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Overview of the development of the gastrointestinal tract

Overview of the development of the gastrointestinal tract
Ian R Sanderson, MD
Section Editors:
Kathleen J Motil, MD, PhD
Melvin B Heyman, MD, MPH
Deputy Editor:
Alison G Hoppin, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Mar 09, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — The anatomic formation of the esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, and pancreas are achieved in the fourth fetal week through a series of evaginations, elongations, and dilatations. Anatomic development progresses through cell proliferation, growth, and morphogenesis.

CEPHALOCAUDAD DIFFERENTIATION — Three distinct regions of the intestine give rise to specific portions of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract:

The foregut is the precursor of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and the cranial portion of the duodenum (figure 1).

The midgut gives rise to the caudal portion of the duodenum, the jejunum, ileum, the ascending colon, and two-thirds of the transverse colon (figure 2A-B).

The hindgut is the precursor of the distal one-third of the transverse colon, the descending colon, the rectum, and the urogenital sinus (figure 3).

As the process of maturation proceeds, the mucosal surface of the intestine rapidly increases and folds to form villi. As a general rule, maturation tends to occur along craniocaudal and proximodistal axes (table 1). Each step of development can be influenced by a variety of processes, including genetic endowment; the biologic clock; cellular, neural, and hormonal regulatory mechanisms; and the environment [1], which includes the microbiota [2]. On a cellular level, these mechanisms most likely are regulated by the homeobox (Hox) genes, cell-to-cell interactions, epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, and transcription factors.

Determination of the specific program of an intestinal region (ie, anterior, mid, or posterior) occurs first, followed by detailed differentiation within that region [3]. The signal pathways for midgut development may be a default pathway [4], with plasticity imposed on the anterior or posterior regions by Hox genes. It is in these areas that more specialized organs develop (eg, stomach and distal colon, respectively).

LEFT-RIGHT ASYMMETRY — The asymmetry of the contents of the abdomen is more obvious than in any other part of the body. Only in congenital disorders of the heart are the clinical consequences of deranged asymmetry greater than in the GI tract (figure 4).

Examples of disorders that may be caused by disturbances of lateral development include:

Situs inversus abdominus

Polysplenia or asplenia

Pancreas divisum or annular pancreas (figure 5) (see "Pancreas divisum: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis")

Malrotation (see "Intestinal malrotation in children")

A series of genes (Lefty, Nodal, and Pitx2) regulate lateral development. They, in turn, are controlled by Gaf1, a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) gene family. Pitx2 (and its partner, Isl1) has been identified in the dorsal mesentery, which anchors the gut to the embryo. It is in this area that extracellular matrix proteins first show asymmetry, tilting the gut to the left [5], the side in which Pitx2 expression is greater. The Pitx2 control of the development of the cecum also involves fibroblast growth factors [6]. It has become increasingly apparent that Pitx2 is not sufficient in itself to control left-right asymmetry. Hyaluronan, an extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan, plays a critical role [7]. Hyaluronan molecules on the right side of the embryo become covalently modified with peptides, requiring the enzyme TGFB-related secreted protein 6, encoded by Tsg6. Lack of expression of Tsg6 results in a failure to modify the hyaluronan and a consequent lack of coordinated asymmetry. Furthermore, nascent hyaluronan on the left is required for full Pitx2 expression on that side.

The intracellular events are not fully elucidated but involve hedgehog (Hh) proteins and retinoic acid [8]. Primary ciliary dyskinesia also is associated with situs inversus but through different mechanisms. (See "Primary ciliary dyskinesia (immotile-cilia syndrome)".)

DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION — Both absorptive and digestive functions of the intestine are present at term in the human neonate. This is also true of the villous architecture, which greatly increases the intestinal surface area. Abnormal villous formation will result in intestinal failure, necessitating parenteral nutrition (see "Pathophysiology of short bowel syndrome"). Hedgehog (Hh) proteins are also involved in the molecular regulation of villous morphogenesis. Together with bone morphogenetic protein and platelet-derived growth factor, their signaling pathways direct mesenchymal cells into organized clusters. These cell clusters, in turn, form the site from which villi develop [9]. Conditionally deleting negative regulators of Hh signaling in the intestinal mesenchyme of mice [10] showed that Hh proteins acted on a set of transcription factors, termed glioma-associated oncogene (GLi). GLi acts on two adhesion molecules (Dachsous and Fat) that control mesenchymal clustering. Although it is not clear how these events interact with proteins whose defects cause congenital enteropathies, like microvillous inclusion disease and tufting enteropathy, the molecular basis of the initiation of villous formation has now been elucidated. (See "Approach to chronic diarrhea in neonates and young infants (<6 months)", section on 'Congenital diarrheas and enteropathies'.)

