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Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of nephronophthisis

Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of nephronophthisis
Patrick Niaudet, MD
Section Editors:
Tej K Mattoo, MD, DCH, FRCP
Ronald D Perrone, MD
Deputy Editor:
Laurie Wilkie, MD, MS
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jul 08, 2020.

INTRODUCTION — Nephronophthisis (NPHP) is a clinical condition caused by a group of autosomal recessive cystic kidney disorders that typically progresses to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). It is caused by mutations in a large number of genes that encode proteins involved in the function of primary cilia, basal bodies, and centrosomes, resulting in kidney disease and extra-kidney manifestations including retinal degeneration, cerebellar ataxia, and liver fibrosis.

The clinical manifestations and management of NPHP will be reviewed here. The genetics and pathogenesis of NPHP are discussed separately. (See "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis".)

OVERVIEW — Patients with NPHP have gene mutations that encode components of the ciliary apparatus (centrosome, basal bodies, and primary cilia) [1,2]. These gene defects result in the following characteristic findings of NPHP (see "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis"):

Autosomal recessive inheritance.

Impaired urinary concentrating ability and sodium reabsorption, resulting in polyuria and polydipsia [3-5].

Urine sediment is typically bland with absence of red blood cells and cellular casts – Proteinuria is often absent, although some patients may show mild tubular proteinuria in early stages of the disease and glomerular proteinuria at late stages with evidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Chronic tubulointerstitial nephropathy and progression to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD).

Extrarenal manifestations consistent with ciliary pathology in 20 percent of patients.

Three clinical variants have been described based upon the median age of onset of ESKD [6,7]:

Infantile − 1 year of age

Juvenile − 13 years of age

Adolescent − 19 years of age

These variants are associated with mutations of specific genes. In addition, extrarenal manifestations (eg, retinitis pigmentosa) are present in 20 percent of cases and are usually also associated with a specific gene defect. (See 'Extrarenal manifestations' below.)

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS — NPHP is characterized by the insidious onset of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Extrarenal manifestations are present in 20 percent of patients, including retinitis pigmentosa, hepatic fibrosis, and skeletal defects [1,8].

In addition, NPHP is a major clinical finding in several syndromes, including Senior-Loken, Joubert, Meckel-Gruber, Cogan, and Sensenbrenner syndromes and asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (ATD; also known as Jeune syndrome). (See 'Associated syndromes' below.)

Renal disease — NPHP almost always progresses to ESKD, primarily before 20 years of age [6,9]. However, there have been case reports of patients who progressed to ESKD between the ages of 27 and 56 years [1,10-12]. In two patients, severe visual impairment due to retinal dystrophy presented in childhood preceding evidence of impaired kidney function.

As chronic kidney disease (CKD) progresses, patients develop anemia, metabolic acidosis, and early uremic symptoms such as nausea, anorexia, and weakness. Unlike other conditions that progress to CKD, most patients with NPHP remain normotensive. Normal blood pressure is most likely due to hypovolemia caused by impaired urinary concentration and renal salt wasting [3,5]. In these patients, there is typically no proteinuria or mild tubular proteinuria in early stages of the disease, no hematuria, and no cellular elements. In late stages of the disease, glomerular proteinuria may develop due to secondary glomerulosclerosis [6]. (See "Chronic kidney disease in children: Clinical manifestations and evaluation".)

The rate of progression to ESKD is determined in part by the type and severity of the genetic defect. The clinical variants are classified based on the expected age for ESKD (table 1). (See "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis", section on 'Genetics'.)

Infantile — Infantile NPHP is rare and is the most severe form of NPHP [1,13,14]. Affected children develop ESKD by a median age of one year. This form may present prenatally with a history of oligohydramnios. Unlike the other variants of NPHP, severe hypertension is common [1,15]. Prenatal ultrasound may detect kidney abnormalities by 22 weeks gestation [16]. Renal ultrasound demonstrates hyperechogenic kidneys that vary in size (large to small) and detected cysts in a minority of cases [17].

Extrarenal findings are more common in patients with infantile NPHP compared with later-onset forms, occurring in approximately 80 percent of patients and includes hepatic involvement (50 percent), cardiac valve or septal defects (20 percent), and recurrent bronchial infections (18 percent) [17].

Infantile NPHP is typically caused by mutations in the NPHP2 and NPHP3 genes [17]. Mutations of the NPHP2 gene, which encodes the protein inversin (also referred to as nephrocystin-2), are also often associated with situs inversus. (See "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis", section on 'NPHP2 gene' and "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis", section on 'NPHP3 gene'.)

