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Targeted phototherapy

Targeted phototherapy
Steven R Feldman, MD, PhD
Section Editor:
Craig A Elmets, MD
Deputy Editor:
Rosamaria Corona, MD, DSc
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Dec 14, 2020.

INTRODUCTION — Targeted phototherapy is the localized delivery of ultraviolet (UV) light to affected areas of skin using laser or nonlaser devices [1]. This treatment modality may be useful in some patients with psoriasis, vitiligo, and other inflammatory or lymphoproliferative skin conditions (table 1) involving a limited area of the body (<10 percent of the body surface area) or difficult-to-treat anatomical areas [2].

This topic will discuss the mechanism of action, clinical indications, treatment protocols, and side effects of targeted phototherapy. Psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA), UVB, and UVA1 phototherapy are discussed separately.

(See "Psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) photochemotherapy".)

(See "UVB therapy (broadband and narrowband)".)

(See "UVA1 phototherapy".)

PRINCIPLES AND MECHANISMS — Targeted phototherapy can be performed with either laser or nonlaser devices that emit a spot of UV, typically a few square centimeters. Both laser and nonlaser devices can deliver UV radiation (wavelength range 193 to 380 nm (figure 1)) that is absorbed in the epidermis and superficial dermis by skin chromophores.

The principal skin chromophore is nuclear DNA. The absorption of UVB (290 to 320 nm) by nucleotides leads to the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and pyrimidine (6-4)-photoproducts, which are then either repaired or marked for cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via the p53 tumor suppressor gene system [3]. UVB also acts on cytoplasm and cell membrane components (including cell surface receptors, kinases, phosphatases, and transcription factors) and induces the release of a variety of proinflammatory and immunomodulatory cytokines from keratinocytes and T cells [4].

Decreased cell proliferation, immunosuppression, and T cell apoptosis may contribute to the UVB-mediated suppression of disease activity in inflammatory and lymphoproliferative skin disorders, such as psoriasis and mycosis fungoides [5-7]. In vitiligo, UVB promotes the proliferation, differentiation, and migration of melanocytes [8]. In cutaneous mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa), UVB radiation reduces the release of histamine from basophils and mast cells, resulting in decreased itch and fewer urticarial lesions [9,10].

DEVICES FOR TARGETED PHOTOTHERAPY — The most common lasers used for targeted phototherapy in clinicians' offices are the excimer lasers, which operate in the ultraviolet (UV) wavelength range between 193 and 351 nm. These lasers use an active medium composed of excited dimers, which are a combination of a noble gas (eg, argon, krypton, or xenon) and a reactive halogen gas (eg, fluorine or chlorine) [11]. The 308 nm xenon-chloride laser is most commonly used to treat dermatologic conditions. Although effective, laser devices tend to be bulky and expensive. (See "Basic principles of medical lasers" and "Principles of laser and intense pulsed light for cutaneous lesions".)

Nonlaser devices can also be used to deliver localized UV to targeted lesions. They may use high-pressure burners, fluorescent bulbs, or other approaches to emit UV light and may be delivered to the skin either directly from the bulb or via fiber-optic cable systems [12]. Nonlaser excimer lamps are generally smaller, less costly, and require less maintenance than lasers [12]; some are available that can be used by patients at home and may be as effective as in-office treatment [13,14]. A nonlaser device can sometimes be filtered to provide either UVA (330 to 380 nm) or UVB (290 to 330 nm), which cannot be done with excimer lasers [11,15,16]. Monochromatic excimer nonlaser devices have been developed, but are not yet FDA-approved for use in the United States.

CLINICAL INDICATIONS — Most common indications for targeted ultraviolet (UV) therapy include:

Localized forms of moderate to severe psoriasis that are unresponsive to topical therapy


Localized severe atopic dermatitis

Alopecia areata [17]

Lymphoproliferative skin disorders [2]

Localized phototherapy is useful for difficult-to-treat areas (scalp, palms, and soles) in patients with psoriasis [18]. In patients with vitiligo, perifollicular pigmentation on baseline dermoscopic examination may be a marker for better response to targeted phototherapy [19]. Additional indications are listed in the table (table 1).

