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Susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia: Evaluation and management

Susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia: Evaluation and management
Henry Rosenberg, MD
Section Editor:
Stephanie B Jones, MD
Deputy Editor:
Marianna Crowley, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Oct 21, 2020.

INTRODUCTION — Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a complex genetic disorder of skeletal muscle typically manifesting clinically as a hypermetabolic crisis when a susceptible individual receives a halogenated inhalational anesthetic agent or succinylcholine [1-3]. Patients who are susceptible to MH have skeletal muscle receptor abnormalities that allow excessive myoplasmic calcium to accumulate in the presence of the aforementioned anesthetic triggering agents. Very little is known about the specific mechanisms by which anesthetics interact with these abnormal receptors to trigger an MH crisis [4-6].

Susceptibility to MH (MHS) may arise de novo or be inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. MHS is suspected in individuals with a history of a clinical event indicative of an acute MH crisis or with a family history of susceptibility. The mainstay of prevention is the identification of these genetically susceptible individuals. Avoidance of anesthetic triggers in MHS patients and prompt administration of dantrolene when an acute event occurs have reduced the mortality associated with MH from historic rates of 70 percent to <1 percent [7,8].

This topic will review the genetic basis and testing for MHS and the safe administration of anesthesia to MHS patients. The pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of an acute MH crisis are discussed separately. (See "Malignant hyperthermia: Diagnosis and management of acute crisis".)

PREVALENCE — The prevalence of clinical MHS is difficult to determine. Published rates of MH susceptibility vary widely depending upon the population studied and the manner in which MHS was determined. A population based study using family cohorts of patients known to be MHS in France estimated MHS at approximately 1:2000 to 1:3000 [9]. Similarly, the prevalence of the genetic variants known to be associated with MH in the ExAC Browser gene database is 1:2750 [10]. However, only approximately 50 percent of cases of MHS are thought to be associated with these known variants [11]. Lack of exposure to MH triggering agents, incomplete penetrance, and variable expressivity lead to fewer cases of clinically significant MH than gene prevalence rates would suggest. For example, in an analysis of 370 individuals in 125 European and Canadian family pedigrees with RYR1 MH-causative mutations, the likelihood of an individual with an RYR1 mutation developing MH during a triggering anesthetic was approximately 40 percent [12].

MUTATIONS CAUSING SUSCEPTIBILITY TO MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA — MHS is conferred by mutations of genes associated with proteins controlling levels of cytosolic calcium and, therefore, skeletal muscle contraction [13,14]. The inheritance of MH follows an autosomal dominant pattern in almost all human cases. A few cases, especially those associated with various myopathies, may follow an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. Genomic sequencing will help clarify the inheritance pattern in families [15]. Genes responsible for coding proteins of the calcium channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum are most commonly affected: the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) and the closely-associated dihydropyridine (DHP) and SH3 and cysteine-rich domains 3 (STAC3) receptors [16-19]. The likelihood that a susceptible patient will develop MH depends upon the specific type of receptor mutation [20]. Because of incomplete genetic penetrance and variable expressivity, there is great variability in the clinical expression of the syndrome among individuals and between anesthetic episodes in the same individual [21,22]. (See "Malignant hyperthermia: Diagnosis and management of acute crisis", section on 'Clinical Features'.)

Approximately 50 percent of known cases of MH are caused by mutations on chromosome 19 in regions that encode the hydrophilic, amino-terminal portion of the RYR1 receptor [6,23]. Although nearly 700 distinct mutations in this region have been described [24-33], only 42 have been formally shown to be causative [34]; the remainder await confirmatory studies.

A small number of known MH-related mutations (approximately 1 percent) are caused by a mutation of the gene CACNA1S that encodes for a subunit of the DHP receptor located on chromosome 1 or on the gene encoding for the STAC3 protein on chromosome 12 [24,29-33]. (See "Malignant hyperthermia: Diagnosis and management of acute crisis", section on 'Pathophysiology'.)

MUSCLE DISEASES NEEDING NON-TRIGGERING ANESTHETICS — The diagnosis of a muscle disease raises concern that the patient may also have MHS; association with MHS or with rhabdomyolysis depends on the specific diagnosis (table 1). Patients with myopathies caused by RYR1 mutations, notably central core myopathy, are assumed to be MHS. Patients with a history of unexpected exertional rhabdomyolysis (under conditions that are less extreme than the usual triggers) may also have a higher than normal risk of MHS and should be treated as MHS unless contracture biopsy testing is negative. In addition, patients with severe statin-induced myopathy may be at increased risk for having the RYR1 mutation, and should receive non-triggering anesthetics [35].

Patients with several other muscle diseases, notably Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, develop rhabdomyolysis and severe hyperkalemia when exposed to succinylcholine (and possibly volatile anesthetics); although this is not MH, anesthetic considerations are similar (ie, avoid succinylcholine and avoid volatile anesthetics). For patients with other muscle diseases with sporadic case reports of rhabdomyolysis related to these agents, non-triggering anesthetics have been administered as a precaution, although there is no evidence of MHS. (See 'Management of anesthesia in malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients' below and "Anesthesia for children with myopathy and for children who undergo muscle biopsy", section on 'Anesthesia-induced rhabdomyolysis and myopathy'.)

