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Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy

Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy
Jan T Kielstein, MD, FASN, FERA
Thomas A Golper, MD
Section Editors:
Jeffrey S Berns, MD
Paul M Palevsky, MD
Deputy Editor:
Albert Q Lam, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: May 29, 2020.

INTRODUCTION — Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is commonly required in patients with severe acute kidney injury (AKI). Acute RRTs include standard intermittent hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRTs), and hybrid therapies such as prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapies (PIRRTs).

This topic reviews PIRRT in AKI. CRRTs are discussed elsewhere. (See "Continuous kidney replacement therapy in acute kidney injury" and "Anticoagulation for continuous kidney replacement therapy" and "Drug removal in continuous renal replacement therapy".)

Standard intermittent hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis for AKI are discussed elsewhere. (See "Kidney replacement therapy (dialysis) in acute kidney injury in adults: Indications, timing, and dialysis dose" and "Use of peritoneal dialysis (PD) for the treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI) in adults".)

DEFINITION AND INDICATIONS FOR PIRRT — PIRRT is a hybrid treatment that provides RRT for an extended period of time (ie, 6 to 18 hours) but is intermittent (at least three times per week) [1]. PIRRT includes both convective (ie, hemofiltration) and diffusive (ie, hemodialysis) therapies, depending on the method of solute removal [1].

Other terms used to describe PIRRT include sustained low-efficiency (daily) dialysis (SLED or SLEDD), sustained low-efficiency (daily) diafiltration (SLEDD-f), extended daily dialysis (EDD), slow continuous dialysis (SCD), go slow dialysis, and accelerated venovenous hemofiltration (AVVH) or hemodiafiltration (AVVHDF) [2-5].

The indication for PIRRT is dialysis-requiring acute kidney injury (AKI) in a patient who is too hemodynamically unstable to tolerate standard intermittent hemodialysis. In most institutions, standard intermittent hemodialysis (eg, four hours of hemodialysis, three times weekly) is the preferred modality for hemodynamically stable patients with severe AKI. Continuous RRT (CRRT) is preferred to standard intermittent hemodialysis for hemodynamically unstable patients, particularly in the setting of large, ongoing fluid administration.

PIRRT is an alternative to CRRT for hemodynamically unstable patients, although the evidence is weak [2,6-12]. Similar to CRRT, blood pressures are more stable on PIRRT compared with standard intermittent RRT because the rate of solute and fluid removal is slower [4]. Metabolic control is comparable with CRRT [13-15], and mortality with PIRRT appears to be comparable with other forms of RRT, including CRRT in critically ill patients with AKI [16-19]. Moreover, a time-series analysis of three intensive care units (ICUs) from three different countries showed that a change from CRRT to PIRRT was not associated with a change in mortality risk [20], even when accounting for patient illness severity and underlying trends for improvement in mortality rates of AKI patients over time [21-23].

PIRRT is useful if the patient requires multiple procedures that would interrupt CRRT [2-5,24-28]. In order to deliver an adequate dialysis dose, CRRT needs to be operating with as few interruptions as possible over 24 hours. Because PIRRT incorporates scheduled time off dialysis (and off anticoagulation, which is often required for both CRRT and PIRRT) procedures may be performed without compromising the dialysis dose.

In some institutions, PIRRT is used to transition patients from CRRT to standard intermittent hemodialysis as hemodynamic stability improves. PIRRT allows for greater mobilization and rehabilitation of patients because of scheduled time off dialysis [29].

We use CRRT rather than intermittent hemodialysis, including PIRRT, for patients with acute brain injury or other causes of increased intracranial pressure who have AKI [30]. This is because intermittent hemodialysis is more likely to worsen cerebral edema via a decrease in mean arterial pressure (which causes compensatory cerebral vasodilation) and via a rapid removal of urea resulting in a shift of water to the intracellular space. Limited data, however, suggest that PIRRT is safe for such patients [31-35].

DIALYSIS MACHINES AND HEMODIALYZERS — PIRRT can be performed on most machines that are used for standard intermittent hemodialysis. Machines used for PIRRT should have the capability to run at low blood and dialysate flow rates. Some machines are designed specifically for PIRRT and have specific capabilities for solute removal by convection, diffusion, or both [1]. Modern hemodialysis machines used for PIRRT are one-half to one-third the price of machines specifically designed for continuous RRT (CRRT).

