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Periprocedural myonecrosis following percutaneous coronary intervention

Periprocedural myonecrosis following percutaneous coronary intervention
David P Faxon, MD
David R Holmes, Jr, MD
David A Morrow, MD, MPH
Section Editors:
Donald Cutlip, MD
Allan S Jaffe, MD
Deputy Editor:
Todd F Dardas, MD, MS
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Dec 14, 2020.

INTRODUCTION — Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is associated with a small but significant incidence of serious procedural complications such as death, stroke, life-threatening bleeding or large myocardial infarction (MI). Periprocedural myocardial necrosis, which can range from a low-level elevation of cardiac biomarkers (periprocedural myocardial injury) to a large MI, is the most common complication. (See "Periprocedural complications of percutaneous coronary intervention".)

With advances in technology, particularly the use of coronary stents, the incidence of early, major cardiac events of death and large MI (both non-ST and ST elevation MI) have fallen to less than 3 percent, even in complex multivessel PCI [1,2]. However, the frequency with which any periprocedural myocardial injury is detected has increased, especially with the development of more sensitive biomarkers of myocardial damage/necrosis.

This topic will discuss the risk factors as well as the incidence, diagnosis, prognosis, mechanisms, prevention and treatment of periprocedural myonecrosis.

RISK FACTORS — The most commonly associated patient-related risk factors are older age (in most studies >65 years), the extent of coronary disease, the presence of preprocedural acute coronary syndrome (including unstable angina), and preprocedural elevation of cardiac markers [3]. Other factors include a history of prior coronary artery bypass graft surgery, prior myocardial infarction (MI), low ejection fraction, diabetes, and smoking. The presence of a thin fibrous cap or increased lipid core on intravascular imaging is also a predictor of a periprocedural MI [4,5]. A preprocedural elevation of inflammatory markers such as high sensitivity C-reactive protein is associated with a two- to fourfold increase in periprocedural MI [6]. Percutaneous coronary intervention of degenerated saphenous vein grafts, multivessel interventions, and complex lesions, particularly those with evidence of thrombus, are also associated with an increased risk. Other procedural factors associated with post-procedural MI include the number and length of the stents.

INCIDENCE — Serum creatine kinase MB fraction (CK-MB) is elevated above the upper limit of normal (ULN) in 10 to 38 percent of patients after an uncomplicated percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) [7-14], and elevations more than three times the ULN, which are considered to represent an infarction large enough to be associated with short-term complications [10], in 7 to 18 percent [9,14-16]. In the American College of Cardiology National (United States) Cardiovascular Data Registry, there were over 200,000 patients without an acute coronary syndrome or elevated baseline CK-MB who underwent PCI between January 2004 and March 2007. Of these, 8 percent had a peak CK-MB more than three times the ULN. Typically, CK-MB is not measured and has been replaced by cardiac troponin.

An elevation of cardiac troponin above the upper limit of normal following PCI has been noted in as many as 50 percent of patients undergoing PCI [7,9,17,18]. Cardiac troponins are a more sensitive marker than CK-MB for smaller amounts of myocardial damage and elevated values after PCI with or without stenting are more common than increases in serum CK-MB [19-22]. In an analysis from the Mayo Clinic PCI registry, approximately 20 percent of patients with normal pre-procedural CK-MB and cardiac troponin T (cTnT) values had an isolated post-procedural elevation in serum cTnT [22]. (See "Troponin testing: Clinical use".)

MECHANISMS — Elevations of cardiac biomarkers of necrosis can be due to a number of factors including embolization of atheroma or thrombus, side branch occlusion, no reflow, epicardial or microvascular spasm, or stent thrombosis. With elevations of creatine kinase MB fraction >5 to 8 times the upper limit of normal, distal vessel occlusion from a large embolus, acute stent thrombosis, or major side branch occlusion are usually responsible [23,24]. Periprocedural MI due to a side branch occlusion is the most common cause (60 percent) and has the lowest associated mortality [25].

Smaller increases in cardiac biomarkers are likely due to microembolization of thrombotic or atherosclerotic material. Evidence for microembolization comes from magnetic resonance imaging studies that have shown small, irreversible myocardial injury in patients with elevated cardiac markers following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) [23,26]. Since the size of the infarcts in this setting is small, these minor elevations have been felt to be markers of more severe coronary atherosclerosis that is responsible for the poorer prognosis in these patients. In addition, an enhanced inflammatory state (as evidenced by an elevated high sensitivity C-reactive protein) can predispose patients to thrombosis as well as vasospasm, and is felt to play a role as well [6].

The mechanism for a periprocedural ST-elevation MI (STEMI) is most commonly due to acute stent thrombosis or abrupt closure of the vessel, resulting in complete occlusion of the vessel. Less frequently, it is due to embolization of large thrombus or atheroma with distal vessel occlusion. Embolization is more common in degenerated saphenous vein graft interventions than in native vessel interventions.

Distal embolization can contribute to the "no-reflow" phenomenon after PCI, which is thought to reflect microvascular dysfunction since there is evidence of myocardial ischemia and reduced antegrade coronary flow but without epicardial stenosis or occlusion or loss of a distal branch. In a report of patients undergoing PCI for a non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome, those with a post-procedural cardiac troponin I (cTnI) elevation were significantly more likely to have reduced tissue-level perfusion than those without a cTnI elevation [27]. (See "Suboptimal reperfusion after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction", section on 'No reflow'.)

