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Pineal gland masses

Pineal gland masses
Maria Moschovi, MD
George P Chrousos, MD
Section Editors:
Jay S Loeffler, MD
Patrick Y Wen, MD
Amar Gajjar, MD
Deputy Editor:
April F Eichler, MD, MPH
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: May 13, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Tumors involving the pineal gland or body are uncommon (figure 1). The classification, presentation, and general approach to lesions involving the pineal gland will be presented here, focusing on the management of pineal parenchymal tumors.

Germ cell tumors (GCTs), the most frequent tumor type found in the pineal region, are discussed elsewhere. (See "Intracranial germ cell tumors".)

EPIDEMIOLOGY — In Europe and North America, pineal tumors account for less than 1 percent of all primary brain tumors [1]. Pineal tumors are more common in children aged 1 to 12 years where these constitute approximately 3 percent of brain tumors [2].

Worldwide, pineal tumors are most common in Asian countries, for reasons that are not known [3,4]. This increased frequency is due largely to an increase in germ cell tumors (GCTs), which compose 70 to 80 percent of all pineal region tumors in Japan and Korea, for example. In the United States, the incidence of intracranial GCTs is highest in individuals with Asian/Pacific Island ancestry in the 10- to 29-year age group, suggesting that underlying genetic susceptibility may play a role in the etiology of these tumors [5].

Pineal tumors are substantially more common in males. In an analysis of 633 cases from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database over a 32-year period, pineal tumors were three times more common in males than females [1]. In those with GCTs, the male predominance was approximately 12:1.

CLASSIFICATION — The three histologic tumors that account for most neoplasms arising within the pineal gland are germ cell tumors (GCTs), pineal parenchymal tumors, and gliomas. In a series of 633 cases from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database, these comprised 59, 30, and 5 percent of patients, respectively [1]. Other pineal tumors reported included meningiomas, gangliogliomas, ependymomas, lipomas, trilateral retinoblastomas, and metastases [6]. Benign lesions arising within the pineal gland that can be confused with neoplasms include pineal cysts, vascular malformations, and vein of Galen aneurysms. There have been rare reports of choroid plexus papilloma in the pineal region, pineal epidermoid tumors, and primary malignant melanomas of the pineal region [7-12]. Other rare tumors of the pineal region are neuroendocrine carcinoma of the pineal parenchyma, schwannomas arising from the trochlear nerve, and gliosarcoma [13-15].

GCTs are divided into germinomas and nongerminomatous GCTs (NGGCTs) in the World Health Organization (WHO) classification system (table 1) [16]. The NGGCTs include embryonal carcinoma, endodermal sinus tumor (also known as yolk sac tumor), choriocarcinoma, teratoma (immature and mature), and mixed tumors with more than one element. Germinomas comprise approximately three-quarters of all GCTs in the SEER series and approximately 45 to 50 percent of all pineal tumors [1,17]. Germinomas and teratomas are frequently encountered as pure tumors, whereas the other types are mostly part of mixed GCTs [18]. (See "Intracranial germ cell tumors", section on 'Histologic classification'.)

The WHO classification of central nervous system (CNS) tumors divides pineal gland tumors into four groups [16]:

Pineocytoma (grade I)

Pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation (grade II or III)

Papillary tumor of the pineal region (grade II or III)

Pineoblastoma (grade IV)

Tumors that contain areas histopathologically like both pineocytoma and pineoblastoma (mixed pineocytoma/pineoblastoma) are often included within the intermediate differentiation group.

The potentially aggressive behavior of pineoblastoma and the intermediate/mixed-group tumors and the tendency for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) seeding justified grouping these histologic subtypes together. This explains the absence of pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation and of the pineal papillary tumor from the registry before 2007 [19].

The relative prevalence of histologic types depends on the age of the patient population under study. As an example, among patients with a pineal GCT, germinoma is most frequent among those between 10 and 19 years of age, and there are some patients aged >30 years. Choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinoma, and yolk sac tumor are rare in those over age 30 years. Pineoblastoma is most frequent among patients under five years of age, while pineocytoma is evenly distributed in patients between 10 and 60 years of age [17]. Astrocytomas tend to occur in two separate age groups: 2- to 6-year-olds, and 12- to 18-year-olds.

PRESENTING FEATURES — Pineal gland tumors share some common clinical and radiographic features based upon their anatomic location. The initial diagnostic approach is similar, and the treatment and prognosis depend upon establishing a histologic diagnosis. (See "Overview of the clinical features and diagnosis of brain tumors in adults".)

Clinical signs and symptoms — Pineal tumors may cause neurologic dysfunction by direct invasion, compression, or obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow. The rate of tumor growth determines the rapidity of symptom onset and progression and is an important prognostic factor.

Common signs and symptoms are summarized in the following table (table 2). Hydrocephalus is common, manifested by headaches, lethargy, and signs of increased intracranial pressure. Up to 75 percent of patients with pineal tumors have Parinaud syndrome, a constellation of neuro-ocular symptoms that result from pressure on the pretectal region (the dorsal aspect of the rostral or upper midbrain) (table 3). (See "Ocular gaze disorders", section on 'Parinaud syndrome'.)

Progressive local tumor growth may result in cranial neuropathies or hypothalamic dysfunction. While extracranial metastases are rare, patients may have symptoms of leptomeningeal dissemination, which is present at diagnosis in up to 19 percent of pineoblastomas and approximately 12 percent of germ cell tumors (GCTs) [20,21]. (See "Clinical features and diagnosis of leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumors".)

Rare cases of precocious puberty caused by a pineal mass have been reported, particularly in females [22,23]. (See "Definition, etiology, and evaluation of precocious puberty", section on 'Central nervous system lesions'.)

Neuroimaging — Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most useful initial study to identify the tumor and delineate its relationship to adjacent structures. As an example, obstructive hydrocephalus from aqueductal stenosis is common; in the majority of cases, this is due to the tumor extending into the third ventricle (figure 1).

In some cases, the imaging findings may suggest certain tumor types. While GCTs and malignant gliomas characteristically "invade" through the wall of the third ventricle, expansive compression is more common with pineal parenchymal tumors, low-grade astrocytomas, and meningiomas. However, imaging alone is generally not reliable enough to establish a histologic diagnosis [24]. Descriptions of typical imaging characteristics for each tumor type are provided below.

