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Ross River virus infection

Ross River virus infection
Michael J Richards, MD, FRACP
Section Editor:
Martin S Hirsch, MD
Deputy Editor:
Keri K Hall, MD, MS
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jun 29, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Ross River virus (RRV) is a group A arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes that causes a disease manifested by polyarthritis and rash. The illness was first described in northern Australia in 1928 and subsequently has been observed widely through Australia and many islands of the western South Pacific. It is the most prevalent vector-borne disease in Australia. The virus can be transmitted by many mosquito species and survives in mosquito eggs in arid environments. Therefore, it has the capacity to spread to other geographic areas.

Other viruses that cause arthritis are discussed separately. (See "Viruses that cause arthritis".)

EPIDEMIOLOGY — RRV infection has been described in mainland Australia [1], Papua New Guinea [2], the Solomon Islands, the islands of eastern Indonesia, the western South Pacific [3,4], Fiji [5], and American Samoa [6]. As many as 500,000 people were infected in Fiji when the disease first appeared in 1979 [5]. In 2013, seroprevalence in Fiji residents was 46 percent; in 2015, the seroprevalence was 57 percent, demonstrating ongoing endemic circulation [7]. Outbreaks have been described in American Samoa, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, the Cook Islands, and most states of Australia [8,9]. Over 30 percent of blood donors in French Polynesia are seropositive [10]. Genomic characterization of the first isolate from Papua New Guinea indicates that RRV had evolved over approximately 40 years; the most recent common ancestor coincides with the beginning of the 1979 Pacific Island epidemic [11].

In Australia during the 2014 to 2015 season, 84 percent of reported mosquito-transmitted infections were due to RRV and Barmah Forest Virus infection [12]. There is an increasing incidence in Australia and the Pacific Islands; 9544 cases were reported in the largest Australian outbreak in 2015, with southeast Queensland most affected [13]. It is anticipated that RRV disease will increase with extension into temperate Australia and longer active periods of infection [14]. While the highest rates of RRV infection have been reported from the Northern Territory [15], endemic foci also occur in more temperate eastern Australia. Southeast Queensland with its larger population bears a particularly high public health and economic burden [16]. Infection has been observed in the outskirts of Sydney since 1997 [17]. Between 2006 and 2009, increasing modifications were noted from the Perth metropolitan area in off-seasons (June to September) [18]. Epidemics have increased in frequency, size, and range throughout Australia [19]. The geographic range is expanding in Queensland [20] and South Australia [21]. Transmission is most concentrated in areas where urban and periurban environments intersect [16].

RRV infection occurs most frequently in tropical coastal regions with salt marsh habitats suitable for the principal mosquito vector species [22]. The infection is most common in spring, after summer rains, or following inundation of salt marshes by rain or tides. The virus persists in arid areas of inland Australia within desiccation-resistant mosquito eggs. Outbreaks occur after rain, when mosquitoes hatch [23].

Climate influences disease activity. Models predicting disease activity differ among regions; the relationships between climate, social, and environmental factors are complex. In the River Murray Valley in Southern Australia, important factors include river height, rainfall, and mosquito abundance [24]. Flooding is significantly associated with transmission [25]. In a Tasmanian study, a combination of high spring tides and excessive summer rainfall produced a salt marsh habitat with a high density of mosquitoes [26]. Isolation of RRV from these mosquitoes coincided with the onset of the first human cases of RRV infection. In Western Australia, climate data were moderately sensitive in predicting epidemics (64 percent); the addition of mosquito surveillance data improved sensitivity of an early warning model for epidemics (90 percent) [27]. Transmission peaks at moderate temperatures (26°C) and declines within thermal limits (17°C to 31.5°C); this explains in part endemic year-round transmission in the tropics, but seasonal transmission in temperate zones [28]. Accurate models for predicting infection rates would be useful for strategies to control mosquito vectors [29-31]; in one review of RRV predictive models, models included climate and weather, mosquito abundance, rainfall, temperature, and tide height [32].

