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Prune-belly syndrome

Prune-belly syndrome
Manfred Wallner, MD
Reinhard Kramar, MD
Section Editors:
F Bruder Stapleton, MD
Laurence S Baskin, MD, FAAP
Deputy Editor:
Laurie Wilkie, MD, MS
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Dec 02, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — The prune-belly (Eagle-Barrett) syndrome (PBS) is a congenital disorder defined by a characteristic clinical triad (picture 1):

Abdominal muscle deficiency

Severe urinary tract abnormalities

Bilateral cryptorchidism in males

The term "prune-belly" reflects the characteristic wrinkled appearance of the abdominal wall in the newborn due to the complete or partially complete absence of abdominal wall muscles. In adolescent and adult life, the abdomen often assumes a smooth "pot belly" configuration. Contrary to this definition, PBS is in fact a multisystem disease, with patients displaying concomitant cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal anomalies in varying degree.

PBS, including its pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, management, and prognosis will be reviewed here.

EPIDEMIOLOGY — Reported incidence of PBS is between 2 and 4 cases per 100,000 births as illustrated by the following:

In a report based upon data from the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID) from 2002, 2003, and 2006, the incidence of PBS in the United States was approximately 3.8 cases per 100,000 live births [1]. In this cohort, approximately 50 percent of affected patients were White, 30 percent Black, and 10 percent Hispanic.

In the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations from 1993 to 2015, 31 cases of PBS were identified, corresponding to a total prevalence of 2.28 per 100,000 pregnancies. In 16 of these 31 cases, pregnancy was electively terminated due to PBS, 15 were live births [2].

PBS primarily occurs in males, although there are rare case reports of this disorder in females [1,3]. Interestingly, gonadal abnormalities are not observed in affected females [4].

PATHOGENESIS — The genetic basis of PBS remains unknown. A recessive X-linked defect is suggested by the predominance of affected males. However, this mode of inheritance is precluded by two observations:

Although rare, the disorder can occur in females [3]

(Untreated) affected men suffer from azoospermia

PBS has also occurred in association with other chromosomal abnormalities, including trisomy 13, 18, and 21 [5], and a report of large deletion in the long arm of chromosome 6 in a male fetus [6].

Further evidence for a genetic basis of PBS includes a report of two cases of concordant PBS in monozygotic twins [7], and a report of two non-twin brothers [8].

Isolated abdominal wall muscular hypoplasia, without evidence of urinary tract or kidney pathology, has also been described in a family with apparent autosomal dominant or mitochondrial inheritance [9].

Mesenchymal developmental defect — It has been suggested that the underlying defect in PBS is abnormal mesoderm development [10,11]. In particular, a primary defect in the intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm would affect embryogenesis of the musculature of the abdominal wall, the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts, and the urinary organs [11].

The underlying mesenchymal defect may be caused by one of the following proposed mechanisms:

Deletion of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 beta (HFN1B) gene on chromosome 17q12 [12-14] – HFN1B is a transcription factor that regulates gene expression and plays a crucial role in embryonic development, as it is essential for visceral endoderm specification [15]. HFN1B is expressed in the epithelial cells of kidney, pancreas, liver, genital tract, and intestinal tract [16]. Variants of the HFN1B may lead to abnormal development of the kidneys and genital tract; however, it does not explain all the findings of PBS, such as the lack of abdominal musculature. In a study of 32 patients with PBS (30 males and 2 females), only one missense variant, which was functionally normal, was detected [17].

Hemizygous missense mutations in the X-linked Filamin A gene – Whole exome sequencing identified three hemizygous missense point variants in the X-chromosome gene Filamin A (FLNA) in two related cases and two unrelated sporadic individuals. FLNA is a regulatory actin-crosslinking protein that functions in smooth muscle cells as a mechanosensing molecular scaffold transmitting signals from the cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix. This is the first evidence for an X-linked cause of PBS in four affected males [18].