While quantitative imaging using computed tomography (CT), MRI, and 18-F fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) cannot differentiate between pineal parenchymal tumors and germinomas, careful attention to clinical characteristics (eg, age, sex), calcification patterns, and thalamic involvement can improve the accuracy of preoperative differential diagnosis [25,26]:

Localized calcification is seen in more than 70 percent of GCTs, while it is scattered in more than half of pineal parenchymal tumors

Cystic components in tumors are most frequent in nongerminomatous GCTs (NGGCTs)

Multiplicity is characteristic of GCTs and is rare in other tumor types

Thick peritumoral edema is more frequent in germinoma than in NGGCT

Bithalamic extension of tumor is seen in up to 80 percent of germinomas, while it is significantly rare in other groups of tumors

Germ cell tumors — GCTs typically are seen as a homogeneous hyperdense mass. By contrast, teratomas are multilocular heterogeneous masses containing lipid areas [27].

Pineal calcification on skull radiographs, uncommon in children younger than 10 years, is a useful clue to the diagnosis of a GCT because approximately 70 percent of patients with GCTs have calcifications that are seen within the mass rather than calcifications "exploding" to the periphery [27].

Intracranial GCTs typically appear hypointense or isointense on T1-weighted imaging and hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging; their contrast enhancement pattern can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Cystic areas are common and may be multiple. (See "Intracranial germ cell tumors", section on 'Neuroimaging'.)

Pineal parenchymal tumors — Pineal parenchymal tumors include pineocytomas, pineoblastomas, pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation, and papillary tumor of the pineal region.

On CT, pineocytomas are typically isodense and enhance homogeneously with contrast. Cysts and calcifications are present in up to one-half of cases; peripheral calcifications are more suggestive of pineocytoma than germinoma, as pineal parenchymal tumors classically result in preexisting pineal calcifications dispersing to the periphery of the lesions [24,27,28]. Benign pineal cysts may present similarly. (See 'Pineal cysts' below.)

On MRI, pineocytomas are typically ≤3 cm, sharply demarcated lesions with a high degree of cytoplasm that are hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images [29,30]. They enhance homogeneously with contrast, and only one-third have associated hydrocephalus.

Pineoblastomas are hyperdense and have no associated calcifications [24]. They tend to be larger than 3 cm, lobulated, and poorly demarcated on MRI, and they are essentially isointense to gray matter on T2-weighted images, possibly related to the known paucity of cytoplasm in these tumor cells and overall dense cellularity seen in these lesions [30-32]. These tumors enhance heterogeneously with contrast, and 90 percent have associated hydrocephalus.

Glial tumors — Pineal glial tumors typically arise from the neighboring tectal plate and have a similar appearance on CT and MRI as when encountered elsewhere in the brain. Given their location of origin, pineal calcifications are displaced superiorly [27]. Calcifications can be identified in approximately two-thirds of pineal gliomas [24,29]. Low-grade pilocytic astrocytomas may be cystic, and unlike other low-grade gliomas, they enhance with contrast.

The typical appearance of high-grade gliomas (eg, glioblastoma multiforme) is a multilobular solid tumor with indistinct margins and heterogeneous contrast enhancement. Enhancing tumor can be distinguished from the surrounding hypointense signal of edema on T1-weighted images. (See "Classification and pathologic diagnosis of gliomas, glioneuronal tumors, and neuronal tumors" and "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and initial surgical management of high-grade gliomas".)

Other tumors — A number of other tumors may be suspected based upon neuroimaging results:

Meningiomas – Pineal meningiomas are small tumors (<2 cm) that have well-defined margins. Attachments to the falx often can be identified on sagittal images. (See "Epidemiology, pathology, clinical features, and diagnosis of meningioma", section on 'Diagnostic evaluation'.)

Lipomas – Lipomas have low attenuation on CT, have increased signal on T1-weighted images, and lack contrast enhancement.

Pineal metastases – The MRI features of metastases to the pineal gland are nonspecific. As in other areas of the brain, metastases are accompanied by more edema than would be expected based upon lesion size. (See "Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of brain metastases", section on 'Imaging studies'.)

Nonneoplastic lesions — Nonneoplastic pineal lesions in the differential diagnosis of pineal masses include vascular malformations, arachnoid cysts, and pineal cysts, which must commonly be distinguished from cystic GCTs, pineal parenchymal tumors, or gliomas. (See 'Pineal cysts' below.)

INITIAL APPROACH — Pineal tumors are a challenge to the neurosurgeon because the pineal gland is a deep structure, surrounded by important vascular and neural structures. However, advances in microsurgery and neuroanesthesia have improved accessibility to the pineal region, and there is less hesitancy to approach this region surgically [33-35].

Staging work-up — The staging work-up for patients with suspected pineal tumors must include contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and the entire spine. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) should be examined cytologically only if the patient is considered safe for a lumbar puncture. If CSF cannot be obtained by lumbar puncture then CSF can be obtained at the time of surgery and sent for the appropriate studies.

Both serum and CSF should be assayed for alpha-fetoprotein and beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) to help diagnose a germ cell tumor (GCT). Once tissue is obtained, immunohistochemistry (IHC) may be of additional value in detecting these markers or placental alkaline phosphatase. There are no serum markers for other pineal tumors.

Measurement of daily variation in serum melatonin levels does not have an established role but remains an area of interest for patients with tumors of the pineal region. In a series of 29 patients with a histologically well-defined pineal tumor and 24-hour melatonin profile determination before and/or after surgery, melatonin rhythm was dramatically reduced for undifferentiated or invasive tumors [36]. An abnormal melatonin profile following surgery could be a reflection of either residual tumor or surgical damage to the pineal.

Tissue diagnosis — A tissue diagnosis is generally needed prior to therapy, since treatment is histology dependent. In very select cases of suspected GCTs, empiric therapy may be considered. This is discussed separately. (See "Intracranial germ cell tumors", section on 'Diagnosis and staging'.)

Stereotactic biopsy — A direct, visually guided biopsy of the pineal gland mass with open or neuroendoscopic surgery has been preferred due to concerns about injury to the deep cerebral veins. An open procedure also allows CSF to be obtained for tumor marker studies, permits direct visualization of the third ventricle for staging purposes, and allows a third ventriculostomy to be performed for CSF diversion if needed [37].

Despite these concerns, contemporary series suggest that stereotactic biopsy is reasonably safe and well tolerated, provided a low frontal approach is used to access the tumor below the level of the internal cerebral veins [38-41]. CSF sampling is possible because the biopsy trajectory often traverses the lateral ventricle.