DOSING AND TREATMENT REGIMENS — There are no widely accepted, disease-specific protocols for targeted phototherapy, due to lack of standardization among devices and limited evidence from high-quality studies. Only a few small studies have assessed the excimer laser dose-response relationship in psoriasis [20].

One approach supported by expert consensus involves determining the minimal erythema dose (MED) on normal skin prior to initial treatment. The MED is the lowest effective UV radiation dose producing erythema or "sunburn" of the skin within a few hours [21]. A dose of two to four MED can be given as the initial treatment. The dose can be increased or reduced during the course of treatment based upon response to therapy and side effects [22].

Another approach involves following the directions of the device's manufacturer for dosing. An example of protocol for a specific laser for psoriasis treatment is shown in the table (table 2).

Generally accepted treatment frequency is two to three treatment sessions per week, for a total of 10 to 20 treatments, or until the lesion is cleared [12]. Treatments should be given at least 48 hours apart [23]. For psoriasis, limited data show an average remission time of three to five months [20].

COMBINATION THERAPIES — Both topical and systemic agents can be used in conjunction with targeted phototherapy with the goal of improving efficacy and reducing the radiation dose. Evidence supporting the combination of targeted phototherapy with topical or systemic agents is mainly derived from a few studies of targeted and nontargeted narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) phototherapy for the treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo:

In a small trial, patients treated with methotrexate and nontargeted narrowband UVB achieved a 90 percent improvement in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI 90) more rapidly than patients treated with placebo plus narrowband UVB [24]. The median time to clearance was four weeks (range two to six) in the combination treatment group, whereas more than 50 percent of patients in the UVB alone group were not clear at 24 weeks.

In a small study, the combination of targeted narrowband phototherapy with topical calcipotriol was more effective than phototherapy alone or phototherapy in combination with topical psoralen gel for the treatment of localized plaque psoriasis (PASI improvement after 30 treatments 67, 34, and 30 percent, respectively) [25]. A meta-analysis of five small, randomized trials (182 patients) confirmed that topical calcipotriene improves the efficacy of targeted phototherapy of psoriasis [26].

The combination of targeted phototherapy with biologics has not been studied, but nontargeted narrowband UVB phototherapy augments the response to biologics in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis [27,28]. Presumably, targeted phototherapy would have a similar effect. However, data are preliminary and there is theoretical concern that the combination of phototherapy with anti-TNF agent treatment may increase the risk of photocarcinogenesis [29].

A meta-analysis of two left-right intraindividual comparison studies comparing topical 0.1% tacrolimus plus 308 nm xenon-chloride excimer laser with placebo plus laser for the treatment of vitiligo demonstrated that patches treated with the combination of topical tacrolimus plus laser were more likely to achieve 75 percent repigmentation than those treated with laser alone (RR 3.15; 95% CI 1.46-6.76) [30].

One study including 38 patients with vitiligo compared tacalcitol plus targeted therapy with 308 nm monochromatic excimer light with placebo plus targeted phototherapy [31]. A greater proportion of participants in the combination treatment group achieved greater than 75 percent repigmentation (relative risk [RR] 4.50; 95% CI 1.05-19.35). However, a systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that while topical calcineurin inhibitors in conjunction with excimer phototherapy is more effective than excimer alone, there was insufficient evidence to conclude that either vitamin D or corticosteroid added to the efficacy of excimer alone in the treatment of vitiligo [32].

Observational studies indicate that topical or systemic retinoids enhance the response to PUVA or UVB phototherapy and reduce treatment frequency, duration, and cumulative UVB doses [23,33-35].

Vaseline and other emollients can increase UV penetration by altering the optical properties of the stratum corneum [36]. Although evidence-based data are scant, some experts suggest applying a thin petrolatum layer just prior to UV treatment.


Advantages — Advantages of targeted phototherapy include less toxicity to normal skin, fewer treatments, and a lower cumulative UV dose, compared with whole-body phototherapy [34].

Targeted therapy delivers a higher amount of radiation in a shorter period of time only to the individual lesions, avoiding unnecessary exposure to UV of the unaffected skin. This minimizes short- and long-term adverse effects of UV radiation exposure, such as sunburn and skin cancer. If burns do occur, they tend to be better tolerated, since they are limited to the lesions.

