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Pediatric prevention of adult cardiovascular disease: Promoting a healthy lifestyle and identifying at-risk children

Pediatric prevention of adult cardiovascular disease: Promoting a healthy lifestyle and identifying at-risk children
Jacob C Hartz, MD, MPH
Sarah D de Ferranti, MD, MPH
Section Editor:
David R Fulton, MD
Deputy Editor:
Carrie Armsby, MD, MPH
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Mar 17, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Although cardiovascular disease (CVD) events generally manifest in adulthood, the atherosclerotic process begins in childhood [1]. For most children, atherosclerotic vascular changes are minor and can be minimized or even prevented with adherence to a healthy lifestyle. However, in some children, the atherosclerotic process is accelerated because of the presence of identifiable risk factors (eg, obesity and hypertension) and/or specific diseases that are associated with premature CVD (eg, familial hypercholesterolemia and diabetes mellitus) (table 1) [1,2].

Primary prevention measures to minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis in childhood will be reviewed here. In addition, the primary care assessment to identify the child at risk for premature atherosclerosis and, by extension, CVD will also be discussed. Risk factors for early atherosclerosis in childhood and the management of the child at risk for atherosclerosis are reviewed separately. (See "Overview of risk factors for development of atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular disease in childhood" and "Overview of the management of the child or adolescent at risk for atherosclerosis".)

CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH PROMOTION — The two primary goals of cardiovascular health promotion in children are [1-3]:

To prevent the development of risk factors associated with atherosclerosis (primordial prevention) with measures that focus on adherence to a healthy lifestyle

To identify and manage children and adolescents at risk for early atherosclerosis based on the presence of established risk factors including obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance (see "Overview of risk factors for development of atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular disease in childhood", section on 'Traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors presenting in childhood')


Overview — Prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors should be addressed in the pediatric primary care office by promoting a healthy lifestyle for the individual child and on a population level through advocacy (eg, promoting tobacco smoke and nicotine avoidance, improving school lunch, encouraging smaller portion sizes, and increasing public awareness on healthy dietary choices). The rationale for these approaches is that an adult population with a lower burden of atherosclerosis, as a result of pediatric preventive care, will have a lower burden of CVD [1,3,4].

Pediatric routine health care supervision should promote and reinforce positive health behaviors, focusing on the following areas to reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis [1,2]:


Physical activity

Tobacco exposure

The construct of ideal cardiovascular health, well developed in the adult literature, has been adapted for children and adolescents and includes tobacco exposure, weight status (body mass index [BMI] (calculator 1 and calculator 2)), physical activity, nutrition (healthy diet score), cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and blood pressure [3]. Ideal cardiovascular health in childhood and young adulthood has been associated with a lower prevalence of CVD risk factors in adulthood in several large longitudinal pediatric and young adult cohorts [5-8]. Increasing numbers of ideal cardiovascular health measures in youth were associated with a reduced risk of hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and dyslipidemia (ie, elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and decreased carotid artery and aortic intima-media thickness (IMT) in early adulthood [6].

Nutrition — Good nutrition, beginning at birth, has profound health benefits, including a potential to decrease the risk of CVD by preventing or ameliorating obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and insulin resistance/diabetes mellitus. Several United States health organizations (the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Heart Association, American Dietetic Association, and United States Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services) have issued dietary guidelines for children and adolescents that are generally consistent with one another and are discussed in greater detail separately (table 2). (See "Dietary recommendations for toddlers, preschool, and school-age children", section on 'Dietary guidelines'.)

Important aspects of a heart-healthy diet for infants, children, and adolescents include the following [1]:

Breastfeeding – Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months after birth and continued breastfeeding to at least 12 months of age is strongly supported by many governmental and medical professional organizations. Breastfeeding is linked to a decrease in the prevalence of future obesity and dyslipidemia, two important CVD risk factors. These issues and other benefits of breastfeeding are discussed separately. (See "Infant benefits of breastfeeding", section on 'Limited evidence for benefit'.)

Fat intake – Fat intake should generally be limited as follows:

Total fat intake – In children older than 12 months of age, total fat intake is limited to approximately 30 percent of total calories. In the absence of a medical indication, fat intake should not be restricted during infancy.

