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Karin Leder, MBBS, FRACP, PhD, MPH, DTMH
Peter F Weller, MD, MACP
Section Editor:
Edward T Ryan, MD, DTMH
Deputy Editor:
Milana Bogorodskaya, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jan 16, 2022.

INTRODUCTION — Microsporidia are intracellular spore-forming organisms that are ubiquitous in the environment and can infect a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts, including insects, birds, fish, and mammals. The clinical manifestations of microsporidiosis are diverse and include intestinal, pulmonary, ocular, muscular, and renal disease. Microsporidiosis has been identified in immunosuppressed hosts (eg, transplant and patients with HIV infection), travelers, children, and older adults [1].

MICROBIOLOGY — Approximately 200 genera and more than 1500 species of microsporidia have been described; they are classified based on spore size, nucleus arrangement, mode of replication within the host cell, and rRNA analysis. Microsporidia were previously considered protozoa; they have been reclassified as fungi [2]. Seventeen different species have been reported to infect humans, many of which were discovered as opportunistic infections in association with the AIDS epidemic (table 1).

The spores vary in size; those that infect humans are typically oval and 1 to 2 microns in diameter (figure 1). The spores are highly resistant to degradation and can survive in the environment for up to four months. Their structure is distinguished by the presence of a polar filament, which facilitates injection of the spore contents into the host cell.

The most common species causing infection in humans is Enterocytozoon bieneusi, followed by the Encephalitozoon species, particularly Encephalitozoon intestinalis. Genome sequencing has shown high genetic diversity for E. bieneusi, with approximately 500 genotypes and 11 phylogenetic groups identified in humans, pets, livestock, birds, and environmental samples [3]. Group 1 is the largest, containing over 300 genotypes, and Groups 1 and 2 have been divided into 9 and 3 subgroups, respectively. Many of the genotypes from Groups 1 and 2 have high potential for cross-species transmission and have been found in a broad range of hosts including humans [3]. However, some genotypes for example, genotype B, have thus far been found only in humans. Groups 3 to 11 contain fewer genotypes, are more host specific, and have limited public health importance [2,4]. Among E. intestinalis isolates, there have been no molecular differences observed among those originating from infected humans and infected animals, which may imply there is no transmission barrier between different host species. Other Encephalitozoon species causing human infection are Encephalitozoon cuniculi and Encephalitozoon hellem. Antigenic diversity has also been demonstrated among these isolates [5,6].

E. bieneusi and Encephalitozoon species usually infect the gastrointestinal and biliary tracts, although there have been a few case reports of isolation of E. bieneusi from the respiratory tract [7]. Enterocytozoon infections normally cause localized infection; in contrast, Encephalitozoon species have the ability to disseminate widely via macrophages, thus causing systemic infection involving the intestinal and hepatobiliary tracts, respiratory tract, sinuses, kidney, eye, and brain.

Several other species are capable of causing disseminated disease, including Trachipleistophora species (Trachipleistophora hominis and Trachipleistophora anthropopthera), Pleistophora species (Pleistophora ronneafiei and others), and Anncaliia species, also known as Brachiola species (Anncaliia vesicularum and Anncaliia algerae) [8]. Nosema spp and Vittaforma corneae most commonly cause ocular infections. Myositis associated with Pleistophora spp, Trachipleistophora spp, and A. algerae has been described in individual reports [9-11].

PATHOGENESIS — The pathogenesis of microsporidiosis is poorly understood. The minimal number of microsporidia required to cause human disease is unknown, and no toxins have been described. It is possible that a "carrier state" exists and that reactivation occurs with immunosuppression, although this has not been definitively documented.

Intestinal disease is characterized by distortion of the villus architecture, particularly within the small intestine, without a significant inflammatory response. Progressive morphological and functional abnormalities of the small intestine appear to occur as the number of organisms increases [12]. Infection may interfere with intestinal absorption and secretion. In one study of 21 patients with chronic diarrhea or wasting secondary to microsporidiosis, evidence of crypt hyperplasia and a decrease in villous absorptive surface area was demonstrated on jejunal biopsies [13].

Life cycle — Microsporidia spores typically enter the host via ingestion or inhalation. Once within the intestinal or respiratory tract, the spores are propelled into the host cell by their polar filament, enabling the infective sporoplasm (nucleus) to be injected from the spore into the host cell. Once within the host epithelial cell, proliferation occurs via merogony (binary fission) or schizogony (multiple fission) to form multinucleate plasmodial forms. This is followed by a period of maturation via a process known as sporogony, which involves thickening and development of the spore membranes, further divisions, and finally, formation of new mature spores. These spores ultimately burst out of the infected cell, and the released spores can infect nearby host cells or pass out into the environment. Thus, the spores can complete their life cycle within a single host (figure 2).