Juvenile — The most common form of NPHP is the juvenile variant. The clinical symptoms include polyuria, polydipsia, and secondary enuresis occurring at age of four to six years. These findings are due to tubular dysfunction resulting in impaired urinary concentrating ability and sodium reabsorption. Blood pressure usually is normal, in contrast to the infantile variant, in which hypertension is common. These patients develop ESKD by a median age of 13 years [1,2,8].

In affected children, even after a period of fluid restriction, urinary osmolality will remain low (< 400 mosmol/kg) and is not increased by the administration of vasopressin (see "Evaluation of patients with polyuria") [6,18]. Sodium wasting can lead to hypovolemia, hyponatremia, and an elevation in the plasma creatinine concentration if sodium intake is diminished [3-5]. These abnormalities precede any decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR).

Poor growth may be initially related to chronic hypovolemia and later due to growth retardation secondary to CKD. Anemia due to erythropoietin (which is secreted by interstitial fibroblasts) deficiency may be a presenting finding of tubulointerstitial involvement prior to a significant decline in GFR [6,19].

Ultrasonography demonstrates normal or slightly decreased-in-size kidneys with increased echogenicity and loss of corticomedullary differentiation [20]. There is no dilation of the urinary tract, and renal cysts are not typically identified on the initial ultrasound examination, but may appear at a later stage of the disease [21].

The juvenile form of the disease is primarily due to NPHP1 gene mutations, which are the most common genetic defect associated with NPHP [2,8]. However, mutations have been reported in all genes except the NPHP2 gene in patients with juvenile NPHP [22,23]. (See "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis", section on 'Genetics'.)

Adolescent — Most patients with NPHP3 gene mutations develop ESKD in late adolescence and young adulthood, with a reported median age of 19 years (range 4 to 37 years) at the time of ESKD [22,23]. Patients will also exhibit initial symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia due to reduced urinary concentrating ability and renal salt wasting but at a later age than those with the juvenile variant.

Extrarenal manifestations — Extrarenal manifestations reflect multisystem disease due to ciliary dysfunction and occur in approximately 20 percent of patients with NPHP. They are often seen in syndromic NPHP (see 'Associated syndromes' below) and include the following [1]:

Skeletal defects − Several skeletal defects have been associated with NPHP, including shortening of the limbs and ribs, scoliosis, polydactyly, brachydactyly, craniosynostosis, and cone-shaped epiphyses. The association of cone-shaped epiphyses with NPHP is known as the Mainzer-Saldino syndrome (image 1) [24].


Visual impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa [25] (also referred to as tapetoretinal degeneration (picture 1)) is seen in patients with Senior-Loken syndrome and Leber congenital amaurosis. Retinitis pigmentosa is observed in 10 to 15 percent of patients with NPHP, particularly in patients with mutations in the NPHP1, NPHP2, NPHP3, and NPHP4 genes. (See 'Senior-Loken syndrome and retinitis pigmentosa' below and "Retinitis pigmentosa: Clinical presentation and diagnosis".)

Oculomotor apraxia seen in Cogan syndrome is less common and is characterized by impaired horizontal voluntary eye movements and nystagmus [25].

Nystagmus and ocular coloboma are seen in patients with the Joubert syndrome.

Neurologic – In addition to the abnormal ophthalmologic findings, significant neurologic abnormalities are often observed in children who present with NPHP as a syndromic component (eg, Joubert syndrome). These include cerebral ataxia, hypotonia, and severe developmental delay.

Liver − Hepatic involvement may be characterized by hepatosplenomegaly and portal fibrosis with no or only mild bile duct proliferation [22,26-29]. Liver anomalies have been reported in patients with mutations in the genes NPHP3, NPHP11, TMEM67, ANKS6, and DCDC2 [22,29-31].

Situs inversus − Situs inversus has been reported in patients with mutations in NPHP2, NPHP3, and ANKS6 genes [14,17,30]. (See "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis", section on 'Genetics'.)

Cardiac – Cardiac septal and valve defects have been reported in patients with NPHP2 and NPHP3 mutations [14,17,32].

Associated syndromes — Syndromes associated with ciliary dysfunction and NPHP include Senior-Loken, Joubert, Meckel-Gruber, and Sensenbrenner syndromes, and ATD [33].