The relationship between periprocedural elevation of serum biomarkers (non-ST-elevation MI [NSTEMI]) and distal microembolization was studied in 52 patients who underwent elective PCI for stable coronary artery disease [28]. Using intracoronary Doppler guidewire detection of emboli, the total number of microemboli during all phases of the intervention (eg, device advancement over Doppler wire, predilatation, stent deployment, and post-dilatation) was significantly higher in patients with periprocedural NSTEMI compared with those without (27 versus 16). Microemboli were detected in all but 1 of the 52 patients and were seen most often during stent deployment.

The relationships between the presence and effects of distal embolization and plaque composition were evaluated in a study of 44 patients with stable angina undergoing PCI [29]. Distal embolization was detected by the number of high-intensity transient signals (HITS) using a Doppler guidewire, plaque composition was evaluated using Virtual Histology intravascular ultrasound (Volcano Therapeutics, Inc), and the impact of distal embolization was assessed using measurement of coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR). Patients in the highest tertile of HITS had a significantly larger necrotic core area compared with patients in lower tertiles. In addition, there was a small but significant negative correlation between HITS and CFVR after PCI.

Similar findings have been noted in patients with STEMI. (See "Suboptimal reperfusion after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction", section on 'Mechanisms'.)

The primary mechanism of injury after PCI in saphenous vein grafts is distal embolization [30,31]. (See "Coronary artery bypass graft surgery: Prevention and management of vein graft stenosis", section on 'Embolic protection devices'.)

DIAGNOSIS — In patients who have not presented with an acute ischemic syndrome, post-procedure cardiac troponin (cTn) is not routinely measured in the absence of signs or symptoms of ischemia or complications. In those patients who have signs or symptoms of ischemia, it may be the result of myocardial injury with cell necrosis due to periprocedural events such as coronary dissection, occlusion of a major coronary artery or a side-branch, disruption of collateral flow, slow flow or no-reflow, distal embolization, or microvascular plugging. In patients with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)-related myocardial injury, cTn values will rise. The more sensitive the cTn assay used, the higher the percentage of patients who will have detectable myocardial injury. The level of myocardial injury (cTn value) that should qualify as a periprocedural MI has been debated for many years [22,32-40]. Two issues have caused significant discussion:

The value of cTn above which an MI would be said to have occurred (in patients with normal baseline values). The tension in this area is attributable in large part to the fact that a definition that allows for a high degree of sensitivity for the diagnosis of myocardial necrosis will likely have a low specificity for events that are clinically meaningful; the converse is also true. Unlike a type I MI (acute coronary syndrome), many experts have recommended that a diagnosis of a periprocedural MI be made only if the level of the biomarker is associated with a worse outcome [32]. Their concern is that small increases from baseline in biomarker levels after PCI are expected (microembolization is an example) and do not necessarily represent a complication or a condition for which management needs to change.

The difficulty in interpreting post-procedure elevations in patients with elevated baseline values of cTn.

The 2018 Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction formulated by a joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association/World Health Federation task force arrived at the following definition, which addresses these two (and other) concerns [40]: an elevation of cTn values more than five times the 99th percentile upper reference limit (URL) in patients with normal baseline values. In patients with elevated pre-procedure cTn in whom the cTn levels are stable (≤20 percent variation) or falling, the postprocedure cTn must rise by >20 percent. However, the absolute post-procedural value must still be at least five times the 99th percentile URL. In addition, one of the following is required:

New ischemic ECG changes.

Development of new pathological Q waves.

Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality in a pattern consistent with an ischemic etiology.

Angiographic findings consistent with a procedural flow-limiting complication such as coronary dissection, occlusion of a major epicardial artery or a side branch occlusion/thrombus, disruption of collateral flow, or distal embolization.

Other definitions for periprocedural MI exist, generally using higher thresholds of biomarker elevation [41-43].

The task force also made the following recommendation: When a cTn value is elevated but ≤5 x 99th percentile URL after PCI and the cTn value was normal before the PCI, or when the cTn value is >5 x 99th percentile URL in the absence of ischemic, angiographic, or imaging findings, the term “myocardial injury” should be used.

New Q waves — The development of new pathological Q waves occurs in approximately 0.5 percent of PCI cases and is usually due to acute stent thrombosis (also called abrupt closure in the absence of a stent) [9]. (See "Coronary artery stent thrombosis: Incidence and risk factors" and 'Electrocardiogram' below.)

Recommendations for biomarker measurement — We do not routinely obtain a baseline cTn in patients undergoing PCI. However, in situations where it is anticipated that cTn will be obtained after the procedure, it is advisable to obtain a baseline value so that the post-procedural result can be properly interpreted. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

Similarly, we do not routinely obtain a post-procedural cTn. However, in patients with suspected ischemia (ie, prolonged chest pain, side branch occlusion, recurrent ischemia, flow-limiting dissection, no-reflow, intracoronary thrombosis, or hemodynamic instability), cTn should be measured serially [44]. We suggest obtaining two biomarkers (using the same biomarker as used before the procedure) starting at three to six hours after PCI and separated by at least three to six hours apart in patients when reinfarction is suspected.

PROGNOSIS — Biomarkers of cardiac injury (troponin or creatine kinase MB fraction [CK-MB]) can be elevated after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), as a consequence of PCI or an elevation present before PCI. The available evidence, in the aggregate, suggests that biomarker elevation before PCI is the more important determinant of long-term mortality, while both might play a role in in-hospital mortality. (See "Periprocedural complications of percutaneous coronary intervention", section on 'Predictors of mortality and major complications'.)