EPIDEMIOLOGY — Microsporidia exist worldwide, although an accurate assessment of their prevalence in the general population has not been established. In one European study of 576 immunocompetent adults, a seroprevalence of 5 to 8 percent was observed; the prevalence of diarrhea was not reported [14]. In one review, the prevalence of microsporidiosis ranged from 1 to 42 percent in individuals with HIV infection and from 0 to 24 percent in HIV-uninfected individuals [15].

Most symptomatic infections in humans occur among patients with HIV infection who are significantly immunocompromised (CD4 <100 cells/microL). The prevalence of infection rises with increased levels of immunosuppression, ranging from 7 to 50 percent in reports of symptomatic patients with diarrhea and/or wasting [16-21]. In a study of 2652 patients with HIV infection with diarrhea in Peru, 3 percent were diagnosed with microsporidiosis; risk factors included contact with duck or chicken droppings and poor sanitation [22].

Patients with HIV infection may also be asymptomatic. In one study of 106 patients with HIV infection, 15 percent of patients had evidence of microsporidia on small bowel biopsy, regardless of intestinal symptoms [23]. However, much lower colonization rates have been observed in other reports of HIV patients without diarrhea (approximately 2 percent) [16,24].

Microsporidia infections have also been described in HIV-uninfected patients who are otherwise immunocompromised, such as organ transplant recipients and bone marrow graft recipients [25-28]. Among renal transplant recipients, it is a relatively late-occurring opportunistic infection [29]. Older adult individuals may also be at risk for microsporidiosis; in one report of 47 older adult patients with diarrhea, intestinal microsporidiosis due to E. bieneusi was identified in 17 percent of cases by polymerase chain reaction [30].

Infection can also occur in immunocompetent hosts, largely in the form of diarrheal illness [31-33]. E. intestinalis has been found in stool samples of travelers with chronic diarrhea, but a pathogenic role has not been definitively demonstrated [34]. A case of ocular microsporidiosis due to V. corneae has also been reported in a returned traveler from India [35].

It is unknown whether microsporidia infection routinely persists in a latent state or if reactivation occurs during conditions of immune compromise. It is also unknown if persistently infected individuals can transmit infection to others at risk [1].

Transmission — Transmission of microsporidiosis is not fully understood. Foodborne, waterborne, person-to-person, animal-to-person, vector-borne, and airborne transmission may all be possible [15,36-40]. Microsporidia spores have been detected in urine, feces, and respiratory secretions.

It has been suggested that microsporidial infection occurs more frequently in patients who drink unboiled water or from untreated streams and rivers, suggesting transmission via water ingestion [41,42]. Foodborne outbreaks of E. bieneusi have also been reported [36,43].

Many animals shed E. bieneusi oocysts, including wild living and domestic animals [44], and zoonotic spread is also considered likely [45,46]. Nonhuman primates, pigs, and ruminants are often infected, as are other mammals and birds. E. intestinalis has been identified in humans and animals.

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS — The clinical manifestations of microsporidiosis vary depending upon the infecting species and the host immune status. Both asymptomatic and symptomatic infections have been described.

Immunocompetent patients — Microsporidia can cause asymptomatic infection, a self-limited diarrheal illness, or, less commonly, chronic diarrhea [47,48]. Clinical manifestations include watery, nonbloody diarrhea, nausea, diffuse abdominal pain, and fever. Diarrhea tends to be self-limited in immunocompetent patients. The correlation between detection of microsporidia in stool and gastrointestinal symptoms may be transient; microsporidia infection may cause clinical symptoms during the early stages of infection that resolve even though evidence of microsporidia may persist on diagnostic assessment [49].

In addition to diarrhea, other extraintestinal manifestations [50] include:

Ocular infections with superficial punctate keratitis and stromal keratitis associated with eye pain have been described [51-53]. Clinical findings include oval, nonbudding microsporidial spores (which fluoresce bluish-white) and rosette-like clusters of epithelial cells. Risk factors include contact lens use, trauma, eye surgery, use of topical corticosteroids, and exposure to soil, mud, dirty water, or thermal springs [54,55]. Associated organisms include Microsporidium africanus, Microsporidium ceylonensis, Nosema ocularum, Nosema corneum (now V. corneae), and A. algerae [56-58].

