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Peripheral venous access in adults

Peripheral venous access in adults
Robert L Frank, MD, FACEP
Section Editor:
Allan B Wolfson, MD
Deputy Editor:
Michael Ganetsky, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Nov 05, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Peripheral venous cannulation, among the most common medical procedures, has revolutionized the practice of medicine. Peripheral intravenous (IV) catheters allow for the safe infusion of medications, hydration fluids, blood products, and nutritional supplements.

This topic will discuss the indications, contraindications, performance, and complications of peripheral venous catheter placement without the use of ultrasound guidance. Emergency vascular access in children, peripheral venous catheter placement under ultrasound guidance, and central venous catheter placement are reviewed separately. (See "Vascular (venous) access for pediatric resuscitation and other pediatric emergencies" and "Principles of ultrasound-guided venous access" and "Overview of central venous access in adults".)


Indications for venous access — Most often, intravenous (IV) access is obtained to provide therapies that cannot be administered or are less effective if given by alternative routes. As examples, IV hydration and nutritional support can be given to a patient with severe vomiting or abdominal pain from a surgical condition. Certain medications are more effective when given intravenously due to rapid onset or increased bioavailability. Some clinical situations, such as cardiac arrest, require treatment using IV medications; blood products must be given intravenously. In some instances, IV catheters are left in place when medications are given intermittently over a longer period (eg, long-term antibiotic therapy) or in case of a potential emergency.

Indications for peripheral versus central venous access — The decision to obtain peripheral rather than central venous access depends upon clinical circumstances. In general, peripheral catheters are preferred when IV access is required for shorter periods, when direct access to the central circulation is unnecessary, and when smaller gauge catheters suffice. Peripheral access is generally safer, easier to obtain, and less painful than central access. In patients taking anticoagulants, peripheral access allows for direct compression of puncture sites and fewer hematoma-related complications compared with the sites used for central venous catheters.

Central venous catheters are often preferred in patients receiving sclerosing medications that can damage peripheral veins or being treated with vasopressors, which can cause injury if extravasated. Central venous access may also be preferable in patients with severe volume depletion or in whom peripheral venous catheter placement has a low likelihood of success (ie, frequent users of illicit IV drugs). (See "Overview of central venous access in adults", section on 'Indications'.)

Contraindications — There are few contraindications to the placement of peripheral venous catheters. Most concern problems with cannulation at a specific site. The sole absolute contraindication is when appropriate therapy can be provided by a less invasive route (eg, orally). Guidelines about appropriate sites for the placement of peripheral venous catheters are described separately. (See 'Site selection' below.)

Some clinicians consider the use of a limb with a significant motor and/or sensory deficit for placement of a peripheral IV catheter to be relatively contraindicated. Anecdotal evidence suggests that paralyzed extremities and limbs with significant weakness may be at slightly increased risk of developing deep vein thrombosis. However, there is no clear evidence that routine placement of a standard length peripheral intravenous (IV) catheter increases this baseline risk, especially in upper extremities [1,2]. Placement of a peripheral IV catheter in a limb with a significant sensory deficit may delay detection of fluid or medication infiltration if the patient is unable to feel the discomfort caused by such infiltration. In general, we think that a limb with a significant motor or sensory deficit may be used safely for temporary placement of a peripheral IV catheter, provided the limb is monitored closely, until a preferable site for venous access can be found.

Anticipated difficulty — According to observational data, factors associated with difficulty placing a peripheral IV catheter in an adult include obesity, underweight, clinician inexperience, and clinician judgement of poor peripheral venous access [3-5]. In a prospective study of IV placement in 563 consecutive emergency department patients, difficult venous access was predicted by paucity or absence of visible or palpable peripheral veins [3].

If difficulty is anticipated or apparent when it is critical to obtain access, alternative approaches include intraosseous catheters, and possibly central venous catheters or peripheral catheter placement under ultrasound guidance depending upon clinical circumstances and available equipment. (See "Intraosseous infusion" and "Placement of jugular venous catheters" and "Placement of femoral venous catheters" and "Placement of subclavian venous catheters" and "Principles of ultrasound-guided venous access".)