Pathogenic copy number variants – In a report of 34 PBS patients (30 male, 4 female), 17 novel pathogenic copy number variants (CNV) were identified [19]. This included duplications at 4q22 overlapping the bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B (BMPR1B) gene, the intron of the stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) gene, the gene (NOG) that encodes noggin, and a large deletion including the myocardin (MYOCD) gene. All these genes are involved in mesodermal, muscle, and urinary tract development and differentiation. Another copy number variant associated with PBS was described in chromosome 16p11.2 encompassing the SH2B1 gene [20].

Loss-of-function mutation of the CHRM3 In a case report, six brothers of a Turkish family with a prune-belly-like syndrome had inherited the same loss-of-function mutation of the CHRM3 from their unaffected parents. CHRM3 encodes the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 that, apart from its role in detrusor contractions, is present in developing renal epithelia and bladder muscle [14,21].

Other genes with mutations found in patients with either prune belly or an overlapping disease called megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome include ACTA2 (encodes alpha-smooth muscle actin), ACTG2 (encodes gamma 2 smooth muscle actin), MYH11 (encodes a smooth muscle heavy chain protein), and MYLK (encodes myosin light chain kinase that modifies myosin chains in smooth muscle cells) [22].

Alternatively, some investigators have suggested that early urethral obstruction by a valve-like mechanism is the primary abnormality in PBS, which can then lead to the other clinical manifestations [23,24]. However, the observation that patients with congenital posterior urethral valves (PUV) do not have the other features of PBS casts doubt on this hypothesis [11].

PATHOLOGY — Pathologic involvement of the kidneys, genitourinary tract, and other organ systems results in the variable clinical manifestations of PBS.

Kidneys — The major kidney abnormality in PBS is dysplasia that affects a variable portion of kidney tissue. The dysplasia is manifested by incomplete nephron differentiation and dilatation of tubules, which are lined by immature epithelial cells [25]. Tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, and chronic lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates are present, and glomerulosclerosis is eventually seen. In addition, associated findings include reflux nephropathy and recurrent pyelonephritis, which may result in cortical scars.

Renal dysplastic changes may not be evident before 16 weeks gestation as demonstrated by a case report from Japan [26]. In this report, a fetus was diagnosed with PBS by ultrasound at 12 weeks gestation with cystomegaly due to urethral obstruction. The pregnancy was terminated at 14 weeks gestation based upon fetal urinary electrolyte and beta-2-microglobulin values that indicated a poor kidney prognosis. An autopsy demonstrated abdominal wall defects and severe urethral obstruction consistent with a diagnosis of PBS, but the kidneys were histologically normal without any evidence of dysplasia.

Urogenital tract — Abnormalities of the ureter, prostate, bladder, and testicles are commonly observed. These anomalies may be unilateral or bilateral, thereby resulting in varying degrees of kidney impairment due to vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and obstruction.

Ureters – The ureters are grossly elongated, dilated, and tortuous due to replacement of smooth muscle with fibrous tissue. Ureteral stenoses may occur due to kinking. Peristalsis is ineffective or lacking.

Bladder – The bladder is usually enlarged and nontrabeculated, and has thickened walls (due to collagen deposits) with smooth muscle hypoplasia. The dome of the bladder is frequently capped by a diverticular remnant of the urachus. The trigone is barely discernible, and the ureteral ostia are lateralized (often with a golf-hole-like appearance).

Contrary to a widely held belief that urinary obstruction is the cause of bladder distention, intraluminal storage and voiding pressures are abnormally low in patients with PBS. Significant residual urine volumes suggest the presence of defective bladder urodynamics [27].

Prostate – A hallmark of PBS in males is a markedly hypoplastic or dysplastic prostate, which leads to dilatation of the prostatic urethra. In occasional patients, a valve-like mechanism develops in the membranous part of the urethra and causes urinary obstruction [24]. This may lead to a pressure-induced dysplasia of the prostate [28].

Testicles – Bilateral undescended testes and an empty scrotum are regularly found in affected male patients. However, spermatogonia are not universally absent. The germ cells are markedly reduced in number, appear atypical, and may predispose to malignant tumors later in life [29,30]. It is presumed that the mechanical obstruction from megacystis and hydroureteronephrosis contributes to the maldescent of the testicles [31].