The diagnostic yield of stereotactic biopsy ranges from 94 to 100 percent when multiple target biopsies are obtained, but sampling error may be an issue due to the heterogeneity of some pineal tumors (particularly mixed GCTs) [35]. Procedure-related morbidity is generally limited to transient worsening of ocular symptoms, although fatal complications have been reported [39]. A frameless stereotactic robot has been successfully used for brain biopsies over the past few years [42].

If the biopsy is nondiagnostic, equivocal, or suggests a benign tumor such as mature teratoma or meningioma, surgery is recommended to establish a definitive diagnosis or to identify focal areas of malignant disease [43,44].

Open surgery — Open surgery, including an attempt at gross total resection, is favored by some as the initial approach to patients with pineal tumors, rather than stereotactic biopsy. Since approximately one-third of pineal lesions are benign, open surgery may be potentially curative as well as diagnostic [34,45-47]. Furthermore, an open procedure minimizes sampling error, and tumor debulking may obviate the need for CSF diversion if obstructive hydrocephalus is present [44,47].

However, an attempt at gross total resection is not widely accepted for several reasons:

Except for well-encapsulated teratomas, few pineal region tumors are amenable to complete resection because of local or regional extension [34].

Many tumors require multimodality therapy once a diagnosis is established. As an example, GCTs are highly sensitive to both chemotherapy and radiation therapy (RT), and the best results have been achieved with these modalities. (See "Intracranial germ cell tumors", section on 'Treatment'.)

CSF seeding, as evidenced by positive cytology, requires craniospinal radiation and adjuvant chemotherapy regardless of tumor type. In this setting, the use of RT and chemotherapy may obviate the need for an extensive resection.

Any potential benefit from open resection must be balanced against procedural risks. New or worsening visual deficits may occur in up to one-third of patients, although most improve over time [34]. Depending upon surgical expertise, the risk of permanent morbidity from open pineal gland surgery is 3 to 10 percent [34,45], while operative mortality rates range from 4 to 10 percent [48]. The most serious complications are related to postoperative hemorrhage in a subtotally resected malignant tumor.

Contemporary microsurgical techniques may provide a more effective and relatively safe approach to pineal region tumors [49]. These techniques provide an alternative to stereotactic biopsy in some cases.

Positron emission tomography (PET) may be a useful technique following surgery to determine whether viable tumor is still present and to assist in further treatment planning. In this setting, imaging with 11C-methionine appears to be more specific and possibly more sensitive than contrast-enhanced MRI [50,51]. PET imaging with 11C-methionine also appears to be more specific than 18-F fluorodeoxyglucose PET (FDG-PET) [52].

PINEAL PARENCHYMAL TUMORS — The normal pineal gland is composed of parenchymal (epithelial) and interstitial cells. Approximately 20 percent of pineal tumors arise from the epithelial cells and are termed "pineal parenchymal tumors." Pineal parenchymal tumors classically result in preexisting pineal calcification at the periphery of the lesion [27]. They are classified histologically into pineocytomas (grade I), pineoblastomas (grade IV), pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation (grade II or III), and papillary tumor of the pineal region (grade II or III) [16].

Histogenesis and histology — Pinealocytes are specially modified neuronal cells similar to the photoreceptor cells in the retina, and phylogenetic studies have shown the evolution of the pineal from a photoreceptor organ to a secretory gland. Pineal parenchymal tumors share morphologic and immunohistochemical (IHC) features of cells from both the developing human pineal gland and the retina. Clinical evidence of their shared histogenesis is the occurrence of bilateral familial retinoblastoma with pineoblastoma (the trilateral retinoblastoma syndrome). (See 'Trilateral retinoblastoma' below.)

Using IHC, parenchymal cells (pinealocytes) are positive for neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and synaptophysin, supporting their neuroendocrine nature. Both pineocytomas and pineoblastomas stain for NSE, and IHC may be used to distinguish pineal parenchymal tumors from astrocytic tumors. By contrast, interstitial cells show immunoreactivity to glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), S-100, and vimentin, supporting their glial origin. Cone-rod homeobox (CRX) protein is expressed in pineal tumors and retinoblastoma but not in the glial tumors, a property that can help to discriminate pineal tumors from glial tumors [10].

Pineocytomas and pineoblastomas each account for a little less than one-half of all pineal parenchymal tumors. The remainder are comprised of pineal parenchymal tumors with intermediate differentiation and papillary tumors of the pineal region.

Pineocytoma — Pineocytomas are classified as grade I on the World Health Organization (WHO) grading scale for brain tumors [53]. Pineocytomas are well circumscribed and generally do not seed the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Microscopically, pineocytomas are composed of sheets of mature-appearing cells arranged in lobules, with rare or absent mitotic figures, and no pleomorphism, hyperchromatic nuclei, or necrosis. The cells are separated by a connective tissue stroma, giving a pseudolobular appearance reminiscent of normal pineal gland architecture. Characteristic pineocytomatous rosettes are arranged around central areas of eosinophilic fibrillar material. The absence of these rosettes (ie, lack of neuronal differentiation) is associated with a poorer prognosis [54,55].

Pineoblastoma — Pineoblastomas correspond to WHO grade IV tumors. These are highly malignant, infiltrative tumors, with a significant potential for dissemination and a poor prognosis [53,55,56].

Pineoblastomas are more cellular than pineocytomas; they are composed of patternless sheets of densely packed, mitotically active small cells with round to irregular nuclei, and scant cytoplasm. Necrosis is common. Pineoblastomas lack pineocytomatous rosettes, but can have Homer-Wright or Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes, which are indicative of retinoblastic differentiation.

Pineoblastomas are considered by some to be a variant of supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs). Like supratentorial PNETs, pineoblastomas are poorly differentiated, infiltrative, and have a significant potential for leptomeningeal and extracranial dissemination [21,54,55]. Extraneuronal metastases after surgery have also been described, although they are distinctly rare [57].

An understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of pineoblastoma is evolving. DNA methylation profiling has identified three distinct subtypes within the core pineoblastoma (PB) subgroup [58,59]. The novel molecular subgroup Pin-retinoblastoma (Pin-RB) includes cases of trilateral retinoblastoma as well as sporadic pineal tumors with retinoblastoma (RB1) gene alterations and displays similarities with retinoblastoma. Another novel subgroup, called PB-MYC, also has distinct clinical associations from other PB tumors [58]. In a Rare Brain Tumor Consortium registry study, patients with group RB and PB-MYC tumors were much younger (median age 1.3 to 1.4 years) with dismal survival (five-year overall survival 37.5 and 28.6 percent, respectively) [59].

