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Overview of overuse (persistent) tendinopathy

Overview of overuse (persistent) tendinopathy
Alexander Scott, PhD, RPT
Jonathan Rees, FRCP (UK), FFSEM (UK), MD
Section Editor:
Karl B Fields, MD
Deputy Editor:
Jonathan Grayzel, MD, FAAEM
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: May 28, 2021.

INTRODUCTION — Tendinopathy is a clinical syndrome characterized by persistent, localized tendon pain and loss of function. Most commonly, it is the result of repeated mechanical loading (this is termed "overuse"). On occasion, a small load or increase in load can result in a tendon becoming symptomatic for the first time. Tendinopathy is distinct from tendon rupture. Tendinopathy refers to a tendon with abnormal tissue that is structurally intact.

This topic will review the clinically relevant aspects of the pathophysiology of tendinopathy in general. The diagnosis and management of tendinopathy generally and in specific tendons is discussed separately. (See "Overview of the management of overuse (persistent) tendinopathy" and "Achilles tendinopathy and tendon rupture" and "Rotator cuff tendinopathy" and "Elbow tendinopathy (tennis and golf elbow)".)

PATHOLOGY AND TERMINOLOGY — Our knowledge of the pathophysiology of overuse tendinopathy stems mainly from surgical biopsies taken from subjects with chronic tendon pain who have failed conservative treatment and undergone open or arthroscopic tendon debridement.

Historically, overuse tendinopathy was commonly referred to as tendinitis. The suffix "itis" implied that inflammation was central to the pathological process. During the 1990s, surgical biopsies from ruptured and symptomatic tendons (ie, in patients who had failed conservative treatment) became available. Numerous histopathology and gene array studies performed on these tissue specimens have revealed that the pathophysiology underlying most cases is a failed healing response within the tendon tissue [1-18]. Histopathology of a wide variety of tendons consistently reveals few inflammatory cells. This is true of the Achilles, posterior tibial, patellar, gluteal [19], adductor [20], extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum [21], and rotator cuff tendons [3,8,14,22,23]. Subsequently, the prevailing view became that tendinopathy was essentially a degenerative condition caused by repeated mechanical loading (overuse), not an inflammatory condition. The term "tendinitis" fell out of favor, and the terms "tendinopathy" and "tendinosis" became more commonly used.

Nevertheless, tissue analyses revealed the presence of iron-containing macrophages in affected tissues, suggesting prior episodes of vascular disruption and the resulting activation of the innate immune response during the development of tendinopathy [15,17]. Furthermore, the widespread presence of neovessels and chemicals such as substance P in longstanding tendinopathy suggests elements of the inflammatory response are indeed present in chronic tendinopathy.

A 2018 systematic review concluded that "prior to 2012, the majority of published reviews did not discuss monocytes, macrophages, or lymphocytes in tendinopathy; rather, they focused on the lack of neutrophils" [24]. This neutrophil-focused definition of inflammation may have contributed to suggestions that the pathophysiology is entirely noninflammatory [25].

A typical inflammatory response does occur in tendons following vascular disruption, whether from microscopic, partial, or complete rupture of the tendon [26-28]. Increased COX-2 or IL-6 expression indicates that there may be a mild low-grade inflammation even in longstanding cases [29]. Indeed, tendon cells from patients with tendinopathy produce more PGE2 than do tendon cells from those with healthy tendons [30].

The role of inflammation in acute paratendinitis (eg, De Quervain tenosynovitis) may be more prominent [13]. However, in the chronic stage, De Quervain tenosynovitis is also characterized by minimal inflammation and widespread degenerative and fibrotic changes affecting the sheath and the tendon itself.

In addition to minimal inflammation, overuse tendinopathy is characterized by changes in tendon structure that mainly reflect scarring and a healing response [31,32]. Changes can occur in different regions of a tendon, such as at the enthesis (portion of tendon that inserts onto bone) [33]. The attached figure presents examples of normal tendon appearance and some common changes observed in pathologic tissue (picture 1). These features include areas of tendon fibroblast proliferation, presence of smaller and less organized collagen fibers, and neovascularization/angiogenesis. This pathology may be summarized as "angiofibroblastic hyperplasia" [18].

