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Peritoneal equilibration test

Peritoneal equilibration test
Madhukar Misra, MD, FRCP
Ramesh Khanna, MD, FACP
Section Editor:
Thomas A Golper, MD
Deputy Editor:
Albert Q Lam, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jul 21, 2020.

INTRODUCTION — The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) is a semiquantitative assessment of peritoneal membrane transport function in patients on peritoneal dialysis [1,2]. The solute transport rates are assessed by the rates of their equilibration between the peritoneal capillary blood and dialysate. The ratio of solute concentrations in dialysate and plasma (D/P ratio) at specific times (t) during the dwell signifies the extent of solute equilibration. This ratio can be determined for any solute that is transported from the capillary blood to the dialysate. Creatinine, urea, electrolytes, phosphate, and proteins are the commonly tested solutes for clinical use.

Since glucose is absorbed from the dialysate to blood and very quickly metabolized, a conventional D/P ratio for glucose is meaningless. Instead, the fraction of glucose absorbed from the dialysate at specific times can be determined by the ratio of dialysate glucose concentrations at specific times (t) to the initial level in the dialysis solution (Dt/D0). The PET also helps measure ultrafiltration (UF) and residual volumes [3,4].

An overview of the PET is presented here. A detailed analysis of the utility of this examination in evaluating patients with inadequate clearances or UF is presented separately. (See "Inadequate solute clearance in peritoneal dialysis", section on 'Peritoneal equilibration test' and "Management of hypervolemia in peritoneal dialysis patients", section on 'Peritoneal equilibration test'.)

ELEMENTS OF THE PERITONEAL EQUILIBRATION TEST — The PET is a highly reproducible procedure consisting of a standardized four-hour dialysis exchange with a dialysis solution [5]. The test permits the comparison of multiple results in a patient over a long period of therapy; in addition, the results between patients within a center and between populations from different geographic locations may be compared.

The PET is standardized for the following elements [3]:

Duration of preceding exchange prior to the test

Inflow volume

Positions during inflow, drain, and dwell

Durations of inflow and drain

Sampling method and processing

Laboratory assays

It is extremely important to adhere to the standard test regimen [6,7]. In one study, variations in the performance of the preceding exchange prior to the test, such as utilizing a dry, tidal, or standard exchange, resulted in significantly different results [6]. There are data, however, to suggest that it is not mandatory to have a preceding dwell time of 12 hours [8]. Despite these data, we perform a PET after an overnight pre-exchange of 8 to 12 hours dwell time.

Among individual patients, the PET should always be done using the same dialysate so that longitudinal comparisons are possible. However, the use of conventional versus biocompatible dialysate does not appear to alter the interpretation of results [9].

Procedure — The standardized four-hour PET procedure consists of the following sequential steps:

An overnight 8 to 12 hour pre-exchange is performed.

While the patient is in an upright position, the overnight exchange is drained (drain time not to exceed 25 minutes).

Two liters of dialysis solution are infused over 10 minutes with the patient in the supine position. The patient is rolled from side to side after every 400 mL infusion.

After the completion of infusion (0 time) and at 120 minutes dwell time, 200 mL of dialysate is drained. A 10 mL sample is taken, and the remaining 190 mL is infused back into the peritoneal cavity.

During the four-hour dwell time, the patient is upright and allowed to freely ambulate.

A serum sample is obtained at 120 minutes.

At the end of the dwell (240 minutes), the dialysate is drained in the upright position (drain time not to exceed 20 minutes).

The drain volume is measured, and a 10 mL sample is taken from the drain.

All the samples are sent for solute measurement (creatinine, urea, and glucose).

The serum and dialysate creatinine concentrations are corrected for a high glucose level, which contributes to noncreatinine chromogens during the creatinine assay; however, a single glucose correction factor cannot be applied to both conventional and low glucose degradation product (GDP) solutions [10].

The Dt/D0 glucose and the dialysate to plasma (D/P) ratios for creatinine, urea, and others are calculated.