Germline mutations in the dicer 1, ribonuclease III (DICER1) gene may make a significant contribution when accompanied by loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of the wildtype allele within the tumor [60]. In rare cases of pineoblastoma in patients with retinoblastoma (so-called trilateral retinoblastoma), pathogenesis relates to predisposing germline mutations in the RB1 gene. (See "Retinoblastoma: Clinical presentation, evaluation, and diagnosis", section on 'Pathogenesis'.)

Pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation — Pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation are classified as grade II or III according to the WHO classification [16]. These tumors seem to exist along a continuum, as approximately 10 percent of pineal parenchymal tumors are classified as mixed pineocytoma-pineoblastoma. Pineal parenchymal tumors have moderately high cellularity, mild nuclear atypia, and occasional mitoses, and lack pineocytomatous rosettes. Their clinical behavior is variable, although central nervous system (CNS) and extraneural metastases are uncommon [21,39,45,61-63].

Papillary tumor of the pineal region — Papillary tumor of the pineal region is a rare neuroepithelial tumor that was first added to the WHO classification of CNS tumors in 2007 [64]. The biological behavior of papillary tumor of the pineal region is variable and appears to correspond to WHO grade II or III.

Histologically, papillary tumors of the pineal region are characterized by a papillary architecture and epithelial cytology, with immunoreactivity for cytokeratin and GFAP. Precise histologic criteria have not been defined [65]. Although microscopically indistinguishable from pineocytoma, the histology is incompatible with a pineal parenchymal tumor. Ultrastructural features suggest ependymal differentiation and a possible origin from specialized ependymal cells of the subcommissural organ. Although it is difficult to speculate on the origin of papillary tumors of the pineal region, cells from both pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation and papillary tumor of the pineal region have neurosecretory features, suggesting the possibility of a common precursor. Indeed, one report documented a pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation with transition to a papillary tumor of the pineal region, highlighting the continuum with which primary pineal tumors exist [63]. Overall, histologic diagnosis of papillary tumors of the pineal region is difficult due to similarities with the two main differential diagnoses, papillary ependymoma and choroid plexus tumors.

Papillary tumors of the pineal region frequently show loss of chromosomes 10, 3, and 22q and gains of 8p and 12 [66]. Chromosome 10 harbors the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) gene [67]. The inactivation of PTEN by mutation or epigenetic silencing has been observed in a variety of brain tumors, including high-grade gliomas. Taken together, these findings indicate that PTEN mutations and activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway may play a role in the biology of papillary tumor of the pineal region and suggest a potential therapeutic target [67].

Presentation and diagnosis — The clinical presentation of pineal parenchymal tumors is similar to that of other tumors arising in the pineal gland area. (See 'Presenting features' above.)

The interval between symptom onset and diagnosis may be as short as one month in patients with pineoblastoma, while symptom duration can be as long as several years in those with pineocytomas. Pineocytomas have a peak incidence at age 30 to 35, and there is a slight male predominance. By contrast, the median age at diagnosis for pineoblastomas is eight years of age with a higher predominance in children younger than five years of age.

Neuroradiology — Neuroimaging features of pineal parenchymal tumors are nonspecific. (See 'Neuroimaging' above.)

A pineal parenchymal tumor with a cystic or partially cystic appearance can mimic a typical pineal cyst in imaging appearance. This can be problematic, since benign cystic lesions are identified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 1 to 4 percent of healthy subjects. Longitudinal follow-up with serial imaging may be necessary to distinguish between the two entities; rarely, surgical intervention may be required to obtain a definite diagnosis [68-70]. (See 'Pineal cysts' below.)

Papillary tumors of the pineal region have been described predominantly in adults. Unlike other pineal parenchymal tumors, there is a slight female predominance [71-73]. Papillary tumors of the pineal region appear to be mildly lobulated, partially cystic, heterogeneously enhanced masses, and usually cause obstructive hydrocephalus. They are relatively large (2.5 to 4 cm) and well circumscribed, with low T1 and increased T2 signal as well as contrast enhancement on MRI [73].

Prognosis — The main prognostic indicators are disease extent and histologic subtype [74]. Tumors with leptomeningeal or spinal metastases have a poor prognosis regardless of treatment.

Pineocytomas have the best prognosis, followed by pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation, and then pineoblastomas. Tumor biology may be more aggressive in younger children with pineoblastoma, who also present more frequently with high-risk features at diagnosis and have poorer response rates to neoadjuvant postoperative chemotherapy [75]. Nonetheless, a subset of pineocytomas can behave aggressively and show a proclivity for symptomatic recurrence or malignant transformation from pineocytoma to pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation [76,77].

Papillary tumors of the pineal region constitute a rare entity, and the data are too limited to provide accurate guidance regarding prognosis. In several case series, 15 of 21 patients experienced recurrences even after total resection [73,78]. There has been a case report of papillary tumor of the pineal region in a young boy that was noteworthy for early CSF dissemination and relentless progression; the outcome was fatal despite the aggressive chemotherapy and radiation therapy (RT) [71]. The only prognostic factor currently identified in the literature is whether or not surgical resection was complete [71,72,79].

Expression of the protooncogene Bcl-2 was detected in the tumor cells of a patient with papillary tumor of the pineal region of high proliferation index, suggesting that Bcl-2 might be related to the malignancy of this neoplasm [80]. Increased mitotic and proliferative activity has also been associated with a worse prognosis and may prove to be useful in identifying patients at increased risk for recurrence [81].

Treatment — The treatment of pineal parenchymal tumors must be guided by the histologic subtype. Successful treatment of pineocytomas requires surgery with or without RT, while the best results with pineoblastomas are seen with multimodality approaches that include chemotherapy.

CSF diversion — The optimal surgical strategy to treat acute hydrocephalus in patients with pineal tumors is uncertain. CSF diversion (ventriculoperitoneal [VP] shunt or third ventriculostomy [82,83]) may be necessary in symptomatic patients, although debulking surgery may obviate the need for this procedure. (See 'Initial approach' above.)

When CSF diversion is necessary, endoscopic third ventriculostomy can be carried out at the same time as the biopsy and is preferred over VP shunts, which can be complicated by infection, shunt malfunction, subdural hematoma, and, rarely, tumor seeding [40,84-86]. (See "Infections of cerebrospinal fluid shunts and other devices".)