Saturated fat – Saturated fat is limited to 7 to 10 percent of total calories and dietary cholesterol to <300 mg/day (table 3). Support for this recommendation is based on the Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project for Children (STRIP) trial that demonstrated modest improvements in fasting lipid profiles in infants whose parents received counseling regarding a low-saturated fat, low-cholesterol diet compared with those whose parents did not receive any dietary counseling [7,9-12]. At 14 and 19 years of age, the group that received repeated dietary counseling for a low-saturated fat diet had lower saturated fat intakes and serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol than the control group [13,14]. As noted above, the intervention group was more likely to have ideal cardiovascular health metrics as compared with the control group, which correlated with a decreased aortic IMT and improved elasticity [6]. Importantly, there was no difference in neurodevelopmental outcomes, which effectively addressed an initial concern that a low-fat diet may adversely affect neurodevelopment. This diet primarily relied on fruit and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy products, beans, fish, and lean meat [15].

Monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat – The remaining 20 percent of fat intake should be composed of a combination of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat (table 3).

Trans fats – Trans fats should be eliminated from the diet.

The remaining 70 percent of total calories should include 15 to 20 percent derived from protein intake and 50 to 55 percent from carbohydrates primarily in the form of whole grains.

Other heart-healthy dietary advice for pediatric patients includes:

Encourage the intake of dietary fiber in the form of naturally fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as supported by longitudinal data following children into adolescence and young adults into middle adulthood [16,17].

Reduce the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and foods – In infants between 6 and 12 months of age, only 100 percent juice should be allowed and the intake should not exceed 4 ounces per day.

In children ≥1 year old, if cow's milk is introduced, decisions regarding the milk's fat content should be based upon the child's growth, appetite, BMI, CVD risk factors, and intake of other sources of fat- and calorie-dense foods. The medical provider may decide that low-fat dairy is appropriate as early as 12 months. By two years of age, saturated fat should be limited to 8 to 10 percent of the daily caloric intake and milk should be provided as 1 percent fat or skim.

A daily minimum intake of vitamin D supplementation (600 international units/day) is recommended for all children. (See "Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in children and adolescents", section on 'Targets for vitamin D intake'.)

For families with children with identified CVD risk factors, ongoing nutritional counseling by a registered dietician can help children adopt and sustain a diet that provides adequate nutrition and reduces CVD risk. A behavioral approach that engages the child and family has been shown to be the most effective method for achieving dietary change [1]. Dietary counseling should be tailored to each child and family based on diet patterns, social setting, and patient sensitivities, such as lactose intolerance and food allergy.

Physical activity — Routine physical activity should be encouraged throughout childhood. Regular physical activity is associated with decreased risk of atherosclerosis and CVD. However, the optimal type and level of physical activity are uncertain.

Based on the available data, we suggest the following age-based approach (table 4) [1,18]:

All children >5 years of age should participate in moderate to vigorous activity for at least 60 minutes per day. The activity should be vigorous on at least three days of the week. This is in agreement with the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans guidelines from the United States Departments of Health and Human Services. Examples of moderate activity are brisk walking, hiking, and games that mostly involve throwing and catching (eg, baseball, softball, catch); examples of vigorous activity are running, biking, jumping rope, dancing, martial arts, and games involving running or chasing (eg, tag, soccer, basketball, flag football).

For infants and preschool-aged children, parents should allow for unlimited active playtime in a safe and supportive environment.

Limit leisure screen time to less than two hours per day in children. In children under two years of age, screen viewing should be entirely discouraged [19].

Evidence supporting these recommendations come from studies in adults demonstrating that daily vigorous activity decreases the risk of CVD and type 2 diabetes mellitus, reduces blood pressure, and improves fasting lipid profiles. These data are discussed in detail separately. (See "Exercise and fitness in the prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease".)

Although data of similar quality are limited in children, there are several reports demonstrating beneficial effects of physical activity on reducing the risk of atherosclerosis in children and adolescents.

In the STRIP study, lower amounts of physical activity among adolescents (as determined by questionnaire) correlated with more subclinical atherosclerosis (ie, increased mean aortic IMT and decreased endothelial function as measured by flow-mediated dilation) [20,21]. Sedentary adolescents who increased their level of physical activity decreased the progression of IMT compared with adolescents who remained sedentary. In persistently active adolescents, the progression of IMT was attenuated compared with those who became sedentary. (See "Overview of risk factors for development of atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular disease in childhood", section on 'Evidence of subclinical atherosclerosis'.)

In another report from the STRIP study, sedentary adolescents were at an increased risk for clustered metabolic risk factors compared with more physically active peers [22]. Physical activity was based on self-report, and the cluster risk factors were BMI, lipid profile, and blood pressure.