Cardiac troponin (cTn) measurement, as opposed to CK-MB, is the standard of care for prognostic (and diagnostic) purposes.

Based on available evidence, we conclude the following regarding the relationship between periprocedural elevations in biomarkers and prognosis:

An elevated biomarker (using the universal criteria for MI) before the procedure is associated with an adverse prognosis. 

The prognostic implication of an elevated biomarker after PCI cannot be known unless the baseline value is taken into account. In patients with an elevated baseline, prognosis is more directly linked to the baseline value than the post-procedural value.

In patients with a normal baseline value, an elevated post-procedural troponin after an unsuccessful procedure or one with angiographic complications may be associated with adverse short- and long-term prognosis dependent on the degree of ischemia. After a seemingly uncomplicated procedure, there is even less certainty about the prognostic implications of a post-procedural rise in cTn.

There are no studies that inform us as to the optimal management of patients with an elevated biomarker. The authors and reviewers of this topic generally agree with the approach laid out below, but believe that the care of each patient with a positive cTn should be individualized:

Patients with a baseline negative cTn and either a negative post-procedure value or no post-procedure value obtained are considered at low risk of cardiac events. Accordingly, in some institutions, they may be candidates for accelerated dismissal regimens, including same-day discharge.

The decision to do so should be based on comorbidities, the risk for other acute complications such as bleeding, and local practice.

For patients with an elevated cTn either before or after the procedure, and especially if there are symptoms or complications of the procedure, overnight hospital stay is deemed to be prudent. The duration of hospitalization may be longer based on factors such as clinical stability, indication for PCI, outcome during the case, biomarker peak/trajectory, and the presence or absence of other acute processes.

Evidence from elevated CK-MB studies — Although current guidelines recommend cTn as preferred to CK-MB for diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI) in all instances, including periprocedural, many of the studies that evaluated the prognosis of periprocedural biomarker elevation have used CK-MB. However, CK-MB is no longer measured routinely after PCI. The following studies illustrate the range of findings.

In a post-hoc analysis of the 7773 patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes in whom PCI was performed in the ACUITY trial, the one-year outcomes of the 6 percent of patients who developed periprocedural MI were compared to those without periprocedural MI [17]. (See "Anticoagulant therapy in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes", section on 'Unfractionated heparin compared with bivalirudin'.)

Periprocedural MI was defined as a CK-MB >3 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) within 24 hours after PCI. After multivariable analysis (adverse baseline and angiographic characteristics, including elevated baseline CK-MB), there was no significant difference in one-year mortality comparing patients meeting this definition to those without periprocedural MI (hazard ratio 1.3, 95% CI 0.85-1.98).

A report from the EVENT registry of unselected patients undergoing PCI evaluated the relationship between periprocedural MI (defined as a peak CK-MB >3 X ULN) and one-year mortality [15]. After excluding patients with elevated pre-PCI CK-MB and ST-elevation MI, there were 5961 patients. After multivariable adjustment, periprocedural MI was independently associated with one-year mortality (adjusted hazard ratio 1.84, 95% CI 1.17-2.89). However, in a time-period specific analysis, the adjusted hazard ratio was significantly greater only for 30-day mortality, but not between one month and one year.

Over 60 studies have shown that the greater the elevation of CK-MB after the PCI (either percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or stenting), the greater the subsequent mortality [3,9,10,17,45-51]. While elevations of more than 8- and 10-fold the ULN have been associated with increased death or death and MI, the evidence on the impact of lesser degrees of elevation (>1x to >3x ULN) on mortality is less robust [9,17,45-51]. In these studies, the baseline CK-MB was taken into account. However, it appears that the critical level is the pre-PCI cardiac troponin (cTn) value, which, because cTn is so much more sensitive than CK-MB, is often elevated. If cTn is increasing, the CK-MB value will also be increasing, although this increase may be more difficult to appreciate because CK-MB is a less sensitive marker.

In a study of 3687 patients with stable disease who underwent stenting, the mortality rates using the Universal Definition did not increase at up to two years with elevation of the CK-MB, including values >10 x ULN [52]. However, this study is limited by the lack of use of the 99th percentile as the cut-point.

If one uses the appropriate cut-off value of the 99th percentile upper reference limit in the analysis, the prognostic importance of pre-PCI elevations is substantial and renders the post-PCI values of substantially less importance [33]. Unfortunately, only one study has used this approach [18]. In that study, there was marginal significance to the short-term prognosis driven by mostly non-cardiac events. A 2012 report indicates that it may be possible to define criteria for a declining and then rising pattern of CK-MB that identifies peri-PCI myocardial injury associated with adverse events in the long term [35]. Additional details concerning the metrics of this approach and analysis are needed.