Surgical resection — Some series report long-term survival with surgery alone, even in patients with pineoblastomas [28,34,74]. Indeed, for pineoblastomas, gross total surgical resection appears to correlate with improved survival [87]. Patients with symptomatic recurrent pineocytomas should also be considered for surgical resection of the lesion [76].

Radiation — Postoperative adjuvant RT is frequently (but not universally) recommended, and local control is dose dependent. This was illustrated in a series of 30 patients with pineal parenchymal tumors (9 pineocytomas, 15 pineoblastomas, 4 intermediate, and 2 mixed), 22 of whom received adjuvant RT. Among those treated with RT, there were fewer local failures among patients treated to ≥50 Gy compared with those receiving lesser doses (0 of 12 versus 6 of 7, respectively).

The importance of craniospinal irradiation (CSI) for patients with metastatic involvement or the potential to seed CSF (ie, all non-pineocytomatous pineal parenchymal tumors) was demonstrated in a series of 135 patients with histologically confirmed pineal tumors and other germ cell tumors (GCTs). The incidence of leptomeningeal recurrence was significantly lower among patients receiving CSI compared with those who did not. The five-year survival rates were 86 and 49 percent for pineocytomas and non-pineocytoma pineal parenchymal tumors, respectively [88].

Adjuvant RT is not universally recommended after gross total resection of a pineocytoma [28,34]. Some authors advocate adjuvant RT for only those pineocytomas that lack neuronal differentiation and that behave more like pineoblastomas [28].

Stereotactic radiosurgery — Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is emerging as a useful treatment alternative for pineocytomas, although experience is limited [41,89,90]. SRS allows for precise radiation fields to minimize damage to the surrounding brain, and the risks of general anesthesia and craniotomy are avoided. (See "Stereotactic cranial radiosurgery".)

SRS is increasingly being used to treat pineal region tumors, either as an additional therapy after conventional treatments or as a primary treatment. This was illustrated by a series of 49 patients with pineal tumors, including nine with pineal parenchymal tumors, who were treated with SRS [91]. Survival rates at 5 and 10 years were 100 and 67 percent, respectively, in those with pineal parenchymal tumors.

In another more recent series, the efficacy of interstitial radiosurgery (IRS) was evaluated in 18 patients with pineal parenchymal tumors (8 pineocytomas, 10 malignant pineal parenchymal tumors) who were treated with IRS using stereotactically guided iodine-125 seed implantation (125I-IRS) as either primary or salvage therapy. Overall actuarial five- and eight-year survival rates after IRS were 100 and 86 percent, respectively, for pineocytomas, and the overall actuarial five-year survival rate was 78 percent for high-grade pineal parenchymal tumors. Follow-up MRI showed complete remission in 72 percent (13 of 18) and partial remission in 28 percent (5 of 18) of the cases [92]. Due to the low rate of side effects, IRS may develop into an attractive alternative to microsurgery in de novo diagnosed pineocytomas. In malignant pineal parenchymal tumors, IRS may be routinely applied in a multimodality treatment schedule supplementary to conventional irradiation [92].

Chemotherapy as part of multimodality therapy — The similarity of pineoblastomas to medulloblastomas in terms of their clinical behavior and tendency for leptomeningeal seeding has led to the use of similar chemotherapy regimens in patients with pineoblastoma as part of a multimodality approach [45,93-98]. (See "Treatment and prognosis of medulloblastoma", section on 'Chemotherapy'.)

Chemotherapy has been used to delay RT in very young children, for whom the long-term neurocognitive and developmental side effects of CSI are a major concern. (See "Treatment and prognosis of medulloblastoma", section on 'Neurocognitive impairment'.)

Results with this approach have been disappointing, however, and the optimal approach remains uncertain, as is illustrated by the following examples:

In the largest series, 25 children with pineal pineoblastomas were treated as part of a Children's Cancer Group trial [97]. Infants received the eight-in-one multidrug chemotherapy regimen only (methylprednisolone, vincristine, lomustine or carmustine, procarbazine, hydroxyurea, cisplatin, cytarabine, and cyclophosphamide, all administered within 12 hours on day 1), while the other 17 patients received CSI, and were randomly assigned to either vincristine, lomustine, and prednisone, or the eight-in-one regimen. All infants developed progressive disease within four months. By contrast, 61 percent of the older children who received both CSI and chemotherapy remained progression free at three years. Outcome was not better with the more toxic eight-in-one chemotherapy regimen compared with the three-drug regimen [99].

In a Pediatric Oncology Group (POG) study, 11 children with pineoblastoma under three years of age were treated with chemotherapy (alternating cycles of vincristine plus cyclophosphamide and cisplatin plus etoposide for up to 23 months) and delayed RT [100]. Only one child had a partial response after two months of chemotherapy, and all died of progressive disease, most within one year.

The importance of RT as a component of the initial treatment of supratentorial PNETs is also supported by the German HIT-SKK87 and HIT-SKK92 protocols, as well as the Canadian pediatric brain tumor protocol [101,102].

In an effort to improve overall survival and event-free survival and to decrease radiation exposure, more intensive approaches to chemotherapy are being investigated.

As an example, the Head Start protocols treated children with newly diagnosed pineoblastoma utilizing intensified induction chemotherapy followed by consolidation with myeloablative chemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic rescue [103]. The five-year event-free and overall survival rates were 39 and 49 percent, respectively, and non-pineal supratentorial PNET patients fared significantly better than those patients with pineal PNETs. Metastasis at diagnosis, age, and extent of resection were not significant prognostic factors. Sixty percent of survivors (12 out of 20) were alive without exposure to RT.

A pilot study for supratentorial PNET patients that used risk-adapted CSI (23.4 Gy CSI for patients with gross tumor resection and no metastatic disease; 36 to 39.6 Gy for patients with >1.5 cm2 residual disease and/or metastatic disease) and an RT boost to the primary site to 55.8 Gy followed by cyclophosphamide-based dose-intensive chemotherapy demonstrated encouraging results: five-year event-free survival rates for standard and high-risk patients of 75 and 60 percent, respectively [104].

Eleven patients with pineoblastoma (aged 4 to 21 years) were treated in the multicenter prospective HIT 2000 trial [105]. Postoperative hyperfractionated RT with local dose escalation followed by maintenance chemotherapy was feasible without major acute toxicity, while survival rates appeared comparable or superior to those of most other series.