In a report from the longitudinal Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study that recruited children from ages 3 to 18 years, low physical activity was associated with accelerated IMT progression over 27 years of follow-up [23].

Data from the International Children's Accelerometry Database demonstrated that increasing time for moderate to vigorous activity was associated with better cardiometabolic risk factors regardless of the amount of sedentary time [24]. Higher mean time spent in moderate to vigorous activity correlated with reductions in mean waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, fasting insulin, and fasting triglycerides and increases in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

In the Dietary Intervention Study in Childhood, higher self-reported levels of physical activity were associated with lower systolic blood pressure [25].

Several small studies have shown that exercise programs that improve physical fitness resulted in a reduction of CVD risk factors including lowering BMI, blood pressure, and arterial stiffness and improving lipid profiles [26-29].

In addition, there is evidence that physical activity patterns established in childhood continue into adulthood [1].

Other benefits of physical activity in children are discussed separately. (See "Physical activity and strength training in children and adolescents: An overview", section on 'Physical activity'.)

Avoid tobacco and nicotine exposure — Pediatric health care clinicians should provide ongoing counseling on the benefits of a tobacco-free environment for the child and family. Patients and parents should be informed about the addictive and adverse health effects of smoking cigarettes and other nicotine exposures. The adverse effects include increased risk of CVD for themselves and for their children. (See "Secondhand smoke exposure: Effects in children" and "Prevention of smoking and vaping initiation in children and adolescents" and "Overview of smoking cessation management in adults" and "Cardiovascular effects of nicotine".)


Rationale — Screening is common in regular pediatric care and is designed to identify conditions that, if untreated, increase risk of disease sequelae and for which there is an available cost-effective intervention. When deciding whether screening should be performed, the test's sensitivity and specificity, prevalence of the screened condition, cost of the screening test, and potential benefits and harms of screening and intervention must be considered. In pediatrics, evidence is often lacking from randomized controlled trials to determine whether or not screening and treatment are beneficial and cost-effective. (See "Screening tests in children and adolescents", section on 'Overview'.)

Data are not available regarding whether and how to best assess individual risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in clinical pediatric practice. Because premature CVD occurs decades after suspected exposures and premature atherosclerosis is generally asymptomatic, there have been no randomized controlled trials of different screening practices examining risks, benefits, costs, and effectiveness. Based on the lack of long-term randomized clinical trials, the United States Preventive Services Task Force has not found sufficient data to recommend for or against screening children for lipid or blood pressure abnormalities [30-34]. (See "Dyslipidemia in children and adolescents: Definition, screening, and diagnosis".)

In contrast, there are large prospective population-based studies for adults that assess individual risk for cardiovascular events and guide therapeutic choices aimed at risk reduction (eg, Framingham or Reynolds Risk Score). This approach directly links risk factors to cardiovascular events and is discussed in greater detail separately. (See "Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk assessment for primary prevention in adults: Our approach".)

Despite the paucity of evidence from randomized controlled trials in children, pediatric risk factors for accelerated atherosclerosis (and, by extension, CVD) have been identified through direct evidence from autopsy studies and indirect evidence using methods that detect vascular changes that have been associated with increased risk of CVD in adults (table 1). Screening for these risk factors is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics; American Heart Association; and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (See "Overview of risk factors for development of atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular disease in childhood".)

Long-term outcome data are not available to conclusively demonstrate that identification and treatment of risk factors in childhood will reduce the prevalence of clinical disease in adulthood. Although opinions differ widely, many experts (including the authors of this review) believe it is reasonable to assume, based on data from adult studies, that timely intervention to prevent (primordial prevention), decrease, and possibly eliminate CVD risk factor(s) in children will decelerate the atherosclerotic process (primary prevention) and prevent or delay the onset of clinical CVD [35-37]. (See "Overview of the management of the child or adolescent at risk for atherosclerosis".)

Risk factors and special conditions — In children, traditional cardiovascular risk factors and other specific conditions are associated with accelerated atherosclerosis and early CVD. These factors are summarized in the table (table 1) and are discussed in greater detail separately [1,2] (See "Overview of risk factors for development of atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular disease in childhood".)

Routine screening — During routine health supervision visits, screening is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics; American Heart Association; and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to identify children with risk factors for early CVD.

Routine screening consists of the following:

Assess tobacco smoke and nicotine exposure – Obtain history for smoke and inhaled nicotine exposure including both personal and secondhand smoke. Smoking prevention in children and adolescents is discussed in detail separately. (See "Prevention of smoking and vaping initiation in children and adolescents" and "Secondhand smoke exposure: Effects in children".)

