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Video laryngoscopes and optical stylets for airway management for anesthesia in adults

Video laryngoscopes and optical stylets for airway management for anesthesia in adults
Matteo Parotto, MD, PhD
J Adam Law, MD
Section Editor:
Carin A Hagberg, MD, FASA
Deputy Editor:
Marianna Crowley, MD
Literature review current through: Feb 2022. | This topic last updated: Feb 21, 2022.

INTRODUCTION — Video laryngoscopes (VLs) and optical stylets (OS) are rigid devices that allow indirect laryngoscopy, or visualization of the vocal cords and related airway structures without a direct line of sight.

VLs are fundamentally retraction devices with illumination and optical elements. In contrast, OS provide little retraction. They are tubular devices that fit inside the tracheal tube and convey an image using either a fiberoptic bundle or a video camera.

Optical indirect laryngoscopes use prisms, lenses, and mirrors rather than electronic components. The only available example of such a device is the Airtraq, which for the sake of simplicity we will consider a VL.

This topic will discuss the various types of VLs and OS, the techniques used for endotracheal intubation with these devices in adults, and airway management outcomes with their use. Direct laryngoscopy, flexible scope intubation, use of supraglottic airways in anesthesia, and videolaryngoscopy in children, are discussed separately. (See "Direct laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in adults" and "Flexible scope intubation for anesthesia" and "Supraglottic devices (including laryngeal mask airways) for airway management for anesthesia in adults" and "Devices for difficult endotracheal intubation in children", section on 'Video laryngoscope'.)

ADVANTAGES OF VIDEO LARYNGOSCOPES AND OPTICAL STYLETS — The primary advantage of indirect laryngoscopy devices is the ability to look around corners, enabling the operator to see what is not within the line of sight, using fiberoptic bundles, video cameras, or prisms. Other advantages include the option for other clinicians to simultaneously see what the operator sees, which creates opportunity for collaboration and teaching, and the fact that almost all of these devices enlarge the image. Some devices allow for recording, which is useful for clinical documentation, quality improvement, and teaching. They also create an opportunity for remote supervision by a more experienced airway manager, which may be beneficial in under-resourced hospitals and during prehospital emergency airway management [1].

Videolaryngoscopy may reduce cervical spine motion, compared with direct laryngoscopy, especially when used with manual in line stabilization. (See "Anesthesia for adults with acute spinal cord injury", section on 'Choice of airway device'.)

Laryngoscopy with some video laryngoscopes (VLs) creates reduced lifting force on the base of the tongue, compared with the Macintosh laryngoscope, and might theoretically attenuate the stress response to laryngoscopy and intubation [2,3]. However, studies have failed to show a reduction in the hemodynamic response to intubation with the use of rigid VLs [4-8].


Classification of video laryngoscopes — Video laryngoscopes (VLs) can be categorized according to the shape of the blade (Macintosh style versus acute-angle) and whether or not they have channels that accommodate and guide tracheal tube advancement [9-12].

Non-channelled VL — For endotracheal intubation with a video laryngoscope (VL) without a channel, the device is used to obtain a view of the larynx, and the endotracheal tube is passed through the vocal cords independent of the device. Non-channelled VLs can be divided into those with conventionally curved blades similar to the Macintosh blade used for direct laryngoscopy (DL) (picture 1), and those with acute-angle blades. A number of manufacturers of VLs make models with both types of blades (picture 2A-B).

The King Vision is available in a non-channeled or channeled version, both of which have an acute-angle blades, shaped to match the anatomic curve of the upper airway (picture 3).

Macintosh-style VL — Macintosh-style VLs can be used for both indirect and direct laryngoscopy. Therefore, they are useful for teaching and supervising DL, since the instructor can see a view on the monitor that is very similar to what the trainee sees while performing DL. Macintosh-style VL blades are available in reusable and single-use formats in the GlideScope and Storz C-MAC systems (picture 4 and picture 2A) and in single-use format for the McGrath MAC (picture 5).

Acute-angle blade VLs — An acute-angle video laryngoscope (VL) blade allows better visualization of anterior laryngeal structures than a more gently curved blade. These devices cannot usually be used for DL. Examples of devices with acute-angle blades include reusable and single-use versions of the GlideScope LoPro and C-MAC D-Blade, and the single-use GlideScope AVL and McGrath MAC X blades (picture 6 and picture 7 and picture 8 and picture 9). The GlideScope blade is oriented upward at a 60 degree angle, with the recessed wide-angle CMOS camera located one-third of the way from the distal tip of the blade.

A stylet or tracheal introducer should be used to guide the tip of the endotracheal tube into the glottis when using acute-angle VLs. The use of these blades without an introducer is contrary to the manufacturers' recommendations and may require repeated attempts at laryngoscopy [13]. Specialized rigid stylets are available for use with GlideScope (picture 10) and C-MAC acute-angle blades.

Channelled VL — Channelled video laryngoscopes (VLs) are shaped to match the anatomic curve of the upper airway. All are designed to be positioned around the base of the tongue, providing laryngeal exposure with reduced cervical manipulation or tongue displacement. They do not allow for independent manipulation of the tracheal tube; rather, the tube is directed by manipulating the laryngoscope itself. Channelled VLs are bulkier than those without channels since they must accommodate an endotracheal tube adjacent to the optical and light-emitting diode (LED) elements. Therefore, these devices may not be appropriate for patients with significantly limited mouth opening.