Cerebral infections due to E. cuniculi have been reportedly rarely in immunocompetent individuals. Manifestations include seizures, headache, and vomiting [59]. Donor-derived E. cuniculi infection has also been reported in organ recipients with unexplained encephalitis [60]. One case of pacemaker endocarditis due to E. cuniculi has also been reported [61]. An association between E. cuniculi and osteolysis of prosthetic hip implants has been reported in a small cohort [62].

Myositis associated with Pleistophora spp and Brachiola algerae (reclassified as A. algerae) has been described in individual reports [9,10,63,64]. Symptoms include fever, myalgia, weakness, and muscle tenderness.

E. cuniculi has been reported as a cause of osteolysis in hip periprosthetic tissue and can be associated with instability of the implant [62].

Patients with HIV infection — The incidence of microsporidiosis has declined dramatically with the widespread use of antiretroviral therapy. Most microsporidial infections occur in the setting of severe immunodeficiency [65]. In a systematic review and meta-analysis of microsporidiosis in more than 18,000 individuals with HIV infection, the pooled prevalence of microsporidiosis was 11.8 percent (95% CI 10.1-13.4 percent), with a lower prevalence in high-income countries and a higher prevalence among those with diarrhea [66].

E. bieneusi or E. intestinalis are most commonly associated with diarrhea, which is typically nonbloody, watery, may be continuous or intermittent, and can be associated with crampy abdominal pain. Patients may also have weight loss, wasting, nausea and vomiting, and malabsorption; fever is rare [67].

A number of other disorders associated with the individual microsporidia species have been described:

E. bieneusi or E. intestinalis infection can lead to biliary tract involvement, causing cholangitis or acalculous cholecystitis [68]. (See "AIDS cholangiopathy".)

E. bieneusi has been identified in nasal and bronchial secretions, although its clinical significance is uncertain [7,69-73].

E. intestinalis disseminates widely and has been implicated in sinus, respiratory, liver, and renal disease. The renal disease is often asymptomatic, although impaired renal function has been described [65].

E. hellem, E. cuniculi, and Trachipleistophora species usually cause disseminated infection, including bronchiolitis, pneumonitis, sinusitis, nephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, hepatitis, peritonitis, chronic keratoconjunctivitis, encephalitis, and nodular cutaneous lesions [74,75]. Some patients are asymptomatic. Intestinal infection with E. cuniculi is rare [76].

T. hominis, a newly described species, and Pleistophora spp have been associated with myositis [11,77].

V. corneae has been isolated from urine and sinonasal aspirate in a patient with AIDS [78].

E. cuniculi has been reported to cause central nervous system infection in one AIDS patient with multifocal hypodense lesions on brain imaging; the diagnosis was established with the detection of microsporidial spores in cerebrospinal fluid, sputum, stool, and urine [79,80]. Disseminated E. cuniculi infection has been reported in a renal transplant recipient [81]. Trachipleistophora species have also been associated with encephalitis and death [8].

In a retrospective review of 73 patients with HIV infection with microsporidiosis describing the natural history of infection, 55 percent of patients had persistent diarrhea after six months and 51 percent had weight loss [82]. Symptomatic disease was associated with a high HIV RNA viral load and absence of protease inhibitors from the antiretroviral regimen.

Other immunosuppressed patients — Transplant-associated microsporidiosis (both solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplants) and infection in patients with malignancy can occur, leading to a wide range of manifestations [83-88]. (See "Infection in the solid organ transplant recipient".)

DIAGNOSIS — The diagnosis of microsporidiosis consists of microscopic or genomic detection of the spores in stool, body fluids, or tissue specimens. The spores are typically oval and 1 to 2 microns in diameter. Endoscopic biopsy is not more sensitive than stool examination because infection can be patchy [69,89].

For microscopic diagnosis, the laboratory should be alerted to the potential diagnosis, and specific stains for microsporidia should be requested since routine examination for ova and parasites does not usually detect microsporidia spores. Fecal leukocytes and blood are usually absent since microsporidia infection is not associated with a significant inflammation. When present, these findings should raise suspicion for coinfection with another organism.