Standard extracorporeal circuit tubing and hemodialyzers are used for PIRRT. We generally use high-flux dialyzers. Other membranes may result in lower clearance [36]. (See "Biochemical mechanisms involved in blood-hemodialysis membrane interactions", section on 'Composition of dialysis membranes'.)

High-cutoff dialyzers have been studied in PIRRT. High-cutoff dialyzers use a membrane that allows clearance of larger solutes compared with high-flux membranes. PIRRT with high-cutoff membranes may provide better clearance of middle molecules, but the clinical significance of this is not known [37].

VASCULAR ACCESS — A nontunneled or tunneled dialysis catheter in a central vein is the preferred access for PIRRT, even among end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients who have an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) or graft (AVG). (See "Central catheters for acute and chronic hemodialysis access and their management".)

We do not routinely use the AVG/AVF for PIRRT, because the prolonged placement of needles during PIRRT increases the risk of bleeding or injury to the AVG/AVF. However, if there is specific training and careful oversight, AVFs and AVGs may be used if central access cannot be obtained or is not feasible (as for a patient who is anticipated to have only a short stay in the intensive care unit [ICU]) [38]. Among such patients, the AVF/AVG should be closely monitored to make sure the needles are not dislodged during the prolonged treatment [1]. The use of cutaneous or surface blood detectors over the needles is common when AVFs or AVGs are used in this setting.

PRESCRIPTION — For each session, the prescription should specify the time on dialysis, the dialysate composition and flow rate, the ultrafiltration goal and rate, the blood flow rate, and the method of anticoagulation, if any.

Session length — PIRRT should be performed at least three times per week to provide an adequate dialysis dose. The time per session ranges from 6 to 18 hours but is typically approximately eight hours. The length of the dialysis session depends on the needs of the patient (usually the volume that needs to be removed) and hemodynamic stability.

The time per individual session is often determined after assessing the patient response to the initial ultrafiltration rate (fluid removal per hour). As an example, for a severely volume-overloaded patient who requires the removal of large amount of fluid but is hemodynamically unstable, the ultrafiltration rate should be set as low as possible initially and gradually increased until the maximum tolerable ultrafiltration rate is determined by trial and error. The ultrafiltration goal (ie, desired amount of fluid to be removed in the session) is divided by the maximum tolerable ultrafiltration rate to determine the session length.

The dialysis time may also be determined by other nondialysis-related factors such as scheduling of procedures.

Dialysate composition — Dialysate for PIRRT is either generated on-line, mixed from prepackaged salts prior to the treatment, or provided by the dialysis company as prepackaged fluid [39-43].

The optimal dialysate composition varies based on the anticipated duration of treatment. In general, when the duration of PIRRT is eight hours or more, the dialysate solution generally contains the following:

Potassium of 4 mEq/L

Bicarbonate of 24 to 28 mEq/L

Calcium of 2.5 to 3.0 mEq/L

When the duration of PIRRT is less than eight hours, the dialysate solution generally contains the following:

Potassium of 3 mEq/L

Bicarbonate of 28 to 32 mEq/L

Calcium of 2 to 3.5 mEq/L

Other constituents (such as sodium and glucose) do not change with duration of treatment.

Several vendors produce a commercially available dialysate that uses citric instead of acetic acid in the acid concentrate, although it is used infrequently. Citrate use has been reported to decrease extracorporeal circuit clotting during intermittent hemodialysis [44,45]. However, there are insufficient published data to recommend the use of citrate dialysate for this purpose.

Dialysate flow rate — The dialysate flow rate ranges from 100 to 300 mL/min. We use a higher flow rate, at least initially, for patients with severe acidosis or electrolyte abnormalities since a higher dialysis flow rate allows better solute clearance. However, the dialysate flow rate is also adjusted for the anticipated duration of the session since there is a finite amount of dialysate volume available per session (which is preset by the dialysis machine or by the packaging of dialysate fluid).

As an example, we initially use a dialysate flow rate of 300 mL/min for individuals with severe acidosis or hyperkalemia. We decrease the dialysate flow rate to 100 or 200 mL/min if the anticipated session length is increased to ≥8 hours, whereas we continue to use a dialysate flow rate of 300 mL/min if the session is expected to be <8 hours.