Evidence from elevated troponin studies — The results with cTn have been conflicting, with some studies showing long-term prognostic significance [53-55] and others not [21,46,56,57]. We believe the following studies provide the best evidence of the relationship between a periprocedural rise in troponin and subsequent mortality:

In a meta-analysis of 15 studies including over 7500 patients with normal baseline troponin levels, troponin elevation occurred in 29 percent of the procedures [7]. Using the Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association/World Health Federation Task Force definition discussed above, PCI-related MI occurred in about half. The following findings were noted:

Elevated cTn was associated with a significantly increased risk of in-hospital major adverse cardiovascular events (the composite of all-cause death, MI, repeat target vessel PCI, and coronary artery bypass grafting) (odds ratio [OR] 11.29, 95% CI 3.00-42.48) or death (OR 7.16, 95% CI 1.95-26.27).

cTn above the cut-off for MI was reported in a subset of patients (n = 2359) from four studies. In an unadjusted analysis, patients with PCI-related MI had a significantly increased risk of death (OR 2.25, 95% CI 1.26-4.00) at 26-month follow-up. An increase of the cTn below the cut-off was not associated with major adverse cardiovascular events, but this finding may have been due to a relatively small sample size. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

A review of 2352 patients who underwent PCI assessed the predictive value of baseline and post-procedural troponin (and CK-MB) concentrations [38]. Baseline troponin elevations were present in 733 patients (31 percent) and were associated with worse short- and long-term outcomes. When these elevations were taken into account, neither post-procedural troponin nor CK-MB elevations added to the long-term prognostic significance. Post-procedural elevations or increases in the degree of elevation correlated only with in-hospital complications.

A subsequent study from the Mayo Clinic, which evaluated only patients with normal pre-procedural levels of cTnT (and CK-MB), found that the 20 percent of patients with a post-procedural elevation of troponin had a significantly lower estimated three-year survival compared with those with normal troponin (86.9 versus 93.2 percent) [22]. The risk of in-hospital death was low irrespective of cTnT status.

In a report of nearly 5000 patients undergoing elective coronary stent placement between 2004 and 2007, MI was defined as the peak value between 6 and 24 hours normalized to the local diagnostic level for MI and values greater than three times the ULN were classified as an MI [58]. After adjustment for differences in baseline characteristics, elevated cTn (and CK-MB) was significantly associated with one-year mortality (hazard ratio 1.35). The mortality hazard for cTn, however, was found only for much higher elevations. Troponin more than 20 times the diagnostic level demonstrated similar mortality risk as CK-MB more than three times the ULN. The mortality association may be overestimated by the absence of baseline cTn elevation as a co-variate in the multivariable analysis.

A study of 2365 patients who underwent elective PCI for stable coronary artery disease assessed the predictive value of baseline and post-procedural cTn (and CK-MB) concentrations and provided a possible explanation for the discrepant findings in previous studies [38]. Baseline cTn elevations had both short- and long-term prognostic significance. When these elevations were taken into account, post-procedural cTn (or CK-MB) elevations did not add to long-term prognostic significance. Post-procedural elevations or increases in the degree of elevation correlated only with in-hospital complications.

This was the first study to use the baseline cTn measurement (as recommended in guidelines) in the analysis along with sensitive contemporary cut-off values, but has been confirmed by a larger analysis [39]. The marginal significance for in-hospital events was driven by non-cardiac events.

In a study of 5467 patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes enrolled in three randomized trials, there were 212 who experienced a procedure-related MI after five years [59]. There was no difference in the cardiovascular death rate between those who had a procedure-related MI and those who did not (hazard ratio 0.90, 95% CI 0.47-1.71). This may reflect the fact that as assay sensitivity has increased, the baseline sample, even if the guideline-derived cut-off values are not used, still reduces any effect of post-PCI elevations.

In a study of 13,608 patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing PCI, among the 600 patients who experienced a type 4a (periprocedural) MI in the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial (see "Acute non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: Early antiplatelet therapy"), 490 had elevated biomarkers before the procedure. Patients with non-ST elevation MI (n = 335 with Type 4 MI) were enrolled and underwent PCI within 72 hours of qualifying symptoms of acute coronary syndrome, whereas patients with ST elevation MI (n = 155 with Type 4 MI) could be enrolled up to two weeks after presentation. Then, if the baseline CK-MB was normal or lower than the original value, a threefold elevation >ULN on two successive measurements or a fivefold elevation on a single sample post-PCI was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular death at 180 days (3.2 versus 1.3 percent; adjusted hazard ratio 2.4, 95% CI 1.6-3.7). The rigorous approach taken in this study to discriminate periprocedural injury that was distinct from the qualifying ischemic syndrome may account for the ability to detect a significant risk relationship in this study. Application and refinement of this strategy in additional populations with acute coronary syndrome undergoing PCI will be important to understanding whether a similar approach will be valid with troponin-based definitions.

In an analysis of 5772 patients with stable or descending cTn after PCI in two randomized trials among patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome, peak cTn and peak CK-MB were associated with one-year mortality. Comparing the adjusted probability of death by one year according to peak cTn and peak CK-MB, the adjusted risk of death was similar for a 60-fold elevation of cTn (4.9 percent) compared with threefold elevation of CK-MB (5.1 percent) [60].

In a study of 5268 patients, both postprocedure cTnT and CK-MB mass levels were associated with three-month mortality. The optimal discriminant threshold for an increase in mortality for cTnT was 25 x ULN (HR = 4.53 [1.59-12.9]; p = 0.002), which was similar to 5 x ULN for creatine kinase-MB (HR = 4.31 (1.27 to 14.6) [61].

Electrocardiogram — The development of a new Q wave is associated with a worse prognosis [9,62]. In an analysis from the BARI trial, the increase in mortality with new Q waves after balloon angioplasty persisted at five years (18.1 versus 5.4 percent for no new electrocardiogram changes, adjusted relative risk 4.6) [62]. The mortality rate was intermediate with ST segment elevation or depression or T wave abnormalities: 8.5, 8.9, and 6 percent, respectively.