The most widely used channelled VLs are the Airtraq Avant (picture 11 and picture 12 and picture 13), Airway Scope (Pentax) (picture 14), and King Vision (Ambu) (picture 3). All of these laryngoscopes are entirely disposable or have single-use components. The channelled VLs are all similar in shape and concept but differ with respect to the range of available sizes, and the type and quality of display. The King Vision VL is also available with a non-channelled blade.

There are brands of VLs other than those mentioned above, also with a variety of blade shapes.  

Pediatric VL options — Most of the forementioned VLs have blade options that include pediatric sizes. Pediatric-sized Miller VL blades are also available in the GlideScope and C-MAC systems. (See "Devices for difficult endotracheal intubation in children", section on 'Video laryngoscope'.)

Other distinguishing features of VLs — A number of features differ between VLs. Many of these features change regularly with advances in technology [14-16]:  

Blade size availability (eg, pediatric and adult) (see "Devices for difficult endotracheal intubation in children", section on 'Video laryngoscope')

Blade thickness, which is particularly important in patients with limited mouth opening

Availability of reusable and single use versions

Resolution of the video camera or display

Monitor size, lighting, resolution, display options, portability, input and output options (image 1)

Ability to save images and videos (eg, with SD card or USB drive)

Cost per use

Videolaryngoscopy technique — When using all types of VL, the operator should be looking directly into the patient's mouth, not at the video screen, when inserting the VL into the oropharynx, until the blade tip has been advanced past the soft palate and tonsillar pillars. The same applies to the initial insertion of a styletted endotracheal tube (ETT), unless using a channelled VL. This is crucial to help avoid injury to intraoral soft tissues. An example of a soft tissue injury as a result of watching the monitor rather than the endotracheal tube is shown in a video (movie 1).

Proficiency with the use of VLs requires hands-on instruction, starting with practice on manikins, and followed by laryngoscopy for patients with apparently normal airways.

This section will discuss the techniques for use of representative versions of the many available VLs.

Macintosh-style VL technique — The technique for laryngoscopy and intubation with a C-MAC Macintosh blade VL is described here, as representative of this class of VL, and is shown in a video (movie 2).

Turn on the monitor and device at least one minute prior to laryngoscopy to minimize condensation on the lens.

Consider use of a stylet in the ETT, ensuring that the tip does not protrude beyond the ETT. A stylet will increase the likelihood of success on the first attempt, though it may prove to have been unnecessary [13]. Alternatively, a coudé-tipped tracheal introducer [17] or a dynamic stylet (eg, Parker Flex-It Stylet or Truflex articulating stylet) can be used to direct the tracheal tube toward the larynx (picture 15 and picture 16), if needed. Routine use of a stylet or tracheal tube introducer is particularly recommended for the McGrath MAC VL, since its Macintosh blade has slightly more anterior/acute angulation than a typical Macintosh blade.

Position the patient's head and neck as one would for optimal direct laryngoscopy. (See "Direct laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in adults", section on 'Positioning the patient'.)

Open the patient's mouth as one would for direct laryngoscopy. (See "Direct laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in adults", section on 'Opening the mouth and inserting the blade'.)

Insert the laryngoscope along the right side of the patient's tongue, displacing the tongue to the left, avoiding contact with the lips and teeth. Visualize the airway structures, under direct or indirect vision, centering the blade in the vallecula. This will be aided by identifying the midline, vertically oriented, median glossoepiglottic fold in the vallecula, which should be targeted with the blade tip [18]. Midline placement will help position the blade to engage the underlying hyoepiglottic ligament as the laryngoscope lifted distally, elevating the epiglottis and exposing the underlying glottis. Advance the laryngoscope only as deeply as necessary to place the tip in the vallecula, to avoid downfolding of the epiglottis [19].

If the direct view is suboptimal, check the indirect view on the monitor as this may offer slightly better laryngeal exposure, permitting intubation on the first attempt. If the view is still suboptimal, apply external laryngeal pressure and/or place your right hand under the patient's head and elevate it off the pillow [20].

While holding the laryngoscope still, insert the ETT under direct vision along the right side of the mouth until the tip is at the base of the tongue.

Advance the ETT further, watching the tip of the tube appear on the monitor. Do not advance the ETT if resistance is felt.

Insert the ETT through the vocal cords and if a stylet has been used, partially or fully withdraw this prior to further advancing the ETT.

Acute-angle blade VL technique — The technique for laryngoscopy using the GlideScope LoPro or AVL blade is described here, as representative of this class of video laryngoscope (VL).

Turn on the monitor and device at least one minute prior to laryngoscopy to minimize condensation on the lens.

Insert a stylet into the ETT, making sure that the tip of the stylet does not protrude beyond the end of the ETT. The manufacturer's dedicated rigid stylet (eg, the GlideRite) can be used, or a standard malleable stylet, manually shaped to a similar angle as the GlideRite within the ETT before use [21].

Position the head and neck in a neutral or a sniffing position [22].

Patients with obesity should be placed in the ramped position because it offers a physiologic and mechanical advantage for ventilation. (figure 1) (see "Anesthesia for the patient with obesity", section on 'Positioning for airway management'). Insertion of the laryngoscope blade into the patient’s mouth will be easier in the ramped position compared with the neutral position, particularly if augmented by a cross-finger mouth opening maneuver. It is unknown whether the ramped position improves laryngeal visualization when videolaryngoscopy is used.