As noted, the session time is influenced by tolerance to ultrafiltration, and unstable patients who do not tolerate the initially set ultrafiltration rate often have the session time lengthened after starting PIRRT (see 'Session length' above). In such patients, the dialysate flow rate must be decreased so that there is a sufficient supply of dialysate to last the entire session since some machines allow only 90 liters of dialysate per session (90 L/10 hours = QD 150 mL/min). Similarly, a jug of dialysate concentrate will last approximately six hours at a QD of 300 mL/min but 18 hours at a QD of 100 mL/min.

The dialysate flow rates used with PIRRT are lower than those used with standard intermittent hemodialysis (usually approximately 500 mL/min). The rate of solute removal achieved with low dialysate flow rates has been studied in the setting of continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis and to some extent in slow daily hemodialysis [46]. The ratio of dialysate flow rate to blood flow rate is a major determinant of dialysate saturation, such that the lower the ratio, the greater the saturation. This is relevant when dialysate is the scarce commodity. The degree to which dialysate is saturated with urea (expressed as the percentage ratio of dialysate urea nitrogen to blood urea nitrogen [DUN/BUN]) determines the efficacy of the treatment. Up to a QD of 30 to 50 mL/min, the DUN/BUN approaches 100 percent, implying complete saturation of dialysate with urea [47].

At these low flow rates, diffusive urea clearance is numerically equal to, and therefore limited by, dialysate flow. However, increasing QD above these rates leads to proportionally decreasing gains in urea clearance as the DUN/BUN progressively falls, although this is also dependent upon blood flow [47].

This phenomenon is illustrated in the figure (figure 1), where urea clearances were studied in an in vitro system of continuous venovenous hemodialysis (CVVHD) under conditions of different blood and dialysate flows. The flattening of the curves describes the conditions where increases in blood flow rate do not enhance clearance. The greater the dialysate flow rate, the less likely the plateau will occur [48,49].

Large differences in the technical success or patient outcomes of different dialysate flow rates in PIRRT have not been shown.

Ultrafiltration goal — The ultrafiltration goal is the amount of fluid that the clinician wishes to remove during the treatment session. The ultrafiltration goal generally varies between 0 and 6 L per treatment, with an average of approximately 3 L. The goal is determined by the volume status, the patient's ongoing fluid requirement (eg, enteral or total parenteral nutrition and intravenous antibiotics) and the cumulative fluid accumulation since the intensive care unit (ICU) admission [50].

Volume overload should be expressed in relative terms (eg, 5 or 10 percent over the body weight on admission) and in absolute terms (eg, +3.7 L). Using absolute terms alone may be misleading since the clinical impact of an absolute volume excess of 3.7 liters would be different in a 120 kg or 42 kg patient.

Volume status is determined in part by physical examination, hemodynamic indices, and with the use of other invasive and noninvasive techniques. (See "Acute hemodialysis prescription", section on 'Ultrafiltration'.)

Ultrafiltration rate — The rate is the amount of fluid removed per hour. Ideally, ultrafiltration rate is normalized to weight, such mL/kg/hour.

The rate is determined by hemodynamic stability and the urgency to remove excess fluid. Setting the initial ultrafiltration rate requires clinical judgment. Among hemodynamic unstable patients, we start with a little as 50 mL/hour and increase over time. Among patients who are severely volume overloaded but have a stable blood pressure, we will start with a much higher ultrafiltration rate in order to prevent intubation.

Among volume-overloaded patients, we continue the maximum ultrafiltration rate that is tolerated by the patient and set the treatment time accordingly. (See 'Session length' above.)

Blood flow — We use the highest blood flow (QB) that the catheter will allow (generally 300 to 400 mL/min). Higher blood flows may prevent clotting of the extracorporeal circuit tubings and hemodialyzers. High blood flows do not worsen hemodynamic instability.

We do not increase the blood flow to increase clearance, particularly if the dialysate flow rate is low. With low dialysate flow rates, increasing the blood flow does not have a large effect on solute clearance, since dialysate is saturated (figure 1).

Anticoagulation — We generally use anticoagulation to prevent clotting of the extracorporeal system [8]. However some clinicians choose to not use anticoagulation in all patients, at least initially. Better clinical outcomes have not been shown with anticoagulation versus no anticoagulation in PIRRT.