EPIDEMIOLOGY — Increased participation in recreational sporting activity, particularly among middle-aged adults, has led to an increasing incidence of overuse tendinopathies [34]. Risk factors for tendinopathy are often divided into intrinsic factors (pertaining to the properties of an individual's tendon or healing capacity) and extrinsic factors (pertaining to the load placed on the tendon; ie, the volume of exercise) (table 1). Among these many factors, advancing age (intrinsic) and increased overall volume of tendon load (extrinsic) pose the greatest risk for developing overuse tendinopathy.

Age over 35 years is associated with an increased incidence of many overuse tendinopathies, including Achilles tendinopathy in runners and rotator cuff tendinopathy in throwing athletes or manual laborers [34]. As tendons age, they lose their energy-storing capacity (in particular the Achilles tendon), which may predispose to injury [35-37]. In addition, age may reduce the tendon's capacity to repair the ongoing microtrauma that occurs during tendon loading activity [38]. Generally speaking, apophysitis (such as Osgood-Schlatter disease and calcaneal apophysitis) is more common than tendinopathy in adolescents [34]. (See "Osgood-Schlatter disease (tibial tuberosity avulsion)" and "Heel pain in the active child or skeletally immature adolescent: Overview of causes", section on 'Calcaneal apophysitis (Sever disease)'.)

Gender strongly influences the risk of developing certain tendinopathies. As an example, patellar tendinopathy is five times more common in male than female jumping athletes [39]. By contrast, lateral elbow tendinopathy appears equally distributed among males and females [40,41]. The influence of gender on tendinopathy is incompletely understood but may represent a combination of biomechanical variables (eg, hip-to-knee angles), hormonal influences (eg, estrogen levels and menopausal status), and different sporting or occupational behaviors [42].

Biomechanical abnormalities are associated with an increased risk of tendinopathy, particularly in the lower extremity. Thus, if unusual postures or movements are noted in patients with chronic tendon pain, a complete biomechanical assessment by a physiotherapist or other clinician with comparable expertise should be performed. Pes planus (flat foot) or pes cavus (high arched foot), subtalar joint stiffness, reduced ankle dorsiflexion, muscle tightness, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction have all been reported to play a role in the development of tendinopathy [43-46].

Prior tendon lesions represent a significant risk factor for developing tendinopathy. In high-risk groups, such as athletes participating in jumping sports with a high prevalence of patellar or Achilles tendinopathy, asymptomatic lesions identified on ultrasound at the start of an athletic season are associated with an increased risk of developing a symptomatic tendinopathy during the season [47,48].

Tendinopathies often develop bilaterally or at multiple locations in the same individual. Some progress has been made in exploring the role of the genetics and the heritability of overuse tendinopathies, and this research may eventually lead to the identification of high-risk individuals [49]. A single nucleotide polymorphism associated with reduced levels of GDF-5 (growth and differentiation factor 5, important for tendon development and healing) is associated with twice the risk of developing Achilles tendinopathy [50]. The presentation of symptomatic tendinopathy should lead the clinician to inquire about tendinopathy at other locations [41].

Extrinsic risk factors for overuse tendinopathy include training errors (eg, sudden increase in tendon loading activity, inadequate rest), poor environmental conditions (eg, cambered road surfaces, hard gym floors, frozen turf, extreme temperatures, poor ergonomics), inadequate equipment (eg, old or inappropriate footwear), or a premature return to sport [34,51-55]. Of these risk factors, sudden substantial increases in training load without adequate time for the body to adjust (eg, doubling of cumulative running distances from one week to the next) incur the greatest risk.

More recently, clinicians have come to appreciate the role of metabolic diseases in tendinopathy. The most common example is diabetes mellitus [56]. Diabetic patients are more likely to develop tendinopathy at a variety of sites (eg, rotator cuff, hand flexor tendons). In addition, tendinopathy in diabetics is more likely to be refractory to treatment. Other metabolic disorders that increase the risk for tendinopathy include hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperuricemia. Even in the absence of discrete diagnoses, a relatively small increase in waist size is a risk factor for patellar tendinopathy [57].

Suboptimal ergonomics play a role in the development of many upper extremity tendinopathies [51]. Excessive movement or awkward postures involving the hand, wrist, or shoulder during daily or occupational activities can strain tendons.

Certain medications increase the risk of acute and chronic tendinopathy. These include fluoroquinolones, glucocorticoids, and aromatase inhibitors. Tendon conditions have been attributed to 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (ie, statins), but debate continues as to whether these are due to the medication or the hypercholesterolemia for which they are prescribed [58,59]. (See "Fluoroquinolones", section on 'Tendinopathy' and "Statin muscle-related adverse events".)