Lubricate the VL blade lightly to facilitate passage around the tongue (ensuring that lubricant is not applied near the camera).

With the patient's mouth opened, insert the blade in the midline, under direct vision until the blade tip is past the soft palate. Rotate the blade in the sagittal plane around the base of the tongue, watching the monitor, and avoid excessively deep insertion. There is no need to advance the blade tip of acute-angle VLs completely into the vallecula, and there are benefits to more shallow insertion.

Deep insertion of an acute-angle blade rotates the laryngeal axis anteriorly, which may make insertion of the ETT more difficult despite good laryngeal exposure.

Shallow insertion provides three additional benefits:

-A wider visual field;

-A straighter pathway for ETT delivery from teeth to larynx [23];

-A shorter distance from the lips to the camera, and therefore a shorter blind zone in which the clinician cannot see the tip of the ETT.

Gently lift the VL upward and forward, in the axis of the laryngoscope handle, to create space beneath the blade.

Insert the styletted ETT under direct vision, adjacent to the laryngoscope blade, until the tip passes the soft palate. Then direct attention to the monitor, placing the tip of the tube in the midline below the arytenoid cartilages.

Lift the tip of the tube (vertically) and advance the tip between the vocal cords. Then partially withdraw the stylet and gently advance the ETT into the trachea.

Troubleshooting non-channelled videolaryngoscopy — Although videolaryngoscopy is usually straightforward, problems with insertion of the laryngoscope or the endotracheal tube may occur.

Tip of the ETT not visible Withdraw the VL until the ETT is visible and then advance both the laryngoscope and ETT.

Small mouth opening Insert the tracheal tube before, or concomitantly with, the VL blade [24,25].

Difficulty directing the ETT to the larynx A flexible scope or optical stylet can be used along with the VL to direct the tip of the ETT between the vocal cords [26]. Alternatively, a dynamic stylet (eg, Parker Flex-It Stylet or Truflex articulating stylet) can be used to direct the tracheal tube toward the larynx (picture 15 and picture 16).

Difficulty advancing the ETT in the trachea If the ETT is not easily advanced in the trachea once it is inserted between the vocal cords and the stylet has been partially withdrawn, gently rotate the ETT to disengage the tip from the tracheal rings. If this maneuver is unsuccessful, insert a coudé-shaped bougie or flexible scope through the ETT into the trachea, and advance the ETT over it.

Channelled VL — The techniques for intubation with the various channeled VLs are slightly different, depending on the device, as noted in this discussion.

Lubricate the ETT and insert it into the channel, advancing and retracting it to ensure that this can be done smoothly without damaging the cuff. No more than the distal tip of the ETT should be visible in the viewfinder/monitor.

Turn the device on. The Airtraq LED will flicker for 30 to 60 seconds to indicate the warm-up phase of the lens's heating element. Once heated, this will help prevent fogging.

Apply a film of a water-soluble lubricant to the lingual surface of the blade to promote smooth advancement over the tongue.

Open the patient's mouth, and insert the VL in the midline, under direct vision. Once the blade tip is past the soft palate, rotate the blade in the sagittal plane around the base of the tongue, watching the monitor, until the arytenoids are seen.

Airtraq/Channelled King Vision Scope – Introduce the blade into the proximal vallecula. The larynx may come into view when the laryngoscope is lifted in a vertical plane. If this fails to provide a laryngeal view, lift the epiglottis with the blade. Carefully manipulate the laryngoscope as the ETT is slowly advanced into the trachea. Lateral rotation (often to the left), elevation, or forward (caudad) angulation of the VL may help align the advancing ETT with the larynx (movie 3 and movie 4).

Ambu/Pentax Airway Scope (AWS) – Prepare the AWS and ETT as for the Airtraq. The single-use blade is bulky and may be difficult to insert in a patient with limited mouth opening. Insert the blade into the mouth and then beneath the epiglottis with the goal of directly elevating it, as with use of a Miller laryngoscope blade. Lift the laryngoscope gently to reveal the larynx, and manipulate the laryngoscope and ETT as for the Airtraq to help advance the ETT through the vocal cords and into the trachea.

Remove the channelled VL carefully. While holding the ETT at a constant depth within the trachea, separate it laterally (to the right) from the VL channel. Once the ETT is disengaged from the channel, while holding it in place, the VL can be rotated back out of the mouth by reversing the trajectory used for its insertion.

For the Airtraq, prior to separating the ETT laterally, deflect the proximal ETT slightly anteriorly to disengage it from the retaining tab (picture 13).

Awake videolaryngoscopy — VLs can be used for awake laryngoscopy and intubation as an alternative to flexible scope intubation [27]. Awake videolaryngoscopy requires experience with the selected device. It is not appropriate for all awake intubations (eg, patients with severely restricted mouth opening or significant head and neck flexion deformity), so awake VL does not reduce the need to maintain skill with flexible scope intubation.

Awake videolaryngoscopy requires the same topical anesthesia and sedation as flexible scope intubation. Indications for awake intubation and patient preparation for the technique are discussed separately. (See "Management of the difficult airway for general anesthesia in adults", section on 'Awake intubation' and "Flexible scope intubation for anesthesia", section on 'Awake intubation'.)