Methods of anticoagulation include systemic unfractionated heparin and regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA). The approach varies among institutions and between the authors of this topic. Both approaches are described:

Heparin – One approach is to use heparin in all patients unless there is a contraindication (generally bleeding). We give heparin 1000 to 2000 unit bolus (15 to 20 units/kg), followed by an infusion of 500 to 1000 units/hour to keep the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) 10 to 20 seconds above or 1.5 times the upper limit of the normal range [2,8,51-54].

An alternate approach is to administer an initial bolus of 1000 to 2000 units (15 to 20 units/kg) followed by a continuous infusion of 2 to 5 units/mL of heparin in 0.9 percent saline solution administered at 7.5 units/kg/hour. The excess fluid administered with this method is accounted for in the total ultrafiltration goal for the dialysis session. With this regimen, we aim for aPTT of 35 to 50 seconds, unless the patient has recurrent clotting. If a patient develops recurrent clotting, then the aPTT goal is gradually increased, to balance the risk of recurrent clotting and bleeding.

If there is a contraindication to heparin, we attempt PIRRT without anticoagulation. If treatments are repeatedly interrupted because of clotting of the extracorporeal system, we use regional citrate anticoagulation [13,55,56]. (See "Anticoagulation for the hemodialysis procedure" and "Anticoagulation for continuous kidney replacement therapy".)

Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) – An alternative approach is to use RCA in all patients. RCA is a safe method of anticoagulation in almost all ICU patients [57]. In a study including 282 patients on PIRRT, citrate anticoagulation using a 30 percent citrate solution was superior to heparin in preventing severe bleeding and circuit clotting [58].

We use low-calcium dialysate (0 to 1 mmol/L [56]) and infuse a 3 or 4 percent sodium citrate solution into the arterial line of the extracorporeal circuit. The citrate infusion is adjusted to target postfilter ionized calcium concentration of 0.5 to 0.7 mmol/L [59-61].

There should be routine surveillance of the citrate infusions and routine laboratory monitoring during PIRRT. We check the blood calcium after 30 and 120 minutes and then at hours 4, 8, and 12 during treatment. We give intravenous calcium if the ionized calcium is <0.9 mmol/L. (See "Treatment of hypocalcemia", section on 'Intravenous calcium dosing'.)

PIRRT with citrate anticoagulation may cause hypernatremia and metabolic alkalosis. Hypernatremia and metabolic alkalosis can be corrected by lowering the dialysate sodium and bicarbonate concentrations, respectively, by increasing the dialysate flow rate, or adding an infusion of 0.45 percent saline.

DRUG DOSING — Drug clearance can be considerable with PIRRT [62-65]. Dosing decisions need to be made on an individual basis depending on drug characteristics [66]. Only antibiotics have been specifically studied [67-85]. As for other forms of RRT, anticancer drugs have only been anecdotally studied [86,87].

MONITORING FOR ADEQUACY OF TREATMENT — We check daily labs including blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, electrolytes, ionized calcium, and phosphate in order to determine whether an adequate amount dialysis is being delivered.

We generally do not perform urea clearance tests (ie, urea reduction ratio or Kt/V) unless daily labs suggest inadequate dialysis (such as persistently elevated BUN or creatinine despite treatment). The Kt/V may not provide an accurate measure of dialysis adequacy in PIRRT [88]. (See "Prescribing and assessing adequate hemodialysis".)

Monitoring and adjustment of the dialysis prescription is usually done in collaboration between the nephrologist and intensive care unit (ICU) staff [89]. In one model, PIRRT is prescribed by a nephrologist after discussion of the treatment goals for the day with the intensivist. The treatment is initiated and ended by the dialysis nurse but supervised by both dialysis and intensive care nurses, who also adjust treatment settings such as ultrafiltration rate to the (changing) clinical condition [89]. There are many possible practice models in different institutions, however.

COMPLICATIONS — The major complications of PIRRT are hypotension and abnormalities in serum electrolytes, albumin, calcium, and phosphate.

Hypotension — PIRRT is generally well tolerated [90,91]. In some series, a minor, temporary increase in inotrope dose may occur, particularly in the sickest patients who have been hemodynamically unstable prior to starting dialysis [8,51]. In the literature as a whole, between 0 and 7 percent of patients were reported to have discontinued hybrid treatment because of intractable hypotension. However, most of these patients were also subsequently unsupportable on continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) [13,51].