Dryland salinity, a substantial and expanding problem in the wheat belt of Southwestern Australia, is associated with an abundance of Aedes camptorhynchus and increased potential for zoonotic transmission [33], although increased human seroprevalence has not yet been demonstrated [34]. Important factors for infection in the Darwin region of tropical Northern Australia include rainfall, minimum temperature, and abundance of three mosquito species [35]. The relative importance of these environmental factors differs according to region, although rainfall is consistently associated with increased disease activity [36,37].

Travelers to affected areas of Australia have presented with illness on returning home [38].

RRV is also transmissible by blood transfusion [39]. Studies estimating the risk of transmission by blood transfusion are reassuring. Of 7500 blood donations from selected collection centers during peak transmission season, none had detectable RRV RNA [40]. Existing risk management strategies include donation restriction and recalls.

Vectors and hosts — RRV has multiple vectors and multiple hosts. The mosquito species serving as vectors vary by region; RRV has been identified in 40 different mosquito species [29]. In coastal Australia, Aedes vigilax (salt marsh mosquito) and Ae. camptorhynchus are major vectors; both of these species feed during the day. In inland areas except Tasmania, Culex annulirostris predominates; this species feeds at night [41]. Other species capable of transmitting RRV include Aedes tremulus, Aedes polynesiensis, Aedes aegypti, Culex gelidus, and others [42-44]. A. aegypti has the potential to extend the distribution of this infection. Nonhuman vertebrates are critical for the maintenance and spillover of RRV into mosquito populations.

Native macropods (eg, kangaroos and wallabies) are the principal vertebrate hosts [45]. In southwest Western Australia, over 40 percent of western grey kangaroos have neutralizing antibodies to RRV and are believed to have a role in maintenance and transmission of RRV [46].

Infection in koalas in southeast Queensland has been studied [47], with infection rates exceeding 80 percent. The koalas are now confined in this region to the edges of permanent wetlands unsuitable for urban development, with large numbers of mosquito vectors. Previously, it was felt marsupials were the most important viral reservoir, but high rates of infection in Fiji where there are no marsupials indicate that they are not essential for endemic infection [48]. Neutralizing antibodies were found in 28 to 100 percent of Fijian sera from horses, cows, pigs, dogs, cats, mice, and rats.

Infection also occurs among other wild animals and livestock. Possums and horses are potential reservoirs in urban areas [49]. RRV is endemic in horses in Queensland, Australia [50]. Apart from humans, horses are the only other known symptomatic host; symptoms in horses include fever, malaise, polyarthralgia, joint swelling, and reduced athletic performance [51]. Their large body mass and high levels of viremia suggest they may be an important reservoir of the virus. In a field survey of mosquito endemicity in Brisbane, suburbs with higher RRV notification rates had a larger vertebrate biomass (mainly horses) and higher mosquito abundance [52].

In addition, vertical transmission occurs in mosquitoes, and human-mosquito-human transmission is believed to occur. Studies of RRV in northwest Victoria suggest that the density of short-lived, highly fecund hosts, such as mice, may also influence rural disease transmission [53]. Humans and possums appeared to contribute most to epidemic transmission, followed by macropods [54].

PATHOGENESIS — RRV, an Alphavirus and member of the Togaviridae family, is an enveloped single-strand RNA virus. Distinct genetic types have been found in eastern and western Australia, with a mix in northern Australia. The membrane bilayer, which surrounds the nucleocapsid, is penetrated by spikes, each of which consists of glycoproteins E1 and E2 [55]. E2 is thought to be involved in recognition of the cellular receptor in the host [56]. Relapse or persistence of symptoms in many patients may be related to persistent replication within synovial macrophages despite neutralizing antibodies and antiviral cytokine responses [57]. This process may be initiated by an initial immunoglobulin (Ig)G anti-RRV antibody response, which enhances infection in macrophages and monocytes [58].

Host genetics play a major role in influencing susceptibility to infection and severity of clinical disease [59]. RRV has been suggested as a model for study of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Studies have identified immune evasion strategies which may be relevant in viral pathogenesis, including selective proinflammatory gene suppression [60]. Functional polymorphisms in immune-response genes contribute to susceptibility and outcome [61]. Dominant inheritance has been demonstrated in some studies [62]. Polymorphisms in the interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-10 loci influence cytokine production and the severity and duration of illness after infection with RRV. These risk-associated cytokine genotypes may act in combination to potentiate their impact on illness severity. IL-10 is a potent inhibitor of IL-1-beta and TNF-alpha production by macrophages, and these cytokines may have synergistic activities in induction of inflammation in the acute sickness response. In vitro models suggest that cellular antiviral response can direct selective pressure for viral sequence evolution that impacts on viral fitness and sensitivity to alpha/beta interferon [63]. Immune response, particularly innate immune response, is a major predictor of clinical outcome [59,64]. (See "Clinical features and diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome" and "Treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome".)