Intubation success with video laryngoscopes — High rates of success are generally reported for intubation with VLs. Successful intubation is achieved in >95 percent of patients with normal airways with the use of VLs [28,29]. However, many meta-analyses of studies involving videolaryngoscopy with VLs include studies that compare DL with both Macintosh blade VL and acute-angled VL; they are similarly heterogeneous with respect to clinician experience, specialty, and clinical location [30], making their interpretation difficult. Nevertheless, the following themes emerge:

VLs versus DL with Macintosh blade – Many studies have reported an improved laryngeal view with the use of VLs in patients with [31] or without predictors of difficult laryngoscopy [32-35]. Intubation success rates with VLs in such patients are high, and when used by clinicians experienced in the use of VL, success rates with VLs are similar to [28,36] or higher [37] than success rates for DL.

Importantly, VLs may improve intubation success in patients with difficult or failed DL, and these devices have become part of various difficult airway algorithms [38-41]. Benefits of VLs have been reported in patients with predicted [31,34,42,43], encountered [33], or simulated [44,45] difficult intubation, rapid sequence intubation [46], patients with obesity [47,48], and patients with immobilized cervical spines [49].

A meta-analysis of 64 randomized trials with over 7000 patients that compared the use of various VLs with DL with a Macintosh blade concluded that VLs improve the glottic view, and may reduce the number of failed intubations, particularly in patients with a difficult airway [50,51]. There were no differences in the number of intubation attempts or time required for intubation.

Another meta-analysis of 17 randomized trials that compared GlideScope intubation with DL reported that the GlideScope was associated with improved glottic visualization, particularly in patients with predicted or simulated difficult intubation [28]. VL increased first attempt success among non-experts, and, when results were pooled, there was no difference in intubation time. There was marked heterogeneity among studies for all of these outcomes.

A number of studies have reported that GlideScope intubation may fail despite an excellent view of the larynx [29,52]. The authors of this topic are of the opinion that this reflects limited appreciation of the differences between DL and acute-angle VL [53], and that a good laryngeal view should almost always be followed by intubation success.

Intubation times reported in studies comparing DL and VL vary widely, and are difficult to interpret because of heterogeneity among patient populations, clinical settings, and clinicians. In studies of patients with difficult airways, intubation times with VLs have generally been the same as, or less than, intubation times with DL [54-57].  

Much of the literature on VL has emphasized its value for the less experienced laryngoscopist [28]. It seems clear that experience with DL does not necessarily confer expertise with VL. Development of expertise with VL is more complex than was first thought, and requires training and practice [58]. Consistent with this result, two studies have reported increased success rates with GlideScope intubation at institutions where it was used more frequently [59,60].

Comparison among VLs High rates of successful intubation are reported in normal airways for all the VLs discussed here, with clinically marginal or no differences among them [61]. The optimal VL for a specific clinical scenario probably varies, depending on patient characteristics and the laryngoscopist's familiarity with the device. As an example, the patient with a known or anticipated poor laryngeal view by DL or Macintosh blade VL might best be managed with acute-angle blade VL. Similarly, bulkier VL devices may be less useful in patients with limited mouth opening. Devices with long handles and increased blade angulation (eg, King Vision Scope) may be difficult to insert in the mouths of patients with limited cervical extension, short necks, or large chests when suboptimally positioned.

A meta-analysis of 24 randomized trials that compared various VLs (ie, Airtraq, Pentax airway scope, C-MAC, GlideScope, and McGrath) with Macintosh blade DL in patients with cervical spine immobilization reported that only the Airtraq device reduced the risk of intubation failure [49].

In one study, over 700 elective surgical patients were randomly assigned to intubation with one of six VLs, while mouth opening and neck mobility were restricted by a rigid cervical collar [60]. First attempt intubation success rates were highest with the McGrath (Macintosh blade; 98 percent) and C-MAC D-blade (95 percent), followed by the King Vision (87 percent), GlideScope (acute-angle blade; 85 percent), Airtraq (85 percent), and A.P. Advance (difficult airway blade; 37 percent).

Predictors of difficult intubation with VL Difficult and failed videolaryngoscopy does occur, and alternate methods for airway management should always be available. The predictors of difficult intubation with VL are not as well defined, but may overlap with predictors of difficult intubation with direct laryngoscopy (table 1 and table 2). Criteria for designating videolaryngoscopy as difficult are not well-established.

In one review of acute-angle blade VL intubations in 1100 patients with predictors for difficult DL, difficult VL was defined as one requiring more than one attempt or >60 seconds. Predictors of difficult VL included the supine/sniffing rather than supine/neutral position, otolaryngologic or cardiac surgery versus general surgery, small mouth opening, and intubation by an attending rather than a supervised resident [62].

A retrospective review of over 2000 GlideScope intubations reported that abnormal neck anatomy, with the presence of a surgical scar, radiation changes or a mass, were the strongest predictors of failed intubation [59]. Other associated risk factors included thyromental distance <6 cm, limited cervical spine motion, and the institution at which the intubation occurred. In contrast with some other studies, the majority of GlideScope failures were associated with a poor view of the larynx. In 79 percent of the patients with failed GlideScope attempts, intubation was ultimately achieved by direct laryngoscopy or flexible scope intubation.

In another study including 400 elective surgical patients who underwent DL followed by intubation with a GlideScope, high upper lip bite test score (ie, decreased ability to protrude the mandible) and poor laryngeal view with DL (ie, Cormack-Lehane grade 3 or 4) (figure 2) were associated with multiple intubation attempts and longer intubation times with the GlideScope [63]. (See "Airway management for induction of general anesthesia", section on 'Airway examination'.)