Equipment — Necessary materials for obtaining peripheral venous access include:

Peripheral venous catheters of appropriate size

Connective tubing and IV fluid

Skin preparation materials (eg, chlorhexidine)


Tape or a commercial device to secure the catheter

Clean gloves and eye protection

If fluid administration is not required and the catheter is placed for intermittent therapy or anticipated need, a cap is placed atop the catheter. In such cases, a small syringe filled with a flushing solution (eg, isotonic saline) is required to ensure the catheter's patency.

Other materials that may be needed when obtaining peripheral venous access include a topical anesthetic to minimize the pain of venipuncture, fluid warmers, and pressure infusers. If a catheter is placed over a joint, a splint may help to reduce movement and decrease the risk of dislodging the catheter.

Catheters — Intravenous (IV) catheters in common use today are pliable plastic tubes with an inner needle obturator (over-the-needle catheters) (picture 1) [6]. Steel needles, such as butterfly needles, may be appropriate for blood draws, but should not be used for prolonged IV therapy due to the risk of vein injury and extravasation of fluids or medications [7]. Catheter material and the risk of phlebitis and infection are discussed separately. (See "Intravascular catheter-related infection: Prevention", section on 'Catheter material' and "Catheter-related upper extremity venous thrombosis in adults", section on 'Phlebitis'.)

Peripheral catheters range in size from 24 (smaller) to 14 (larger) gauges. Flow rates through peripheral IV catheters follow Poiseuille's law (V = ∏ p r4 / 8 ή l), which states that flow is directly related to the pressure driving the fluid and to the internal radius of the catheter raised to the fourth power, and inversely related to the length of the catheter and to the viscosity of the fluid. Thus, an IV catheter with the largest radius and shortest length allows for the most rapid infusion [8].

Flow rates through various sizes of IV catheters are listed in the table (table 1) [8].

While statistical differences in flow rates have been reported across various brands of catheters, there do not appear to be clinically significant differences. Disparities between the slowest and fastest flow rates among different brands for 20-, 22-, and 24-gauge IV catheters were 6.6, 5.4, and 7.7 mL/min, respectively [9].

Twenty-two- to 20-gauge catheters are typically used for medication administration or infusion of moderate volumes of fluid. Larger catheter sizes are indicated when rapid infusion of a large volume of fluid is anticipated.

When transfusing blood, it had been thought that larger-bore IV catheters (20- to 18-gauge) were required to prevent hemolysis of red blood cells, but studies have not found this to be necessary. Infusion of red blood cells with IV catheter sizes as small as 24 gauge, even when performed with pressure infusers up to 300 mmHg, does not appear to cause hemolysis or any other adverse effects [10-13]. The smallest appropriate needle size should be used, as smaller sizes cause less trauma and phlebitis [14].

Catheters range in length from 2 to 3 cm (0.75 to 1.25 inches). Longer catheters (5 to 15 cm; 2 to 6 inches) may be beneficial for placement proximal to the antecubital fossa by reducing the risk of dislodgement when the patient moves [15]. To reduce the risk of injury, the needles in most catheters in current use can be retracted into a needle guard by pushing a button on the flashback chamber after the catheter is inserted [6].


General guidance, risks, and site-specific contraindications — Many sites can be used for peripheral intravenous (IV) access, and they vary in their ease of cannulation and potential risks. Site selection varies according to clinical circumstances, expected duration of treatment, and the condition of the extremities.

In general, distal extremity sites should be used first, saving more proximal sites for subsequent cannulation, if needed. Placing an IV in a vein distal to a site that was previously punctured can lead to extravasation of fluids and hematoma formation. Larger veins are generally more easily cannulated and are preferable to smaller veins in the same region. Veins of the upper extremity are preferred due to the increased risk of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis with venous cannulation of the lower extremities [7,16,17]. Whenever possible, avoid using the dominant upper extremity.

Sites over joints (eg, antecubital fossa) should be avoided if possible due to the increased risk of catheter dislodgement and kinking, and the need to then immobilize the joint to reduce these risks. Peripheral IV catheters used for trauma resuscitation are an exception to this rule and are routinely placed in the larger veins of the antecubital fossa. (See "Initial management of trauma in adults", section on 'Circulation'.)