Hh and GLi are central to another important developmental process: the separation of the trachea and esophagus, which occurs between 25 to 35 days gestation in the human fetus. Disruption of this process results in tracheoesophageal birth defects, including tracheoesophageal fistula (see "Congenital anomalies of the intrathoracic airways and tracheoesophageal fistula"). In Xenopus and mouse models, the Hh/GLi signals regulate multiple steps of tracheoesophageal separation [11], especially the activation of a GTPase (Rab11), which is crucial in generating a tracheoesophageal cleft, an essential step in the separation of the two structures.

Because the respiratory system is much younger in evolution than the gastrointestinal tract, proteins such as Hh, GLi, and others must have been repurposed to regulate the development of the respiratory system when animals evolved to live on land. It is tempting to speculate that tracheoesophageal defects in human infants result from the relatively recent adoption of these proteins to regulate the ontogeny of an evolutionarily novel organ, which is not always successful. The high prevalence of tracheoesophageal defects (whose normal development depends on repurposed regulators of development) compared with the low prevalence of defective villous formation (whose normal developmental pathways existed early in the evolution of the animal kingdom) adds weight to this possibility.

Disaccharidases expressed in the brush border become active in mid-gestation and are all active during infancy in healthy children. Because lactase activity in the fetus increases late in gestation, premature infants born at 28 to 32 weeks of gestation have reduced lactase activity. After approximately five years, lactase activity declines in many racial groups as part of a normal process of gene inactivation. (See "Lactose intolerance and malabsorption: Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management", section on 'Developmental lactase deficiency' and "Lactose intolerance and malabsorption: Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management", section on 'Primary lactose malabsorption'.)

Active electrogenic transport of glucose is present in the human fetal small intestine due to the high-affinity sodium-dependent system (the SGLT1 co-transporter) [12]. The duodenum-to-ileum gradient of glucose absorption is established between the 17th and 30th weeks of gestation. The developmental expression of facilitated glucose transporter isoform GLUT2, which is responsible for exit of glucose across the basolateral membrane, follows that of SGLT1. Amino acid transporters follow a similar developmental trajectory and are fully active at birth.

Prenatal expression of genes that code for nutrient transporters and disaccharidases occurs in both the colon and small intestine, but the expression disappears from the colon during the third trimester when the villous structure of the colon turns into a flat mucosa.

VASCULARIZATION — The supportive elements that will provide the vascular supply, the neural and hormonal regulation, and the host defenses of the GI tract evolve concurrently with its anatomic development. The arterial bed develops as three ventral outbuddings from the aorta to form the celiac axis and the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries (figure 6).

Mesenteric blood flow is regulated at two points (the arteriole and the precapillary sphincter) and controlled at two levels (intrinsic and extrinsic). Intrinsic control by local factors regulates blood flow in response to changes in arterial pressure and tissue oxygenation, such as those caused by vascular constriction or feeding. Extrinsic regulation is mediated by sympathetic input from the splanchnic nerves.

Several other factors are important. Circulating endogenous and exogenous factors (eg, hormones) may modulate vascular tone. The mesenteric blood flow also exhibits "autoregulatory escape," which refers to the restoration of gut blood flow in the face of extrinsic regulation [13]. When gut blood flow is decreased artificially by stimulating periarterial mesenteric nerves (ie, the extrinsic system of control) or by infusing norepinephrine, blood flow is restored within minutes by the intrinsic system of control, which is triggered by local changes (eg, tissue hypoxia). The clinical advantages of this phenomenon have long been debated, but it is likely that they relate to the unique functions of the mesenteric vasculature. The mesenteric venous system not only removes the products of tissue metabolism (as do other vascular beds), but it also transports molecules and electrolytes that have been absorbed by the intestine. An escape from arteriolar constriction will enhance the distribution of absorbed nutrients at a time when blood flow would otherwise have been reduced by increased systemic sympathetic activity.

NEURAL AND MOTOR FUNCTION — The neural structures of the alimentary tract are formed when neural crest cells migrate into the rapidly growing gut. Precursors migrate from the embryonic central nervous system [14]. The neural crest cells and muscle cells differentiate to form the three layers of muscle that surround the mucosa and the neural network that regulates its function.