Senior-Loken syndrome and retinitis pigmentosa — Senior-Loken syndrome (OMIM #266900) is characterized by the concomitant presentation of retinitis pigmentosa (also referred to as tapetoretinal degeneration (picture 1)) and NPHP [34,35]. Although this syndrome is observed in association with mutations in most of the NPHP genes, mutations of the NPHP5 and NPHP6 genes are the most common [36]. All patients with mutations of these two genes have retinitis, which occurs early in life and is more severe than in patients with mutations in other NPHP genes. In children with mutations in the NPHP1, NPHP2, NPHP3, and NPHP4 genes, retinitis pigmentosa occurs in approximately 10 percent of families, and the kidney course of NPHP is similar in patients with and without ocular involvement [6,37,38]. (See "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis", section on 'Genetics'.)

Joubert syndrome — Joubert syndrome (OMIM #213300) is an autosomal recessive neurologic disorder characterized by cerebellar vermis hypoplasia resulting in ataxia, polydactyly, hypotonia, developmental delay, neonatal respiratory dysregulation, and abnormal eye movements [39,40]. NPHP or cystic kidney dysplasia is seen in approximately one-fourth of cases [41]. A pathognomonic finding on axial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain is the presence of prominent superior cerebellar peduncles, referred to as "molar tooth sign" of the midbrain-hindbrain junction (image 2) [42].

Joubert syndrome can be associated with juvenile NPHP and/or retinal involvement (Joubert syndrome type B). Several loci for Joubert syndrome associated with NPHP have been isolated, suggesting genetic heterogeneity [20,21,39-41,43-50].

Oculomotor apraxia with cerebellar vermis aplasia has also been reported in Joubert syndrome, which may be challenging to distinguish from Cogan syndrome [51].

Meckel syndrome — Mutations in the NPHP6, NPHP8, and MKS genes can cause Meckel syndrome, an autosomal recessive lethal disorder characterized by central nervous system (CNS) malformation (eg, occipital encephalocele), bilateral renal cystic dysplasia, cleft palate, polydactyly, ductal proliferation in the portal area of the liver, pulmonary hypoplasia, and situs inversus [52,53]. Meckel syndrome is lethal in early life.

Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy — Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (ATD, also called Jeune syndrome) are autosomal recessive disorders characterized by skeletal dysplasia with multiorgan involvement. Mutations in four genes have been identified: IFT80, DYNC2H1, TTC21B, and WDR19. Mutations in the TTC21B gene, which encodes the retrograde intraflagellar transport protein IFT139, are associated with isolated NPHP and ATD [45]. (See "Chest wall diseases and restrictive physiology", section on 'Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy'.)

Sensenbrenner syndrome — Sensenbrenner syndrome, also called cranioectodermal dysplasia, is an autosomal recessive ciliary disorder of the skeleton characterized by craniosynostosis, short limbs, brachydactyly, narrow thorax, and facial anomalies. Some patients have NPHP, retinitis pigmentosa, hepatic fibrosis, and brain anomalies [46]. Mutations in four different genes have been reported in Sensenbrenner syndrome: IFT122, WDR35, IFT43, and WDR19. (See "Skeletal dysplasias: Specific disorders", section on 'Sensenbrenner syndrome'.)

DIAGNOSIS — The diagnosis of NPHP is suggested by characteristic clinical findings and confirmed by a positive genetic test. In the absence of a positive gene test, a kidney biopsy demonstrating chronic tubulointerstitial changes with a thickening of tubular basement membranes is suggestive of the diagnosis (picture 2).

Clinical diagnosis — The clinical characteristics suggestive of NPHP vary by age (table 1). However, regardless of age, the suspicion of a diagnosis of NPHP increases for a child with kidney disease who also presents with an associated extrarenal manifestations (retinal disease, abnormal ocular eye movements, ataxia, cardiac malformations, skeletal and neurologic abnormalities, and situs inversus). (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)

Infantile – NPHP should be considered in any infant and young child (<5 years of age) who presents with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), severe hypertension, and extrarenal anomalies [17]. (See 'Infantile' above.)

NPHP should be considered in older children and adolescents who present with the following (see 'Juvenile' above and 'Adolescent' above):

Polyuria and polydipsia, which often manifest as primary enuresis due to decreased urinary concentrating ability.

Progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD) with normal blood pressure.

Bland urinalysis (absence of proteinuria or mild tubular proteinuria, absence of hematuria and cellular elements).

