, hypertension, or tachycardia.

When apnea occurs in older infants, it may represent a brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE). The history and physical examination in infants who have experienced BRUE should identify features that suggest a specific cause of the event (eg, choking/laryngospasm or an upper respiratory infection) or characteristics that suggest a higher risk for having a serious underlying disease. The evaluation and management of BRUE are reviewed in detail separately. (See "Acute events in infancy including brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE)".)

Jitteriness — Jitteriness is a common movement seen in the neonatal period, typically observed as an excessive response to stimulation such as touch or loud noise [3,9,10]. It has a tremulous quality, with a back-and-forth oscillation of equal amplitude and frequency. In contrast to seizures, the child is typically awake during the events and no associated autonomic disturbance is evident. The movement can be lessened by consoling the child, removing the stimulus, or relaxing the affected limb, interventions that do not affect seizure activity. The provocation of events by stimulus is also atypical for seizures. In addition, head or eye deviation during an episode suggests seizure.

Mild degrees of jitteriness are common in healthy infants [11]. More severe jitteriness can interfere with feeding and other aspects of normal infant care. Jitteriness is often associated with drug withdrawal, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, conditions that can also produce seizures.

Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus — Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus, also called benign sleep myoclonus of infancy, refers to a phenomenon of repetitive myoclonic jerks that occur during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep in the first few weeks of life and resolve spontaneously by two to three months [12-16]. The jerks are typically bilateral, symmetric movements of the arms and/or legs.

Features that help distinguish these myoclonic jerks from epileptic events include the absence of autonomic disturbances, myoclonic jerks occurring only while asleep, and a normal EEG and neurologic and develop mental examination [12-15]. Unlike epileptic seizures, the movement of benign neonatal sleep myoclonus will cease when the baby is aroused. Neonates with severe cerebral dysfunction can also have myoclonic jerks, but these typically occur with a stimulus, or upon wakening or falling asleep.

Hyperekplexia — Hyperekplexia (stiff baby syndrome or startle disease) is a rare genetic disease that has been associated with a variety of gene mutations usually affecting the glycine receptor [17-19]. (See "Hyperkinetic movement disorders in children", section on 'Hyperekplexia'.)

The disease is characterized by a triad of generalized stiffness while awake, nocturnal myoclonus, and an exaggerated startle reflex. These features are often apparent at birth [18]. Episodes of hypertonia or tonic spasms occur upon awakening or with auditory or tactile stimuli. When severe, these may interfere with breathing and can even cause hypoxic brain injury [20]. Attacks may be resolved by manual flexion of the neck or hips [21]. All of these features are atypical for epileptic seizures.

These tonic spasms can also cause older infants to fall suddenly in response to surprise, sensory stimuli, strong emotion, or stress [18]. As a result, walking is often delayed. The spasms lessen in severity and usually disappear as the child grows older, but an excessive startle response may persist throughout life, elicited even by minor visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli.

Clonazepam, a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor agonist, appears to be effective for alleviating hypertonia and apneic episodes [18,19,21]. Phenobarbital, phenytoin, diazepam, and sodium valproate also have been cited in the literature as effective therapies for hypertonia and/or abnormal startle response.

Others — A sodium channelopathy causing episodic laryngospasm, along with face and limb myotonia, has been described in three neonates, each carrying a de novo mutation of the muscle sodium channel gene SCN4A [22]. Treatment with carbamazepine and mexiletine was successful in eliminating attacks in two cases.

INFANTS (ONE MONTH TO ONE YEAR OF AGE) — The differential diagnosis of epileptic seizures in infancy includes events with a broad range of underlying pathologies. Although clinical symptomatology helps to differentiate these from epileptic seizures, electroencephalography (EEG), particularly video-EEG monitoring, can be invaluable in the diagnosis [23-25]. (See "Seizures and epilepsy in children: Clinical and laboratory diagnosis".)

Breath-holding spells — Breath-holding spells are common events in infants and young children from six months to six years of age [26-29]. Most children (80 to 90 percent) with these spells have their first episode before 18 months of age [30]. Rarely, cases first present as neonates [31].

The pathogenesis of these syncopal events is not clear. Some studies support a primary role for dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system [27,28,32]. Iron deficiency anemia is more prevalent in children with breath-holding spells compared with controls and appears to contribute to the occurrence of breath-holding spells and the underlying dysautonomia [32-34]. An association between breath-holding spells and other types of anemia, including transient erythroblastopenia of childhood (TEC), has also been described [35].