The arthritis of RRV infection is believed to be mediated by local cell-mediated immune responses. In the majority of patients, inflammation is present in the absence of detectable virus, although RRV DNA has been identified in the inflamed synovium of some patients more than a month after the onset of symptoms [65].

The rash of RRV infection may be a manifestation of a cell-mediated immune response to viral antigen in the basal epidermal and eccrine duct epithelial cells [66]. Circulating immune complexes have not been found in patients with persistent symptoms [67]. In a mouse model, macrophages have been shown to be the primary mediators of muscle damage [68].

In patients with prolonged arthralgia and a long convalescent course, increased proinflammatory cytokine levels have been demonstrated [69].

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS — RRV infection has been observed in individuals between 4 and 85 years of age; the disease occurs slightly more commonly in women [70]. The incubation period for acute presentations is usually 3 to 9 days but may be as long as 21 days [22]. Subclinical infection is common [71].

Symptomatic RRV infection presents in one of the three ways [70]:

Acute febrile illness with arthritis and rash

Acute fever, rash, or arthritis alone

Chronic polyarthritis or polyarthralgia

There are no laboratory findings specific for RRV infection. The leukocyte count is usually normal; atypical lymphocytes or a mild neutrophilia may be found in some patients. The serum C-reactive protein concentration is usually normal, but modest elevations in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be observed.

Arthritis — The most dramatic clinical features of RRV infection are marked arthralgia and myalgia [37]. Joint pains are present in more than 95 percent of patients. True arthritis occurs in 40 percent of patients (picture 1). The joints of the extremities are most frequently involved, especially the wrists, knees, ankles, and the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the fingers (picture 2). Joint involvement is usually symmetric, but the severity of inflammation may be asymmetric. The intensity of the pain and inflammation occasionally may resemble that of gout. Effusions are often present in joints and tendon sheaths, and Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis may occur. Back pain is also common; no association between human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27 and another HLA allele has been detected [71].

Synovial fluid analysis early in the disease may suggest viral arthritis [70]. The fluid is viscous with entirely or predominantly mononuclear cells; neutrophils may comprise up to 12 percent of cells.

Rash and fever — Rash and fever are observed in approximately one-half of patients with RRV infection. Rash and arthritis usually develop within two days of one another but may be separated by up to two weeks. The rash may occur before or after the arthritis. It is typically short lived (1 to 10 days) but may persist for several months [70]. The palms, soles of the feet, face, and mucous membranes of the mouth may be involved. The rash usually consists of 1 to 5 mm maculopapular lesions on the limbs and trunk; it is often sparse (picture 3), although in some cases it is dense and can include purpuric areas or small vesicles (figure 1) [72].

Fever, occasionally reaching 39ºC, is present early in RRV infection in about 20 percent of patients and usually resolves within three days. Chills and delirium can occur; rigors are unusual.

Other clinical features — Fatigue is the most frequent constitutional symptom, occurring in 90 percent of patients. It may be prominent, even in the absence of fever, and may persist after other symptoms resolve [73]. Anorexia and headache (50 percent patients) are common. Other symptoms and signs include diarrhea, neck stiffness, photophobia, splenomegaly, aseptic meningitis [74], hematuria [75], glomerulonephritis [2], and superficial lymphadenopathy (usually mild; occasionally tender). Several patients with encephalitis have been described [76-78]; one case of fatal encephalitis has been attributed to RRV infection [76]. RRV has not been associated with congenital abnormalities, although transplacental viral transmission was described [79].