The most rigorous assessment of hemodynamic stability during hybrid treatments is from a randomized, controlled trial that compared CRRT with PIRRT among 39 critically ill patients [54]. There was no significant difference between treatments in inotrope dose or number.

Abnormalities of electrolytes, calcium, and phosphate — Electrolyte concentrations are usually maintained within normal limits.

Hypophosphatemia commonly occurs with prolonged or frequent PIRRT and requires phosphate supplementation [13,51]. We treat hypophosphatemia with intravenous phosphate. (See "Hypophosphatemia: Evaluation and treatment", section on 'Intravenous dosing'.)

PIRRT with regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) may cause metabolic alkalosis [59] and hypernatremia.

Albumin and amino acid losses — Albumin removal is negligible during PIRRT. However, amino acid removal, particularly glutamine, may be significant, depending upon the PIRRT regimen [92,93] and the dialyzer used for PIRRT [94]. Protein intake may need to be increased during PIRRT. (See "Nutrition support in critically ill patients: An overview".)

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Dialysis".)


Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy (PIRRT) provides intermittent dialysis with long session durations. Solute and fluid removal are slower than with standard intermittent hemodialysis but faster than with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). PIRRT allows for time for procedures without compromising the dialysis dose. PIRRT also allows greater mobilization and rehabilitation of patients. (See 'Definition and indications for PIRRT' above.)

PIRRT can be performed on most machines that are used for intermittent hemodialysis. Machines used for PIRRT should have the capability to run at low blood and dialysate flow rates. (See 'Dialysis machines and hemodialyzers' above.)

The preferred access for PIRRT is a dialysis catheter in a central vein. Among end-stage kidney disease patients, we generally do not use the arteriovenous fistula (AVF) or graft (AVG), even if available, because of the risk of bleeding or injury. However, if there is specific training and careful oversight, AVFs and AVGs may be used, particularly if central access cannot be obtained or is not feasible (as for a patient who is expected to have only a short stay in the intensive care unit [ICU]). Cutaneous blood leak monitors over needle placement sites are commonly used to improve safety. (See 'Vascular access' above.)

PIRRT is performed at least three times per week. The time per session is typically approximately eight hours and ranges from 6 to 18 hours depending on the needs of the patient and tolerance to ultrafiltration. The dialysis time may also be determined by other nondialysis-related factors such as scheduling of procedures. Our prescription is defined above. (See 'Prescription' above.)

To assess that adequate dialysis is being delivered, we check daily labs including blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, electrolytes, ionized calcium, and phosphate. We do not perform urea clearance tests (ie, urea reduction ratio or Kt/V) unless daily labs suggest inadequate dialysis (such as persistently elevated BUN or creatinine). (See "Prescribing and assessing adequate hemodialysis".)

The major complications of PIRRT are hypotension and hypophosphatemia. There may be loss of albumin and amino acids, requiring adjustment of protein intake. (See 'Complications' above.)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT — The UpToDate editorial staff acknowledges Mark R Marshall, MD, who contributed to earlier versions of this topic review.


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Topic 1903 Version 32.0


1 : Prolonged Intermittent Renal Replacement Therapy.

2 : Prolonged daily intermittent renal replacement therapy in ICU patients by ICU nurses and ICU physicians.

3 : Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit.

4 : Hybrid renal replacement modalities for the critically ill.

5 : Low-efficiency acute renal replacement therapy: role in acute kidney injury.

6 : Sustained low-efficiency daily dialysis with hemofiltration for acute kidney injury in the presence of sepsis.

7 : Sustained low-efficiency dialysis in the ICU: cost, anticoagulation, and solute removal.

8 : Sustained low-efficiency daily diafiltration (SLEDD-f) for critically ill patients requiring renal replacement therapy: towards an adequate therapy.

9 : Sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED) with prostacyclin in critically ill patients with acute renal failure.

10 : Accelerated venovenous hemofiltration: early technical and clinical experience.

11 : The Hannover Dialysis Outcome study: comparison of standard versus intensified extended dialysis for treatment of patients with acute kidney injury in the intensive care unit.

12 : [Hybrid or continuous renal replacement techniques for unstable haemodynamic patients in the intensive care unit].