MAJOR CLINICAL FINDINGS — A careful history and physical examination can help to confirm whether an injury involves a tendon and why the injury occurred now. Important questions to ask include:

Has there been any recent increase in training volume or any new activities?

Has there been any change in equipment (eg new racquet) or training programming (eg, running on a different surface, hill running)?

Have you recently returned from time away from training or regular activities (tendons lose strength and conditioning quickly)?

Is there any history of an inflammatory condition, such as inflammatory joint or spinal disease, psoriasis, or inflammatory bowel disease, in the patient or their family?

Has there been any recent use of tendinopathic medications (eg, quinolone antibiotics, aromatase inhibitors)?

Tendinopathy affecting superficial tendons, such as the Achilles, may demonstrate readily observable tendon thickening. In nonsuperficial tendons, thickening may not be apparent but is often clinically significant, as in the case of the rotator cuff where thickening of both tendon and bursa can exacerbate impingement in the subacromial space. (See "Shoulder impingement syndrome".)

A characteristic of many tendinopathies is the delayed appearance of more severe pain, termed "latency." Latency is seen characteristically in Achilles and patellar tendinopathy but is found with other tendons. During loading of the tendon (eg, during exercise such as running), there may be a short-lived increase in pain at the tendon initially that subsides as exercise continues. However, subsequently (ie, a few hours after exercise or the next day), more severe pain, worse than baseline, develops.

Although pathology may exist within the tendon or its associated structures, it is important to note that the underlying cause of tendinopathy may lie elsewhere. A thorough assessment performed by a clinician knowledgeable about musculoskeletal evaluation often reveals changes elsewhere in the kinetic chain, including muscle weakness, abnormal movement patterns, or joint stiffness. In addition, tendinopathy, like other pain syndromes, may involve referred pain, muscle spasm or tenderness, or other regional (or even contralateral) motor abnormalities [60]. The role of associated structures generally, and the adjacent fat pad in cases of the Achilles and patellar tendon in particular, is the subject of debate [61].

DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING — Characteristic changes in tendon appearance on ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies can be used to confirm the likelihood of tendinopathy as a source of load-related tendon pain, identify macroscopic tears (which may be amenable to surgical repair), and determine the extent of involvement of associated structures (eg, presence of bony spurs or fragments, labral lesions, bursal pathology).

Greyscale or color Doppler ultrasound are particularly useful for detecting tendon pathology and may reveal tendon thickening, hypoechoic areas, and increased blood flow in the deep portions of the tendon. There is a moderate association between the extent of Doppler signal and patients' symptoms and functional limitations [62]; however, Doppler signal is of limited use for prognosis [63]. MRI reveals increased signal in abnormal tendons, corresponding to the increased water content associated with excessive proteoglycans and increased blood flow, and is more effective than ultrasound at distinguishing partial tears [64].

Improvements in ultrasound technology have enabled trained musculoskeletal ultrasonographers to better distinguish the pathological conditions underlying tendinopathy, including tendon dislocations, paratendinitis, and partial tendon tears. This may influence management. As an example, a patient with Achilles tendinopathy where the pathology is predominantly paratendinous may be able to tolerate high levels of exercise more quickly than a patient with a partial tendon tear.

Studies of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the diagnosis of tendon pathology report relatively high sensitivity and specificity for full-thickness tendon tears but limited test characteristics for other conditions [65,66]. Estimates of sensitivity and specificity for the detection of tendinopathy are likely to change as studies involving more advanced equipment are published. Available systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy are difficult to interpret, as many compare imaging with physical examination findings rather than more definitive standards [67].

NATURAL HISTORY AND TREATMENT — The majority of patients with overuse tendinopathy present to health professionals in the chronic stage (over three months of symptoms). Once present, tendinopathies may be refractory to treatment, and some become career limiting for professional athletes. However, tendinopathy may also be transient, causing minor irritation that resolves over a period of days or weeks [68].

The recalcitrant nature of many cases of untreated tendinopathy is well documented. As an example, in one trial, patients with untreated, chronic Achilles tendinopathy experienced a gradual improvement in the average load-induced pain score from 7.9/10 to 5.9/10 over the course of four months [69]. However, beyond four months, only 24 percent of untreated patients reported significant improvement or cure. Improvement rates were slightly better among patients in another trial involving lateral elbow tendinopathy of at least six weeks duration [70]. In this study, after three months without treatment, 42 percent of patients reported significant improvement in day-time pain. Patients treated with physiotherapy emphasizing active exercise experienced significantly higher improvement rates than those treated with alternative approaches [71,72]. Treatment of chronic tendinopathy is discussed separately. (See "Overview of the management of overuse (persistent) tendinopathy".)