Clinical course — The average duration of symptoms differs considerably in different reports. Some arthralgias persist for more than three months in two-thirds of patients, but it usually steadily diminishes in severity over this time [45,80]. In one study, for example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use decreased from 63 percent at one month to 15 percent at three months. Early studies suggested patients can have persistent arthralgia, myalgia, and fatigue for more than a year after infection; more recent evidence suggests that symptoms usually resolve within three to six months [22,81,82]. Many patients with longer duration of symptoms had other underlying comorbidities such as rheumatic disease or depression [83]. Degenerative joint changes do not occur, and relapses are infrequent.

In a prospective cohort study of patients with RRV, Epstein Barr virus, or Q fever infection, 12 percent of patients had prolonged illness with disabling fatigue, musculoskeletal pains, neurocognitive difficulties, and mood disturbance at six months following initial infection [84]. The outcome was predicted by severity of acute illness rather than the underlying microbiologic diagnosis [84].

DIAGNOSIS — RRV infection should be suspected in the setting of acute polyarthritis and rash with a history of travel or residence in endemic or epidemic areas.

Differential diagnosis — The differential diagnosis includes rubella, infectious mononucleosis, parvovirus B19, immunoglobulin A vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein purpura), serum sickness, a drug reaction, erythema multiforme, and systemic lupus erythematosus. It also includes other arboviral infections, particularly Barmah Forest virus (BFV) infection and chikungunya fever. (See "Chikungunya fever: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis".)

BFV is an alphavirus transmitted by mosquitoes that causes polyarthritis. BFV causes approximately 10 percent of epidemic polyarthritis in northeastern Australia. There are approximately 2400 notifications annually in Australia, most in the state of Queensland but also large numbers in Western Australia [85]. It was first recognized as a cause of human infection in 1988 and has been increasingly reported in Australia [86]. Epidemics have been recognized in the Northern Territory (1992), Western Australia (1992 to 1993) [86,87], coastal New South Wales (1995), Victoria (2002) [88], and Queensland (2002 to 2003) [15].

Transmission of BFV is determined by a number of environmental factors [89]. Peak transmission occurs in summer and autumn [15]. Endemic activity is believed to be restricted to northern Australia. As for RRV, human land use change is an important driver of disease outbreaks and modifying endemic transmission. The first mosquito isolates of this virus were from Culex annulirostris, but this mosquito species has been shown to be an inefficient vector. Other vector mosquitoes of importance include Ae. vigilax (including an epidemic in 1995), Ae. camptorhynchus (epidemic in 1993), Ochlerotatus camptorhynchus (2002), and Ae. notoscriptus (estimated to have a transmission rate of 45 percent) [29]. The biting midge (Culicoides) is a vector in Western Australia.

Serologic investigation of native animals have demonstrated infection especially in Eastern Grey kangaroos and cattle, but low rates in brushtail possums, koalas, quokka, domestic cats and dogs, and horses.

The clinical manifestations of BFV are similar to those of RRV although, in general, BFV tends to cause milder disease [22]. Rash is more common with BFV infection, while arthritis is more prominent in RRV infection, although these diseases cannot be reliably distinguished based on symptoms alone [81,90]. In one series of 84 patients with BFV, the most common symptoms and signs were lethargy (89 percent), joint pain (82 percent), and rash (68 percent) [90]. Dermatologic manifestations include urticated erythema and widespread vesiculopapular, macular, or purpuric eruptions [88].

Diagnosis of BFV is confirmed by a virus-specific IgM response [91].

Laboratory evaluation — The diagnosis of RRV infection is generally established by serology; the most common serologic methods are the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody test and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. A fourfold rise in HI titer is diagnostic; levels of ≥1:1280 indicate recent infection. RRV-specific IgM persists for months after acute infection. Thus, acute infection should be confirmed by rising IgM titers if patients live in endemic areas [22]. Testing for a specific IgA response can demonstrate acute infection in patients with persistent high levels of anti-IgM and IgG antibodies, although this test is rarely necessary [92].

Viral culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are less widely used diagnostic tools. RRV can be isolated from blood drawn early in the course of infection [22,70]. RRV has not been cultured from joint fluid, but viral antigen has been detected by immunofluorescence in joint fluid specimens collected early in the disease. A nested PCR is being developed for RRV infection, but it remains a research tool currently [93].