Normal or slightly decreased-in-size kidneys with increased echogenicity, reduced corticomedullary differentiation, and renal cysts on ultrasound examination.

In some cases, a clinical diagnosis can be made in a child with characteristic findings of NPHP, including ultrasonography compatible with NPHP and extrarenal manifestations that are known to be associated with NPHP, such as retinitis pigmentosa as seen in patients with Senior-Loken syndrome. (See 'Associated syndromes' above.)

Genetic testing — Molecular genetic screening allows gene identification in 70 percent of NPHP cases. If available, we suggest genetic testing using whole-exome sequencing panels for any patient in whom there is a clinical diagnosis of NPHP.

If a whole-exome sequencing panel is not available, testing can be performed for individual genes. In patients in whom there is a high clinical suspicion for NPHP, screening for homozygous or heterozygous NPHP1 deletion should be performed as these mutations are the most common.

Other gene mutations are responsible for less than 3 percent of cases each. Based upon the clinical manifestations of individual patients, testing of specific genes may be performed (table 2):

NPHP5 gene in cases of severe retinitis pigmentosa

NPHP6 and NPHP8 genes in patients with neurological symptoms

NPHP2 and NPHP3 genes in cases of early onset of CKD [17]

Information regarding genetic testing for NPHP is available at and

Kidney biopsy — A kidney biopsy is performed in the following settings for a patient with clinical findings compatible with NPHP:

Genetic testing is negative

When genetic testing is not available and the clinical diagnosis remains uncertain

In these patients, the diagnosis of NPHP is made based on the clinical diagnosis and histologic findings of chronic tubulointerstitial changes with an irregular thickening of tubular basement membranes (picture 2) [54].

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS — The presence of the associated extrarenal findings (eg, retinitis pigmentosa) differentiates NPHP from the following chronic kidney disorders that present with a "bland" urine sediment (eg, no evidence of hematuria, cellular elements, or absence of proteinuria or mild tubular proteinuria) (see 'Extrarenal manifestations' above). However, in cases where extrarenal findings are absent, NPHP can be distinguished from these other conditions using a variety of diagnostic tools, including genetic testing, positive family history, renal imaging, and kidney biopsy.

Obstructive uropathy – Presence of hydronephrosis on renal imaging is suggestive of obstructive uropathy and is not usually present in NPHP. However, a large bladder may be observed in patients with NPHP due to chronic polyuria.

Genetic ciliopathies resulting in cyst formation in children include early onset autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD). These two disorders are often in the differential diagnosis for patients with the infantile form of NPHP. The diagnosis for either ADPKD or ARPKD is straightforward when there is a positive family history, including screening parents for ADPKD. Renal imaging may be equivocal in differentiating amongst these entities. In the setting where no family history is present and renal imaging is equivocal, genetic testing is performed to make a definitive diagnosis. (See "Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease in children" and "Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in children".)

Renal hypodysplasia – The presence of significantly smaller kidneys on renal ultrasonography (reduction by greater than two standard deviations) usually will differentiate renal hypodysplasia from NPHP with normal or slightly smaller kidneys. Renal hypodysplasia is observed in over 200 syndromic disorders where anomalies involving other organs are present. As a result, nonrenal findings not associated with NPHP would also be helpful in differentiating between these two disorders. (See "Renal hypodysplasia".)

MANAGEMENT — There is no specific therapy for NPHP. Management of children in the early stage of the disease without impaired kidney function is supportive and focused on maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, treating anemia, and promoting normal growth.

Interventions include:

Replacing ongoing water needs to prevent episodes of hypovolemia and providing adequate salt intake, especially during intercurrent illnesses that may alter the fluid and electrolyte needs and status.

Administration of erythropoietin and iron to patients with anemia. (See "Chronic kidney disease in children: Complications", section on 'Anemia'.)

Providing active vitamin D analogues supplementation and phosphate binder to patients with evidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism. (See "Pediatric chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD)", section on 'Management'.)

Patients with NPHP uniformly progress to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Kidney transplantation is the preferred replacement therapy because the disease does not recur in a transplant. In a report from the North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) Registry, patients with NPHP had better outcomes after kidney transplantation when compared with all other patients registered in the NAPRTCS database, especially for those who received living donor kidney transplants [49].

SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS — Nephronophthisis (NPHP) is an autosomal recessive disorder that is characterized by impaired urinary concentrating ability, a bland urinalysis (no proteinuria or mild tubular proteinuria, no hematuria or cellular elements), chronic tubulointerstitial disease, and progression to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) generally by 20 years of age.

NPHP is a result of gene mutations that encode proteins involved in the function of primary cilia, basal bodies, or centrosomes. (See "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis".)

Clinical variants have been described based upon the median age of onset of ESKD (table 1). These variants are associated with specific gene defects. (See 'Renal disease' above and "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis", section on 'Genetics'.)

The infantile form (median onset of ESKD by one year of age) is associated with mutations in the NPHP2 and NPHP3 genes. Patients typically have large kidneys with large cysts and are more likely than other variants to have extrarenal abnormalities. (See 'Infantile' above.)

The juvenile form (median onset of ESKD is 13 years of age) is the most common variant. It is associated with mutations in all the NPHP genes except NPHP2. These patients initially present with symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia due to impaired urinary concentration, anemia, and short stature, prior to a significant decline in kidney function and subsequent progression to ESKD. These patients typically have a "bland" urinalysis without evidence of hematuria or cellular elements. Ultrasonography demonstrates normal or slightly decreased-in-size kidneys with increased echogenicity and loss of corticomedullary differentiation. (See 'Juvenile' above.)

The adolescent form (median onset of ESKD by 19 years of age) is associated with mutations in the NPHP3 genes. Patients also exhibit initial symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia due to reduced urinary concentrating ability but at a later age than those with the juvenile variant. (See 'Adolescent' above.)

Overall, extrarenal manifestations are observed in 20 percent of patients with NPHP. They include retinitis pigmentosa, skeletal defects, hepatic fibrosis, neurologic abnormalities, and cardiac defects. (See 'Extrarenal manifestations' above.)

NPHP is a major clinical finding in several syndromes, including Senior-Loken (retinitis pigmentosa), Joubert (cerebellar vermis hypoplasia (image 2)), Meckel (occipital encephalocele), and Sensenbrenner syndromes (skeletal anomalies), and asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (ATD, also known as Jeune syndrome). (See 'Associated syndromes' above.)

The diagnosis of NPHP is suspected by characteristic clinical findings and confirmed by a genetic testing. In the absence of a positive gene test, a kidney biopsy demonstrating chronic tubulointerstitial changes with a thickening of tubular basement membranes is suggestive of the diagnosis. (See 'Diagnosis' above and "Genetics and pathogenesis of nephronophthisis", section on 'Pathology'.)

The differential diagnosis for NPHP includes other chronic kidney disorders with a bland urinalysis. These disorders include renal hypodysplasia, urinary tract obstruction, and polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The presence of associated extrarenal findings is useful to differentiate NPHP from these conditions. When extrarenal manifestations are absent, a variety of diagnostic tools, including renal imaging, genetic testing, and family history are used to distinguish NPHP. (See 'Differential diagnosis' above.)

There is no specific treatment for NPHP. Management of children in the early stage of the disease without kidney function impairment is supportive focused on maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, treating anemia and growth promotion. For patients with ESKD, we recommend kidney transplantation as the preferred renal replacement therapy (Grade 1B). The outcome of kidney transplantation is excellent, as tubular injury does not recur in the transplanted kidney. (See 'Management' above.)


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Topic 6132 Version 28.0


1 : Nephronophthisis.

2 : Many Genes-One Disease? Genetics of Nephronophthisis (NPHP) and NPHP-Associated Disorders.

3 : Molecular genetic identification of families with juvenile nephronophthisis type 1: rate of progression to renal failure. APN Study Group. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pädiatrische Nephrologie.

4 : Nephronophthisis: a genetically diverse ciliopathy.

5 : The nephronophthisis complex: clinical and genetic aspects.

6 : Nephronophthisis: disease mechanisms of a ciliopathy.

7 : Genotype-phenotype correlation in 440 patients with NPHP-related ciliopathies.

8 : Phenotypic Spectrum of Children with Nephronophthisis and Related Ciliopathies.

9 : Juvenile nephronophthisis and medullary cystic disease--the same disease (report of a large family with medullary cystic disease associated with gout and epilepsy).

10 : Pseudodominant inheritance of nephronophthisis caused by a homozygous NPHP1 deletion.

11 : Late-onset renal failure in Senior-Loken syndrome.

12 : Clinical and genetic analyses of a Dutch cohort of 40 patients with a nephronophthisis-related ciliopathy.