The standardized test for clinical utility measures dialysate creatinine and glucose levels at zero, two, and four hours of dwell and serum levels of creatinine and glucose at any time during the test. The extensive unabridged test, which was originally proposed by Twardowski et al, has become a very important research tool [3]. A simpler and less time-consuming version, called the "fast PET," exists, but this version is less popular due to several flaws [11].

Peritoneal transport characteristics obtained within the first month of initiating peritoneal dialysis may be relatively inaccurate. This was shown in a prospective study of 50 consecutive patients in whom the results of PETs obtained one and four weeks as well as one year after peritoneal dialysis commencement were compared [12]. Significant differences were observed between the one- and four-week tests in the measurement of D/P urea, D/P creatinine, and D/Do glucose; by comparison, there was general agreement between the four-week and one-year PET measurements.

In our program, we perform a PET test approximately one to two weeks after initiation of peritoneal dialysis therapy (which is three to four weeks after catheter insertion) to use as a baseline value. The test is repeated when clinical problems arise and when clinical suspicion of an alteration in membrane transport occurs (see below).

CLINICAL APPLICATIONS — The PET has several clinical applications, particularly the classification of peritoneal membrane function and the assessment of inadequate dialysis (table 1) [13].

Another approach to assessing peritoneal membrane status is the Peritoneal Dialysis Capacity (PDC) test, which utilizes the following three parameters:

An area parameter (A0/dX), which is equivalent to the dialysate to plasma (D/P) ratio for PET

JvR, which is the fluid reabsorption rate after glucose equilibrium is achieved

JvL, which is the large pore fluid flux

Although limited data suggest that the PDC test may help categorize the underlying cause of low ultrafiltration (UF) [14], further study is required to understand the possible role for this approach [15].

Peritoneal membrane function classification — The transport classifications for creatinine D/P and glucose D/D0 based upon averages, standard deviations, and minimal and maximum values over four hours are shown in the figure (figure 1). Drain volumes correlate positively with dialysate glucose and negatively with D/P creatinine at four-hour dwell times.

Peritoneal dialysis patients are classified as having one of the following peritoneal membrane function characteristics based upon the results of the PET:

High transporter (or fast transporter) – Defined as a creatinine D/P greater than +1 standard deviation (SD) from the mean or a glucose D/Do of less than -1 SD from the mean

Low transporter (or slow transporter) – Defined as a creatinine D/P of less than -1 SD from the mean or a glucose D/Do of greater than +1 SD from the mean

Average transporter – Defined as a creatinine D/P and a glucose D/Do of between +1 SD and -1 SD around the mean

In the original series, approximately two-thirds of patients had average transport rates on the baseline PET [11]. The remaining one-third consisted almost equally of high and low transporters. This distribution, however, may not be observed in all patient populations [16].

There appears to be an association between initial peritoneal transport status and certain clinical features, particularly age. This was best studied in a report of 3188 patients from Australia and New Zealand who initiated peritoneal dialysis between 1991 and 2002 and underwent a baseline PET within the first six months [17]. Upon multivariate analysis, a high transporter was associated with increased age (odds ratio [OR] 1.08 for each 10 years, 95% CI 1.03-1.13) and ethnicity (OR 1.48 for Maori and Pacific Islander racial origin, 95% CI 1.13-1.94). By comparison, this finding was not associated with sex, diabetes and other comorbid conditions, smoking, previous hemodialysis therapy or transplantation, or residual kidney function. A similar association between increasing age and high-transporter status at dialysis initiation was noted in a second, smaller study from Spain [18].

Almost 90 percent of properly conducted PETs show consistency in both ratios [19]. If there is discrepancy between the creatinine D/P and glucose D/D0, the test should be repeated. This discrepancy is often the result of elevated serum glucose levels. If serum glucose is elevated (>235 mg/dL), the classification should be based on D/P creatinine only [19].

Prediction of dialysis dose — The effective peritoneal dialysis dose is customarily measured by calculating the clearance of creatinine, which is the product of the D/P creatinine and the drain volume:

 Ccr  =  (D/P)  x  V

Solute clearance and UF vary with peritoneal membrane function:

Low transporter – The solute D/P ratio increases almost linearly during a long-dwell exchange in a low transporter. In addition, the ultrafiltrate (UF) continues to be generated late during the dwell. Clearance per exchange therefore increases almost linearly throughout the long-dwell exchange (figure 2).

