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Treatment of vertigo

Treatment of vertigo
Joseph M Furman, MD, PhD
Jason JS Barton, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Section Editors:
Michael J Aminoff, MD, DSc
Daniel G Deschler, MD, FACS
Deputy Editor:
Janet L Wilterdink, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Apr 09, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Abnormalities of the vestibular system often result in vertigo, an illusory sense of motion of self or surround, which is associated with significant disability, including loss of work time and interruption of daily activities [1]. Vestibular vertigo may arise from peripheral lesions (eg, labyrinth or vestibular nerve) or central lesions (eg, brainstem or cerebellum). Appropriate management of vertigo often requires the correct diagnosis. This includes identifying the origin of dizziness as a problem with the vestibular system and then determining the site and origin of that problem.

This topic will review the management of the patient with vertigo. Distinguishing vertigo from other types of dizziness, determining the cause of vertigo, and the differential diagnosis of vertigo are discussed separately. (See "Approach to the patient with dizziness" and "Evaluation of the patient with vertigo" and "Causes of vertigo".)

Vertigo treatment can be divided into three categories: those specific to the underlying vestibular disease, those aimed at alleviating the symptoms of vertigo, and those aimed at promoting recovery.

DISEASE-SPECIFIC TREATMENTS — Vertigo is caused by a number of conditions affecting either the peripheral vestibular apparatus in the inner ear or the central nervous system (table 1) (see "Causes of vertigo"). In some cases, treatment of the underlying condition improves vertigo. In others, treatment does not improve symptoms but may be otherwise important for the patient's overall prognosis.

Treatment of the underlying disease may diminish the symptoms of vertigo or alter the disease course in the following conditions:

Vestibular neuritis (see "Vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis")

Vestibular migraine (see "Vestibular migraine")

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (see "Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo")

Meniere disease (see "Meniere disease: Evaluation, diagnosis, and management")

Multiple sclerosis (see "Initial disease-modifying therapy for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in adults" and "Treatment of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis in adults")

Vertebrobasilar ischemia (see "Secondary prevention for specific causes of ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack", section on 'Large artery disease')

Herpes zoster (see "Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of herpes zoster", section on 'Ramsay Hunt syndrome (herpes zoster oticus)' and "Treatment of herpes zoster in the immunocompetent host")

Perilymphatic fistula (see "Causes of vertigo", section on 'Perilymphatic fistula')

Vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma) (see "Vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma)")

Superior canal dehiscence (see "Causes of vertigo", section on 'Semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome')

Episodic ataxia type 2 (see "Overview of the hereditary ataxias", section on 'Episodic ataxias')

Cogan syndrome (see "Cogan syndrome")

SYMPTOMATIC TREATMENT — Medications to suppress vestibular symptoms are best used for alleviating acute episodes of vertigo that last at least a few hours or days. These drugs are not useful for very brief episodes of vertigo, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, except when the frequency of spells is very high.

Three general classes of drugs can be used to suppress the vestibular system and/or reduce associated nausea and vomiting (table 2) [2]:

Antihistamines – meclizine, dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine

Benzodiazepines – diazepam, lorazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam

Antiemetics – ondansetron, prochlorperazine, promethazine, metoclopramide, domperidone

These medications are effective in ameliorating vertigo, especially in the acute setting, when concern for side effects is not paramount. Responses are generally dose related.

The antihistamines are the drugs of choice in most patients; meclizine is the drug of choice in pregnancy [3]. Benzodiazepines can be sedating and are used when antihistamines are not adequately effective. The phenothiazine antiemetics (eg, prochlorperazine, promethazine) are also more sedating and usually reserved for patients with severe vomiting. Ondansetron, especially the oral disintegrating preparation, may also be helpful for nausea and vomiting associated with acute vertigo.

Other than sedation, which can be dose limiting, side effects of these medications are generally minimal. Extrapyramidal symptoms are a risk with phenothiazine antiemetics and metoclopramide but less so with domperidone, a peripheral dopaminergic antagonist that does not cross the blood-brain barrier.