Contraindications to the use of a particular extremity include the presence of an arteriovenous fistula (catheter can alter venous blood flow or damage the fistula) [7]. Venous catheter placement should be avoided at a site that may interfere with an anticipated procedure (eg, an injured extremity that requires surgery). A history of mastectomy or lymph node dissection is no longer considered a contraindication to tourniquet use or venipuncture in the ipsilateral arm, provided lymphedema is not present. (See "Breast cancer-associated lymphedema", section on 'Unsupported risk reduction strategies'.)

Veins that are firm to palpation may be sclerosed (eg, from IV drug abuse) and should be avoided as should veins with evidence of phlebitis or thrombosis. Venous puncture at sites where catheter placement was recently attempted should also be avoided, especially if a hematoma formed (ie, vein was "blown") following the previous attempt. (See "Superficial vein thrombosis and phlebitis of the lower extremity veins", section on 'Clinical presentations'.)

Placement of an IV through infected tissue is not advised due to the risk of introducing a systemic infection. In addition, peripheral IV catheters should not be placed through burned tissue or in extremities with massive edema.

Anatomy and vein selection — The veins of the dorsum of the hand are often the most accessible sites for peripheral cannulation (figure 1 and figure 2). As an example, the dorsal metacarpal veins are usually visible and palpable and make good sites for IV catheter placement [7]. These veins merge into the dorsal venous network (or arch) and then form the cephalic vein, which runs along the lateral distal forearm. The cephalic vein is usually visible and palpable and therefore another good site for cannulation [18]. The volar forearm also contains several veins that can be cannulated, including the median antebrachial veins [19].

The antecubital fossa, though not a primary choice for nonemergent IV access, contains several accessible veins, including the cephalic, median cubital, and basilic [19]. These veins are usually large and easily cannulated and provide a useful option when emergent IV access is needed. Veins in the proximal arm are more safely cannulated using ultrasound guidance. They include the more proximal portions of the basilic, cephalic, and brachial veins. If catheter placement is attempted in these proximal veins without ultrasound guidance, there is an increased risk of arterial puncture and nerve injury [20]. (See "Principles of ultrasound-guided venous access".)

In addition to the arm, leg and neck veins can be used to obtain peripheral IV access. The external jugular vein, which drains into the subclavian, is a large vein in the neck that is easily cannulated, even in patients with severe volume depletion or otherwise poor extremity access (figure 3) [21]. Placing the patient's bed in a head-down (ie, Trendelenburg) position or having them perform a Valsalva maneuver often enlarges the vein making cannulation easier. When inserting the catheter, avoid the valves in the external jugular vein, which can impair function [22]. (See 'Vein dilation' below.)

Veins of the leg, including the greater saphenous vein at the level of the medial malleolus and the dorsal metatarsal veins on the dorsum of the foot, are often accessible [23]. However, lower extremity sites should be used only if veins in the arm cannot be cannulated (figure 4). (See 'General guidance, risks, and site-specific contraindications' above.)


Consent — Implied (presumed) consent is felt adequate for a procedure such as placement of a peripheral venous catheter where the risks and benefits are common knowledge to "persons of average intelligence" [24]. For IV catheter placement, consent can be assumed if the patient extends their arm for the procedure to be performed [25]. Some patients may be apprehensive about IV placement and in nonemergent cases, it is important to take some time to explain the reason for venous catheterization, risks and benefits, alternatives, expected duration of therapy, and the pain involved, and to allow the patient an opportunity to ask questions.

Obtaining IV access in uncooperative patients is challenging. It is important to determine why the patient will not or cannot cooperate. If the patient lacks the capacity to make reasoned medical decisions and has a potentially life or limb-threatening condition requiring urgent intervention, the use of restraints may be necessary. Chemical restraint is preferred, but temporary use of physical restraints may be required. (See "Assessment and emergency management of the acutely agitated or violent adult".)

If the patient is alert and has capacity but will not cooperate due to fear or anxiety, provide reassurance. Administration of a short-acting anxiolytic (eg, midazolam) prior to the procedure may be beneficial, as may allowing a parent, family member, or friend to help comfort the patient.