Abdominal wall musculature — A constant feature of PBS is partial aplasia or hypoplasia of the abdominal muscles (which may be unilateral or asymmetric), leading to the prune-belly appearance (picture 1). Electron microscopy of affected abdominal muscles reveals dystrophy with loss of coherence in the Z bands, clumping of glycogen granules, and mitochondrial abnormalities [32].


Clinical triad — PBS is composed of a characteristic clinical triad:

Abdominal muscle deficiency (picture 1), leading to the characteristic wrinkled appearance of the abdominal wall ("prune belly")

Severe kidney and urinary tract abnormalities

Bilateral cryptorchidism in males

The severity of renal dysplasia and urinary tract abnormalities, and the presence of pulmonary hypoplasia are the two principal characteristics that determine the eventual outcome among patients with PBS. These abnormalities may result in recurrent episodes of urinary tract infections (UTI), urosepsis, varying degrees of renal and respiratory insufficiency, and other manifestations of the disorder [33].

Abdomen — Prune-belly appearance (picture 1) is due to aplasia or hypoplasia of the abdominal muscles (which may be unilateral or asymmetric).

Other gastrointestinal malformations can occur and include [34]:

Malrotation of the midgut and persistence of the embryonic wide mesentery, resulting in cecum mobile, elongation of the colon, and volvulus. (See "Intestinal malrotation in children".)

Hindgut abnormalities, leading to anorectal malformations (eg, persistence of the embryonic cloaca, agenesis of rectum and anus, and congenital pouch colon).

Kidney — Approximately one-half of the patients surviving infancy will develop chronic kidney disease (CKD) in childhood or adolescence [33]. Findings of bilaterally abnormal kidneys (as determined by ultrasound or renal scan), a serum creatinine concentration greater than 0.7 mg/dL (62 mcmol/L), and episodes of clinical pyelonephritis appear to predict the eventual development of CKD [35]. Other patients with the least severe form of the syndrome experience either no or only mild impairment of kidney function.

The severity and timing of onset of kidney impairment may reflect the degree of renal dysplasia (see 'Kidneys' above). One study, for example, correlated histologic findings with the severity and onset of kidney dysfunction [25]. At autopsy, six of nine children who had died in infancy or as neonates had severe and diffuse renal dysplasia. By comparison, dysplastic changes were observed in less than 25 percent of the renal parenchyma in 10 surviving patients, all of whom had varying degrees of kidney dysfunction. End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in these patients was thought to be due to pyelonephritis and obstruction, not renal dysplasia.

There may be a striking discrepancy between the deformed appearance of the urinary tract on kidney ultrasonography and voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), and the often surprisingly good kidney function. These radiologic techniques are, therefore, not always reliable in assessing obstruction [36].

End-stage kidney disease — Data are limited regarding end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in patients with PBS. Review of data from Society for Pediatric Nephrology/European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ESPN/ERA-EDTA) Registry identified a cohort of 88 children with PBS who progressed to ESKD [37]. Age at kidney replacement therapy (RRT) onset varied, with 15, 25, 22, and 26 patients starting RRT at <0.5 years, 0.5 to 5 years, 6 to 10 years, and ≥11 years, respectively. Initial RRT included peritoneal dialysis (n = 44), preemptive kidney transplantation (n = 29), and hemodialysis (n = 15).

Urogenital — Most patients have urologic abnormalities. This was illustrated in a review of 46 patients (44 boys and 2 girls) cared for at a tertiary center in the United States, which reported bilateral hydroureteronephrosis in 45 patients (98 percent) and vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in 34 cases (78 percent) [33].

In most affected males, bilateral undescended testes and an empty scrotum are typical findings. Male adolescent patients usually experience normal erections and orgasm but retrograde ejaculation is frequent [38]. Owing to early orchiopexy, there are case reports of successful paternity by aspirated sperm retrieval and in vitro fertilization [39]. In addition, hypoplastic or dysplastic prostate leads to prostatic urethral dilation, which may cause urinary obstruction [24].