TREATMENT — Treatment of RRV consists of supportive care; no specific antiviral therapy is available. Treatment of the arthralgias and myalgias with analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be helpful. Some individuals benefit from swimming, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, or massage; others gain relief only with rest.

PREVENTION — The most important preventive measure is avoidance of mosquito bites [41]. In one case-controlled study, mosquito coils, repellants, and citronella candles were shown to decrease the risk of infection at least twofold; light-colored clothing decreased risk threefold [94]. In contrast, camping increased the risk of RRV eightfold. Screens should be fitted to windows and doors in high-risk areas. Drainage of mosquito breeding areas in endemic areas may also be helpful over the long term to control the infection [8]. Mosquito control programs affect RRV disease rates [95]. Preemptive surveillance based on knowledge of disease habitats has been associated with lower RRV disease rates. (See "Prevention of arthropod and insect bites: Repellents and other measures".)

RRV is transmissible by transfusion of blood products, and asymptomatic viremia has been documented [96,97]. There is no proposal to test donors in affected areas at present, but they are requested to report post-donation illness [98].

No vaccine is available; experimental vaccines are under study [99-101]. An inactivated whole virus vaccine that has proven effective in mice [102] has been shown to be well tolerated and immunogenic in adults in a phase III trial [102,103].


Ross River virus (RRV) is an arboviral infection transmitted by mosquitoes that causes an illness characterized by fever, polyarthritis, and rash. The illness was first described in northern Australia and subsequently has been observed widely throughout Australia and many islands of the western South Pacific. It is common in the tropical coastal regions of northern Australia. RRV can be transmitted by a variety of mosquito species, including Aedes vigilax, Aedes camptorhynchus, and Culex annulirostris. Kangaroos and wallabies are the principal vertebrate hosts. Horses may be important reservoirs in some settings. (See 'Introduction' above.)

Symptomatic RRV infection typically presents as acute illness with fever, arthritis, and rash. These symptoms frequently occur together but may occur in isolation. Arthritis in the wrists, knees, ankles, and finger joints is common and frequently symmetric. The rash is usually maculopapular and involves the limbs and trunk. Arthralgia may persist for up to three months. Fatigue is the most frequent constitutional symptom. (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)

The diagnosis of RRV infection is generally established by serology; the most common serologic methods are the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. A fourfold rise in HI titer is diagnostic; levels of ≥1:1280 indicate recent infection. RRV-specific immunoglobulin (Ig)M persists for months after acute infection, and acute infection can be confirmed by rising IgM titers. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

Treatment consists of supportive care, analgesics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (See 'Treatment' above.)

The most important preventive measure is avoidance of mosquito bites. Helpful interventions include use of window and door screens, mosquito repellants, and light-colored clothing. Over the long term, drainage of mosquito breeding areas in endemic areas may be helpful to control infection. (See 'Prevention' above.)


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Topic 3031 Version 17.0


1 : Differences in climatic factors between Ross River virus disease outbreak and nonoutbreak years.

2 : Glomerulonephritis in the acute phase of Ross River virus disease (epidemic polyarthritis).

3 : Characterization of Ross River viruses isolated from patients with polyarthritis in New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna Islands.

4 : Epidemic polyarthritis (Ross River) virus infection in the Cook Islands.

5 : An epidemic of Ross River virus infection in Fiji, 1979.

6 : Ross River virus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) infection (epidemic polyarthritis) in American Samoa.

7 : Ross River Virus Antibody Prevalence, Fiji Islands, 2013-2015.

8 : An outbreak of epidemic polyarthritis (Ross River virus disease) in the Northern Territory during the 1990-1991 wet season.

9 : An outbreak of Ross River virus disease in Southwestern Australia.

10 : Arboviral diseases and malaria in Australia, 2012-13: Annual report of the National Arbovirus and Malaria Advisory Committee.

11 : Genome Sequence Analysis of First Ross River Virus Isolate from Papua New Guinea Indicates Long-Term, Local Evolution.

12 : Arboviral diseases and malaria in Australia, 2014–15: Annual report of the National Arbovirus and Malaria Advisory Committee

13 : Spatial and temporal patterns of Ross River virus in south east Queensland, Australia: identification of hot spots at the rural-urban interface.

14 : Ross River Virus Infection: A Cross-Disciplinary Review with a Veterinary Perspective.