PREVENTION — Multiple therapies for the prevention of periprocedural myocardial infarction (MI) have been evaluated and include, among others, antiplatelet drugs, statins, ischemic preconditioning, adenosine, beta blockers, and distal protection devices. These will be presented briefly here, but are discussed in detail separately with the exception of adenosine. Of these, none have sufficiently proven efficacy to recommend routine use prior to elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in stable patients. Pre-treatment with antiplatelet therapy and statin may be considered in patients at high risk of periprocedural MI.

Antiplatelet therapy — The administration of an oral platelet P2Y12 receptor blocker prior to elective PCI in patients with chronic coronary syndromes has been well studied. Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and a platelet P2Y12 receptor blocker can reduce complications, particularly periprocedural myonecrosis. (See "Antithrombotic therapy for elective percutaneous coronary intervention: Clinical studies".)

In patients with stable coronary artery disease undergoing PCI, clopidogrel is the best-studied oral platelet P2Y12 receptor blocker. Administration of the loading dose of clopidogrel more than six hours before the procedure in the CREDO trial was associated with a significantly greater reduction in adverse events as compared to administration at the time of PCI [63]. Higher loading dose of clopidogrel (600 mg versus 300 mg) is also associated with greater and more rapid inhibition of platelet function and reduced major cardiac events in patients undergoing PCI [64]. In the ALPHEUS study, 1910 patients were randomly assigned to ticagrelor (180 mg loading dose and 90 mg twice daily thereafter for 30 days) or clopidogrel (300 to 600 mg loading dose and 75 mg daily thereafter for 30 days) [65]. There was no difference between the two groups in the rate of the primary composite outcome of PCI-related type 4 (a or b) MI (see "Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction", section on 'Joint Task Force definitions') or major myocardial injury (cTn >5 x 99th percentile upper reference limit; 35 versus 36 percent; odds ratio 0.97, 95% CI 0.80-1.17). (See "Antithrombotic therapy for elective percutaneous coronary intervention: General use", section on 'P2Y12 receptor blockers'.)

In acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients, the use of more potent P2Y12 receptor blockers such as prasugrel and ticagrelor has been shown to reduce both short- and long-term adverse events and stent thrombosis [18,66]. In a post hoc analysis of the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial of 13,608 moderate- to high-risk ACS patients undergoing PCI, prasugrel significantly reduced the risk of periprocedural MI compared to clopidogrel (4.9 versus 6.4 percent respectively, hazard ratio 0.76, 95% CI 0.66-0.88) during a mean follow-up of 14.5 months [66].

Cangrelor, a potent, rapid-acting intravenous P2Y12 inhibitor has been studied in three large double-blind randomized trials (CHAMPION-PCI, CHAMPION-PLATFORM, and CHAMPION-PHOENIX). In a pooled analysis, compared with clopidogrel, cangrelor reduced the combined end point of death, MI, ischemic driven revascularization, or stent thrombosis at 48 hours. Since it can be given at the time of PCI, it may be useful in preventing periprocedural MI in patients who have not been pretreated with P2Y12 oral agents and are at increased risk for periprocedural MI [67]. (See "Antithrombotic therapy for elective percutaneous coronary intervention: Clinical studies", section on 'Cangrelor'.)

The addition of cilostazol to aspirin and clopidogrel also results in greater platelet inhibition and a reduction in MI and stent thrombosis [68,69].

Intravenous platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists have also been shown to reduce major adverse cardiac events in patients with non-ST elevation MI (NSTEMI) and ST elevation MI (STEMI). However, studies have shown less benefit and increased bleeding when added to dual-antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel. The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines recommend that they be considered in addition to aspirin and clopidogrel in NSTEMI patients who are high risk, especially when there are delays to angiography or recurrent ischemia. It is reasonable to omit glycoprotein IIb/IIa agents when bivalirudin is used [70]. In addition, it is reasonable to use these agents in patients with a large thrombus burden, although there is little scientific evidence to support this approach. Routine upstream use prior to PCI is not currently recommended.

The importance of adequate and rapid platelet inhibition before PCI has also been shown in registry studies. Up to 30 percent of patients have inadequate inhibition of platelet function to clopidogrel (nonresponders). Using platelet function tests, such as the point of care VerifyNow TM test, lower rates of stent thrombosis, death, and MI have been demonstrated in patients who respond to dual therapy as compared to nonresponders [71]. Whether routine use of platelet function testing pre-PCI is of value in identifying and treating nonresponders is uncertain. Bedside genetic testing has also been demonstrated to identify patients with CP2C19 polymorphisms associated with clopidogrel nonresponse. Clinical trials have shown potential value in choosing the antiplatelet agent based on the results [72]. (See "Clopidogrel resistance and clopidogrel treatment failure".)

Statins — The concept that pretreatment with statins might decrease the incidence of periprocedural MI stems in part from the observation that patients with acute coronary syndromes (in which there is local inflammation in one or more coronary arteries) benefit from the early use of statins. It is felt that PCI induces vascular injury with associated platelet aggregation and thrombosis, as well as local inflammation.

Pre-procedural statin therapy has been shown to prevent periprocedural MI in multiple randomized trials in patients with both stable and unstable coronary artery disease [73]. A randomized trial (Statins Evaluation in Coronary Procedures and Revascularization [SECURE-PCI]) in patients with acute coronary syndrome failed to show benefit for pretreatment, but in the subgroup of patients who had PCI there was a 28 percent reduction in 30-day major adverse cardiovascular event and periprocedural MI that was more pronounced in those with STEMI [74]. This issue is discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) lowering after an acute coronary syndrome" and "Percutaneous coronary intervention with intracoronary stents: Overview".)