13 : A Bedouin kindred with infantile nephronophthisis demonstrates linkage to chromosome 9 by homozygosity mapping.

14 : Mutations in INVS encoding inversin cause nephronophthisis type 2, linking renal cystic disease to the function of primary cilia and left-right axis determination.

15 : Infantile chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis with cortical microcysts: variant of nephronophthisis or new disease entity?

16 : Early presentation of cystic kidneys in a family with a homozygous INVS mutation.

17 : Mutations of NPHP2 and NPHP3 in infantile nephronophthisis.

18 : Infantile nephronophthisis.

19 : Mechanism underlying early anaemia in children with familial juvenile nephronophthisis.

20 : Ultrasound findings in juvenile nephronophthisis.

21 : Juvenile nephronophthisis: sonographic appearance in children with severe uremia.

22 : Mutations in a novel gene, NPHP3, cause adolescent nephronophthisis, tapeto-retinal degeneration and hepatic fibrosis.

23 : Identification of a new gene locus for adolescent nephronophthisis, on chromosome 3q22 in a large Venezuelan pedigree.

24 : Familial nephropathy associatdd with retinitis pigmentosa, cerebellar ataxia and skeletal abnormalities.

25 : Children with ocular motor apraxia type Cogan carry deletions in the gene (NPHP1) for juvenile nephronophthisis.

26 : Congenital hepatic fibrosis and nephronophthisis. A family study.

27 : Nephronophthisis and tapetoretinal degeneration associated with liver fibrosis.

28 : "Nephronophthisis-congenital hepatic fibrosis": an additional hepatorenal disorder.

29 : Hypomorphic mutations in meckelin (MKS3/TMEM67) cause nephronophthisis with liver fibrosis (NPHP11).

30 : ANKS6 is a central component of a nephronophthisis module linking NEK8 to INVS and NPHP3.

31 : DCDC2 mutations cause a renal-hepatic ciliopathy by disrupting Wnt signaling.

32 : Loss of nephrocystin-3 function can cause embryonic lethality, Meckel-Gruber-like syndrome, situs inversus, and renal-hepatic-pancreatic dysplasia.

33 : Nephronophthisis and related syndromes.

34 : Juvenile familial nephropathy with tapetoretinal degeneration. A new oculorenal dystrophy.

35 : Hereditary renal dysplasia and blindness.

36 : Nephrocystin-5, a ciliary IQ domain protein, is mutated in Senior-Loken syndrome and interacts with RPGR and calmodulin.

37 : Clinical and molecular heterogeneity of juvenile nephronophthisis in Italy: insights from molecular screening.

38 : Renal-retinal syndromes: association of retinal anomalies and recessive nephronophthisis in patients with homozygous deletion of the NPH1 locus.

39 : Nephronophthisis type 1 deletion syndrome with neurological symptoms: prevalence and significance of the association.

40 : The NPHP1 gene deletion associated with juvenile nephronophthisis is present in a subset of individuals with Joubert syndrome.

41 : High NPHP1 and NPHP6 mutation rate in patients with Joubert syndrome and nephronophthisis: potential epistatic effect of NPHP6 and AHI1 mutations in patients with NPHP1 mutations.

42 : NPHP1 gene deletion is a rare cause of Joubert syndrome related disorders.

43 : Mutations in the gene encoding the basal body protein RPGRIP1L, a nephrocystin-4 interactor, cause Joubert syndrome.

44 : Mutations in TMEM216 perturb ciliogenesis and cause Joubert, Meckel and related syndromes.

45 : TTC21B contributes both causal and modifying alleles across the ciliopathy spectrum.

46 : Ciliary disorder of the skeleton.

47 : Improved strategy for molecular genetic diagnostics in juvenile nephronophthisis.

48 : Outcome of kidney transplantation in autosomal dominant medullary cystic kidney disease type 1.

49 : Outcomes of kidney transplantation in children with nephronophthisis: an analysis of the North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) Registry.

50 : Clinical and Molecular Diagnosis of Joubert Syndrome and Related Disorders.

51 : Familial congenital saccade initiation failure and isolated cerebellar vermis hypoplasia.

52 : The ciliary gene RPGRIP1L is mutated in cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome (Joubert syndrome type B) and Meckel syndrome.

53 : The Meckel-Gruber syndrome gene, MKS3, is mutated in Joubert syndrome.

54 : Nephronophthisis.