15 : Analysis of Barmah Forest virus disease activity in Queensland, Australia, 1993-2003: identification of a large, isolated outbreak of disease.

16 : Species Traits and Hotspots Associated with Ross River Virus Infection in Nonhuman Vertebrates in South East Queensland.

17 : Ross River virus infection in the north-west outskirts of the Sydney basin.

18 : Ross River virus infection surveillance in the Greater Perth Metropolitan area--has there been an increase in cases in the winter months?

19 : Biological and cultural coevolution and emerging infectious disease: Ross River virus in Australia.

20 : Climate variability and Ross River virus transmission in Townsville Region, Australia, 1985-1996.

21 : Changing epidemiology of Ross River virus disease in South Australia.

22 : Mosquito-borne viruses and epidemic polyarthritis.

23 : Ross River virus isolations from mosquitoes in arid regions of Western Australia: implication of vertical transmission as a means of persistence of the virus.

24 : Environmental and entomological factors determining Ross River virus activity in the River Murray Valley of South Australia.

25 : Ross River Virus Disease Activity Associated With Naturally Occurring Nontidal Flood Events in Australia: A Systematic Review.

26 : Ross River virus and its vectors in Sorell Municipal Area, south-eastern Tasmania, January to March 2002.

27 : Early warning of Ross River virus epidemics: combining surveillance data on climate and mosquitoes.

28 : Temperature explains broad patterns of Ross River virus transmission.

29 : Mosquito-Borne Viruses and Non-Human Vertebrates in Australia: A Review.

30 : Integrating statistical and mechanistic approaches with biotic and environmental variables improves model predictions of the impact of climate and land-use changes on future mosquito-vector abundance, diversity and distributions in Australia.

31 : Optimising predictive modelling of Ross River virus using meteorological variables.

32 : Epidemiological models for predicting Ross River virus in Australia: A systematic review.

33 : Dryland salinity and the ecology of Ross River virus: the ecological underpinnings of the potential for transmission.

34 : Is there an association between dryland salinity and Ross River virus disease in southwestern Australia?

35 : Predictive indicators for Ross River virus infection in the Darwin area of tropical northern Australia, using long-term mosquito trapping data.

36 : Development of a predictive model for ross river virus disease in Brisbane, Australia.

37 : Clinical and pathologic aspects of arthritis due to Ross River virus and other alphaviruses.

38 : Ross River virus disease in two Dutch travellers returning from Australia, February to April 2015.

39 : A simulation model to estimate the risk of transfusion-transmitted arboviral infection.

40 : Ross River virus in Australian blood donors: possible implications for blood transfusion safety.

41 : Ross River virus: an Australian export?

42 : Transmission of Ross River virus by Aedes polynesiensis and Aedes aegypti.

43 : Mosquito isolates of Ross River virus from Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

44 : Culex gelidus: an emerging mosquito vector with potential to transmit multiple virus infections.

45 : Natural history of Ross River virus-induced epidemic polyarthritis.

46 : The seroprevalence and factors associated with Ross river virus infection in western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) in Western Australia.

47 : The environmental and ecological determinants of elevated Ross River Virus exposure in koalas residing in urban coastal landscapes.

48 : First evidence of concurrent enzootic and endemic transmission of Ross River virus in the absence of marsupial reservoirs in Fiji.

49 : Mosquito feeding patterns and natural infection of vertebrates with Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses in Brisbane, Australia.

50 : Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of mosquito-borne alphaviruses in horses in northern Queensland.

51 : Ross River Virus Infection of Horses: Appraisal of Ecological and Clinical Consequences.

52 : Associations Between Ross River Virus Infection in Humans and Vector-Vertebrate Community Ecology in Brisbane, Australia.

53 : House mouse abundance and Ross River virus notifications in Victoria, Australia.

54 : Epidemic host community contribution to mosquito-borne disease transmission: Ross River virus.

55 : Nucleocapsid and glycoprotein organization in an enveloped virus.

56 : Putative receptor binding sites on alphaviruses as visualized by cryoelectron microscopy.

57 : Experimental infection of Australian brushtail possums, Trichosurus vulpecula (Phalangeridae: Marsupialia), with Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses by use of a natural mosquito vector system.