Basic preparations — Keep the patient warm and relaxed; both excessive cold and anxiety stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and can cause vasoconstriction of superficial vessels, thus making cannulation more difficult [26]. Patients who are excessively anxious may benefit from a small dose of a short-acting anxiolytic (eg, midazolam) prior to the procedure.

Excessive hair around catheter sites may be clipped to ease cannulation and improve dressing adherence [7]. Do not shave hair because this increases the risk of infection [6]. If a topical anesthetic is used, allow sufficient time for it to take effect. If possible, use the patient's nondominant extremity to reduce inconvenience and the effect of extravasation, should it occur.

The practitioner placing the IV and the patient should both be comfortable throughout the procedure. If possible, place patients in a supine position to avoid lightheadedness from pain or the sight of blood. Place the extremity with the venipuncture site on a stable surface below heart level to allow gravity to enhance venous dilation [27].

Prevention of infection — Before venipuncture is attempted, take appropriate steps to protect the patient and healthcare worker from infection. Wash your hands, and wear clean gloves and protective eye wear. Do not touch the puncture site after it has been cleaned with an appropriate solution (chlorhexidine). Prevention of infection associated with IV catheters, including cleaning agents and sterile technique, is discussed separately. (See "Intravascular catheter-related infection: Prevention".)

Vein dilation — Multiple methods for enhancing venous dilation to facilitate cannulation have been described [28]. Placing the anticipated cannulation site below the level of the heart uses gravity to reduce venous return, which causes blood to pool and veins to distend [29,30]. Lightly tapping or gently stroking the vein along its length in a proximal to distal direction causes venous distension [31,32]. Another simple, effective way to dilate veins consists of having the patient alternately clench and relax their fist [29].

Elevating skin temperatures to 39 to 42°C at the cannulation site causes venous dilation. This can be accomplished by placing the site in warm water or by applying a warm compress (eg, warm moist cloths, warming packs, heated carbon fiber mitts) [29,30,33-35].

Proximal compression, most often using a thin rubber tourniquet placed 5 to 10 cm proximal to the anticipated venipuncture site, impedes venous return and enhances venous dilation [29]. Tourniquet pressures should be greater than venous pressure, but less than arterial pressure to allow arterial inflow [29,33]. Other devices similar to tourniquets may be used, such as blood pressure cuffs and Esmarch bandages. If a blood pressure cuff is used, inflate it no higher than the diastolic blood pressure [36-38]. Avoid excessive pressure and prolonged application of the tourniquet to reduce the risk of vein injury and hematoma formation, especially in the elderly [39].

An Esmarch bandage is similar to the rubber tourniquets commonly used, but is 7.5 to 25 cm (3 to 10 inches) in width, and each roll is several hundred centimeters long. The Esmarch bandage is placed at the proximal end of the involved limb, and the limb is then wrapped circumferentially in a proximal to distal direction [40]. This squeezes blood from the proximal to the distal end of the limb, thereby dilating the veins.

Nitroglycerin ointment applied to the venipuncture site and left for two minutes causes venous dilation and does not appear to cause deleterious changes in blood pressure, even in hypotensive patients [41].

For the placement of larger intravenous (IV) catheters, a technique for dilating veins similar to Bier block regional anesthesia has been described [42]. After a small gauge IV catheter is placed, usually in the hand, the tourniquet is left in place. A volume of isotonic crystalloid (60 to 300 mL) is then infused. This fluid distends the surrounding collateral veins, allowing for placement of a larger gauge catheter.

Tools for locating veins — When no veins are readily visible or palpable, any of several transillumination devices can be used to locate veins for cannulation. One such device uses infrared light, which reflects off tissue surrounding the veins, but not the vein itself (eg, The VeinViewer, Luminetx, Memphis, Tennessee) [43]. Other devices use a light frequency that causes deoxygenated venous blood to appear darker than surrounding tissues (eg, Veinlite LED, TransLite, Sugarland, Texas) [43]. In patients with veins not easily seen or palpated, Doppler ultrasound can be used to identify veins larger than 2 mm [44]. (See "Principles of ultrasound-guided venous access".)