Because diseased skin often tolerates larger UV doses than normal skin, the initial treatments can use higher UV doses, resulting in a lower number of treatment sessions needed to achieve a response. Treatment duration may also be shorter with targeted phototherapy, unless very large areas are treated, and visits for treatment can be less frequent [37]. Moreover, refractory skin lesions not treated adequately with full-body phototherapy may respond to a more powerful, directed radiation treatment.

Targeted phototherapy is particularly useful to treat difficult-to-treat anatomical locations. Lesions of the scalp, nose, genitals, oral mucosa, and ears are more easily and conveniently treated with targeted phototherapy [23].

Targeted phototherapy devices are available for home use. Patient-reported benefits include less time away from work, better compliance, and improved quality of life [13,14].

Disadvantages — Targeted therapy is not generally used for lesions affecting greater than 10 percent of the body surface area. More extensive disease is more easily and conveniently treated with conventional broadband or narrowband UVB treatments.

Targeted phototherapy is not widely available and is more expensive than conventional phototherapy, due to the higher cost of the machines for targeted phototherapy compared with the equipment used for full-body UVB treatment.

SAFETY MEASURES — Safety measures and contraindications should be reviewed with the patient prior to initiating treatment with targeted phototherapy. Safety measures can include:

Protecting the skin surrounding the treated area by using a sunscreen with an SPF of 50+ or a physical barrier

Using topical emollients and moisturizers for treated erythematous, dry, or blistering areas

Avoiding additional sun exposure to treated areas

SHORT- AND LONG-TERM ADVERSE EFFECTS — Short-term adverse effects of targeted phototherapy include localized erythema, burning, skin dryness and flaking, pruritus, and blistering, usually with higher doses. Hyperpigmentation of the treated areas may occur [38].

Long-term adverse effects of targeted phototherapy have not been extensively studied. They are theoretical and may include localized photoaging and possibly photocarcinogenesis. However, the risk of long-term adverse effects is expected to be smaller than with nontargeted phototherapy, because a much smaller skin area is exposed to UV when using a targeted approach.

CONTRAINDICATIONS — Absolute contraindications for targeted phototherapy are:

Xeroderma pigmentosum

Lupus erythematosus

Photosensitivity disorders

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin syndrome)

Relative contraindications to targeted UVB therapy include:

History of melanoma

History of non-melanoma skin cancer

History of treatment with arsenic or ionizing radiation because of the increased risk for skin cancer

Immunosuppression (eg, in organ transplant patients)


Targeted phototherapy is the localized delivery of ultraviolet light (UV) to affected areas of the skin with laser and nonlaser devices. (See 'Introduction' above.)

Targeted phototherapy can be performed with either laser or nonlaser devices that emit a spot of UV, typically a few square centimeters, in one area. The 308 nm xenon-chloride laser is most commonly used to treat skin conditions. (See 'Principles and mechanisms' above and 'Devices for targeted phototherapy' above.)

Indications of targeted phototherapy include inflammatory and lymphoproliferative skin conditions (table 1) involving a limited area of the body or difficult-to-treat areas. (See 'Clinical indications' above.)

There are no widely accepted protocols for targeted phototherapy. Initial treatment can be based on minimal erythema dose (MED) testing. Subsequent treatments are based upon clinical response and side effects, for a total of 10 treatments or until lesions clear. (See 'Dosing and treatment regimens' above.)

Advantages of targeted phototherapy include less toxicity, fewer treatments, and a lower cumulative UV dose, compared with whole-body phototherapy. Since targeted phototherapy is only delivered to diseased skin, higher doses can be used, resulting in more rapid clearing with fewer treatment sessions. Targeted phototherapy devices are available for home use. Patient-reported benefits include less time away from work, better compliance, and improved quality of life. (See 'Targeted versus full-body phototherapy' above.)

During targeted phototherapy, the skin surrounding the treated area should be protected by using a sunscreen with an SPF of 50+ or a physical barrier. Patients should avoid additional sun exposure to treated areas. (See 'Safety measures' above.)