Cost of videolaryngoscopy — VLs are more expensive than direct laryngoscopes. However, it is not clear whether other costs of care may be reduced by using videolaryngoscopy. Relative costs were compared in a retrospective study of three years of data from the Premier Healthcare Database in the US, including approximately 28,000 patients (7000 intubated with VL, 21000 with DL) who had elective surgery lasting > one hour [64]. Patients who were intubated with VLs had lower average total hospital cost, lower length of hospital stay, and lower ICU admission rates, compared with those who were intubated with DL, though the differences varied with the type of surgery performed. Conclusions from the study are limited by its retrospective nature, lack of information on patient medical conditions, and lack of most details regarding the intubation (eg, difficulty, number of attempts, intubation time).  

OPTICAL STYLETS — Optical stylets (OS) are rigid or semirigid tubular devices that fit inside the tracheal tube and convey an image using either fiberoptic bundles within the device, or a CMOS video chip at the distal end [9,10]. OS are not as commonly used as VLs. Whereas these devices require less mouth opening than VLs (theoretically only enough to accommodate an endotracheal tube), they generally provide a more limited visual field than VLs.

Devices — The most commonly used OS are the Bonfils Retromolar Intubation Fiberscope (Storz), C-MAC Video Stylet (Storz), Levitan FPS (Clarus), and Clarus Video System (Clarus), which will be discussed here; other devices exist. The adult versions of these devices have a 5 mm outer diameter, which allows the use of endotracheal tubes ≥5.5 mm internal diameter. All of them are susceptible to fogging and should be prepared with an anti-fog solution or kept warm until used. The tip of the stylet must remain recessed within the endotracheal tube to avoid tissue injury.  

The Bonfils Fiberscope is a rigid scope, 40 cm in length, which contains fiberoptic and light bundles. The distal end is curved upward to 40 degrees. The image can be viewed via an adjustable eyepiece or with a video camera displayed on a monitor (picture 17) [65]. An uncut endotracheal tube can be used with this scope.

The C-MAC Video Stylet is a recent addition to the C-MAC system. A proximal control lever can be activated to bend the distal tip of the stylet anteriorly by up to 60 degrees with a loaded endotracheal tube (ETT) in place; releasing the lever returns the scope to a straight conformation. As its name suggests, this is a video-based device, compatible with C-MAC monitors. It accepts tube sizes 6.0 mm internal diameter and larger, with no need to cut the tube.

The Levitan FPS consists of a 30 cm long semi-malleable metal shaft containing fiberoptic and light bundles. Light source options include a battery powered light-emitting diode (LED), or a laryngoscope handle. The endotracheal tube must be cut to 28 cm to fit properly on this device (picture 18).  

The Clarus Video System (also marketed under the names Optiscope and Trachway) consists of a 31.7 cm long semi-malleable stylet with a distally positioned CMOS video chip, a white LED light to illuminate the airway, and a red LED intended for transillumination of the neck. Size 7.0 and 7.5 mm endotracheal tubes (ETTs) can usually be used uncut; larger sizes or longer tubes should be cut, making sure that the stylet does not protrude from the tip of the tube (picture 19). The video image can be viewed on a 4-inch LCD screen attached to the handle, or on a larger monitor using a USB port. A longer version of the Clarus Video System is available for use with a double lumen ETT.

Optical stylet technique — OS can be used in two ways, either in conjunction with a laryngoscope, or as the sole device. Use of an OS without a laryngoscope requires discipline and experience to sequentially identify anatomical landmarks as reference points.

Prepare the tip of the stylet by coating it with an anti-fogging solution. Alternatively, the ETT/stylet can be kept warm until it is ready for use.

Lightly lubricate the stylet and insert it into the ETT, making sure that the tip of the stylet resides close to but within the distal tip of the ETT.

Position the patient as for optimal mask ventilation and direct laryngoscopy.

If applicable, shape the stylet (ie, if using a semi-malleable scope). (See 'Devices' above.)

Insert the OS into the mouth. The Bonfils stylet is designed primarily for retromolar insertion but can also be inserted in the midline. No comparisons of the two techniques have been published. The other OS were intended for midline insertion, but have also been used with a retromolar approach (movie 5).

Using the free (usually nondominant) hand, perform a jaw thrust with the thumb and forefinger to help create a patent upper airway lumen through which to advance the scope. Alternatively, an assistant can perform an external jaw thrust, particularly if there are loose teeth.

Advance the OS slowly, using reference structures such as the uvula and epiglottis. This is particularly important to help maintain spatial awareness, because of the narrow field of vision of some of these devices.

Once identified, continue to advance the OS with its loaded ETT beneath the epiglottis and through the vocal cords. Release jaw thrust to free up the nondominant hand and advance the ETT further into the trachea while withdrawing the OS by rotating the device towards the feet.

An OS can also be used to intubate while using direct or videolaryngoscopy to identify the epiglottis. For this technique, insert the OS beneath the epiglottis, using an external jaw thrust to lift the epiglottis if necessary. Then advance the OS and ETT through the vocal cords to complete intubation as described above.

Intubation success with optical stylets — Limited studies have reported a range of success rates for intubation with OS, 86 to 100 percent [66-69], although it must be noted that many of these studies were conducted by early adopters and/or experienced users of OS devices; similar results may not occur in the hands of novice users. Case reports and series have reported successful use of various optical stylets for awake intubation [70], nasal intubation [71], double lumen tube placement [72,73], and as a rescue device after failed direct laryngoscopy [74]. Examples of studies are as follows:

Overall success – Reported success rates with OS are generally high in the hands of experienced users.

In one prospective observational study, 390 out of 400 patients scheduled for elective surgery were intubated with the Bonfils Fiberscope on the first attempt by one of two experienced users [75]. Six patients required > 1 attempt, and 4 patients could not be intubated with the Bonfils scope.

In a retrospective review of 301 adults who underwent rapid sequence induction and intubation with the Levitan FPS, all but one patient were successfully intubated by an experienced user [67]. The mean time to intubation was 23 seconds.

Success with difficult airway – Studies that have compared the use of OSs for simulated difficult airway management have reported conflicting results.

Compared with direct laryngoscopy (DL) – In a randomized trial of 76 elective surgical patients in whom a difficult airway was simulated with a rigid cervical collar to create limited mouth opening and restricted cervical spine movement, tracheal intubation was successful within two attempts in 82 percent of patients who were intubated with the Bonfils Fiberscope, compared with 40 percent of patients intubated using DL with a Macintosh blade [76].

Compared with videolaryngoscopy (VL) – In contrast, in another randomized trial including 367 patients underwent elective spine surgery with manual inline cervical spine stabilization during intubation, first attempt intubation success was higher with the McGrath MAC VL, versus the Clarus Video System (Optiscope) device (92.3 versus 81 percent), and intubation time was shorter with the McGrath (35.7 ± 27.8 vs 49.2 ± 43.8 seconds) [77]. The devices were used by two experienced study investigators [77].

Predictors of difficult intubation with OS — The predictors of difficult intubation with OSs are not well defined. In one study, predictors of longer intubation times with the Bonfils Fiberscope included limited mouth opening, increased body mass index, and high Cormack-Lehane intubation grade on DL [75].

COMPLICATIONS — Complications may occur whenever the airway is instrumented.

Videolaryngoscopy – Injuries to teeth, soft tissues of the pharynx and hypopharynx, vocal cords, and trachea have been described with videolaryngoscopy [78-81]. In a large multicenter trial, pharyngeal injury occurred in 1 percent of 1100 patients with predictors of difficult laryngoscopy who were randomly assigned to intubation with the GlideScope or the C-MAC D-blade [80]. There was no difference in the rate of complications between the two devices.

These authors believe that most injuries are caused by inappropriate use of VLs, and that they can be avoided by directly watching the initial insertion and advancement of the laryngoscope and the endotracheal tube (ETT; rather than looking at the monitor) until the blade and ETT tips have been advanced beyond the soft palate or camera. (See 'Videolaryngoscopy technique' above.)

Optical stylets – There have been fewer publications involving optical stylets compared with VL, and therefore fewer reported complications. The few reported complications consist of airway trauma [68], and technical difficulties resulting from fogging and secretions.

AIRWAY MANAGEMENT FOR PATIENTS WITH COVID-19 — In patients with novel coronavirus (COVID-19 or nCoV) disease, there is a high risk of aerosol spread of the virus during airway management. Procedures designed to minimize infectious risk to care providers and spread of the virus are discussed separately. (See "COVID-19: Perioperative risk assessment and anesthetic considerations, including airway management and infection control".)

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Airway management in adults" and "Society guideline links: COVID-19 – Index of guideline topics".)


Advantages of indirect laryngoscopy – Video laryngoscopes (VLs) and optical stylets (OS) allow visualization of the vocal cords and related airway structures without a direct line of sight. VLs improve the view of the glottis, and may increase intubation success and reduce the number of failed intubations, particularly in patients with difficult DL. They have become part of various difficult airway algorithms. (See 'Intubation success with video laryngoscopes' above and 'Advantages of video laryngoscopes and optical stylets' above.)

VLs– The various available VLs are described above. (See 'Non-channelled VL' above and 'Channelled VL' above.)

VLs can be categorized according to the shape of the blade (ie, Macintosh style or acute-angle), and whether or not they have a channel that guides endotracheal tube (ETT) advancement. (See 'Classification of video laryngoscopes' above.)

Macintosh style VLs can be used for direct or indirect laryngoscopy. (See 'Macintosh-style VL' above.)

Acute angle blade VLs allow indirect visualization of more anterior laryngeal structures. A stylet is used to guide the tip of the endotracheal tube into the glottis with these devices. (See 'Acute-angle blade VLs' above.)

Channelled VLs are bulkier than most non-channelled VLs. (See 'Channelled VL' above.)

VL technique – Important technical points for indirect laryngoscopy include the following, with details provided above (see 'Videolaryngoscopy technique' above):

When using all types of VLs, look in the patient's mouth, not at the video screen, when inserting the laryngoscope and the endotracheal tube into the oropharynx, to avoid injury of the teeth and soft tissue. Advance the ETT under direct vision until the tip is beyond the soft palate.

For laryngoscopy with a Macintosh style VL, position the patient as for optimal direct laryngoscopy. For laryngoscopy with an acute-angle blade, the patient's head and neck can be positioned in a "sniffing," or neutral position.

Turn on the device at least one minute prior to laryngoscopy, to warm the camera and minimize condensation on the lens.

Place the VL blade in the midline and advance only as deeply as necessary to visualize the glottis, to avoid downfolding of the epiglottis.

When using a channelled VL, direct the ETT by manipulating the VL to aim the ETT in the desired direction. (See 'Channelled VL' above.)

Optical stylets – Optical stylets (OSs) are rigid or semirigid tubular video devices that fit inside the tracheal tube, and are used to guide the ETT through the vocal cords. OS require less mouth opening, but many provide a more limited visual field than VLs. Examples of devices are described above. (See 'Devices' above.)

OS technique – An OS can be used alone, or a laryngoscope can be used to visualize the epiglottis before inserting the OS. Especially with stand-alone use, a jaw thrust should be used to help elevate the epiglottis before advancing the OS. Details of the OS technique are described above. (See 'Optical stylet technique' above.)

Complications – Reported complications with the use of VLs include injuries of teeth, soft tissues of the pharynx and hypopharynx, vocal cords, and trachea. Many injuries may be avoided by directly watching the insertion and advancement of the laryngoscope and ETT (rather than watching the monitor) until the tip is beyond the soft palate. There is little data on complications with OS. (See 'Complications' above.)


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  81. Greer D, Marshall KE, Bevans S, et al. Review of videolaryngoscopy pharyngeal wall injuries. Laryngoscope 2017; 127:349.
Topic 107795 Version 33.0


1 : Telemedicine and telepresence for prehospital and remote hospital tracheal intubation using a GlideScope™videolaryngoscope: a model for tele-intubation.

2 : Measurement of forces applied during Macintosh direct laryngoscopy compared with GlideScope®videolaryngoscopy.

3 : A comparison of the forces applied to a manikin during laryngoscopy with the GlideScope and Macintosh laryngoscopes.

4 : Comparison of hemodynamic responses to orotracheal intubation with the GlideScope videolaryngoscope and the Macintosh direct laryngoscope.

5 : Comparison of Macintosh, Truview EVO2, Glidescope, and Airwayscope laryngoscope use in patients with cervical spine immobilization.

6 : Heart rate/blood pressure response and airway morbidity following tracheal intubation with direct laryngoscopy, GlideScope and Trachlight: a randomized control trial.

7 : Comparison of the laryngeal view during intubation using Airtraq and Macintosh laryngoscopes in patients with cervical spine immobilization and mouth opening limitation.

8 : Hemodynamic responses to endotracheal intubation performed with video and direct laryngoscopy in patients scheduled for major cardiac surgery.

9 : Hemodynamic responses to endotracheal intubation performed with video and direct laryngoscopy in patients scheduled for major cardiac surgery.

10 : Video-laryngoscopes in the adult airway management: a topical review of the literature.

11 : Review article: video-laryngoscopy: another tool for difficult intubation or a new paradigm in airway management?

12 : Review article: video-laryngoscopy: another tool for difficult intubation or a new paradigm in airway management?

13 : A Macintosh laryngoscope blade for videolaryngoscopy reduces stylet use in patients with normal airways.

14 : A Macintosh laryngoscope blade for videolaryngoscopy reduces stylet use in patients with normal airways.

15 : A Macintosh laryngoscope blade for videolaryngoscopy reduces stylet use in patients with normal airways.

16 : A Macintosh laryngoscope blade for videolaryngoscopy reduces stylet use in patients with normal airways.

17 : Effect of Use of a Bougie vs Endotracheal Tube and Stylet on First-Attempt Intubation Success Among Patients With Difficult Airways Undergoing Emergency Intubation: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

18 : Engagement of the Median Glossoepiglottic Fold and Laryngeal View During Emergency Department Intubation.

19 : Downfolding of the epiglottis during intubation.

20 : Head-elevated laryngoscopy position: improving laryngeal exposure during laryngoscopy by increasing head elevation.

21 : The GlideScope-specific rigid stylet and standard malleable stylet are equally effective for GlideScope use.

22 : A randomised clinical trial comparing the 'sniffing' and neutral position using channelled (KingVision®) and non-channelled (C-MAC®) videolaryngoscopes.

23 : A deliberately restricted laryngeal view with the GlideScope®video laryngoscope is associated with faster and easier tracheal intubation when compared with a full glottic view: a randomized clinical trial.

24 : Early Endotracheal Tube Insertion with the GlideScope: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

25 : Simultaneous en bloc endotracheal tube insertion with GlideScope®Titanium™video laryngoscope use: a randomized-controlled trial.

26 : Effect of Dynamic Versus Stylet-Guided Intubation on First-Attempt Success in Difficult Airways Undergoing Glidescope Laryngoscopy: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

27 : Videolaryngoscopy vs. fibreoptic bronchoscopy for awake tracheal intubation: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

28 : Glidescope®video-laryngoscopy versus direct laryngoscopy for endotracheal intubation: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

29 : Early clinical experience with a new videolaryngoscope (GlideScope) in 728 patients.

30 : A systematic review of meta-analyses comparing direct laryngoscopy with videolaryngoscopy.

31 : Comparative effectiveness of the C-MAC video laryngoscope versus direct laryngoscopy in the setting of the predicted difficult airway.

32 : Comparison of direct and video-assisted views of the larynx during routine intubation.

33 : Performance of the C-MAC video laryngoscope in patients after a limited glottic view using Macintosh laryngoscopy.

34 : Endotracheal intubation using the C-MAC®video laryngoscope or the Macintosh laryngoscope: a prospective, comparative study in the ICU.

35 : Airtraq laryngoscope versus conventional Macintosh laryngoscope: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

36 : Comparison of video laryngoscopes with direct laryngoscopy for tracheal intubation: a meta-analysis of randomised trials.

37 : Videolaryngoscopy vs. direct Macintosh laryngoscopy in tracheal intubation in adults: a ranking systematic review and network meta-analysis.

38 : Practice guidelines for management of the difficult airway: an updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Management of the Difficult Airway.

39 : The difficult airway with recommendations for management--part 1--difficult tracheal intubation encountered in an unconscious/induced patient.

40 : Difficult Airway Society 2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults.

41 : All India Difficult Airway Association 2016 guidelines for the management of unanticipated difficult tracheal intubation in adults.

42 : Pentax Airway Scope®vs Macintosh laryngoscope for tracheal intubation in adult patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

43 : Videolaryngoscopy vs. direct laryngoscopy use by experienced anaesthetists in patients with known difficult airways: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

44 : Tracheal intubation using the mobile C-MAC video laryngoscope or direct laryngoscopy for patients with a simulated difficult airway.

45 : Randomized comparison of McGrath MAC videolaryngoscope, Pentax Airway Scope, and Macintosh direct laryngoscope for nasotracheal intubation in patients with manual in-line stabilization.

46 : C-MAC videolaryngoscope compared with direct laryngoscopy for rapid sequence intubation in an emergency department: A randomised clinical trial.

47 : Comparison of three video laryngoscopy devices to direct laryngoscopy for intubating obese patients: a randomized controlled trial.

48 : GlideScope videolaryngoscope vs. Macintosh direct laryngoscope for intubation of morbidly obese patients: a randomized trial.

49 : Alternative intubation techniques vs Macintosh laryngoscopy in patients with cervical spine immobilization: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

50 : Videolaryngoscopy versus direct laryngoscopy for adult patients requiring tracheal intubation.

51 : Videolaryngoscopy versus direct laryngoscopy for adult patients requiring tracheal intubation: a Cochrane Systematic Review.

52 : The GlideScope Video Laryngoscope: randomized clinical trial in 200 patients.

53 : The complexities of tracheal intubation with direct laryngoscopy and alternative intubation devices.

54 : Use of the Pentax-AWS in 293 patients with difficult airways.

55 : Evaluation of ease of intubation with the GlideScope or Macintosh laryngoscope by anaesthetists in simulated easy and difficult laryngoscopy.

56 : Randomized controlled trial of the Pentax AWS, Glidescope, and Macintosh laryngoscopes in predicted difficult intubation.

57 : Tracheal intubation of morbidly obese patients: a randomized trial comparing performance of Macintosh and Airtraq laryngoscopes.

58 : Defining and developing expertise in tracheal intubation using a GlideScope(®) for anaesthetists with expertise in Macintosh direct laryngoscopy: an in-vivo longitudinal study.

59 : Routine clinical practice effectiveness of the Glidescope in difficult airway management: an analysis of 2,004 Glidescope intubations, complications, and failures from two institutions.

60 : Evaluation of six videolaryngoscopes in 720 patients with a simulated difficult airway: a multicentre randomized controlled trial.

61 : Comparing Emergency Department First-Attempt Intubation Success With Standard-Geometry and Hyperangulated Video Laryngoscopes.

62 : Predictors of difficult videolaryngoscopy with GlideScope®or C-MAC®with D-blade: secondary analysis from a large comparative videolaryngoscopy trial.

63 : Poor visualization during direct laryngoscopy and high upper lip bite test score are predictors of difficult intubation with the GlideScope videolaryngoscope.

64 : Economic analysis of the use of video laryngoscopy versus direct laryngoscopy in the surgical setting.

65 : Clinical uses of the Bonfils Retromolar Intubation Fiberscope: a review.

66 : The Bonfils intubation fibrescope: clinical evaluation and consideration of the learning curve.

67 : Clinical evaluation of the Levitan Optical Stylet.

68 : A clinical evaluation of the Bonfils Intubation Fibrescope.

69 : Evaluation of the Bonfils intubating fibrescope for predicted difficult intubation in awake patients with ear, nose and throat cancer.

70 : Prospective observational study evaluating the C-MAC Video Stylet for awake tracheal intubation: a single-center study.

71 : Nasotracheal intubation in patients with limited mouth opening: a comparison between fibreoptic intubation and the Trachway®.

72 : Left endobronchial intubation with a double-lumen tube using direct laryngoscopy or the Trachway®video stylet.

73 : Double-lumen tube tracheal intubation using a rigid video-stylet: a randomized controlled comparison with the Macintosh laryngoscope.

74 : Tracheal intubation using the Bonfils intubation fibrescope after failed direct laryngoscopy.

75 : Predictors of Difficult Intubation with the Bonfils Rigid Fiberscope.

76 : Brief report: tracheal intubation using the Bonfils intubation fibrescope or direct laryngoscopy for patients with a simulated difficult airway.

77 : McGrath MAC Videolaryngoscope Versus Optiscope Video Stylet for Tracheal Intubation in Patients With Manual Inline Cervical Stabilization: A Randomized Trial.

78 : Complications associated with the use of the GlideScope videolaryngoscope.

79 : Another complication associated with videolaryngoscopy.

80 : First-Attempt Intubation Success of Video Laryngoscopy in Patients with Anticipated Difficult Direct Laryngoscopy: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the C-MAC D-Blade Versus the GlideScope in a Mixed Provider and Diverse Patient Population.

81 : Review of videolaryngoscopy pharyngeal wall injuries.