A family history of breath-holding spells is present in 20 to 35 percent of patients and an autosomal dominant trait has been reported in some families [30,36].

The two clinical types of breath-holding spells are cyanotic and pallid. Both family members and individual children can demonstrate both types, but usually one predominates [30].

Cyanotic breath-holding spells — In the cyanotic variety, the child becomes angry or upset in response to a reprimand or a mild injury [29]. The precipitant is often minimal, even trivial. There is a brief period of crying, typically followed quickly by breath-holding in forced expiration with apnea and cyanosis, which is then often followed by collapse with limpness and loss of consciousness. Cyanosis can appear faster than anticipated with simple breath-holding, and the loss of tone often is striking. The sequence is quite stereotyped and reproducible.

If the apnea is prolonged, there may be other clinical manifestations, including decorticate or decerebrate posturing. A few children have generalized motor seizures characterized by increased tone followed by loss of tone or clonic activity and prolonged postictal unconsciousness [37,38]. Status epilepticus has been reported.

A significant minority of children (15 to 25 percent) have multiple episodes daily [29,30]. Most children have one to six spells per week.

Pallid breath-holding spells — Pallid infantile syncope is less common than the cyanotic variety and is more likely to be mistaken for a seizure. The child typically loses consciousness after a minor fall or blow to the head or upper body [29]. Often, this history is not volunteered by the patient or family and must be elicited by direct questioning. The loss of consciousness may be delayed up to 30 seconds after the minor trauma, obscuring the connection between the two events. The child then stops breathing and becomes pale, diaphoretic, and limp. If the episode lasts more than a few seconds, this is followed by generalized increased tone of the trunk and extremities, often with incontinence and occasionally low-amplitude clonus. The entire episode lasts less than one minute, but the child is confused and/or sleepy for several minutes afterward.

The event is caused by cardiac bradycardia. Events may be reproduced with 10 seconds of ocular pressure during electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, which produces a typical attack with a profound bradycardia, even asystole, usually lasting 5 to 10 seconds [29]. Cases have been described in which the heart beat did not return for 30 seconds. If simultaneous EEG monitoring is performed, hypersynchronous, high-amplitude slowing may be observed, followed by flattening if the episode is prolonged.

Diagnosis — There is no diagnostic test that confirms the diagnosis of breath-holding spells. These may be difficult to distinguish from epileptic seizures. A history of any provocation (eg, head injury, crying) should be elicited, as this is typical for breath-holding spells, but not epileptic seizures. Prominent color change, pallor or cyanosis, also suggests breath-holding spells rather than seizures. As with other nonepileptic events, video-EEG monitoring can be helpful in difficult cases.

Other causes of syncope also should be considered. If the episodes are prolonged or frequent, precipitated by startle or other nontraumatic stimuli, or if a family history of syncope or sudden death exists, a more in-depth cardiac evaluation, particularly for prolonged QT syndrome, is indicated [39]. (See "Causes of syncope in children and adolescents".)

Because iron deficiency anemia is highly associated with breath-holding spells, evaluation with complete blood count and serum ferritin is warranted in these children [35,40]. A blood lead level should also be measured in children who are found to be anemic, if it has not been done recently. (See "Iron deficiency in infants and children <12 years: Screening, prevention, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis".)

Prognosis and treatment — The prognosis for children with breath-holding spells is excellent [30]. The median age of remission is four years; virtually all children stop having episodes by eight years [28-30,41]. Neurologic development is normal [42].

Iron supplementation in anemic or iron-deficient patients appears to reduce the frequency of breath-holding attacks, according to observational studies and one clinical trial [36,40,43,44]. Complete remission of spells reportedly occurs in 32 to 52 percent. A typical dose is 5 to 6 mg/kg per day of elemental iron given in three divided doses using ferrous sulphate [40]. The duration of treatment should be individualized according to the improvement of clinical episodes and the anemia. The value of iron supplementation in children with breath-holding spells who are not anemic has not been well studied [44].

Theophylline treatment may also reduce the frequency of breath-holding spells, as suggested by the findings of several retrospective reports [45-47].

Antiseizure medications are not helpful in reducing the breath-holding spells, and may or may not prevent secondary anoxic seizures if these are frequent [30,48]. The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-derivative, piracetam (40 or 50 mg/kg per day in two divided doses), was shown in two randomized trials (one unblinded) to reduce the frequency of breath-holding spells [49,50]. This drug is not available in the United States.