13 : Extended daily dialysis vs. continuous hemodialysis for ICU patients with acute renal failure: a two-year single center report.

14 : Urea kinetics during sustained low-efficiency dialysis in critically ill patients requiring renal replacement therapy.

15 : Solute kinetics during extended daily hemodialysis in the intensive care unit (ICU)

16 : Acute renal failure in the intensive care unit: a systematic review of the impact of dialytic modality on mortality and renal recovery.

17 : Continuous versus intermittent renal replacement therapy: a meta-analysis.

18 : Renal replacement therapy in patients with acute renal failure: a systematic review.

19 : Effect of renal replacement therapy modalities on renal recovery and mortality for acute kidney injury: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis.

20 : Mortality rate comparison after switching from continuous to prolonged intermittent renal replacement for acute kidney injury in three intensive care units from different countries.

21 : Declining mortality in patients with acute renal failure, 1988 to 2002.

22 : Has mortality from acute renal failure decreased? A systematic review of the literature.

23 : Prognosis for long-term survival and renal recovery in critically ill patients with severe acute renal failure: a population-based study.

24 : Extended daily dialysis in acute kidney injury patients: metabolic and fluid control and risk factors for death.

25 : Impact of dialysis practice patterns on outcomes in acute kidney injury in Intensive Care Unit.

26 : Management of renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: a survey of practitioner prescribing practices.

27 : Practice patterns in the management of acute renal failure in the critically ill patient: an international survey.

28 : International survey on the management of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients: year 2007.

29 : Current state of the art for renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury.

30 : Continuous Dialysis Therapies: Core Curriculum 2016.

31 : Automated regional citrate anticoagulation: technological barriers and possible solutions.

32 : Improvement of cerebral blood flow patterns in hepatorenal syndrome using sustained low-efficiency dialysis.

33 : [Hybrid technologies of renal replacement therapy in the treatment of multiple organ failure in cardiosurgical patients].

34 : [Sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED) in patients with prevalent systolic heart failure refractory to medical treatment and with chronic renal failure].

35 : [Long-term sustained low efficiency dialysis in eight patients with class IV NYHA heart failure resistant to high-dose diuretic treatment].

36 : Dialysate and blood flow dependence of diffusive solute clearance during CVVHD.

37 : New high-cutoff dialyzer allows improved middle molecule clearance without an increase in albumin loss: a clinical crossover comparison in extended dialysis.

38 : Safety of arteriovenous fistulae and grafts for continuous renal replacement therapy: The Michigan experience.

39 : Dialysate partitioning in the Genius batch hemodialysis system: effect of temperature and solute concentration.

40 : Studies on dialysate mixing in the Genius single-pass batch system for hemodialysis therapy.

41 : Efficiency of the Genius batch hemodialysis system with low serum solute concentrations: the case of lithium intoxication therapy.

42 : The NxStage System One.

43 : Continuous renal replacement techniques.

44 : Heparin-free hemodialysis with citrate-containing dialysate in intensive care patients

45 : Citrate-containing dialysate is well tolerated during slow extended daily dialysis in the ICU

46 : Solute transport in continuous hemodialysis: a new treatment for acute renal failure.

47 : Transport characteristics of the slow therapies: implications for achieving adequacy of dialysis in acute renal failure.

48 : Slow continuous hemodialysis--new therapy for acute renal failure in critically ill patients--Part 1. Theoretical consideration and new technique.

49 : Slow continuous hemodialysis--new therapy for acute renal failure in critically ill patients--Part 2. Animal experiments and clinical implication.

50 : Fluid balance and mortality in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: a multicenter prospective epidemiological study.

51 : Sustained low-efficiency dialysis for critically ill patients requiring renal replacement therapy.

52 : Extended daily dialysis: A new approach to renal replacement for acute renal failure in the intensive care unit.

53 : Extended daily veno-venous high-flux haemodialysis in patients with acute renal failure and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome using a single path batch dialysis system.

54 : Efficacy and cardiovascular tolerability of extended dialysis in critically ill patients: a randomized controlled study.

55 : Safety of regional citrate anticoagulation for continuous sustained low efficiency dialysis (C-SLED) in critically ill patients.