Debate continues about the extent to which the tissue changes underlying tendinopathy are reversible as determined by histology or imaging. Longitudinal studies have reported a reduction in ultrasound abnormalities in successfully treated tendons, including normalization of tendon thickness and reduction of hypoechoic areas [73]. However, considerable symptomatic improvement and successful return to activity is seen in some patients with persistent, macroscopically apparent pathology who follow a proper rehabilitation program. (See "Overview of the management of overuse (persistent) tendinopathy".)

Follow-up imaging is not typically recommended for patients who are treated with physical rehabilitation. Although several clinical trials suggest that ultrasound performed during rehabilitation and follow-up is useful for determining the effectiveness of treatment, these preliminary findings need further confirmation [74-76].

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Chronic tendon injury and tendinopathies" and "Society guideline links: Muscle and tendon injury".)


Tendinopathy is a clinical syndrome characterized by chronic, localized tendon pain that is exacerbated by mechanical loading. Tendon overuse is a leading cause, and metabolic factors may contribute.

Overuse tendinopathy is primarily characterized by changes in tendon structure that reflect scarring and/or a failed healing response. (See 'Pathology and terminology' above.)

A classic cellular inflammatory reaction is present only minimally in most cases of chronic overuse tendinopathy, but elements of inflammation are involved in injury and healing.

Risk factors for tendinopathy are often divided into intrinsic factors (pertaining to the properties of an individual's tendon or healing capacity) and extrinsic factors (pertaining to the load placed on the tendon) (table 1). Among many risk factors, advancing age and increased overall volume or intensity of tendon load pose the greatest risk for developing overuse tendinopathy. (See 'Epidemiology' above.)

The major clinical features associated with tendinopathy are pain with palpation of the affected part of the tendon and pain with tendon loading. (See 'Major clinical findings' above.)

Overuse tendinopathy manifests characteristic findings on imaging studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or ultrasound. (See 'Diagnostic imaging' above.)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT — The UpToDate editorial staff acknowledges Karim Khan, MD, who contributed to an earlier version of this topic review.


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Topic 13803 Version 16.0


1 : Patellar tendinosis (jumper's knee): findings at histopathologic examination, US, and MR imaging. Victorian Institute of Sport Tendon Study Group.

2 : Rotator cuff degeneration and lateral epicondylitis: a comparative histological study.

3 : Morpho-functional changes in human tendon tissue.

4 : Histopathological findings in chronic tendon disorders.

5 : Increased cell proliferation and associated expression of PDGFRbeta causing hypercellularity in patellar tendinosis.

6 : Chronic Achilles paratenonitis in athletes: a histological and histochemical study.

7 : Patellar tendinitis: pathology and results of treatment.

8 : Pathoanatomy and etiology of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction.

9 : Recalcitrant patellar tendinitis. Magnetic resonance imaging, histologic evaluation, and surgical treatment.

10 : Multiple changes in gene expression in chronic human Achilles tendinopathy.

11 : Glycosaminoglycans of human rotator cuff tendons: changes with age and in chronic rotator cuff tendinitis.

12 : Tendon pathology in long-standing achillodynia. Biopsy findings in 40 patients.

13 : The histopathology of de Quervain's disease.

14 : Ultrastructure of the common extensor tendon in tennis elbow.

15 : Stereological quantification of immune-competent cells in baseline biopsy specimens from achilles tendons: results from patients with chronic tendinopathy followed for more than 4 years.

16 : Inflammation is present in early human tendinopathy.

17 : Achilles tendinosis is associated with sprouting of substance P positive nerve fibres.

18 : Achilles tendinosis is associated with sprouting of substance P positive nerve fibres.

19 : Does ultrasound correlate with surgical or histologic findings in greater trochanteric pain syndrome? A pilot study.

20 : Adductor tendinosis in a professional hockey player.

21 : Adductor tendinosis in a professional hockey player.

22 : Flexor carpi ulnaris tendinopathy.

23 : Similar histopathological picture in males with Achilles and patellar tendinopathy.