Trilateral retinoblastoma — Trilateral retinoblastoma consists of unilateral or bilateral retinoblastoma associated with an intracranial neuroblastic tumor. The intracranial tumors are typically located in the pineal region, but can also exist in the suprasellar or parasellar regions. More than 50 percent are diagnosed at the time of retinoblastoma diagnosis; the remaining tumors occur subsequent to initial diagnosis, typically before the age of five years. Treatment of retinoblastoma, including trilateral retinoblastoma, is reviewed separately. (See "Retinoblastoma: Clinical presentation, evaluation, and diagnosis" and "Retinoblastoma: Treatment and outcome".)

INTRACRANIAL GERM CELL TUMORS — Intracranial germ cell tumors (GCTs) are discussed separately. (See "Intracranial germ cell tumors".)

GLIOMAS — The approach to patients with glioma is discussed separately. (See "Classification and pathologic diagnosis of gliomas, glioneuronal tumors, and neuronal tumors" and "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and initial surgical management of high-grade gliomas".)

PINEAL MENINGIOMA — Meningiomas are relatively common tumors in adults and account for approximately 20 percent of all intracranial tumors. Meningiomas constitute approximately 8 percent of pineal region tumors, and pineal meningiomas account for less than 1 percent of all meningiomas [106]. (See "Epidemiology, pathology, clinical features, and diagnosis of meningioma".)

Pineal meningiomas are most commonly encountered after the second decade of life. However, they may occur at any age or even during fetal development. In children, they are uncommon but not rare lesions with a slight male predominance [107]. Most meningiomas are benign (World Health Organization [WHO] grade I), slow-growing lesions, but some are classified as atypical (WHO grade II) or malignant (WHO grade III).

Meningiomas in the pineal region may originate either from the velum interpositum or from the falcotentorial junction [108]. In children, meningiomas arising from velum interpositum with no dural attachment are more prevalent than those arising from the falcotentorial junction [109].

Presentation — The usual clinical presentation for a patient with a pineal meningioma is with headaches and other signs of elevated intracranial pressure, ataxia, and/or ocular abnormalities [110], but not the typical Parinaud syndrome that is associated with other pineal region tumors (table 3). Tinnitus or hearing loss can be observed in up to 30 percent at diagnosis. Overall, the commonest presenting symptoms are seizures, increased intracranial pressure, and focal neurologic deficits (76, 71, and 39 percent, respectively) [107].

Neuroimaging — Pineal meningiomas may present with dural attachment and compromise of the venous system or, less commonly, as free-lying masses without dural attachment [111]. Calcification is common and is characteristically located at the lesion margins rather than in the center. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), meningiomas have well-defined margins, and attachments to the falx can be appreciated on sagittal images.

Cerebral angiography may be needed to delineate the relationship between the tumor and the surrounding vessels, particularly before any surgery or embolization. Attention to the venous phase of the study is important because if the major basal veins fail to opacify preoperatively, the patient may be able to tolerate the venous occlusion that is usually required for a major resection.

Management — Surgical resection is the primary form of therapy for pineal meningiomas. Tumors are usually excised in a piecemeal fashion, as identification and preservation of the vein of Galen may prove difficult [106]. Incompletely resected tumors and high-grade lesions are frequently treated with fractionated radiotherapy or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS).

The overall therapeutic approach to meningiomas is discussed separately. (See "Management of known or presumed benign (WHO grade 1) meningioma".)

PINEAL CYSTS — Asymptomatic pineal cysts are usually an incidental neuroimaging finding. In a retrospective study of 1000 consecutive magnetic resonance images (MRIs), true pineal cysts (5 mm or larger in diameter) were found in 0, 1.8, and 2.6 percent of children ≤12 years of age, teenagers, and adults, respectively [112]. Their main importance is in their differentiation from cystic tumors such as pineocytomas, low-grade astrocytomas, and teratomas [113].

On computed tomography (CT), pineal cysts are hypodense with respect to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and occasionally there is evidence of recent intra-cyst hemorrhage. Cyst walls may or may not show contrast enhancement, and calcifications within the wall are found in approximately one-half of cases [114]. To be considered a typical pineal cyst, the lesion should have all of the following characteristics on MRI [68,69]:

A round or ovoid area of signal abnormality centered on the pineal recess

Internal homogeneity on T2-weighted imaging

Signal intensity follows CSF on T1- and T2-weighted images (ie, hypointense to white matter on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images)

No marginal lobularity or nodular contrast enhancement

A wall thickness of <2 mm

With high-resolution MRI, pineal cysts may have fine internal trabeculations or septations [115], but they should not have additional characteristics of pineal parenchymal tumors such as internal or nodular wall enhancement on postcontrast images [68].

Natural history — Most pineal cysts are silent and remain so for years; some may even spontaneously collapse. In one report of 32 patients with pineal cysts who underwent serial MRIs, 75 percent of cysts remained stable over time, while 16 percent decreased in size or regressed completely and 8 percent increased [69]. In another study of 26 patients with incidentally found indeterminate pineal lesions ranging from probable benign cysts to pineal masses with follow-up MRI from seven months to eight years, all lesions were stable over time [116]. In a third study of 106 children and young adults with pineal cysts followed for a mean interval of three years, 98 had no increase in size and no change in imaging appearance, six increased in size, and two others had a change in imaging characteristics without associated growth. The mean age of patients with cysts that changed or grew was 5.5 years [117].

Symptomatic cysts — Symptomatic pineal cysts are usually larger than those ones found incidentally [114,118]. The incidence of symptomatic pineal cysts is highest in young women between 21 and 30 years of age [119], leading to the hypothesis that hormonal influences contribute to their etiology [119,120]. Symptoms may be caused by aqueductal compression resulting in hydrocephalus [121], obstruction of the vein of Galen, or compression of the collicular plate, leading to Parinaud syndrome [122].

Treatment — Small, asymptomatic pineal cysts require no therapy. If cysts become symptomatic by causing hydrocephalus, several treatment options can be considered. CSF diversion is not routinely recommended as sole therapy because of the lack of histologic confirmation and the fact that symptoms associated with direct mass effect may not improve [123]. Open or stereotactic cyst resection is considered by some the only guarantee of permanent cure and can obviate the need for CSF shunting [61,124].

Stereotactic cyst aspiration relieves the mass effect while at the same time providing a histologic diagnosis [118]. In general, the morbidity is lower than with open procedures, although the risk of recurrence after aspiration alone is unknown. Instillation of radioactive phosphorus 32 (P32) into the cyst cavity may be considered for recurrent cysts.