Analgesia — Venipuncture is a painful procedure, but analgesia is not routinely provided outside the operating theater [45]. Nevertheless, topical and subcutaneous anesthetics reduce the pain and anxiety associated with IV catheter insertion, and they should be used whenever possible. Multiple methods are available for providing analgesia prior to venipuncture, including intradermal injection, topical medication, and technologies such as iontophoresis. A thorough discussion of topical anesthetics is found separately; a brief description of selected analgesic techniques for peripheral venous cannulation is provided here. (See "Clinical use of topical anesthetics in children".)

Intradermally injected local anesthetics are the traditional method of anesthetizing a puncture site. One percent buffered lidocaine injected subcutaneously provides rapid anesthesia and does not appear to decrease successful catheter placement [46]. This method reduces the pain from venipuncture, but involves a separate injection, which itself can cause pain, anxiety, and may distort puncture site anatomy [47-50]. Avoid intradermal anesthetics that contain epinephrine, which can cause the vein to constrict [51].

A number of topical anesthetics can be used to reduce the pain of venipuncture:

EMLA, the eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine, reduces pain but requires approximately one hour to achieve peak effect. If used, 1 to 2 g should be applied per 10 cm2 of skin and then covered with an occlusive dressing. EMLA is generally safe, but can cause methemoglobinemia with prolonged use or in those who are predisposed. (See "Clinical use of topical anesthetics in children", section on 'Lidocaine-prilocaine'.)

LMX (formerly ELA-max) is a topical preparation of lidocaine encapsulated in liposomes, which are spherical, microscopic, phospholipid-based carriers that promote passage of the anesthetic through intact skin. LMX appears to have similar efficacy to EMLA in preventing pain from venipuncture, but takes only 30 minutes to exert its effect. Dosing is similar to EMLA: apply 1 to 2 g per 10 cm2 of skin. (See "Clinical use of topical anesthetics in children", section on 'Liposomal lidocaine'.)

Tetracaine, an ester anesthetic, can be applied as a 4 percent cream, a 5 percent gel (Amethocaine), or a 5 percent liposomal encapsulated cream (LET). Its efficacy and time of onset are similar to EMLA.

Vapocoolant sprays act by cooling the skin surface immediately prior to IV placement. Spraying time is a key factor that determines performance and depends on individual site, blood flow, skin fat content, and other factors.  

Each method above has advantages and disadvantages, but all seem to provide similar degrees of anesthesia [52]. If time allows, topical agents are a good approach, but they may require 30 to 60 minutes to achieve maximum effect.

Iontophoresis, the application of a small electrical current to move ionized lidocaine through intact skin, has been used to provide local analgesia. Iontophoresis provides pain relief from venipuncture within 10 to 20 minutes. The technique can cause minor skin irritation and blistering. Similarly, sonophoresis, the use of low frequency ultrasound to facilitate skin penetration of a local anesthetic, has been shown to be fast (15 to 20 seconds of ultrasound time followed by five minutes of local anesthetic application) and effective in reducing pain from venipuncture [53,54]. A disadvantage of such techniques is the need for relatively expensive equipment.

Researchers have assessed the use of a single pulse of an erbium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser to remove the stratum corneum, thereby improving the penetration of local anesthetic. While the technique was found to reduce the pain of IV cannulation in volunteers within minutes, the cost of the laser device is prohibitive (approximately USD $2000) [55].


Traditional percutaneous technique — Once an appropriate site is selected, use the following technique to place the catheter:

Place a tourniquet proximal to the intended site (picture 2).

Cleanse the skin, being careful not to contaminate the puncture site after the skin is cleansed. A local anaesthetic may be injected (picture 3).

Hold the area steady with the nondominant hand, and use the thumb to pull gently on the vein. This reduces movement of the vein when inserting the needle. Avoid applying excessive pressure, which will collapse the vein.

Hold the catheter in the dominant hand between the thumb and forefinger with the bevel facing upwards (picture 4).

Approach the vein with the needle at a low angle, generally about 10 to 30 degrees from the skin surface. Puncture the skin, and enter the vein using a slow, smooth, continuous movement. A flash of blood in the flash back chamber of the catheter indicates that the needle has entered the vein.