Control of motor function is provided primarily by the enteric nervous system (a subsystem of the autonomic nervous system), which is composed of a variety of plexuses of nerve cell bodies and interneuronal circuits. Immunohistochemical staining demonstrates the presence of neurotransmitters by 24 weeks gestation, but the adult distribution may not be achieved until near term. Abnormalities in the migration and differentiation of neural crest cells result in an array of GI problems, including [15,16]:

Hirschsprung disease (see "Congenital aganglionic megacolon (Hirschsprung disease)")

Waardenburg-Shah syndrome (pigmentary abnormalities in association with aganglionic megacolon; this condition is also called Waardenburg syndrome type IV and Waardenburg-Hirschsprung disease) (see "The genodermatoses: An overview", section on 'Waardenburg syndrome')

Haddad syndrome (with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome; this condition is also called Ondine-Hirschsprung syndrome) (see "Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome and other causes of sleep-related hypoventilation in children")

Intestinal neuronal dysplasias (see "Functional constipation in infants, children, and adolescents: Clinical features and diagnosis", section on 'Other causes')

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (certain congenital forms) (see "Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction: Etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis", section on 'Genetic')

Motor activity is immature in the preterm infant. The sucking mechanism does not appear until 32 to 34 weeks gestation [17]. Regulation of lower esophageal sphincter tone and small intestinal motor contractions are also immature and continue to develop into adulthood [18,19]. Gastric contents are emptied more slowly in preterm infants than in term infants, and small intestinal transit is slower [20].

HORMONAL REGULATION — Glucocorticoids and thyroid hormone interact with cellular signals in the maturation of the intestinal epithelium [21]. Numerous regulatory gut peptides are also produced in the developing GI tract. Some of these peptides function as true hormones (eg, gastrin, cholecystokinin, motilin, pancreatic polypeptide, and somatostatin), whereas others have paracrine or neurocrine function (eg, gastric inhibitory peptide, bombesin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, neurotensin, enteroglucagon, and peptide YY). All of these peptides are present by the end of the first trimester in the fetus, but adult distribution may not be established until term [22]. Many of these hormones are released in response to feeding. The release of some of these is limited in the newborn compared with the adult [22,23]. In older (prepubertal) children, GI hormones have been implicated in the development of obesity [24]. For example, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) has an inverse relationship to body mass index and waist circumference. GLP-2A, which is cosecreted with GLP-1 [25], markedly increases intestinal mass. Analysis of the molecule has resulted in the production of teduglutide as a treatment for short bowel syndrome. (See "Management of short bowel syndrome in children", section on 'Pharmacologic therapy'.)

HOST DEFENSE — Many aspects of host defense are mechanical in nature and appear early in gestation. Mucus production, for example, is present in the very preterm infant. Transcription factors involved in early ontogeny, such as FOXQ, regulate genes that control mucin expression [26]. On the other hand, gastric emptying and peristalsis, which prevent stasis of intestinal contents, appear later and may not be fully functional in the preterm infant.

T cells and B cells are produced as early as 14 weeks gestation [27]. However, antigenic stimulation of the lamina propria cells does not occur until after birth [28]. Secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) is present in very low concentrations in fetal life as the fetal intestine has few IgA-producing plasma cells. Therefore, preterm infants are unable to form antibodies to exogenous protein [29]. However, the production and release of cytokines are brisk.

Until the advent of technologies able to identify microbiota with rapid DNA sequencing (which allows detection of nonculturable bacteria), the gut was believed to be sterile in utero. Bacteria have been identified in both placenta and amniotic fluid in utero [30,31], although this is not universally accepted [32]. While the major phase of bacterial colonization begins at birth, the pattern of bacteria (at least in the meconium of infants born by caesarian section) is influenced by maternal intrauterine bacteria [33]. A variety of other factors influence colonization, including mode of delivery, type of feeding, and use of antibiotics [34]. In healthy infants, aerobic organisms become abundant within a few hours and anaerobic organisms by 24 hours [35]. These organisms are capable of metabolizing bile acids, nonabsorbed proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Thus, they potentially may play an important role in the processing of nutrients in preterm infants. (See "Human milk feeding and fortification of human milk for premature infants", section on 'Benefits of mother's milk'.)

In addition, the microbiota directs the maturation of the host immune system, including direct interaction with dendritic cells [36] and the regulation of T cell maturation [37,38]. These create reciprocal interactions between the microbiota and the immune system [39,40]. (See "An overview of the innate immune system".)


The first steps in gastrointestinal (GI) development involve the formation of the foregut, midgut, and hindgut from the embryonic gut tube (figure 1 and figure 3 and figure 4). (See 'Cephalocaudad differentiation' above.)

Lateralization occurs in the developing embryo to form distinct left-right asymmetry. Some of the genetic and cellular mediators involved in lateralization have been identified. Disorders of lateralization include situs inversus abdominus, malrotation of the gut, and some congenital malformations of the pancreas and spleen. (See 'Left-right asymmetry' above.)