In a postpubertal cohort study of fifteen male patients with PBS, all of whom had had orchiopexy at a mean age of 18 months, 14 patients had normal and orthotopic kidneys at a mean age of 19.2 years. In five of eight patients who had analysis of their semen, spermatozoa were detected, with motile sperm in four [40]. Two thirds of the cohort had hypoplastic prostates and unilateral seminal vesicle absence.

Urinary tract infections, including recurrent episodes of cystitis and pyelonephritis, are common, occasionally resulting in urosepsis [33].

Pulmonary hypoplasia — Pulmonary hypoplasia is the most significant complication in PBS. It is caused by oligohydramnios in the first half of gestation due to lack of sufficient urine production, which promotes mechanical compression of the fetus and inhibits thoracic expansion. Without amniotic fluid entering the airways, the lungs remain hypoplastic. In addition, thoracic cage deformities and paradoxical movement of the abdomen during respiration may predispose affected patients to mechanical restriction, thereby explaining their susceptibility to impaired cough mechanism, recurrent bronchitis, and respiratory depression following anesthesia [41].

Cases of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations in patients with PBS have also been reported, suggesting a possible association between these two disorders [42]. (See "Congenital pulmonary airway malformation".)

Other manifestations — Other manifestations include:

Chronic constipation, is a common feature of PBS [33,43] (see "Functional constipation in infants, children, and adolescents: Clinical features and diagnosis")

Impaired exercise tolerance in older children and adults due to paradoxical motion of the abdomen during respiration [41]

Poor growth occurs in up to one-third of cases [44]

Anorectal malformations have been described in children with PBS including imperforate anus [45], anorectal agenesis [46], or congenital pouch colon [47]

Splenic torsion may occur due to intestinal malrotation and wandering spleen [48]

Musculoskeletal anomalies are numerous and include clubfoot, dislocated hip, kyphoscoliosis, polydactyly, torticollis, and pectus excavatum [33,44]. Some of these abnormalities are deformations due to severe reduction of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios). (See "Lower extremity positional deformations".)

Complex cardiac anomalies can occur rarely [49].

Imaging — Imaging by ultrasound is the preferred modality as it can identify the following findings:

Dilatation of urinary bladder and ureters (megacystis, megaureters)

Hydronephrosis with or without echodense kidney parenchyma

Polycystic or dysplastic kidneys

Hypoplastic lungs

Antenatal ultrasound imaging may identify any of the above findings as well as detect oligohydramnios and fetal ascites.

Magnetic resonance urography (MRU) appears to be a promising technique for evaluation of the upper urinary tract in patients with PBS. In a retrospective series of 13 boys (median age 29.3 months, range 6 to 97 months), urologic abnormalities beyond hydroureteronephrosis were easily detected and included renal dysplasia, scarring, calyceal diverticula, and thickened bladder [50].

DIAGNOSIS — The diagnosis of PBS is made clinically with the identification of the characteristic clinical triad of abdominal muscle deficiency, severe kidney and urinary tract abnormalities, and bilateral cryptorchidism in males. The syndrome is most often recognized at birth or in early childhood by the peculiar appearance of the abdominal wall, cryptorchism in males, and identified urogenital abnormalities by ultrasound. PBS occasionally presents later in life as a rare cause of end-stage kidney failure in the adult [51,52].

Antenatal diagnosis may be made by routine ultrasonographic examination of the fetus between weeks 20 and 30 gestation. High-end vaginal sonography allows visualization of the kidneys and the urinary drainage system as early as 11 to 13 weeks gestation [53]. In some cases, it may be difficult to differentiate posterior urethral valves (PUV) from PBS in utero, as both may present with antenatal ultrasound findings of a dilated bladder and bilateral hydronephrosis. In the rare cases of in utero intervention, patients with PBS have a better prognosis than those with PUV. (See "Clinical presentation and diagnosis of posterior urethral valves", section on 'Prenatal' and "Management of posterior urethral valves", section on 'Outcome'.)