56 : Safety and efficacy of regional citrate anticoagulation during 8-hour sustained low-efficiency dialysis.

57 : Safety and efficacy of regional citrate anticoagulation in continuous venovenous hemodialysis in the presence of liver failure: the Liver Citrate Anticoagulation Threshold (L-CAT) observational study.

58 : A novel citrate-based protocol versus heparin anticoagulation for sustained low-efficiency dialysis in the ICU: safety, efficacy, and cost.

59 : A simple, safe and effective citrate anticoagulation protocol for the genius dialysis system in acute renal failure.

60 : Citrate anticoagulation protocol for slow extended hemodialysis with the Genius dialysis system in acute renal failure.

61 : Sodium citrate anticoagulation during sustained low efficiency dialysis (SLED) in patients with acute renal failure and severely impaired liver function.

62 : Antibiotic dosing in slow extended daily dialysis.

63 : Filtering out important considerations for developing drug-dosing regimens in extended daily dialysis.

64 : Antibiotic dosing during sustained low-efficiency dialysis: special considerations in adult critically ill patients.

65 : Sustained low efficiency dialysis allows rational renal replacement therapy, but does it allow rational drug dosing?

66 : Harmonizing antibiotic regimens with renal replacement therapy.

67 : Experience with vancomycin in patients receiving slow low-efficiency dialysis

68 : Removal of linezolid by conventional intermittent hemodialysis, sustained low-efficiency dialysis, or continuous venovenous hemofiltration in patients with acute renal failure.

69 : Pharmacokinetics and Elimination of Moxifloxacin in Intensive Care Unit Patients Undergoing Extended Daily Dialysis

70 : Effects of slowly performed daytime hemodialysis (slow HD) on the pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in hemodynamically unstable patients with renal failure.

71 : Pharmacokinetics and total elimination of meropenem and vancomycin in intensive care unit patients undergoing extended daily dialysis.

72 : Pharmacokinetics of ertapenem in critically ill patients with acute renal failure undergoing extended daily dialysis.

73 : Elimination of daptomycin in a patient with acute renal failure undergoing extended daily dialysis.

74 : Extended daily dialysis does not affect the pharmacokinetics of anidulafungin.

75 : Sulphobutylether-beta-cyclodextrin accumulation in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury treated with intravenous voriconazole under extended daily dialysis.

76 : Linezolid levels in a patient with biliary tract sepsis, severe hepatic failure and acute kidney injury on sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED).

77 : Pharmacokinetics of moxifloxacin and levofloxacin in intensive care unit patients who have acute renal failure and undergo extended daily dialysis.

78 : Meropenem removal in critically ill patients undergoing sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED).

79 : Removal of vancomycin in sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED): a need for better surveillance and dosing.

80 : Pharmacokinetic profiles of intravenous imipenem/cilastatin during slow hemodialysis in critically ill patients.

81 : A serial application study on twice daily dose of imipenem/cilastatin in patients undergoing slow hemodialysis.

82 : Pharmacokinetics of linezolid in septic patients with and without extended dialysis.

83 : Risk of underdosing of ampicillin/sulbactam in patients with acute kidney injury undergoing extended daily dialysis--a single case.

84 : Higher renal replacement therapy dose delivery influences on drug therapy.

85 : Single- and multiple-dose pharmacokinetics and total removal of colistin in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury undergoing prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy.

86 : Enhanced elimination of cyclophosphamide by high cut-off haemodialysis: single-dose pharmacokinetics in a patient with cast nephropathy.

87 : Dialysate concentration and pharmacokinetics of 2F-Ara-A in a patient with acute renal failure.

88 : Impact of hemodialysis duration on the removal of uremic retention solutes.

89 : Technology Insight: treatment of renal failure in the intensive care unit with extended dialysis.

90 : The hemodynamic tolerability and feasibility of sustained low efficiency dialysis in the management of critically ill patients with acute kidney injury.

91 : Extended daily on-line high-volume haemodiafiltration in septic multiple organ failure: a well-tolerated and feasible procedure.

92 : Amino acid losses and nitrogen balance during slow diurnal hemodialysis in critically ill patients with renal failure.

93 : Amino acid losses during sustained low efficiency dialysis (SLED)

94 : Removal characteristics and total dialysate content of glutamine and other amino acids in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury undergoing extended dialysis.