Myopathies with ryanodine receptor abnormalities — Individuals with muscle diseases caused by or associated with genetic abnormalities in RYR1 receptors (or less often DHP and STAC3 receptors) are likely to also be MHS and should be anesthetized using non-triggering agents. Additional testing to confirm MHS is not necessary. These conditions include:

Central core myopathy [29,36-39]

Multiminicore disease [40]

King-Denborough syndrome [1,41]

Native American myopathy [16]

Any other myopathy associated with or caused by an RYR1, CACNA1S (DHP receptor pore-forming subunit), or STAC3 mutation

Exertional rhabdomyolysis — Patients with a history of unexpected rhabdomyolysis triggered by either heat or exercise may have a higher incidence of MHS than the general population, based on case reports and small series of MH episodes or MHS (by testing) [42-47]. The possibility of a common etiology is illustrated by a series of six patients with a history of exertional rhabdomyolysis and positive contracture tests, in which five had RYR1 mutations [48]. These findings were confirmed in a Canadian cohort of patients with a history of exertional rhabdomyolysis and a subsequent positive MH contracture biopsy and known MH-causative mutations [49]. Because of these findings, some experts, including this author, advocate treating patients with a history of unexpected heat- or exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis as MHS, and suggest genetic testing for an MH-causative mutation. We counsel MHS patients that they might be at higher than normal risk of exertional heat illness [50-54]. (See 'Risk of non-anesthesia-related MH-like episodes' below.)

Severe statin-induced myopathy — Severe myopathy is a rare adverse effect of therapy with statin medications. (See "Statin muscle-related adverse events".)

Patients with severe statin-induced myopathy, (ie, incapacitating muscle pain and/or weakness related to statin therapy, often accompanied by rhabdomyolysis and plasma creatine kinase elevation) may be at increased risk for having the RYR1 mutation [35,55,56]. We treat these patients as MHS and suggest genetic testing for the RYR1 mutation.

Muscle disorders with intraoperative rhabdomyolysis — A number of muscle disorders do not appear to confer higher risk of MHS, but are associated with development of hyperkalemia or rhabdomyolysis following administration of succinylcholine or, less often, when volatile anesthetics are used (table 1).

Dystrophinopathies — Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy are both X-linked, recessive disorders that lead to abnormal formation of dystrophin, a muscle-stabilizing protein. They are associated with severe hyperkalemia, leading to cardiac arrest following administration of succinylcholine, and rhabdomyolysis may result from administration of volatile anesthetics [57,58]. While this clinical syndrome can closely resemble acute MH and is related to abnormal calcium release in the muscle, the etiology is thought to be different. Although many patients with dystrophinopathies have received halogenated volatile agents safely, most experts now recommend administration of non-triggering anesthetics to these patients.

Enzymopathies of skeletal muscle — There are case reports of patients with these diseases who have had positive caffeine-halothane contracture tests (CHCTs), but the interpretation of this test in the setting of a coexisting myopathy is unclear [58]. Due to case reports of rhabdomyolysis, we consider it prudent to avoid succinylcholine and minimize use of volatile anesthetics in patients with:

Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency [59]

Myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle disease) [60-62]

Carnitine palmitoyltransferase type 2 deficiency [63,64]

Brody disease — Brody disease is a very rare (1 in 10 million) autosomal recessive myopathy that results in exercise-induced muscle stiffness and cold-induced myalgia and muscle cramps. It is associated with mutations in the ATP2A1 gene, which encodes for the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase type 1 (SERCA1) protein. A report of the clinical characteristics of 40 patients described two that manifested hyperthermia and rhabdomyolysis following general anesthesia with MH triggering agents [65]. Although this was unlikely to represent true MH, it would be prudent to avoid inhalation gases and succinylcholine in these patients for the same reasons that they are avoided in patients with Duchenne or Becker myopathy.

MUSCLE DISEASES COMPATIBLE WITH MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA-TRIGGERING AGENTS — A number of other genetic syndromes have historically been associated with MHS, but patients with these syndromes are now thought to be at no greater risk for MH than the general population. Triggering agents (ie, volatile anesthetics and succinylcholine) are not contraindicated for patients with the following conditions. However, succinylcholine should be avoided in patients with myopathy or muscle atrophy because of potential for life threatening hyperkalemia, and the response to nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents may be unpredictable.

Osteogenesis imperfecta [66-69]

Noonan Syndrome [70]

Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita [71-73]

Myotonias [74,75]

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome [76-79]

Mitochondrial myopathies [59] (see "Anesthesia for children with myopathy and for children who undergo muscle biopsy", section on 'Neuromuscular blocking agents' and "Clinical use of neuromuscular blocking agents in anesthesia", section on 'Adverse effects of succinylcholine')

IDENTIFICATION OF MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA-SUSCEPTIBLE PATIENTS — The mainstay of MH prevention is the identification of genetically susceptible individuals. This is primarily done by obtaining a personal and family history of prior adverse reactions to anesthetics and examining these events in detail; there are no practical MHS screening tests. Patients with a suspicious personal or family history are presumed to be MHS for the purpose of planning anesthesia until further evaluated by history or testing.

Anesthetic history — The majority of patients with a suspected MH event will deny a history of prior problems related to anesthesia. However, a negative prior history does not exclude MHS. Approximately one-half of patients who develop acute MH have one or two uneventful exposures to triggering agents [80,81], and many patients who develop MH have had multiple previous uneventful anesthetics that included administration of triggering agents [82].