Symptomatic treatments should be stopped as soon as possible after severe symptoms and vomiting cease (usually within one or two days) to avoid compromising long-term adaptation to vestibular loss by the brain [4]. Some studies in animal models have shown that use of these medications (benzodiazepines and phenothiazine antiemetics, in particular) are associated with impaired central vestibular compensation [5].


Potential benefits — Studies in humans and animal models have shown that clinical recovery after peripheral vestibular injury occurs in advance of improved peripheral vestibular function, suggesting that most of the early recovery and a substantial portion of the total recovery derives from central nervous system compensation [5-8]. This central compensation appears to be multisensory in its scope and is the primary target of vestibular rehabilitation [9]. There is some evidence that early rehabilitation is more effective than late intervention [10,11].

Vestibular rehabilitation (physical therapy) promotes recovery in patients with permanent unilateral or bilateral peripheral vestibular hypofunction [10,12]. It is not known whether vestibular rehabilitation is useful for central vestibular disorders, although preliminary evidence suggests that it might have benefit [13,14]. Referral can be arranged through most physiotherapy departments or dizzy clinics.

Most patients with vertigo prefer to lie with their head still. Vestibular rehabilitation forces them to perform challenging balance exercises with several potential benefits:

Activity promotes adaptation – The brain can readjust or adapt its responses to take into account reduced vestibular input, particularly if one side is still normal. This is optimally accomplished when the brain has experience with vision during head motion, to determine how much error the lesion has introduced [15].

Activity facilitates strategic substitution – There are other means of reducing spatial uncertainty, even if the vestibular system cannot recover. The cervico-ocular reflex can increase its input, and other eye movements can help stabilize gaze [16]. Alternative spatial cues from vision and proprioception can improve balance and walking.

Inactivity has secondary negative effects – Patients may become physically deconditioned, which exacerbates the inadequacy of their postural reflexes. They may also become psychologically deconditioned, sometimes to the point where a "persistent postural-perceptual dizziness" (previously called phobic postural vertigo or chronic subjective dizziness) becomes the greatest obstacle to their recovery [17-20]. Fear of falling is particularly problematic in older adults after a vestibular event, and it can limit mobility indefinitely without a rehabilitation program [21].

Cause-specific efficacy — Vestibular exercises have been used for 60 years [22,23]. However, they have only more recently been studied in randomized, controlled trials. Limitations of these studies include that they are unblinded with short-term follow-up. The evidence of their benefit is most robust for unilateral peripheral vestibular disorders [24]. There is not sufficient evidence to determine whether one form of rehabilitation is more effective than another.

Acute peripheral vertigo – The exercises commonly provided for persons with acute vestibular events include focusing on an object with a blank background and moving the head slowly to the right and left. The exercise is done in the pitch (up/down) and yaw (left/right) planes. Shortly after a vestibular injury the patient is encouraged to move his or her head slowly to avoid severe nausea. Then the speed is increased as the patient tolerates. Most patients are asked to perform these exercises two to three times each day for several minutes.

Randomized trials suggest that vestibular exercises begun shortly after the onset of acute unilateral vestibular hypofunction due to vestibular neuritis or vestibular surgery significantly improve balance at one to two months [25-30]. It is not known whether the improvements persist beyond one to two months.

Chronic peripheral vertigo – The exercises recommended for persons with chronic peripheral vertigo are generally much more aggressive than those for persons with acute disorders. Patients are asked to perform eye and head movements while standing, walking forward, walking backward, and standing or walking on compliant or uneven surfaces. The focus of the program is to perform increasingly more difficult postural tasks with increasingly more eye and head movements while keeping symptoms manageable.

A study of patients with chronic dizziness for at least six months duration due to unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction found that dizziness improved with either vestibular therapy or drugs, but improved balance occurred only in the group receiving physical therapy [31].

Treatment with home exercises may be as effective as supervised outpatient therapy [32-34]. Two randomized controlled trials of patients with chronic peripheral vestibular disorders in general practice evaluated a standard home vestibular program [32,33]. Treated patients had significant improvement on all primary outcome measures (dizziness, dizziness-related quality of life, and postural stability) compared with the control groups at three and six months of follow-up [10]. A limitation of these studies is that participants could not be blinded to treatment status.

Bilateral vestibular injury – Complete bilateral loss of vestibular function reduces the possibility of adaptation, and patients often do not improve [35]. Nevertheless, exercises may promote strategic substitutions [36]. Saccadic eye exercises and exercises that attempt to optimize the efficacy of neck stretch receptors are emphasized in persons with bilateral vestibular loss. If there is a possibility that the patient has any remaining vestibular function, a trial of vestibulo-ocular exercises is initiated as well.

Education about fall prevention is critical for persons with bilateral loss, as they have a particularly high fall risk [37]. Darkness and uneven surfaces will provide additional challenges for these patients.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that physical therapy improved balance and gait speed in eight patients with bilateral vestibular injury, despite continued impairment of vestibular function [38].

Central vertigo – Persons with central vestibular abnormalities often have constant symptoms. Gait and balance activities are emphasized along with eye and head movements. Most patients are instructed to perform these exercises two to three times per week. Nausea may be limiting; the use of medications in conjunction with physical therapy may improve participation and final outcome [39]. Adaptive methods to perform functional activities are often taught. Persons with central vestibular disorders take longer to improve than those with peripheral vestibular dysfunction [40,41]. For central disorders, only observational, uncontrolled reports are available to support the use of vestibular rehabilitation [13,14].

In summary, most agree that vestibular exercises can improve dizziness and postural confidence in the short term. We refer our patients to therapists trained in vestibular rehabilitation to develop customized exercise programs.

Ideally, exercise regimens should begin immediately after symptom onset because of evidence of a critical period of adaptation and compensation that is seen in animal studies [5,42]. Small studies in patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular hypofunction also suggest that there may be a critical period within the first weeks to one month for patients to achieve an optimal benefit with rehabilitation [43,44].

Further studies are needed to determine whether the gains obtained from vestibular rehabilitation are maintained in the long term, and whether such long-term gains are significant and relevant in regard to decreasing the risk of falls, improving gait, and promoting normal lifestyles.

PSYCHIATRIC COMORBIDITY — Psychiatric comorbidity is common in patients with vertigo. In one cross-sectional study, psychiatric disorders were diagnosed in more than 40 percent of patients with a diagnosed condition producing vertigo and were a significant contributor to disability [45]. The prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity (in particular, anxiety, somatoform, and affective disorders) was higher for some conditions (eg, 50 percent in vestibular migraine) than others (eg, 37 percent for vestibular neuritis). While the effects of psychiatric treatment have not been specifically studied, it is reasonable to consider psychiatric treatment and/or referral for patients with prominent psychiatric symptoms.

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

Basics topics (see "Patient education: Vertigo (a type of dizziness) (The Basics)")

Beyond the Basics topics (see "Patient education: Vertigo (Beyond the Basics)")

SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS — Vertigo treatment can be divided into three categories: those specific to the underlying vestibular disease, those aimed at the symptom of vertigo, and those aimed at promoting recovery.

Because cause-specific treatments of vertigo can alleviate symptoms and affect short- and long-term prognosis, accurate diagnosis of the underlying etiology is an important first step in the treatment of vertigo. (See "Evaluation of the patient with vertigo" and "Causes of vertigo".)

A variety of symptomatic treatments provide relief to acute symptoms (table 2). Doses should be started low and increased to positive effect or side effect. (See 'Symptomatic treatment' above.)

We suggest stopping acute symptomatic treatments within 48 hours if the patient's symptoms allow (Grade 2C). Some data suggest that these medications interfere with central compensation and long-term recovery.

We recommend vestibular exercises in patients with peripheral vestibular disorders to promote early recovery (Grade 1B). Vestibular rehabilitation may be accomplished by a series of sessions with a physical therapist, or the patient may be trained to do these independently, at home. Some data suggest that early initiation of these treatments may maximize benefit. (See 'Vestibular rehabilitation' above.)

We suggest a trial of vestibular therapy in patients with central vestibular disorders (Grade 2C). There are few data regarding the benefit of therapy in these patients, but few other treatment options exist. (See 'Vestibular rehabilitation' above.)


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Topic 5097 Version 17.0


1 : Burden of dizziness and vertigo in the community.

2 : Pharmacological agents affecting emesis. A review (Part I).

3 : Safety and efficacy of anti-emetics used to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

4 : Clinical practice. Vestibular neuritis.

5 : Exercise and drug therapy alter recovery from labyrinth lesion in humans.

6 : Functional brain imaging of peripheral and central vestibular disorders.

7 : Voxel-based morphometry depicts central compensation after vestibular neuritis.

8 : Long-term effects of vestibular compensation on balance control and sensory organisation after unilateral deafferentation due to vestibular schwannoma surgery.

9 : Structural brain changes following peripheral vestibulo-cochlear lesion may indicate multisensory compensation.

10 : Vestibular rehabilitation for unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction.

11 : Symptoms, disability and handicap in unilateral peripheral vestibular disorders. Effects of early presentation and initiation of balance exercises.

12 : The effect of early customized vestibular rehabilitation on balance after acoustic neuroma resection.

13 : Psychological consequences of vertigo and the effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation for brain injury patients.

14 : Physical therapy for central vestibular dysfunction.

15 : Exercise and recovery from vestibular injury.

16 : Vestibulo-ocular physiology underlying vestibular hypofunction.

17 : Phobic postural vertigo.

18 : Clinical characteristics of patients with persistent postural-perceptual dizziness.

19 : Anxious, introverted personality traits in patients with chronic subjective dizziness.

20 : Chronic subjective dizziness.

21 : Management of chronic dizziness in elderly people.

22 : The physiological basis for head exercises

23 : Rehabilitation in vestibular injuries

24 : Vestibular rehabilitation for unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction.

25 : Rehabilitation of dynamic visual acuity in patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction: earlier is better.

26 : Efficacy of Vestibular Rehabilitation Following Acute Vestibular Neuritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

27 : Vestibular rehabilitation using the Nintendo®Wii Balance Board -- a user-friendly alternative for central nervous compensation.

28 : Effects of vestibulo-ocular reflex exercises on vestibular compensation after vestibular schwannoma surgery.

29 : Effects of vestibular rehabilitation and social reinforcement on recovery following ablative vestibular surgery.

30 : Vestibular adaptation exercises and recovery: acute stage after acoustic neuroma resection.

31 : Effects of vestibular rehabilitation on dizziness and imbalance.

32 : A randomized controlled trial of exercise therapy for dizziness and vertigo in primary care.

33 : Effectiveness of primary care-based vestibular rehabilitation for chronic dizziness.

34 : Effects of home training and additional physical therapy on recovery after acute unilateral vestibular loss--a randomized study.

35 : Follow-up of vestibular function in bilateral vestibulopathy.

36 : Prognosis in bilateral vestibular hypofunction.

37 : Falls in patients with vestibular deficits.

38 : Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of rehabilitation for bilateral vestibular hypofunction: preliminary report.

39 : Medical management of migraine-related dizziness and vertigo.

40 : Vestibular and balance rehabilitation therapy.

41 : Programmatic vestibular rehabilitation.

42 : Easy, inexpensive, and effective: vestibular exercises for balance control.

43 : A critical period for rehabilitation of unilateral vestibular hypofunction patients with the unidirectional rotation paradigm

44 : Rehabilitation of balance control with the rotatory chair protocol depends on rehabilitation onset and postural task difficulty in unilateral vestibular hypofunction patients

45 : Psychiatric comorbidity and psychosocial impairment among patients with vertigo and dizziness.