The molecular basis determining the development of villi has been elucidated and uses some of the same regulatory proteins that are involved in the separation of the trachea from the intestine in early fetal life. (See 'Digestion and absorption' above.)

The arterial supply to the gut develops as three ventral outbuddings from the aorta to form the celiac axis and the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries (figure 6). Mesenteric blood flow is subject to extrinsic and intrinsic regulation; intrinsic regulation may compensate for extrinsic disturbances in a process termed "autoregulatory escape." (See 'Vascularization' above.)

Control of motor function is provided primarily by the enteric nervous system (a subsystem of the autonomic nervous system). Abnormalities in the migration and differentiation of neural crest cells result in an array of GI problems, including Hirschsprung disease. (See 'Neural and motor function' above.)

Regulatory gut peptides that are produced in the developing GI tract include gastrin, cholecystokinin, motilin, pancreatic polypeptide, and somatostatin, as well as some paracrine or neurocrine mediators. All of these peptides are present by the end of the first trimester in the fetus, but adult distribution may not be established until term (table 1). (See 'Hormonal regulation' above.)

The development of immune defenses in the gut is distributed across embryonal maturation and continues to develop after birth. Preterm infants have immature gut defenses because of decreased motility and reduced secretion of IgA. (See 'Host defense' above.)


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Topic 5905 Version 19.0


1 : Sanderson IR, Walker WA. Development of the Gastrointestinal Tract, B. C. Decker Incorporated, 1999.

2 : Early life dynamics of the human gut virome and bacterial microbiome in infants.

3 : Endoderm specification and differentiation in Xenopus embryos.

4 : The role of the visceral mesoderm in the development of the gastrointestinal tract.

5 : The chirality of gut rotation derives from left-right asymmetric changes in the architecture of the dorsal mesentery.

6 : FGF9-Pitx2-FGF10 signaling controls cecal formation in mice.

7 : Midgut Laterality Is Driven by Hyaluronan on the Right.

8 : Role for retinoid signaling in left-right asymmetric digestive organ morphogenesis.

9 : Generation of intestinal surface: an absorbing tale.

10 : Hedgehog-Activated Fat4 and PCP Pathways Mediate Mesenchymal Cell Clustering and Villus Formation in Gut Development.

11 : Endosome-Mediated Epithelial Remodeling Downstream of Hedgehog-Gli Is Required for Tracheoesophageal Separation.

12 : Development of intestinal transport function in mammals.

13 : Autoregulatory escape in the gut: a systems analysis.

14 : Advances in ontogeny of the enteric nervous system.

15 : Enteric nervous system: development and developmental disturbances--part 1.

16 : Enteric nervous system: development and developmental disturbances--part 2.

17 : Development of suck and swallow.

18 : Characterisation of relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter in healthy premature infants.

19 : Postnatal maturation of small intestinal motility in preterm neonates

20 : Prolonging small feeding volumes early in life decreases the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants.

21 : Mesenchyme-mediated effect of dexamethasone on laminin in cocultures of embryonic gut epithelial cells and mesenchyme-derived cells.

22 : Development of gut hormone responses to feeding in neonates.

23 : Responses of gastrointestinal peptides and motor activity to milk and water feedings in preterm and term infants.

24 : Implications of gastrointestinal hormones in the pathogenesis of obesity in prepubertal children.

25 : The Discovery of GLP-2 and Development of Teduglutide for Short Bowel Syndrome.

26 : Factors influencing the composition of the intestinal microbiota in early infancy.

27 : The development of gut associated lymphoid tissue in the terminal ileum of fetal human intestine.

28 : The development of gut associated lymphoid tissue in the terminal ileum of fetal human intestine.

29 : Development of the capacity to produce specific antibody to an ingested food antigen in the premature infant.

30 : Is a foetus developing in a sterile environment?

31 : Review: Maternal health and the placental microbiome.

32 : Comparison of placenta samples with contamination controls does not provide evidence for a distinct placenta microbiota.

33 : Human gut colonisation may be initiated in utero by distinct microbial communities in the placenta and amniotic fluid.

34 : Transcription factor foxq1 controls mucin gene expression and granule content in mouse stomach surface mucous cells.

35 : Prebiotic oligosaccharides in dietetic products for infants: a commentary by the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition.

36 : Induction of protective IgA by intestinal dendritic cells carrying commensal bacteria.

37 : Effects of microflora on the neonatal development of gut mucosal T cells and myeloid cells in the mouse.

38 : An immunomodulatory molecule of symbiotic bacteria directs maturation of the host immune system.

39 : Reciprocal interactions of the intestinal microbiota and immune system.

40 : Imprinting of the immune system by the microbiota early in life.