Adenosine — Adenosine induces dilatation of the microvasculature, modulates inflammation, and has other mechanisms of action that might be useful in the periprocedural period. It has been evaluated as an adjunctive therapy to reperfusion for STEMI. (See "Reperfusion injury of the heart", section on 'Potential therapies'.)

In an open label study of the efficacy of adenosine in reducing periprocedural myonecrosis (defined as a creatine kinase MB fraction [CK-MB] rise above the upper limit of normal), 62 patients scheduled to undergo non-urgent PCI of de novo coronary lesions were randomly assigned to pretreatment with either 50 µg of intracoronary adenosine or no adenosine [75]. Intracoronary adenosine was associated with a significant reduction in myonecrosis (13 versus 39 percent, adjusted odds ratio 0.19, 95% CI 0.05-0.75) compared patients who received adenosine to those who did not. In addition, among patients with CK-MB elevations, the peak values were significantly lower in the adenosine group. Further studies are needed to confirm these results and to determine whether outcomes are improved. Administration of adenosine for the purpose of preventing periprocedural myonecrosis is not presently recommended.

Ischemic preconditioning — The role of remote ischemic preconditioning to prevent biomarker elevation is discussed separately. (See "Myocardial ischemic conditioning: Clinical implications", section on 'Percutaneous coronary intervention'.)

Distal protection devices — Distal embolic protection devices (DEPD) have been evaluated in two groups of patients undergoing PCI: patients with saphenous vein grafts and patients undergoing primary PCI.

The use of DEPD has been shown to reduce complications and periprocedural MI in PCI of degenerated saphenous vein grafts by preventing distal embolization of atherosclerotic debris [76]. Application in this setting depends on the location of the lesion to be treated. Typically, ostial or distal anastomotic lesions are not treated with DEPD because of inability to protect the distal vascular bed, or the concern of proximal embolization into the aorta. (See "Coronary artery bypass graft surgery: Prevention and management of vein graft stenosis", section on 'Embolic protection devices'.)

The use in native coronary disease has been not been shown to be effective in reducing periprocedural MI.

Randomized trials have not shown routine benefit of DEPD in the setting of primary PCI for STEMI, even though the device removes a substantial amount of atheromatous debris. (See "Suboptimal reperfusion after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction", section on 'Distal embolic protection devices'.)

Thrombus aspiration — In the setting of acute STEMI, thrombectomy with aspiration of the occluding thrombus has been shown to reduce embolization, no reflow, and reduce infarct size and mortality in several randomized trials. However, two large multicenter trials (TASTE and TOTAL) of manual thrombectomy failed to show benefit and a meta-analysis of 17 trials (20,960 patients) also failed to show benefit and potential harm [77]. Accordingly, routine use of thrombectomy is not considered standard of care. It may still be of benefit in patients with a large thrombus burden as considered by the interventionalist. (See "Suboptimal reperfusion after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction", section on 'Thrombectomy'.)

MANAGEMENT — The treatment of periprocedural myocardial infarction (MI) depends upon the underlying cause, whether or not the periprocedural MI is detected during or after the procedure. With acute stent thrombosis, immediate re-dilation of the occlusion with or without stenting is highly effective in reducing the size of the infarction. In patients with stent thrombosis, intravascular ultrasound should be strongly considered for evaluation of the pathophysiology and selecting optimal therapeutic strategies. (See "Coronary artery stent thrombosis: Clinical presentation and management".)

In the case of distal embolization of a thrombus, mechanical disruption and fibrinolytic agents can improve flow. With atheroembolic material, this is not usually effective, and when the vessel is large enough, stenting across the debris is sometimes possible. If vasospasm or slow flow is evident, then use of intracoronary vasodilators, such as calcium channel blockers, nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, or adenosine, can be helpful. Dissection and side branch occlusion can be treated with dilation and stenting of the occlusive lesions.

In most cases, a periprocedural MI is silent and not detected during the procedure, but recognized afterwards if cardiac enzymes are routinely measured. Supportive measures alone are adequate for modest elevations when no clinical events have occurred. With minor elevation of cardiac biomarkers and the absence of symptoms or complications, hospitalization does not need to be prolonged and no additional therapy is needed. For larger infarcts, such as Q wave infarcts and those meeting definitions of periprocedural MI, treatment should follow recommendations for secondary prevention after spontaneous ST-elevation MI and non-ST elevation MI [78]. (See "Prevention of cardiovascular disease events in those with established disease (secondary prevention) or at very high risk".)


Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is associated with a small but significant incidence of serious procedural complications such as death, stroke, life-threatening bleeding, or large myocardial infarction (MI). Periprocedural myocardial necrosis, which can range from a minor elevation of cardiac biomarkers of necrosis (periprocedural myocardial injury) to a large MI, is the most common complication. Approximately 20 percent of patients with normal pre-procedural creatine kinase MB fraction and cardiac troponin T (cTnT) values had an isolated post-procedural elevation in serum cardiac troponin. (See 'Incidence' above.)

Assessment of biomarkers relies on cardiac troponin elevation, as it is more sensitive. MI associated with PCI is arbitrarily defined by elevation of cTn values >5 x 99th percentile upper reference limit (URL) in patients with normal baseline values (≤99th percentile URL) or a rise of cTn values >20 percent if the baseline values are elevated and are stable of falling. In addition, either (i) symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia, or (ii) new ischemic electrocardiographic changes or new left bundle branch block, or (iii) angiographic loss of patency of a major coronary artery or a side branch or persistent slow- or no-flow or embolization, or (iv) imaging demonstration of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality are required. (See 'Diagnosis' above.)