24 : Trends in the theory that inflammation plays a causal role in tendinopathy: a systematic review and quantitative analysis of published reviews.

25 : Time to abandon the "tendinitis" myth.

26 : The presence of smooth muscle actin in fibroblasts in the torn human rotator cuff.

27 : Histologic changes in subcutaneous rupture of the Achilles tendon; a study of 74 cases.

28 : A long-term serial histological evaluation of the patellar tendon in humans after harvesting its central third.

29 : Increased expression of IL-6 family members in tendon pathology.

30 : Increased expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 in patellar tendinosis.

31 : Tendinopathy: Update on Pathophysiology.

32 : Tendon extracellular matrix damage, degradation and inflammation in response to in vitro overload exercise.

33 : The "enthesis organ" concept: why enthesopathies may not present as focal insertional disorders.

34 : Types and epidemiology of tendinopathy.

35 : The biomechanical and biochemical properties of swine tendons--long term effects of exercise on the digital extensors.

36 : Structure and metabolism of tendons.

37 : Transverse tendon stiffness is reduced in people with Achilles tendinopathy: A cross-sectional study.

38 : Fatigue damage of human tendons.

39 : Epidemiology of jumper's knee.

40 : Risk factors in lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow): a case-control study.

41 : Comorbidities in rotator cuff disease: a case-control study.

42 : The mystery of female connective tissue.

43 : The effect of foot structure and range of motion on musculoskeletal overuse injuries.

44 : Achilles tendon injuries in athletes.

45 : Intrinsic risk factors for the development of patellar tendinitis in an athletic population. A two-year prospective study.

46 : Case report: can sacroiliac joint dysfunction cause chronic Achilles tendinitis?

47 : Patellar tendon ultrasonography and jumper's knee in female basketball players: a longitudinal study.

48 : Prospective imaging study of asymptomatic patellar tendinopathy in elite junior basketball players.

49 : The COL5A1 gene and Achilles tendon pathology.

50 : Components of the transforming growth factor-beta family and the pathogenesis of human Achilles tendon pathology--a genetic association study.

51 : Predictors of persistent elbow tendonitis among auto assembly workers.

52 : Achilles tendon disorders: etiology and epidemiology.

53 : Development and use of an animal model for investigations on rotator cuff disease.

54 : Overuse injuries in sports. A review.

55 : Recurrence of Achilles tendon injuries in elite male football players is more common after early return to play: an 11-year follow-up of the UEFA Champions League injury study.

56 : Occurrence of tendon pathologies in metabolic disorders.

57 : Anthropometric risk factors for patellar tendon injury among volleyball players.

58 : Tendon rupture associated with simvastatin/ezetimibe therapy.

59 : Statins and tendinopathy: a systematic review.

60 : Bilateral myofascial trigger points in the forearm muscles in patients with chronic unilateral lateral epicondylalgia: a blinded, controlled study.

61 : Fat pads adjacent to tendinopathy: more than a coincidence?

62 : Neovascularization and pain in abnormal patellar tendons of active jumping athletes.

63 : The value of power Doppler ultrasonography in Achilles tendinopathy: a prospective study.

64 : Partial rupture of the proximal Achilles tendon: a differential diagnostic problem in ultrasound imaging.

65 : Tendon and ligament imaging.

66 : Accuracy of MRI, MR arthrography, and ultrasound in the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears: a meta-analysis.

67 : Diagnostic accuracy of examination tests for lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET) - A systematic review.

68 : Incidence of Tendinopathy in Team Sports in a Multidisciplinary Sports Club Over 8 Seasons.

69 : Eccentric loading, shock-wave treatment, or a wait-and-see policy for tendinopathy of the main body of tendo Achillis: a randomized controlled trial.

70 : Corticosteroid injections, physiotherapy, or a wait-and-see policy for lateral epicondylitis: a randomised controlled trial.

71 : Eccentric exercise in treatment of Achilles tendinopathy.

72 : Efficacy of heavy eccentric calf training for treating mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

73 : Eccentric training in patients with chronic Achilles tendinosis: normalised tendon structure and decreased thickness at follow up.

74 : High-Frequency Color Doppler Ultrasound in Diagnosis, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of Achilles Tendon Injury.

75 : Ultrasonography for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of tenosynovitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

76 : Tendon morphology and mechanical properties assessed by ultrasound show change early in recovery and potential prognostic ability for 6-month outcomes.