Review diet. (See 'Nutrition' above.)

Review frequency and quality of physical activity. (See 'Physical activity' above.)

Review sleep history – Sleep duration and quality is an emerging cardiovascular risk factor. Specifically, obstructive sleep apnea is a risk factor for CVD and is discussed separately. (See "Assessment of sleep disorders in children" and "Cardiovascular consequences of obstructive sleep apnea in children".)

Review the family history for premature CVD – Premature CVD is defined as a heart attack, treated angina, interventions for coronary artery disease, sudden cardiac death, or stroke in a parent or sibling before age 55 (males) or 65 (females).

Measure blood pressure – Age- and height-specific blood pressure percentiles should be determined using the tables for girls (table 5) or boys (table 6). Blood pressure screening in children is discussed in detail separately. (See "Definition and diagnosis of hypertension in children and adolescents", section on 'Screening of BP'.)

Measure weight and height and calculate body mass index (BMI) – BMI and BMI percentiles may be determined using linked calculators for girls (calculator 1) or boys (calculator 2). For children under two years of age, we recommend using weight-for-height percentiles. (See "Measurement of growth in children".)

Perform lipid screening in all children and adolescents (algorithm 1A-B) – For children without risk factors, the first screening is performed at 9 to 11 years of age, with a second screening between 17 and 21 years of age. Earlier (starting as young as two years of age) and more frequent monitoring may be warranted in children with risk factors for early CVD. Pediatric lipid screening in children is discussed in detail separately. (See "Dyslipidemia in children and adolescents: Definition, screening, and diagnosis", section on 'Approach to screening'.)

Perform screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus in at-risk children and adolescents, as summarized in the table (table 7) and discussed in detail separately. (See "Epidemiology, presentation, and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents", section on 'Screening'.)

Identify other conditions associated with accelerated atherosclerosis (table 1 and algorithm 2). (See 'Risk factors and special conditions' above.)

The severity of childhood atherosclerosis (and, by extension, the risk of CVD) increases as the number of CVD risk factors increases. Thus, it is important to consider all cardiovascular risk factors together in making management decisions (algorithm 2).

Management of children who are judged to be at increased risk for atherosclerosis includes nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions, which are discussed in detail separately. (See "Overview of the management of the child or adolescent at risk for atherosclerosis" and "Dyslipidemia in children and adolescents: Management" and "Nonemergent treatment of hypertension in children and adolescents".)

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Lipid disorders and atherosclerosis in children".)


Pediatric prevention to reduce the risk of adult cardiovascular disease (CVD) consists of the following:

General measures for adherence to a healthy lifestyle that would prevent or reduce the development of risk factors associated with atherosclerosis. (See 'Promotion of healthy lifestyle' above.)

Identification and management of the child at risk for early atherosclerosis based on the presence of established risk factors including hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, or other high-risk conditions (algorithm 2 and table 1). (See 'Identifying children at risk for cardiovascular disease' above.)

Routine care visits provide an opportunity for primary care providers to promote positive health behaviors and a healthy lifestyle in children to reduce the development of risk factors associated with early atherosclerosis. In particular, pediatric care providers should supply age-appropriate information and support to children and their families regarding nutrition (ie, a diet low in saturated fat and refined carbohydrates; lacking trans fats; and rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains) (table 2), physical activity (table 4), and avoidance of tobacco exposure. (See 'Promotion of healthy lifestyle' above.)

Screening for CVD risk during childhood includes the following (see 'Routine screening' above):

Review the child's diet (see "Dietary recommendations for toddlers, preschool, and school-age children")

Assess the child's physical activity level (table 4) (see 'Physical activity' above)

Assess tobacco exposure (see "Prevention of smoking and vaping initiation in children and adolescents" and "Secondhand smoke exposure: Effects in children")

Review the family history for premature CVD (see "Overview of risk factors for development of atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular disease in childhood", section on 'Family history')

Measure blood pressure (see "Definition and diagnosis of hypertension in children and adolescents", section on 'Screening of BP')

Measure weight and height and calculate body mass index (BMI) (see "Measurement of growth in children")

Lipid screen (algorithm 1A-B) (see "Dyslipidemia in children and adolescents: Definition, screening, and diagnosis", section on 'Rationale for lipid screening')

Screen for type 2 diabetes mellitus in at-risk children (table 7) (see "Epidemiology, presentation, and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents", section on 'Screening')

Identify other conditions associated with accelerated atherosclerosis (table 1 and algorithm 2)

Long-term outcome data are not available to conclusively demonstrate that identifying and treating risk factors in childhood reduces premature CVD in adulthood. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume based on data from pediatric, young adult, and other adult studies that timely interventions aimed at reducing these risk factors in children will likely decelerate the atherosclerotic process (primary prevention) and prevent or delay the onset of CVD. (See 'Rationale' above.)