An elevated cardiac biomarker before the procedure is associated with an adverse prognosis. Elevations after PCI may also carry a worse prognosis. Our approach to the use of biomarker testing before and after PCI is discussed above. (See 'Prognosis' above.)

Multiple therapies for the prevention of periprocedural MI have been evaluated and include, among others, antiplatelet drugs, statins, ischemic preconditioning, adenosine, beta blockers, and distal protection devices. Of these, antiplatelet drugs and statins appear to have the greatest benefit. (See 'Prevention' above.)

Cardiac troponin I or T should be measured in all patients with symptoms suggestive of an MI during or after PCI and in all patients with complicated procedures. (See 'Recommendations for biomarker measurement' above.)


  1. Venkitachalam L, Kip KE, Selzer F, et al. Twenty-year evolution of percutaneous coronary intervention and its impact on clinical outcomes: a report from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-sponsored, multicenter 1985-1986 PTCA and 1997-2006 Dynamic Registries. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2009; 2:6.
  2. Williams DO, Holubkov R, Yeh W, et al. Percutaneous coronary intervention in the current era compared with 1985-1986: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Registries. Circulation 2000; 102:2945.
  3. Herrmann J. Peri-procedural myocardial injury: 2005 update. Eur Heart J 2005; 26:2493.
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Topic 1574 Version 31.0


1 : Twenty-year evolution of percutaneous coronary intervention and its impact on clinical outcomes: a report from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-sponsored, multicenter 1985-1986 PTCA and 1997-2006 Dynamic Registries.

2 : Percutaneous coronary intervention in the current era compared with 1985-1986: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Registries.

3 : Peri-procedural myocardial injury: 2005 update.

4 : Multimodality Intravascular Imaging to Predict Periprocedural Myocardial Infarction During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.

5 : Plaque Characterization to Inform the Prediction and Prevention of Periprocedural Myocardial Infarction During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The CANARY Trial (Coronary Assessment by Near-infrared of Atherosclerotic Rupture-prone Yellow).

6 : Preprocedural C-reactive protein levels predict myocardial necrosis after successful coronary stenting in patients with stable angina.

7 : Myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention: a meta-analysis of troponin elevation applying the new universal definition.

8 : Trends in outcome and costs of coronary intervention in the 1990s.

9 : Differential impact on survival of electrocardiographic Q-wave versus enzymatic myocardial infarction after percutaneous intervention: a device-specific analysis of 7147 patients.

10 : Myonecrosis after revascularization procedures.

11 : Elevation of the creatine kinase myocardial isoform following otherwise successful directional coronary atherectomy and stenting.

12 : Atherosclerotic plaque burden and CK-MB enzyme elevation after coronary interventions : intravascular ultrasound study of 2256 patients.

13 : Clinical outcomes after detection of elevated cardiac enzymes in patients undergoing percutaneous intervention. IMPACT-II Investigators. Integrilin (eptifibatide) to Minimize Platelet Aggregation and Coronary Thrombosis-II.

14 : Association between CK-MB elevation after percutaneous or surgical revascularization and three-year mortality.

15 : Prognostic impact of periprocedural bleeding and myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention in unselected patients: results from the EVENT (evaluation of drug-eluting stents and ischemic events) registry.

16 : Patterns of cardiac marker surveillance after elective percutaneous coronary intervention and implications for the use of periprocedural myocardial infarction as a quality metric: a report from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR).

17 : Prognostic significance of periprocedural versus spontaneously occurring myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute coronary syndromes: an analysis from the ACUITY (Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy) trial.

18 : Significance of periprocedural myonecrosis on outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention: an analysis of preintervention and postintervention troponin T levels in 5487 patients.

19 : Myocardial damage during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty as evidenced by troponin T measurements.

20 : Cardiac troponin T, creatine kinase, and its isoform release after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with or without stenting.

21 : Prognostic value of cardiac troponin-I levels following catheter-based coronary interventions.

22 : Isolated elevation in troponin T after percutaneous coronary intervention is associated with higher long-term mortality.

23 : Plaque volume and occurrence and location of periprocedural myocardial necrosis after percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from delayed-enhancement magnetic resonance imaging, thrombolysis in myocardial infarction myocardial perfusion grade analysis, and intravascular ultrasound.

24 : Angiographic variables predict increased risk for adverse ischemic events after coronary stenting with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition: results from the TARGET trial.

25 : Impact of the angiographic mechanisms underlying periprocedural myocardial infarction after drug-eluting stent implantation.

26 : Troponin elevation after percutaneous coronary intervention directly represents the extent of irreversible myocardial injury: insights from cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging.

27 : Elevations in troponin I after percutaneous coronary interventions are associated with abnormal tissue-level perfusion in high-risk patients with non-ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndromes.

28 : Detection of coronary microembolization by Doppler ultrasound in patients with stable angina pectoris undergoing elective percutaneous coronary interventions.

29 : The relationship between coronary plaque characteristics and small embolic particles during coronary stent implantation.

30 : Recognition of the importance of embolization in atherosclerotic vascular disease.

31 : Retrieval and analysis of particulate debris after saphenous vein graft intervention.

32 : The prequel: defining prognostically important criteria in the periprocedural PCI troponin saga.

33 : Why all the struggle about CK-MB and PCI?