Some authors advocate imaging follow-up for typical pineal cysts to document stability with time, particularly for cysts larger than 10 to 14 mm, under the assumption that they may enlarge or become symptomatic, whereas others advocate clinical follow-up only if there are no atypical features or symptoms [125]. Others suggest that pineal cysts can be followed clinically rather than with serial imaging [116,117]. However, the preference for follow-up imaging of individual clinicians and patients may vary.


Pineal gland tumors are rare, the most common of which are germ cell tumors (GCTs) and pineal parenchymal tumors. (See 'Epidemiology' above and 'Classification' above.)

Pineal tumors can cause neurologic dysfunction by direct invasion, compression, or obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow. Common signs and symptoms are headaches, lethargy, and signs of increased intracranial pressure. Up to 75 percent of patients with pineal tumors have Parinaud syndrome, a constellation of neuro-ocular symptoms that result from pressure on the pretectal region (the dorsal aspect of the rostral or upper midbrain). (See 'Presenting features' above.)

The initial evaluation should include imaging of the entire neuraxis and cytology examination of the CSF, to rule out leptomeningeal spread of the tumor. Serum and CSF should also be assessed for elevated tumor markers (alpha-fetoprotein and beta-human chorionic gonadotropin [beta-hCG]) to detect a possible GCT. (See 'Staging work-up' above.)

Although features on neuroradiologic imaging may suggest a specific histologic diagnosis, a biopsy is necessary in most cases to establish the diagnosis and to permit appropriate treatment. Tissue may be obtained either by stereotactic biopsy or open surgery. When the patient's condition permits, we suggest an open surgical approach, rather than a stereotactic biopsy (Grade 2C). Open biopsy may allow gross total resection in some cases, and this may constitute adequate therapy for low-grade lesions. (See 'Tissue diagnosis' above.)

For patients with pineal parenchymal tumors, we recommend surgical resection if technically feasible without causing severe neurologic dysfunction, rather than radiation therapy (RT) alone (Grade 1B). For patients with evidence of leptomeningeal tumor spread, and for those thought to be at high risk for leptomeningeal spread based upon tumor histology, we recommend craniospinal irradiation (CSI) (Grade 1B). For patients with high-grade lesions (ie, pineoblastomas), we suggest the addition of intensive chemotherapy to surgery and/or RT as part of a multimodality approach (Grade 2C). (See 'Treatment' above.)

The management of patients with intracranial GCTs, the most frequent tumor arising in the pineal gland, is discussed separately. (See "Intracranial germ cell tumors".)


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Topic 5192 Version 28.0


1 : Pineal gland tumors: experience from the SEER database.

2 : Pineal gland tumors: experience from the SEER database.

3 : Principles of treatment of the pineal region tumors.

4 : Is histological diagnosis necessary to start treatment for germ cell tumours in the pineal region?

5 : Incidence of intracranial germ cell tumors by race in the United States, 1992-2010.

6 : Metastases to the pineal gland.

7 : An unusual location for a choroid plexus papilloma: the pineal region.

8 : Pineal epidermoid tumors: report of five cases.

9 : Primary malignant melanoma in the pineal region.

10 : Is CRX protein a useful marker in differential diagnosis of tumors of the pineal region?

11 : Primary malignant melanoma in the pineal region treated without chemotherapy.

12 : Primary pineal malignant melanoma with B-Raf V600E mutation: a case report and brief review of the literature.

13 : Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the pineal parenchyma. The first reported case.

14 : Pineal region schwannoma arising from the trochlear nerve.

15 : Gliosarcomas arising from the pineal gland region: uncommon localization and rare tumors.

16 : Gliosarcomas arising from the pineal gland region: uncommon localization and rare tumors.

17 : Statistical analysis of pineal tumors based on the data of Brain Tumor Registry of Japan.

18 : Histopathology of pineal germ cell tumors.

19 : Surgical neuropathology update: a review of changes introduced by the WHO classification of tumours of the central nervous system, 4th edition.

20 : Chemotherapy without irradiation--a novel approach for newly diagnosed CNS germ cell tumors: results of an international cooperative trial. The First International Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumor Study.

21 : Subarachnoid dissemination of intraventricular tumors following simultaneous endoscopic biopsy and third ventriculostomy.

22 : Precocious puberty associated with a pineal cyst: is it disinhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis?

23 : Pineal cyst in a girl with central precocious puberty.

24 : Pineal parenchymal tumors: CT and MR features.

25 : Quantitative imaging values of CT, MR, and FDG-PET to differentiate pineal parenchymal tumors and germinomas: are they useful?

26 : Neuroimaging diagnosis of pineal region tumors-quest for pathognomonic finding of germinoma.

27 : AJR teaching file: solid masses of the pineal region.

28 : Clinicopathological experience with pineocytomas: report of five surgically treated cases.

29 : CT of pineal region tumors.

30 : MRI of pineal region tumors.

31 : Neuroradiological characteristics of pineocytoma and pineoblastoma.

32 : MR imaging of pineoblastomas.

33 : Pediatric pineal tumors: need for a direct surgical approach and complications of the occipital transtentorial approach.

34 : Surgical management of pineal region tumors.

35 : Surgical management of pineal region tumors.

36 : Contribution of the daily melatonin profile to diagnosis of tumors of the pineal region.

37 : Refining the staging evaluation of pineal region germinoma using neuroendoscopy and the presence of preoperative diabetes insipidus.

38 : Stereotactic management of lesions of the pineal region.

39 : Pineal region tumors and the role of stereotactic biopsy: review of the mortality, morbidity, and diagnostic rates in 370 cases.

40 : Stereotactic procedures for lesions of the pineal region.

41 : Stereotactic radiosurgery for pineal region tumors.

42 : Stereotactic robot-guided biopsies of brain stem lesions: Experience with 15 cases.

43 : Treatment of germ cell tumors in the pineal region.

44 : Central nervous system germ cell tumors.

45 : Pineal region tumors in children.

46 : Primary intracranial germ cell tumors: a clinical analysis of 153 histologically verified cases.

47 : Management of primary intracranial germinomas: diagnostic surgery or radical resection?

48 : Treatment of nongerminomatous germ-cell tumors of the pineal region.

49 : Microsurgical management of pineal region lesions: personal experience with 119 patients.

50 : Use of 11C-methionine positron emission tomography in basal germinoma: assessment of treatment response and residual tumor.

51 : Carbon 11-labeled methionine positron emission tomography for detection of residual viable tumor cells after adjuvant therapy in nongerminomatous malignant germ cell tumors in 2 cases including an autopsy case.