Light microscopy with a modified trichrome stain is often used for microscopy. This technique stains microsporidia spores pink against a blue-green background; it can be used on stool, urine, mucus, or tissue specimens (figure 1) [90,91]. Other techniques include serologic assays (which detect immunoglobulin [Ig]M and IgG antimicrosporidial antibodies), tissue culture, and indirect immunofluorescence [92-98]. Fluorescent techniques including Uvitex 2B, Calcofluor White M2R, the FungiFluor Kit, and Fungiqual A are also available and have similar sensitivity and specificity to the modified trichrome stain [89,99,100]. These stains have a number of advantages compared with other methods because they can be performed rapidly, are equally effective on unfixed or formalin-fixed specimens, and can detect spores in stool, intestinal fluid, biopsy imprints, and paraffin biopsy sections [92,93]. However, species identification is not possible.

Transmission electron microscopy is also used for microscopic detection of microsporidia and traditionally has been the primary method for species identification [79]. Alternatively, classification can be based on molecular sequencing.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays are increasingly being used for diagnosis, simultaneously enabling detection, species identification, and genomic characterization of the microsporidial infection [37,101-107]. In one study of intestinal microsporidiosis, PCR was 100 percent sensitive and 97.9 percent specific, trichrome staining was 100 percent specific and 64 percent sensitive, and calcofluor staining was 80 percent sensitive and 82 percent specific [108]. Indirect immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies to Encephalitozoon spp and to E. bieneusi are becoming increasingly available and are simplifying detection of microsporidia in clinical specimens [109-111]. A loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay has also been developed to detect E. bieneusi DNA from human fecal specimens [112].

Test characteristics — The accuracy of the above techniques depends in part upon the site and intensity of infection. One study evaluating sensitivity and specificity (with electron microscopy as the gold standard) noted the following: modified trichrome stain (sensitivity and specificity of 100 and 83 percent, respectively), calcofluor white stain (sensitivity and specificity of 100 and 77 percent, respectively), and indirect immunofluorescent stain (sensitivity and specificity of 83 and 96 percent, respectively) [98].

In another study, stool samples were tested via modified trichrome stain, PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism, and immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Considering modified trichrome stain as the gold standard, the sensitivity and specificity of IFA were 100 and 99.4 percent, respectively. Considering PCR as the gold standard, sensitivity and specificity of IFA were 95.2 and 100 percent, respectively [113].


Gastrointestinal infection — Albendazole is effective against most microsporidia species, particularly Encephalitozoon infections, but has minimal efficacy against E. bieneusi (table 2) [114-118]. The duration of therapy depends on the host immune status and whether the infection is localized or disseminated [119]. In immunocompromised patients with disseminated infection, the usual treatment is three weeks (or between two and four weeks) of albendazole (400 mg orally with fatty meal twice daily) [120,121].

Immunocompetent hosts can receive shorter courses of therapy and may even resolve their symptoms with no therapy at all. In a randomized trial including 200 immunocompetent children in Costa Rica hospitalized with subacute diarrhea due to microsporidiosis, albendazole (15 mg/kg/day divided twice daily [maximum 400 mg/dose] for seven days) was more effective than placebo in improving the clinical manifestations and decreasing the duration of illness [122].

Because albendazole does not reliably cure E. bieneusi infections, many other agents have been tried including metronidazole, azithromycin, doxycycline, sparfloxacin, quinacrine, sulfa drugs, atovaquone, furazolidone, nitazoxanide, itraconazole, octreotide, and paromomycin. None of these agents has consistently or effectively eradicated the infection; further study is needed.

Along with specific therapy for microsporidiosis, treatment of immune suppression is critically important in patients with HIV infection, since restoration of immunity has been associated with clinical and microbiological cure [123-125]. Clearance of microsporidial infections has even been reported with antiretroviral therapy alone [126,127]. Dietary supplementation is also helpful, particularly in patients who have had weight loss [128].

For treatment of E. bieneusi infection, systemic fumagillin (60 mg/day orally in three divided doses for 14 days) has been tried with some success [121,129,130]. In one small dose-response study of fumagillin in patients with HIV infection with E. bieneusi infection, the highest dose of 60 mg/day was associated with clearance of the organism in 72 percent of cases [129]. The majority of patients in the lower-dose groups had transient clearance from stools but all relapsed within one year. Fumagillin may also be active in other immunosuppressed hosts. A randomized, double-blind study in 12 patients (10 with HIV and 2 posttransplantation) documented clearance of the organism in all patients who received fumagillin and in none of patients receiving placebo; the six placebo recipients subsequently cleared the organism with open-label fumagillin [130]. In a report of 10 cases of E. bieneusi in renal transplant patients who were treated with fumagillin, all patients responded well clinically and all cleared the microsporidial spores from their stools [29]. Fumagillin was effective in a pediatric liver-kidney transplant patient with intestinal disease [131]. Fumagillin was curative for E. bieneusi microsporidiosis in two allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients [84].