34 : Interpreting troponin elevations: do we need multiple diagnoses?

35 : American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association/European Society of Cardiology/World Heart Federation universal definition of myocardial infarction classification system and the risk of cardiovascular death: observations from the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial (Trial to Assess Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet Inhibition With Prasugrel-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 38).

36 : Prognostic importance of troponin T and creatine kinase after elective angioplasty.

37 : Measuring troponin elevation after percutaneous coronary intervention: ready for prime time?

38 : Baseline troponin level: key to understanding the importance of post-PCI troponin elevations.

39 : Significance of periprocedural myonecrosis on outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention: an analysis of preintervention and postintervention troponin T levels in 5487 patients.

40 : Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction (2018).

41 : Periprocedural myocardial infarction and injury in elective coronary stenting.

42 : Definitions of peri-procedural myocardial infarction and the association with one-year mortality: Insights from CHAMPION trials.

43 : Consideration of a new definition of clinically relevant myocardial infarction after coronary revascularization: an expert consensus document from the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).

44 : 2011 ACCF/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions.

45 : Angiographic adverse events, creatine kinase-MB elevation, and ischemic end points complicating percutaneous coronary intervention (a REPLACE-2 substudy).

46 : Impact of the elevation of biochemical markers of myocardial damage on long-term mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention: results of the CK-MB and PCI study.

47 : Minor myocardial damage and prognosis: are spontaneous and percutaneous coronary intervention-related events different?

48 : Long-term clinical events following creatine kinase--myocardial band isoenzyme elevation after successful coronary stenting.

49 : Mortality risk conferred by small elevations of creatine kinase-MB isoenzyme after percutaneous coronary intervention.

50 : Differential mortality risk of postprocedural creatine kinase-MB elevation following successful versus unsuccessful stent procedures.

51 : Death following creatine kinase-MB elevation after coronary intervention: identification of an early risk period: importance of creatine kinase-MB level, completeness of revascularization, ventricular function, and probable benefit of statin therapy.

52 : Periprocedural myocardial infarction in a randomized trial of everolimus-eluting and Paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents: frequency and impact on mortality according to historic versus universal definitions.

53 : Prognostic significance of elevated troponin I after percutaneous coronary intervention.

54 : Role of cardiac troponin T in the long-term risk stratification of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.

55 : Cardiac troponin T and I and creatine kinase-MB as markers of myocardial injury and predictors of outcome following percutaneous coronary intervention.

56 : Correlation of postpercutaneous coronary intervention creatine kinase-MB and troponin I elevation in predicting mid-term mortality.

57 : Long-term follow-up of patients with increased cardiac troponin concentrations following percutaneous coronary intervention.

58 : Troponin criteria for myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention.

59 : Long-term cardiovascular mortality after procedure-related or spontaneous myocardial infarction in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: a collaborative analysis of individual patient data from the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 trials (FIR).

60 : Cardiac troponin after percutaneous coronary intervention and 1-year mortality in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome using systematic evaluation of biomarker trends.

61 : Defining the optimal cardiac troponin T threshold for predicting death caused by periprocedural myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention.

62 : Association between new electrocardiographic abnormalities after coronary revascularization and five-year cardiac mortality in BARI randomized and registry patients.

63 : Optimal timing for the initiation of pre-treatment with 300 mg clopidogrel before percutaneous coronary intervention.

64 : Meta-analysis appraising high clopidogrel loading in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.

65 : Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in elective percutaneous coronary intervention (ALPHEUS): a randomised, open-label, phase 3b trial.

66 : Effect of the novel thienopyridine prasugrel compared with clopidogrel on spontaneous and procedural myocardial infarction in the Trial to Assess Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet Inhibition with Prasugrel-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 38: an application of the classification system from the universal definition of myocardial infarction.

67 : Effect of cangrelor on periprocedural outcomes in percutaneous coronary interventions: a pooled analysis of patient-level data.

68 : Randomized comparison of adjunctive cilostazol versus high maintenance dose clopidogrel in patients with high post-treatment platelet reactivity: results of the ACCEL-RESISTANCE (Adjunctive Cilostazol Versus High Maintenance Dose Clopidogrel in Patients With Clopidogrel Resistance) randomized study.

69 : Triple versus dual antiplatelet therapy after coronary stenting: impact on stent thrombosis.

70 : 2009 Focused Updates: ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (updating the 2004 Guideline and 2007 Focused Update) and ACC/AHA/SCAI Guidelines on Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (updating the 2005 Guideline and 2007 Focused Update): a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines.

71 : Monitoring platelet function to reduce the risk of ischemic and bleeding complications.

72 : A Genotype-Guided Strategy for Oral P2Y12 Inhibitors in Primary PCI.

73 : Clinical benefit of statin pretreatment in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a collaborative patient-level meta-analysis of 13 randomized studies.

74 : Timing of Loading Dose of Atorvastatin in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Coronary Syndromes: Insights From the SECURE-PCI Randomized Clinical Trial.

75 : Pretreatment with intracoronary adenosine reduces the incidence of myonecrosis after non-urgent percutaneous coronary intervention: a prospective randomized study.

76 : Devices for distal protection during percutaneous coronary revascularization.

77 : Response to Letter Regarding Article, "Is Aspiration Thrombectomy Beneficial in Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention? Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials".

78 : ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 Guideline Update for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention--summary article: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (ACC/AHA/SCAI Writing Committee to Update the 2001 Guidelines for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention).