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Approach to managing increased risk for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness

Approach to managing increased risk for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness
Stephen Marder, MD
L Fredrik Jarskog, MD
Benjamin Druss, MD, MPH
Section Editor:
Murray B Stein, MD, MPH
Deputy Editor:
Michael Friedman, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Jul 16, 2018.

INTRODUCTION — Lifespans in people with severe mental illness (SMI) are reduced by 15 to 25 years compared with the general population [1-3]. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) represents the most common natural cause of this excess mortality [1,4,5]. People with schizophrenia, for example, are twice as likely to die from CVD [6-8].

The elevated risk of CVD among SMI patients is caused in part by the increased prevalence of CVD risk factors in this population – obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidemia – compared with the general population. Other factors contributing to increased CVD in SMI patients include a possible genetic predisposition, as well as behaviors such as smoking, lack of physical exercise, and poor diet leading to excess body weight.

Multiple, concurrent risk factors for CVD are described, collectively, as metabolic syndrome, which is more common in patients with SMI compared with the general population. Metabolic syndrome is also a common side effect of antipsychotic medications. Metabolic abnormalities, however, often go undiagnosed and untreated or undertreated in SMI patients.

This topic reviews our approach to selecting treatments for CVD risk factors in patients with SMI (algorithm 1). The epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical implications of metabolic syndrome in patients with SMI are reviewed separately. The epidemiology, administration of treatments, and treatment efficacy of CVD risk factors in SMI patients are also reviewed separately. Lifestyle interventions for obesity and overweight patients with SMI are also reviewed separately. (See "Metabolic syndrome in patients with severe mental illness: Epidemiology, contributing factors, pathogenesis, and clinical implications" and "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness" and "Lifestyle interventions for obesity and overweight patients with severe mental illness".)

OVERVIEW — Severely mentally ill (SMI) patients are at risk for cardiovascular disease and should be routinely monitored for metabolic abnormalities and receive aggressive treatment when present. A recommended monitoring schedule is summarized in a table (table 1) and reviewed separately. (See "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Monitoring'.)

The overall goal of treating metabolic abnormalities is to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD). All SMI patients, regardless of whether they are taking an antipsychotic drug, should receive education about nutrition and weight management and encouragement to increase physical activity.

The selection of a treatment strategy for one or more metabolic abnormalities depends on multiple factors including the patient’s history of responsiveness to different antipsychotics, the severity of the metabolic disturbance, and the willingness of the patient to make lifestyle changes. Since there are often multiple contributors to CVD, treatment will often include both medical and lifestyle interventions.

Treatment for metabolic risk in SMI patients is similar whether or not the patient takes an antipsychotic drug; the difference is that in the patient receiving an antipsychotic, the first step is to consider changes in the antipsychotic regimen:

1. For patients who acquire CVD risk factors as side effects of an antipsychotic medication, the choice and dose of antipsychotic should be reevaluated. (See 'Patients taking an antipsychotic drug' below.)

2. All overweight SMI patients should receive education on weight management and encouragement to increase physical activity, preferably through a lifestyle intervention customized to meet the needs of SMI patients. (See 'Obesity and overweight patients' below.)

3. Other metabolic abnormalities and risk factors should be treated individually if they persist despite antipsychotic and lifestyle changes. (See 'Other metabolic abnormalities' below.)

PATIENTS TAKING AN ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUG — For patients with antipsychotic-induced weight gain, we suggest reviewing the antipsychotic regimen for the feasibility of the options below (see "Schizophrenia in adults: Maintenance therapy and side effect management", section on 'Implementation of medication changes'):

Antipsychotic dose reduction — The patient’s medication history, clinical status, and current antipsychotic should be reviewed for opportunities to reduce the dose. Dose reduction should be done gradually and under close monitoring for the possibility of symptom exacerbation.

Switching antipsychotic drugs — Studies have shown that switching from an antipsychotic with a relatively high risk of weight gain and dyslipidemia (eg, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone) to an antipsychotic with lower risks (eg, aripiprazole or ziprasidone) is often (but not always) effective in promoting weight loss and improving lipid profiles (table 2) [9-11].

Careful monitoring of clinical status is recommended when attempting such a switch. A gradual cross titration from the current to the newer drug over one to three weeks will usually protect patients against an exacerbation of psychosis. For some patients, however, the risks of exacerbation with switching may be unacceptably high, such as those stabilized on clozapine, or on an antipsychotic from which they have previously decompensated following an attempted switch to another drug.

Weight loss may not occur immediately; patients should be observed for two or three months to assess the effectiveness of the change.

OBESITY AND OVERWEIGHT PATIENTS — Patients with serious mental illness are at increased risk for obesity compared with the general population. For severely mentally ill (SMI) patients who are overweight (body mass index between 25 and ≤30), we suggest first-line treatment with either a comprehensive lifestyle intervention or medication, with the choice based on the intervention’s availability as well as the patient’s preferences, motivation, and capabilities.

Compared with the general population, SMI patients are more likely to have lifestyles placing them at increased risk of obesity, with less physical activity and unhealthier diets [12-14]. Lifestyle interventions developed to help overweight patients from the general population to lose weight can present challenges to patients with SMI. (See "Obesity in adults: Overview of management", section on 'Comprehensive lifestyle intervention' and "Lifestyle interventions for obesity and overweight patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Addressing challenges with SMI'.)

For patients with the willingness and capability to participate, a lifestyle intervention should generally be recommended first, proceeding to medication if the intervention is ineffective. Data on weight gain among patients who have recently started taking an antipsychotic [15] support more aggressive management, ie, an earlier introduction of medication treatment.

Preference for lifestyle intervention — In our clinical experience, lifestyle interventions customized to challenges faced by SMI patients can help them to lose weight and improve other metabolic abnormalities. Clinical trials of the interventions versus inactive controls (which are reviewed separately) have shown mixed results [16]. Their efficacy has not been compared with that of medication for weight loss, nor has the combination of lifestyle interventions and medication been compared with either as monotherapy. (See "Lifestyle interventions for obesity and overweight patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Efficacy'.)

The availability of lifestyle interventions customized for SMI patients is limited, varying widely even in countries where they have been disseminated. (See "Lifestyle interventions for obesity and overweight patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Key components'.)

Based on data from intervention trials, we favor the use of interventions with characteristics associated with better outcomes:

In SMI patients [17]:

Longer duration (three or more months)

Manualized, structured approach

Focus on both health education and physical activity

Active monitoring such as weigh-ins and food diaries

Active monitoring of physical activity and fitness levels

In patients from the general population:

Use of multiple components (eg, diet, exercise, and behavioral therapy)


More frequent contact

Training for treatment providers

Preference for medication — For most SMI patients who are overweight treated with medication to lose weight, we suggest first-line treatment with metformin rather than other medications. Topiramate or, in the case of patients treated with clozapine, augmentation with aripiprazole are reasonable alternatives, as well as options if metformin is not effective. Each of these medications has been shown to be efficacious in this population compared with placebo [18,19]. Clinical trials have not compared their efficacy, but in our clinical experience, metformin is best tolerated and most effective. Topiramate may be more effective than aripiprazole but also more likely to cause side effects. These medications’ efficacy, side effects, dosing, and contraindications to use are reviewed separately. (See "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Adjunctive medications'.)

OTHER METABOLIC ABNORMALITIES — Other metabolic abnormalities should be treated individually if they persist despite antipsychotic and lifestyle changes:

Hyperglycemia/diabetes — Mental health practitioners should feel confident in recognizing signs of hyperglycemia:



Weight loss

Blurry vision

A recommended schedule for routine monitoring for hyperglycemia/diabetes in severely mentally ill (SMI) patients is shown in a table (table 1) and reviewed separately. (See "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Monitoring'.)

Patients with new-onset diabetes (fasting blood glucose ≥126 mg/dL or random glucose ≥200 mg/dL) should be referred to a primary care clinician or endocrinologist for evaluation and treatment, but diabetes treatment may be possible in the mental health setting with primary care/internist consultation if there are no other options. (See 'Site of treatment' below.)

Initial management of type 2 diabetes is reviewed separately. (See "Initial management of hyperglycemia in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus".)

The patient should also be referred to a lifestyle intervention developed for SMI patients with diabetes if available. If SMI-specific resources are not available, community-based resources that serve all patients with diabetes include diabetes self-management classes, nutrition, and physical activity programs. To enhance adherence to diabetes-care recommendations, engage the patient's social supports and use motivational interviewing to set and monitor goals. Involve peer support when able. Lifestyle interventions for SMI patients with diabetes are reviewed separately, as is motivational interviewing (as applied to substance use disorders). (See "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Diabetes' and "Motivational interviewing for substance use disorders".)

Hypertension — A recommended schedule for routine monitoring of blood pressure in SMI patients is shown in a table (table 1) and reviewed separately. Diagnosis of hypertension as well as selection and initiation of an antihypertensive agent are reviewed separately. (See "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Monitoring' and "Overview of hypertension in adults".)

Dyslipidemia — A recommended schedule for routine monitoring for dyslipidemia in SMI patients is shown in a table (table 1) and reviewed separately. (See "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Monitoring'.)