Fumagillin can cause dose-related bone marrow toxicity. In addition, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and hyperlipasemia have been noted with the use of fumagillin. These adverse effects have limited the clinical use of the drug.

Other agents being studied in vivo against microsporidia include polyamines and fluoroquinolones, but clinical data are lacking [132]. Limited data suggest that nitazoxanide (1 g twice daily) for 60 days may also be effective for the treatment of E. bieneusi infections in patients with AIDS [133].

Ocular infection — Ocular keratoconjunctivitis due to microsporidia are often treated with topical Fumidil B (fumagillin bicyclohexylammonium) in saline (to achieve a concentration of 70 mg/mL of fumagillin) [118,134]. In patients with HIV infection, lesions due to E. hellem, E. cuniculi, E. intestinalis, E. bieneusi, and V. corneae generally respond to this regimen. The concomitant use of albendazole is often warranted, particularly in patients with ocular infections who have evidence of systemic involvement. Topical voriconazole (1%) has been reported to be effective for treatment of microsporidial keratitis [135,136], and success has also been reported with topical fluoroquinolones [137,138]; further trials are needed. For patients with stromal keratitis, early surgical keratoplasty is needed [35].

Itraconazole has also been used in the treatment of ocular microsporidiosis (especially superficial keratoconjunctivitis) due to Encephalitozoon spp; experience with this agent is limited [119]. In cases not responsive to medical therapy, keratoplasty and debulking by corneal scraping has been tried [139].

Pregnancy — The optimal approach to management in pregnancy is uncertain. Safety data of albendazole and nitazoxanide in pregnancy are limited. Minimizing immunosuppression is an important component of management.

PREVENTION — Specific measures important in preventing infection are not known since the sources of infection are not fully understood. Attention to personal hygiene is probably the most important factor. Boiled and/or bottled water may also be helpful for immunosuppressed patients, but the relative importance of tap water as a source of infection is still unknown. No vaccine is available.

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Opportunistic infections in HIV-infected adults and adolescents".)


Microsporidia are intracellular spore-forming organisms that are ubiquitous in the environment and can infect a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Fourteen different species have been reported in humans, many of which were discovered as opportunistic infections in association with the AIDS epidemic (table 1). The most common species causing infection in humans is Enterocytozoon bieneusi, followed by the Encephalitozoon species, particularly Encephalitozoon intestinalis. (See 'Microbiology' above.)

Transmission of microsporidiosis is not fully understood. Microsporidia spores typically enter the host via ingestion or inhalation. Most symptomatic infections in humans occur among patients with HIV infection who are significantly immunocompromised (CD4 <100 cells/microL) or other immunocompromised individuals (such as organ transplant recipients). Microsporidiosis can also occur in immunocompetent individuals. (See 'Epidemiology' above.)

Clinical manifestations include watery, nonbloody diarrhea, nausea, diffuse abdominal pain, and fever. Among immunocompetent and immunosuppressed individuals, other manifestations include ocular infection, cerebral infection, and myositis. In addition, a variety of other manifestations can occur in the setting of HIV infection. (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)

The diagnosis of microsporidiosis consists of microscopic detection of the spores in stool, body fluids, or tissue specimens. Light microscopy with a modified trichrome stain demonstrates pink microsporidia spores against a blue-green background (figure 1). The laboratory should be alerted to the potential diagnosis, and specific stains for microsporidia should be requested since routine examination for ova and parasites does not usually detect microsporidia spores. Other assays have also been described. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

We suggest albendazole (400 mg orally twice daily for two to four weeks) for treatment of intestinal microsporidiosis due to E. intestinalis and for treatment of disseminated microsporidiosis (table 2) (Grade 2B). The optimal approach for treatment of intestinal infection due to E. bieneusi or for treatment of ocular infection is uncertain; fumagillin may be effective though further study is needed. Reversal of immune suppression whenever possible is also important. (See 'Treatment' above.)


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Topic 5731 Version 28.0


1 : Microsporidiosis: current status.

2 : Genetic aspects and environmental sources of microsporidia that infect the human gastrointestinal tract.

3 : Host Specificity of Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Public Health Implications.

4 : Potential impacts of host specificity on zoonotic or interspecies transmission of Enterocytozoon bieneusi.

5 : Antigenic diversity of Encephalitozoon hellem demonstrated by subspecies-specific monoclonal antibodies.

6 : Genotyping Encephalitozoon hellem isolates by analysis of the polar tube protein gene.