52 : PET imaging in the surgical management of pediatric brain tumors.

53 : PET imaging in the surgical management of pediatric brain tumors.

54 : The separation of pineocytoma from pineoblastoma.

55 : Pineal parenchymal tumors: a correlation of histological features with prognosis in 66 cases.

56 : The long-term postsurgical prognosis of patients with pineoblastoma.

57 : Vertebral metastases from pineoblastoma.

58 : Molecular subgrouping of primary pineal parenchymal tumors reveals distinct subtypes correlated with clinical parameters and genetic alterations.

59 : Pineoblastoma segregates into molecular sub-groups with distinct clinico-pathologic features: a Rare Brain Tumor Consortium registry study.

60 : Germ-line and somatic DICER1 mutations in pineoblastoma.

61 : Pineal tumors.

62 : Tumors of pineal parenchymal cells: a correlation of histological features, including nucleolar organizer regions, with survival in 35 cases.

63 : Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation with papillary features: a continuum of primary pineal tumors?

64 : Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation with papillary features: a continuum of primary pineal tumors?

65 : The 2007 WHO classification of tumours of the central nervous system.

66 : Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region: A Distinct Molecular Entity.

67 : PTEN mutations and activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway in papillary tumors of the pineal region.

68 : Pineocytoma mimicking a pineal cyst on imaging: true diagnostic dilemma or a case of incomplete imaging?

69 : Serial MR imaging of pineal cysts: implications for natural history and follow-up.

70 : Serial MR imaging of pineal cysts: implications for natural history and follow-up.

71 : Papillary tumor of the pineal region: report of a rapidly progressive tumor with possible multicentric origin.

72 : Papillary tumor of the pineal region in a child: case report and review of the literature.

73 : Recently established entities of central nervous system tumors: review of radiological findings.

74 : Pineoblastoma in adults.

75 : Childhood pineoblastoma: experiences from the prospective multicenter trials HIT-SKK87, HIT-SKK92 and HIT91.

76 : Diagnosis and management of pineocytomas.

77 : Therapeutic strategy for pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation (PPTID): case report of PPTID with malignant transformation to pineocytoma with leptomeningeal dissemination 6 years after surgery.

78 : Prognosis and histopathologic features in papillary tumors of the pineal region: a retrospective multicenter study of 31 cases.

79 : Papillary tumor of the pineal region. Report of two cases and literature review.

80 : Bcl-2 expression in a papillary tumor of the pineal region.

81 : Increased mitotic and proliferative activity are associated with worse prognosis in papillary tumors of the pineal region.

82 : Endoscopic third ventriculostomy is the treatment of choice for obstructive hydrocephalus due to pediatric pineal tumors.

83 : The role of endoscopic biopsy and third ventriculostomy in the management of pineal region tumours.

84 : Recurrent intracranial germinoma with dissemination along the ventricular catheter: a case report.

85 : Radiation therapy for intracranial germinoma: results of the German cooperative prospective trials MAKEI 83/86/89.

86 : Peritoneal metastases in two patients with pineoblastoma and ventriculo-peritoneal shunts.

87 : Outcome of pediatric pineoblastoma after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

88 : Histologically confirmed pineal tumors and other germ cell tumors of the brain.

89 : Stereotactic gamma radiosurgery for pineal and related tumors.

90 : The role of radiosurgery for the treatment of pineal parenchymal tumors.

91 : Stereotactic radiosurgery for pineal and related tumors.

92 : Pineal parenchymal tumors. Management with interstitial iodine-125 radiosurgery.

93 : Response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in children with pineoblastoma.

94 : Treatment of patients with pineoblastoma with high dose cyclophosphamide.

95 : Combination chemotherapy (cisplatin, vinblastin) and low-dose irradiation in the treatment of pineal parenchymal cell tumors.

96 : Pineal and nonpineal supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors.

97 : Survival and prognostic factors following radiation and/or chemotherapy for primitive neuroectodermal tumors of the pineal region in infants and children: a report of the Childrens Cancer Group.

98 : Outcome for children with supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

99 : Prognostic factors and treatment results for supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors in children using radiation and chemotherapy: a Childrens Cancer Group randomized trial.

100 : Lack of efficacy of postoperative chemotherapy and delayed radiation in very young children with pineoblastoma. Pediatric Oncology Group.

101 : Role of radiotherapy in supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor in young children: results of the German HIT-SKK87 and HIT-SKK92 trials.

102 : Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors: a Canadian pediatric brain tumor consortium report.

103 : Intensive chemotherapy followed by consolidative myeloablative chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic cell rescue (AuHCR) in young children with newly diagnosed supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors (sPNETs): report of the Head Start I and II experience.

104 : A pilot study of risk-adapted radiotherapy and chemotherapy in patients with supratentorial PNET.

105 : Treatment of children with central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumors/pinealoblastomas in the prospective multicentric trial HIT 2000 using hyperfractionated radiation therapy followed by maintenance chemotherapy.

106 : Meningioma of the pineal region: a surgical series of 10 cases.

107 : Childhood and adolescent meningiomas: a report of 38 cases and review of literature.

108 : Central nervous system meningiomas in the first two decades of life: a clinicopathological analysis of 87 patients.

109 : Meningiomas of pineal region in children.

110 : Peduncular hallucinosis due to a pineal meningioma. Case report.

111 : Pineal region meningioma without dural attachment.

112 : The pineal gland: a comparative MR imaging study in children and adults with respect to normal anatomical variations and pineal cysts.

113 : Cystic lesions of the pineal region--MRI and pathology.

114 : Benign glial cysts of the pineal gland: unusual imaging characteristics with histologic correlation.

115 : Internal structure in pineal cysts on high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging: not a sign of malignancy.

116 : Serial follow-up MRI of indeterminate cystic lesions of the pineal region: experience at a rural tertiary care referral center.

117 : The natural history of pineal cysts in children and young adults.

118 : Symptomatic cysts of the pineal gland: stereotactic diagnosis and treatment of two cases and review of the literature.

119 : Magnetic resonance images reveal a high incidence of asymptomatic pineal cysts in young women.

120 : Degeneration of the pineal gland of patients with cancer.

121 : Non-neoplastic pineal cysts.

122 : Surgical management of symptomatic pineal cysts.

123 : Neurosurgical experience with tumours of the pineal region at Clinica Puerta de Hierro.

124 : Stereotactic endoscopic interventions in cystic brain lesions.