In rare patients with severe attacks of pallid infantile syncope associated with prolonged, severe bradycardia or asystole, atropine and cardiac pacing have been employed to reduce the frequency of spells [30,51,52].

Benign myoclonus of infancy — Benign myoclonus of infancy is also known as benign nonepileptic infantile spasms. The spasms can manifest as myoclonus, spasms with brief tonic contractions, shuddering, and/or atonia (negative myoclonus) [53]. Spasms occur in clusters, frequently at mealtime. First occurring at three to eight months of age, these clusters increase in intensity and severity over weeks or months and then remit spontaneously at two to three years of age [54,55].

The clinical features of these attacks may be clinically indistinguishable from other types of progressive infantile spasms associated with developmental delay and epileptic seizures, although they typically occur only while awake [53,54,56]. Benign myoclonus of infancy can be identified by a normal EEG and normal neurologic development without subsequent epilepsy. (See "Clinical features and diagnosis of infantile spasms".)

Shuddering attacks — Shuddering attacks usually begin in infancy, less commonly in childhood. These brief episodes of altered muscle tone often manifest as a rapid tremor of the head, shoulder, and trunk reminiscent of a "shudder" or "shiver" from a chill. There may be stiffening, flexion, and elevation of the arms with a low-amplitude tremor [57]. If seated, the child may lean in one direction or even fall. The child may stare, appear to be unaware of the surroundings, and then promptly return to the task at hand [58].

The episodes last a few seconds, and can occur multiple times a day [57,59]. The spells often occur with feeding, or when the child is excited or distressed, suggesting they are a pattern of stimulus overflow in a young child. They never occur during sleep and virtually never when being held and cuddled.

The EEG during the spells is normal [57,58]. Neurologic and developmental examinations also are normal.

The episodes may continue at lower frequency into the second half of the first decade and can, on rare occasions, cause the child to fall in the middle of activities such as playing ball. Occasionally, a family history of benign essential tremor exists, but the children themselves do not have a chronic tremor [60]. The spells spontaneously resolve by the second decade without treatment.

Sandifer syndrome — Sandifer syndrome refers to the intermittent paroxysmal spells of generalized stiffening and opisthotonic posturing that are caused by gastroesophageal reflux in infants [61,62]. The posturing likely reflects a pain response to acidic reflux into the esophagus [59]. These spells may be associated with apnea, staring, and minimal jerking of the extremities [63]. A careful history will reveal that these spells are associated with feedings, usually occurring within 30 minutes following a meal. Sandifer syndrome can be seen in normal children, as well as children with hypotonia and tracheomalacia.

If the history suggests Sandifer syndrome, a gastroesophageal work-up should be considered [59,62]. Treatment of gastrointestinal reflux reduces the frequency and severity of attacks. (See "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children and adolescents" and "Management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children and adolescents" and "Acquired torticollis in children", section on 'Sandifer syndrome'.)

Dystonia — Dystonia is an abnormal posture due to sustained contraction of both the agonist and antagonist muscle groups. A dystonic posture may be generalized or focal; examples include opisthotonic posturing, torticollis, and oculogyric crisis.

A common etiology of dystonia in infants is an acute reaction to drugs such as metoclopramide, phenothiazines, and haloperidol. (See "Hyperkinetic movement disorders in children", section on 'Acute dystonic reaction'.)

Benign paroxysmal torticollis in infancy — This is an idiopathic disorder, characterized by periods of an abnormal, sustained posture of the head and neck in which the head tilts to one side, with the face rotated toward the opposite side. The events begin and end suddenly, with a duration between a few hours and a few days. The child is alert and responsive during an attack. Episodes usually first occur in the first three months of life and may recur at varying intervals, resolving by the age of three years in most cases [64-66]. EEG and neurologic examinations are normal, as is subsequent neurologic development; any delays in motor development improve with resolution of episodes [66]. No treatment is required. (See "Acquired torticollis in children", section on 'Benign paroxysmal torticollis'.)

A relationship between this disorder and migraine is suggested. A family history of migraines is common in children with this disorder and they may develop migraine later in life [65,66]. In one family, benign paroxysmal torticollis appeared to be associated with inheritance of a CACN1A mutation, which is also linked to familial hemiplegic migraine [67].