58 : Antibody-dependent enhancement and persistence in macrophages of an arbovirus associated with arthritis.

59 : Genetic control of alphavirus pathogenesis.

60 : Ross River Virus Immune Evasion Strategies and the Relevance to Post-viral Fatigue, and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Onset.

61 : Cytokine polymorphisms have a synergistic effect on severity of the acute sickness response to infection.

62 : The severity of the pathogen-induced acute sickness response is affected by polymorphisms in genes of the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway.

63 : Identification and characterization of a ross river virus variant that grows persistently in macrophages, shows altered disease kinetics in a mouse model, and exhibits resistance to type I interferon.

64 : Decreased Virulence of Ross River Virus Harboring a Mutation in the First Cleavage Site of Nonstructural Polyprotein Is Caused by a Novel Mechanism Leading to Increased Production of Interferon-Inducing RNAs.

65 : Detection of viral ribonucleic acid and histologic analysis of inflamed synovium in Ross River virus infection.

66 : The exanthem of Ross River virus infection: histology, location of virus antigen and nature of inflammatory infiltrate.

67 : Immune complexes and Ross River virus disease (epidemic polyarthritis).

68 : Macrophage-induced muscle pathology results in morbidity and mortality for Ross River virus-infected mice.

69 : Increased Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels in Prolonged Arthralgia in Ross River Virus Infection.

70 : Epidemic polyarthritis and Ross River virus disease.

71 : Epidemic polyarthritis in northeastern Australia, 1978-1979.

72 : Purpuric exanthem caused by Ross River virus infection.

73 : The relationship between fatigue, psychological and immunological variables in acute infectious illness.

74 : Evidence for meningitis in Ross River virus infection.

75 : Ross River virus disease presenting with hematuria.

76 : Ross River virus arthritis in Papua New Guinea.

77 : A case of encephalitis in central Australia due to Ross River virus?

78 : Suspected Ross River virus encephalitis in Papua New Guinea.

79 : Evidence for transplacental transmission of Ross River virus in humans.

80 : Ross River virus disease in tropical Queensland: evolution of rheumatic manifestations in an inception cohort followed for six months.

81 : A comparison of the diseases caused by Ross River virus and Barmah Forest virus.

82 : Ross River virus infection on the North Coast of New South Wales.

83 : Barmah Forest virus epidemic on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia, 1994-1995: viruses, vectors, human cases, and environmental factors.

84 : Post-infective and chronic fatigue syndromes precipitated by viral and non-viral pathogens: prospective cohort study.

85 : Arboviruses related with chronic musculoskeletal symptoms.

86 : An outbreak of Barmah Forest virus disease in the south-west of Western Australia.

87 : Geographic variation of notified Ross River virus infections in Queensland, Australia, 1985-1996.

88 : An outbreak of Barmah Forest virus disease in Victoria.

89 : Socio-environmental predictors of Barmah forest virus transmission in coastal areas, Queensland, Australia.

90 : Self-reported morbidity of Barmah Forest virus infection on the north coast of New South Wales.

91 : Barmah Forest virus serology; implications for diagnosis and public health action.

92 : Specific IgA antibody response in Ross River virus infection.

93 : Sensitive detection of Ross River virus--a one-tube nested RT-PCR.

94 : Risks for Ross River virus disease in tropical Australia.

95 : Does mosquito control have an effect on mosquito-borne disease? The case of Ross River virus disease and mosquito management in Queensland, Australia.

96 : Emerging viral threats to the Australian blood supply.

97 : First reported case of transfusion-transmitted Ross River virus infection.

98 : Re-evaluating the residual risk of transfusion-transmitted Ross River virus infection.

99 : Molecular evolutionary dynamics of Ross River virus and implications for vaccine efficacy.

100 : The preclinical testing of a formaldehyde inactivated Ross River virus vaccine designed for use in humans.

101 : Ross River virus disease clinical presentation, pathogenesis and current therapeutic strategies.

102 : Evaluation of an inactivated Ross River virus vaccine in active and passive mouse immunization models and establishment of a correlate of protection.

103 : An inactivated Ross River virus vaccine is well tolerated and immunogenic in an adult population in a randomized phase 3 trial.