Management of dyslipidemia is reviewed separately. (See "Management of low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease".)

TOBACCO SMOKING — For severely mentally ill (SMI) patients attempting to stop smoking, we suggest first-line treatment with varenicline and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) accompanied by smoking cessation education or a support group rather than other medication or psychosocial treatment. Bupropion is a reasonable alternative to varenicline if the latter is poorly tolerated or the patient continues to smoke after three months’ treatment.

There is limited evidence comparing the efficacy of smoking cessation medications, but varenicline appears to be more effective for smoking cessation compared with either NRT or bupropion in SMI patients. A clinical trial in 4116 SMI patients found that varenicline achieved greater abstinence compared with NRT (1.51, 95% CI 1.19-1.93), and compared with bupropion (1.41, 95% CI 1.11-1.79) over 24 weeks [20].

In patients with SMI, clinical trials have, on balance, found varenicline [21-25], bupropion [21,22,26,27], and NRT [21,28] to be efficacious compared with placebo in patients with bipolar disorder and depression (or mood disorders), as well as schizophrenia (or psychotic disorders). An exception is that NRT has not been found to be efficacious in patients with schizophrenia/psychotic disorders [27], although this finding is confounded by a relatively small sample size. Earlier, smaller trials found inconsistent results for NRT, and for bupropion in bipolar disorder or depression (or mood disorders), but a large 2016 trial provided more robust evidence of efficacy [27].

The efficacy of smoking cessation medications in SMI patients is reviewed in greater detail separately. (See "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Tobacco smoking'.)

In the general population, varenicline [29], bupropion sustained release [30] and NRT [21,31,32] are all efficacious for smoking cessation compared with placebo. The efficacy of smoking cessation medications in the general population is reviewed in greater detail separately. (See "Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation in adults".)

Earlier concerns that varenicline and bupropion might exacerbate symptoms of SMI were not borne out in subsequent, larger analyses [33]. (See "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Safety'.)

Some data suggest that antidepressants can lead to improvement in negative symptoms of schizophrenia [34]. Antidepressants, including bupropion, can precipitate mania and must be used with caution in patients with bipolar disorder who are not also treated with a mood stabilizer. (See "Overview of smoking cessation management in adults", section on 'Nicotine withdrawal'.)

In addition to medication, we suggest adjunctive treatment with a cessation education or support group rather than a specific psychosocial intervention. In contrast to the general population, in which a number of psychosocial interventions have shown efficacy for smoking cessation, these treatments have not been shown to be efficacious in patients with SMI. (See "Behavioral approaches to smoking cessation".)

Among SMI patients treated for smoking cessation, closer monitoring is warranted for those with more severe illness, suicidality, unstable symptoms. Referral to or coordination with the patient's psychiatrist or other mental health provider is recommended

SITE OF TREATMENT — For some severely mentally ill (SMI) patients, the mental health care setting is their only site of clinical care. Some patients are unable or unwilling to follow through on a referral to primary care or attend regular visits for a chronic condition.

Given the risks of cardiovascular and other disease in this population and their impact on mortality, the psychiatrist should consider treating metabolic abnormalities during the SMI encounter, eg, by prescribing medications to treat hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and/or hypertension. The psychiatrist’s ability to do so may be influenced by his/her level of comfort, the presence of organizational support, or the availability of a primary care clinician or specialist for consultation [35].

This would ideally be done in consultation with primary care or subspecialty clinicians, or in an integrated medical home model. When patients are more complex, or consultation is unavailable, patient referral to family medicine, internal medicine, endocrinology, or cardiology can be more successful when facilitated by a care manager or other allied health professional. Such personnel can also facilitate collaboration among clinicians, as well as patient navigation of often complex health care systems.

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Smoking cessation, e-cigarettes, and tobacco control".)


Our approach to managing increased risk for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness is summarized in an algorithm (algorithm 1).

All overweight severely mentally ill (SMI) patients should receive education about nutrition and weight management and encouragement to increase physical activity. (See 'Overview' above.)

For patients with antipsychotic-induced weight gain, the antipsychotic regimen should be reviewed for opportunities to reduce the dose and/or switch the antipsychotic from one with a higher risk of weight gain (eg, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone) to one with a lower risk (eg, aripiprazole or ziprasidone). Changes should be made slowly with careful monitoring to avoid an exacerbation of psychosis. (See 'Patients taking an antipsychotic drug' above.)

For SMI patients with obesity or who are overweight, we favor first-line treatment for weight reduction with either a comprehensive lifestyle intervention or medication. The choice between them is based on their availability, as well as the patient’s preferences, motivation, and capabilities. (See 'Obesity and overweight patients' above.)