Advance the catheter another 1 to 2 mm to ensure that the catheter tip, which sits back slightly from the needle lumen, lies completely within the vein (picture 5).

Place the tip of the dominant index finger against the small tab that extends up from the top of the hub of the catheter. Advance the catheter into the vein by extending the dominant index finger, thereby exerting pressure against the small tab with the fingertip. Maintain slight traction on the vein with the nondominant hand to prevent vein movement while the catheter advances. If the catheter is within the vessel lumen, it should advance easily and relatively painlessly (picture 6).

If you cannot advance the catheter, it has either been advanced too far through the posterior wall of the vein, or the needle entered the vein but the catheter did not. If you suspect the former situation, withdraw the needle slightly until you see a good blood flash in the hub, and then try advancing the catheter. If you suspect the latter situation, advance the needle slightly, and then try to advance the catheter. In many cases, you must abort the attempt at cannulation if these problems arise, and try a different site, proximal to the first if the same extremity is used.

Occasionally, the catheter is in the lumen of the vein but cannot be advanced because it lies against a valve or tortuous portion of the vein. If you suspect this, attach a syringe filled with isotonic saline to the catheter, and gently infuse fluid through the catheter while slowly advancing it. This problem can often be avoided by using relatively straight veins and by avoiding valves which are often visible as small, circumscribed bulges in the vein.

If the IV catheter is appropriately placed, venous blood will flow steadily from the catheter, and no swelling will occur at the puncture site. Once the catheter has been inserted, push the button on the needle guard to allow the needle to be retracted and to prevent inadvertent needle stick injuries. Remove the tourniquet, secure the catheter, and attach the appropriate IV set up. If correctly placed, medicine or fluids should infuse easily, without pain or swelling at the catheter site (picture 7).

If swelling occurs and extravenous placement is suspected, remove the catheter, and apply pressure at the puncture site to reduce hematoma formation; then place a dressing over the puncture site.

Inadvertent arterial catheter placement usually causes a pulsatile flow of bright red blood and produces an arterial wave form when a transducer is attached. If this occurs, remove the catheter and apply continuous pressure at the puncture site for approximately 10 minutes.

When the procedure is completed, place all sharp objects in the proper container, and dispose of other materials appropriately (picture 8).

Ultrasound guided — Ultrasound has become a useful adjunct in the performance of many medical procedures, including placement of central and peripheral venous catheters. The use of ultrasound in the placement of peripheral venous catheters is described separately. (See "Principles of ultrasound-guided venous access".)


Securing the catheter — Once the catheter is placed, secure it well to avoid dislodgement, which can cause extravasation of potentially harmful IV fluids and medications. In addition, movement of a poorly secured catheter may increase the risk of thrombophlebitis [56]. If the IV catheter must be placed over a joint or in a dominant hand, it is often helpful to place a splint. Selection of an appropriate site for catheter placement is discussed above. (See 'Site selection' above.)

Peripheral catheters can be secured with tape, prefabricated adhesive dressings (eg, Opsite, Smith and Nephew, United Kingdom; Tegaderm, 3M, St. Paul, Minnesota), suture, or specific IV securing devices. An unblinded randomized trial found that application of a drop of skin adhesive to the skin insertion site, and a drop under the catheter hub after insertion, followed by a standard tape and polyurethane dressing, resulted in lower rates of catheter failure (eg, dislodgement) at 48 hours, without significant adverse effects [57]. The relative advantages and disadvantages of methods for securing an IV catheter are discussed separately. (See "Intravascular catheter-related infection: Prevention", section on 'Site care'.)

Maintaining patency — Peripheral IV catheters placed for intermittent therapy (INT) require occasional flushing to keep them patent. This is not a concern when catheters are used for continuous infusions. Previously, dilute heparin solutions were used to flush catheters, thus the term "heparin lock." Multiple studies have found that periodic flushing with isotonic saline is equally effective in maintaining the patency of catheters used for INT, while avoiding heparin-related complications [58-62]. No studies address the issue of how best to flush peripheral catheters with saline, but common practice is to use 2 to 10 mL of isotonic saline after any IV medication is given or every 4 to 12 hours [63].