7 : Pulmonary localization of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in an AIDS patient: case report and review.

8 : Parasitic central nervous system infections in immunocompromised hosts: malaria, microsporidiosis, leishmaniasis, and African trypanosomiasis.

9 : Fatal myositis due to the microsporidian Brachiola algerae, a mosquito pathogen.

10 : Ultrastructure and development of Pleistophora ronneafiei n. sp., a microsporidium (Protista) in the skeletal muscle of an immune-compromised individual.

11 : Trachipleistophora hominis infection in the myocardium and skeletal muscle of a patient with AIDS.

12 : Intestinal microsporidiosis as a cause of diarrhea in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: a report of 20 cases.

13 : HIV enteropathy: crypt stem and transit cell hyperproliferation induces villous atrophy in HIV/Microsporidia-infected jejunal mucosa.

14 : High seroprevalence of Encephalitozoon species in immunocompetent subjects.

15 : Microsporidiosis: epidemiology, clinical data and therapy.

16 : Prevalence of intestinal microsporidiosis in HIV-infected individuals referred for gastroenterological evaluation.

17 : Clinical significance of small-intestinal microsporidiosis in HIV-1-infected individuals.

18 : Small intestinal injury and parasitic diseases in AIDS.

19 : Agents of diarrhea.

20 : Human microsporidiosis in African AIDS patients with chronic diarrhea.

21 : Prevalence and clinical significance of intestinal microsporidiosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with and without diarrhea in Germany: a prospective coprodiagnostic study.

22 : The epidemiology of intestinal microsporidiosis in patients with HIV/AIDS in Lima, Peru.

23 : The role of Microsporidia in the pathogenesis of HIV-related chronic diarrhea.

24 : Prevalence of microsporidiosis due to Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinalis among patients with AIDS-related diarrhea: determination by polymerase chain reaction to the microsporidian small-subunit rRNA gene.

25 : Microsporidial infections in immunodeficient and immunocompetent patients.

26 : Microsporidia infection in transplant patients.

27 : A case of Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection in an HIV-negative renal transplant recipient.

28 : Microsporidiosis in solid organ transplant recipients: two Enterocytozoon bieneusi cases and review.

29 : Fumagillin for treatment of intestinal microsporidiosis in renal transplant recipients.

30 : Intestinal microsporidiosis due to Enterocytozoon bieneusi in elderly human immunodeficiency virus--negative patients from Vigo, Spain.

31 : Microsporidiosis due to Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection as a possible cause of traveller's diarrhea.

32 : Microsporidiosis in patients who are not infected with human immunodeficiency virus.

33 : Microsporidiosis in travelers with diarrhea from the tropics.

34 : Identification of Encephalitozoon intestinalis in travelers with chronic diarrhea by specific PCR amplification.

35 : Case Report: Ocular Microsporidiosis: Case in a Patient Returning from India and Review of the Literature.

36 : First reported foodborne outbreak associated with microsporidia, Sweden, October 2009.

37 : Epidemiology of microsporidiosis: sources and modes of transmission.

38 : Waterborne outbreak of intestinal microsporidiosis in persons with and without human immunodeficiency virus infection.

39 : Microsporidian species known to infect humans are present in aquatic birds: implications for transmission via water?

40 : Microsporidia - Emergent Pathogens in the Global Food Chain.

41 : Infection by and genotype characteristics of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in HIV/AIDS patients from Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, China.

42 : Molecular epidemiologic characterization of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in HIV-infected persons in Benin City, Nigeria.

43 : Incubation period, spore shedding duration, and symptoms of Enterocytozoon bieneusi genotype C infection in a foodborne outbreak in Denmark, 2020.

44 : Wildlife as an environmental reservoir of Enterocytozoon bieneusi (Microsporidia)–analyses of data based on molecular methods

45 : Molecular and phylogenetic evidences of dispersion of human-infecting microsporidia to vegetable farms via irrigation with treated wastewater: One-year follow up.

46 : Genotype Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Enterocytozoon bieneusi Isolates from Stool Samples of Diarrheic Children.

47 : Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection and diarrheal disease in patients who were not infected with human immunodeficiency virus: case report and review.

48 : Detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in two human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients with chronic diarrhea by polymerase chain reaction in duodenal biopsy specimens and review.

49 : Microsporidiosis in travel-associated chronic diarrhea in immune-competent patients.

50 : Extraintestinal microsporidiosis.

51 : Bilateral microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis in an immunocompetent non-contact lens wearer.

52 : Microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis in healthy individuals: a case series.