High transporter – In high transporters, intraperitoneal volume begins to diminish after three to four hours since UF and solute equilibration peak early. The clearance per exchange begins to diminish beyond this time.

Average transporter – Peak clearances for average transporters are attained for approximately between 8 to 10 hours.

Selection of peritoneal dialysis regimen — Since the features of clearance and filtration vary significantly with membrane function, the optimal peritoneal dialysis regimen will differ according to transporter type (algorithm 1). (See "Evaluating patients for chronic peritoneal dialysis and selection of modality".)

Solute concentration in the effluent during an exchange is derived by both diffusive and convective transport, as well as by dilution from free water movement across aquaporin.

Low transporter – Because clearances continue to increase with time, low transporters are treated with long-dwell exchanges via continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) or continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis (CCPD). Due to the slow rate of increase in the D/P ratio, clearance per unit time is augmented relatively little by rapid exchange techniques such as nightly intermittent peritoneal dialysis (NIPD).

High transporter – The clearance per exchange over long dwell is less in patients with high transport rates. During the shorter dwell, high transporters capture maximum UF and completely equilibrate small solutes. These patients are therefore best treated with techniques using short-dwell exchanges, such as NIPD or daytime ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (DAPD). (See "Rapid transporters on maintenance peritoneal dialysis".)

Average transporter – Patients with average transport rates can be effectively treated with either short- or long-dwell exchange techniques.

Long-term monitoring of membrane function — Changes in the D/P ratio have been used by a number of researchers to monitor peritoneal membrane function over time. Since PET results and clearances are highly reproducible, a change over time of a transport rate as assessed by an alteration in the D/P ratio should indicate a transport rate change. However, long-term studies on peritoneal membrane function in peritoneal dialysis patients have reported variable results [20-22]. One analysis primarily including ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (APD) patients has shown that the D/P creatinine ratio is a strong predictor of outcomes (mortality and hospitalization) [23].

Diagnosis of membrane injury — Although many patients with acute peritonitis display altered peritoneal membrane function, it is not customary to perform a PET during or after an episode of peritonitis, since acute changes are usually reversible after recovery [24,25]. However, many patients with acute peritonitis require a change in their dialysis prescriptions due to the increased transport of both large and small solutes and reduced drain volumes [26,27]. The change in prescription usually involves increasing the glucose tonicity or shortening the dwell time to obtain improved UF. A discussion concerning the effect of peritonitis on the dialysis prescription can be found elsewhere. (See "Rapid transporters on maintenance peritoneal dialysis".)

Some severe peritonitis episodes result in irreversible membrane changes due to extensive intra-abdominal adhesions; these adhesions compromise solute and water transport due to reduced membrane fluid contact [28]. In this setting, the PET will show a low D/P creatinine ratio and drain volume [28]. The diagnosis is confirmed by computed tomography (CT) scan with intraperitoneal contrast [29] or by infusion of an intraperitoneal radioisotope and peritoneal scintigraphy [30].

Diagnosis of causes of inadequate ultrafiltration and solute clearance — The following is an overview of the use of PET in assessing the causes of inadequate UF and/or solute clearance. A detailed discussion of this subject is presented separately. (See "Inadequate solute clearance in peritoneal dialysis".)

Any patient who requires three or more 4.25 percent glucose dialysis solution exchanges to maintain dry weight is considered to have inadequate UF capacity. The diagnostic importance of the PET in determining the causes of inadequate UF is shown in the algorithm (algorithm 2). In this algorithm, it is assumed that every peritoneal dialysis patient has had a baseline PET performed at the time of training.

When a patient complains of fluid retention, the clinician should first ascertain that the drain volume is indeed reduced before performing another PET. Unchanged drain volume with fluid retention is seen with the loss of residual kidney function, excessive fluid intake, or noncompliance with the dialysis prescription.