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS — The UpToDate editorial staff acknowledges Jane Newburger, MD, MPH, and Michael Mendelson, MD, ScM, who contributed to an earlier version of this topic review.


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Topic 16975 Version 42.0


1 : Expert panel on integrated guidelines for cardiovascular health and risk reduction in children and adolescents: summary report.

2 : Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in High-Risk Pediatric Patients: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.

3 : Cardiovascular Health Promotion in Children: Challenges and Opportunities for 2020 and Beyond: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.

4 : 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: The Sixth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of 10 societies and by invited experts)Developed with the special contribution of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention&Rehabilitation (EACPR).

5 : Ideal cardiovascular health in childhood and cardiometabolic outcomes in adulthood: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.

6 : Ideal cardiovascular health in adolescence: effect of lifestyle intervention and association with vascular intima-media thickness and elasticity (the Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project for Children [STRIP]study).

7 : Metabolic syndrome from adolescence to early adulthood: effect of infancy-onset dietary counseling of low saturated fat: the Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP).

8 : Healthy lifestyle through young adulthood and the presence of low cardiovascular disease risk profile in middle age: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in (Young) Adults (CARDIA) study.

9 : Implementing American Heart Association pediatric and adult nutrition guidelines: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, and Council for High Blood Pressure Research.

10 : Prospective, randomized, infancy-onset trial of the effects of a low-saturated-fat, low-cholesterol diet on serum lipids and lipoproteins before school age: The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP).

11 : Prospective randomized trial of low-saturated-fat, low-cholesterol diet during the first 3 years of life. The STRIP baby project.

12 : Effect of 7-year infancy-onset dietary intervention on serum lipoproteins and lipoprotein subclasses in healthy children in the prospective, randomized Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project for Children (STRIP) study.

13 : Impact of repeated dietary counseling between infancy and 14 years of age on dietary intakes and serum lipids and lipoproteins: the STRIP study.

14 : Effect of repeated dietary counseling on serum lipoproteins from infancy to adulthood.

15 : Dietary recommendations for children and adolescents: a guide for practitioners.

16 : Intake of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products in early childhood and subsequent blood pressure change.

17 : Associations of plant food, dairy product, and meat intakes with 15-y incidence of elevated blood pressure in young black and white adults: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study.

18 : The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

19 : Media and Young Minds.

20 : Association of physical activity with vascular endothelial function and intima-media thickness.

21 : Association of fitness with vascular intima-media thickness and elasticity in adolescence.

22 : Clustered metabolic risk and leisure-time physical activity in adolescents: effect of dose?

23 : Life-time risk factors and progression of carotid atherosclerosis in young adults: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study.

24 : Moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary time and cardiometabolic risk factors in children and adolescents.

25 : Higher self-reported physical activity is associated with lower systolic blood pressure: the Dietary Intervention Study in Childhood (DISC).

26 : Physical activity reduces systemic blood pressure and improves early markers of atherosclerosis in pre-pubertal obese children.

27 : The effect of aerobic exercise training on the lipid-lipoprotein profile of children and adolescents.

28 : Increases in physical fitness during childhood improve cardiovascular health during adolescence: the Muscatine Study.

29 : Activity behaviors in schoolchildren and subsequent 5-yr change in blood pressure.

30 : Lipid Screening in Childhood and Adolescence for Detection of Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force.

31 : Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children and Adolescents: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement.

32 : Lipid Screening in Childhood and Adolescence for Detection of Multifactorial Dyslipidemia: Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force.

33 : On the US Preventive Services Task Force Statement on Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children and Adolescents: One Step Forward and 2 Steps Sideways.

34 : Lipid Screening in Children and Adolescents.

35 : Cardiovascular risk reduction in high-risk pediatric populations.

36 : Drug therapy of high-risk lipid abnormalities in children and adolescents: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth Committee, Council of Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, with the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing.

37 : Cardiovascular risk reduction in high-risk pediatric patients: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Expert Panel on Population and Prevention Science; the Councils on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Epidemiology and Prevention, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, High Blood Pressure Research, Cardiovascular Nursing, and the Kidney in Heart Disease; and the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research: endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.