53 : In vivo confocal microscopic characteristics of microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis in immunocompetent adults.

54 : Microsporidial keratitis in patients with hot springs exposure.

55 : Outbreak of microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis with rugby sport due to soil exposure.

56 : Isolation of Nosema algerae from the cornea of an immunocompetent patient.

57 : Encephalitozoonosis (nosematosis) of the cornea.

58 : Corneal microsporidioses: characterization and identification.

59 : Diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis in man by serological tests.

60 : Three Cases of Neurologic Syndrome Caused by Donor-Derived Microsporidiosis.

61 : Images in cardiovascular medicine. Endocarditis secondary to microsporidia: giant vegetation in a pacemaker user.

62 : Disseminated Infection of Encephalitozoon cuniculi Associated With Osteolysis of Hip Periprosthetic Tissue.

63 : Anncaliia algerae microsporidial myositis.

64 : Microsporidial polymyositis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients, a rare life-threatening opportunistic infection: clinical suspicion, diagnosis, and management in resource-limited settings.

65 : Disseminated microsporidiosis due to Septata intestinalis in nine patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus: response to therapy with albendazole.

66 : Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, microsporidia and Isospora infection in HIV-infected people: a global systematic review and meta-analysis.

67 : HIV/AIDS-associated opportunistic protozoal diarrhea.

68 : Microsporidia infection in patients with the human immunodeficiency virus and unexplained cholangitis.

69 : Microsporidial disease in HIV-infected patients: a report of 42 patients and review of the literature.

70 : Pulmonary and intestinal microsporidiosis in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

71 : Identification of Enterocytozoon bieneusi spores in respiratory samples from an AIDS patient with a 2-year history of intestinal microsporidiosis.

72 : Enterocytozoon bieneusi multiorgan microsporidiosis in a HIV-infected patient.

73 : Respiratory microsporidiosis caused by Enterocytozoon bieneusi in an HIV-negative hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipient.

74 : Pathology of symptomatic microsporidial (Encephalitozoon hellem) bronchiolitis in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a new respiratory pathogen diagnosed from lung biopsy, bronchoalveolar lavage, sputum, and tissue culture.

75 : Asymptomatic respiratory tract microsporidiosis due to Encephalitozoon hellem in three patients with AIDS.

76 : Immunologically confirmed disseminated, asymptomatic Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection of the gastrointestinal tract in a patient with AIDS.

77 : Development and ultrastructure of Trachipleistophora hominis n.g., n.sp. after in vitro isolation from an AIDS patient and inoculation into athymic mice.

78 : Dual microsporidial infection due to Vittaforma corneae and Encephalitozoon hellem in a patient with AIDS.

79 : Parasitic central nervous system infections in immunocompromised hosts: malaria, microsporidiosis, leishmaniasis, and African trypanosomiasis.

80 : Cerebral microsporidiosis due to Encephalitozoon cuniculi in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection.

81 : Disseminated microsporidiosis in a renal transplant recipient: case report and review of the literature.

82 : Natural history of intestinal microsporidiosis among patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus.

83 : Microsporidiosis acquired through solid organ transplantation: a public health investigation.

84 : Enterocytozoon bieneusi Microsporidiosis in Stem Cell Transplant Recipients Treated with Fumagillin

85 : Microsporidiosis in pediatric renal transplant patients in Cape Town, South Africa: two case reports.

86 : Confirmed microsporidial graft infection in a HIV-negative renal transplant recipient: A case report and review of the literature.

87 : Molecular Phylodiagnosis of Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis in Children with Cancer: Microsporidia in Malignancies as an Emerging Opportunistic Infection.

88 : Epidemiological and clinical study of microsporidiosis in French kidney transplant recipients from 2005 to 2019: TRANS-SPORE registry.

89 : Diagnosis of intestinal microsporidiosis by examination of stool and duodenal aspirate with Weber's modified trichrome and Uvitex 2B strains.

90 : A new trichrome-blue stain for detection of microsporidial species in urine, stool, and nasopharyngeal specimens.

91 : Diagnostic use of 3 techniques for identification of microsporidian spores among AIDS patients in Portugal.

92 : Application of molecular techniques to the diagnosis of microsporidial infection.

93 : Diagnosis of intestinal and disseminated microsporidial infections in patients with HIV by a new rapid fluorescence technique.

94 : Microsporidiosis: molecular and diagnostic aspects.

95 : A powerful DNA extraction method and PCR for detection of microsporidia in clinical stool specimens.