Abnormal eye movements — Oculomotor apraxia is a condition with impaired saccadic eye movements in which the child will turn his head suddenly so as to move the direction of gaze. These peculiar rapid head movements are rarely mistaken for epileptic seizure. Oculomotor apraxia may be seen in ataxia telangiectasia and lysosomal storage diseases. (See "Ataxia-telangiectasia", section on 'Differential diagnosis'.)

Spasmus nutans consists of a triad of nystagmus, head nodding (titubation), and head tilt. When the symptoms fluctuate during the course of the day, they may be confused with epileptic seizures. Consciousness is not impaired. The onset is usually the first few months of life and resolves by five years of age. (See "Pendular nystagmus", section on 'Spasmus nutans'.)

Opsoclonus consists of rapid, erratic, involuntary conjugate eye movements ("dancing eyes"). These eye movements are usually associated with myoclonus and ataxia, also described as dancing eyes-dancing feet syndrome. Most cases occur between ages 6 and 18 months. Fifty percent of cases are related to an underlying neoplasm, especially neuroblastoma [68,69]. (See "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and staging evaluation of neuroblastoma" and "Hyperkinetic movement disorders in children", section on 'Myoclonus'.)

Sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder — Rhythmic movements such as nocturnal head banging, body rocking, and head rolling typically occur in children younger than one year of age as they try to fall asleep [13,70,71]. They also can be present in deep sleep and in wakefulness. Episodes usually begin in infancy and resolve by five years of age, but can persist into adult life. The characteristic nature of the movements is not typical for epilepsy, and patients often can be directed to stop the movements, which is generally not true for an epileptic seizure. (See "Sleep-related movement disorders in childhood", section on 'Rhythmic movement disorder'.)


The differential diagnosis of epileptic seizures in neonates and infants includes a variety of benign, physiologic phenomena as well as pathologic conditions (table 1). Some of these conditions can persist into childhood and longer.

Clinical features of the events, the setting in which they occur, and the presence or absence of provocation help distinguish these events from epileptic seizures. The history and physical examination should probe for associated features including change in vital signs, color change, autonomic disturbances, loss of consciousness, and head and eye deviation.

In difficult cases, electroencephalography (EEG), particularly video-EEG monitoring, is useful in the diagnostic evaluation of spells. (See "Clinical features, evaluation, and diagnosis of neonatal seizures" and "Seizures and epilepsy in children: Clinical and laboratory diagnosis".)

Normal neonates commonly exhibit a variety of physiologic paroxysmal movements during both wakefulness and sleep. Pathologic conditions in neonates that can have overlapping features or be difficult to distinguish from epileptic seizures include apnea, jitteriness, benign neonatal sleep myoclonus, and hyperekplexia. (See 'Neonates (birth to one month of age)' above.)

Breath-holding spells are common events in infants and young children from six months to six years of age that can be mistaken for epileptic seizures. The two clinical types are cyanotic and pallid. Both types are typically preceded or provoked by an injury or emotional upset. (See 'Breath-holding spells' above.)

Benign myoclonus of infancy and sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder should be considered when events are confined to sleep or the transitions between wakefulness and sleep. (See 'Benign myoclonus of infancy' above and 'Sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder' above.)

Shuddering attacks last a few seconds and often occur with feeding or when the child is excited or distressed, suggesting they are a pattern of stimulus overflow in a young child. (See 'Shuddering attacks' above.)

Nonepileptic events that involve stiffening or sustained changes in head or limb tone and posture include Sandifer syndrome and dystonia. A variety of conditions may produce paroxysmal eye and head movement abnormalities. (See 'Sandifer syndrome' above and 'Dystonia' above and 'Abnormal eye movements' above.)


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Topic 6210 Version 23.0


1 : Paroxysmal disorders in infancy and their risk factors in a population-based cohort: the Generation R Study.

2 : Controversies concerning neonatal seizures.

3 : Controversies concerning neonatal seizures.

4 : Controversies concerning neonatal seizures.

5 : Seizures with apnea in children.

6 : Sleep apnea in infancy and childhood.

7 : Abnormalities in cardiac and respiratory function observed during seizures in childhood.

8 : Heart rate changes in convulsive and nonconvulsive neonatal apnea.

9 : Jitteriness in full-term neonates: prevalence and correlates.

10 : The jittery newborn.

11 : Jitteriness beyond the neonatal period: a benign pattern of movement in infancy.

12 : Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus: clinical features and video-polygraphic recordings.