Lifestyle interventions have been customized to address challenges faced by individuals with SMI. Other characteristics of lifestyle interventions associated with better outcomes are those with a longer duration, a manualized, structured approach, both health education and physical activity, and active monitoring. (See 'Preference for lifestyle intervention' above.)

For most SMI patients with metabolic syndrome treated with medication to lose weight, we suggest first-line treatment with metformin rather than other medications (Grade 2C). Topiramate or, in the case of patients treated with clozapine, augmentation with aripiprazole are reasonable alternatives. (See 'Preference for medication' above.)

For SMI patients attempting to stop smoking, we suggest first-line treatment with varenicline and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) rather than bupropion and NRT (Grade 2B). Bupropion is a reasonable alternative if the latter is poorly tolerated or if patient continues to smoke after three months’ treatment. (See 'Tobacco smoking' above.)

Earlier concerns that varenicline and bupropion might exacerbate symptoms of SMI have not bourne out in subsequent, more robust analyses. (See 'Tobacco smoking' above and "Modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness", section on 'Safety'.)

For SMI patients attempting to stop smoking, we suggest adjunctive treatment with a smoking cessation education or support group rather than a particular psychosocial intervention (Grade 2C). (See 'Tobacco smoking' above and "Behavioral approaches to smoking cessation".)

For patients who continue to smoke after taking varenicline/NRT for three months, we favor switching to bupropion and NRT rather than other medications. (See 'Tobacco smoking' above.)

For SMI patients with hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and/or hypertension who are unwilling or unable to follow through on a referral to primary care, the psychiatrist should consider treating the conditions. His or her ability to do so may be influenced by a level of comfort, the presence of organizational support, or the availability of a primary care clinician or specialist for consultation. (See 'Site of treatment' above.)


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Topic 117204 Version 11.0


1 : Schizophrenia and increased risks of cardiovascular disease.

2 : 11-year follow-up of mortality in patients with schizophrenia: a population-based cohort study (FIN11 study).

3 : Excess early mortality in schizophrenia.

4 : Mortality in schizophrenia: a measurable clinical endpoint.

5 : Mortality and causes of death in schizophrenia in Stockholm county, Sweden.

6 : Causes of the excess mortality of schizophrenia.

7 : A behavioral weight-loss intervention in persons with serious mental illness.

8 : Clozapine, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular risks and mortality: results of a 10-year naturalistic study.

9 : Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes.

10 : Obesity and related metabolic abnormalities during antipsychotic drug administration: mechanisms, management and research perspectives.

11 : A randomized trial examining the effectiveness of switching from olanzapine, quetiapine, or risperidone to aripiprazole to reduce metabolic risk: comparison of antipsychotics for metabolic problems (CAMP).

12 : The unhealthy lifestyle of people with schizophrenia.

13 : Diet, smoking and cardiovascular risk in people with schizophrenia: descriptive study.

14 : Nutritional assessment of patients with schizophrenia: a preliminary study.

15 : Importance of early weight changes to predict long-term weight gain during psychotropic drug treatment.

16 : Health promotion lifestyle interventions for weight management in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

17 : Health promotion lifestyle interventions for weight management in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

18 : Pharmacological strategies to counteract antipsychotic-induced weight gain and metabolic adverse effects in schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

19 : Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Pharmacological Interventions for Weight Gain from Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers.

20 : Safety of smoking cessation drugs for mentally ill patients.

21 : Neuropsychiatric safety and efficacy of varenicline, bupropion, and nicotine patch in smokers with and without psychiatric disorders (EAGLES): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial.

22 : Interventions for smoking cessation and reduction in individuals with schizophrenia.

23 : Maintenance treatment with varenicline for smoking cessation in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a randomized clinical trial.

24 : Varenicline for smoking cessation in bipolar disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

25 : Effects of varenicline on smoking cessation in adults with stably treated current or past major depression: a randomized trial.

26 : A 12-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study of bupropion sr added to high-dose dual nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation or reduction in schizophrenia.

27 : Factors associated with the efficacy of smoking cessation treatments and predictors of smoking abstinence in EAGLES.

28 : Smoking cessation interventions for smokers with current or past depression.

29 : Pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation: an overview and network meta-analysis.

30 : Antidepressants for smoking cessation.

31 : Clinical practice. Treatment of tobacco use and dependence.

32 : Clinical practice. Treatment of tobacco use and dependence.

33 : Clinical practice. Treatment of tobacco use and dependence.

34 : Efficacy and Safety of Antidepressants Added to Antipsychotics for Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

35 : A Framework for Extending Psychiatrists' Roles in Treating General Health Conditions.