Antenatal management — Antenatal intervention may be required in severe cases of obstructive uropathy (ie, when mid-gestational oligohydramnios is present). In this setting, placement of a vesico-amniotic shunt may prevent an otherwise fatal neonatal course, due primarily to pulmonary hypoplasia [54-56]. (See "Fetal hydronephrosis: Etiology and prenatal management", section on 'Fetal surgery'.)

Postnatal management — The appropriate therapy of PBS in early childhood remains controversial. Severely affected patients require early surgery (supravesical diversion or primary reconstruction) to provide adequate urinary drainage and avoid recurrent infections [57]. In some patients, the insertions of a cystostomy button may facilitate bladder drainage and improve quality of life [58].

By comparison, others may reach adult life with only a minor degree of chronic kidney impairment, and, therefore, require only minimal early intervention. Furthermore, as the progression of the kidney impairment in childhood and adolescence is primarily due to recurrent pyelonephritis and reflux nephropathy, adequate antibiotic therapy including antibiotic prophylaxis and, in rare cases, surgical intervention may prevent or delay end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) [25]. (See "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and course of primary vesicoureteral reflux".)

End-stage kidney disease

Transplantation — Kidney transplantation has been successfully performed in PBS and is the preferred treatment for ESKD, either as preemptive therapy or following dialysis. Long-term outcome is excellent and is similar to other causes of ESKD [37,59,60]. However, extensive pretransplant urologic tract preparation may be necessary to reduce the postvoid residual volume to a minimum [61,62].

There also may be rare complications of transplantation intrinsic to this syndrome, such as acute torsion of the transplant [63]. In some cases when the native bladder is unsuitable, successful drainage of the transplanted kidney into a urinary conduit or augmented bladder has been performed [64].

Dialysis — Maintenance hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis are equally effective in the management of ESKD in PBS [65]. Children with PBS who are initially treated with peritoneal dialysis have similar complication rates as patients with other causes of ESKD [37,63].

In the previously mentioned study from ESPN/ERA-EDTA registry, 8 of the 44 patients who started on peritoneal dialysis were switched to hemodialysis because of technical difficulties [37]. However, this was a similar rate as other patients with ESKD due to obstructive uropathy and renal hypodysplasia. (See "Overview of kidney replacement therapy (KKT) for children with chronic kidney disease" and "Chronic peritoneal dialysis in children" and "Hemodialysis for children with chronic kidney disease".)

Other genitourinary interventions — Additional therapeutic interventions may also be required for other manifestations of PBS. These include:

Ureteral reimplantation for high grade vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) or patients who fail medical management for VUR (See "Management of vesicoureteral reflux".).

Reduction cystoplasty may help improve voiding and minimize infection, although bladder capacity is not reduced, and voiding dynamics are not improved [66]. To assure sufficient bladder drainage, a cutaneous vesicostomy or appendicovesicostomy (Mitrofanoff procedure) may be necessary.

Urethrotomy may often improve bladder emptying, even if there is no anatomical obstruction ("functional obstruction") [67].

The intra-abdominal testes in males have been successfully brought to the scrotum laparoscopically or by a Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy [68,69]. This procedure should not be delayed until adolescence. In a retrospective series of 41 male adults with PBS who had undergone Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy in childhood, 38 (93 percent) achieved sufficient testicular function to induce puberty and maintain satisfactory sexual function in adult life [70]. (See "Undescended testes (cryptorchidism) in children: Management", section on 'Timing of surgery'.)

Abdominal wall reconstruction — The abdominal wall may be reconstructed for cosmetic and psychosocial reasons by excision of the redundant skin while preserving the umbilicus [71-73]. In addition, this may improve bladder function, with reduction of postvoid residual urine volume, as well as bowel function, and facilitate the development of more normalized walking and breathing [74].