13 : Clinical identification of the simple sleep-related movement disorders.

14 : Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus: experience from the study of 38 infants.

15 : Benign sleep myoclonus in infancy mistaken for epilepsy.

16 : Benign sleep myoclonus in infancy mistaken for epilepsy.

17 : Hyperekplexia: abnormal startle response due to glycine receptor mutations.

18 : Startle syndromes.

19 : Hyperekplexia: a treatable neurogenetic disease.

20 : Hyperekplexia associated with apnea and sudden infant death syndrome.

21 : Hyperekplexia in neonates.

22 : Severe neonatal episodic laryngospasm due to de novo SCN4A mutations: a new treatable disorder.

23 : Paroxysmal nonepileptic events in children and adolescents.

24 : Adding video recording increases the diagnostic yield of routine electroencephalograms in children with frequent paroxysmal events.

25 : Paroxysmal non-epileptic events in children: a retrospective study over a period of 10 years.

26 : Breathholding spells (cyanotic and pallid infantile syncope).

27 : Breath-holding spells in childhood.

28 : Autonomic nervous system function in severe breath-holding spells.

29 : Breath-holding spells.

30 : Prospective study of children with cyanotic and pallid breath-holding spells.

31 : Breath holding spells in a 3-day-old neonate: an unusual early presentation in a family with a history of breath holding spells.

32 : Autonomic nervous system functions in children with breath-holding spells and effects of iron deficiency.

33 : Parental attitude of mothers, iron deficiency anemia, and breath-holding spells.

34 : Changes of autonomic nervous system function in patients with breath-holding spells treated with iron.

35 : Breath-holding spells occur disproportionately more often in children with transient erythroblastopenia.

36 : Family pedigree analysis of children with severe breath-holding spells.

37 : Breath-holding spells and prolonged seizures

38 : Prolonged generalized epileptic seizures triggered by breath-holding spells.

39 : Seizures, syncope, or breath-holding presenting to the pediatric neurologist--when is the etiology a life-threatening arrhythmia?

40 : Does iron have a place in the management of breath holding spells?

41 : Persistence of breath-holding spells into late childhood.

42 : Traditional view empirically revisited: normal intellectual functioning in breath holding spells.

43 : Breath holding spells in 91 children and response to treatment with iron.

44 : Iron supplementation for breath-holding attacks in children.

45 : Effectiveness Oral Theophylline, Piracetam, and Iron Treatments in Children With Simple Breath-Holding Spells.

46 : Treatment of cyanotic breath-holding spells with oral theophylline in a 10-year-old boy.

47 : Glycopyrrolate and theophylline for the treatment of severe pallid breath-holding spells.

48 : Anoxic-epileptic seizures: observational study of epileptic seizures induced by syncopes.

49 : Clinical efficacy of piracetam in treatment of breath-holding spells.

50 : Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on the effect of piracetam on breath-holding spells.

51 : Breath-holding spells associated with significant bradycardia: successful treatment with permanent pacemaker implantation.

52 : Breath-holding spells and pacemaker implantation.

53 : The spectrum of benign myoclonus of early infancy: Clinical and neurophysiologic features in 102 patients.

54 : Benign myoclonus of early infancy: an imitator of West's syndrome.

55 : Benign myoclonus of early infancy.

56 : Clinical imitators of infantile spasms.

57 : Shuddering attacks. Evaluation using electroencephalographic frequency modulation radiotelemetry and videotape monitoring.

58 : Shuddering attacks-report of four children.

59 : Sandifer syndrome posturing: relation to abdominal wall contractions, gastroesophageal reflux, and fundoplication.

60 : Shuddering attacks in children: an early clinical manifestation of essential tremor.

61 : Sandifer syndrome--a multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.

62 : Sandifer Syndrome: a continuing problem of misdiagnosis.

63 : Prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux in infants with recurrent brief apneic episodes.

64 : Benign paroxysmal torticollis in infancy.

65 : Benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy.

66 : The neurology of benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy: report of 10 new cases and review of the literature.

67 : Benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy: four new cases and linkage to CACNA1A mutation.

68 : Paroxysmal nonepileptic disorders in children and adolescents.

69 : Autoantibodies in childhood opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome.

70 : Rhythmic movements during sleep: a physiological and pathological profile.

71 : Paroxysmal motor disorders of sleep: the clinical spectrum and differentiation from epilepsy.