Short-term adverse effects of targeted phototherapy include localized erythema, burning, pruritus, and blistering. Long-term adverse effects have not been extensively studied. They may include localized photoaging and photocarcinogenesis. (See 'Short- and long-term adverse effects' above.)


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Topic 13752 Version 5.0


1 : Evaluation of a novel 308-nm monochromatic excimer light delivery system in dermatology: a pilot study in different chronic localized dermatoses.

2 : 308nm excimer laser in dermatology.

3 : 308nm excimer laser in dermatology.

4 : Phototherapy: how does UV work?

5 : Cracking the cytokine code in psoriasis.

6 : Xenon chloride ultraviolet B laser is more effective in treating psoriasis and in inducing T cell apoptosis than narrow-band ultraviolet B.

7 : Monochromatic excimer light (308 nm): an immunohistochemical study of cutaneous T cells and apoptosis-related molecules in psoriasis.

8 : Narrow Band Ultraviolet B Treatment for Human Vitiligo Is Associated with Proliferation, Migration, and Differentiation of Melanocyte Precursors.

9 : Chronic pruritus--pathogenesis, clinical aspects and treatment.

10 : Ultraviolet phototherapy for pruritus.

11 : Using light in dermatology: an update on lasers, ultraviolet phototherapy, and photodynamic therapy.

12 : A review of localized office and home devices in the treatment of psoriasis

13 : A review of home phototherapy for psoriasis.

14 : Randomized, parallel group trial comparing home-based phototherapy with institution-based 308 excimer lamp for the treatment of focal vitiligo vulgaris.

15 : Recent advances in phototherapy.

16 : A pilot study to determine the safety and efficacy of monochromatic excimer light in the treatment of vitiligo.

17 : Excimer laser: a module of the alopecia areata common protocol.

18 : Targeted phototherapy using 308 nm Xecl monochromatic excimer laser for psoriasis at difficult to treat sites.

19 : Dermoscopic and Clinical Response Predictor Factors in Nonsegmental Vitiligo Treated with Narrowband Ultraviolet B Phototherapy: A Prospective Observational Study.

20 : 308-nm excimer laser for the treatment of psoriasis: a dose-response study.

21 : Minimal Erythema Dose (MED) testing.

22 : A review of protocols for 308 nm excimer laser phototherapy in psoriasis.

23 : Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: Section 5. Guidelines of care for the treatment of psoriasis with phototherapy and photochemotherapy.

24 : Methotrexate plus narrowband UVB phototherapy versus narrowband UVB phototherapy alone in the treatment of plaque-type psoriasis: a randomized, placebo-controlled study.

25 : Efficacy and safety of non-laser, targeted UVB phototherapy alone and in combination with psoralen gel or calcipotriol ointment in the treatment of localized, chronic, plaque-type psoriasis.

26 : Combination of targeted UVB phototherapy and calcipotriene versus targeted UVB alone in psoriasis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

27 : Synergism between narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy and etanercept for the treatment of plaque-type psoriasis.

28 : Utilization of narrow-band ultraviolet light B therapy and etanercept for the treatment of psoriasis (UNITE): efficacy, safety, and patient-reported outcomes.

29 : Short- to intermediate-term follow-up in patients treated with the combination of 311-nm ultraviolet B phototherapy and biological agents.

30 : Interventions for vitiligo.

31 : Topical tacalcitol and 308-nm monochromatic excimer light: a synergistic combination for the treatment of vitiligo.

32 : The efficacy of 308-nm excimer laser/light (EL) and topical agent combination therapy versus EL monotherapy for vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).

33 : Consensus conference: acitretin in combination with UVB or PUVA in the treatment of psoriasis.

34 : A review of phototherapy protocols for psoriasis treatment.

35 : The efficacy of combination treatment with narrowband UVB (TL-01) and acitretin vs narrowband UVB alone in plaque-type psoriasis: a retrospective study.

36 : Effects of topical preparations on the erythemogenicity of UVB: implications for psoriasis phototherapy.

37 : [The use of the 308 nm excimer laser for the treatment of psoriasis].

38 : Efficacy of the 308-nm excimer laser for treatment of psoriasis: results of a multicenter study.