If the drain volume is verifiably reduced, the clinician should repeat a PET, preferably with 4.25 percent dextrose (algorithm 2) [31]:

When PET results are unaltered from the baseline values, UF failure is due to either loss of dialysate outside the peritoneal cavity (excessive lymph absorption or dialysis solution leak into the abdominal wall or thoracic cavities) or failure to drain the dialysate because of catheter malfunction.

When PET results suggest that membrane transport (solute clearance) has increased, bacterial or chemical peritonitis should be suspected. If peritonitis is absent, the constellation of inadequate UF and increased solute clearance is termed type I membrane failure; this condition occurs in some patients in whom peritoneal dialysis has been continuous for prolonged periods and, as reported by some studies but not others, in some patients with frequent prior peritonitis episodes [32,33].

In type I membrane failure, the inability to generate sufficient UF is gradual and permanent. Patients report using an increasing percentage of hypertonic solutions to maintain dry body weight. Cycler dialysis with short-dwell exchanges may occasionally restore fluid balance. In some, temporary cessation of peritoneal dialysis may transiently restore UF capacity and allow remesotheliazation [33]. In others, however, sclerosing peritonitis (see below) develops after the switch to hemodialysis [34]. (See "Rapid transporters on maintenance peritoneal dialysis".)

Decreased solute and fluid removal with repeat PET is termed type II membrane failure. This condition may be due to severe, recurrent, or smoldering peritonitis, extensive adhesions resulting from previously severe peritonitis, or an extremely rare disorder, sclerosing encapsulated peritonitis (SEP). SEP is a progressive condition, which continues to evolve even after cessation of peritoneal dialysis. Progressive intra-abdominal adhesions may eventually lead to intestinal obstruction and death [35].

Serial PET studies in proven cases of sclerosing peritonitis suggest that SEP goes through several phases. The initial phase is similar to type I membrane failure (high-transport rates), which then progresses to type II membrane failure [35]. If peritoneal dialysis is discontinued in a timely manner, the initial phase is reversible. (See "Inadequate solute clearance in peritoneal dialysis".)

Diagnosis of early ultrafiltration failure — During the unabridged PET in normal patients, the sodium D/P curve typically exhibits an initial drop due to the high rate of UF. Because of sodium sieving, the UF is initially low in sodium. As a result, the dialysate sodium concentration is diminished, thereby resulting in a fall in the D/P sodium ratio. With the cessation of UF later during the dwell, dialysate sodium tends to equilibrate with that of capillary blood, thereby returning the D/P sodium to baseline. Absence of the initial drop of D/P sodium is therefore an indication of UF failure, a finding typically observed in the early phase of SEP [36]. UF failure, if present at the time of start of peritoneal dialysis, is due to a disorder of free water transport as well as small-pore UF. Improvement in UF failure in such patients is linked to improvement in small pore-mediated water transport [37].

To best assess UF failure, some recommend that a modified PET be performed, rather than the standard PET [38]. The modified test replaces the 2.5 percent dextrose solution with a 4.25 percent dextrose solution, resulting in a maximal osmotic drive [39]. With this test, failure is defined as a UF volume of less than 400 mL after a four-hour dwell with 2 liters of 4.25 percent dextrose (3.86 percent glucose). (See "Management of hypervolemia in peritoneal dialysis patients".)

Assessing the influence of systemic disease on peritoneal membrane function — Several reports have indicated conflicting peritoneal membrane patterns for certain systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and amyloidosis.


The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) is a semiquantitative assessment of peritoneal membrane transport function in patients on peritoneal dialysis. The ratio of solute concentrations in dialysate and plasma (D/P ratio) at specific times (t) during the dwell signifies the extent of solute equilibration. (See 'Introduction' above.)

The PET is a highly reproducible procedure consisting of a standardized four-hour dialysis exchange with a dialysis solution. It is standardized for key elements of the procedure. The standardized test for clinical utility measures dialysate creatinine and glucose levels at zero, two, and four hours of dwell and serum levels of creatinine and glucose at any time during the test. We perform a PET approximately one to two weeks after initiation of peritoneal dialysis therapy to use as a baseline value. (See 'Elements of the peritoneal equilibration test' above.)