Monitoring — After an IV has been successfully placed, clinicians should periodically reassess the catheter to verify proper placement and patency. Examine the site carefully if any redness, edema, pain, tenderness, or problems infusing develop. Ultrasound can be used to verify the catheter's position.

Extravasation of fluid usually manifests as swelling and pain at the site and slow infusion rates. If IV fluids no longer infuse via gravity and the catheter cannot be flushed easily, a clot may have formed within the catheter. Do not flush the catheter forcefully because this can dislodge a clot into the circulation and should not be done.

COMPLICATIONS — When performed properly, peripheral IV placement is a safe procedure with little serious risk. Nevertheless, a number of potential complications have been described. Among the more common complications are phlebitis, extravasation of IV fluids, bruising, and hematoma formation [22]. Thrombophlebitis occurs in up to 15 percent of those with peripheral venous catheters [64]. This risk can be reduced by avoiding lower extremity IV placement, minimizing catheter movement, placing the smallest suitable catheter size, and removing the catheter as soon as possible [65-67]. Catheters placed in emergency circumstances are more prone to complications. For catheters that may need to be in place for longer periods, splinting the proximate joint and thereby preventing or minimizing catheter motion may reduce the risk for thrombophlebitis [68].

Peripheral venous catheters are thought to be rare causes of blood stream infections. The risk of infection from peripheral IV catheters and the practice of using a fixed schedule (eg, three days) to replace catheters are discussed separately. (See "Central venous access devices and approach to device and site selection in adults", section on 'Factors influencing catheter selection'.)

Less commonly reported complications include septic discitis [69], venous air embolism, pneumocephalus [70], DVT [71], skin necrosis [72], bacteremia [73], compartment syndrome, nerve injury, arterial injury [74], tendon injury, and venous aneurysm formation [22,75].


IV catheters should be placed when less invasive forms of therapy are not appropriate.

Catheter selection varies according to the patient's condition and intended use. (See 'Indications, contraindications, and difficulty' above.)

Depending upon clinical circumstances, we suggest using a local anesthetic prior to venipuncture. (See 'Analgesia' above.)

Ideally, peripheral IV catheters are placed in distal veins in the upper extremity. (See 'Site selection' above.)

Methods to enhance venous dilation and successful cannulation are included in the text. (See 'Vein dilation' above and 'Traditional percutaneous technique' above.)

Localized pain or swelling or impaired infusate flow suggest a complication with the catheter, which should be carefully examined. (See 'Monitoring' above and 'Complications' above.)


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Topic 13824 Version 18.0


1 : Upper extremity deep vein thrombosis.

2 : Fibrinolytic activity of human veins in arms and legs.

3 : Predicting peripheral venous access difficulty in the emergency department using body mass index and a clinical evaluation of venous accessibility.

4 : Is peripheral line placement more difficult in obese than in lean patients?

5 : Variables influencing intravenous catheter insertion difficulty and failure: an analysis of 339 intravenous catheter insertions.

6 : Variables influencing intravenous catheter insertion difficulty and failure: an analysis of 339 intravenous catheter insertions.

7 : Variables influencing intravenous catheter insertion difficulty and failure: an analysis of 339 intravenous catheter insertions.

8 : Intravenous fluid resuscitation: was Poiseuille right?

9 : Comparative flow rates for small bore peripheral intravenous catheters.

10 : Changing blood transfusion policy and practice.

11 : Putting evidence into nursing practice: four traditional practices not supported by the evidence.

12 : Blood transfusions: effect of speed of infusion and of needle gauge on hemolysis.

13 : Blood transfusion flow rate

14 : Prevention of intravascular infections ways and means.

15 : Mid-arm approach to basilic and cephalic vein cannulation using ultrasound guidance.

16 : An epidemiologic study of the risks associated with peripheral intravenous catheters.

17 : Vascular access. How to set up a drip and keep it going.

18 : Vascular access. How to set up a drip and keep it going.

19 : Vascular access. How to set up a drip and keep it going.

20 : Percutaneous brachial vein catheterization: an alternate site for intravenous access. [abstract 38]

21 : Percutaneous brachial vein catheterization: an alternate site for intravenous access. [abstract 38]

22 : Percutaneous brachial vein catheterization: an alternate site for intravenous access. [abstract 38]

23 : Percutaneous brachial vein catheterization: an alternate site for intravenous access. [abstract 38]

24 : Is informed consent required for the administration of intravenous contrast and similar clinical procedures?