When a patient reports a personal history or relative with a history of an adverse reaction to anesthesia, the affected patient's anesthesia and hospital records (if available) should be reviewed and assessed for the likelihood of MH (see "Malignant hyperthermia: Diagnosis and management of acute crisis", section on 'Clinical signs'). If details of a suspicious episode are unavailable, it is prudent to treat the patient as MHS until further evaluated by testing.

A clinical grading scale has been developed to help determine the likelihood that a prior event represents true MH [83]. The scale assigns points to family history and clinical diagnostic criteria in the categories that define MH events, including rigidity, rhabdomyolysis, fever, tachycardia, respiratory acidosis, and other laboratory abnormalities (calculator 1). The MH clinical grading scale was developed by a consensus of experts, and has not been validated by confirmatory genetic or contracture testing. Nonetheless, many experts believe that the scale can be used to counsel patients and make recommendations for testing.

In the MH grading scale, important clinical indicators that a reported event was likely MH include the following:

Respiratory acidosis – The presence of end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) >55 mmHg or partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) >60 mmHg with controlled ventilation; PETCO2 >60 mmHg or PaCO2 >65 mmHg with spontaneous ventilation

Metabolic acidosis – Base deficit >8 mEq, pH <7.25

Muscle rigidity – Severe masseter muscle rigidity (MMR) or generalized rigidity

Muscle breakdown – Serum creatine kinase (CK) >20,000 international units/L following succinylcholine use; >10,000 international units/L without succinylcholine; cola-colored urine in the postoperative period

Temperature – Rapidly increasing temperature, or core temperature >38.8°C (101.8°F)

Non-anesthesia-related MH-like episodes — MH susceptibility (and RYR1 myopathy) should be in the differential diagnosis for patients who exhibit unexplained stress-induced fever, muscle cramping or rigidity, or other characteristics of MH, unrelated to exposure to anesthesia. (See "Malignant hyperthermia: Diagnosis and management of acute crisis", section on 'Clinical Features'.)

There are a number of case reports of patients who have developed unexplained fevers and/or muscle cramping in response to either hot environments, strenuous exercise, or both, and who were either known to be MHS or were subsequently found to be MHS related to an RYR1 MH-causative variant [50-53,84]. These events have been referred to as "awake MH" [50], to distinguish them from MH triggered by anesthetics, but they have not been sufficiently characterized to determine the pathophysiology with any accuracy. In most cases, symptoms have abated either spontaneously or after self-administration of oral dantrolene, but several cases have rapidly proceeded to accelerated hyperthermia, hyperkalemia, and death [50,53].

We suggest prescribing as-needed oral dantrolene for MHS patients who have a history of stress-induced MH-like signs and symptoms, as discussed below. (See 'Risk of non-anesthesia-related MH-like episodes' below.)

Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility testing — Candidates for testing for MHS are those with a past episode likely to have been MH (eg, a clinical grading score of 20 or higher) and family members of MHS patients. The MH testing sequence we follow for patients and family members is shown in an algorithm (algorithm 1). (See 'Anesthetic history' above and 'Family members' below.)

Testing options — The most sensitive test for MHS is the contracture test; it is considered the definitive test to rule out MH. Contracture testing is an in vitro muscle bioassay available only at specialized testing centers, and may not be paid for by insurance [85]. The test is highly sensitive, so negative results generally rule out a diagnosis of MHS [86,87]. However, there is up to a 20 percent false-positive rate. (See 'Contracture test' below.)

Patients with a positive contracture test should undergo genetic testing to look for a causative MH mutation. If one is found, other family members may be tested to look for similar mutations to confirm their MHS status as well. Not all mutations that cause MH have been identified, so genetic testing has a very high false-negative rate, with sensitivity <30 percent [33,88]. Positive genetic tests in patients with negative contracture tests have rarely occurred [21]. (See 'Genetic tests' below.)

Despite the high false-negative rate with genetic testing, most patients choose to undergo molecular genetic testing first, as this test requires only a blood sample, thereby avoiding the surgery and cost of contracture testing.

Other patients prefer to simply consider themselves (and their family members) MHS without testing. This strategy is practical, but it does not provide guidance or specific answers to the patient or their family members. Furthermore, the patient is then labeled as MHS, with implications for future anesthetics, ineligibility for military service, and possible limitations in occupational and insurance choices.

It has been suggested that a baseline elevation of CK can be used as a screening tool for MHS, but this has not proven to be sufficiently sensitive nor specific for MHS.

Contracture test

Indications for contracture testing

Patients with a history suspicious for MH (wait three to six months post event, depending upon the degree of rhabdomyolysis). (See "Malignant hyperthermia: Diagnosis and management of acute crisis", section on 'Clinical signs'.)

Patients with MMR during anesthesia with a triggering agent with evidence of rhabdomyolysis (eg, CK over 10,000). (See "Malignant hyperthermia: Diagnosis and management of acute crisis", section on 'Masseter muscle rigidity'.)

Patients with a known MHS relative (as determined by positive muscle contracture test or suspicious episode), but without a known MH-causing mutation. (See 'Family members' below.)