96 : Diagnosis of infections caused by Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis using polymerase chain reaction in stool specimens.

97 : Molecular techniques for detection, species differentiation, and phylogenetic analysis of microsporidia.

98 : Comparison of three staining methods for detecting microsporidia in fluids.

99 : Improved light-microscopical detection of microsporidia spores in stool and duodenal aspirates. The Enteric Opportunistic Infections Working Group.

100 : Comparative evaluation of modified trichrome and Uvitex 2B stains for detection of low numbers of microsporidial spores in stool specimens.

101 : Diagnosis of microsporidia keratitis by polymerase chain reaction.

102 : Speciation of human microsporidia by polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformation polymorphism.

103 : Species-specific detection of three human-pathogenic microsporidial species from the genus Encephalitozoon via fluorogenic 5' nuclease PCR assays.

104 : Development of a real-time polymerase-chain-reaction assay for quantitative detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi DNA in stool specimens from immunocompromised patients with intestinal microsporidiosis.

105 : Evaluation of DNA extraction and PCR methods for detection of Enterocytozoon bienuesi in stool specimens.

106 : Real-time PCR method for detection of Encephalitozoon intestinalis from stool specimens.

107 : Detection and species identification of microsporidial infections using SYBR Green real-time PCR.

108 : Comparison of staining techniques and multiplex nested PCR for diagnosis of intestinal microsporidiosis.

109 : Monoclonal antibodies for specific detection of Encephalitozoon cuniculi.

110 : Monoclonal antibodies against Enterocytozoon bieneusi of human origin.

111 : Species identification of intestinal microsporidia using immunofluorescence antibody assays.

112 : Loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid molecular detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in faecal specimens.

113 : Evaluation of Immunoflourescence antibody assay for the detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis.

114 : Albendazole for treatment and prophylaxis of microsporidiosis due to Encephalitozoon intestinalis in patients with AIDS: a randomized double-blind controlled trial.

115 : Persistent damage to Enterocytozoon bieneusi, with persistent symptomatic relief, after combined furazolidone and albendazole in AIDS patients.

116 : Effect of antiretroviral therapy on cryptosporidiosis and microsporidiosis in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1.

117 : Treatment of microsporidiosis including albendazole.

118 : 2017 Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Infectious Diarrhea.

119 : Drug treatment of microsporidiosis.

120 : Intestinal parasites including Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Giardia, and Microsporidia, Entamoeba histolytica, Strongyloides, Schistosomiasis, and Echinococcus: Guidelines from the American Society of Transplantation Infectious Diseases Community of Practice.

121 : Intestinal parasites including Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Giardia, and Microsporidia, Entamoeba histolytica, Strongyloides, Schistosomiasis, and Echinococcus: Guidelines from the American Society of Transplantation Infectious Diseases Community of Practice.

122 : Albendazole therapy for Microsporidium diarrhea in immunocompetent Costa Rican children.

123 : Remission of AIDS-associated intestinal microsporidiosis with highly active antiretroviral therapy.

124 : Treatment of HIV-1-associated microsporidiosis and cryptosporidiosis with combination antiretroviral therapy.

125 : Therapy for human gastrointestinal microsporidiosis.

126 : Modification of the clinical course of intestinal microsporidiosis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients by immune status and anti-human immunodeficiency virus therapy.

127 : Eradication of cryptosporidia and microsporidia following successful antiretroviral therapy.

128 : Clinical features of microsporidiosis in patients with AIDS.

129 : Trial of oral fumagillin for the treatment of intestinal microsporidiosis in patients with HIV infection. ANRS 054 Study Group. Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le SIDA.

130 : Fumagillin treatment of intestinal microsporidiosis.

131 : Successful treatment with fumagillin of the first pediatric case of digestive microsporidiosis in a liver-kidney transplant.

132 : Therapeutic strategies for human microsporidia infections.

133 : Successful treatment with nitazoxanide of Enterocytozoon bieneusi microsporidiosis in a patient with AIDS.

134 : Treating opportunistic infections among HIV-infected adults and adolescents: recommendations from CDC, the National Institutes of Health, and the HIV Medicine Association/Infectious Diseases Society of America.

135 : Treatment of microsporidia keratitis with topical voriconazole monotherapy.

136 : Importance of clinical signs leading to the diagnosis in a case of microbiological smear negative ocular microsporidiosis.

137 : Emerging prevalence of microsporidial keratitis in Singapore: epidemiology, clinical features, and management.

138 : Clinical Features, Risk Factors, and Treatments of Microsporidial Epithelial Keratitis.