25 : Vascular access: a guide to peripheral venous cannulation.

26 : Autonomic control of the venous system in health and disease: effects of drugs.

27 : Peripheral i.v. starts: securing and removing the catheter.

28 : Venodilatation techniques to enhance venepuncture and intravenous cannulation.

29 : Methods of obtaining peripheral venous access in difficult situations.

30 : Tips for improving your venipuncture techniques.

31 : Evaluation of venous distension device: potential aid for intravenous cannulation.

32 : Nitric oxide as a chemical link in the generation of pain from veins in humans.

33 : Making sense of the technique of venepuncture.

34 : Local warming and insertion of peripheral venous cannulas: single blinded prospective randomised controlled trial and single blinded randomised crossover trial.

35 : Local warming does help when inserting cannulas.

36 : Venipuncture tips for radiologic technologists.

37 : How to insert a peripheral venous cannula.

38 : How to insert a peripheral venous cannula.

39 : Tips for inserting an i.v. in an older patient.

40 : The reverse Esmarch bandage for venous access.

41 : Facilitated intravenous access through local application of nitroglycerin ointment.

42 : A new technique for obtaining large-bore peripheral intravenous access.

43 : Need help finding a vein?

44 : Use of hand-held Doppler to identify 'difficult' forearm veins for cannulation.

45 : Local anaesthesia for venous cannulation and arterial blood gas sampling: are doctors using it?

46 : A randomized, crossover comparison of injected buffered lidocaine, lidocaine cream, and no analgesia for peripheral intravenous cannula insertion.

47 : Local anaesthetic: does it really reduce the pain of insertion of all sizes of venous cannula?

48 : Appropriate use of local anaesthetic for venous cannulation.

49 : Principles of office anesthesia: part II. Topical anesthesia.

50 : Pain during insertion of peripheral intravenous catheters with and without intradermal lidocaine.

51 : Local anesthesia. Topical application, local infiltration, and field block.

52 : Topical anesthetics for dermal instrumentation: a systematic review of randomized, controlled trials.

53 : Low-frequency sonophoresis: pathologic and thermal effects in dogs.

54 : Ultrasound with topical anesthetic rapidly decreases pain of intravenous cannulation.

55 : Laser-assisted anesthesia prior to intravenous cannulation in volunteers: a randomized, controlled trial.

56 : A prospective study of two intravenous catheter securement techniques in a skilled nursing facility.

57 : Skin Glue Reduces the Failure Rate of Emergency Department-Inserted Peripheral Intravenous Catheters: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

58 : Reducing the risk of complications in i.v. therapy.

59 : A meta-analysis of effects of heparin flush and saline flush: quality and cost implications.

60 : The case for the saline flush.

61 : Prospective study of replacing administration sets for intravenous therapy at 48- vs 72-hour intervals. 72 hours is safe and cost-effective.

62 : Benefit of heparin in peripheral venous and arterial catheters: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

63 : Peripheral venous catheters: a review of current practices.

64 : Infusion phlebitis in post-operative patients: when and why.

65 : Infusion phlebitis in post-operative patients: when and why.

66 : Peripheral venous catheter-related inflammation. A randomized prospective trial.

67 : Peripheral intravenous catheter related phlebitis and its contributing factors among adult population at KU Teaching Hospital.

68 : Innovative Solutions and Insights to Phlebitis Prevention.

69 : Septic discitis and other complications of peripheral venous cannulation.

70 : Iatrogenic intravascular pneumocephalus secondary to intravenous catheterization.

71 : Incidence of deep vein thrombosis related to peripherally inserted central catheters in children and adolescents.

72 : Intravenous catheter complications in the hand and forearm.

73 : Clinical epidemiology and outcomes of peripheral venous catheter-related bloodstream infections at a university-affiliated hospital.

74 : Unintentional arterial puncture during cephalic vein cannulation: case report and anatomical study.

75 : Aneurysm of antecubital vein: an unusual complication of peripheral intravenous cannulation.