Other clinical scenarios in which contracture testing may be helpful include:

Unexplained rhabdomyolysis following anesthesia

Severe or recurrent inexplicable exercise- or heat-induced rhabdomyolysis

Patients with a suspicious history who are contemplating military service

Contracture test protocols — Contracture tests evaluate the in vitro response of the patient's skeletal muscle (a 3- to 4-inch biopsy from the thigh) to RYR1 agonists (caffeine and halothane). The testing is performed using fresh tissue, so the biopsy must be taken (under general anesthesia using non-triggering anesthetics) at an MH Muscle Biopsy Center. Abnormally high levels of contractile force with agonist exposure indicate MHS. Testing should occur at least three to six months after a suspected MH event, depending upon the degree of rhabdomyolysis.

Two different protocols were developed independently:

The caffeine-halothane contracture test (CHCT) by the North American Malignant Hyperthermia Group, with sensitivity 97 percent, specificity 78 percent [89].

The in vitro contracture test (IVCT) by the European Malignant Hyperthermia Group, with sensitivity 99 percent, specificity 94 percent [90].

Although these protocols use slightly different methodologies, there are no appreciable differences in test accuracy. The reported differences in sensitivity and specificity are due to the unique methods used, for a test that has no true gold standard for definitive diagnosis. The true rates of false-positives and false-negatives are therefore unknown.

Contracture test results — A contracture test is considered positive if the patient's muscle demonstrates an exaggerated response to exposure to either halothane or caffeine. Results of the CHCT used in North America are discussed here.

Negative – There is a low false-negative rate (sensitivity >97 percent), so this generally rules out a diagnosis of MHS [86]. These patients may receive triggering anesthetics. There have been case reports, however, of individuals with known MH mutations and negative contracture test results [29].

Positive – These patients are considered MHS and should not receive triggering anesthetics. Perhaps one in five patients with a positive contracture test has a false-positive result [86]. Despite a relatively high false-positive rate, most MH experts believe that patients with a positive test should be considered MHS because of the potential life-threatening consequences of an MH episode. A positive CHCT result should be followed up with genetic testing to guide further testing for family members. However, some mutations have not been identified, and absence of known pathogenic variants may not change the diagnosis of MHS for the index patient (algorithm 1).

Genetic tests — Molecular genetic testing requires only a blood sample that is sent to a testing center. A list of laboratories that perform testing for MHS can be found at the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS) list of Genetic Testing Centers. Genetic testing laboratories have slightly different approaches to testing for MHS; NextGen sequencing is the standard methodology.

Typically, a genetic panel evaluates the most common RYR1 mutations on chromosome 19 [21,26,91-94] and mutations associated with CACNA1S and STAC3 genes. Once a specific MH-causing mutation is discovered, other family members can be tested for only that causative mutation at a reduced price. However, more than one pathogenic variant may exist within a family, and some experts advise that family members who test negative to a proband's known mutation should still undergo contracture testing to definitively rule out MHS [9,95,96]. (See 'Genetic test results' below.)

Indications for genetic testing — Genetic testing is indicated for:

Patients with a positive contracture test, to determine the presence of an MH-causative mutation

Individuals with a family member who has a positive contracture or genetic test

Patients with a clinical history suspicious for MH prior to contracture testing

Genetic test results — Results of genetic testing will indicate:

No DNA variation found – This does not rule out MHS; these patients should be treated as MHS unless they have negative contracture testing. Since genetic testing evaluates a relatively small percentage of possible mutations, the overall sensitivity of full RYR1 panel testing is only about 70 percent [21,33,88]. Whole exome sequencing using next-generation DNA sequencing will detect all known pathogenic variants and is being implemented by genetic testing laboratories. (See "Next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS): Principles and clinical applications".)

Mutation associated with MH – These patients are MHS. With a known mutation causing MHS, biologic relatives may have genetic tests (rather than contracture tests) to determine MHS status. However, if a family member does not have the same mutation as the affected patient, it does not necessarily mean he/she is definitely MH negative [88,97]; such family members should be considered MHS and offered contracture testing.

DNA variation of uncertain significance found – This does not rule out MHS. These patients should be treated as MHS unless they have negative contracture testing.

COUNSELING — When patients have a diagnosis of presumed MHS, we recommend avoidance of triggering anesthetic agents. Anesthesiologists caring for them must be informed that they are MHS. This should continue lifelong, unless definitive testing (contracture testing) is negative. Methods to ensure appropriate treatment of the MHS patient include:

A letter from the anesthesiologist who supervised the initial incident

Notation in the patient's personal records and electronic medical record

Identification bracelets specific for MH (available through the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States [MHAUS] and MedicAlert)

We counsel MHS patients and their families to learn as much as possible about the nature of the disorder and direct them to appropriate educational resources. (See 'Malignant hyperthermia resources' below.)

Risk of non-anesthesia-related MH-like episodes — MHS patients should be questioned about stress-induced fever or muscle cramps, and should be cautioned about the possibility of developing heat stroke or MH-like symptoms in hot environments or with exercise. (See 'Non-anesthesia-related MH-like episodes' above.)

In light of continuing reports of MHS individuals who have developed fatal MH-like reactions that were not associated with administration of triggering agents [50-54], we advise MHS individuals to aggressively treat muscle cramping or increases in body temperature as a result of exposure to hot environments, vigorous exercise, or associated with an infectious illness. Unless symptoms are promptly alleviated the patient should seek medical care urgently.

We suggest early administration of antipyretics (eg, acetaminophen and/or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs) for fever and surface cooling or immersion in cold water if available.

For MHS individuals who have a history of non-anesthetic-related fevers, muscle cramping, or rhabdomyolysis, we suggest prescribing oral dantrolene for self-administration if cramping or unexplained fever occur. We recommend 1 to 2 mg/kg oral dantrolene, though the optimal dose of dantrolene in this setting is unknown; in one case report, doses between 1 and 2 mg/kg orally successfully alleviated symptoms of awake MH [84]. It is unknown whether self-administered oral dantrolene can prevent the evolution of these symptoms into a fatal MH-like illness [50].

MHS individuals are advised to obtain yearly influenza vaccines, since influenza has been associated with rhabdomyolysis [98] and thus, could be particularly hazardous in MHS individuals.

Family members — Because MHS has an autosomal-dominant inheritance, first-degree relatives (parents, siblings, and children) have up to a 50 percent chance of MHS and should consider testing (algorithm 1). Other biologic relatives (eg, cousins) may consider testing as well. The patient's parents are generally evaluated first in order to identify the side of the family (maternal or paternal) carrying the mutation; this eliminates the need to test the unaffected side of the family if a mutation is identified. If the parents are negative for MHS, suggesting a spontaneous mutation, the risk to family members other than the patient's children is low.

MANAGEMENT OF ANESTHESIA IN MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA-SUSCEPTIBLE PATIENTS — MHS patients can be safely anesthetized using non-triggering agents. End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) levels, minute ventilation, and core body temperature are monitored closely in MHS patients.

Equipment preparation — The anesthesia machine should be "cleaned" of traces of volatile anesthetics. The Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS) recommends flushing it with high-flow (10 L per minute) oxygen for at least 20 minutes, with an unused breathing bag attached to the Y-piece of the circle system and the ventilator set to inflate the bag periodically. Due to variability in anesthesia machines, the manufacturer's guidelines regarding duration should be followed [99]. High-flows should be continued throughout the case and an exhaled gas analyzer used to confirm the absence of volatile gases, as plastic and rubber components of the anesthesia machine may emit previously absorbed volatile agents [100-102]. Alternatively, charcoal filters (picture 1) can be attached to the inspiratory and expiratory breathing circuits to absorb any traces of anesthetic gas [103-105]. When using charcoal filters, the anesthesia machine should be flushed with a fresh gas flow ≥10 L/minute for ≥90 seconds prior to inserting the filters, to eliminate residual volatile agent [103,106].

Vaporizer canisters should be removed or taped over to avoid accidental administration of volatile anesthetic. New or disposable breathing circuits should be used. Some experts, including MHAUS, recommend changing the carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbent [99].

The MH treatment cart should be readily available with supplies and medications needed to treat an acute MH episode (table 2).

Safe anesthetic agents — General anesthesia, regional anesthesia (neuraxial anesthesia or nerve blocks), or monitored anesthesia care are all options for these patients if triggering agents are avoided. Other patient- and situation-specific factors should be considered in choosing the type of anesthesia. In a large population-based study of approximately 958,000 patients who underwent general anesthesia in Canada, 2900 patients who were known or strongly suspected to be MH susceptible and received a non-triggering anesthetic had no higher risk of adverse postoperative outcomes (ie, death, readmission to hospital, or major postoperative complication, within 30 days of surgery) than patients who were not MH susceptible [107].

MH-triggering agents are the volatile anesthetics (eg, sevoflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, halothane) and succinylcholine; all other medications are safe [14].

"Non-triggering" agents that can be safely administered to MHS patients include:

All intravenous anesthetic and sedative agents, including propofol, ketamine, etomidate, dexmedetomidine, and barbiturates

All local anesthetics (eg, lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine)

Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents (eg, vecuronium, rocuronium)

Pain relievers and anxiolytics, including opioids and benzodiazepines

Inhalational agents limited to nitrous oxide and xenon

Administration of perioperative dantrolene for prophylaxis is not necessary [108].

Ambulatory surgery — Routine day surgery discharge criteria are applicable to MHS patients who have not received anesthetic triggering agents and otherwise do well during and following their surgery [109]. A prospective study of 125 MHS patients who received non-triggering anesthetics reported no evidence of MH-related problems when standard post-anesthesia care unit discharge criteria were followed [110]. In the previously mentioned retrospective Canadian database study, MH susceptibility in patients who had ambulatory surgery was not associated with an increase in major adverse postoperative events, but was associated with an increase in postoperative emergency department visits within 90 days [107].

Upon discharge, the patient should be instructed to call their clinician or go to the emergency department if elevated temperature or brown urine develops.

Susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia in pregnancy — A pregnant MHS patient may safely receive neuraxial anesthesia or analgesia; if general anesthesia is required, non-triggering anesthetic agents should be administered.

If the partner of a parturient is MHS, the fetus may be MHS. Although there are no cases reported of a fetus developing an MH crisis from in utero exposure to triggering agents, MHAUS recommends using a non-triggering technique if a pregnant woman carrying a potentially susceptible fetus requires general anesthesia [111].


Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS) – MHAUS was formed to educate the medical community and the public about MH and serve as a resource for affected families. A wide variety of educational information for health professionals and the public is available at their internet site.

MHAUS maintains a free, 24-hour "hotline" for acute cases (1-800-MH HYPER) that is continuously staffed by anesthesiologists who are experts in managing cases of MH, answering questions about prospective management of MHS patients, and directing callers to appropriate resources.

The North American MH Registry was established to collect and analyze information about clinical episodes of MH and the results of laboratory tests.

European Malignant Hyperthermia Group provides information on European protocols.

Malignant Hyperthermia Unit at St. James Hospital, UK, British Malignant Hyperthermia Association.

Malignant Hyperthermia Australia and New Zealand.

Japanese Malignant Hyperthermia Association – 4th Nishi Tenma Park Bldg, 3-13-9 Nishi Tenma, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, 530-0047, Japan. C/O COML (Consumer Organization for Medicine & Law). Japanese Malignant Hyperthermia Association membership and inquiry counter (telephone/fax: 06-6361-3446; email: [email protected]).

The RYR1 Foundation.

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Malignant hyperthermia".)


Susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MHS) is a genetic disorder of skeletal muscle metabolism that can manifest clinically as a hypermetabolic crisis (malignant hyperthermia [MH] crisis) in genetically-susceptible individuals exposed to volatile anesthetics or succinylcholine. (See 'Introduction' above.)

MHS individuals have skeletal muscle receptor abnormalities, allowing excessive intracellular calcium to accumulate in response to volatile anesthetic agents or succinylcholine; this triggers intracellular events, leading to skeletal muscle hypermetabolism. MHS is caused by mutations in genes that are responsible for coding calcium channel proteins and receptors (RYR1, DHP, and STAC3). (See 'Mutations causing susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia' above.)

MHS is usually inherited in an autosomal-dominant fashion. Its prevalence is unknown but is estimated at 1:2000. Due to variable penetrance, not all exposures of MHS patients to triggering agents result in MH crisis. (See 'Prevalence' above.)

The mainstay of prevention is the identification of MHS individuals. MHS is suspected in patients with a prior clinical event with signs of MH and confirmed by susceptibility testing. A clinical grading scale for possible MH events assists in determining whether past events were actually MH. (See 'Identification of malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients' above.)

Patients with some muscle diseases have genetic abnormalities in RYR1, CACNA1S, or STAC3 genes that confer MHS; these include central core myopathy (and all other ryanodinopathies), Native American myopathy, and King-Denborough syndrome (table 1). (See 'Myopathies with ryanodine receptor abnormalities' above.)

Patients with a history of exercise- or heat-induced rhabdomyolysis, and those with severe statin-induced myopathy, may have a higher incidence of MHS than the general population. For patients with heat or exercise induced rhabdomyolysis we suggest testing for MHS (Grade 2C). We also suggest testing for MHS for patients with severe statin induced myopathy(Grade 2C). We assume that these patients are MHS unless they have tested negative. (See 'Exertional rhabdomyolysis' above and 'Severe statin-induced myopathy' above.)

Some MHS individuals have developed non-anesthetic-related MH-like episodes, triggered by exposure to hot environments and/or strenuous exercise, some of which were associated with fatal hyperkalemia and hyperthermia. For MHS patients, we suggest early administration of antipyretics (eg, acetaminophen or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs) for fever (Grade 2C). For MHS patients who have a history of non-anesthetic-related fevers, muscle cramping, or rhabdomyolysis, we suggest prescribing oral dantrolene for self-administration if unexplained fever or muscle cramps occur (Grade 2C). If symptoms do not resolve, urgent medical care should be sought.

Some myopathic conditions are associated with an increased risk for life-threatening rhabdomyolysis or hyperkalemia following volatile anesthetic or succinylcholine administration. This clinical syndrome may resemble, but is not, acute MH. Associated conditions include the dystrophinopathies, myoadenylate deaminase deficiency, McArdle disease, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase type 2 deficiency (table 1). These patients are not MHS, but the MH-triggering agents should probably be avoided. (See 'Muscle disorders with intraoperative rhabdomyolysis' above.)

There are no practical MHS screening tests for the general population. Testing for MHS is indicated only under specific circumstances, generally in a patient with an event suspicious for MH or in family members of a patient with positive tests (algorithm 1). (See 'Identification of malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients' above.)

Contracture testing is the definitive test for individuals with an event suspicious for MH and some preexisting conditions. Contracture testing requires a surgical muscle biopsy and is offered at only a limited number of centers. Contracture testing has few false negatives; a negative test effectively rules out MHS. The caffeine-halothane contracture test (used in North America) has about a 20 percent false-positive rate; positive results should be followed up with genetic testing. (See 'Contracture test' above.)

Genetic testing is indicated in individuals with a positive contracture test, positive family history for a gene mutation, and those who are unable or unwilling to undergo contracture testing. Genetic testing identifies approximately 60 percent of MHS individuals. (See 'Genetic tests' above.)

Patients considered MHS who need anesthesia may safely have general anesthesia, administered without triggering agents (volatile anesthetic gases and succinylcholine). Anesthesia machines should be cleaned of trace gases, and an MH cart with supplies and medications to manage acute MH (including dantrolene) should be available on site prior to anesthetic administration. (See 'Management of anesthesia in malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients' above.)

Information and resources are available from the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS) and the European Malignant Hyperthermia Group. MHAUS maintains a free, 24-hour "hotline" for assistance in MH emergencies (1-800-MH HYPER). (See 'Malignant hyperthermia resources' above.)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT — We are saddened by the death of Ronald S Litman, DO, ML, who passed away in April 2021. UpToDate wishes to acknowledge Dr. Litman's past work as an author for this topic.


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Topic 403 Version 43.0


1 : Malignant hyperthermia.

2 : Hyperthermia.

3 : Malignant hyperthermia-associated diseases: state of the art uncertainty.

4 : Malignant hyperthermia.

5 : Malignant hyperthermia.

6 : Disorders of temperature regulation.

7 : Cardiac arrests and deaths associated with malignant hyperthermia in north america from 1987 to 2006: a report from the north american malignant hyperthermia registry of the malignant hyperthermia association of the United States.

8 : Trends and outcomes of malignant hyperthermia in the United States, 2000 to 2005.

9 : Presence of two different genetic traits in malignant hyperthermia families: implication for genetic analysis, diagnosis, and incidence of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.

10 : Presence of two different genetic traits in malignant hyperthermia families: implication for genetic analysis, diagnosis, and incidence of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.

11 : Functional and genetic characterization of clinical malignant hyperthermia crises: a multi-centre study.

12 : An Assessment of Penetrance and Clinical Expression of Malignant Hyperthermia in Individuals Carrying Diagnostic Ryanodine Receptor 1 Gene Mutations.

13 : The association of malignant hyperthermia and unusual disease: when you're hot you're hot or maybe not.

14 : Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) Guideline for the Use of Potent Volatile Anesthetic Agents and Succinylcholine in the Context of RYR1 or CACNA1S Genotypes.

15 : Genomic Screening for Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptibility.

16 : Native American myopathy: congenital myopathy with cleft palate, skeletal anomalies, and susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia.

17 : STAC3 p.Trp284Ser associated with congenital myopathy with distinctive dysmorphic features and malignant hyperthermia

18 : Novel congenital myopathy locus identified in Native American Indians at 12q13.13-14.1.

19 : Malignant hyperthermia in a three-month-old American Indian infant.

20 : Genetic variation in RYR1 and malignant hyperthermia phenotypes.

21 : Recent advances in the diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility: how confident can we be of genetic testing?

22 : Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility arising from altered resting coupling between the skeletal muscle L-type Ca2+ channel and the type 1 ryanodine receptor.

23 : Screening of the entire ryanodine receptor type 1 coding region for sequence variants associated with malignant hyperthermia susceptibility in the north american population.

24 : Identification of the Arg1086His mutation in the alpha subunit of the voltage-dependent calcium channel (CACNA1S) in a North American family with malignant hyperthermia.

25 : Ryanodine receptor gene is a candidate for predisposition to malignant hyperthermia.

26 : Localization of the malignant hyperthermia susceptibility locus to human chromosome 19q12-13.2.

27 : Functional defects in six ryanodine receptor isoform-1 (RyR1) mutations associated with malignant hyperthermia and their impact on skeletal excitation-contraction coupling.

28 : Mutation screening of the RYR1-cDNA from peripheral B-lymphocytes in 15 Swedish malignant hyperthermia index cases.

29 : Screening of the ryanodine receptor gene in 105 malignant hyperthermia families: novel mutations and concordance with the in vitro contracture test.

30 : Genotype-phenotype comparison of the Swiss malignant hyperthermia population.

31 : Malignant-hyperthermia susceptibility is associated with a mutation of the alpha 1-subunit of the human dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type voltage-dependent calcium-channel receptor in skeletal muscle.

32 : Mutation screening in the ryanodine receptor 1 gene (RYR1) in patients susceptible to malignant hyperthermia who show definite IVCT results: identification of three novel mutations.

33 : Malignant hyperthermia in North America: genetic screening of the three hot spots in the type I ryanodine receptor gene.

34 : Malignant hyperthermia in North America: genetic screening of the three hot spots in the type I ryanodine receptor gene.

35 : Genetic risk for malignant hyperthermia in non-anesthesia-induced myopathies.

36 : Mutations in the ryanodine receptor gene in central core disease and malignant hyperthermia.

37 : The spectrum of pathology in central core disease.

38 : Core myopathies and risk of malignant hyperthermia.

39 : A mutation in the human ryanodine receptor gene associated with central core disease.

40 : Multiminicore disease in a family susceptible to malignant hyperthermia: histology, in vitro contracture tests, and genetic characterization.

41 : King-denborough syndrome caused by a novel mutation in the ryanodine receptor gene.

42 : Malignant hyperthermia and apparent heat stroke.

43 : Pathological findings in 165 patients explored for malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.

44 : A noninvasive investigation of muscle energetics supports similarities between exertional heat stroke and malignant hyperthermia.

45 : Sudden unexplained death in a patient with a family history of malignant hyperthermia.

46 : Rhabdomyolysis following severe physical exercise in a patient with predisposition to malignant hyperthermia.

47 : Evidence for susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia in patients with exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis.

48 : The ryanodine receptor type 1 gene variants in African American men with exertional rhabdomyolysis and malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.

49 : Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility in patients with exertional rhabdomyolysis: a retrospective cohort study and updated systematic review.

50 : Fatal awake malignant hyperthermia episodes in a family with malignant hyperthermia susceptibility: a case series.

51 : Case report: Death in the emergency department: an unrecognized awake malignant hyperthermia-like reaction in a six-year-old.

52 : Improving awareness of nonanesthesia-related malignant hyperthermia presentations: a tale of two brothers.

53 : Identical de novo mutation in the type 1 ryanodine receptor gene associated with fatal, stress-induced malignant hyperthermia in two unrelated families.

54 : Fever-induced recurrent rhabdomyolysis due to a novel mutation in the ryanodine receptor type 1 gene.

55 : Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility revealed by increased serum creatine kinase concentrations during statin treatment.

56 : Rhabdomyolysis and myalgia associated with anticholesterolemic treatment as potential signs of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.

57 : Malignant hyperthermia and muscular dystrophies.

58 : Malignant hyperthermia, coexisting disorders, and enzymopathies: risks and management options.

59 : Positive malignant hyperthermia susceptibility in vitro test in a patient with mitochondrial myopathy and myoadenylate deaminase deficiency.

60 : Myophosphorylase B deficiency and malignant hyperthermia.

61 : Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema and rhabdomyolsis after protamine administration in a patient with unrecognized McArdle's disease.

62 : McArdle's disease and anaesthesia: case reports. Review of potential problems and association with malignant hyperthermia.

63 : Postanesthetic acute renal failure due to carnitine palmityl transferase deficiency.

64 : Malignant hyperthermia-like syndrome and carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency with heterozygous R503C mutation.

65 : Clinical, morphological and genetic characterization of Brody disease: an international study of 40 patients.

66 : Osteogenesis imperfecta and hyperthermia.

67 : Occurrence of malignant hyperpyrexia in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta.

68 : Osteogenesis imperfecta and malignant hyperthermia. Is there a relationship?

69 : Perioperative course and intraoperative temperatures in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.

70 : Perioperative course and intraoperative temperatures in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.

71 : Perioperative care of the child with arthrogryposis.

72 : Anaesthesia for patients with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita: what is the risk of malignant hyperthermia?

73 : Hypermetabolism in arthrogryposis multiplex congenita.

74 : The myotonias and susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia.

75 : Hazards of neostigmine in patients with neuromuscular disorders. Report of two cases.

76 : The neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

77 : Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility in neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

78 : Dantrolene. A review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties and therapeutic use in malignant hyperthermia, the neuroleptic malignant syndrome and an update of its use in muscle spasticity.

79 : [Lack of sensitivity to per-anesthetic malignant hyperthermia in 32 patients who developed neuroleptic malignant syndrome].

80 : Clinical presentation, treatment, and complications of malignant hyperthermia in North America from 1987 to 2006.

81 : Analysis of anaesthesia in patients suspected to be susceptible to malignant hyperthermia before diagnostic in vitro contracture test.

82 : Malignant hyperthermia: a review of published cases.

83 : A clinical grading scale to predict malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.

84 : Human malignant hyperthermia: awake episodes and correction by dantrolene.

85 : Malignant hyperthermia: update on susceptibility testing.

86 : Testing for malignant hyperthermia.

87 : Multicentre evaluation of ryanodine contracture testing in malignant hyperthermia. The European Malignant Hyperthermia Group.

88 : Ryanodine receptor type 1 gene variants in the malignant hyperthermia-susceptible population of the United States.

89 : The sensitivity and specificity of the caffeine-halothane contracture test: a report from the North American Malignant Hyperthermia Registry. The North American Malignant Hyperthermia Registry of MHAUS.

90 : In vitro contracture test for diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia following the protocol of the European MH Group: results of testing patients surviving fulminant MH and unrelated low-risk subjects. The European Malignant Hyperthermia Group.

91 : Warmed diluent speeds dantrolene reconstitution.

92 : Halothane-induced muscle contracture as a cause of hyperpyrexia.

93 : A protocol for the investigation of malignant hyperpyrexia (MH) susceptibility. The European Malignant Hyperpyrexia Group.

94 : A case of discordance between genotype and phenotype in a malignant hyperthermia family.

95 : Multiple interacting gene products may influence susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia.

96 : Next-generation Sequencing of RYR1 and CACNA1S in Malignant Hyperthermia and Exertional Heat Illness.

97 : Molecular genetic testing for malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.

98 : Influenza-induced rhabdomyolysis.

99 : Influenza-induced rhabdomyolysis.

100 : Preparation of the Siemens KION anesthetic machine for patients susceptible to malignant hyperthermia.

101 : Preparation of the Dräger Primus anesthetic machine for malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients.

102 : Preparation of modern anesthesia workstations for malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients: a review of past and present practice.

103 : Activated charcoal effectively removes inhaled anesthetics from modern anesthesia machines.

104 : Preparation of the Dräger Fabius anesthesia machine for the malignant-hyperthermia susceptible patient.

105 : Residual volatile anesthetics after workstation preparation and activated charcoal filtration.

106 : Residual volatile anesthetics after workstation preparation and activated charcoal filtration.

107 : Association between known or strongly suspected malignant hyperthermia susceptibility and postoperative outcomes: an observational population-based study.

108 : Association between known or strongly suspected malignant hyperthermia susceptibility and postoperative outcomes: an observational population-based study.

109 : Safe duration of postoperative monitoring for malignant hyperthermia susceptible patients.

110 : Safe duration of postoperative monitoring for malignant hyperthermia patients administered non-triggering anaesthesia: an update.