In those who do not require a concurrent intra-abdominal procedure, an abdominoplasty can be performed by an extraperitoneal plication of fascial folds, obviating the need for a fascial incision and/or entrance into the peritoneal cavity; this technique produces cosmetically excellent results with a decreased recovery time [75]. This reconstruction may be done by laparoscopy that potentially decreases morbidity and complications associated with an open surgical procedure [76].

To improve the functional status of the abdominal wall, muscle transposition from the thigh musculature has been performed, which may prevent the loss of spinal stability and development of kyphoscoliosis [77,78].

Timing of urinary tract reconstruction and abdominoplasty remains a matter of discussion. Early simultaneous correction of PBS anomalies seems advisable to preserve kidney function and improve quality of life [33,79,80].

Spinal procedures — In rare cases of marked scoliotic spine deformities, orthopedic surgery is warranted to correct the underlying defect [81].


Mortality — Patients with PBS have had a generally poor prognosis. In older reports, 20 percent of affected children were said to be stillborn, and 50 percent did not survive to the age of two years [82]. However, early diagnosis and appropriate therapy have led to improved survival. In a subsequent series of 50 patients, the overall mortality was 32 percent, with the majority of deaths confined to the perinatal period [83].

Paternity — Although affected untreated men suffer from azoospermia, and thus are infertile by definition, viable spermatozoa may be found in testes after orchiopexy. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection and transfer of a single expanded blastocyst, performed three times in an otherwise infertile couple, has led to three singleton pregnancies [84]. Outcomes included nonviable fetus (gestational age [GA] 18 weeks), and two healthy male infants, one of whom was born prematurely. Sperm retrieval may be done intraoperatively by microdissection testicular sperm extraction (microTESE) for cryopreservation and in vitro fertilization [85].

Pregnancy — Women's reproductive systems are rarely affected by PBS, and little is known regarding reproductive potential. In one case report, a 25-year-old female patient diagnosed with (incomplete) PBS delivered a healthy child after an uneventful pregnancy [86]. Labor and delivery were, however, complicated by a prolonged second stage of labor and need for vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery.


Introduction – The prune-belly (Eagle-Barrett) syndrome (PBS) is a congenital disorder defined by a characteristic clinical triad that includes abdominal muscle deficiency, severe urinary tract abnormalities, and bilateral cryptorchidism in males (picture 1).

Epidemiology – The reported incidence is between 2 and 4 cases per 100,000 births. Boys are primarily affected, although there are rare cases in females. (See 'Epidemiology' above.)

Pathogenesis – The pathogenesis of PBS remains unknown. It is thought to be due to a mesenchymal genetic defect. (See 'Pathogenesis' above.)

Kidney pathology – The severity of kidney pathology is the primary factor that affects the clinical manifestations of PBS. Dysplasia is the main kidney abnormality of PBS, and it is manifested by incomplete nephron differentiation and dilatation of the tubules. Approximately one-half of patients have severe dysplasia and develop end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) and require kidney replacement therapy (RRT). (See 'Kidneys' above and 'Kidney' above.)

Clinical manifestations – The clinical triad that defines PBS includes include prune-belly appearance due to aplasia or hypoplasia of the abdominal muscles, impaired kidney function, and cryptorchidism in males. (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)

Pulmonary hypoplasia due to severe oligohydramnios resulting in maldevelopment of the lungs is the most severe finding associated with PBS.

Other findings include gastrointestinal malformations (eg, malrotation of the midgut or anorectal malformations) and skeletal abnormalities (eg, clubfoot). (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)

Diagnosis – The diagnosis of PBS is made clinically with the identification of the characteristic features of abdominal muscle deficiency, severe urinary tract abnormalities, and bilateral cryptorchidism in males. The diagnosis may be made by antenatal ultrasonographic examination between weeks 20 and 30 gestation, or at birth or in early childhood by clinical recognition of the syndrome. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

Management – The management of PBS is dependent upon the severity of the clinical findings:

In rare cases, antenatal intervention has been performed to reduce the risk and severity of pulmonary hypoplasia. (See 'Antenatal management' above.)

Postnatal surgical intervention may be needed to provide adequate urinary drainage and avoid urinary tract infections in some patients. (See 'Postnatal management' above.)

-Kidney replacement therapy for those patients with end-stage kidney disease includes dialysis and kidney transplantation. (See 'End-stage kidney disease' above.)

-Other interventions include additional genitourinary procedures to improve bladder control and capacity, orchiopexy, abdominal wall reconstruction, and, in rare cases, orthopedic surgery for skeletal deformities.

Prognosis – Although the survival rate has improved for PBS with earlier diagnosis and intervention, the mortality rate still remains at approximately 30 percent, with the majority of deaths occurring in the perinatal period due to pulmonary insufficiency. (See 'Prognosis' above.)


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Topic 5002 Version 25.0


1 : Contemporary epidemiology and characterization of newborn males with prune belly syndrome.

2 : Prune belly syndrome in Finland - A population-based study on current epidemiology and hospital admissions.

3 : Prune belly syndrome in females: a triad of abdominal musculature deficiency and anomalies of the urinary and genital systems.

4 : Contemporary epidemiological trends in complex congenital genitourinary anomalies.

5 : An association of prune belly anomaly with trisomy 21.

6 : Prune-belly anomaly and large interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 6.

7 : Concordant prune belly syndrome in monozygotic twins.

8 : Patterns of inheritance in familial prune belly syndrome.

9 : Vertically transmitted hypoplasia of the abdominal wall musculature.

10 : Etiology and pathogenesis of the prune belly syndrome.

11 : Pathogenesis of the prune belly syndrome.

12 : Whole gene deletion of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1beta gene in a patient with the prune-belly syndrome.

13 : Deletion of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1-beta in an infant with prune belly syndrome.

14 : Genetics of human congenital urinary bladder disease.

15 : Essential role for the homeoprotein vHNF1/HNF1beta in visceral endoderm differentiation.

16 : Expression of the vHNF1/HNF1beta homeoprotein gene during mouse organogenesis.

17 : Genetic basis of prune belly syndrome: screening for HNF1βgene.

18 : Prune belly syndrome in surviving males can be caused by Hemizygous missense mutations in the X-linked Filamin A gene.

19 : Rare copy number variants identified in prune belly syndrome.

20 : Case Report: Novel Copy Number Variant 16p11.2 Duplication Associated With Prune Belly Syndrome.

21 : Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor M3 Mutation Causes Urinary Bladder Disease and a Prune-Belly-like Syndrome.

22 : Congenital Disorders of the Human Urinary Tract: Recent Insights From Genetic and Molecular Studies.

23 : Pathogenesis of the prune-belly syndrome: a functional urethral obstruction caused by prostatic hypoplasia.

24 : Obstructive lesions of the lower urinary tract in the prune belly syndrome.

25 : Development of renal failure in children with the prune belly syndrome.

26 : Prune-belly syndrome diagnosed at 14 weeks' gestation with severe urethral obstruction but normal kidneys.

27 : The efficiency of bladder emptying in the prune belly syndrome.

28 : Patterns of congenital lower urinary tract obstructive uropathy: relation to abnormal prostate and bladder development and the prune belly syndrome.

29 : Morphology and histochemistry of infant testes in the prune belly syndrome.

30 : Seminoma in Cryptorchid Testis in Prune Belly Syndrome.

31 : The Prune Belly syndrome: urological aspects and long-term outcomes of a rare disease.

32 : Subcellular muscle studies in the prune belly syndrome.

33 : Clinical manifestations and management of prune-belly syndrome in a large contemporary pediatric population.

34 : Gastrointestinal malformations associated with prune belly syndrome: three cases and a review of the literature.

35 : Prognostic factors for long-term renal function in boys with the prune-belly syndrome.

36 : Minimal surgical interference in the prune belly syndrome.

37 : Outcomes of renal replacement therapy in boys with prune belly syndrome: findings from the ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry.

38 : Testicular and sexual function in adults with prune belly syndrome.

39 : Sperm retrieval and intracytoplasmic sperm injection in patients with prune-belly syndrome.

40 : Gonadal Function and Reproductive System Anatomy in Postpubertal Prune-Belly Syndrome Patients.

41 : The effect of the absence of abdominal muscles on pulmonary function and exercise.

42 : Evaluating the association between congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung and abdominal wall laxity.

43 : Impact and frequency of extra-genitourinary manifestations of prune belly syndrome.

44 : A broader spectrum of abnormalities in the prune belly syndrome.

45 : Imperforate anus and colon calcification in association with the prune belly syndrome.

46 : Prune belly syndrome associated with exomphalos and anorectal agenesis.

47 : Congenital pouch colon with prune belly syndrome and megalourethra.

48 : Prune belly syndrome, splenic torsion, and malrotation: a case report.

49 : Bidirectional Glenn shunt in an infant with prune-belly syndrome.

50 : Detailed evaluation of the upper urinary tract in patients with prune belly syndrome using magnetic resonance urography.

51 : Detection of prune-belly syndrome in a 35-year-old man: a rare cause of end-stage renal failure in the adult.

52 : Prune belly syndrome in adult man.

53 : Antenatal diagnosis of prune belly syndrome at 11 weeks of gestation.

54 : Prune-belly syndrome: therapeutic options including in utero placement of a vesicoamniotic shunt.

55 : Long-term outcome in children after antenatal intervention for obstructive uropathies.

56 : Long-term outcomes in children treated by prenatal vesicoamniotic shunting for lower urinary tract obstruction.

57 : Current management of the dilated urinary tract in prune belly syndrome.

58 : Cystostomy button for bladder drainage in children.

59 : Long-term results of renal transplantation in children with the prune-belly syndrome.

60 : Renal transplantation in prune-belly syndrome.

61 : Deceased-donor kidney transplantation in prune belly syndrome.

62 : Intestinal reconstruction of the lower urinary tract as a prerequisite for renal transplantation.

63 : Acute torsion of a renal transplant: cause of organ loss.

64 : Kidney transplantation in children with urinary diversion or bladder augmentation.

65 : Peritoneal dialysis in the prune belly syndrome.

66 : Reduction cystoplasty in the prune belly syndrome: a long-term followup.

67 : A child with recurrent urine infections and undescended testes.

68 : Laparoscopic orchidopexy in the prune belly syndrome: a case report and review of the literature.

69 : Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy in a patient with prune belly syndrome and segmental atretic vas deferens.

70 : Long-term outcome of Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy in boys with prune-belly syndrome.

71 : A novel technique for reconstruction of the abdominal wall in the prune belly syndrome.

72 : Modified abdominoplasty for patients with the Prune Belly syndrome.

73 : Abdominoplasty in prune belly syndrome: Modifications in Monfort technique to address variable patterns of abdominal wall weakness.

74 : Surgical approach to prune-belly syndrome: A review of our series and novel surgical technique.

75 : The prune-belly syndrome: a new and simplified technique of abdominal wall reconstruction.

76 : Laparoscopic assisted modification of the firlit abdominal wall plication.

77 : Management of the abdominal wall defect in the prune belly syndrome by muscle transposition: an 18-year follow-up.

78 : The importance of an intact abdominal musculature mechanism in maintaining spinal sagittal balance. Case illustration in prune-belly syndrome.

79 : Comprehensive surgical treatment of prune belly syndrome: 17 years' experience with 32 patients.

80 : Health-related Quality of Life in Children With Prune-belly Syndrome and Their Caregivers.

81 : Surgical treatment with the technique of Galveston-Luque of spine deformities associated with the prune belly syndrome.

82 : Surgical treatment with the technique of Galveston-Luque of spine deformities associated with the prune belly syndrome.

83 : Prune belly syndrome: 35 years of experience.

84 : Normal live births after intracytoplasmic sperm injection in a man with the rare condition of Eagle-Barrett syndrome (prune-belly syndrome).

85 : Successful sperm retrieval in prune belly syndrome.

86 : Pregnancy outcome in a woman with prune belly syndrome.