The PET has a number of clinical applications. It is principally used to classify peritoneal membrane function and assess the reasons possibly underlying inadequate dialysis or ultrafiltration (UF). To best assess UF failure, some recommend that a modified PET be performed rather than the standard PET. It is not customary to perform a PET during or after an episode of peritonitis, since acute changes are usually reversible after recovery. (See 'Clinical applications' above.)


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Topic 1972 Version 21.0


1 : The standard peritoneal permeability analysis: a tool for the assessment of peritoneal permeability characteristics in CAPD patients.

2 : Peritoneal dialysis.

3 : Peritoneal equilibration test

4 : Analysis of ultrafiltration failure in peritoneal dialysis patients by means of standard peritoneal permeability analysis.

5 : Reproducibility of the peritoneal equilibration test in CAPD patients.

6 : Influence of the preceding exchange on peritoneal equilibration test results: a prospective study.

7 : A preceding exchange with polyglucose versus glucose solution modifies peritoneal equilibration test results.

8 : Short peritoneal equilibration test: impact of preceding dwell time.

9 : Peritoneal equilibration test with conventional 'low pH/high glucose degradation product' or with biocompatible 'normal pH/low glucose degradation product' dialysates: does it matter?

10 : Modification of the glucose correction factor by peritoneal dialysis solution type in the peritoneal equilibration test.

11 : The fast peritoneal equilibration test

12 : A comparison of peritoneal equilibration tests performed 1 and 4 weeks after PD commencement.

13 : The clinical interpretation of peritoneal equilibration test.

14 : The personal dialysis capacity test is superior to the peritoneal equilibration test to discriminate inflammation as the cause of fast transport status in peritoneal dialysis patients.

15 : Peritoneal inflammation and high transport status.

16 : Re-evaluation of solute transport groups using the peritoneal equilibration test.

17 : Predictors of baseline peritoneal transport status in Australian and New Zealand peritoneal dialysis patients.

18 : Ultrafiltration and small solute transport at initiation of PD: questioning the paradigm of peritoneal function.

19 : Understanding discrepancies in peritoneal equilibration test results.

20 : Peritoneal transport characteristics of water, low-molecular weight solutes and proteins during long-term continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

21 : Peritoneal transport characteristics of water, low-molecular weight solutes and proteins during long-term continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

22 : Peritoneal transport characteristics of water, low-molecular weight solutes and proteins during long-term continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

23 : Peritoneal Equilibration Test and Patient Outcomes.

24 : Solute transport and ultrafiltration during peritonitis in CAPD patients

25 : Alterations in the peritoneal transport of water and solutes during peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients.

26 : Peritoneal dialysis during peritonitis.

27 : Peritoneal dialysis during peritonitis.

28 : Peritoneal dialysis during peritonitis.

29 : Computerized tomography CT in the diagnosis of subcutaneous leak sites during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)

30 : Colloid peritoneoscintigraphy in complications of CAPD

31 : Comparison of a 2.5% and a 4.25% dextrose peritoneal equilibration test.

32 : Peritoneal transport in CAPD patients with permanent loss of ultrafiltration capacity.

33 : Peritoneal resting and heparinization as an effective treatment for ultrafiltration failure in patients on CAPD.

34 : Peritoneal membrane failure as a determinant of the CAPD future. An epidemiological, functional and pathological study.

35 : Peritoneal permeability and encapsulating peritonitis.

36 : A 39-year-old man with loss of ultrafiltration.

37 : Analysis of Ultrafiltration Failure Diagnosed at the Initiation of Peritoneal Dialysis with the Help of Peritoneal Equilibration Tests with Complete Drainage at Sixty Minutes. A Longitudinal Study.

38 : Evaluation and management of ultrafiltration problems in peritoneal dialysis. International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis Ad Hoc Committee on Ultrafiltration Management in Peritoneal Dialysis.

39 : Peritoneal transport assessment by peritoneal equilibration test with 3.86% glucose: a long-term prospective evaluation.